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How to become a responsible person. How to Demonstrate Maturity in a Relationship

9 ways to increase your own responsibility - how to become a responsible person?

A responsibility- one of the most main human qualities... People endowed with this property are more willingly hired, it is more pleasant not only to communicate with them, but in general to at least somehow contact, because an irresponsible person is an adult child, you cannot wait for help from him, he is restless and unable to answer for his deeds and words.

How to become a responsible person?

Having become responsible for his life, a person gains freedom, begins to build his own happiness on his own, overcomes obstacles and achieves his goals.

  • The first rule is plan your day

Many large companies conduct time management trainings... It allows you to effectively allocate your time in such a way that there is enough for everything.

Americans and Germans are famous workaholics, but by Friday night everyone is on the golf course. None of them stay late at work or take work home. And all why? Because they have are ready to do everything during working hours.

Time management theory suits even a housewife... With it, any person begins to truly value their time, learn how to properly distribute it, and not waste a minute.

  • Train your memory

Is always pay attention to the little things that your mind can cling to. It will be difficult at first, but then you can easily remember what you ate on the last Mondays and whether you really turned off the iron.

Ability to memorize a large number of information is a very useful skill in life. After all good memory helps to track down your mistakes in order to take them into account later.

  • Don't waste your words

A responsible person first thinks will he be able to complete the task or comply the necessary conditions, and only then promises something. If you are not confident in your abilities, then we can say that you will simply try or will not be able to guarantee 100% compliance with the conditions.

  • Write down your plans and tasks , since you can't remember everything

Then you never forget oh very important meeting or about serious negotiations. By the way, organizers were invented for these purposes.

  • Practice more organizational work

It doesn't matter what it will be - a picnic, a holiday or a school trip to another city. Take it all! The more activities you arrange, the easier and faster you will be able to do it, and the easier it will become for you to manage your life.

  • Never say phrases: "If not for work / weather / friends ...", "the leadership / government / doctors / oligarchs are to blame for everything ..." and so on

Man is the master of his life! He is able, if not to change his conditions of existence, then to change them. Repeat as a mantra every morning: “I am the master of my life. Only I am responsible for what happens to me. " Believe what you say, because it's true!

  • Find yourself a like-minded person and develop with him in unison

It's easier to change together than alone. After all, even on a diet it's easier to sit if someone supports you. Share your successes, recipes for overcoming difficulties, and compete to increase your responsibility. This will motivate both of you in the best way.

In this case, you can tell your friend that yesterday you organized an excursion for 40 five-graders to the zoo, and the interlocutor will tell you that she has taken on a difficult project at work, and has practically completed it.

  • Always - to act

Even in the most difficult situation do not lose yourself and look for ways out of the crisis... And if you seem to have no problems and everything is smooth, then do not stop there, but think about the next goal. Go and strive for it.

  • Change

Do not think that it is impossible to change with age. Amazing transformations happen even at 70 years old. People change their lives qualitatively become really happy and free... Therefore, there is no need to attribute failure to fate. All or almost all problems are a consequence of our actions and mistakes that need to be analyzed and corrected.

Increasing responsibility implies the obligatory departure from comfort zones. And on this path you will have to step over yourself more than once.

But it is imperative to overpower and take this step in order to reach new level quality of life!

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The Ultimate Guide to Sense of Responsibility: what is responsibility, what does it mean to be a responsible person, why is it important to be responsible, how to become a more responsible person? How can you avoid feeling guilty and anxious about being overly or overly responsible? Learn the difference between responsibility and guilt. Also in this article we will tell you what social responsibility is.

Responsibility: The Complete Guide

Have you ever wondered what responsibility and irresponsibility are? What do we mean by responsibility? If you start thinking about it, pictures from childhood will surely pop up in front of your eyes. Children, deciding whether they will obey their parents or not, and especially if they want to “challenge the authorities” (mom and dad), can hear in response: "You have to be responsible."

If you ask your child what it means to be responsible, he will answer you something like “do everything well”, “obey mom and dad”, “do homework”. Adults use this term - “responsibility” - so that children understand and accept that they should behave well and do what their parents tell them.

Do you think responsibility is little more than commitment? What comes to your mind when we talk about responsibility?

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What is responsibility? Definition

If we turn to the etymology of the word “responsibility”, we will see that it does not come from “obligation” at all. Russian word“Responsibility” comes from “answer, decision”; in European languages ​​also - from the word “promise”.

