Home Fertilizers Uute service. Monthly service

Uute service. Monthly service


First Deputy Mayor of Moscow

in the Moscow Government

P.N. Aksenov






Head of department

housing and communal services

and improvement of the city of Moscow

N.V. Pavlov

Head of department

fuel and energy sector

Moscow cities

A.N. Remezov

Developed by:

Director of State Unitary Enterprise "MoszhilNIIproekt"

P.I. Chutchikov

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation determines the scope and content of work performed by specialized organizations for the maintenance and repair of metering devices for the total consumption of cold, hot water and thermal energy in residential buildings and facilities social sphere Moscow.

1.2. The regulations are based on fundamental legal, regulatory, technical and urban planning documents: the Federal Law “On the Uniformity of Measurements”, state standards, building codes and regulations, sanitary rules and norms, administrative documents of the Moscow Government, federal ministries and departments.

1.3. Maintenance and repairs are carried out to restore and maintain the functionality of general house meters for water and thermal energy consumption, eliminate identified failures and malfunctions that arise during the work with the replacement or restoration of failed metering devices, their components or parts, as well as related reading devices information and communication lines with automated monitoring and control systems.

1.4. Verification is carried out to determine whether the measurement parameters of common house meters for water and heat consumption meet the requirements of regulatory documents.

1.5. Metering devices for water and thermal energy consumption must be verified in the prescribed manner and sealed by organizations that have the right to carry out verification work. Operation of unsealed devices is not permitted.

1.6. Faulty and unsealed devices are dismantled, repaired by specialized organizations and verified in the prescribed manner.

1.7. The scope of work for the maintenance and repair of water and heat consumption metering devices takes into account the maintenance and repair of all devices and communication lines involved in the system for measuring water and heat consumption, recording indicators, their registration, storage and transmission to the appropriate points dispatch control and management.

1.8. Tariffs for maintenance and repair of water and heat consumption metering devices are determined in the manner established by Moscow Government Decree N 304-PP dated April 29, 2003.

1.9. The frequency of maintenance, repair and verification of water, heat and energy consumption metering devices is given in Appendix 1.

2. Maintenance of metering devices

consumption of water, heat energy and ASKUE

2.1. Maintenance of metering devices for water consumption, thermal energy and ASKUE is divided into external inspection and preventive maintenance.

2.2. During an external inspection of metering devices, the following types works:

Taking instrument readings and recording them in a log.

2.3. External inspection of metering devices is carried out by an instrument specialist or plumber.

2.4. During preventive maintenance of metering devices, the following types of work are performed:

Visual inspection to identify malfunctions and irregularities in the operation of the device;

Checking the presence and integrity of seals;

Wiping the device from dust;

Checking the functionality of the water shut-off valves to turn off the device filter;

Cleaning the filter from deposits, sand and scale with disassembly and inspection;

Running water from a common valve to the device;

Checking the operation of the counting mechanism on the device.

2.5. Preventative maintenance of metering devices is carried out by a team of 2 people whose qualifications meet the requirements of ETKS.

2.6. In case of any violations of integrity or absence of any type of seal, a report is drawn up in the presence of representatives of the resource supplying and resource consuming organizations.

2.8. If a leak appears at the flange connections to the pipeline, the connections should be tightened, and if the leak does not stop, the gaskets should be replaced.

2.9. If a leak appears from under the counting mechanism, it is necessary to dismantle the device to carry out repair work. If it is impossible to further use the filter element, it must be replaced with a new one.

2.10. During an external inspection of an automated energy metering control system, the following types of work are performed:

Monitoring the continuous operation of the system;

Checking the connections of the cable connectors suitable for the console and the transmission line;

Checking the integrity of seals on blocks.

2.11. During preventive maintenance of ASKUE, the following types of work are performed:

Wiping the external surfaces of the remote control with a rag;

Cleaning the internal surfaces of the remote control from dust with a vacuum cleaner;

Timely presentation of instrumentation equipment to the territorial bodies of Gosstandart for periodic verification.

3. Repair of water and heat consumption devices

and system elements

3.1. Work on the repair of metering devices is carried out at the enterprises that manufacture the devices or at a specialized repair enterprise in accordance with the approved technological process.

