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What is Skype? What is skype and how to use it? What is skype. What is Skype and how to install it

Dedicated interviewing is becoming an increasingly popular option for hiring. You don’t have to go anywhere, you can find out everything without getting up from your chair at home. But this does not mean that this type of conversation with a future boss is easier than a standard interview. Being prepared and avoiding typical mistakes is very important in order to leave a positive impression about yourself.

Every modern employee should know how to pass a Skype interview in order to be able to get a job in an advanced company with good earnings.

Skype interview is an economical and convenient option, which is used when the candidate lives in another city, will work remotely, as well as for the initial interview. In the latter case, it is convenient to choose from several applicants those who can be invited for a personal interview.

Most often, this type of recruitment is carried out in positions related to remote business management or computer technology. In the latter case, it is assumed that the applicant for the position is so accustomed and free in computer communication that for him a Skype interview will be an ordinary standard conversation. It is during a conversation that you can, with the help of some little things, clarify how much a person understands technology and how well he handles a computer. This is better than any resume, especially for candidates for specialized vacancies.

In order for the interview to take place and not deliver negative emotions, it is necessary to have advanced equipment that will help to consider and hear the interlocutor as accurately as possible. Also, such a video conference requires high-quality and fast internet. This is necessary so that the parties do not lose connection, and the connection is worthy.

All equipment must be set up so that you can see, hear and understand each other perfectly.

Skype interview is a new trend, and not many people know how to get through it. You will also need a decent room, with a complete absence of outsiders, including pets, animals. The place that your future employer sees should not be full of garbage, clutter, and provocative details. You need to set up the camera, microphone, headphones in advance.

How not to fail an interview

The most important advice for a Skype interview is not to relax. Many people think that the familiar environment will help to liberate. This can negatively affect your image. First of all, do not meet an employee from the personnel department in underpants in front of an empty liquor container.

First of all, you must start the conference on exactly specified time. Being late for a Skype interview cannot be explained by traffic jams, but you can put a minus on yourself. The main thing is to prepare for everything in advance. You should not sit in front of the boss if you are dressed only on top. You never know - you have to get up, it will turn out uncomfortable.

Clothing should be businesslike and neat. If you will be working in an office, dress appropriately for the office. If you are taking a remote work day, then dress in a light-colored shirt and trousers. It is important not to show up for an interview in a bathrobe. Put the table in order. The future employer will definitely pay attention to the mess in front of the computer, and this will not play in your favor.

Do not interrupt the interlocutor. Business culture and courtesy are just as important in a video conference as they are in person.

Be sure to check the name of your Skype account. If it's too frivolous, change it. Your nickname "Bunny in Oil" can easily alienate an employer from you.

Most important advice- tune in to the working mood and understand that you are at the same interview, only at home.

You should have all the documents and questions at hand so that you can answer in time without thinking and without remembering the information. The employer must understand that you are serious, even if you are at home.

The subtleties of a remote interview

In order for everything to go without a hitch, you need to prepare in advance. First of all, set up the equipment, then add the contact of the employer so as not to look for it. It is not recommended to be distracted by extraneous things, and therefore remove all children, animals, extra photos on the wall from the room. The ideal option would be a background in the form of a light wall and non-flashy wallpaper. Remove dishes, ashtrays, and excess paper from the table in front of the computer.

Put your resume and information about the job you are interested in in front of you. Be sure to check the quality of the light. You should be clearly visible, no need to create an excessive shadow. Adjust your internet connection speed. If there is a modem, it should turn on quickly and efficiently when the main Internet is turned off.

You should have a ready-made presentation at hand. This will help you not to miss anything when you talk about yourself. The volume of the presentation should be 7 minutes, no more.

Also close all unnecessary information, all tabs on the computer. It’s not bad if you open the company’s website from the tabs, because many employers turn to the company’s website during an interview. Be sure to ask anything that interests you. Firstly, it will show that you really need this job, and secondly, you will be able to find out all the details. It may happen that after the interview you yourself do not want to work in this company.