Becoming a responsible person means learning to make conscious decisions, apply behaviors that allow you to become better, or help others become better. And most importantly, a responsible person understands and accepts the consequences of their own actions and decisions.

In dictionary Spanish The RAE of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language is defined as existing ability any active subject of the right to recognize and accept the consequences of a voluntary action taken ”.

This definition emphasizes the need for a person to take responsibility for the possible negative consequences of their actions.

Being responsible: what does it give us?

Responsibility is very useful, it is not for nothing that they say that “a responsible person is a free person”. A sense of responsibility can help you achieve your goals in any life sphere... Responsibility allows you to create your own values ​​and take the reins of your life into your own hands. Responsibility helps:

  • Be more honest and decent: When we tend to speak the truth and keep our promises, the people around us trust us, considering us honest and decent people.
  • Be more self-reliant: Accepting the consequences of our actions will help us make better decisions.
  • Enjoy great trust: People trust the responsible person more. But more importantly, we begin to trust ourselves more. We feel better if we do something right. And even in the event of a mistake, we are satisfied, because we know that in this or that situation we did our best.

Responsibility as a value

Responsibility is taught from childhood. Both in the family and at school, it is necessary to bring up values ​​in children.

Of course, everyone wants their partner to be decent and responsible, children - to be able to take responsibility and not get into unpleasant stories, so that parents and teachers are responsible and take care of children, specialists - with responsibility to do their job. Why do we think that a person should be responsible?

Because the presence of such people nearby gives us a sense of confidence and security. We think: "yes, he is responsible, he will do everything right." A sense of security is one of the basic needs according to Maslow's pyramid.

This is one of the reasons why responsibility is so positively assessed in our society - because it gives us security, trust and a certain stability.

How can you become more responsible?

There is no magic formula for becoming more responsible. However, you can “train” and educate responsibility.

If you want to achieve something, fulfill your promises and obligations, you need, first of all, a disposition and. Since you have already read the article to this point, you already have it all. I will give you a few additional tips and tips. So how do you develop a sense of responsibility?

  1. Set goals: It is important to understand why you are doing something. Understanding the meaning and direction of action helps us consciously continue to cope with our responsibilities. If you think your goal is too long-term, set yourself small goals to achieve it. I recommend writing them down. It may sound silly, but the written goals become real. Writing down goals can help you become more responsible!
  2. Be objective: What depends on me and what does not? Write a list of what is up to you and what you can control. Your attention should be directed to these aspects, since you cannot be held responsible for what is beyond your control.
  3. Form good habits: If you find it difficult to “pull yourself together,” try organizing your daily routine. For example, plan to practice for exactly one hour each day before watching a movie. This will help you, in addition, you will know for sure that classes will take only an hour before watching, for example, your favorite TV series.
  4. Reward yourself: Your inner ambitions are important here. If you have achieved your goal, why not admit it? This is your moment of success, praise and indulge yourself!
  5. Be sincere with yourself: You are mistaken? The result depended only on you, but you failed? Take responsibility, admit it. Analyze: why did something go wrong, how could you do otherwise to achieve what you want?
  6. Share your plans: No, no, it's not about publicly sharing your plans on social media. I mean your loved ones. Best friend, mom, brother or sister. Tell them what you have in mind and how you will do it. You will be able to get support from the closest people you are. In addition, it will already be embarrassing for you to turn off the intended path.
  7. Take action: What you can take responsibility for is your actions. For example, cleaning your room, delivering work on time, preparing lunch, etc. This is a specific behavior for which you can take responsibility for a commitment, but you not you can be responsible for the consequences. For example, no matter how well you prepare for a lesson, this does not guarantee you the highest grade from the teacher, and if you worked hard and cooked lunch all day, this does not mean that your guests will definitely like your food. It doesn't depend on you... Therefore, just outline a plan of actions and tasks that you want to accomplish and have all the necessary resources for this, and go ahead!

I do not want to deceive you. It takes time, desire and effort to become a responsible person.

Remember, consistency is the key to success. Concentrate on your goal and you will succeed.

You can record your most important goals in capital letters, and subgoals or mini-goals in regular letters just below. Start gradually, step by step taking responsibility for certain actions or tasks.

Remember the responsibility for all your actions. If you do not succeed, do not punish yourself. Analyze the reasons, correct the path, recognize the difficulties, and start over.

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Responsibility and guilt

Guilt and responsibility are not the same thing. Being responsible for something does not mean being guilty. Admit it honestly, how many times have you had to make excuses, saying "It's not my fault!" in situations that you actually had no control over?