3.2. In place of a faulty metering device, a device from the repair fund or warehouse reserve of the enterprise carrying out work on repairing metering devices must be installed.

3.3. When dismantling a faulty metering device, the readings of the device at the time of dismantling, the number of the device, the reason for dismantling, as well as the readings and number of the installed device are recorded in the metering log.

3.4. When performing repair work on metering devices, the following types of work are performed:

Dismantling the holding fittings and removing the faulty device;

Repair and installation of the device with a new seal;

Drawing up a repair report and making a note in the device passport.

3.5. Repair work on devices and system elements is carried out by repair personnel of a specialized organization servicing this system.

3.6. If one of the devices or elements of the system fails, they are replaced with similar ones from the reserve fund.

3.7. If a lack of contact is detected on the communication lines, an emergency adjustment of the system is carried out.

4. Verification of consumption meters

water, thermal energy and ASKUE

4.1. Work on metrological verification of metering devices and measuring channels used in ASKUE is carried out by organizations accredited for the right to conduct state verification in the prescribed manner. Verifications of metering devices differ in primary, periodic and extraordinary.

4.2. Primary verifications are carried out after repair of the device and installation of ASKUE.

4.3. Periodic verifications are performed after the verification interval has expired.

4.4. Extraordinary verifications are carried out:

If there are any doubts about the reliability of meter readings from the consumer or resource supplying organization;

When carrying out work on advanced metrological control;

If the integrity of the seals on the metering device is broken;

In other cases provided for by laws and regulations.

4.5. At facilities using ASKUE, lists of measuring channels must be compiled that are subject to regular state and industry control and supervision.

5. Occupational health and safety

5.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have completed medical examination and trained.

5.2. When performing maintenance and repair work on water and heat consumption metering devices in Moscow, workers must be provided with special clothing, special footwear and personal protective equipment.

5.3. Before starting work you must:

Wear special clothing;

Turn on the main lighting;

Check the availability and serviceability of working tools, devices and equipment.

5.3. When performing work it is necessary:

Strictly comply with the requirements of operating and safety regulations set out in job descriptions;

At emergency situations inform the ODS and take measures to eliminate the emergency;

Carry out work only when there is no pressure in the lines.

5.5. During work it is prohibited:

Use faulty working tools and accessories;

Carry out work without special clothing;

Use faulty and untested protective equipment;

Carry out any work on pipelines and fittings under pressure;

Use a lever when closing and opening valves and gate valves.

5.6. Upon completion of the work you must:

Check initial position engineering systems and equipment;

Check availability of working tools.

Annex 1

to the Regulations





Name of works

Frequency of execution

1. Maintenance of water and heat consumption meters

External inspection of water consumption meters
and heat, turning Special attention on the:
- absence of external damage;
- integrity and reliability of electrical and
mechanical connections;
- presence and integrity of the sealing;
- grounding condition of devices;
- state of sealing of metal hoses in pipes and
tightening clamps

At each visit 1 time per

Check the operating conditions of metering devices
water and heat consumption at the facility:
- no coolant leakage through
leaks in primary flange connections
- no water getting on the devices from above
and flooding of basements;
- no possibility of entry by strangers
persons into the premises where the devices are installed;
- compliance with technological parameters

At each visit 1 time per

Check the functionality of the water and
heat meter (according to the indication of its readings

At each visit 1 time per

Take archived data on the operation of metering devices

At least once a month for
presentation of commercial

Analyze the operation of metering devices
water and heat energy consumption for
compliance with commercial accounting requirements

At each visit 1 time per

Preventative maintenance of metering devices
(cleaning the filter from sand and scale deposits with
disassembly and inspection, etc.)

