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Chief Power Engineer. Job description. Chief Power Engineer: duties and job description

1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the Chief Power Engineer of the enterprise.
1.2. Chief Power Engineer is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the director of the enterprise.
1.3. The chief power engineer reports directly to the director of the enterprise.
1.4. A person who has a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering and technical and leadership positions in the relevant profile of the enterprise industry.
1.5. The Chief Power Engineer must know:
- regulatory and teaching materials on energy service of the enterprise; profile, specialization and features of the organizational and energy structure of the enterprise, prospects for its development; the basics of the energy production of the enterprise's products; organization of energy supply of production in the industry and at the enterprise; Unified system of preventive maintenance and rational operation of equipment; production capacity, specifications, design features and modes of operation of power equipment, power-using installations, rules for their operation; the procedure and methods for planning the operation of equipment and the production of repair work; labor during the operation, repair and modernization of power equipment; the procedure for developing norms for the consumption of fuel and energy resources; the procedure for concluding contracts for the supply of an enterprise with electricity, steam, water and other types of energy; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of energy supply for production; fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management; fundamentals of labor legislation; rules and norms of labor protection, regulatory and methodological materials on the energy preparation of production; profile, specialization and features of the organizational and energy structure of the enterprise; perspectives technical development industries and enterprises; energy production of the company's products; systems and design methods; organization energy training production in the industry and at the enterprise; production capacities, technical characteristics, design features and operating modes of equipment, rules for its operation; the procedure and methods for planning the energy preparation of production; technical requirements for raw materials, materials and finished products; regulations, instructions and other guidelines for the development and execution technical documentation; means of mechanization and automation of production processes; determination methods economic efficiency introduction of new technology and energy, labor organization, rationalization proposals and inventions; the procedure for attestation of the quality of industrial products; the possibility of using funds computer science and design methods energy processes with their use; procedure for acceptance of equipment into operation; requirements for rational organization of labor in the design of energy processes; domestic and foreign achievements of science and technology in the relevant industry; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the production of similar products; fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management; fundamentals of environmental legislation; fundamentals of labor legislation; labor protection rules and regulations.
1.6. During the period of temporary absence of the Chief Power Engineer, his duties are assigned to ___________________________.


Note. The functional responsibilities of the Chief Power Engineer are determined on the basis and to the extent of the qualification characteristics for the position of the Chief Power Engineer and can be supplemented, clarified when preparing the job description based on specific circumstances.
2.1. Organizes technically correct operation and timely repair of energy and environmental protection equipment and energy systems, uninterrupted supply of production with electricity, steam, gas, water and other types of energy, control over the rational use of energy resources at the enterprise, consistent compliance with the savings regime.
2.2. Manages the organization and planning of the work of power plants and farms, the development of repair schedules for power equipment and power networks, plans for the production and consumption of electricity, power fuel, steam, gas, water, compressed air, consumption rates and modes of consumption of all types of energy by the enterprise.
2.3. Ensures the preparation of applications and the necessary calculations for them for the purchase of power equipment, materials, spare parts, for the supply of electric and thermal energy to the enterprise and the connection of additional power to production, in the preparation of proposals for the reconstruction, technical re-equipment of the enterprise, the introduction of means of integrated mechanization and automation of production processes , in considering projects for the reconstruction and modernization of energy supply systems of the enterprise and its divisions, in drawing up technical specifications for the design of new and reconstruction of existing energy facilities.
2.4. Gives conclusions on the developed projects, participates in testing and acceptance of power plants and networks for commercial operation.
2.5. Provides protection work underground structures and communications, organizes the verification of means of communication, signaling, accounting, control, protection and automation, as well as the timely presentation of boilers and pressure vessels to the bodies exercising state technical supervision.
2.6. Organizes the development of measures to improve the efficiency of the use of fuel and energy resources, the reliability and efficiency of power plants, the prevention of accidents, the creation of safe and favorable working conditions during their operation. Carries out control over compliance with the rules of labor protection and safety, instructions for the operation of power plants and the use of power equipment and networks.
2.7. Concludes contracts with third-party organizations for the supply of the enterprise with electricity, steam, water and other types of energy, monitors their implementation.
2.8. Organizes the storage, accounting of the presence and movement of energy equipment located at the enterprise, as well as accounting and analysis of electricity and fuel consumption, technical and economic indicators of the energy sector, accidents and their causes.
2.9. Carries out work on the exchange of experience in the field of operation of power equipment, saving and rational use of fuel and energy resources, contributes to the achievement of high performance in the operation of power plants.
2.10. Ensures the improvement of the organization of labor in the areas of energy facilities, certification and rationalization of jobs, the introduction of new progressive methods of repair and operation of power equipment.
2.11. Gives opinions on rationalization proposals and inventions related to the improvement of power equipment and energy supply, organizes the implementation of the adopted proposals.
2.12. Supervises the employees of the department and subdivisions of the enterprise that provide energy services to production, organizes work to improve the skills of employees.