I will tell you a story that may sound familiar to you. Imagine that early in the morning at home you saw on your phone a message from your boss with the following content: “The project urgently needs to be completed by 13:00. The client will arrive earlier. Everything should be perfect. And do not try to be late, this client is very important for our company and he will not wait ”.

All morning you are in a hurry to finish the project and leave the house on time, even with a margin of time so as not to be late. You take the train, but the train constantly stops between stations and runs late. You start scolding yourself: “You should have come out earlier.” You realize that you are already about five minutes late. Then you leave the platform and stumble upon some kind of rally. The street is closed, it is simply impossible to go directly, and you are forced to change the route, as a result of which you are late for another 15 minutes, thinking: "Well, why did all this happen today?" Finally, you come to the office, waiting for the elevator ... You are 20 minutes late. “The client has probably already left, the boss will“ kill ”me, - you think. And then your dialogue with the boss:

  • “I told you it was important to arrive on time! Look at the clock! Because of you, the client left just furious! This is completely your fault! ”
  • “Do you think I'm on purpose? It is not my fault that the train was very late, and because of the demonstration, half of the area was blocked.

Let's see what's going on here.

You did your best. They showed understanding, made an effort, were interested in a successful result. However, various external factors prevented you from arriving for the meeting on time. Let's evaluate this story.

  • Q: what was your real responsibility? Answer: submit the completed project to the client at 13:00. Have you done it? No.
  • The question is, who is responsible for making the client angry? Answer: only the client himself, since we cannot control the emotions of other people. Are you responsible for this? No.

Being responsible for something and being guilty of something is not the same thing. What does guilt imply?

  • Voluntary action: In order for someone to be guilty of something, this person must actively strive for a certain result.
  • This result is negative... If you are to blame for something, this result carries a negative context.
  • Guilt makes us wonder about causal connections. Not everything in this life happens according to the "cause-effect" scheme. A given situation can be influenced by many different factors, as in the example discussed above. Moreover, even if we manage to somehow influence these factors, this does not mean at all that the result will be positive. In the example above, the person could get stuck in a traffic jam or a strike on the subway, which would also prevent him from arriving at the meeting on time. Or a person could commit some unintentional actions that could lead to a negative result (for example, accidentally erase a finished project from the computer).

It is very important to understand that we often take responsibility for what we cannot control or change in any of our efforts, feeling guilty about situations beyond our control, which exposes us to despair, worsens our mood and even makes us angry.

The same happens if we are accused of something. It seems unfair to us, because what happened was not part of our plans either. Before blaming someone, consider whether the person did this on purpose or not. Make sure first that he has done everything for which he was responsible in the given situation.

Why is being irresponsible bad?

In social psychology, there is Weiner's theory, the so-called "theory of attribution." Attribution is the assignment of characteristics to oneself or another person. Attribution theory studies how people interpret events, their causes and motives, and how this affects their thinking and behavior. By observing the behavior of another person, we try to understand the reasons for this behavior. Attributions affect our thinking and interactions with others, and of course, situations with the assessment of responsibility.

Attributions are divided into:

  1. External attribution: when we look for an explanation / reason in external environment... Those. a person behaves this way because of the situation in which he finds himself. He is not responsible for this. For example, when we say “ don't make me nervous“, We seem to be unable to control the situation and it is inevitable. Many people use external attribution to avoid liability. Another example of similar expressions: "I was not lucky"... Using this phrase, we thereby want to convey the idea that despite the fact that we have all the resources and abilities to achieve the optimal result, it so happened by chance that the result turned out to be negative = we are not responsible for it.
  2. Internal attribution: when we search for an explanation / reason within ourselves. Those. we explain human behavior by his internal properties, character, worldview, etc. For example, when we are successful, we say: “It's all thanks to me”, “I did it“. But even with negative consequences for another person, we also use internal attributions, thereby recognizing that we somehow influenced the situation: “I’m very sorry”, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you”.

Obviously, the style of attribution used by a person can greatly affect his self-perception and even his happiness. For example, if a person, due to modesty, is shy or does not recognize his successes, he will have low self-esteem and he will think that his achievements do not depend on him. Conversely, a person who constantly takes credit for themselves will appear to be an arrogant narcissist.

What happens if you use internal attribution for negative results and external attribution for positive ones? Exactly the same thing.

Therefore, you need to be consistent and objective. It is important to understand and take responsibility for what we do wrong, but we also need to enjoy our own successes. This will give us emotional balance and will have a beneficial effect on self-esteem.