The Skype interview includes questions about the biography, previous jobs, and there will also be a question about why you are interested in a particular company, position and profession.

When communicating, follow business style, do not wave your arms strongly, do not interrupt the interlocutor. In this case, you need to look not at the screen, but at the camera. Otherwise, your recruiter will get the impression that you are not making eye contact, which means you are hiding something.

Be sure to periodically check during the conversation whether the connection is normal and whether you can be heard well. Be prepared to be tested for mental stability, the ability to resist stressful situations. In any case, you will not be asked those questions that you would not have been asked while you were in the office.

Pros and cons of Skype interviews

Skype remote conference has its advantages and disadvantages. And for both the applicant and the employer. Among the advantages it is worth noting:

  1. Saving Money. The applicant does not need to spend money on the road, especially from another city or locality.
  2. Saving time. Moreover, this applies to both sides. The boss can conduct at least 5 interviews per hour, the same applies to the applicant. In a day, thus, you can immediately contact several companies.
  3. Convenience and ease of communication. Very often it is easier to communicate at home, excess tension is removed.
  4. You can record the conversation. This will help to evaluate and calculate your mistakes in the future.
  5. All information is at hand and can be provided quickly. Any file from your computer can be sent to the recruiter quickly and without problems.

But Skype interviews also have disadvantages. This is, first of all, the technical side of the issue. With poor communication and unstable Internet, the conference can leave a negative impression on both parties. Also, the disadvantages include the inability to evaluate the company itself and its employees. Home environment, which should help, can play a cruel joke and relax too much. If this is the first time a candidate has been interviewed, it can be a stressful situation for him.


Skype interviews raise more questions than answers for many. But this is only at the beginning. It is important to treat this type of recruitment in the same way as a face-to-face meeting. You will be asked the same questions, the behavior will be assessed in the same way.

The most important thing is not to relax too much and make sure that your employer understands the full extent of your professionalism and responsibility. Just dress for business, put your resume in front of you and set up your equipment. Consider yourself ready.

Modern web technologies open up excellent opportunities for both job seekers and employers themselves who need labor force. Every year, HR managers and agencies use more and more new methods to conduct interviews, and if once it was enough to make a favorable impression in a personal interview, today a vacancy in a large company may involve a complex multi-level selection.

Such selection may include a first-level interview (directly with a personnel manager), a questionnaire, psychological and IQ testing, a second-level interview (with a department head or directly with the company's management), as well as other additional stages. A complex multi-level selection helps to weed out all insufficiently prepared candidates, but it takes a lot of time and effort from both sides, therefore, more and more often, for convenience, as well as to save time for many non-management positions, employers conduct primary selection through online interviews.

Examples of questions and answers in a job interview:

Unlike a telephone interview, an online web-based interview is a face-to-face interview where, with good communication, the candidate can be assessed almost as carefully as in a face-to-face meeting. In addition, the very willingness on the part of the employer to conduct an online interview means the company's desire to significantly save time and money (and this rule works for both parties), as well as to interview those candidates who are open to such tests, which means that they are quite modern and sociable. As for the candidate’s readiness to go through the online primary selection, it means the absence of psychological resistance to such modern methodology and the ability to easily adapt to new technologies.

The most famous online method today is the interview through Skype programs(Skype), whose website is here - http://www.skype.com/uk/. This program can be downloaded for free, and its installation package takes a little more than 1 megabyte. After standard registration, any user receives a set free features, one of which is the ability to connect to another user number you know, with a webcam connected for visual contact. Of course, the program also has additional paid features, but they are not required for an interview.

