Home Diseases and pests Processing and application of unique magnetite. Magnetite is a common ore

Processing and application of unique magnetite. Magnetite is a common ore

/ mineral Magnetite

Magnetite is a mineral, iron oxide (Fe2+ and Fe3+), spinel group.
Magnetite forms a solid solution with jacobsite (jacobsite) Mn2+Fe3+2O4 and magnesioferrite (magnesioferrite) MgFe3+2O4.

Other names (synonyms):

  • iron magnetic ore,
  • siegelstein,
  • magnetic iron.


  • Mushketovite,
  • Titanomagnetite,
  • Chrommagnetite,
  • Ishkulit.

Chemical composition

FeO- 31; Fe 2 O 3 - 69; impurities of titanium, chromium, magnesium, manganese, nickel, vanadium, aluminum are common.

Magnetite is one of the most common oxide minerals and is found in a wide variety of geological formations.

The mineral magnetite can be igneous (in rhyolites, granites, trachytes, syenites, andesites, diorites, gabbro, basalts, pyroxenites, peridotites, olivinites, pegmatites), hydrothermal and metamorphic - in skarns; in metasomatites - (pyroxene-amphibole-magnetite, apatite-phlogopite-magnetite, magnetite-phlogopite-calcite, magnetite-calcite g.p.); in talc-chlorite, talc-magnetite schists and serpentinites; in the regional-metamorphic. g. n, in placers, rarely sedimentary.
Magnetite - main component oxide iron ores - ferruginous quartzites, magnetite skarn and carbonatite ores, as well as magnetite "black sea sands".

Main diagnostic features

The mineral magnetite has strong magnetic properties, is attracted by a magnet.

Behavior in acids: difficult to dissolve in HCl. The powder dissolves noticeably.

Place of Birth

Large industrial deposits The mineral magnetite in Russia is located in the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, in the Murmansk region (Kovdor deposits), in the Urals (Magnitogorsk).
Deposits of ferruginous quartzites are known in Ukraine (Krivoy Rog), magnetite is mined from skarns in Azerbaijan (Dashkesan deposit). Also deposits of the mineral magnetite are known in Italy, Sweden, Greenland, Brazil, USA, South Africa, Canada, etc.


The mineral magnetite is the main ore for iron.

In the jewelry industry, this stone is not used very often. Usually beads, bracelets, rosaries are made from it. Magnetite is suitable for making both women's and men's jewelry. AT chemical industry This rock is used to obtain vanadium and phosphorus.

Magnetite is also widely used today. This stone is especially popular in China.

History of the stone

The first mention of magnetite is found in Ancient Greece. The stone was in great demand during the Middle Ages.

Several decades ago, in the states of Asia and Europe, this breed was used to establish the direction of movement, i.e. the stone acted as a compass.

Evidence was found that this mineral was used by the ancient Olmecs - tribes that lived in Central America. They made figurines from stone, which acted as various characters. Many peoples used magnetite to make mirrors.

