Home Flowers What does erotic massage mean? Erotic massage - technique and nuances. How does a classic massage with erotic elements work?

What does erotic massage mean? Erotic massage - technique and nuances. How does a classic massage with erotic elements work?

We all know about the benefits of massage, but few use erotic massage in their lives, since this is more related to the culture of the East. In ancient times they knew that the effect on certain points of the body is not only useful, but also pleasant. In China, acupressure techniques were used to control erections in men, prolonging sexual intercourse. India is famous for its art of touch using stimulating oils.

Today Erotic massage is an element of foreplay, helping to establish emotional contact between partners and giving unimaginable sensations.

However it brings not only a lot of pleasure, but also promotes the development of sexual potential, awakening sexual energy, releasing it. He enhances sensitivity and sexual function. Regardless of age, marital status and sexual experience, it is suitable for everyone. He enriches sex life and makes family relationships stronger. And here, not only the process of awakening sexual energy plays a huge role. During the massage, partners begin to better understand and feel each other, learn to communicate, establish contact not at the level of words, but at the level of feelings, sensations, emotions, touches, glances.

Its purpose is excite your partner, create favorable conditions for sensual pleasure and, as a conclusion, for a full and timely orgasm.

Like any other massage, erotic massage has a beneficial effect on the skin, muscles and internal organs, it awakens the flow of vital energy, has the strongest influence on our mental state, mental health person. allows you to liberate sexual energy and helps direct it in the right direction.

It consists of kisses, touches, aromatic oils, pleasant music, it gives an amazing feeling of harmony and satisfaction, helps you relax as much as possible and at the same time gain strength for new achievements.

It can be done anywhere: in bed, in the bath, in nature. Mastering the technique itself is not difficult, especially since all this is selected individually in accordance with the desires of the partner.

There are several types of erotic massage:

  1. Erotic Thai body massage. Its peculiarity is that the effect affects the entire body from the tips of the toes to the top of the head. Massage is performed not only with hands, but with all parts of the body. It pays special attention to erogenous zones and genitals.
  2. Aqua foam massage. Produced in a bathtub with the addition of foam. Relaxation is achieved by sliding one body against another.
  3. Tantric massage. The main feature is genital massage. All erogenous zones are also stimulated. Massage movements are performed on naked bodies using oils and incense. The massage is carried out in an Indian atmosphere.
  4. Sakura branch. It is distinguished by gentle biting, touching of the tongue and lips.
  5. Aquagel massage. Performed in the shower on the chest and buttocks using a gliding gel.
  6. Erotic massage using reiki. Using Reiki during a massage helps remove energy clamps in the body and direct the flow of sexual energy from the base of the first chakra up throughout the body.

These are just some types of erotic massage. In fact, everything here depends on the imagination and everyone can bring some of their own unique elements into it.

Erotic massage is the art of giving pleasure. You will be surprised at how much pleasure you can experience from receiving a massage. You will want to enjoy this forever...

Dear visitors! The portal "Self-knowledge.ru" is dedicated primarily to personal growth. We are convinced that working on oneself is also possible in the sphere of intimate relationships between a man and a woman. However, we draw your attention to the fact that the portal hosts events where the main issues are self-knowledge and relationships (your fears, limitations, beliefs, personal boundaries, perception of your own body, etc.), and not technical and physiological aspects. The administration reserves the right not to allow publication of materials that do not correspond to the theme of the portal. Thank you for understanding.


For hundreds and even thousands of years, the great minds of mankind - psychologists, doctors, writers and philosophers - have been exploring one of the most important and still not fully understood areas of human life - the relationship between a man and a woman.

Tons of experience have been accumulated, thousands of books have been written, experts in the field of intersexual relations of all stripes give advice and teach life from TV screens and on the Internet: sexologists, pick-up artists, neurolinguistic programmers, para-, cosmo-, biopsychologists, hereditary healers and magicians. However, the wave of problems in this area continues to grow, and even the entire large army of experts is unable to contain it.

System-vector psychology claims that almost all problems between a man and a woman can be solved; you just need to understand and realize the root, the root cause of this or that unconscious behavior - and everything will fall into place on its own.

However, while not all people have in their intellectual arsenal the techniques and knowledge of system-vector psychology, they have to look for other, more down-to-earth and straightforward ways to solve their sexual problems, which often lead to nowhere...


“You will open the door to a world of unknown sexual pleasure and bliss... you will forget about all your problems and worries, completely relaxing and drowning in sensual touches... subtle movements, like the gestures of a magician, will awaken your erotic potential and release all your sexual energy!” - these colorful and exciting advertisements on the RuNet offer a service that is unusual to our ears and still incomprehensible to many - erotic massage.

Bright pulsating inscription: “Strictly no intimacy!” - only adds to the stupor. Official prostitution is prohibited in Russia, but everyone understands that this phenomenon exists on a huge scale, hiding on the Internet behind signs: “Sauna”, “Leisure”, “Individual recreation”, we are all already accustomed to this and have, to some extent, come to terms with it with this. What then is the essence of erotic massage?

Let’s lift the veil of secrecy and look at this phenomenon from the perspective of system-vector psychology...

APHRODITE'S CHEST IN Sakura branches

The names of the proposed types of massage finally and firmly wedge those post-Soviet brains who are not yet skilled in Western business tricks, brilliant in science, but dull in everyday life: “Cherry Twig”, “Aphrodite’s Breast”, “Double Relaxation”, “Taoist Lingam Massage”. Go figure out the intricacies of sakura branches and Aphrodite’s breasts.

