Home Trees and shrubs Round shape tattoo. Circle tattoo meaning. Value for women

Round shape tattoo. Circle tattoo meaning. Value for women

The ancient Greeks believed that the three goddesses of Moira spin their own thread of life for each person: they appoint how long to live, how early to die. Even the Olympian gods obeyed their will. It is also believed that the Moiraes created the Greek alphabet, in the signs of which they put a lot of philosophical meaning.

It is not in vain that tattoos with Greek letters are chosen by philosophers, seekers of truth and those who like to think about the eternal. Determining the meaning of the omega tattoo is simple: you must remember that this is the last letter in the Greek alphabet. But the person who chooses the omega tattoo does not consider himself to be neither the last nor the worst.

Omega and alpha (standing first in the alphabet) are philosophical signs, divine symbols. Pictured together, they point to the words from the Bible that the Creator, God, is the alpha and omega of everything.

Another meaning of the omega tattoo is physicality. If alpha symbolized soul and spirit, then omega is a sign of flesh. In their connection - the solution and the meaning of all living things. When choosing a sketch of an omega tattoo, you need to remember this meaning of the symbol.

Celebrity Tattoos

Yuri Boyko's tattoos do not give rest to his fans. The most popular one is located on the left side of the chest. This is the Japanese hieroglyph "Enso" - depicted as a circle. Those who know what "enlightenment", the Universe, is, he is well known. For those who have devoted their lives to oriental martial arts, the sign is also familiar as the symbol of the "path of the sparkling dragon." It means philosophical wisdom: "while traveling in this life, comprehend something new, keep what is dear to you and remember that life is not as endless as you think."

A star with a dot in the middle symbolizes the soul, the beginning and the end. The circle is infinity, the law of the universe. The emptiness inside the circle is comprehension for the movement of the soul. And "tails" are the real world, the beginning and end of all that exists, the result of our actions. To merge with "Enso" is the goal of a warrior, comprehension of his true "I".

"Key stars" - tattoos with camp overtones. Such are the authorities or "denials", opponents of the current government. In any case, a person with such a tattoo is related to criminal structures. The snake on the back is the crown of the hierarchy in the criminal world. "Thorn" on the forearms - means a secret revenge (to the authorities, the boss). “GOD” was condemned by the state. Crosses in the neck - faith and religion. On the right forearm there is a clear conscience and loyalty to friends in the image of the Virgin and Child.

The art of tattooing is deeply symbolic. For example, the triangle is pricked by those who strive to be the first. A zigzag is a sign of a creative nature, and a tattoo with squares is done by fanatics of order in everything. One of the deepest symbols is the circle. A circle tattoo sketch most often contains other symbols or graphic elements.

A figure that has no beginning or end, and each point on it is in equilibrium with the other. In essence, this is a direct reference to infinity. The circle is both the dial of the clock, where the hand, passing its path, each time returns to the starting point, and the zodiacal cycle. That is - a return to yourself, your beloved. The use of a circle in a tattoo is a claim to perfection. Or, at least, to strive for it.

The circle, as an element, is found in many tattoos. For example, in the ankh, where the circle is a symbol of eternity and the cross is life. Remember the line from the song of the Queen group - "Those who want to live forever ..."

The Tibetan symbol OM is inscribed in the circle, to protect against any misfortunes or a tree - such a tattoo serves as a talisman "for financial well-being."

A frequent plot is the sun, a symbol of divine power. This is usually a male tattoo. Women, paying tribute to heavenly symbolism, prick the moon. But, united together, the sun and the moon can serve as a symbol of a successful marriage, and fidelity in love, and much more.

The ring is also a circle. Often symbolizes a given vow or union. In a broader sense - completeness, continuity. That is, the same perfection.

As an obligatory element, the circle is included in the image of the mandala - the wheel of the world. People who are passionate about Buddhism understand the depth of the meaning of this symbol. And the one who makes a mandala tattoo, fascinated not so much by the philosophy of the "wheel of life" as by aesthetics, can consider this circle, say, a symbol of the continuity of time - quite an interpretation for itself, no worse than another. Moreover, this symbol also has such a meaning, the mandala has many meanings.

