Home Indoor flowers Holes in the ground are an anomaly or sinkholes in the ground. Unknown. Kimberlite pipe

Holes in the ground are an anomaly or sinkholes in the ground. Unknown. Kimberlite pipe

Incredible facts

Imagine that you are calmly walking down the street, when suddenly the ground begins to shake and suddenly a huge hole. This is not a horror movie script, but a phenomenon called sinkhole, which can reach incredible sizes and absorb everything that appears on the surface.

The other day In Florida, USA, a 37-year-old man was swallowed by a huge hole., which opened right in his bedroom while he was sleeping.

Sinkhole approximately 6 meters wide and more than 15 meters deep led to the collapse of the concrete floor in the house.

Five other people in the house heard the loud noise and the man's screams, but they were not injured. The victim, Jeff Bush, most likely did not survive after falling underground.


The sinkhole that suddenly opened up in Florida is a phenomenon that is more common than we think. What causes them and how dangerous are they?

Most sinkholes formed when acidic rainwater gradually dissolves limestone and other soil rocks, leaving a huge void that causes whatever is on the surface to collapse, be it an open field, a road or a house.

Collapse may occur suddenly, or it may simply lead to gradual subsidence of the soil or the formation of small reservoirs and salt marshes.

Sinkhole holes are found everywhere, especially in the USA, China, Mexico and Papua New Guinea.

The biggest holes in the ground

Here are some photos of the huge holes that have swallowed up streets, sidewalks and buildings around the world.

1. Sarissarinama Plateau, Venezuela

The Sarisariñama Plateau is located in the Jaua-Sarisarinama Park in Venezuela and is one of the mysterious and beautiful natural wonders of the world. There are several dips on the plateau with a diameter of up to 350 meters and a depth of 350 meters.

Each hole has developed its own ecosystem with unique species animals and plants.

2. Failure in Berezniki, Russia

The Berezniki sinkhole was formed in 1986 as a result of a mine accident, and every year the situation only got worse. In 2007, the dimensions of the failure at the first mine were 80 by 20 meters, and depth up to 200 meters. By the end of August 2012, the fourth funnel had grown to the size 103 by 100 meters.

3. Hole in Guatemala

In February 2007, a sinkhole in Guatemala 100 meters deep swallowed up more than a dozen houses. More than 100 people were evacuated and three people died. The hole was the result of corrosion in the sewer system deep below the surface. The failure was accompanied loud sounds, and an unbearable smell emanated from the hole.

In 2010, another hole opened in Guatemala 18 meters wide and 60 meters deep.

4. Bimmah, Oman

Bimmah Sinkhole is a limestone crater that is now a popular tourist attraction in Oman.

Other holes in the ground

5. In May 1981, a giant hole appeared during the day in Winter Park in Florida, USA. The city has turned this area into an urban lake.

6. In 1995, a sinkhole 18 meters deep, measuring 60 by 45 meters, swallowed up two houses in San Francisco.

7. In the city of Dysetta, Texas in the USA, a relatively small 6-meter sinkhole expanded to 270 meters per day.

8. In November 2003, rescuers had to rescue a bus in Lisbon, Portugal, after it fell into a hole. 9 meters deep, which was presumably caused by heavy rains.

9. In March 2007, the road collapsed into underground network caves in the southern Italian city of Gallipoli.

10. In September 2008, the road collapsed, creating a sinkhole 5 meters deep and 10 meters wide in Guangzhou Province, China.

11. In May 2012, a hole appeared on the road in Shaanxi Province, China. 15 meters long, 10 meters wide and 6 meters deep.

12. Another road in this province collapsed in December 2012, leaving a hole 6 meters deep and 10 meters wide.

List of the largest holes on Earth created by nature or human hands.

Guatemala. Heavy rains and underground river caused a soil collapse. As a result, several houses were destroyed. The depth of the hole was 150 m, diameter - 20 m.

("Big Blue Hole"), Belize. Beautiful, perfect round shape a blue spot in the middle of the Caribbean Sea attracts tourists and those who want to get thrills in fins and masks under the water. The Great Blue Hole became popular thanks to marine explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau. He included the Blue Hole in the list best places for diving in the world. Its width is 350 meters, and its depth reaches 120 m.

3. Kimberlite pipe "Big Hole". Located in South Africa. The hole reaches a depth of 1097 meters. During the excavation, 3 tons of diamonds were found, and 22 million tons of rocks were moved to the surface. Mining of kimberlite ore was completed in 1914. Interesting fact is that it was dug by man without the use of technology.