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Mineral Properties

Color iron black, sometimes with a blue tint
Dash color black
origin of name According to Pliny the Elder, from the Greek. Magnes - the name of the legendary shepherd, who first found a natural magnetic stone that attracts iron, on the city of Ida (Greece). Or in the area of ​​Magnesia in Macedonia
IMA status valid, first described before 1959 (before IMA)
Chemical formula FeFe 2 O 4
Shine metal
Transparency opaque
Cleavage not visible
kink conchoidal
Hardness 5,5
Thermal properties P. tr. does not melt. In an oxidizing flame, it first turns into maghemite, then into hematite, losing magnetic properties
Typical impurities Mg,Zn,Mn,Ni,Cr,Ti,V,Al
Strunz (8th Edition) 4/B.02-20
Hey's CIM Ref. 7.20.2
Dana (8th edition)
Molecular weight 231.54
Cell Options a = 8.397Å
Number of formula units (Z) 8
Unit cell volume V 592.07 ų
Twinning Common at (111), with the same face as the composition face. Twins flattened parallel to (111) (common spinel law twins), or as lamellar twins, producing striae on (111). Twin gliding, with K1(111), K2(111).
dot group m3m (4/m 3 2/m) - Hexoctahedral
space group Fd3m (F41/d 3 2/m)
separateness by (111) distinct, also reported separately by (001), (011), (138).
Density (calculated) 5.2
Density (measured) 5.175
Internal reflexes missing
Refractive indices n = 2.42
Maximum birefringence δ = 0.000 - isotropic, does not have birefringence
Type of isotropic
optical relief very tall
Reflected color gray with a brownish tint
Selection form crystals of octahedral, less often rhombododecahedral habit with simple forms(100), (111), (110), (211), (210) and characteristic diagonal shading on faces (110), crystalline intergrowths and aggregates, druses, brushes, dense granular and continuous masses, disseminated in igneous rocks ah, individual grains in placers. Also known are spherulites, kidney-shaped aggregates, oolites, pseudomorphs of magnetite after hematite (mushketovite), chrysotile-asbestos, perovskite and other minerals.
Classes in the systematics of the USSR oxides

The magnetite mineral also has an outdated name - magnetic iron ore. This is a fairly common mineral. It has been known about since ancient times, used as a compass. This mineral was of interest to Plato. The fact is that the philosopher noticed that magnetite is able to attract and be attracted by other objects. And when interacting with bodies, it is able to transfer its energy. Of course, ancient philosopher meant magnetic properties, but at that time they had not yet been discovered, and, alas, Plato did not have scientific proof of this phenomenon.

Why is it called magnetite?

  • According to legend, there was a Greek shepherd named Magnes, whose nails in his shoes and part of his staff were made from this mineral. As a result, attracted to various subjects.
  • According to another version, the name came from the Turkish city of Magnesia, near which there was a mountain famous for the fact that lightning often hit it.

Interestingly, there is a mountain in the Urals that is entirely composed of the mineral magnetite. Its name - There is also the Ethiopian Mount Zimir, famous for attracting all the nails and iron things on the ships. It is easy to guess that for the most part it consists of magnetite.

These features can be explained by the fact that magnetic iron ore contains 70 percent of pure iron. And, as you know, iron has magnetic properties.

Because of such a property as magnetization, iron ore was called in the Middle Ages - a magnet. Later it was called magnetic iron ore, and later - just magnetite, which did not change its properties in any way.


Consider chemical formula magnetite. Mineral presented crystalline substance black color. If you look at the photo, there is no doubt about it.

The magnetite formula is known as FeO*Fe 2 O 3 or Fe 3 O 4 .

That is, it is a mixture of two oxides - ferrous and ferric iron.

Knowing the composition of magnetite, it is easy to calculate that magnetic iron ore contains 70 percent pure iron. The remaining 30 are oxygen.

As you can see in the photo, this mineral has a metallic sheen, rarely matte and is not transparent.

Properties of the mineral magnetite

Of course, we understand that legends tend to be exaggerated, to the so-called grotesque, but something initially provoked their appearance.

These legends about the mountains and the shepherd are based on the strongly manifested ferromagnetic properties of iron ore. Moreover, magnetite sand, that is, magnetite, brought by grinding to the state of sand, also has similar properties. The photo shows what it looks like.

The magnetization of iron ore is so strong that it can change the compass readings by attracting the poles of the device.

Another of its features is a conchoidal fracture. What does it mean? A conchoidal fracture is formed when the object being studied is split, while the fracture itself is similar to the shell of a bivalve mollusk. All this is due to the composition and physical properties inherent in the substance. Hence the name - conchoidal fracture (because of the similarity with the shell).

The mineral magnetite is brittle, it is a semiconductor, but its electrical conductivity is low.