Pros and cons of online interviews

Most young professionals are actively mastering web technologies and, as a rule, the Skype program is familiar to them, as they use it in Everyday life for chatting with friends, for calling neighbors who are abroad, and so on. As for people more middle age, they are divided into two categories - those who were able to master Personal Computer and use new technologies with interest, as well as those who, due to their age, do not want to relearn and switch to new schemes unfamiliar to them. However, many HR managers believe that in the coming years, online interviews, including Skype interviews, will completely replace first-level interviews, which are the so-called. primary selection. This trend has long been noticeable in Western countries, where more than 50% of employers conduct the first interview with a potential employee using Skype, due to the following advantages:

  • saving time - both the employer and the candidate for a vacancy can connect via the Internet much faster than making an appointment and waiting for a personal meeting;
  • cost savings - the candidate does not spend money on the road, and the employer can quickly carry out the first stage of selection, thereby speeding up the hiring of the employee needed for the company;
  • convenience - there is no need for the candidate to travel to another region and even to another district to tell about himself at the interview, just as the employer does not need to spend resources, meet the candidate, allocate him time and space for the interview;
  • psychological comfort, first of all, for a candidate who can in a calm home environment, which, if carried out online, will most likely exclude non-standard schemes and.

On the other hand, given that Skype interviews are webcam communication, there are also the following disadvantages of such an interview:

  • first of all, the lack of the opportunity to see with your own eyes a possible place of work, office and team;
  • it is difficult to intuitively understand and predict the reaction of the interlocutor, because web technologies, to put it mildly, distort emotional contact and the atmosphere of dialogue;
  • the possibility of technical overlays, including the banal lack of Internet access for one of the parties, which can completely spoil both the impression and the entire interview;
  • the inability to adequately present a holistic image of the candidate, since when communicating through a webcam, attention will be paid, first of all, to words and gestures, while in person an opinion is formed about the interlocutor not from individual accents, but based on their overall picture;
  • the difficulty that some candidates face in setting up in a businesslike way, due to the fact that they are at home, where not everyone is able to switch to another (business) form of behavior.

How not to fail a remote interview

If you have never encountered this kind of interview, then, of course, the first time will be the most difficult and exciting, but if you prepare well and exclude typical mistakes applicants, even the first experience can be successful. For starters, it makes sense to set skype program and also read its manual. It would also be good to practice using it - to connect with friends or relatives with its help, and if this is not possible, then you can connect, for example, with any online store that has a Skype number for communication in contacts. This practice will give you confidence and reduce your anxiety about using new program, and will also allow you not to look like a layman in front of the interviewer, since when scheduling the interview itself, you will not have any extra questions.

Details on what questions to ask the employer:

The next point is the style of clothing. Many, while at home, unconsciously project an informal home environment and interviews of this kind, just because they are at their own computer. In fact, for an employer, such an interview is as formal as a face-to-face contact, which means that when he sees a candidate in home clothes, he will be convinced of his unpreparedness, as well as the level of culture. In addition, formal wear will help to partly help you get in the right mood, as well as give you confidence in your appearance.

Of course, it is not necessary to dress in a suit with a jacket and tie in front of your own computer, but it is worth considering the required neat business appearance. In addition, many who are familiar with Skype communication have a clear understanding of it and know that the interlocutor through such a connection is visible only to the waist, which suggests the possibility of wearing formal clothes only on the upper half of the body, which is visible in the camera . Such thoughts are fraught with curiosities, for example, in the event of a camera fall or other force majeure, you may need to get up and then the interviewer will also see everything that is worn below the waist.

The third rule is to prepare a place for communication. Take care in advance that during the interview your child or pets do not run in the background, do not rumble washing machine, as well as the webcam did not show strange things for the employer, such as a cartoon poster or indiscreet photos on your wall. We also remember the rules traditional for a regular interview regarding turning off the sound at mobile phone(in this case, this also includes home, and, if possible, also a doorbell), preparing everyone next to the computer required documents, including, at a minimum, a resume, notepad, and pen.