At least once every 6 months
according to requirements
enterprise documentation -
manufacturer and
results of external

If malfunctions are detected in the operation of water and
heat meter, analyze them and accept
operational measures to eliminate (on site)
installation or send for repair)

24 hours

Turn off (turn on) the power supply to the flow meter
DHW when the coolant is turned off (on)

According to requests from housing
(April - October)

Perform current (minor) repairs to the metering unit
(elimination of comments and shortcomings identified
during maintenance, or according to comments
housing organizations)

Of necessity


Setting up water consumption meters
and thermal energy after turning on the heating
residential building loads

According to requests from housing
(September October)


Replacing resistance thermometers after expiration
inter-verification period for backup devices

If necessary


ASKUE maintenance:


External inspection of ASKUE:
- monitoring continuous operation
- checking the presence of connector connections
cables suitable for the console and transmission lines;
- checking the integrity of seals on blocks



Preventive maintenance of ASKUE:
- wiping external surfaces with a rag
remote control;
- cleaning the interior from dust with a vacuum cleaner
console surfaces;
- wiping the contacts of external connectors with alcohol;
- timely presentation of instrumentation equipment
territorial bodies of Gosstandart for
periodic verification

Once a quarter

2. Periodic and extraordinary verification of water, heat and energy meters

Dismantling of devices

Periodic verification in
According to
calibration interval
(at least 4 years) each
specific type of device.
Extraordinary verification:
- according to advanced
control - annually
represent up to 5% of devices
specific type from among
installed in metering units;
- in other cases - according to
as necessary


Verification of the automated system as a whole

In accordance with
calibration interval
each specific system


State verification of devices in accordance with
requirements of verification methods for each specific
type of device

Presentation of the device being verified to the representative
(to the state trustee) ROSTEST - Moscow and registration
verification results

When the device is ready

Delivery of a verified device to the site

Installation components device

Putting the device into operation and checking for


3. Repair of water, thermal energy and ASKUE meters

Dismantling of devices

When found
instrument components
water metering, heat
energy and ASKUE


Repair of ASKUE elements

Delivery of devices to the calibration stand

Incoming and metrological control of technical
condition of instruments supplied to the calibration

Analysis and identification of causes of device malfunctions

Verification of devices on a pouring installation,
presentation to the state trustee and registration
repair and verification results

Factory repair of instrument components at
factory - manufacturer of devices (shipping and
receipt of devices - by the operating forces

If necessary,
factory conditions

Installation of instrument components on site

Putting the devices into operation and checking for

Comprehensive adjustment of the operation of devices on site


Participation of a representative of the operating organization
in submitting devices for commercial registration
representative of the resource supplying organization,
sealing of components, registration of certificates

The Association assists in providing services in the sale of timber: at competitive prices for permanent basis. Forest products of excellent quality.

After commissioning of the metering unit, a contract for the maintenance of thermal energy metering units is drawn up. As a rule, this is done by the design and installation organization that carried out the installation and maintains the ITP.

We carry out all routine maintenance work, as well as installation of UTE at a high professional level.

Technical (service) maintenance of ITP and UUTE is necessary to maintain the operability of the equipment, prevent accidents, ensure uninterrupted reading of indicators and control over the parameters of the equipment and coolant.

Maintenance of thermal energy metering units allows you to avoid possible misunderstandings in the event of a discrepancy between the calculated and actual consumption of thermal energy. Such situations sometimes arise when heat and power enterprises somewhat distort indicators and try to write off at the expense of consumers additional expenses. In such cases, the price of the UTE and the cost of maintaining the UTE quickly pays off.

As practice shows, professional and competent maintenance of equipment allows not only to reduce operating costs, minimize the risk of breakdowns, but also significantly reduce electricity consumption. It is calculated that regular maintenance at ITPs with UUTE makes it possible, in some cases, to reduce the average annual electricity consumption by 30%.

Routine maintenance of UUTE includes the following services.

  1. Scheduled follow-up inspections.
  2. Unscheduled control inspections.
  3. Maintenance of UUTE components.
  4. Daily remote (if technically possible) recording and analysis of readings from metering devices.
  5. Interaction with representatives of the heat supply organization.
  6. Monitoring the timing of verification of control and metering devices.

Maintenance of thermal energy meters

The thermal energy metering unit consists of a heat quantity calculator, resistance thermal converters, primary flow converters, pressure converters, sensors, measuring instruments and auxiliary equipment (power supplies, controllers, etc.).

Maintenance of heat metering devices is carried out during one of the control inspections at least once a month. It is divided into external inspection and preventive maintenance of heat meters.