When you directly visit the “salon”, the entire flair of superficial romance and mystery disappears at once.

The “salons” themselves, in the vast majority of cases, turn out to be ordinary apartments, in which, depending on the flight of fancy and the size of the wallet of the owner of such a business, an environment that is relaxing and pleasing to the visitor’s eye is created. In one case, this is a spartan mattress thrown directly onto the floor, a wall sconce with a red lampshade and love songs from a tape recorder standing right on the floor. In other cases, it’s even a good renovation, a ceiling covered with waves of fabric, a large canopy bed, painted walls and dim, intimate lighting.

System-vector psychology sees a clear dependence of such a radically different design of salons on the personality of the business owner. Only a person with a visual vector sees and understands the beauty of the physical world, only such a person is able to understand through himself the pleasure and excitement of dim light, playing colors, decoration - and in general, understand the importance of this surroundings.

People without a visual vector are not able to appreciate beauty, understand the compatibility of colors and shades, and can only pick up banal and hackneyed clichés from magazines, TV and the Internet. But even using someone else’s design ideas will look clumsy and clumsy. System-vector psychology warns all owners of massage parlors: without innate aptitudes for fine art and design, the result of your work on this path will be disastrous!


You can often meet an administrator in a massage parlor; often this is also the same entrepreneur who rented an apartment, made an agreement with the supervisory authorities and hired masseuses.

System-vector psychology clearly defines such a person as the owner of a skin vector. Flexible, agile in both body and soul, always strives for high social status through making money. He knows how to limit himself, save money, and, most importantly, knows how to enjoy self-restraint.

That’s why he works as an administrator in his own business: why waste money hiring a person off the street? You can do the work yourself and save money! He talks only about money, he clearly describes the cost of massage programs, he will even sell snow in winter. Without hesitation, he asks visitors about work: where do you work? how much do you get? And if the named figure is less than or comparable to his income, there immediately follows an attempt to increase his rank at the expense of another: I’m very young, and I’m already earning more!

An ordinary person can be embarrassed and even offended by such pressure. However, those who already have a wealth of knowledge in system-vector psychology will immediately clearly see what is in front of them. A person who could become a lawmaker, the founder of a big business that brings not only money, but also benefits to others! But instead, he sits in a rented apartment and sells bodies, trying to clothe his petty immoral enterprise in the glittering clothes of a successful socially useful business.


The key figures in the field of erotic massage are, of course, the massage girls themselves. So that the girls would not be pressured by public opinion and their own internal shame for work that strongly resembles banal prostitution, one of the employers aptly came up with the idea of ​​calling the girls “masters.” An illusion is created of quite socially useful services such as hairdressing salons, because everyone there is also a “master” who provides all possible assistance to everyone. And you immediately feel your worth, you are not some kind of hairdresser or massage therapist of unknown qualifications - you are a “master”! This means that, a priori, you are a professional, an expert, and have a certain status. You can’t help but feel respect for a person called a master!

Who goes to work in the field of “light” sexual services? System-vector psychology comes to our aid again. The girls-masters are all about selecting the owner of the skin and visual vectors. Extremely flexible, sensual, subtly understanding the beauty of movements and gestures. Such girls are born actresses, dancers and... prostitutes - it all depends on the level of development of the vectors. The lower the level of development, the more pleasure such a girl receives from exposing herself in front of others and from engaging in prostitution in an obvious or in a lighter, hidden form, such as erotic massage.

System-vector psychology focuses our attention on an extremely interesting feature. Under certain internal conditions, such women become so strong and attractive that the pheromones of attraction they emit are so strong and attractive. Moreover, attraction pheromones are emitted undifferentiated, i.e., to all men indiscriminately. Naturally, sexual contact or even a massage from such a woman will be extremely pleasant for any man on a physical level due to strong attraction, and this is in addition to the additional bonus of the emotional and sensual coloring of such contact.

Just girls with skin without a visual vector also go into the field of erotic massage; their main desire is to make money. But sexual contact with a skinny woman who does not release pheromones of attraction left and right will be purely mechanical, without passion and attraction. A person who is not familiar with systemic vector psychology will simply say: “Well, everything was somehow boring, without a spark!” by men, a moment of pleasure into physical torture. The only thought will be to quickly finish your business and leave quickly - sensations comparable to chopping wood or unloading a dump truck can be easily obtained in other places, and completely free of charge.


The essence of erotic massage is quite banal. It comes down to the interweaving of elements of a classic healing massage and an erotic part - in it, a naked girl massages the visitor’s body not only with her hands, but with all parts of the female body, even the most intimate ones. The massage is carried out until the man’s complete sexual release, which, avoiding medical terms that strike the ears and eyes of unprepared Internet users, is called “complete relaxation”, or simply “relaxation”.

In general, in order to give this activity a decent appearance and attract even the most cultured and intelligent clients, all generally accepted names and concepts are replaced by other words that reduce the level of obscenity and are designed to slightly smooth out the rough edges. But at the same time, chosen in such a way that every adult will almost certainly understand what we are talking about. “Massage until complete relaxation... lingam acupressure... royal relaxation with herbal bags... deep caresses...” After such transparent hints, the hand itself reaches for the phone.