Last important point for such an interview - this is the angle. Set up the camera in advance, check the Internet, turn on Skype, add the employer's number to your contacts. It's also a good idea to look at yourself through the webcam before the interview, as this will help you spot any flaws that the interviewer might see. Also, create good light in the room and make sure that in general the background that will be visible to the employer is pleasant and looks decent from the right angle.

As a rule, even before the interview, candidates try to think over possible answers that are easy to foresee based on the resume they have compiled. Moreover, at the end of the interview, it is customary to ask questions to the employer himself - you can sketch them in a notebook so as not to miss anything. The dialogue itself should be carried out calmly - clearly and, if possible, briefly answering the questions posed. Despite the fact that it is almost impossible to conduct stress exams and other tests that are not the most pleasant for a potential candidate via Skype, the interviewer can resort to tricky and non-standard questions, so it is important to tune in to the working mood and treat such an interview in the same way as a regular one.

In the event that the candidate passes the Skype interview successfully, it is customary to invite him to an interview in the office, where both parties can meet in person, and the candidate will finally see the premises and the team. If the interview was unsuccessful, then, in principle, it doesn’t matter whether you liked the company’s office and their carpets, as well as the company’s employees, or not, but you will gain good experience that will allow you to avoid mistakes in the future and achieve your goal.

How to pass a skype interview?

Currently this way interviews use about 15% Russian companies . However, every year Skype interviews are gaining more and more popularity. In the US, for example, almost 75% of employers have switched to a remote form of negotiations with job seekers.

The popularity of Skype interviews is primarily due to its convenience. All you need is a computer and good speed the Internet. This eliminates the need to spend time and effort on getting to the employer's organization for an interview. In addition, some people find it much easier to interview at home in front of a monitor than in an unfamiliar office.

For whom is it suitable?

This form of interview has gained particular relevance with the development of remote work.

Thanks to Skype interviews, employers have the opportunity to hire employees who live in another city or even in another country. At the same time, most often such interviews are held for vacancies related to information technology, eg:

  • web designers;
  • content managers;
  • programmers;
  • copywriters;
  • website layout designers, etc.

However, today many companies use this form interviews as a tool for the primary selection and screening of candidates with more conservative professions. Usually, After a successful online interview, you should a personal meeting with the employer.

Advantages and disadvantages

Undoubtedly, an online job interview has a number of significant advantages, which include:

At the same time, one cannot ignore some of the disadvantages of this form of interviewing:

  • the success of an online interview directly depends on the state technical device as well as internet connections. In the event of any problems, it simply may not take place;
  • the applicant does not have the opportunity to assess the situation in the organization, the mood of the team, as well as its leader;
  • Unforeseen circumstances such as phone call or the arrival of guests;
  • the home environment does not allow the applicant to fully tune in to the working mood;
  • the general idea of ​​the interlocutor, both on the part of the employer and the potential employee, will be somewhat distorted.

How should it go?


In order to properly organize a remote interview, the employer must first perform the following steps:

  1. agree on the time of the interview, as well as its approximate duration;
  2. exchange contacts on skype;
  3. prepare a sample list of questions for the applicant;
  4. if a resume was previously sent to the employer, then during the interview, it should be at hand;
  5. it is necessary to check in advance the serviceability of the computer, headset, video camera, as well as the availability of an Internet connection;
  6. It is recommended that no one else be in the room during the interview.

Stages of the interview

In general, the scenario for conducting an interview with an applicant via Skype is not much different from a standard interview. Conventionally, it can be divided into three stages:

As a rule, the results of the interview are not immediately announced. The employer needs some time to sum up the results, after which he notifies the applicant about decision.

What should an employer pay attention to?

During the interview Employers should pay attention to the following points:

  • listening to the candidate's answers, it is important to follow his facial expressions, intonation, gestures, as well as the tone in which he speaks;
  • attention should be paid to it appearance, as well as the background;
  • assess how confidently he keeps during the conversation, etc.

