Home Grape Weight loss according to Volkov. Volkov's ambiguous diet: features, controversial issues. I don't mean chronic drunkenness. But the same wines are clearly evil

Weight loss according to Volkov. Volkov's ambiguous diet: features, controversial issues. I don't mean chronic drunkenness. But the same wines are clearly evil

The famous Moscow nutritionist Anatoly Viktorovich Volkov has been dealing with problems for more than 20 years proper nutrition and losing weight. During this time, he developed a holistic methodology, which often brings very good results, and even created a clinic where you can do all the necessary research and get professional advice.

What is the diet or, more correctly, the system of Dr. Volkov?

Principles of Dr. Volkov's diet

The basic rule of the Volkov diet is very simple. You need to eat only those foods that your body normally “accepts” and exclude those that are contraindicated for you, specifically you. The lists of permitted and prohibited foods are individual for each person and are developed on the basis of a special and by no means inexpensive blood test, which can be done in their clinic. Moreover, the results often turn out to be truly paradoxical. So, some of Dr. Volkov's patients short term lost tens of kilograms after making fatty pork or lamb the basis of their diet, and excluding cucumbers and oranges from it.

Of course, such a paradox is rather an exception to the rule, but an exception that only emphasizes the fact that each of us is a unique individual, and we cannot all be cut with the same brush.

By the way, as Dr. Volkov himself says, to a first approximation, determine the list unwanted products possible without resorting to expensive tests. You just need to listen carefully to the signals your body gives you. For example, you shouldn’t eat foods that you don’t like, and especially those after eating which you noticed some unpleasant consequences: nausea, heartburn, headache, not to mention allergic reactions. According to the observations of doctors at Dr. Volkov’s clinic, their patients, having seen the “red” list of prohibited foods, remember that they actually noticed some unpleasant reactions of the body to almost all the products on this list, or simply do not like them and try not to eat them.

By the way, losing weight is by no means the main result of switching to individual nutrition that is right for you. First of all, health improves significantly; many patients get rid of what has tormented them for years. chronic diseases(or, by at least, the course of these diseases is significantly facilitated). Well, losing weight, as Anatoly Viktorovich himself says, is already by-product this process.

In addition to compiling individual diet, Dr. Volkov recommends adhering to the following principles in diet and lifestyle:

  • Minimize heat treatment of products. Moreover, Dr. Volkov considers the most harmful thing to be not even frying, but long-term stewing.
  • Eat when you really want to eat. To separate a true feeling of hunger from an imaginary one, you can drink a glass of water at the first sign of an appetite. If half an hour later you are still hungry, then you are really hungry and it’s time to eat.
  • The intervals between meals can be set individually, according to your preferences, but they should be at least two (and if you ate some heavy, long-digesting food, such as meat, three) hours. And there is no need to introduce any strict restrictions, such as not eating after 18:00, etc. If you feel truly hungry at 2 a.m., eat. But, of course, don't overeat.
  • You need to eat as varied as possible, naturally, within the “green” list of recommended foods. As a rule, it is quite extensive and allows you to create a complete and varied menu. Very rare exceptions, when the “green” list turns out to be small and limited, occur only in some fairly severe diseases.
  • It is necessary to chew each piece of food for a long time and thoroughly.
  • If possible, you should exclude canned and smoked foods from your diet. They do not have any advantages over fresh products, except for a long shelf life, and they were invented solely in order not to die of hunger where it is not possible to find normal food. For example, on some long-distance expeditions. Under no circumstances should they be made into everyday food. Moreover, this applies not only to stewed meat or sprat in tomato, but also to any “cans”: canned corn and green peas, olives and pickled cucumbers, and even packaged juices.
  • You should not drink while eating. Just a little plain water or green tea. Any other drinks can be consumed at least half an hour before or after meals. Any carbonated drinks are strictly not recommended.
  • And finally, you need to lead an active lifestyle, move more, engage in feasible sports or physical labor, douse yourself with cold water at least once a day.

My humble opinion

I personally find the health and weight loss program offered by Dr. Volkov very interesting, and his arguments quite convincing. The only thing that doesn’t please me at all is the prices in his clinic;). Although you can, of course, using his recommendations, try to independently determine your “green” and “red” lists of products. Of course, for the accuracy that it gives laboratory analysis, in this case you don’t have to count, but by carefully listening to your body’s signals, you can at least calculate and eliminate some products that are clearly harmful to you.