During the external examination the following is carried out:

  • visual inspection to identify mechanical damage and malfunctions;
  • checking for the presence and integrity of seals;
  • checking for changes not included in the project;
  • checking the operating conditions and condition of the place where the UTE was installed;
  • taking readings and recording them in a journal.
  • cleaning the room and installation site of the UUTE from foreign objects that interfere with maintenance.

Preventative maintenance includes:

  • cleaning equipment from dust;
  • testing the counting mechanism;
  • checking the configuration (settings) of the computer;
  • setting and testing converter output signals;
  • checking the computer for the presence of programmable distortions;
  • checking the mains voltage;
  • checking the grounding and pipeline for absence of voltage and potential difference;
  • eliminating possible leaks and checking shut-off valves;
  • release of water from the general valve to the unit.

Violation of frequency or regulations Maintenance Thermal energy metering devices can be expensive. Minor, easily repairable damage that is not detected in time can, after some time, cause a serious accident requiring the replacement of expensive ITP and UTE elements.

Service installation of communal metering units in apartment buildings, HOAs, housing cooperatives, management companies, organizations and enterprises.

The warranty period for the devices included in the metering unit ranges from 1.5 to 4 years. Typically, the instrument manufacturer specifies that it carries warranty obligations, if installation and commissioning work was carried out by a specialized organization.

If the installation of metering units is carried out within the framework of a municipal program, then, based on a competitive selection: a municipal contract is concluded with several such specialized organizations, the terms of which include the requirement to provide a five-year guarantee for the work and equipment performed.

Specialized organizations, often service centers of manufacturers, sign such a contract, thereby extending the warranty period to five years at their own risk. At the same time, they expect that they will be the ones who will be involved in the technical maintenance of the metering units installed by them.

The other side of the municipal contract presents a different perspective: the components are new and in good working order, and if something breaks, there is a five-year warranty. Hence, further operation in the next five years seems no more difficult than collecting readings from meters at the end of the reporting period.

Apparently, the very idea of ​​paying money for the maintenance of metering units to the company that performed the installation and gave a five-year guarantee for the work performed seems absurd.

Based on such a simplified idea of ​​​​the further operation of metering units, the tariff includes 16 kopecks per square meter for service. This is approximately 500 rubles per month for servicing the metering units of one apartment building.

To provide maintenance services, a new organization“The best service organization in the city of Vladimir” (conditionally), which, under an agreement with management companies, undertakes to monitor the condition of seals and shut-off valves twice a month, as well as collect meter readings at the end of each month.

Service centers, of which we are one, offer a really necessary range of services average cost 1500 - 3500 rub. per month per metering unit, but most of management companies gives preference to “five hundred rubles”, without delving into the contents of the contracts.

However, after two or three months, a massive refusal of the services of “The Best Service Organization of the City of Vladimir” began and a transition to the services of service centers, that is, to the services of specialized organizations trained by the manufacturer.

What is the reason? The reason was that the energy supply organization refused to accept for calculations the readings of many metering units, which were taken by the “Best Service Organization of the City of Vladimir”, we note, with a preliminary inspection of the condition of the seals and shut-off valves.

If the “Best Service Organization of the City of Vladimir” fulfilled its contractual obligations in in full, the warranty on devices and installation is valid, but there is no commercial accounting, then the reason is apparently malfunction service organizations.

Considering that the country is undergoing a massive introduction of metering units, I believe that this story may turn out to be useful topics who will be involved in servicing metering units or organizing maintenance.

How to organize maintenance so that meter readings are accepted by the energy supply organization?

Let's start with Federal Law RF dated July 27, 2010 No. 190-FZ “On Heat Supply”. Article 19. Organization of commercial metering of thermal energy, coolant, establishes that the organization of commercial metering may include:

1) installation of metering devices;

2) operation of metering devices, including taking readings from metering devices and transferring them to customers of this service, verification, repair and replacement of metering devices.

Another document. Rules for accounting of thermal energy and coolant from 1995. Clause 9.3. “maintenance work on the metering unit associated with the dismantling, verification, installation and repair of equipment must be carried out by personnel of specialized organizations...”.