A tattoo with circle elements is most often done on the shoulder, where it looks very organic, because the shoulder itself is rounded. Whatever the sketch of a circle tattoo, the main thing is that it looks original and interesting and organically looks on the body.

Circle tattoo videos

And below are photos of tattoos with the image of the circle symbol from different masters.

Today we propose to understand the meaning of a tattoo in the form of a circle. This shape is one of the most common geometric shapes. According to various schools, the circle is one of the most perfect forms. Descriptions even the mythical temple of Apollo is circular. The same mythical ideas tell us that even God is a circle with an omnipresent center. This figure has no beginning, no end, no direction, not even orientation. The firmament, as a result of the circular trajectories of the stars around the celestial pole, is a round dome. In the event that spokes are applied to it, then it can even become a symbol of a wheel that is capable of demonstrating dynamics. Many people interpret this image as a simplified picture of a wheel from a gypsy cart. Others see signs in this as a symbol of perpetual motion, constant movements of nomads.

Whatever the case, the circle leaves no one indifferent. Therefore, it is not surprising that sometimes they even choose an image in the form of this geometric figure.

What does a circle tattoo mean?

Often, both men and women choose original tattoos with the image of a circle as the original body design.

Representatives of the stronger sex most often prefer tribal-style images and graphics. And women are more likely to prefer graphic and old-school wearable images.

A tattoo in the form of a circle means understanding the continuity of the flow of life, striving for perfection, eternity.

Meaning for men

Often, a tattoo in the form of a circle is made by representatives of the stronger sex. Men most often choose images in tribal and graphic styles. For the stronger sex, such a tattoo will mean:

  • eternity
  • continuity of life
  • perfection
  • philosophical outlook on life

A tattoo depicting a circle on a strong male body will tell you about the philosophical views on the life of its owner.

A man with such a wearable image strives for perfection and understands the continuity of the flow of life.
Although sometimes representatives of the stronger sex make original tattoos not because of special symbolic meaning, but because of the beauty of the body pattern.

Value for women

Sometimes a tattoo in the form of a circle is also done by the fair sex. Young girls and older women are more likely to choose old school images and watercolors. Such tattoos for them mean:

  • philosophical outlook on life
  • perfection
  • continuity of being
  • eternity

A spectacular tattoo with a circle pattern will tell about the originality of its owner. Such a woman loves to reflect on philosophical topics and often strives for excellence in everything.

In addition, the owner of such a tattoo understands the continuity of being.
However, sometimes girls and women of older age make spectacular tattoos in the form of a circle because of the originality of the drawing, and not because of special symbolic meaning.

Which image should I choose?

The circle tattoo looks very impressive in all styles. The image looks especially impressive in the old school style. Such a wearable pattern is chosen by both men and women. The image is prominent and colorful.

The tat in the graphic style also looks interesting. This image is preferred by supporters of minimalism.

Watercolor tattoos are most often chosen by creative, charismatic personalities.

Realism-style wearable images are often the choice for both men and women.

A tattoo with a black circle and feathers looks very impressive on both a woman's and a man's body.

Often, as a tattoo with a circle, representatives of the stronger sex make a body drawing depicting the sun. Women tend to prefer a moon tattoo. These two tattoos can represent unity and lasting union.
In addition, the circle is included in the mandala image as an obligatory element. Admirers of Buddhism understand the depth of the symbolism of the image.

You can make a spectacular body pattern on any part of the body. Often they get a tattoo on the arm and around the arm.


Six pointed star

The six-pointed star is also called the hexagram. This figure looks like two connected polar triangles. They overlap each other, resulting in a star. The triangle pointing up is a symbol of the sky, and the triangle pointing down is a symbol of the earth. Together they symbolize the person who unites these two worlds. Such a tattoo means a perfect marriage by which a man and a woman are connected.


The "geometry" tattoo in the form of a triangle is a symbol of marriage, security, flame, trinity (body - soul - mind), physical stability. Three interconnected triangles symbolize perfect health. And if two intersecting triangles are depicted, such a tattoo expresses divinity, the victory of spirit over matter.