Each salon has its own “menu”, which lists all services and prices. Additional articles are included in a separate article. services. It is obvious to anyone who knows the principles of system-vector psychology that the very idea of ​​additional services first appeared in the West, in the USA and Europe. In these countries, which have a skin mentality, the services provided are therefore extended to the widest possible range of consumers. There are prices to suit every pocket. Moreover, the fragmentation of services into elements with a separate small cost pushes the consumer to spend a little more money than he expected.

You can come up with any excuses, explain this by caring for clients, the convenience of working with people and for people, but the root of all this is just the desire to get as much profit as possible by all available methods. This unconscious desire of skin people, hidden even from themselves, is clearly traced and calculated by the methods of system-vector psychology - a universal tool for dissecting reality.

As additional services, you can order such types of “interaction” that until some time were available only from real “priestesses of love”. An example of one of the most “innocent” pranks is the “Mistress” program with all the textbook surroundings: leather, whips and spikes. When further studying the “menu” of the salon, the obligatory phrase is: “Strictly without intimacy!” - begins to cause sincere bewilderment... or even nervous laughter.


Many women have been deceived by their husbands, many have suffered. There is even a common phrase that sooner or later any man begins to cheat. Women all over the world are scratching their heads and wondering what is the root of cheating, why do men go to the left, who goes and, most importantly, why? What is missing in family life?

Sexologists and other experts in the relationship between a man and a woman make different assumptions, look for dependencies, trends, and still have not yet come to a unified system that explains any manifestations of the sexual behavior of men and women.

Only system-vector psychology today is capable of adequately placing emphasis and explaining the root cause of any betrayal, any dissatisfaction with sexual and family life, which pushes many men into the arms of priestesses of love and makes them regular clients of massage parlors.

The main consumers of erotic massage are men with anal and skin vectors.

From the standpoint of system-vector psychology, monogamous by nature, the most exemplary family man and husband, is the owner of a powerful libido, he needs regular sexual contact with his wife. Not receiving this fully, he experiences great stress and suffering, like a thirsty traveler in the desert. If you put water in front of a suffering person, but say that it is foreign and drinking it is prohibited by law, sooner or later he will break the ban and drink - the thirst is too great and unbearable. Likewise, an anal man, not being able to fully satisfy his desire at home, will look for an opportunity to “get drunk” on the side. The value of family and loyalty are above all for him, but when thirst becomes unbearable, no prohibitions or restrictions can hold a person back.

In addition, although erotic massage is close to outright prostitution, there is no direct sexual contact - only imitation. This feature allows us to separate erotic massage from obvious betrayal in the minds of society, because in essence it was just rubbing against another woman, so what’s wrong with that? Well, yes, she was naked, but it wasn’t cheating!

This thin, but still border allows anal people to at least somehow receive the pleasure missing in family life, without crossing the border that exists only in their minds, crossing which all their ideals and value systems will be trampled.

Using the knowledge of system-vector psychology, you can also easily understand the motivation of a skinned man who visits massage parlors. For a happy life, without stress and suffering, such a man needs to realize himself in life as an organizer, a leader, a person who knows how to effectively manage a team and find the least expensive and optimal ways to accomplish any tasks assigned to him.

Not receiving, for some reason, the proper realization of his innate properties, such a man strives to realize his inner craving for novelty not in his professional activities, but in changing sexual partners. Another manifestation of skin stress may be the desire to obey and receiving pleasure from beatings - masochism. It is for such people that the “Mistress” program is included in the salon menu, which is why skin administrators recommend it - they feel through themselves that such a program would bring them the necessary release. They recommend to other people, without even allowing for the thought that they may differ in their innate desires for pleasure. A separate bait awaits those with a visual vector. You can, of course, use the services of a real prostitute, but for some this is too mundane - an animal act without a drop of romance and at least the appearance of sympathy. This is where massage parlors come to the rescue, where in addition to bodily pleasure you can also get a small filling of the visual vector. Pretentious surroundings, intricate intriguing names, elements of artistry and plasticity - all this adds charm and romance, elevating erotic massage in people's minds to the rank of something exclusive and even elite.

How much easy money has already been brought to enterprising people by the magical VIP console, which turns an ordinary room into an apartment, an old foreign car into a business class car, and an ordinary person into an important person. People are willing to pay money for the illusion of their importance. This is where the skinny weasel jumped ahead of the medieval alchemist, who was working on turning lead into gold. Getting money out of thin air - isn't it a true miracle?!

INtoxicated with RELAX. HANGOVER

In modern society, neither infidelity, nor frequent changes of partners, nor civil marriages are condemned as much as they were just recently. Each person is an individual, which means he lives as he wants, does what he wants, while remaining within the law.

However, without touching on the issue of morality, system-vector psychology clearly proves that those who use the services of priestesses of love have social and sexual frustrations, i.e. dissatisfaction. They are unhappy, but they cannot understand it and are hostages of their bad states. What they are doing is not a crime, but it is a path to nowhere, especially since human nature always demands more, and over time there is a danger of slipping from “innocent” massage into the most deviant types of pleasure: from hard sex to any other perversions, perhaps even to the point of violence.