As mentioned earlier, it is highly magnetic. This property so pronounced that the mineral can change the compass readings. By the way, this is how they find it: if the compass needle behaves strangely, then the mineral is nearby. After all, she "rushes" between the usual pole and the breed that attracts her.

It is noteworthy that the Curie point is in the range from 550 kelvin to 600. If the temperature is lower, then the metal is ferromagnetic, if it is higher, then it is paramagnetic.

What is the Curie point (Curie temperature)?

Now it remains to understand these terms. First, let's find out what the Curie point is. This term means temperature phase transition, at which the properties of the substance change. For example, iron becomes malleable and ductile, while magnetite becomes paramagnetic.

What is ferromagnetism?

We have used this term more than once in this article, but we have never mentioned its meaning. We will correct this error immediately.

Oddly enough, ferromagnets possess ferromagnetism. The latter are so named because they are able to have magnetization without external interference, such as a force field.

What is paramagnetism?

Accordingly, we will understand what paramagnetism is. To do this, we will give an explanation of the concept of "paramagnets". These are substances that in a force field, namely in an external magnetic field, are magnetized in the direction of the force field.

It is logical to assume that diamagnets are magnetized under such conditions against the direction of the external magnetic field.

But we will not delve into this topic. To fully understand it, you will have to write a separate article, since such information is replete with specific terms, and it is not possible to understand this topic in a couple of sentences.

Impurities in magnetite

Very often magnetic iron ore contains impurities such as manganese, vanadium, titanium, chromium and others. If the proportion of such impurities in magnetite is large, then varieties of this mineral are distinguished. For example, titanomagnetite, it is also called ilmenite.

Magnetite deposits

This mineral is quite widespread and very common. Most often it is found in iron ores. Most often, this rock is formed as a result of metamorphic or magmatic transformations.

AT Chelyabinsk region there are deposits of tatanomagnetite. To be more precise, this place is called the Kusinsky field. In this place, the ores mainly consist of the above magnetite, chlorite and ilmenite.

The Kopan deposit of titanomagnetites is also being developed. It is located in the Southern Urals.

As we have already said, this rock is very common, so magnetic iron ore is found in Canada, South Africa, New York, etc.

Interestingly, magnetite is not widely used in jewelry. However, anyone can buy jewelry made from this mineral, such jewelry is relatively inexpensive, and any buyer can afford it. You can buy a magnetite bracelet, its approximate price is 600-700 rubles. But this, of course, depends on the country in which you purchase the product.

In addition to jewelry, it is also used in ferrous metallurgy, making steel from it. It is also used to produce vanadium and phosphorus. It is clear that magnetite is the main ore for iron mining. This mineral has found application in medicine. Due to its magnetic properties, it is used to remove metal objects from the esophagus.

Now you can summarize the information contained in the article. The mineral magnetite or magnetic iron ore is very common. If you take a handful of sand, then there is a great chance that you will have a grain of magnetic iron ore in your hands. This mineral is very unusual in its properties, which is why it is actively used in various fields.

Magnetic ore (iron ore) is a stone that has been known to mankind since antiquity. There are several versions of the origin of the name of the mineral. According to the first, the stone received it in honor of the Greek shepherd Magnes, who became the discoverer of the gem. According to another version, the magnetic stone was named in part of Magnesia - a region of Macedonia. Magnetic ore does not have bright color, however, the value of the stone from this does not become lower. The mineral has unique property- it can attract metal objects to itself. In the Urals there is Magnetic Mountain, which is 100% made of shiny black iron ore.

Physical properties

If the formula is meant, magnetite is a mixture of iron oxides. Matte and shiny stones are found in nature.

Physical properties:

  • the hardness index on the Mohs scale of minerals is 6 points;
  • characterized by iron-black color;
  • no cleavage;
  • pronounced ferromagnetic properties;
  • the stone is a loose or granular mass, although it also occurs in the form of crystals.

Magnetite, turned into powder, can be dissolved in hydrochloric acid. The mineral is attracted to the magnetic poles. Iron powder has a similar property.