4. Diavik quarry, Canada. One of the youngest kimberlite ore quarries. The quarry began operating in 2003. According to experts, there will be enough diamond ore for about 20 years. The quarry is unique in that it is located on a small island.

5. Kimberlite pipe "Mir", Yakutia. One of the largest quarries in the world. Its depth is exactly 525 meters, and its diameter is 1.2 km. In June 2001, diamond mining was suspended because... extraction of the remaining reserves is not profitable.

Utah, USA. The quarry reaches a depth of 1 km and a width of 3.5 km. This is the largest active quarry in . Copper mining began in 1863 and continues today.

A short overview of the largest “holes” on Earth, of natural and man-made origin.
(Total 13 photos)

1. Kimberlite pipe “Mir”

"World" is the biggest diamond quarry Yakutia. And according to some versions - the whole world. This pipe contains 25% of the world's diamond reserves. The diameter at the surface of the earth is 1200 meters, at the base – 50 meters. The depth of this cone is 50 m.

2. Giant Blue Hole, Belize

Once upon a time there was a system of limestone caves on the surface of the earth. But the ice melted, the ocean level rose, the caves sank into the depths of the sea.

As a result, a pointed underwater funnel was formed, similar to a shell with a diameter of 300 m and a depth of 120 m.

3. Bingham Canyon Copper Mine, USA

This copper mine is located in Utah near Salt Lake City. It is the largest of its kind on Earth. There open method are mining copper and have already dug into earth's crust the hole is 1.2 km deep and 4 km wide.

Now the surface area of ​​the mine is 7.7 sq. km, and its size is increasing every year.

4. Diavik Diamond Mine, Canada

Located near the city of Yellowknife, the Diavik quarry is one of the largest open-pit diamond mines in the world. Its depth is 525 m and its diameter is about 1,200 km.

Every day, about 20,000 thousand carats of diamonds are mined at this mine, which is about 4 kilograms.

5. Monticello Dam, USA

There was once a town on Lake Berryessa. During the construction of the dam, the city was completely flooded and now it is at the very bottom of the new lake.

Another attraction of the Monticello Dam in California is its unique spillway. It is a huge concrete pipe into which water from the reservoir flows if the surface level rises.

6. Big Hole Kimberlite Pipe, South Africa

This mine was developed without the use of machinery, “by hand.” It is located in Kimberley and is no longer operational. During development, the depth of the mine reached 240 m.

Now it is filled with water, gradually turning into a lake, and 100 million years ago the mine was the crater of a volcano.

7. Sinkhole in Guatemala

This sinkhole opened in Guatemala after Agatha, a major tropical storm. A twenty-meter hole “swallowed” the building of a garment factory.

A failure was formed as a result of washing out the soil and underlying surface by water.

The creations of nature always fascinate, especially if they are objects of gigantic proportions. There are huge holes in the earth's crust of simply incredible size. However, their authorship does not always belong to nature, man-made big hole can also cause shock to others.

Quarry in Yakutia

Scientists cannot give an exact answer about the nature of the origin of most giant natural holes. The spectacle is as impressive as it is dangerous. The abyss can open up almost anywhere, swallowing up houses, cars, and people. Here are the most famous holes of various origins.

Yakutia has one of the largest quarries on the planet. Its dimensions are more than 0.5 km in depth and almost one and a half kilometers in diameter. The quarry was given a name - the Mir kimberlite pipe. It was opened in the 50s of the twentieth century and worked until 2001. All this time, kimberlite ore, which is rich in diamonds, was mined here by open-pit mining. Today, it is unprofitable to extract the remaining ore reserves using open-pit methods, so underground mines have been built. Large holes in the ground can be created by human hands.

Other man-made holes

The largest man-made quarry on the planet is the Kennecott Bingham Canyon Mine. It is located in Utah. In the quarry, mining is carried out in an open way. The width of the mine is almost 8 km, and the depth reaches four kilometers. The quarry was opened in 1863, mining continues today, so its size is constantly increasing.

In Canada, there is a quarry on the islands where diamonds are mined. It's called Diavik. All the necessary infrastructure, and even an airport, grew around it.

Most big quarry, which was created by man without the use of special equipment, is located in South Africa. The big hole was once a diamond mining site. The parameters of this mine along the perimeter are about 1.5 km, and in width - more than 460 meters. Now this mine is a means of attracting tourists to the city. The giant hole, called the Big Hole, amazes with its dimensions.