The only way out of this situation for those who have already stepped on this slippery slope, and even those who have already passed the seemingly point of no return, is to realize their true desires. Only a deep understanding of your inner nature makes it possible to live a happy life full of pleasures. Live to the fullest, receiving joy from the realization of your innate qualities, and not hide from people, secretly visiting ambiguous places and, like a thief, stealing only pitiful crumbs of pleasure from life.

§ FEBRUARY 11, 2011



Success of the event erotic massage is that, first of all, you yourself receive from him bliss. Only in this case, your man will receive maximum pleasure. During the process, you should completely dissolve in what you are doing; it is advisable to completely “forget” your brain at work.

If you have the right mindset, you will definitely bring him to the point where he is in front of you like an open book.

Even a brutal man, in whose mind Erotic massage- these are optional veal tenders, in your hands they will turn into obedient wax.

He will moan with pleasure. He will no longer be ashamed to drop his status as a “tough male”... Let him know that physical pleasure can be obtained not only from sex!

By the way, about sex: revitalizing every centimeter of the body, massage before sex always improves its quality. And if you follow the instructions in this article, you can turn his entire body into a continuous erogenous zone...

Don't think about whether it will end Erotic massage sex or not, just focus on how you feel, no matter who is massaging whom.

Relaxing from a massage does not mean starting to snore and having sweet dreams - when the muscles relax, the senses will become more acute!

It would be nice to blindfold him and stuff his ears with something - then the sensations from your touch will be fully activated...

Erotic mixture used in Thai massage

I will give you a recipe for an erotic mixture that is used in Thai massage.

Two drops each of essential oils of anise, fennel, rosemary, jasmine, ylang-ylang. Add to a bath filled with water or dilute in 100 ml of any odorless vegetable oil. It has a stimulating effect on both women and men.

How to do Erotic massage

Erotic massage The good thing is that here, unlike medical treatment, knowledge of a clear sequence of actions is not required, so the main condition for its implementation is not a specialist certificate, but a desire to please a loved one. For everything to work out, first of all, listen to yourself and your man’s reaction. Don't be afraid to experiment - professionalism comes with experience.

So the basic principles of erotic massage.

1. Hands should be completely relaxed, and movements should be smooth and rhythmic. When moving from one technique to another, they should not lose contact with the body.

2. Take your time - the longer this sweet torture lasts, the brighter the sex will be. Therefore, “to warm up,” start with less sensitive areas of the body. This way sexual arousal will increase gradually.

3. Use smooth, “lazy” movements, which for some fractions of a second turn into teasing and quick touches.

4. Don't strain yourself - even if it's just a couple of techniques, they will be performed with utmost sensuality.

5. In an erotic massage, hands are not the main thing!!! Because there are also breasts, which, regardless of their size, can be easily moved over his body. Lightly touch it with your inner thighs and stomach, making smooth circular and longitudinal movements. Light “scratching” of the nails and teasing movements of the hair down his back or stomach are all very erotic.

5. It is not necessary to just “stroke” and “scratch” like a cat - remember about the lips and tongue.

Head and face massage

You will start with it in order to “tease”. The head is the place where tension always accumulates in the evening, and here you appear as a “savior”! A man who has experienced a head massage at least once will never be able to refuse it. Because it is not only relaxing, it is also extremely pleasant.

Position your hands so that your thumbs are at the base of your hair and the rest are at your temples. Massage your temples in a clockwise direction with slow circular movements. Then the same thing in the opposite direction. The pressure on your temples should be light, otherwise you may get a headache.

After massaging your temples, move on to your chin. Place your palms on it so that your thumbs are placed above your upper lip and your fingers above your jaw.

Using gentle pressure, begin to bring your fingers together, but not all the way - then do the same, only in the opposite direction.

Grab his face with a gentle movement, stroke along the cheeks, temples, lips, nose with your fingertips... Place the palm of the brush on the forehead and begin to apply light pressure, gradually increasing the force of influence. When pressing on your forehead, try to ensure that your positive charge is transferred to it through the warmth of your hands. Look at his face - it transforms before your eyes.

After you have massaged your forehead with your palm, knead it with your thumbs. Using the pads of your thumbs, begin to perform circular movements from the middle of the forehead to the edges. After this, lightly stroke from the eyebrows to the hair, and then back from the hair to the eyebrows.

Also pay attention to the “angry fold” - the area between the eyebrows. This zone is tense even for those who are not characterized by outbursts of anger. Massage it - he will be very pleased.

In addition, touch his ears and especially his earlobes - touching them stimulates the sexual centers of the brain.

As you know, even the most intense emotions subside over time. Everyday life and everyday worries often absorb our thoughts, and passion takes second place, especially if the relationship with a man has lasted for a long time. But there comes a time in every woman’s life when she wants to revive her old feelings and be at the peak of bliss again. This is especially true for the intimate side of life: passion and emotions are especially difficult to maintain at the proper level in bed. That is why in the arsenal of every representative of the fair sex there should be small tricks that can help make any night no worse, and perhaps even better, than the first moments of her intimacy with a man. If you are willing to put in some effort and spend a little time, then one of these tricks could be an erotic massage.

Many couples use massage as sexual foreplay, but few know how to do an erotic massage that can truly relax and, most importantly, excite a man. Maybe the first time you won’t get everything perfect, and you won’t achieve the main goal - a magical and memorable night, but, as you know, there is no limit to perfection, and over time you will definitely achieve your goal and, with a certain persistence, will become a real guru of erotic massage .

Where to begin?