It follows that in addition to taking readings from metering devices, the responsibilities of the service organization must include the provision of services for the repair and replacement of metering devices, regardless of the availability of guarantees from the installation organization and the manufacturer. Warranty repair will be performed free of charge, but first the service organization must establish that the cause is a malfunction of the device. Next, correctly fill out the complaint report, dismantle the device, and replace the device sent for repair with a working device from your reserve replacement fund.

Verification of measuring instruments, in accordance with Article 13 of the Federal Law “On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements”, is carried out by those accredited in the prescribed manner in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements legal entities. Service organizations do not have such accreditation, but for devices to be verified, they must be properly dismantled, prepared for verification, and after verification, reinstalled in the metering unit. Therefore, it is advisable to include this position in the responsibilities of the service organization.

But that is not all. Heat supply is complex technological process. Hence the complex commercial accounting. The readings from working instruments cannot always be accepted for commercial calculations. Reasons?

Article 2 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2010 No. 190-FZ “On Heat Supply” establishes the following concepts:

The quality of heat supply is a set of standards established by legal acts RF and (or) heat supply agreement, heat supply characteristics, including thermodynamic parameters of the coolant.

Thermal energy consumption mode is the process of consuming thermal energy and coolant with the thermal energy consumer observing the mandatory characteristics of this process in accordance with legal acts, including technical regulations and the terms of the heat supply contract.

Article 15 of the same law establishes that the heat supply contract must determine, among other things:

The magnitude of the heat load of the consumer’s heat-consuming installations, the parameters of the quality of heat supply, the mode of consumption of thermal energy;

Responsibility of the parties for non-compliance with the requirements for heat supply quality parameters, violation of the thermal energy consumption regime, including responsibility for violation of the conditions on the quantity, quality and values ​​of the thermodynamic parameters of the returned coolant.

Rules for accounting of thermal energy and coolant from 1995. Clause 1.3. establishes that calculations for the received heat are carried out on the basis of readings from metering devices and control of coolant parameters. Clause 1.4. establishes that mutual obligations for settlements for thermal energy and coolant, as well as compliance with the regimes for supply and consumption of thermal energy and coolant are determined by the contract....

Since it is obvious that non-compliance with consumption regimes will negatively affect energy efficiency, we will also point to Article 9.16. Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses, which establishes liability for non-compliance with the energy efficiency requirements for apartment buildings.

From the given links it follows that the consumer can pay the energy supplying organization according to meter readings only if there are no violations of the consumption regime, there are no violations of the “conditions on the quantity, quality and values ​​of the thermodynamic parameters of the returned coolant.” Otherwise, there will be a fine or an additional charge, it all depends on the heat supply agreement. There is another option - decommissioning metering devices, with the ensuing consequences. Let us consider this option in more detail, since it relates to the maintenance of metering units.

So, the energy supplying organization determines the presence of mode deviations based on meter readings. There is a legitimate doubt here. Are there really violations in the intra-house system that the device registered, or is the device lying, but everything is in order in the system?

Let's turn to everyday experience. Do we know of cases of coolant leaks in intra-house systems? Yes. What should the device record? It will record the difference in mass between the coolant received from the system and returned back to the system. Is this a violation of the regime? Yes.

Are there known cases of unbalanced hydraulics in an intra-house system? Yes, many people know that when it is cold in some apartments, you need to complain, then the nozzle that limits the coolant flow will be drilled out. It will become warm in “cold” apartments, and hot in “warm” apartments, but excess heat can be easily removed through the window. What will the device register? Violation of “conditions on the quantity, quality and values ​​of the thermodynamic parameters of the returned coolant.”

Is there another solution known - to drain the coolant from the return pipeline into the sewer? What should the device record? The difference in mass between the received and returned coolant. Is this a violation? Certainly.

If everyone knows that the state of in-house engineering systems is far from perfect, then can it be said that guaranteed, verified devices with seals can be trusted without a doubt?

Unfortunately no. If there are malfunctions of in-house systems, then there are repairs. When carrying out welding and plumbing work, scale, rust, pieces of rubber, and other foreign objects enter the system: they get stuck in the metering unit and create conditions unacceptable for the operation of the devices, which leads to loss of measurement accuracy. The device does not require repair, but it is necessary to restore its operating conditions.

We conclude that the reason for instrument readings that are unsatisfactory to the energy supply organization may be either a malfunction in the system or a loss of measurement accuracy.