The "geometry" tattoo (photo below) in the shape of a square symbolizes simplicity, wisdom, truth, honor, justice.


The circle tattoo symbolizes unity, infinity, perfection. It can also be a symbol of a deity, for which the sun is usually mistaken. If a circle is depicted, divided in half, it can act as a symbol of day and night, or summer and winter.

Smooth line

Geometry tattoo in the form of a straight line is the most common symbol. It can be deciphered as an arrow, and if it is depicted in the form of a zigzag or a spiral, it can symbolize thunder, earth, a snake and the like. The meander is of particular importance. It is a continuous line broken at right angles. She is a symbol of eternity, lack of beginning and end, and the Chinese consider the meander to be a symbol of reincarnation.


The Pentagon is a geometric figure in the form of a regular pentagon (star). It symbolizes eternity, perfection, the universe. This figure is considered an amulet of health and can also symbolize the five wounds of Jesus. Jews regard the Pentagon as a symbol of good luck, while the Japanese consider it a sign of high position in society.


A regular hexagon is called a hexagon. The geometry tattoo in the shape of this figure symbolizes abundance, beauty, freedom, harmony, love, peace, pleasure.


The pentagram, written in one continuous line, is the oldest symbol known to mankind. In different historical periods, people interpreted it in different ways. The Egyptians considered her to be a symbol of the stars. A more modern explanation for this figure: the meaning of the five senses of a person, the presence of harmony, health, mystical forces. In addition, the pentagram symbolizes safety and well-being.


In nature, the spiral shape is found in many places. For example, drawings on human fingers, a DNA molecule, various natural phenomena (tornadoes). This figure symbolizes time, cyclical rhythms, changing seasons.

So, we looked at the various geometric shapes that are most often chosen as an image for tattoos. Each figure has its own meaning. Before deciding to get a tattoo with this or that sign, you need to carefully study what they mean.


The meaning, history and meaning of the circle tattoo

Recently, tattoos in the form of geometric shapes and forms are gaining more and more relevance. They carry deep sacred symbolism and the choice of a tattoo in the form of a particular geometric figure must be approached with great attention, having specific ideas about the interpretation of symbols.

The circle has long been one of the most symbolic geometric shapes. This is the beginning of understanding nature and the universe. The symbol of the circle conceals knowledge about the earth, the cyclical nature of all living things, about the Universe as a whole.

Circle in the ancient world

Even the most ancient peoples were observing the movements of the sun and moon. The rock art contains images of these two planets, cyclically following each other. And invariably the Moon and the Sun were depicted as a circle.

The ancient period is characterized by the frequent use of the shape of a circle in its symbolism. These are the monoliths of Stonehenge, and ancient observatories, built in the shape of a circle, and Ancient Egyptian symbolism, the symbolism of the Druids, Sumerians and Greeks was based on the shape of a circle.
In ancient Chinese philosophy, the teachings of the masculine and feminine principles, the harmony of light and darkness, were inscribed in a circle in the form of a Yin and Yang symbol.

Circle in mystical teachings

Such sacredness and reverence for a round shape comes from the idea that a circle has no beginning or end, it is a symbol of eternity and infinity, where one matter and state flow from another and cyclically pass into the third and so endlessly.

Examples of photos:

Divine energy in mysticism is also depicted in the form of a circle with stars.
The circle denotes the sun, a mystical symbol in the form of a disk or wheel - one of the main images of Slavic and Scandinavian mythology.

Circle shape in tattoo.

For lovers and followers of completely different world philosophies and beliefs, a tattoo in the shape of a circle will be an ideal find.