In order to successfully pass an interview with an employer via Skype, Applicants should adhere to the following guidelines:

Decent clothes should be worn not only from above, otherwise there is a high risk of getting into an awkward situation if you suddenly have to get up and bring something:

  • Tidy up the room in which the interview will take place. Scattered items, food leftovers, or an unassembled bed on background not create the best impression for the employer.
  • At the time of the interview, you must turn off the phone, intercom, doorbell, and also warn relatives not to disturb.
  • A pen, notepad, and a list of questions for the employer should be prepared at hand.
  • Questions must be answered in a clear, concise and complete manner.

If during the conversation the connection was interrupted, then according to business etiquette, the person who called should call back.

Video instruction on how to pass the interview:

Good day to you, dear friend!

“No one can hear me on Skype, why?” - "97 percent of the problems are within half a meter of the computer" - "Yes? Perhaps the speakers are faulty? I guess you already understood that today's topic is Skype interview tips and tricks.

Top tip: tune in the same way as on. A Skype interview is essentially no different from a face-to-face meeting.

For some reason, many people think that Skype interviews are easier. Where did they get it from? Because you can sit in shorts? I do not advise, otherwise if you forget about it, and you will definitely forget about it, you can find yourself in a rather piquant situation. For example, when you get up to take some document.

Dress like you would dress for a real meeting. This will invigorate you and set you up for work.

Speaking of documents

Candidates often ask: Should I put in front of me? I don’t know what the frequency of this question is connected with ... then I realized: experts give different recommendations.

Someone thinks that the resume is distracting and does not allow the candidate to open up.

  • First, this is a rule of good form, I assure you as a recruiter with experience.
  • Secondly, during the conversation, questions may arise that need to be clarified, including wording. And in order not to blink your eyes and not wrinkle your forehead in an attempt to remember the right fad, it is much easier to just look in front of you.

Let's not forget that interviews are stressful, some more, some less. And a stupor can easily cover you when the feeling is that what you need right now has completely flown out of your head.

In addition to the above, you can put any other cheat sheet in front of you, for example, a printed story about yourself. If so, take a look. Just don't abuse it.

Nevertheless, even without my abstruse speeches, it is clear that there are differences between a Skype interview and a personal one.

Technical points

Prepare your computer in advance by paying attention to the following technical points

1. Account

Change your account in advance if it has an inappropriate name for the image of a reputable applicant. We talked about similar things with email in this . There should be no fish, bunnies and 1234.

2. Image

Sit in front of the camera and look at yourself. Rate the image quality. Your face, even if it is such that the Gioconda is resting, should not fill the entire screen. Leave room for other parts of the body. I guess you guessed which ones :)

3. Sound

sound Special attention. These are not trifles. Check the microphone and everything else for sound. Test how you sound. Adjust the volume.

After starting a conversation, make sure you can hear the other person well. It is very important. Some candidates do not attach any importance to this or are embarrassed to say so. As a result, somehow out of place, you can lubricate the whole impression. You should also make sure that the interlocutor can hear you well.

4. Communication reliability

Try to ensure an uninterrupted internet connection. If you have a modem for mobile internet, - insert to quickly turn on in case of problems with the main one.

No one should distract

According to the law of meanness, at the most inopportune moment, someone from the household may need you. This is especially true for children and animals.

If your Barbos is in the room during the conversation, you can be sure that he will try to join the conversation in all ways available to him :). So put everyone out the door and close it tightly.

Background and lighting

Of course, the sight of my grandmother's carpet behind my back, even if self made, is not the best frame for the face of an ideal applicant. What should be there? Decide for yourself, remembering that this is part of your image.

Lighting should be optimal - not too bright, but enough to clearly see your face. The face is almost everything that the interlocutor sees. Where else should he look? Treat this “tool” of your promotion with due attention.

Order on the table

As the unforgettable Professor Preobrazhensky said, devastation in the country gives rise to devastation in the minds. Following the logic of an authoritative luminary, we can also assume the opposite pattern: the mess on the table speaks of ... a mess in thoughts. This is not always the case, of course, but the recruiter may not know about it :)

Your obedient servant deliberately spoke in this article about things that are quite obvious. So much so that you can reproach me for it.