How does the energy supply organization resolve these doubts? Just. When monitoring the consumption mode for commercial accounting purposes, the energy supplying organization is indifferent the real reason faults, it considers only the actual readings of the instruments, and not the reasons that led to such readings.

If the reliability of instrument readings is in doubt, then the energy supply organization can remove the unit from commercial accounting, referring to clause 9.10. TE&T accounting rules “work beyond accuracy standards”.

For example, in a closed system, by definition, there should be no difference in mass between the supply and return pipelines. If there is a difference, then the device is faulty. This is the logic. The logic is acceptable, since both the devices and the in-house system are beyond the responsibility of the energy supply organization.

We've reached a key point. The energy supplying organization removes metering units from operation only when it has reason to doubt the reliability of the instrument readings, because these readings do not meet the expectations of a normal process.

Conclusion. This means there should be no evidence that can be doubted. No falsifications! There is another only correct solution. We need a maintenance technology that allows us to monitor readings and eliminate the causes of questionable readings immediately as they arise.

This conclusion underlies the organization of servicing of metering units by our enterprise.

The main task of maintenance is to ensure normal, continuous operation of metering units, in which all parties trust the metering results. Whether you like or dislike the accounting results, and the parties trust (are forced to trust) the results are different concepts.

Let's go to the area practical implementation this task.

To eliminate the causes of questionable readings as they arise, it is necessary to detect them as they occur. This means that software and hardware are needed that allow continuous monitoring of the parameters of all metering units at a pace acceptable for solving the task. Without the ability to monitor, the task is impossible!

We use automated system information collection as a top-level system and data transmission equipment. Communication with some metering nodes is carried out via modems. Data collection is carried out automatically every day at night after midnight. At the operator's request, you can download the readings at any time.

The key figure is the person performing dispatch functions. This is an analyst who is able to see the process of heat and water supply and deviations in consumption patterns behind columns of numbers and multi-colored graphs of parameters. The program automatically detects some deviations in parameters, but the human brain remains the most powerful analytical apparatus.

Control is not reduced to a primitive assessment - “there is evidence” or “there is no indication”. The absence of indications is an unpleasant, but the simplest case when the cause can be easily identified and quickly eliminated. It’s more difficult when there are indications. How to determine that these readings can be trusted?

Since the metrological characteristics of devices cannot be determined at the place of operation, the “quality factor” of the readings is continuously assessed. By “quality factor” of readings we mean compliance with expectations of the magnitude and dynamics of changes in controlled parameters over time, as well as the relationship of changes between dependent parameters.

If readings are detected that do not meet the “quality factor” criteria, the dispatcher sends operational personnel to the site, who on the spot finally determine what was the cause of such readings - incorrect measurements of the normal mode or correct changes in the abnormal mode.

Thanks to monitoring, personnel sent to the site know in advance what actions they must take and have with them components for replacement, if necessary.

It is important that the staff knows not only the devices, but also knows how to identify and convincingly prove a malfunction in the in-house system with obtaining a confirming signature from a representative management company. This encourages (but does not guarantee!) prompt elimination of faults in the intra-house network and protects the service organization from claims against metering devices.

So, the key point of service is that the service, management and resource supply organizations equally trust or distrust the readings of metering devices, assessing their quality factor.

If the service and management organizations promptly eliminate the causes that resulted in bad readings, then commercial accounting becomes continuous and long-term.

Let's summarize minimum requirements, which must be met by a service organization capable of providing long-term and continuous commercial accounting:

The organization must have the technical ability to continuously monitor serviced metering units;

The organization must have trained personnel capable of assessing the “quality factor” of the readings obtained during monitoring;

The organization must have trained personnel capable of distinguishing on-site malfunctions of the heat supply process from malfunctions of metering devices;

The organization must have personnel trained by the device manufacturer and authorized to service and minor repair these devices;

The organization must have a sufficient reserve fund for the prompt replacement of faulty devices;

The organization must be a service center for the manufacturer whose devices it services;

The organization must have many years of experience in this area.

If anyone today is experiencing difficulties in choosing a service organization to organize the maintenance of metering units, then I recommend taking into account the stated requirements or simply contacting our organization Energouchet LLC. This will save you from many unnecessary problems that interfere with real energy saving.

