Home Indoor flowers Can Muslims be godparents? Can a Muslim be godfather to an Orthodox Christian?

Can Muslims be godparents? Can a Muslim be godfather to an Orthodox Christian?

“convert” the person under care to another faith? And if the bio is restored and the child needs to be returned to her, will she receive a child of a different faith? Well, if they baptized a Muslim or a Jew, then it’s not so dramatic, but if on the contrary... they circumcised, but the biological Christian?


I'm very sorry for you, Farida. You still don’t understand anything... But you could become a happy mother.

I think that circumcision is very wrong in relation to any child, and especially not yours.
If the guardianship is eventually terminated, how will the circumcised boy move on with his life? Who will explain to him why this was done, why it was so “correct”? He will live in Russia and be different from most Russian children, they will still notice him in the bathhouse, swimming pool, school toilet, is it fair to make such a decision for a child, when then there is a risk that he will be left alone with his new body and not yet nurtured in it? religion? This is an operation that remains visually visible throughout your life. Yes, there are advantages to circumcision (fewer bacteria accumulate), but there are also disadvantages. Almost all men who were circumcised mature age, they say that the sensations in sex life became almost zero. Is it possible to decide such things for a child who is 50% not yours? To me it sounds something like “is it possible to circumcise the neighbor’s child, he’s visiting for a couple of months anyway?”
I will add that female circumcision is also performed for religious reasons, which does not make it correct, much less “very necessary.”
Your friend is being disingenuous, it seems to me. If she wanted a legal point of view, she would have asked the guardianship; no one has canceled freedom of religion, and Islam is a religion, not a sect. But the issue of ethics here is clearly more acute.
I believe that a child should decide the issue of his body independently and consciously. It is always possible to become an atheist if you were baptized in infancy. But it will no longer be possible to sew on what was cut off in the future.
If it is so important for your friend to circumcise the child, let her do it at least when she remains close to him 100%.
I didn't want to offend anyone, if anything.

09.26.2016 11:11:04, Opinion

This discovery makes it clear who the proto-Christians were who baptized or, as they now increasingly say, certified Jesus Christ.

It has now been proven that the proto-Christians - the Essenes - were engaged in social sciences, sociology, issues of social structure.
Thus, two versions of the Charter of the future society were discovered: a highly moral kingdom (“Kingdom of Heaven”).
Issues of economics, finance and politics, apparently, were also not alien to the “first academicians”. The so-called “Copper Scroll” was also found and sawn, which contained exclusively secret information about the secret burials in the cities of the Mediterranean about 180 tons of gold and silver, prepared, obviously, for carrying out social reforms, which Jesus Christ specifically speaks about in his famous .and almost no one has read the “Sermon on the Mount” correctly, where he first of all mentions the Beggars, strong in their intellect (spirit). Well, that's a different story.

Such an answer to the question about the age of baptism will, in my opinion, be the most constructive: if you baptize a child after starting reading, this will give Orthodoxy a new impetus to its roots - to enlightenment and intelligence, as the basis of true spirituality. Of course, a more comprehensive set of recommendations and supplies for baptism is needed. On this basis, in 1996 - 1999, a development and education program was developed: “For every family - gifted and talented children.” - [link-1]
As I understand it, there are three versions of the “Baptismal Kit” for a new, modern rite of baptism, which will inevitably replace the old one - depending on what kind of future the parent wants to give the child? The most important thing is to give a child giftedness through baptism after the child begins to read, before he can walk...
But I believe that it is necessary to baptize when the child receives his first higher education- V new system this happens at the age of 11 - 12 years - then it will be a truly conscious choice.

Aw Well, well! You can also join some totalitarian sect. Just don’t :-((... Inanna Inanna, I understand that you have good intentions. But you yourself know where they lead. So you, too, are only scaring away... Joy From the sect :-)? Well, very good! Inanna No, from myself and the Orthodox in general - after all, someone might decide that all Orthodox are like that. Professor It’s good that nothing will push me away from Orthodoxy - but Inanna’s messages, alas, could. your husband, and I myself leave this question for discussion... I don’t want unnecessary discussions. But, frankly speaking, having talked with true Orthodox believers, some other religions...
...By the way, it is not written anywhere that relatives cannot be godparents, and each priest interprets it in his own way. K&J Godmother cannot only be birth mother. Aunt, grandmother, sister (from 13 years old) - they can. Something is wrong with your friend. Olga Ovodova Even a grandmother can do it? After all, she is a grandmother, how can she be a godmother? A friend's daughter's godmother is a grandmother. I kept thinking that the priest was inattentive. T_Yana My sister and I are grandmothers. My son has a grandfather... Inanna But that makes sense godmother- if necessary, replace my own mother. And grandparents... no, I wouldn’t dare! T_Yana The meaning of a godmother is the spiritual education of a child, and not a replacement “in case something happens.” This year...