One of the rules of the Volkov diet is to eat at any time and not be hungry. Yes, yes, and after 18.00 too! Find out more about this technique, get a menu and lose up to 5 kilograms of unnecessary fat in a week!

Diets for weight loss are usually divided into 3 categories. Their action can be based on changing the diet, limiting caloric intake, or adjusting the composition of the menu. The last category includes low-carbohydrate diets and separate nutrition techniques. Volkov's diet is a symbiosis of rules separate power supply and carbohydrate dietary restrictions. According to the author, using this technique you can lose 5 kg in a week, however, as your weight approaches normal, the rate of weight loss slows down.

The dietary program was developed by Russian physician Anatoly Volkov, recognized by experts as effective and safe, and is currently widely used in many countries. In 2000, Volkov founded the clinic for the treatment of obesity "Ekolabmedtest", among its clients are Russian and foreign politicians, representatives of show business and actors.

The essence

Volkov's diet involves strict limitation of complex carbohydrates. When these substances enter the body, they serve as the main “fuel”; when they are deficient in food, fat reserves are consumed. If when compiling daily ration include a minimum of content complex carbohydrates products, excess weight will go away quickly enough.

The second principle of the diet is compliance with the rules of separate nutrition. Their benefits for weight loss are based on the assertion that the combination of certain products has a bad effect on absorption nutrients. By consuming such products separately, the body receives optimal conditions for functioning and independently gets rid of excess weight.

Helpful information. The principle of separate nutrition was first proposed by the American nutritionist Herbert Shelton. He divided all foods into six groups, which are not recommended to be combined in one meal. This contributes to their retention in the gastrointestinal tract, and, as a result, slows down the process of fat burning. For example, meat, milk and vegetables require different “technological regimes”: digestion time, enzymes.

General requirements

When following the Volkov diet, you must follow the following rules:

  1. You can eat at any time, you should not endure hunger.
  2. The optimal break between meals is 2.5-3 hours, this is how long food is completely digested in the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Food must be chewed thoroughly, this speeds up the process of digestion.
  4. The diet should be varied, but mix foods belonging to different groups, is prohibited.
  5. Food must be prepared dietary methods: cooking, baking, grilling, steaming.
  6. It is not recommended to drink food with food.
  7. The daily fluid intake is 2.5-3 liters, at least 0.5 liters should be drunk on an empty stomach, before breakfast, and the rest of the water should be drunk no earlier than half an hour after any meal.

At Dr. Volkov’s clinic, a weight loss diet is developed for each client individually, based on the results of the blood reaction to a particular food product. Its extract is added to the blood sample, and by changes in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, substances that negatively affect immune system and the body as a whole. They are included in the prohibited list (“red list”). The remaining products are on the “green list”; they are allowed to be consumed, but only separately.

Special instructions. The daily diet should be calculated in such a way that the body spends more energy than it receives from food. To do this, you need to calculate how many calories are required to maintain your existing body weight, and subtract approximately 200-300 units. This will be the new norm, allowing you to gradually lose weight.

Prohibited Products

If you use a weight loss diet on your own, you should follow the general list of prohibited foods. It includes:

  • Broths. According to the author of the method, all harmful substances contained in meat or fish pass into the broth. The exception is chicken bouillon, which is consumed during the rehabilitation period after illness.
  • Smoked products, canned food (including canned juices), This is “dead” food, except for calories, giving nothing to the body.
  • Milk. Volkov believes that only babies need it. By enveloping the contents of the stomach, milk slows down the digestion of food, as a result of which the stomach may begin unnecessary processes fermentation.
  • Carbonated drinks. They are deprived of oxygen, and therefore will absorb it once it enters the stomach, and thereby slow down the process of digestion of food.
  • Use vegetable oil only for salads. During heat treatment, the beneficial substances in unrefined oils are destroyed, while they are not present in refined oils to begin with.
  • Alcohol. Alcoholic drinks are contraindicated in any weight loss diet, as they reduce its effectiveness.

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

The advantages of the Volkov diet are standard for any system healthy eating with an emphasis on low calorie content. This real way significantly reduce weight without putting your health at risk and without experiencing discomfort from hunger.