Based on the above, we carry out the following work:

1. Periodic maintenance of thermal energy metering unit devices (inspection, taking and analyzing readings, additional settings, adjustments, minor maintenance, checking electrical connections, checking the oil level in temperature sensor sleeves).

2. Printing heat consumption statements, drawing up a report and protecting it at the heat supply organization.

3. Preventive maintenance: dismantling, installation, cleaning of devices.

4. Verification and pre-verification preparation of instruments (monitoring the timing of state verification).

5. Replacement of devices.

6. Repair of devices.

7. Commissioning work at the thermal energy metering unit. Commissioning by the inspector of the heating supply organization. Drawing up a readiness report.

8. Calling the inspector of the heat supply organization to hand over the heat metering unit (presence of a representative when checking the heat meter by the energy supply organization).

9. Correct operation of the heat meter, leaks, overheating, underheating.

10. Monthly analysis of meter readings.

11. Analytical work to identify non-standard (new) causes of device failure and restore functionality, etc.

At the moment, the price of service is in the range from 500 to 5500 rubles per month for one heat meter. The price is formed from the specific wishes of the Customer and the quantity and types of work that he wants to see at his facility. We are ready to adapt to each of our Customers.

The thermal energy metering unit must be used only in accordance with the approved technical specifications. documentation and passports.

Responsibility for the operation and service of devices lies with responsible person, appointed by the management of the company in whose jurisdiction the equipment is located.

Service works, repair And installation devices are carried out only by specialists from companies who have the appropriate permits to carry out work of this kind.

CJSC ATONOMONY ENERGOSERVICE provides turnkey implementation services heat metering units, and installation work its parts separately, setting up systems and commissioning. Our company can provide services both for servicing the metering unit separately and in conjunction with the rest of the equipment of the heat and power facility.

List of works included in the maintenance of the thermal energy metering unit:

  1. Planned work on service devices included in the metering unit:
    - external inspection (periodic) in order to monitor the operation of the heat meter;
    - monitoring the presence of supply voltage;
    - inspection of connections (electrical and mechanical);
    - inspection for the presence of external damage to the components of the devices;
    - checking the serviceability of laid signal cables;
    - monitoring the presence of oil in the sleeves of resistance thermal converters;
  2. Reading archived data on thermal energy consumption (as well as hourly archives of unforeseen moments), processing, reporting and submission to the heat supply company, also providing data to the customer.
  3. Checking current and archived information (criteria) in order to control technical position, assessing the performance of devices. Study of heat consumption regimes, comparison of data with contractual criteria, timely notification of the client about non-compliance with the contract data (changes and non-compliance with terms of use), research and debugging of sensors of recorded data converters, monitoring databases and eliminating problems in programs.
  4. Represent the customer's interest in heat supply companies when deciding controversial issues on the use of metering devices.
  5. Small and timely repair of metering devices without disassembling the equipment itself.
  6. Preparation of thermal energy metering units for the heating season (carrying out planned and necessary preventive maintenance of devices).
  7. Delivery of the metering unit at the agreed time to the heat supply organization at the beginning of the heating period. Timely submission of reports to the relevant organization during the heating season.
  8. Support (organizational and technical part) execution of repair, verification and restoration work if necessary or within the time limits established by the control companies.
  9. Organization of timely metrological State inspection and control of metering units in accordance with the law and passport intervals.
  10. Equipment repair work after notification of equipment malfunction.
  • Do we need a service organization?
  • Is there a law requiring it?
  • What awaits us if we refuse the service?
  • What is included in the maintenance service?

Let's look at all the questions in order.

The heat meter does not require special care on the part of the owner. The lithium battery from which the heat meter is powered is not suitable for reuse, but requires disposal. The battery does not require special care; the service life declared by the manufacturer is at least six years, usually no more than five years, and this is equal to the service life of the meter before it is checked (the state verification period is four to five years for different heat meters). A specialist checking or servicing a heat meter is required to change the battery approximately every four years. If your flow converters are also powered by batteries, then they need to be changed every two years.

Thermal resistances do not require maintenance.

This is a theory - let's look at it in practice.

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