We did not personally baptize.
She will grow up and decide whether she needs it.
Do you even know the reasons for the baptism of Rus'?
So here it is:
Pursuit Kyiv princes to be equal to European monarchs
The desire to strengthen the state: one monarch - one faith
Many noble Kyivians were already Christians according to the Byzantine image

In general, I don’t believe in God and other heresies. But the child must be baptized because in our society, there is still an overwhelming number of Christians and believers. You shouldn’t be a black sheep for your child. So just simply explain that it is not reasonable to refuse baptism. And then let the child choose who he should be and who he should believe in (for example, with me the whole family is VERY religious and almost crazy about it, but personally I don’t believe it

04/12/2011 20:35:05, topic

No conveyor belt. In general, in the prayer house of the Evangelists the atmosphere is peaceful, a bright spacious room without icons, beautiful chants, prayers in simple accessible language, the children do not behave under pressure during the service - they walk around the hall, sit down, sing, and no one shushes them or “pressures”. I am not ready for my baptism. There is a temptation to baptize your adopted son, becoming his godmother (they say “the godmother’s prayer will atone for all sins and raise him from the bottom of the sea”), for example, in catholic church(at the beginning of construction, in the midst of indignant public debate, Dimochka once said that he would go there, but did not have time). I don’t understand the division into religions at all - Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants, Baptists, Witnesses,... - everyone believes in ONE God and His son Jesus, and divisions - just accept...


I completely agree with you, Natalya, and I admire your action. That's how it should be! Although it is very difficult, and most of us go completely into the depths of our grief, there is really only one way out of it - to try to help the other person. Not being religious, I am sure that God wants exactly this from us - so that we never give up, do not become embittered and return to happiness through love, and not through leaving the world for a monastery, etc. Otherwise, why did he give us this world? ?
But I still can’t come to church. I don't understand many things:
According to Christians, some people atone for the sins of other people with their suffering (starting with Jesus). Once at a children’s hospital I read an article by a priest on a stand about how this is the meaning of serious illnesses in children. So, maybe they don’t need to be treated? Some kind of pagan attitude - make a sacrifice, and everything will be decided (and the sacrifice is not a lamb, but a child!). You can gain wisdom and understanding yourself through suffering. How can someone else do this for you?
After reading the Gospel, I asked myself another question: why? Christian church does it even exist? Jesus commanded:
- do not build temples on earth, but only in the human soul;
- do not fast, do not pray, but it is better to go and make peace with your neighbor;
- and if you want to pray, enter quietly into your house and pray there so that no one sees you.
Is not it?
That’s why I would like everyone, like Natalya, to go to God (= to understanding life and their place in it) through love for people, for children, for their child, and not on the advice of priests. Even if they good people, pure souls, etc. - Well, who can wisely manage your life, your thoughts, your feelings for you? What if the priest bad person or just indifferent? There are a lot of them.

07/21/2006 12:08:03, Marina

“Do not allow the patient to view life’s affairs as material for obedience to the Enemy. If you have made peace the goal and faith the means, the person is almost in your hands and it makes absolutely no difference what goal he pursues. If only rallies, brochures,
political campaigns, movements and causes mean more to him than prayer,
mystery and mercy - he is ours."
This is a quote from “Letters of a Screwtape” by K.S. Lewis (C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters). At one time, this book pushed me to finally get baptized, and I highly recommend reading it to anyone who sincerely wants to find answers, and is not just “hanging out.” (If anyone doesn’t understand, this is advice from an old, experienced demon to a young and beginner).
As for the last statement - “if you believe in Christ and go to Christ, then only not through Orthodoxy” - I hear this very often. Indeed, in modern satanic society it is permissible to be anyone - a Catholic, a Sandeist, a fire worshiper, or even a pagan - but not Orthodox! Well, for me this is another proof that exactly Orthodox Christianity- this is true faith.