From the point of view of those losing weight, the main disadvantage of the method is the substantial cost of control tests at the Ecolabmedtest clinic (and they need to be carried out quite often, every 3-5 months). According to nutritionists, the disadvantages of the Volkov diet can be considered:

  • Drink 3 liters of water daily. This is too high a norm, hardly justified by considerations of benefit.
  • Milk ban. Such a restriction can negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys, liver and cardiovascular system.
  • Exclusion from the diet of broths. Meat and fish decoctions activate the digestive system, are easily digestible, and contain a lot useful substances. The “taboo” on broths is quite capable of disrupting the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sample menu

You can create a diet yourself, following the rules of the method. The weekly menu below is a recommendation and can be considered as one of the options.

Days Breakfast Snack Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
1 Oatmeal with dried fruits Low-fat cottage cheese, citrus Boiled fish, steam fresh cucumbers Kefir Boiled meat, cabbage salad
2 Millet porridge with raisins Fruit salad seasoned with yoghurt Boiled chicken breast with a side dish of brown rice, cucumber Sandwich them whole grain bread with cheese, kefir Fish with vegetables baked in foil
3 Muesli with honey and apple Kefir Wheat pasta durum varieties, tomato salad Baked apple Boiled meat, cucumber
4 Barley porridge with butter A couple of jacket potatoes, leaf salad Vegetable stew with veal Apple or pear Steam fish cutlets, cucumber
5 Barley porridge with dried fruits Baked apple Grilled veal and eggplant Cottage cheese casserole with fruit Boiled fish, vegetable salad
6 Muesli with banana Whole grain bread with jam Cottage cheese with berries Citrus Meat baked with tomato
7 Omelet with cheese and herbs Low-fat cottage cheese with apple slices Steam buckwheat, coleslaw Fruit fresh Rabbit and vegetable stew

Quitting the diet

The time for following the Volkov diet is not limited; you can stick to it all your life, since the diet is completely balanced. But if the desired weight has already been reached, you need to exit the diet correctly, otherwise the lost kilograms may return. Dr. Volkov recommends for two to three weeks:

  • Use as much as possible fewer dishes, which were prohibited during the diet.
  • Add new dishes to the diet gradually.
  • Make sure that energy value the daily diet did not exceed 2000 Kcal.


The weight loss method proposed by Dr. Volkov is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, in childhood or old age, as well as in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, cardiovascular or endocrine systems;
  • oncology;
  • rehabilitation period after surgery;
  • serious hormonal disorders.

Attention! To really assess the condition of your body and avoid unpleasant consequences from using the diet, it is strongly recommended that you consult a qualified specialist before starting it.

Today I read an article by nutritionist Anatoly Volkov...here are some excerpts: “In this issue, The Village correspondent Alexandra Sheveleva talked with the famous Moscow nutritionist Anatoly Volkov about

What's wrong with scales?

Your scale shows a kilogram - is it a kilogram of lard or a kilogram of meat? What did you weigh when you looked at the scale? Weighing makes sense only when its object has the same density throughout its entire volume. If fat people were made of fat, they could not be drowned. They have garbage, protein, metabolic waste in their bodies. That's the problem. Everyone struggles with fat, and we need fat.

About diets

No matter who you ask, everyone has their own theories of proper nutrition. What is this connected with?

I think this is the displacement of some problems. Instead of taking care of themselves, people are engaged in food, all sorts of Vedic cooking, which is very funny, because our climate is absolutely not suitable for Vedic cooking.

Do you mean the Ayurvedic theory of dividing people into types? Vata, pitta, kapha? Doesn't it work for us?

Our air temperature is always lower than body temperature, but in India it is almost always the same or higher.

That is, the Ayurvedic theory does not suit us?

She doesn't suit anyone at all. In addition, dividing people into even ten types is a thankless task. It’s easier to work with everyone individually. And then you understand exactly who you are dealing with, and he realizes what he needs and what he doesn’t need.

Counting calories is
an absolute myth that exists to limit choice
- So it turns out that there is no universal advice for everyone?

But why? Don't eat any nasty stuff.

Do you recommend changing your drinking regime?

The problem is much broader than drinking or food regimen. What I do is not exactly dietetics, because today's way Discussing the dietary content of foods has nothing to do with the person, it has to do with the products. Entry into the body is the prerogative of the body itself; it itself determines what it needs and what it doesn’t, so discussing the properties of products is pointless.

This is completely pointless. The calorie content of food is determined by burning one hundred grams of the product, then the amount of heat released is calculated. There are no such processes in the body. Our intestinal temperature is, roughly, 38 degrees; at this temperature, nothing burns. Calorie counting is an absolute myth that exists to limit choice: you only have so many calories and you don't need any more. In addition, we are all different, so a product that is extremely useful for one person can kill someone else outright, for example, with anaphylactic shock.