Local Attractions

There are Dam's in northern California. In the reservoir of the dam there is a funnel through which water is drained. The depth of the funnel is more than 21 meters, its upper part in diameter is 21 meters, and the lower part is 8.5 meters. Through such a giant drain they release from the reservoir excess water supply. A large hole can easily become a local landmark. People love to visit places that are terrifying in their scale.

In Guatemala, a huge formation was formed, provoked by heavy rains and rising groundwater levels. According to eyewitnesses, a few days before the formation of the crater, local residents heard a rumble from underground and felt shifts in the soil. As a result of the tragedy, people died and more than ten houses were destroyed.

The Great Blue Hole is located in Lighthouse Reef Atoll. In fact, this is a karst depression up to 120 meters deep and more than 300 meters across. The discoverer of this funnel was the famous scientist Jacques-Yves Cousteau. The nature of the formation of a blue hole has been scientifically explained. During ice age this relief looked like a system of limestone caves. Over time, when the sea level rose significantly, the caves were flooded, and its vaults, consisting of porous limestone, collapsed. The Blue Hole is one of the top ten places for scuba diving.

Holes of unknown origin

Holes in the ground appear both in desert areas and in areas that are densely populated by people. Unfortunately, the appearance of such faults often leads to tragic casualties. Here are some of these cases of holes appearing in the ground:

  1. In 2010, a huge round sinkhole appeared in Guatemala, destroying a garment factory. The reason for the appearance of such a fault was storm rains. Of course, the Great Blue Hole is larger in scale, but these formations also cause horror among the local population.
  2. In New Zealand, the abyss opened up to a depth of fifteen and a width of fifty meters. The house fell into the hole, along with the family in it. Miraculously, no casualties were avoided. The cause was the collapse

Funnels on the territory of the Middle Kingdom

In 2010, a large hole opened up in the middle of a road in China. Due to soil shifts, the hospital was destroyed some time later.

In 2012, also in China, a hole appeared on the road into which a large truck fell. The driver managed to avoid falling into the abyss due to the fact that the cabin remained on the surface, and only the trailer hung in the hole.

In 2013, a large hole up to 20 meters across appeared in a Chinese rice plantation in Huan Province. In less than six months, about twenty such sinkholes appeared in this area. It turned out that industrial activity in the area had disrupted the groundwater balance, which led to the formation of holes.

Huge holes in the ground can be a beautiful sight if they are in wildlife. Such places often become tourist attractions. But the holes that appear as a result human activity, can be extremely dangerous. Therefore, when carrying out his industrial activities, a person must always think about the consequences to which it may lead.

Holes in the ground, where do they come from?

I am interested in the origin of such objects, and what exactly is being hidden from us when they try to misinform people through the media about this.
For example, in Guatemala a huge hole formed that literally swallowed a 3-story building and a house, causing the death of one person, a policeman talking on the phone. The media tell us that this gigantic well allegedly formed in the ground due to heavy rains... But it is clear to any person that for this reason the formation of such a deep “tunnel” is simply impossible correct form and clear boundaries. Somehow in my head I can’t even reproduce an approximate image of how a rainstorm or a hurricane could do this (Unless it was a tornado in which a whole bunch of shovels were spinning: D). I believe that perhaps a vimana flew out of the ground, because they can really “cut” the earth like butter (Vimanas are our traditional, Aryan, Vedic mode of transport.) This is, of course, just my guess.

What do you think, was it because of the hurricane that this hole formed and engulfed the entire building, or for some other reason?

Your opinion is important to us.

A sudden hole or sinkhole in Guatemala is very different great depth, smooth edges, suddenness of appearance, and the absence of any subsequent geological processes.

According to local residents, from about the beginning of February, soil movements were felt in the area of ​​the future tragedy, and a muffled rumble was heard from underground.

By the way, there are actually a lot of such holes in everything. globe, and scientists don’t really comment on them...

There are no traces or fragments of the building at the bottom of the crater - although in the case of such a “precise” lowering of the soil, it would be possible to discover what was “missing” at the bottom of the well.”

I have no idea what kind of hole this is and why it’s burning...

And these strange and very deep holes began to appear in Russian impenetrable forests since 1980. In places where it is impossible to reach by car, much less bring equipment that would be capable of drilling such a hole.
In the photo, people are going down into one of these holes, but when they went down, they found nothing. It still remains a mystery what these holes are and what they were used for.
Notice how smooth the walls are...

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