26.02.2005 18:35:38

Thus ended the baptism. Juliet Woman in certain days month and for 40 days after giving birth is considered “Dirty.” This is why they repeatedly say that Mary is a saint because she “gave birth without sin.” And among Muslims, women are not allowed into the temple at all. My friend, a purebred and believing Tatar, was actually married, or whatever they call this ceremony, on a rug in the kitchen.... Kasya Don’t misinform the people, please! Women are ALLOWED in the mosque. It's just there separate rooms for them: women are in one place, men are in another! They don’t want to host a soup with flies... My Tatar friend, by the way, went to the mosque with her husband to “get married.” Inanna Original Sin. Because Adam and Eve sinned by eating of the ancient...

There can be one godfather, only the godfather must be of the same gender as the child, i.e. for a girl - godmother, for a boy - godfather. 1.8.2001 10:56:35, Helga Godparents are considered the spiritual mentors of their godson, and the rite of baptism binds them with spiritual kinship. Therefore they should not be husband and wife. 22.5.2001 13:36:27, Magus My father was the godfather of his sister’s daughter, and when I was baptized, I wanted my aunt to be the godmother ( Native sister father), so it turns out that this is not possible;-(in the sense that if you baptized my children, then I cannot yours... 1.8.2001 11:36:18, Izya Godparents must be over 14 years old, we wanted to take her second cousin as godparents brother and cousin, both 10 years old, turned out to be naughty :-) 10.8.2001 20:12:25, Nataly Christening at home Here is the phone number 162-03-47, father Evgeniy...

And I noticed in Lately There are a lot of reports on TV about sectarians, and in a benign tone, and even to the point that this is how you should live. I don’t like it.

12/18/2000 13:24:22, shima

God forbid you start defining your country by faith...I’m already silent about the fact that there are many other nationalities in Russia.
Even if religion is now a fashion, but after some time the priests, among whom there are people far from serving God and man, based on the fact that the majority of the Orthodox population want more subsidies, more honor, more power... At whose expense?
At your expense...
Israel is sick with this disease...this confrontation between religion and democracy corrupts some and embitters others.
So many of our troubles are only because we interpret the word Jew differently.
For the Orthodox, a Jew is a person who, first of all, carefully preserves rituals and religion. But for us, a Jew is a person born of a Jewish mother, and the fulfillment of rituals depends on his desire. The Orthodox, playing on the feelings of people who respect religion, do everything to impose their will on us trampling on our rights and desires...
Vlasa corrupts, it is known...
This causes so much hatred and conflict that I suspect that the next war will be between us and not with the Arabs.

12/17/2000 13:37:43, Faya

Dear readers, on this page of our website you can ask any question related to the life of the Zakamsky deanery and Orthodoxy. The clergy of the Holy Ascension Cathedral in Naberezhnye Chelny answer your questions. Please note that it is better, of course, to resolve issues of a personal spiritual nature in live communication with a priest or with your confessor.

As soon as the answer is prepared, your question and answer will be published on the website. Questions may take up to seven days to process. Please remember the date of submission of your letter for ease of subsequent retrieval. If your question is urgent, please mark it as “URGENT” and we will try to answer it as quickly as possible.

Date: 12/03/2014 14:47:34

Dmitry, Moscow

Is it possible for a Muslim woman to be the godmother of a child?

Protodeacon Dmitry Polovnikov answers

My daughter was born. Is it possible for a Muslim woman to be the godmother of a child, and wouldn’t this be a violation of her faith, as well as a violation of the canons of Orthodoxy? Thank you.

Dear Dmitry, of course, a Christian can have different friends, including those who are different from him in faith. We must treat everyone with merciful, sacrificial love. But to consider that a Muslim can be a receiver from the font, that is, that a Muslim will help you raise a child in faith, piety, purity, strengthen yourself in the truths of the Orthodox faith, according to at least, paradoxical. Only an Orthodox Christian can be a godmother, especially if she is truly a believer who can teach the child faith. In your case, you need to look for another godmother.

Hello Dima, first you should know what baptism is.

Who established Water Baptism

  • Mf. 28:19, Mark. 16:16 - Christ commanded Baptism.
  • Acts 2:38, 10:48 - Peter fulfills Christ’s commandment about Baptism.