The chief power engineer has the right:
3.1. To give instructions to subordinate employees and services, tasks on a range of issues included in his functional duties.
3.2. To control the fulfillment of production tasks, the timely execution of individual orders by subordinate services and divisions.
3.3. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the activities of the Chief Power Engineer, his subordinate services and divisions.
3.4. Interact with other enterprises, organizations and institutions on energy supply and other issues related to the competence of the Chief Power Engineer.


The Chief Power Engineer is responsible for:
4.1. The results and efficiency of production activities related to its functional duties specified in section 2 of this manual.
4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the implementation of work plans of subordinate services and divisions.
4.3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the director of the enterprise.
4.4. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise, its employees.
4.5. Failure to ensure compliance with labor and performance discipline by employees of subordinate services and employees who are subordinate to the Chief Power Engineer.


5.1. To ensure his activities, the Chief Power Engineer is granted the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues that are part of his functional duties.
5.2. The mode of operation of the Chief Power Engineer is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.
5.3. In connection with production necessity, The chief power engineer may go on business trips (including local ones).
5.4. To resolve operational issues to ensure production activities, the Chief Power Engineer may be provided with official vehicles.

I am familiar with the instruction ___________________

We bring to your attention typical example job description of the chief power engineer, sample 2019. A person who has a higher professional (technical) education and at least 5 years of work experience in the specialty in engineering and technical and managerial positions in the industry corresponding to the profile of the enterprise can be appointed to this position. Do not forget that each instruction of the chief power engineer is issued on hand against receipt.

It provides typical information about the knowledge that a chief power engineer should have. About duties, rights and responsibilities.

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1. General Provisions

1. The chief power engineer belongs to the category of managers.

2. A person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering and management positions in the industry corresponding to the profile of the enterprise for at least 5 years is accepted for the position of chief power engineer.

3. The chief power engineer is hired and dismissed by the director of the organization.

4. The chief power engineer must know:

— regulatory and methodological materials on the energy service of the enterprise;

- profile, specialization and features of the organizational and energy structure of the enterprise, prospects for its development;

– the basics of the energy production of the enterprise's products;

- organization of energy supply for production in the industry and at the enterprise;

— A unified system of preventive maintenance and rational operation of equipment;

- production capacities, technical characteristics, design features and modes of operation of power equipment, power-using installations, rules for their operation;

- the procedure and methods for planning the operation of equipment and the production of repair work;

- regulations, instructions and other guidance materials for the development and execution of technical documentation;

- rules for the acceptance and delivery of equipment after installation and repair;

— environmental legislation;

— requirements for the rational organization of labor in the operation, repair and modernization of power equipment;

— the procedure for developing norms for the consumption of fuel and energy resources;

- the procedure for concluding contracts for the supply of an enterprise with electricity, steam, water and other types of energy;

— advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of energy supply of production;

— fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

— basics of labor legislation;

— rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

5. In his activities, the chief power engineer is guided by:

- the legislation of the Russian Federation,

- the charter of the organization,

- orders and orders of the director of the organization,

- this job description,

- The internal labor regulations of the organization.

6. Chief Power Engineer reports directly to ___________ (specify position)

7. During the absence of the chief power engineer (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the director of the organization in the prescribed manner, who acquires the appropriate rights, duties and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities of the chief power engineer

Chief Power Engineer:

1. Organizes technically correct operation and timely repair of energy and environmental protection equipment and energy systems, uninterrupted supply of electricity, steam, gas, water and other types of energy, control over the rational use of energy resources at the enterprise, consistent compliance with the savings regime.

2. Manages the organization and planning of the work of energy shops and farms, the development of repair schedules for energy equipment and energy networks, plans for the production and consumption of electricity, energy fuel, steam, gas, water, compressed air by the enterprise, consumption rates and modes of consumption of all types of energy.

3. Ensures the preparation of applications and the necessary calculations for them for the purchase of power equipment, materials, spare parts, for the supply of electric and thermal energy to the enterprise and the connection of additional power to power supply enterprises, the development of measures to reduce energy consumption rates, the introduction of new equipment that contributes to more reliable , economical and safe operation of power plants, as well as increasing labor productivity.