Most of the volume of magnetic ore production falls on the Russian Federation. The most famous stone deposits are concentrated on the Kola Peninsula, the Urals, in Kursk region and Eastern Siberia. The most attractive specimens of stone are mined in the Korshunovskoye deposit ( Irkutsk region). The samples of iron ore mined here have a pronounced brilliance and a beautiful shape.

Abroad, magnetic stones are mined in Sweden, Brazil, Canada, the USA, England and India. Large deposits of iron ore are concentrated in some areas of Kazakhstan and Ukraine. Stone deposits are interconnected with the main igneous rocks that arise during the differentiation of magma.

In geology, phenomena of the transformation of iron ore into hematite are recorded, in particular, when the mineral is combined with pyrite.

magical properties

The magnetic stone has been used by mankind since ancient times. Even then, people saw in the iron gift of nature a powerful talisman with strong energy. This gem was considered a reliable amulet against evil and aggression.

Iron-black stone is incredibly in demand among modern esotericists. They believe that applying iron ore to the area of ​​the third eye helps a person develop intuition and the gift of a seer.

A talisman made of magnetic ore gives a person the protection of relatives who have departed to another world. Moreover, the owner of the stone can choose a defender.

Iron ore is useful for people who dream of being charged with new ideas and unlocking their potential. For this reason, magnetic ore is considered a talisman of entrepreneurs and innovators.

A black mineral amulet is suitable for travelers and geologists. It is believed that the energy of the stone protects its owner from unforeseen troubles that can happen away from home.

Medicinal properties

The stone has a magnetic field, therefore it has a pronounced effect on the human body. The mineral is used in the treatment of such ailments:

  • bronchitis;
  • poliomyelitis;
  • CNS disorders;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • non-healing wounds;
  • myocardial ischemia;
  • hypertension;
  • inflammation of the joints;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs.

The most pronounced healing action iron ore has on the blood and hematopoietic organs, since it contains a large number of gland.

In lithotherapy, balls and bracelets made of magnetic ore are used. These items correct the human biofield, which is the therapeutic effect of magnetic ore.

Optical properties

The color of the magnetic stone varies from iron black to brown. On the crystals of the mineral, you can see shades of blue. The gem has a black line and is characterized by a metallic sheen.

If you look at iron ore in the light, you can see that it does not shine through. Rays of light can only be transmitted by thin fragments of the mineral.

Varieties of stone

In mineralogy, magnetic ore exists in several varieties:

  1. Titanomagnetite: the composition, in addition to iron oxide, includes titanium oxide. The composition of the stone contains impurities of culsonite, due to which the mineral is used in the synthesis of vanadium.
  2. Coulsonite: the stone is 5% vanadium.
  3. Chrommagnetite: got its name from its chromium content.
  4. Maghemite: A ferromagnetic iron oxide that is rarely found in nature.

Magnetic ore in mineralogy is considered a stone that contains the largest number gland.

The use of iron ore

Magnetic iron ore is a valuable raw material for ferrous metallurgy. Without it, the process of obtaining different types become. If a magnetic stone is well calcined, then hematite will be obtained from it - bloody jasper, which is a valuable ornamental stone.

Vanadium and phosphorus are extracted from iron ore, and, most importantly, iron. Pure iron is a valuable raw material for the chemical industry and instrument making. Metal mined from magnetic ore is resistant to corrosion, for which it is highly valued. An example of the unique qualities of iron is Chandragupta's column, which has been standing to this day for more than 500 years.

Unlike most minerals, magnetic ore has not found application in the jewelry industry due to its availability and low cost. However, attributes for lithotherapy and esoteric practices are made from this stone. Sometimes on sale you can see ironstone bracelets and beads, which are popular among fans of black clothing and accessories.

How to distinguish from a fake?

Magnetic ore is inexpensive natural resource, so there is no point in mass-producing its fakes. Sometimes unscrupulous sellers offer buyers hematites instead of iron ore. But in this case, it will help to distinguish the second important feature: This stone attracts metal objects, while hematite does not.