How do you feel about the separate power supply system?

Proteins and carbohydrates require different digestive conditions. This means that these products should not be combined, otherwise there will be problems, such as rotting. Combining carbohydrates with sugar will start the fermentation process, so it is obvious that sugar, fruits and vegetables need to be separated. I won’t even talk about dairy and meat, it’s such a well-known fact.

About drinks

Now European countries They are giving up packaged juices, which Russians are very fond of. Are they really harmful?

Dahl's dictionary says that the word “drink” refers exclusively to clean water. Everything else was “eaten” more than 150 years ago. You can’t drink food, the body doesn’t have time to understand what it is. If you didn’t chew your food, your body wouldn’t understand what happened. You only turn on defensive reactions: this is a waste of water, energy, and what you drank must be removed, since it is something uncertain. You don't need to drink juices, you need to eat food. The only option for fresh juices is when you squeeze them in your mouth.

Okay, let's exclude juices. What else?

This also includes teas, coffee and fruit drinks.

What about our favorite green tea?

Have you seen how the Chinese drink tea? They play it. It's a game. Straw diluted 28 times. They drink hot water.

It turns out that you only need to drink clean drinking water?


About flour and sugar

What else is definitely harmful that you shouldn’t eat? Floury?

All refined products are naturally white flour. If peeled grain with the germ removed is given to chickens, they quickly die. They cannot digest this grain. But these grains are well stored in the form of flour. Baking is not considered a food product at all, because it contains refined flour and sugar. Do you remember how mash was prepared in Rus'? Grain, sugar, water - ferments on its own, you don’t even need to add yeast. Fermentation is always evil.

And sugar cravings are a symptom of thirst. People who drink enough water don't crave sweets
- What's harmful about fermentation? It will wander and hatch.

This is acidification. The fermentation process starts where there is not enough oxygen. Where is there no oxygen? Where there is not enough energy.

That is, everything flour is harmful?

White flour - yes.

Can't you eat pasta too?

If the pasta is made from normal, whole flour, real homemade pasta, then it’s possible.

What about sugar? There is such a big controversy with sugar: New York The Times had a big article that sugar was addictive, almost like a drug.

Attachment is caused by the way the need for sugar manifests itself. Sugar itself, in my opinion, protects the blood from dehydration. And sugar cravings are a symptom of thirst. People who drink enough water don't crave sweets."

After reading the article to the end, I realized that he scolds almost everything, but does not give specific recommendations!!!

Lose weight up to 5 kg in 7 days.
Average daily calorie content 940 Kcal.

Dr. Volkov is a general practitioner. He has been working as a nutritionist for over 20 years. For a long time the specialist studied the processes occurring in the body after eating food. Based on his conclusions, he developed a special weight loss technique, which became known as. It allows you to lose weight without heavy restrictions and exhausting physical training.

Volkov diet requirements

As a result of the research, Dr. Volkov concluded that different people different reactions are observed after consuming the same food. In this regard, the specialist determined that in order to draw up a weight loss program, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the body specific person. For this purpose, it is proposed to pass special analysis blood. After the examination, a person receives an individual list, which indicates what food can be consumed and is beneficial for him.

According to reviews, many people manage to lose excess weight without undergoing expensive research, but simply by following the basic rules of the technique. Let us highlight the main ones.