Thus, Water baptism is what our Lord commanded us. This commandment was fulfilled by the disciples of Christ, and we are fulfilling this commandment. Therefore, our attitude towards baptism is not as a custom or rite, but as a commandment given to us by Jesus Christ, which we want to obey.

Who can be baptized? Who is it for?

  • Mk. 16:16 – those who believe .
  • Acts 8:12, Acts 2:38 - the condition for baptism is believing with all your heart and repentance .

These are the conditions necessary for receiving water baptism. By the way, to do this means to fulfill the words of Christ, who said: “Teach and baptize” (Matthew 28:19-20).

Nowhere in the New Testament do we see the practice of infant baptism.

What is baptism

Water Baptism- this is visible sign that we choose to belong and completely dedicate your life to Jesus Christ. The rite of baptism itself does not provide salvation.

Example: I have a fiancée, we love each other, we decided to combine our lives into one, nevertheless, Until we sign, our relationship is not complete. Painting is an official decision to connect your life with another person; this action elevates our relationship an order of magnitude higher. Likewise, baptism is an outward expression of our commitment to Christ. Baptism introduces you into a relationship with God that is an order of magnitude higher.

The very meaning of the Greek word Baptism implies complete dive into water (absorption, soaking wet). Therefore, pouring or sprinkling is not the Biblical way of baptism. Bible texts that talk about complete immersion: John. 3:23, Col. 2:12, Matt. 3:16, Acts 8:39.

What spiritual processes begin to occur after baptism

1. Compound with Christ in His death and burial. Rome. 6:3-4. Union with Christ in His Resurrection. Rome. 6:4, Col. 2:11.When we are immersed in water - this symbolizes our death together with Christ to sin, to the world, to ourselves. When the waters close over our heads, this symbolizes our burial. When we are raised from the water, this is a symbol of our resurrection with Christ to a new life. The symbol of Baptism - to be dead to sin and alive to God - is the task of our entire life, in Baptism this task is put into our spirit, and after baptism we will feel the full reality of the task given to us by God.

2. We get responsibility member Body of Jesus Christ. 1 Cor. 12:13. Before we were baptized in water, we were already in the Body of the Church. But after being baptized, we are given responsibility for this Body. And it is expressed in our service to this Body.

This responsibility will be expressed in our deeds.

  • We need to hold high moral standards, try to live honestly and righteously. (Titus 2:12)
  • Sacrifice money, give donations. 2 Cor. 9:7, Gal. 6:6.
  • Daily feed your spirit with the Word of God and communication with God - prayer. Mf. 6:6.
  • Regularly visit Church and witness. Heb. 10:25, Eph. 6:15.
  • Look at your life as a path to follow Christ . 1 Cor. 9:24, Mark. 8:34, Phil. 2:12.

3 . God, for his part, guarantees:

  • Save for us eternal life. Jude. 24, 2 Tim. 4:18, 1:12.
  • Make us capable live according to our decision. Phil. 2:12-13, 2 Peter. 1:3, 1 Thess. 5:23-24.


1. Be sure to receive water baptism.
2. Start living the life of a baptized person now.
3. Be prepared for spiritual attacks.
4. Don't view baptism as the final achievement in the Christian life.

Now the direct answer to your question. A Muslim cannot be a godfather because... he lives according to the Koran, and Christians live according to the Bible. There is one God, yes, but the presentation of Him is different among Muslims and Christians, which means their views differ.

The godfather, or godfather, must be Orthodox Christian. A godfather cannot be a Catholic, a Muslim, or a very good atheist, because main responsibility godfather - to help a child grow into Orthodox faith.
The godfather must be a church person, ready to regularly take the godson to church and monitor his Christian upbringing.
After baptism has been performed, the godson cannot be changed, but if the godfather has changed greatly for the worse, the godson and his family should pray for him.
Pregnant and unmarried women Both boys and girls CAN be godparents - don’t listen to superstitious fears!
The father and mother of a child cannot be godparents, and a husband and wife cannot be godparents for the same child. other relatives - grandmothers, aunts and even older brothers and sisters can be godparents.

Bless you.

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Number of entries: 224

Hello. Our son was baptized two years ago. At that time, we did not have anyone as a godfather, only a godmother. Now we have such a person. Is it possible to somehow take him as a godparent?