Who suits?

In astrology, magnetic ore is associated with zodiac signs such as Capricorn and Aquarius. Iron ore gives these people self-confidence and opportunities to realize their potential. But it will not work for melancholy Pisces and sensitive Cancers, because its energy is too aggressive for representatives of these signs.

Magnetic ore is a talisman of strong-willed and determined individuals who know exactly what they want from life. Iron ore literally attracts the energy of success and prosperity, and this will help a person achieve his goals.

Prices for iron ore are different, but they do not go beyond 150-700 rubles. About 150 rubles is worth a small ironstone cabochon, the length of which does not exceed 5 mm. The price of a rosary, beads or stone bracelet is at least 700 rubles.

Magnetite is the second most important iron ore mineral after hematite. The ancient Greek historian Pliny the Elder claimed that magnetite got its name from the name of the shepherdess Magnus, who first discovered in the mountains where cattle grazed, unusual stones, from which nails disappeared from his soles. Almost all the names that people then assigned to this mineral were denoted in different languages the same concept of “loving”, reflecting the property of a stone to attract iron objects to itself, magnetizing them, that is, transferring its ability to “love” to them.

Magnetite is the second most important iron ore mineral after hematite.

The Greeks called it the Herculean stone, or Heraklion, alluding to its unusual strength, the Germans - Sigelstein, or Magness, and the French - Aiman. However, there is also a theory that magnetic ore got its name from the place where it was mined, from ancient city Magnesia in Asia Minor. The obsolete names for this ore in Russia are magnetic iron ore and ferroferite. There is also the concept of "emery", denoting a natural mixture of a mineral with corundum.

Description and properties

Deposits of magnetic iron ore in the form of intergrowths or crystals can be found in ore veins in Karelia, on the Kola Peninsula, in the Urals, and also in other countries. The best known in our country is the Kursk magnetic anomaly.

The formula of magnetite, which is iron oxide, with a cubic syngony and metallic luster, is written as Fe3O4. The density of magnetite is 5.0 - 5.2 g / cm³, and the hardness on the Mohs scale is 5.5 - 6.0 units. The color is black or dark gray, the mineral is soluble in hydrochloric acid. It should be noted that in addition to specimens formed during natural geological processes, there are conglomerates of crystals of biogenic origin, which are produced by bacteria of a certain type, some mollusks, and perhaps even cells of more highly organized animals.

The phenomenon of iron ore magnetism is based on the octahedral shape of its crystals, in which iron ions are unevenly distributed: the content of this metal cations in some places of the crystal structure is much higher than their number in others.

Gallery: magnetite stone (25 photos)

Hematite, magnetite, calcite (video)

magical meaning

It is no exaggeration to say that magnetites, unlike other minerals whose arcane magic must be believed in, demonstrate their magic of attraction quite clearly, attracting metal objects to themselves. Therefore, they are still trying to use them in love spells, laying a stone on a photograph of a desired person, hidden under a pillow at night. Women hope that the magnetic iron ore will “attract” the love of a man, not realizing that love cannot be taken by force, even using the most powerful magical means. A man can obey, hurt, but not love.

Since witches and sorcerers still use magnetite in their rituals and rituals, draw magic circles with it, make wands out of it, it is not surprising that other people use it against the forces of evil, applying the principle "like is healed by like." So even Alexander the Great distributed a magnetic stone to his soldiers in order to protect them from evil spirits, as well as the machinations of witches and sorcerers. As for the special influence on any sign of the Zodiac, none was found, although some astrologers still recommend Capricorn, Scorpio and Aries to wear it, that is, those signs where Mars is strong or is in a degree of exaltation.

The amazing world of stone (video)

healing action

In healing, the mineral magnetite is used to influence all chakras, stimulating the body as a whole, increasing immunity and strengthening defensive forces the person himself. Since science has already proven that their own magnetic fields possess internal organs each living being, the use of magnetite to influence them through changing the characteristics of the magnetic field is very promising direction lithotherapy, which uses the data of a new young branch of the science of magnetobiology.