  • You should eat only when you feel hungry. Do not consume food out of boredom or for company.
  • You can eat food at any time of the day.
  • Time intervals between meals should not exceed 2-3 hours. As Volkov notes, this is exactly how long it takes the body to digest food and at the same time not experience a feeling of acute hunger, which he categorically does not recommend enduring for more than 20 minutes.
  • Modernize your diet so that it contains more protein and less carbohydrates (it is better to avoid fast carbohydrates altogether). It is also necessary to minimize the amount of harmful high-calorie fats.
  • Each piece of food must be chewed thoroughly (at least 30 times).
  • Try not to fry food, but eat it raw or after non-aggressive heat treatment. The priority is boiling, steaming, grilling.
  • You can't drink sparkling water.
  • You should stop drinking animal milk. According to Volkov, the human body does not have the correct environment for the complete digestion of dairy products, since it was created for feeding young animals. If a person consumes milk, problems may arise with both health and figure (due to the acquisition of extra pounds).
  • To lose weight, you need to calculate your calorie intake. To do this, calculate how many units are needed to maintain existing weight, and subtract 200-300 from the resulting number. This will help you lose weight smoothly without putting your body in a stressful state.
  • It is best not to drink directly during meals, limiting the consumption of any liquid to half an hour before and after meals.
  • You should not allow yourself any fruit later than 18 pm. This can significantly slow down your weight loss process or even add new extra pounds to your body.
  • Volkov considers any broths and various dishes prepared on their basis to be simply poison for the body.
  • Your daily diet should be varied in the range of products, however, it is recommended to adhere to the basic principles of separate nutrition and not mix meat/fish and cereals at the same time during meals.
  • It is better to avoid alcohol-containing drinks or reduce their presence in your life to a minimum.
  • Volkov calls various pickles, smoked foods, and preserves energy-dead food and advises excluding them from the diet.
  • Before going to bed, you should harden yourself by dousing yourself with cold water.
  • Physical activity is recommended. Find time for at least basic exercise, and soon your body will be dramatically transformed. And in general, your lifestyle should be active.
  • Every morning you need to start by drinking water, and only after 20-30 minutes have breakfast.
  • You should drink up to 2 liters of clean water daily.
  • Try to base your diet on environmentally friendly products.
  • Avoid fast food and high-calorie sweets, as well as any food and drinks that contain sugar.
  • After each meal, pay attention to how you feel. If you feel discomfort or some unpleasant processes inside, this is the body signaling that the food is not suitable for you. Avoid this type of food.
  • Try to eat more healthy products. In addition to proteins (lean meat, fish, seafood, cottage cheese), find a place in your diet for vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, cereals, vegetable oil in small quantities, whole grain bread. Drinks are a priority green tea no sweeteners.

To be fair, it is worth noting that Dr. Volkov himself strongly recommends losing weight only after undergoing an examination and finding out individual characteristics your body. Then he guarantees effective weight loss with health benefits.

If you feel well, you can continue the Volkov diet until you reach the desired physical shape. After this, you can gradually increase your caloric intake and allow yourself your favorite foods that are not recommended in the method a little more often. But try not to overeat and eat small meals.

The doctor himself recommends that in the future only those products that do not change the blood formula be included in the menu. Otherwise, the body can be significantly harmed due to the emerging processes of rotting, fermentation and similar troubles. But this can be found out, again, only after passing special research blood composition.

Volkov diet menu

Sample Volkov diet for a week

Breakfast: porridge or muesli without sugar and a handful of your favorite dried fruits.
Snack: casserole low-fat cottage cheese and oranges.
Lunch: baked fish and cabbage-cucumber salad, sprinkled with a little vegetable oil.
Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir.
Dinner: boiled meat with herbs and shredded white cabbage.

Breakfast: millet porridge with the addition of a small amount of raisins.
Snack: salad of your favorite fruits, topped with homemade yogurt.
Lunch: a portion of rice (preferably brown); a piece boiled chicken and fresh cucumber.
Afternoon snack: whole grain bread with a piece of low-fat cheese; half a glass of kefir.
Dinner: low-fat baked fish with a portion of your favorite baked or stewed vegetables.

Breakfast: a serving of oatmeal or unsweetened muesli with apple slices and a teaspoon of honey.
Snack: a glass of kefir.
Lunch: hard pasta; salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and a few drops of vegetable oil.
Afternoon snack: fresh or baked apple.
Dinner: boiled meat and fresh cucumber.

Breakfast: millet porridge seasoned with a small amount of natural honey.
Snack: several boiled potatoes with herbs.
Lunch: baked fish and vegetable stew.
Afternoon snack: a small apple.
Dinner: steam cutlets from lean meat and tomato-cucumber salad with the addition of vegetable oil and various greens.

Breakfast: barley porridge, flavored with dried fruits.
Snack: apple.
Lunch: boiled meat and baked eggplants.
Afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole with fruits or dried fruits.
Dinner: low-fat fish baked with vegetables.

Breakfast: a serving of unsweetened muesli with the addition of a few slices of banana.
Snack: whole grain bread with low-fat fruit jam or preserves.
Lunch: low-fat cottage cheese with grated apple and various berries.
Afternoon snack: orange or several tangerines.
Dinner: boiled or baked meat and fresh tomato.

Breakfast: two scrambled eggs with a piece of cheese and herbs.
Snack: low-fat cottage cheese with slices of apple and orange.
Lunch: buckwheat and cabbage-cucumber salad, dressed with freshly squeezed lemon juice.
Afternoon snack: a glass of citrus juice.
Dinner: stew of lean meat and vegetables.