The main goal of such a massage is arousal, and it is quite difficult to achieve if a man is thinking, for example, about business negotiations that lie ahead of him tomorrow. That is why the first step towards a passionate night is relaxation. To do this, you can use standard methods, in particular a glass of his favorite wine or a little of any other alcoholic drink. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise instead of passion you may end up with intimate conversations or even a scandal.

Another equally effective way to get a man to stop thinking about daily worries and problems is a warm and pleasant bath. You can help your significant other wash his hair: soft circular movements with your fingertips on the scalp will not leave any man indifferent. Rub his back - in this case it is better to do without a washcloth, which, oddly enough, many men consider a rather useless device that only irritates the skin. Apply some shower gel to your hand and rub it over your back. A few drops of a relaxing essential oil, such as lavender or grapefruit, will help you relax.

You should also think about underwear in advance: erotic massage is a sexual activity, and therefore your attire should be appropriate. If you don’t have one, you can do without underwear at all.

After the bath, you can immediately move to the bedroom, the environment of which should also be thought out in advance. The room should not be too hot or too cold, the light should not be too bright. It’s better to light a night light or place candles around the perimeter of the room to create an appropriately intimate atmosphere.

And one more rule that should not be neglected if you really want to master the technique of erotic massage: do not feed your man rough and heavy food in front of him, otherwise he may actually fall asleep at the most crucial moment. A light dinner in such situations has never bothered anyone, but it is better to refrain from fatty, smoked and salty foods.

Erotic massage techniques, or simple steps on the path to sexuality

The first thing you should remember if you want to make erotic massage your signature number is that this is not a therapeutic procedure when the main thing is pressing on certain points with sufficient force. If you're looking forward to a night of passion, alternate soft and gentle touches with intense and maybe even a little aggressive. Watch your partner's reaction - his emotions should seem to flow, either leading him to excitement, or again bringing him into a state of relaxation.

It is better to start erotic massage with your hands or feet. Gently knead each finger, and if you and your partner have a fairly trusting relationship, you can even kiss or lick them. Many men get very excited when women caress their toes with their tongues. Of course, there are exceptions - some men are embarrassed by this. But you know your partner better, and therefore the list of specific actions is known only to you.

After the feet, carefully move to the thighs and buttocks, which should be massaged more thoroughly. Then ask your chosen one to roll over onto his back and proceed to his stomach. Diligently avoid touching his genitals, otherwise you may simply not learn how to properly do an erotic massage and what it ultimately leads to - everything can immediately develop into sex. Of course, on the one hand, this is not bad at all, but if you do everything correctly and don’t rush, you can experience completely new and unforgettable sensations: your patience will be worthily rewarded!

In the navel area for men there is an important erogenous zone: if you gently caress it with your fingers or tongue, your partner will quickly become aroused. However, if at this point he is still far from thirsting for sex, he may become ticklish. That is why it is necessary to approach this zone at a strictly defined moment, when sexuality in a man takes precedence over relaxation.

For many men, nipples are also an erogenous zone. Of course, this area in the stronger sex is not as sensitive as in women, but it should not be deprived of attention. Caress his nipples with your tongue or lightly massage them with your fingers. This area does not tolerate rough touches, because the skin here is very delicate.

Little tricks for big excitement

Erotic massage is an intimate art, and therefore there is no clearly established set of rules that would allow one to develop a universal technique for ascending to the heights of pleasure. Specific movements, focusing on certain areas and a list of all kinds of taboos depend on the characteristics of your chosen one. Only by feeling your partner can you understand where and how to move on. If you really love your man, then you will quickly master erotic massage: your intuition will tell you how to do it.

However, there are little tricks that will help you awaken passion in a man, even if you are doing such a massage for the first time.

· Agree in advance with your partner not to touch you. To be sure, you can even carefully tie his hands, but not all men will agree to this. If your chosen one is deprived of the opportunity to touch you, this will greatly increase his sexual desire. You, in turn, must touch him all the time, at least with one hand, so that the partner feels your presence and desire.

· During the massage, as if accidentally touch the genitals of the partner with your hand. Play with him, be unpredictable - this will only increase his attraction.

· During this kind of sexual game, you can also use essential oils as an assistant, but only those that have a stimulating effect, for example, orange or cypress oil.

· Many men love biting or touching with nails, but it is still better to avoid using long claws during an erotic massage, otherwise your partner may simply become painful.

· Try touching some areas with hair or, for example, a silk belt - for many representatives of the stronger sex, such techniques have a simply stunning effect. You can also approach the area of ​​the back of the head and armpits in an extraordinary way: breathe erotically on them.

· If your partner is very temperamental, then it is better not to play with his feelings and do not use too sexy lingerie. Your attire can also become part of the game if, for example, you wear a short peignoir and do not wear underwear underneath.

Make sure that the man does not burn out - if he gets oversatiated and cools down, then instead of an erotic night you will get dissatisfaction and disappointment.

If you want to learn how to do an erotic massage correctly, in addition to the actual theoretical recommendations, you will have to trust your own intuition. In order for your partner to be relaxed and aroused and ready for a bright flash of passion, he must feel that you yourself are ready for it. You should not start an erotic massage if, for example, you are in a bad mood. Feel your partner, let your femininity and innate sexuality guide your actions, do not be afraid to go beyond the usual and what is permitted, and after a while you will perfectly master the technique of erotic massage, which will allow you to turn ordinary nights into bright and passionate ones.