The very art of taking into account magnetic fields that affect a person’s well-being goes back centuries, from where the science of geomancy has grown, which the Chinese still successfully use when choosing a place for a bed in a house, for building a house itself, for choosing a site for a grave, or to build a temple.

AT Everyday life the mineral is worn in the form of magnetic bracelets, and is also used in various biocorrectors for healing and stimulating the body. In addition, they use different size and gravity balls to influence the area of ​​the third eye in order to improve vision and develop clairvoyance.

Magnetic iron ore (magnetite)

Name magnetic iron ore comes from the Latin word magnes, meaning "magnet".

Magnetite is one of two stones that have magnetic properties. The story related to the magnet tells of the shepherd Magnus, who accidentally found this mineral on Mount Ida (in northwestern Turkey) when the iron tip of his staff stuck to a stone.

Magnetite - the mineral magnetic iron ore - is ferrous oxide Fe3O4 and is one of the constituents of iron ore. The components of iron ore are also hematite (a-Fe2O3), maghemite (g-Fe2O3), pyrrhotite (FeS1,1) and other iron compounds, which, unlike magnetite, have weaker magnetic properties.

In the VI century BC, the Chinese were aware of the phenomenon of attraction of iron by pieces of magnetite. In Chinese literary monuments of the 1st-3rd centuries AD, the magnetic south indicator (the progenitor of the compass) is mentioned as a well-known device.

The magnetic properties of the mineral magnetite were also known in ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. One of the works of the Greek philosopher Plato, written more than two thousand years ago, tells about a wonderful magnetic stone, which not only attracts iron objects itself, but also bestows its power (that is, magnetizes) these objects, so that they also get the opportunity to do that. same thing. All this was considered in antiquity as mysterious, miraculous phenomena.

The properties of magnetite amazed people, so for many centuries magnetite was used for magic tricks, witchcraft (false treatment with a magnet), it served as the subject of the most fantastic assumptions and stories about the miraculous stone. However, regardless of this, its use in compass-type devices played big role in the discovery of new lands and countries. So magnetite in that direction human activity contributed to the development of civilization.

In our time, geologists and especially geophysicists involved in paleomagnetism ("ancient" magnetism) are striving to learn the magnetic properties of magnetite. Paleomagnetism is a property of rocks, and primarily magnetite, to retain the residual magnetization acquired in previous eras, caused by the action of the earth's magnetic field. Paleomagnetism makes it possible to study evolution geomagnetic field and processes in earth's crust that took place in ancient times.

At the end of the XX century. biologists have convincingly proved the existence of organisms capable of perceiving magnetic fields. This feature is associated, in particular, with biogenic magnetite crystals. In fact, these are tiny magnetic intracellular "arrows" whose behavior in a magnetic field underlies the sixth sense - magnetosensitivity. It has been proven that individual human organs, such as the brain and heart, have their own weak magnetic fields.

Unlike many other minerals, magical properties which can often only be taken for granted, magnetite clearly demonstrates its truly magical ability to attract iron objects. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the magical properties of magnetite are not limited to the most amazing "magic" of this mineral.

Magnetic iron ore is one of the varieties of magnetite, which is iron oxide. The name of the Russian city of Magnitogorsk, as well as its famous industrial enterprise, the main producer of iron, comes from the name of this mineral.

Magnetic iron ore establishes a balance between the energies of yin and yang, contributes to the development of intentions, and enhances confidence. He helps a person find his spiritual path.

Colour(s): black, dark grey, brownish red with black streaks.

Associations: Gemini, Virgo; sacral chakra; Yin Yang.

Application in feng shui: north (spiritual quest); center (balance / spirituality); south (recognition/glory); any area of ​​an aspect of life where motivation and/or guidance is required).

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