But the fact remains that many candidates forget about these simple commandments. Spicy attributes of clothes and dusty grandmother's carpets are not at all the fruit of my wild imagination.

One of my employees even had the good fortune to observe a battery of empty dishes from under the “capital” in the background. Perhaps the familiar environment is relaxing. The devil is in the details, be careful and fate will reward you for your patience and composure.

On this “optimistic” note, let me take my leave for today.

Thanks for your interest in the article. I would appreciate a comment (at the bottom of the page).

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Have a nice day and good mood!

According to the website HH.ru (HeadHunter): about one third of Russian companies conduct online interviews.

For some companies, the online format is only one of the stages of hiring. For example, in a company layered system employment, the first stage of which is a skype interview.

There are companies that recruit employees in other cities, making an appointment at the office is simply impossible due to the territorial remoteness. For example, the personnel department and management are in Moscow, and an employee is required in Norilsk.

Some managers are looking for a freelancer, since a person is not needed in the office, and there is a lot of work that can be done remotely. If you do not hire a person to work in an office, then you do not need to buy a computer, a table, a chair for him, or allocate space. It's profitable.

About 4 months ago I had a job interview via Skype. small company in Moscow, which was engaged in the production of large-knit coats and sweaters. The staff is about 5 people, so the manager herself conducted interviews with applicants. She admitted that she was looking for a person not from Moscow on purpose, since average level salaries in Moscow are 2 times higher than in the regions, and the qualifications of specialists are the same.

Freelancers are interviewed via Skype by both small companies with up to 20 employees and large ones, such as Tinkoff Bank.

For interest, you can see the questionnaire that applicants fill out before the interview on the Tinkoff Bank website.

If you are looking for a remote job, you will need not only a flawless resume, but also the knowledge of how to conduct a Skype interview.

I have been a freelancer for 4 years already, some of my friends, having seen enough, also moved from the office to remote work. One of them long time Worked as a supply manager for a well-known chain of restaurants. Accordingly, the resume is very strong, and there are skills in building a work system, building communications, organizing and building new business processes.

Often, she, and already at the interview, offers more than the functionality of the required specialist requires. So she gets special working conditions, a more prestigious position, high wages. But in this scenario, the director calls her on Skype at a convenient time for him, and not at the appointed time.

Recently, for example, she had an agreement for 14:00 our time (and in Moscow time it is 10:00), but the director called earlier, ours at 10 am, and theirs at 6. Naturally, she was not ready, video failed to enable. But the conversation went well anyway.

How to prepare for a Skype interview with an employer?

Preparing for an online interview has its own characteristics. It is important to remember not only about behavior and dress code, but also about technical issues.

  1. Technics. Check the operation of the laptop camera, headphones and microphone in advance. It will be ridiculous and stupid if the technique fails already during the connection;
  2. Background and lighting. Choose a neutral background - a wall or a window. The face should be well lit, and not look like a dark spot.

For a freelancer, nature can be the background, but care must be taken to ensure that the face is well lit. This photo is darkish and the image quality is poor.

  1. Don't look into your eyes, look into the camera. If you look into the camera, then the interlocutor will see that you are looking directly at him, and if you look into his eyes, he will see that you are looking down a little. It takes practice;

This is how you will look if you look not into the camera, but into the eyes. Don't do it.

  1. No people behind the scenes. If someone is walking in the background, then the employer may get the impression that you cannot even concentrate;
  2. Silence. During your online job interview, ask your children, husbands, wives, and other household members not to come in or make noise. Isolate pets;
  3. Business suit. No home clothes. An online interview is just as formal as an offline meeting. Even the fact that you can be seen from the waist does not give you the right to sit in sweatpants and a jacket;
  4. Self-confidence and a positive attitude. The likelihood of getting a job will depend on how much you like it, remember this.