Dear guests!

Our salon on Lubyanka is now open 24 hours on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

We look forward to seeing you every morning with a great mood!

Don't know how to give a gift to your friend or boss? A gift certificate for an erotic massage is the best solution!

1. You have the opportunity to purchase a certificate for any amount.
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3. For our part, we will do everything to the highest standard.

This time we decided to talk about a topic like the first erotic session. If you are one of those newcomers who are going to visit an erotic salon for the first time and do not know what awaits them, then our short note is just for you.

Yes: the format of a short note does not allow us to make a deep analysis of all available information about erotic salons and provide you with maximum information on the above stated topic. However, we will try not to miss a single important detail that you absolutely need to know. So, from this note you will learn:

What is an erotic salon and what are its specifics;

What services do erotic salons offer;

How to behave correctly during a session erotic massage;

How often can you visit erotic salons without harm to your health?

We hope that our short note was interesting to you and you learned a lot of new information about erotic salons. And if you would like to learn even more, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with other materials on our website.

What is an erotic salon and what are its features?

Erotic salons are often confused with dubious establishments that offer erotic services, although they are in no way connected with them. Erotic salons offer such services as Erotic massage, and let’s immediately agree to perceive it as a form of art, graceful eroticism, a massage for body and soul. Because in fact this is the way it is, and there is no need to attach far-fetched labels and come up with other definitions.

Everyone knows very well that a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle can lead to some problems in the body. Such difficulties include dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system and, of course, sexual function. The services of an erotic salon can help the body restore these functions, as they are to some extent aimed at the treatment and prevention of many diseases. The muscular parts of the body will receive a charge of energy, which will help you instantly return to your previous life. Also, when providing massage services, your body will receive an impressive dose of adrenaline, which will have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, restoring its mode. Also, do not forget about the nervous system, which constantly faces strong shocks. Bad habits, stress, depression - all this leaves its mark, and if you do not take action, you may end up with unpleasant illnesses. The massage offered by the erotic salon will calm your nerves, make you forget about all your problems and find your harmony. After the end of the session, you will immediately feel how much of a burden you were able to get rid of in just thirty to forty minutes!

Do not forget about the specific atmosphere that is specially created in erotic salons so that the impression of erotic massage was stronger. Most often, erotic salons create twilight: this immediately makes the atmosphere more intimate and predisposes the masseuse to further actions. Also in erotic salons, the use of scented candles or incense sticks is quite common, the subtle and pleasant smell of which relaxes and excites at the same time. Also, don’t forget that not only you, but also the masseuse will be naked. This is done for a reason. Firstly, it immediately relieves embarrassment (and, believe me, timid clients are common and very difficult to work with). Secondly, in this way the masseuse will be able to touch you with different parts of her body: tummy, breasts, butt, and so on. Agree that in clothes it would not be the same. Thirdly, you will be able to observe a number of very piquant poses that will give true pleasure to your gaze, so that you can get not only physical pleasure, but also aesthetic pleasure. Fourthly, if the masseuse does not mind, then you will be able to touch her, bringing even greater pleasure from the process to yourself and her.

However, it is very easy to ruin the impression of visiting an erotic salon. For example, if with your touches you interfere with the masseuse doing her job, then instead of giving you pleasure, she will try to calm your ardor. And this in itself will spoil the impression of erotic massage. Also, when visiting an erotic salon, it is best to leave behind the disgusting mood (if you have one, of course) and all the problems that are on your shoulders. Rest assured: if you are rude to the masseuse, she will, of course, do her job, but without much involvement. If this is not your first trip to an erotic salon, then you will quickly understand this. But in such a situation, you only have yourself to blame, since masseuses are not obliged to tolerate unceremoniousness and humiliating phrases addressed to them. And, of course, you shouldn’t try to delay the “finale” of the erotic procedure: this is only appropriate if you are not limited in time and your partner does not mind playing cat and mouse. And since a massage in an erotic salon is a time-limited procedure, and girls are not obliged to overwork, you risk leaving the erotic salon unsatisfied. Of course, we didn’t have such cases, and masseuses sooner or later dealt with particularly zealous clients, but who knows: maybe you’re that nut that doesn’t crack until you want to do it?

What services erotic massage better than other types of erotic leisure? We found four compelling arguments. Firstly, you will receive in combination with erotic massage And classic massage, which in itself is incredibly pleasant and extremely useful. Secondly, you will not just get an orgasm: the masseuse will try to make this orgasm the most powerful and impressive of your life. And believe that it will be so! After all, rarely under normal conditions does a charming woman try with all her might to satisfy you, not paying attention to her needs. Thirdly, you do not have to worry about protective equipment, because massage does not imply any sexual contact. And fourthly, you don’t have to do anything at all: just relax and have fun!

Do you want to relax and have fun? Then you should order a service like this at home. This procedure will not only bring unearthly bliss, but will also have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and well-being. And if the session is conducted by an experienced sexual masseuse, then the massage will also be beneficial for the body and health.

History of erotic massage

Massage began to be used in ancient times, as soon as civilization and the social system arose. It was then that they began to carry out all sorts of influences on people’s bodies for the purpose of treatment. As for erotic massage, it is believed that it appeared simultaneously with classical massage. But here it should be noted that this procedure originated not from a therapeutic effect, but from light touches, which were accompanied by pleasant, blissful, trembling sensations throughout the body. Thus, it can be argued that such massage appeared earlier, although this is not documented anywhere.