Responsibility as a social value

Speaking about social values, we mean specific specific principles established in a certain society, the correct and conflict-free observance of which contributes to well-being.

Responsibility as a social value affects relationships with others, as well as with oneself:


One of the aspects of responsibility as a social value is agreement. We are constantly negotiating. At home, at work, with friends, in the family. Negotiating means making promises and keeping them.

This is curious, but often we fail to agree with ourselves. For example, we promise ourselves: "Since Monday I go on a diet and start going in for sports", "Today I am busy, and tomorrow I will sit down to study". “I’ll go to the gym three times a week, no skipping.” Surely you are familiar with this and also for sure you promised yourself this, but did not do it. Don't you think this is strange? Why is it that we do not even do what we promised ourselves? Are we so loyal to ourselves that we forgive ourselves for it? Imagine what happens if:

  • "Granny, I'll come on Monday and help you." But you don't come.
  • "Today I work, and tomorrow, son, I will help you with your lessons." But you are not helping.
  • "I'll do three classes at the gym." But you don't show up.

Do you find responsibility to others more important than responsibility to yourself?


The next aspect of responsibility as a social value is commitment. We already mentioned the topic of obligations at the beginning of the article. This is what we are taught from childhood. On each life stage, every year we have to learn and take on certain obligations and responsibilities to the society in which we live and develop.

Very often, such obligations are not voiced, they are taken as if by themselves. Surely this happened to you: if you do, for example, some kind of work around the house, because at some point you decided to do it, other family members begin to think that you will always do it? For example: mom always loads washing machine, dad is shopping, brother is walking the dog, I set the table. "

What happens if one day mom comes home late from work? - There will be no clean linen.

What if my brother forgets to walk the dog? - She will write in the house.

What if the father can't buy groceries? - We will be left without food.

Of course, these examples may seem like extremes, because, as a rule, such chores around the house alternate. But sometimes it happens, and it begins: “Mom, I don't have a clean T-shirt”, “Dad, you didn't buy my favorite cookies”, “Ivan, you are punished today because the dog wrote in the house!”. Think back to similar situations in your life.

Strength of will

Willpower can be defined as the ability to make efforts and sacrifice something over a period of time in order to achieve a goal, the realization of which will bring us great pleasure.

If the goal is short-term, it is much easier to exercise willpower. Therefore, in order to maintain willpower, it is useful to break the main goal into several subgoals, so it will be easier to maintain willpower over a long period of time.

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“Cada uno es dueño exclusivo de sus pensamientos, hasta que decide compartirlos a través de sus conductas”

Any employer is looking for a responsible employee in his team. But few people understand the true meaning of this word. It seems to many that behind this term lies serious attitude and purposefulness. In fact, these are completely different concepts. Today you will learn how to become a responsible person in the family, at work, how to be an example for others.

Professional activity

When applying for a job, you honestly write in the questionnaire that you consider yourself a responsible person. Is it really? In most cases, this nice word man creates for himself more problems than it seems to him. Already in the first days it will become clear whether this is a responsible person or simply decided to add a few points to himself during the interview. If you don't want to get into a difficult situation, then read the tips that will help you change your attitude towards work and tell you how to become a serious and responsible person.


The main and the most valuable quality any employee. Don't lie to your boss or colleagues, even if the situation forces you to do so. Sooner or later, the deception will be revealed, and then there will be much more problems than it was originally. Nobody can trust you anymore, and this is a direct way to the labor exchange in the near future. Before you lie, think a hundred times - is the game worth the candle and is it possible to avoid lying in this case.


Even if the bosses consider you right hand and the best employee, never allow yourself too much. Remember - this is work and there can be no friendly relations with the superiors. V free time you can spend leisure time and celebrate the holidays together. But at work, you shouldn't cross the line and relate to immediate superior as a friend. By doing this, you will increase your authority among colleagues and will not put you in a leader.


Feel free to clarify those points that you did not understand. It is better to ask once more than to do it all wrong. Nobody will think you are stupid. On the contrary, the bosses value employees who want to know as much as possible about the common cause.


Don't put off until later on things that need to be done by a clearly set deadline. Anything can happen, and you have to blush when explaining the reasons for your unprofessional behavior. A person who has failed once will never be entrusted with a serious matter. There is no need to look for excuses for your wrongdoing - this will further damage your reputation.


If you do not know how to become a responsible person, then this advice should be taken into account first. Make a plan that you stick with at all times. Put the most important things first and keep track of how much time you spend on certain actions. In the future, this will help not only organize your working day correctly, but also calculate your own strength.