No, Catherine, this is impossible, because it contradicts the very meaning of the Sacrament of Baptism. However, if this person wants, and he is pious, then with your permission he can take part in the spiritual education child.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Good afternoon, we are going to baptize our daughter, can an Armenian baptized in the Armenian Orthodox Church be the godfather? I heard that, out of leniency, one non-Orthodox person who comes from the community in which the Russian Orthodox Church recognizes the validity of baptism can be admitted as a recipient. But the Holy Father, to whom we turned, answered negatively. Thanks in advance for your answer.


The priest is right - only an Orthodox Christian can be the recipient of Orthodox baptism.

Archpriest Andrey Efanov

Hello! A man who became the godfather of an Orthodox Christian and was himself Orthodox, then transferred to the Roman Church. Catholic Church. Is he still this man's godfather? If not, then tell me what to do in this situation for both the godson and the godfather? Thank you!


Sergei, to be honest, his godfather became an apostate! What can he then teach the child? If godfather close person, is not at enmity with Orthodoxy, does not speak out against the Church, then you can communicate, but carefully. Don't place any hopes on him, just maintain a friendly relationship. This may help him come back and repent of his betrayal over time. By the way, I witnessed this. And our local priest told me that such Catholics come to him for a couple of years, and then run back to the Orthodox. Be patient and pray. Life will show.

Archpriest Maxim Khizhiy

Hello. I have two questions: is it possible for a pregnant woman to baptize her child, and who can she pray for her husband - problems at work, depression, apathy, laziness.


Tatyana, a pregnant woman can be a godmother. However, godparents bear great responsibility before God for their godchildren. Godparents are obliged to always pray for them, raise them in the Orthodox faith, go to church with them, and bring them to Communion. Of course, godparents themselves are obliged to lead a Christian lifestyle, regularly attend church and receive communion. Your husband also needs to go to church himself. A person living without God is much more susceptible to all sorts of demonic influences. You can pray for your husband to the holy Apostle Simon the Zealot:

Holy glorious and all-praised Apostle of Christ Simon, who was deemed worthy to receive into your home in Cana of Galilee our Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother, our Lady Theotokos, and to be an eyewitness to the glorious miracle of Christ, revealed on your brother, turning water into wine! We pray to you with faith and love: beg Christ the Lord to transform our souls from sin-loving to God-loving; save and protect us with your prayers from the temptations of the devil and the falls of sin, and ask us for help from above during our despondency and helplessness; Let us not stumble over the stone of temptation, but steadily walk the saving path of Christ’s commandments, until we reach those blessed heavenly abodes where you now dwell and rejoice. Hey, Apostle Spasov! Do not disgrace us, who firmly trust in you, but be your helper and protector in all our lives and help us to end this temporary life in a pious and godly manner, to receive a good and peaceful Christian death and to be honored with a good answer at the Last Judgment of Christ; May we, having escaped the ordeals of the air and the power of the fierce ruler of the world, inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and glorify the magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Is it possible to enroll a man as a godfather who is half Muslim and half Christian?


Dear Marina, a person cannot be half Christian, this is not a nationality, but a religion. The recipient of baptism can be either a church-going Christian, or a person who has undergone catechesis in the church and been baptized in Orthodoxy.

Archpriest Andrey Efanov

Good afternoon Please tell me, I recently baptized my goddaughter (niece), as expected, I bought her a cross, but after the baptism I noticed that there was a piece missing on the cross. Maybe it wasn’t there initially or it fell off later, I don’t know. Tell me what should be done? And what could this be connected with?


Ekaterina, this is probably due to a manufacturing defect, and there is nothing more to it. If something bothers you, you can buy your goddaughter a new cross, and leave this one at home or give it to church.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

When is a pectoral cross intended for a godson consecrated?


Vladimir, it doesn’t matter when to consecrate the cross for the godson. You can consecrate the cross in advance, or you can consecrate it directly during the sacrament of baptism.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello! Please tell me. Is it possible for godparents not to attend the godson’s communion? The godson is a newborn... the godparents were present at the baptism.


Anna, if the godparents were not also present at the baptism, then they simply would not be godparents. It's okay if for some reason good reasons godparents cannot attend their godson's communion. The main thing is that this does not enter the system later, because godparents must participate in Orthodox education his godson.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Can my own sister, who is almost 13 years old, be godmother to her younger sister?


