Home Flowers Where to download and how to install Skype on a computer. Skype computer requirements

Where to download and how to install Skype on a computer. Skype computer requirements

If you ask current users of the World Wide Web if Skype is installed on their computer, then the vast majority of people will answer positively.

Another part of the respondents will confirm that they have used the services of this service at least once in their lives.
These statistics are not accidental.

After all, it is Skype that gives everyone such opportunities that they could not even dream of before. To see a relative, close or loved one, talk to him at any time of the day, regardless of where he is, whether these are not unfulfilled dreams of our distant ancestors.

And in order to get the program, you just need to download it for free to your computer using our website.

You can always Download Skype for a computer running:

  • Windows. It was with these operating systems from Microsoft that the creators of the service began to work. Today, Skype is supported by all operating systems of this family, from XP to the latest version of Windows.
  • linux. A fairly convenient and productive operating system that can demonstrate all the features of the service and provide its increased performance.
  • Operating system from Apple developers. The program in question is supported here in several versions. In general, MacOS is on the same list along with the OS from Windows.

Skype on PC - How to use?

You can download Skype to your computer for free - using a trusted source, which is our website or from an official representative. You can download without registration in Russian.

The download process does not take much time, and in the presence of high-speed Internet, the user will be able to communicate with interlocutors after a short period of time.

To make free video calls, he will need additional accessories - speakers, web-camera, microphone. If there are none, he will be able to use the service to send text messages and other files, including graphic images.

A user-friendly interface will allow you to quickly figure out how to use the capabilities of Skype, and modern webcam with built-in microphone and headphones will create the necessary conditions for comfortable communication.

Instructions - how to install Skype

1 step) Download and save
setup file.

2 step) Launch the Skype file (by double-clicking on it) and execute simple steps to complete the installation.

3 step) Register, launch the Skype program and log in with your username and password.

Setting up Skype on a computer

Upon successful download of the program, the service itself will offer to test and set up a microphone and camera. The last two devices will need to be selected from the proposed options, marking the connector to which the active microphone is connected.

Then test call allows you to check the sound of the microphone and correct work web cameras. If you see and hear yourself well, then the setup was successful, and the program can be used fruitfully.

Skype / Classic

Skype free download in Russian new version of Skype

Until recently, it was even impossible to imagine that it would be possible at any moment to see a person from the other side of the planet, communicate with him, give him a smile and watch his expression in his eyes. Thanks to the amazing Skype you can erase all sorts of boundaries and communicate with friends, relatives, loved ones for your own pleasure.

All you need is a PC or mobile device and an Internet connection. To start the communication process, download Skype for free and then register. The program is installed in a matter of seconds, after which you can add all your friends and acquaintances to your personal list.

From those people whom you have brought into personal contacts, you can select any person and start communication.

The first version of Skype was released in 2003 and has since become incredibly popular. To date, about 800 million users are registered there, while finding right person It's not difficult at all, it is enough to know his login.

Among other things, Skype refers to multilingual programs and is able to support the display of its functions in 38 languages. In order to check all the benefits of the work, it is enough for you download Skype for free (the latest version is more advanced).

The Skype program allows you to make video and regular calls, organize video conferences (paid option), as well as call mobile and landline telephones (functions for a fee). In addition, you can send text messages.

The advantages of Skype also lie in the fact that the program provides the ability to always be in touch, even if you are away from your PC, since it is multiplatform. Using a tablet or phone, you can get in touch with the person of interest.

Skype new version (you can download it for free on our resource at the bottom of the page) is a great opportunity not to interrupt relationships with friends, acquaintances, colleagues and relatives who are far from you.


Microsoft, which bought Skype, is preparing to release an updated interface. It combines like classical elements and modern ModernUI design. Here is a list of some of the new design features:

    • Reducing the useful area on the left panel due to a huge block with 2 buttons
    • Improved text layout, it became easier to distinguish who specifically wrote to the chat
    • Improved message editing, now edited message is highlighted
    • Impossible to rename a chat locally, the title changes for everyone
    • Images are automatically uploaded and displayed in chat

Facebook integration

A wonderful extension of functionality is the integration with Facebook. It is remarkable in that, in addition to displaying the news feed, there are buttons "call" and "send sms" for all your friends (with an open contact number). If you have paid minutes on Skype, you can call your friends on Facebook, the call is free if the latter are logged into Skype.

Download Skype free latest version

Download free Skype in Russian new version for Windows 7, 8 and Windows 10. The download link leads to the official website www.skype.com. Our site keeps track of all software updates to ensure that you have the latest version of Skype.