Unbearable burden

Never grab all the opportunities to prove your indispensability. By typing great amount assignments, you may not be able to cope with even half of what you fail the guide. Assess your strengths and try not to work to the detriment of your health. A sluggish and inactive employee is not needed by anyone. Even if you have a lot of merit in your past, one bad day can destroy everything.


If you are thinking about being a responsible person, then you realize all your mistakes. Reconsider your attitude towards life and analyze all the failures. So you will understand where you made a mistake. Try to avoid repeating the unpleasant situation in the future. There is no need to look for those who are to blame for your problems - only you are responsible for your actions!

Doubt and do not know if you are a responsible person? Remember all your achievements, which you received not by chance or luck, but earned by your own labor. Does everything suit you in life? A responsible person never goes with the flow - he regulates it with his desires.

How to become a responsible and independent person

The main principle victory over their shortcomings - composure and organization. To accustom yourself to responsibility, you need to make commitments and be able to keep those promises. First of all, this applies to the family and close environment. The task is not easy, but it is a great incentive for further achievements.

Get accustomed with early age clean up and keep in order not only personal belongings, but also environment... Washing the dishes immediately after a meal will not be difficult, and tidying up your shoes after a walk will not seem like an overwhelming task at all. Remember how you felt when you returned to an untidy apartment. This will help drive away laziness and provide a good incentive!

Remember to do more than just what is asked. Did you notice that nobody took out the trash? Don't put this responsibility on others - do it yourself. This also applies to other matters - cooking dinner, doing laundry, cleaning the apartment.

Family and friends

Never expect a request for help from your environment. Feel free to offer it, even if the situation does not require urgent intervention from the outside. One of the biggest problems modern society- Lack of time. It is not even enough for personal needs, not to mention meetings with friends or relatives. Plan your business so that you always have a window for talking with loved ones or regularly hanging out together. Correspondence in social networks cannot replace live communication with friends!

Do not forget about material obligations. Even if you have a strong desire to spend money on yourself, you should always remember the needs of your family. Perhaps you can easily do without a purchase, and this amount will be a good addition to family budget... Before managing funds, consult with your family and find out what they need now.

Thoughts and feelings

Before you say anything, think a few times and put yourself in the place of the interlocutor. Words can hurt more than edged weapons. Even if the conversation is in a raised voice, then there is no need to switch to insults. To stop the aggression and recover, take a few deep breaths and count to ten in your mind. It will immediately become easier, and you will understand that the problem is not worth spending your energy on and poisoning the other person with hurtful words.

Take your time to express sympathy or criticism. Perhaps the person expected a completely different reaction from you. Project the situation onto yourself, and it will become easier to come to correct decision.

Benefits for society

Responsibility is not only about committing to colleagues, family, or friends. It is important to remember that absolutely strangers and animals need your care. Do not give up volunteering or participating in public events... You can help not only financially, because for some it is enough kind word and feasible spiritual care.

Remember that a responsible person always knows that, if not everything, then a lot depends on his actions. He will not spend a lot of time on entertainment and devotes each free minute the right things. No matter what you do, you must have a schedule. Follow it, and after a few months you will get used to living in such a rhythm, you will not want to return to your old way of life and think about how to become a responsible person!

Surely every person at least once in his life was told: "In this matter, you need to show responsibility." And everyone understands what is being discussed at this moment and what is meant. Few people delve into the concept. Although its meaning, like the topic itself, is very interesting. Therefore, it is necessary to talk in more detail about what it means to be a responsible person.


This term is explained in different ways. But there are few differences in definitions. It is generally accepted that responsibility is the subjective obligation of a person to be responsible for his actions and their consequences. If you follow another statement, then this term denotes a special attitude of a person to his actions. And it characterizes her as a rational, conscious, intellectually developed person.

Such a Person is responsible for the choice of his actions, the manifestation of initiative and bringing this or that matter to the end. And if we talk about what it means to be a responsible person, then we can say with confidence: it means showing yourself as an independent, executive and reliable member of society. More often than not, people with this quality are perceived as honest, persistent, diligent and accurate. And this is justified as they deserve such a reputation.

How to recognize such a person?

Examples of responsible people surround us. Surely in the circle of every person there are people who deserve to be called such. And they are very easy to recognize.

They accept responsibility. Do not run away from her, do not shift it to others. If such a person does something, then he takes the task seriously in order to ensure a high-quality result.