Hello, Ekaterina! There are different opinions on this matter. On the one hand, starting from the age of seven, a child is considered a youth and can be responsible for his own actions, confesses, can be baptized without a godparent, and, in principle, can become a godfather. But godparents have a huge responsibility on themselves. They will be responsible for their godson before God, must pray for him, teach him the Orthodox faith, etc. All this must be taken into account when choosing godparents for their child. If the girl is already capable of performing all these duties, then she can become a godmother. Ultimately, this issue will be decided by the priest with whom you will baptize the baby.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello! How to pray for godchildren correctly?


Julia, godparents bear great responsibility before God for their godchildren. Godparents are obliged to raise them in the Orthodox faith, which means they themselves must live Christian life, regularly go to church and receive communion. You can pray in your own words, or for example, like this:

Prayer of the godfather for the godson

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, in the Jordan you deigned to be baptized by John and commanded us to be baptized for the remission of sins, have mercy and save the child (name), whom I received from the font. Grant him undoubted faith, love for You, our Savior and his neighbor. Guide him yourself along the path of salvation, so that when he passes into perfect age, he will be granted spiritual gifts, good physical health will be preserved, and the Kingdom of Heaven in the soul (name) may grow from the pea grain into a blessed-leaved tree and bear good fruit to the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Good afternoon. We want to baptize our daughter. Question one: can both of my daughters have the same godmother? I don't see any other person in this role. Second question: is it possible to register a godfather without his presence? He lives in another city and periodically travels - he is a truck driver. He is very kind, the responsible person. I don’t want another godfather for my daughter.


Yes, Elena, both daughters can have one godmother, but it is impossible to inscribe someone in the role of godfather in absentia - this contradicts the meaning of the Sacrament of Baptism.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello, father! Tell me what to do. I godmother beautiful baby Niki. I prepared, read a lot of spiritual literature before agreeing to such important role. My godfather and godfather do not go to church, but “just believe.” They don’t give me a child alone so I can go to church with him, and they themselves are not eager - “later, when he grows up.” What do i do?


Julia, your main responsibility is to pray for the child. If your parents themselves do not give it to you, then there is no sin on you - the main thing is to pray for your goddaughter, and then as God wills.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello, father! Is it possible to refuse a godmother if she has never taken her godson to church in 2 years and said: “I haven’t taken her and I won’t.” She is completely unchurched, I took her as godparents because she really asked. Now she has 3 godchildren, no children of her own... I take my son to receive communion herself, her godmother doesn’t even come to visit the baby.


Photinia, godparents bear great responsibility before God for their godchildren. Godparents are obliged to always pray for their godchildren and raise them in the Orthodox faith. Also, godparents must themselves be Orthodox Christians and, of course, regularly attend church. It is primarily your fault that you took a completely non-church person as godparents. This should have been approached with complete seriousness and not taken random people. But now, no matter what she is, she remains godmother forever, because... participated in the baptism of the child. The fact that you refuse it will not change anything here. Raise your child yourself and take him to church for communion yourself, and, of course, take communion yourself too.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello, please tell me, we want to baptize our daughter individually, she will be 6 months old on October 3rd. But her godmother is not baptized, she is 14 years old. What should we do in such a situation, tell me?


Nadezhda, godparents bear great responsibility before God for their godchildren. Godparents are obliged to always pray for their godchildren and raise them in the Orthodox faith. Also, godparents must themselves be Orthodox Christians and, of course, baptized in Orthodox Church. Unbaptized people, as well as people of other faiths, can under no circumstances be godparents. In addition, I believe that at the age of 14 it is generally too early to become a godmother, because at this age she herself still needs spiritual and life advice. So you need to look for another godmother.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello! Please answer the question: can the name of the goddaughter coincide with the name of the godmother?


Alexey, it doesn't matter. The names may be the same. The main thing is our life. Our future in eternity depends on the kind of life we ​​spend on earth.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Is it possible to give your pectoral cross(I was not baptized in it, I bought it myself and consecrated it in the monastery) at the baptism of my goddaughter


Yes, you can. This is the most common gift for godchildren. There is no need to support the superstition that the cross supposedly transfers sorrows to the child. This is blatant stupidity! “Protect us, Lord, with the power of the Honest and Life-giving Cross!”

Archpriest Maxim Khizhiy

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