After a very long time, people began to systematize, analyze the experience gained, knowledge about the procedure and improve it. For the first time, pleasant caresses of the body began to be mentioned in teachings in Ancient Asia. It was at that time that such a concept as the Indian Kama Sutra appeared and the Chinese school of erotic massage “Tao of Love” was created. At that time, only in Asia it was believed that getting closer to a partner was not only pleasant, but also had useful qualities and prolonged life.

It is in the Tao of philosophy that a special place is given to such a procedure. When performing a massage using a unique technique, various pressures were applied to the points, thus, as the man came closer, he experienced the most intense sensations. At the same time, the procedure provided long-lasting pleasure and helped representatives of the stronger sex with premature ejaculation.

In ancient times, only the most influential people - medieval monarchs, Roman and Greek emperors, kings, Arab sheikhs - could experience all the delights of erotic massage. Ordinary people could not afford to experience such bliss. Only now has this procedure become available to everyone. It is very important that the procedure is carried out by an experienced masseuse. The best professional girls have already posted their profiles on our website. If you want to feel like an emperor, a king, then contact a private ad and order a service.

The impact of erotic massage

Many people are sure that such a procedure is a session aimed at obtaining pleasure and physical satisfaction. But it is not so. If erotic massage is performed at home by experienced masseuses, then all effects on the client’s body have beneficial qualities. These include the following:

a) a massage session allows men to relax, forget about problems and worries. By ordering a service from an individual, you can be sure that you will forget about depression, drowsiness and even fatigue;

b) the effect of such a procedure, like that of therapeutic massage, is the improvement of the body. The only difference is that such an effect is painless and brings pleasure, which cannot be said, for example, about lymphatic drainage massage;

c) such an effect on the male body increases its potency - male strength. And with this, self-confidence in one’s abilities increases;

d) since erotic massage relieves people from fatigue and various problems, it also helps fight insomnia. Sleep returns to normal, after which the man feels cheerful and rested.

Contraindications for carrying out

Despite the fact that the erotic massage procedure for men is very pleasant, there are still cases when there are contraindications. Most often this is due to the following factors:

a) for skin diseases. It is especially contraindicated if there are fungal or pustular wounds on its surface;

b) for colds and acute respiratory diseases, when body temperature exceeds 380C;

c) for urological diseases. This issue can be resolved exclusively with a doctor;

d) for infectious diseases: hepatitis, open tuberculosis and other easily transmitted diseases;

e) if there are sexually transmitted diseases;

e) for diseases of the blood and capillaries.

Features of massage technique

As many believe, massage therapists use a special technique when carrying out the procedure. Most people already know that erotic massage is performed using several standard techniques, alternating them. But experienced masseuses have improved the technique. Now there are many more methods of influence. The most popular and pleasant for men are the following:

1. Stroking – the massage begins and ends with this technique. At the beginning of the procedure, gentle movements with the palms and the back of the hands prepare the soft tissues for further intense exposure.

2. Rubbing is a more active action. The technique is carried out exclusively with the palm of the hand and moves in a sweeping manner until the area of ​​​​the skin feels warm and “burning”. This warms the skin and has a healing effect, especially useful for men who suffer from radiculitis, neuritis or other neurological diseases.

3. Pulling is a more stimulating technique, and it also has a beneficial effect on the body - metabolism in tissues improves. These movements are performed with the fingers, where the skin is grasped, pulled back and suddenly released.

4. Kneading is a strong, but at the same time pleasant effect on the body, reminiscent of kneading dough. The movements can be applied with fingers, palm, fist, elbow and even forearm.

5. Stretching - this technique is performed with the fingers, collecting the skin into a longitudinal cord. Then it stretches in different directions. This effect has a positive effect on muscles, tendons, and nerves.

6. Twisting - oddly enough, this movement can be performed on any part of the body: on the back, on the neck, on the limbs, using not only the fingers, but also the ribs of the palms. This technique affects the condition of the skin and muscles.

7. Vibrations – a tonic effect on the body, as a result of which the metabolic process in soft tissues improves. The impact is carried out on a certain area for no longer than 2 seconds. In this case, movements are carried out with fingers, palms, edges of the palms, and fists.

8. Squeezing - this technique is performed in most cases on the back. The area of ​​skin is grasped with your hand in the form of a roller and moved, quickly moving your fingers so that the roller does not disappear. This effect is also called “rolling” and it improves lymph and blood flow.

The above erotic massage techniques are not the only ones. There are many more types of influence, but these are the key ones and go in the same sequence.

How does a classic massage with erotic elements work?

It is difficult to say which massage appeared first - classic or erotic. But absolutely everyone knows that erotic procedure is impossible without techniques and elements of classical massage. As a result, a man not only experiences pleasure from the way a sexy masseuse acts on his body, but receives a positive effect on the entire body.

Several rules of classic erotic massage

Unforgettable sensations and pleasure can be obtained not only from intimacy with the opposite sex, but also from a classic massage that turns into an erotic one. But this may be true if the procedure is performed by an experienced masseuse. The girls have posted their profiles on our website and offer their services at a very affordable price. Our clients only need to contact the masseuse they like and order her service.