I'm at a Skype interview with the head of a marketing agency.

Be prepared to be recorded. That is, if you are interviewing not with a director, but with an hh-specialist, then behave in the same way as you would behave with a director. No familiarity, even if you know that this person does not make final decisions. Recording interviews is a huge time-saver when hiring people, so it's a standard practice.

Force majeure in an online job interview that you can handle

  1. power outage- power supply and mobile Internet;
  2. Uninvited guests at the intercom- disable it;
  3. WiFi failures- modem from mobile operator or put your phone in modem mode.

Force majeure events are quite rare, but you must be prepared for anything if you need work.

Online job interviews are a format that is gaining popularity every year. more employers choose it.

  1. Don't be late.

If Skype starts ringing and you don't get in touch, that's the worst. How can you be late for an interview if it is online, and you don’t need to go anywhere at all?

  1. Respect and subordination.

Address an employee or director only with “You” and by his first name and patronymic, until he himself offers to call him simply by his first name.

  1. Confidence.

If you're really worried, try to admit it. So you will worry less, win over the person and set the right tone for the conversation.

  1. Gesticulation and facial expressions.

No need to wave your arms, do “hands on your hips” and get overly emotional. Imagine how it will look in screenshots and high speed video scrolling.

  1. Don't interrupt.

Answer questions only when asked. And, just speak to the point. If you were asked about your life, you do not need to start from school, just tell where you worked and what positions you held. The answer should not be too long or too short.

  1. About myself.

You can prepare your self-presentation ahead of time, even with slides. By the way, this way you can stand out from competitors for the position.

A smile is always conducive. Smile. A little humor is appropriate even at a business meeting.

  1. Research the company beforehand.

When you are at an interview, you should know what the company does, what it sells, how it sells, from what year, what competitors are, how they work. All this information can be found on the Internet.

  1. Prepare answers to questions in advance.

American scientists conducted a study in the field of hh, the results of which showed that an average of 20 questions are asked in an interview, 15 of them are standard, and 5 are additional. By the way, read the article Distant work in the USA, and you will learn how to make money the American way without leaving home.

  1. Dress code.

Neutral or business attire, light makeup and neatly tied hair.

A number of typical questions in an online job interview

  1. Tell us a little about yourself, name your strengths and weaknesses.
  2. What is your experience, why did you leave your previous job?
  3. Why are you working online?
  4. What didn't suit you previous place job / reason for leaving / why did you get fired?
  5. How much do you want to earn in our company / What level of motivation do you expect?
  6. Why did you choose our company?
  7. What disagreements did you have with management at your previous job?
  8. How do you imagine your life in 5 years?

The content of an online job interview is almost the same as the offline format. The online format is more mobile. The company can conduct 2 times more interviews per day, the applicant also saves his time and can use it more efficiently.

How to do a skype interview?

Consider everything standard tips on passing the interview and technical issues, as this will also affect the impression of you.

If you have headphones and a microphone, this is undoubtedly a plus.

In addition to all of the above, you need to prepare and keep links at hand:

  1. Resume (document and link to Google Doc).
  2. Your photo.
  3. List of the most successful projects, for example, links to sites.
  4. Thanksgiving letters.

Be ready to broadcast your screen and show something, so remove obscene images from the splash screen. Even by the location of the icons on the desktop, you can draw some conclusions about a person.

If you want to pass an online interview successfully, you must be remembered and stand out from other applicants, but excessive creativity, as you understand, is not appropriate.

If you are a freelancer working on orders or projects and are only getting a job for a few months, and not for a long-term period, then at the first communication, when you go through a mini-interview, you need to remember about general rules that are described in this article.

If you are interviewing often, this does not mean that you can relax. Professionals can often put on a “crown”, not answer questions, not get dressed, chew gum. This is a fairly common mistake. So do not relax, even if you are a very good specialist.

I wish success to everyone who is looking for a job.

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