The main motives of tattoos made with a key element - a circle:

  1. Tattoo artists can offer many options for the design of the sketch. It is also a laconic geometry with a combination of dark, completely filled with color circles with light shapes, consisting only of outlines. Such a sketch can be supplemented with parallel lines, which will symbolically denote the solar system or the image of planets, large and small.
  2. One of the most common symbols in a tattoo is the Yin and Yang symbol - the masculine and feminine principle, the harmony of the two elements and essences of all living things. This symbol is also a circle, divided equally into black and light halves.
  3. One of the favorite mythological and astrological symbols inscribed in a circle is the sun, or a combination of the sun and the moon. The sun in a circle speaks of eternal life, the sun in combination with the moon - about the cycle of life, about dark and light periods.
  4. The circle can be drawn with both dashed and solid lines, various symbols can be inscribed in the circle, the combination of which can become a strong talisman or information that one wants to convey to the world.
  5. The symbol with deep meaning is the eye within the circle. It acts not only as a powerful talisman, but also performs the function of a third eye and an all-seeing eye that never sleeps and is able to see the thoughts of people.


There are many options for tattoos in the shape of a circle, they are able to satisfy the tastes of any person, superstitious and not so, a believer, a mystic or just a lover of clear and perfect geometric shapes.


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Circle tattoo videos

And below are photos of tattoos with the image of the circle symbol from different masters.


Yuri Boyko's tattoos

Celebrity Tattoos

Yuri Boyko's tattoos do not give rest to his fans. The most popular one is located on the left side of the chest. This is the Japanese hieroglyph "Enso" - depicted as a circle. Those who know what "enlightenment", the Universe, is, he is well known. For those who have devoted their lives to oriental martial arts, the sign is also familiar as the symbol of the "path of the sparkling dragon." It means philosophical wisdom: "while traveling in this life, comprehend something new, keep what is dear to you and remember that life is not as endless as you think."

A star with a dot in the middle symbolizes the soul, the beginning and the end. The circle is infinity, the law of the universe. The emptiness inside the circle is comprehension for the movement of the soul. And "tails" are the real world, the beginning and end of all that exists, the result of our actions. To merge with "Enso" is the goal of a warrior, comprehension of his true "I".

"Key stars" - tattoos with camp overtones. Such are the authorities or "denials", opponents of the current government. In any case, a person with such a tattoo is related to criminal structures. The snake on the back is the crown of the hierarchy in the criminal world. "Thorn" on the forearms - means a secret revenge (to the authorities, the boss). “GOD” was condemned by the state. Crosses in the neck - faith and religion. On the right forearm there is a clear conscience and loyalty to friends in the image of the Virgin and Child.

Celebrity Tattoos


Many people, making a tattoo for themselves, think not only about aesthetics, but also about what hidden meaning this drawing will carry. Geometric shapes most often look great on the body, both men and women, but in order not to get into a mess, let's figure out what a triangle tattoo means and how various experts interpret this image.

The meaning of the triangle tattoo

This drawing symbolizes the so-called trinity, that is, each of the tops of the figure has its own meaning - "life", "death" and "new life" or "rebirth". Also, the name of the tops of the figure can be such - "light", "darkness" and "twilight". The latter classification appeared in the order of the Freemasons more than 150 years ago.

The inverted triangle is also a symbol of the feminine principle, such an image was used in ancient Greece. The owner of this tattoo is usually very feminine and sexually attractive.

The meaning of the all-seeing eye tattoo in a triangle

This symbol was also used by the Freemasons, it was used to denote the students of the order. The symbolic meaning of this image lies in the fact that its bearer shows other people his involvement in "higher knowledge".

It is believed that a person with such a tattoo has a sharp mind, can foresee the future, and is also able to turn to higher powers for help in a difficult situation.

The meaning of the tree tattoo in a triangle

This image has also been known for more than one century. Tattoos of this type will combine two symbols at once - one (triangle) is a trinity, and the second (tree) is a portal to another world and an appeal to the forces of nature.

The person who has chosen this drawing can count on the fact that his life will be very harmonious, because he will be guarded all elements of nature (fire, water, stone and wood). Only at the same time, he must understand that by applying such a tattoo, he himself undertakes not to “spoil” natural resources and to respect all living things on the planet and beyond.

The meaning of the circle tattoo in a triangle

Symbolically, this drawing means that the principles of trinity are not only fully accepted by man, that is, he believes in further rebirth, but also understands that everything in nature develops cyclically. By applying such an image, a person tells others that he believes in the divinity of all living things, and also completely trust his own destiny.

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