When working, the girls have already developed a set of rules that they strictly adhere to. This helps to carry out an unforgettable procedure for a man. These rules include the following points:

1. You need to talk with the client about his preferences, feelings, feel their emotions, desire and control excitement.

2. The client must be completely relaxed. To do this, you will need to carry out a water procedure - take an aromatic bath.

3. The massage should begin with classical techniques, but gradually the intensity of movements should increase and, under no circumstances, stop.

4. The masseuse must have a luxurious, seductive appearance. She will need to put on revealing, but not vulgar, underwear and then quickly and beautifully remove it. Just the sight of a professional woman should already excite a man’s fantasy.

5. The masseuse and the client must be in a good mood, otherwise the session will not have the necessary harmony and the effect will be completely opposite.

6. During the procedure, the client must constantly experience tactile contact. The masseuse's hands or other parts of her body should not be separated from the man's body.

7. You need to know all the client’s erogenous zones. At the same time, you need to monitor his reaction when touching them; perhaps some of the effects will not be so bright, but in other parts the touch may lead to physical satisfaction.

8. A man experiences the most pleasure when massaging his limbs, so you need to pay attention to his feet.

Secrets of massage

A pleasant procedure appeared in ancient times, but to this day massage techniques are constantly being improved. If you call experienced masseuses to your home who are ready to perform a classic massage procedure with erotic elements, then without a doubt you will get real pleasure and beneficial effects on the body. Like many centuries ago, the priestesses of love have several secrets in their arsenal that help them conduct an unforgettable session. The key secrets that we were able to note in the work of experienced professionals are the following points:

1. In order for the client to receive true and complete pleasure from the procedure, it is necessary to provide him with warmth, comfort and coziness. In this case, the girls turn on quiet but beautiful music, light aroma lamps, candles, and turn off the lights. At the same time, it is very important that the music plays quietly, and the smell is slightly perceptible, and not intense. If everything is different, the man will not only not enjoy the procedure, but will also leave the masseuse with a headache.

2. A man’s body should always be touched gently. This should be done not only during the massage, but also before it, when the man begins to undress, and after, when he has experienced unearthly bliss. Touches should not just be gentle, but slightly felt, and this should be done with your fingertips.

3. During the massage, you should use exclusively heated aromatic oils or creams. This can be easily done - pour it into the masseuse’s hand and only then touch the client’s body with it.

4. For a man to experience unusual emotions and intense satisfaction, you need to talk to him. It must be said right away that speaking during an erotic massage is a complex skill that ideally only selected priestesses of love possess. But here we need to clarify that this only applies to those cases when the massage is not performed by a regular partner.

5. You can touch a man’s body not only with your hands, but also with other parts of the body. This will make him more aroused and physically desire.

Erogenous zones in men

There are many sensual points on the body of a representative of the stronger sex. When conducting a classic erotic massage, a professional should not miss a single such area. Below we will indicate which points in men are erogenous and bring a lot of pleasant sensations:

Ears, namely the lobe and outer surface of the auricle. One kiss or bite can excite a man very quickly;

Scalp – this part contains many erogenous points. Gentle stroking or scratching can drive a man into a frenzy, as when affecting the genitals;

Shoulders - it’s hard to say that this is an erogenous zone, but during a classic massage this part needs to be given attention. At the same time, it is important to know that if you apply influence for a long time, the client will greatly relax and fall asleep. And this is unacceptable;

Breasts – there are erogenous zones here, but you need to know that they are not as sensitive as a woman’s. You don’t need to use your hands for massaging; you can touch the nipple with your tongue, lips or a woman’s aroused breast;

The outer and inner thighs - this area is considered one of the most sensitive. The fact is that the skin there is delicate, the nerve endings are on the surface and any touch is immediately accompanied by severe excitement. It is believed that massage of this part of the body is equivalent to massage of the scrotum;

Feet are one of the sensual areas for men. Enough time should be allocated to massage this part of the body;

Genital organs - this part of the body should be massaged last. It is the touch of the masseuse’s gentle hands that the man waits for throughout the entire procedure.

Where to start with erotic massage?

If you decide to order an intimate procedure with a classic massage, then you need to find an experienced professional. All the girls who have placed private ads with us are verified and provide high-quality massage. Their process goes like this:

1. Hand massage is performed. When exposed to these parts of the body, a man relaxes, fatigue and muscle tension are relieved.

2. Back massage – this area needs special attention. During the procedure, various classical techniques of influence are used, ranging from simple stroking, kneading and further active, intense influence.

3. Massage of the buttocks - there are no rules here. It is better to influence with intense movements, for example, patting, pressing and kneading. Each touch will cause unusual, exciting sensations in a man.

4. Leg massage – impact on this area brings a man vivid sensations. Especially if women's hands touch the inner thigh. It is better to carry out the impact with chopping and pulling movements.

5. Massage of the abdomen and chest. After the legs are worked, the client needs to turn over. Massage movements with hands in this case are replaced by the influence of other parts of the body. Experienced masseuses caress the client’s body with their lips, tongue, and nipples.

6. Massage of the genital organs - in this case, hands, lips, and tongue are used. All touches are made gently, barely noticeable. There are many methods of how to bring a man to a bright orgasm, and in each case the masseuse focuses on the client’s moans and excitement and continues the influence until a stormy, bright ending.

7. After the man has had pleasure, the procedure ends with gentle, affectionate stroking all over the body.

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