Get a chance to hear loved one when the latter is on the other side of the planet - is it not greatest invention humanity? Of course, you won’t be able to touch, but it’s easy to see: a Skype video call turns the unfulfilled dreams of our ancestors into reality. You can try the program directly on your computer

So, if you wish, you can always download Skype for a computer running:

  • Microsoft Windows: From XP version up to latest update"tens", Skype is supported on all operating systems that bear the proud name of Windows. Use the program on all kinds of devices that support this operating system: PC, laptops, netbooks.
  • Linux: The most optimized operating system perfectly supports Skype, making it even more pleasant and fast to work with.
  • In addition, the program requires much less on-site and random access memory than in the same Windows. Skype is supported in the following versions: Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora and OpenSUSE Linux.
  • MacOS: Skype is available to you if you have operating system Apple versions 10.5.8 or newer update.

How to use Skype on a computer?

If you want to use the Skype program, you just need to download it from the link provided, or go to the official website of the developer and download it from there. One way or another, you get absolutely free latest version programs. If you do not have a microphone, webcam headphones, you can chat with other users. By purchasing these devices, you get the opportunity to communicate also through voice call(as by phone), and through a video call.

For the convenience of users, the following options are available:

  1. Headphones and microphone: can be purchased separately or as a single unit. By purchasing them, you can buy a webcam for more High Quality, and no sound recording function.
  2. Webcam with built-in microphone: This way you don't need to purchase a microphone separately. It will be enough to use ordinary headphones or, if circumstances permit, use speakers.

Setting up Skype on a computer

Tune software it's actually very simple: just check the box, choosing a valid microphone from the list (there may be connector options to which devices are not connected). Do a test - this will take you a few minutes, and then configure the microphone. Then you can absolutely free to make calls to other users who also use Skype.

is a specialized program with the help of which you can very easily communicate with your relatives, friends, familiar business partners and other users of the service via the Internet for free. Download skype you can at any time convenient for you, without special efforts and additional knowledge. Skype is unique remedy online communication, you can not only hear the familiar voice of the interlocutor, but also see it at the current moment. In addition, Skype has the ability to make calls to regular mobile and landline phones.

Skype free download

The Skype program is completely Russified, has a simple and fairly understandable interface, so it will not be difficult to deal with all the functions and options of the program, even for new and inexperienced users. The program is constantly updated and supplemented with new features. With the help of Skype service, you will always be in touch with your family and friends, and at the same time, there is no difference where exactly your interlocutor is, all calls are free. skype program so closely entered into modern life that it is almost impossible to do without it.

Download Skype for free on PC— it means forgetting about expensive international calls. With its advent, calls with the help of telephone operators are a thing of the distant past. Millions of people, being thousands of kilometers apart, use this application for online communication. Just imagine for a moment how much it would have cost you to communicate with your relatives from another country for half an hour before. That's it with the help of Skype, you communicate for your pleasure as much as you want, there are no time limits. The only thing is, if you want to make a call from a computer to mobile phone, and not to another computer, you will have to top up your personal skype account, which is linked to your account. Downloading Skype to your computer is very simple, just go to the official website of the company.

In addition to regular conversations, you can use the camera to make video calls, make video conferences and chat with several people at the same time. You can easily send photo and video files, while they will not lose their quality in any case. You can instantly exchange text messages and video messaging for free.

Start downloading Skype for free

Absolutely every user who has at least a basic understanding of working with the Internet can download Skype to a computer for free or a laptop. The procedure for downloading Skype does not take much time, guided by written prompts, you will cope with this task in a few minutes.

Skype (Skype)- free computer program to communicate on the Internet using a microphone, headphones or PC speakers, and a webcam.

Download the latest Skype version 2018 to a computer or phone, because the program has undergone a major update and now a group audio / video chat is available here for free. This possibility allows a large number people to call and agree on something. The application is a full-fledged phone / smartphone through which it is possible not only to hear your interlocutor, but also to see. Talking on Skype is a pleasure, but only in the case of a good and stable Internet connection.

Today great amount people use Skype every minute, both on Windows computer, Mac, and on Android and iOS smartphones and tablets. Recommended download latest build Skype in Russian for Windows 10, 7, 8 or Windows XP. Yes, yes, the distribution of the program has been redesigned and is already available on the new Windows 10.

Basic abilities Skype:

  • send photos and videos;
  • arrange video conferences for personal and group;
  • call mobile and landline (landline) phones;
  • send SMS messages;
  • exchange files of any type;
  • install on a smartphone or tablet of Android and iOS systems;
  • install on a computer for Windows and Mac;
  • make video calls from mobile devices.

The updated version of Skype is available absolutely free of charge and in Russian. The interface has been completely redesigned and some updates have been added, for example: fresh animated emoticons and the ability to see the screen of the interlocutor's computer.

How to install Skype on a computer

Follow the link Download for free and select the version for Windows, click and save on your computer. Next, start the installation by double-clicking on the Skype icon. Then follow the instructions given in the application. After installing Skype, you will be prompted to log in using your username and password received earlier, or register for the first time.

How to sign up for Skype

After installing the application, select "Create account", or follow this link: http://login.skype.com/account/signup-form
Fill in all the fields: full name, your E-mail, think up and enter your new login, etc. After successful registration, you will be taken to the page personal account, you do not need to do anything here and you can immediately go to installed Skype and enter your new username and password.

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