Contraindications of the Volkov diet

  • You cannot start living according to the rules of the diet proposed by Dr. Volkov during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or menopausal disorders.
  • Contraindications also include: elderly, children, adolescence; surgical intervention in which an organ transplant was performed; disruption of the hormonal system; oncological diseases; exacerbation of chronic diseases; any disease that makes you feel unwell.
  • It is highly advisable to consult with your doctor before starting a diet. qualified specialist to really assess the condition of your body.

Advantages of the Volkov diet

Among the main advantages of the Volkov diet it is worth highlighting:

  • effectiveness of the technique,
  • ban on a relatively small number of products,
  • freedom in choosing the menu,
  • improvement of well-being,
  • general effect of healing the body,
  • lack of acute feeling of hunger.

Disadvantages of the Volkov diet

  1. The disadvantages of Volkov’s method, if all its rules are followed, include the need for an expensive blood test. By the way, you need to do this not just once (especially if you have noticeable excess weight), but approximately every 4-5 months.
  2. Not all doctors and nutritionists support some of the statements made by the author of the technique. In particular, they do not agree with the need to give up milk, arguing that this product is a source of many beneficial substances that help the body function properly. Milk improves the functioning of the liver, kidneys, heart, and supplies us with calcium, which is beneficial for health and strong bone structure.
  3. Volkov’s proposal to abandon broths also causes controversy. Many nutritionists, on the contrary, note that liquid food you need to eat to function properly gastrointestinal tract, and if you completely abandon it, problems may arise.
  4. If you decide to lose weight on the Volkov diet, be prepared for the fact that you need to radically reconsider your diet. Moreover, this will have to be done for a very long period, or even forever.

Repeated implementation of the Volkov diet

If you are not bothered by the state of your body and are satisfied with the process of losing weight, you can stick to such a diet as long as you like until you reach your ideal.

Dermatologist, cosmetologist-esthetician, honored author of Evehealth


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

Development of methods for losing weight and improving the body's health scientific level, supported by results laboratory research blood after exposure to various components of products - the essence of the Volkov diet.

Basics of the Volkov diet

Being a general practitioner by training, Dr. Volkov long time studied the changes that occur in each specific human body after eating a particular product. As a result of long-term work, he observed that the blood test results of different people who ate the same diet were completely different.

In addition, research was carried out to study the activity of various organs (in particular the organs of the digestive system) during the processing and assimilation of proteins, fats, carbohydrates separately and if they are part of one dish. In the latter case, it was revealed that the organs are experiencing a colossal load, leading to disruption of their activity and the occurrence of various diseases. The mechanisms of action of carbonated water, vitamins and various drinks of natural and non-natural origin were also studied.

Based on the results of all the data, a system was created based on the principles of separate nutrition and selection of products suitable for the individual as a result of selection based on blood reaction. Subsequently, Dr. Volkov’s diet became recognized by nutritionists around the world and began to be widely used in practice. Nowadays, a modified version of it is quite often used, when individual selection of products is not carried out due to the duration and high cost of the procedure, but only some rules of the technique are followed. This approach does not guarantee achievement good results and health safety.


Based on Volkov’s author’s methodology, every person has allergic reactions to a certain product and dishes prepared from them or in which it is an integral ingredient. Some, for example, have chicken and cabbage, while others have pork and peas.

Therefore, it is prohibited:

  • there are products and their derivatives from the red list established during testing;
  • there are products that have not passed testing;
  • There are foods that cause fermentation - yeast, mushrooms, fermented milk products.

As mentioned above, the main principle of this nutrition system is the individual reaction of a person to a certain product, so there is no clear menu for the Volkov diet, but there are rules for creating a diet that are the same for everyone. Some approaches to organizing meals are directly opposite to the traditional ones that are well known to all of us.

Results and reviews

By adhering to such a nutritional system, you can lose weight without strong prohibitions and debilitating physical activity. The body will find a way to get rid of excess things on its own, you just have to create it optimal conditions for functioning.

Regarding the Volkov diet, reviews are mostly positive, if we consider the assessments of people who used the methodology in its entirety, starting with determining the red and green lists of products. Users consider the only difficulty to be the process of organizing the course (taking tests).

Among the main advantages of the technique are improved well-being, general healing effect, getting rid of many chronic diseases and obesity.

Video about the Volkov diet

Video about Dr. Volkov's clinic

Video about Dr. Volkov's diet

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