He doesn't need an excuse. He will not look to blame and despair in an unfortunate situation. This person will simply start looking for solutions to problems. He will endure almost any mistake, correct the failure and continue to try to avoid such missteps.

A responsible person always adheres to deadlines. He will never fail. Because he knows: the value of each task depends on its timely completion. It is important for him the trust that they have in him, and the hopes that others have placed on him. Therefore, he is always punctual and carries out assignments within the allotted time frame.

Personal characteristic

Some of the qualities of a responsible person have already been listed above. A few more are worth noting.

So, responsible people, no matter how hackneyed it sounds, are the masters of their lives. They always remain confident and cheerful. These two qualities are the basis for moving forward. They also don't wait for guidance and testing. These people immediately perform the work efficiently, often still having time to help colleagues (when it comes to work).

A responsible person also knows how to control and manage their feelings. Nothing can interfere with their work. And such an appropriate composure is one of the key qualities. If many can meet the deadlines with the proper desire, then not all of them can hold back the storm of emotions.

How do you learn to be responsible? You need to get used to making plans and executing them. A responsible person clearly knows what, how, when and for whom he has to do. And to save valuable time, he calculates everything to the smallest detail.

This person also often interacts with others, helping to reveal their potential. He has the power to stimulate others to work. And, in the end, he does not do all this for the sake of praise. It also takes place, of course, but the most important thing is the result and quality of the work done.

Psychological aspect

Much more can be said about what it means to be a responsible person. In general, a person's awareness of this quality is determined by many factors. Cognitive, characterological, situational, motivational. All this has to do with the internal control mechanism. Indeed, first of all, the subject is responsible to himself for the actions he has committed.

But the authorities are also of no small importance. Most often stimulating. Take the workplace, for example. A person was given a month to complete this or that task. Of course, he will feel good if he can handle it in two weeks and give it up earlier. But in specific situation more important role the reaction of the authorities to such efficiency plays. High diligence and the manifestation of responsibility of the employee will show him in the best light and will allow him to earn respect, trust and authority.

Important and psychological prerequisites... They are about being able to make choices. That is, deliberately prefer this or that line of behavior. Often the problem of choice appears in a dispute. And a person has to choose “to be or not to be” (to defend his position and be responsible for it), or “to be or to seem” (which means refusal of responsibility).

Referring to the catch phrase

Each of us at least once heard this phrase: "We are responsible for those who have tamed." Its author is a French essayist and 20th century writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery. And she is found in a fairy tale for adults called "The Little Prince". Now it is most often used in relation to our smaller brothers, which can be understood - animals need the care and protection of people (often from other representatives of humanity who are distinguished by cruelty), since they are able to provide it to them.

But Antoine de Saint-Exupery put a different meaning in the phrase “We are responsible for those we have tamed”. The writer himself, as a person, made the highest demands on himself. This is important to mention. And the expression means that all the people around us (relatives, friends, loved ones) are tamed by us. They trust us, love, appreciate, hope for reciprocity. And those to whom these people have such a feeling should not allow betrayal towards them. Or so that they experience grief, experience, pain. The bottom line is that we are responsible for the happiness of our loved ones. As they are - for ours.

About actions

The actions of a responsible person always command respect. And sometimes even admiration. Responsibility is manifested in the willingness to take the initiative and do whatever is necessary. Let's say a husband and wife have long wanted to go abroad on vacation and have even outlined approximate departure dates. But the wife is suddenly assailed by some additional responsibilities at work, and it becomes necessary to stay there overtime. The husband decides to take responsibility for the vacation, buying air tickets, planning a trip, booking a hotel, applying for a visa and much more. This is a commendable act.


Every responsible person also adheres to the following motto: "everything that I have done, I have done." It is logical. The bottom line is that a responsible person is always ready to take responsibility for their actions. The surrounding people, circumstances are just a background for her decisions. Such a person will never find someone to blame for trying to justify his failure. And by the way, his second principle is this: "everything that I have not done is my fault, inaction is also an act."

Quality structure

It is also worth noting attention, talking about what it means "to be a responsible person." The structure of this quality includes a person's awareness of his public role and social value. And also the acceptance of the need to act in accordance with generally accepted requirements as a fact. The structure also includes the willingness to control and bear responsibility for one's actions or inaction, take into account the consequences entailed and foresee them in the future, report to oneself and give self-esteem.

There is much more to be said about this quality. But finally, I would like to note that the presence of responsibility paints a person like nothing else.

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