4. Participates in the development of plans for the long-term development of the energy sector, plans to improve production efficiency, in the preparation of proposals for the reconstruction, technical re-equipment of the enterprise, the introduction of integrated mechanization and automation of production processes, in the consideration of projects for the reconstruction and modernization of the energy supply systems of the enterprise and its divisions, in the preparation of technical assignments for the design of new and reconstruction of existing power facilities.

5. Gives conclusions on the developed projects, participates in testing and acceptance of power plants and networks for commercial operation.

6. Ensures the performance of work to protect underground structures and communications, organizes the verification of communications, signaling, accounting, control, protection and automation, as well as the timely presentation of boilers and pressure vessels to the bodies exercising state technical supervision.

7. Organizes the development of measures to improve the efficiency of the use of fuel and energy resources, the reliability and efficiency of the operation of power plants, the prevention of accidents, the creation of safe and favorable working conditions during their operation.

8. Monitors compliance with the rules of labor protection and safety, instructions for the operation of power plants and the use of power equipment and networks.

9. Concludes contracts with third parties for supplying the enterprise with electricity, steam, water and other types of energy, controls their implementation.

10. Organizes the storage, accounting of the presence and movement of the energy equipment located at the enterprise, as well as accounting and analysis of the consumption of electricity and fuel, technical and economic indicators of the energy sector, accidents and their causes.

11. Conducts work on the exchange of experience in the field of operation of power equipment, saving and rational use of fuel and energy resources, contributes to the achievement of high performance in the operation of power plants.

12. Ensures the improvement of the organization of labor in the areas of the energy sector, the certification and rationalization of jobs, the introduction of new progressive methods of repair and operation of power equipment.

13. Gives opinions on rationalization proposals and inventions related to the improvement of power equipment and power supply, organizes the implementation of the accepted proposals.

14. Manages the employees of the department and subdivisions of the enterprise that provide energy services to production, organizes work to improve the skills of employees.

15. Complies with the Internal Labor Regulations and other local regulations organizations.

16. Internal rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

17. Ensures cleanliness and order in his workplace.

18. Performs within employment contract orders of employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with this instruction.

3. Rights of the chief power engineer

The chief power engineer has the right:

1. Submit proposals for consideration by the director of the organization:

– to improve the work related to the provisions of this responsibilities,

- on the promotion of distinguished employees subordinate to him,

- on bringing to material and disciplinary responsibility of employees subordinate to him who violated production and labor discipline.

2. Request from structural divisions and employees of the organization the information necessary for him to fulfill his official duties.

3. Get acquainted with the documents that define his rights and obligations in his position, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization's management regarding its activities.

5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including the provision of organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by the current labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the chief power engineer

The Chief Power Engineer is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job description chief power engineer - sample of 2019. The duties of the chief power engineer, the rights of the chief power engineer, the responsibility of the chief power engineer.

1. Job description of the chief power engineer of the enterprise

1. General provisions.

The chief power engineer is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the director, head this enterprise, Ch / P., FOP., Chairman of the cooperative (employer). Appointed from among the administrative and technical staff.

Reports to the director of the company.

Under the jurisdiction of energy are:

Transformer substations, electrical installations, electrical equipment, electrical devices and electrical wiring.

2. Tasks and responsibilities:

1. Ensure the maintenance, operation and maintenance of electrical installations in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documentation.

2.Develop and implement organizational and technical measures, which include:

Timely and high-quality repair of electrical equipment.

Reducing accidents and injuries in electrical installations.

3. Participate in the investigation, recording and analysis of accidents and accidents and taking measures to eliminate the causes of their occurrence.

4. Develop job descriptions and manufacturing instructions for employees of the enterprise.

5. Develop and implement measures to save energy resources and increase the power factor.

6. Implement new technology in the electrical industry.

7. Organize and timely conduct preventive testing of electrical equipment.

8. Organize training, instruction and periodic testing of knowledge of subordinates.

9. Systematically monitor the schedule of load and power consumption and take measures to maintain the regime established by the power system.

10. Determine the need for and provide a complete set of materials and spare parts, tools and accessories.

11. Develops and monitors the implementation of annual and monthly maintenance schedules for the PPO of equipment, manages the repair of the electrical part, technological and special equipment.

12. Develops principal, operational, executive schemes and passports of energy networks, installations, equipment.

13. Ensures the production of work on the modernization and automation of equipment, networks.

14. Carrying out behind-the-scenes installation work. Carries out the acceptance of electrical equipment and networks for operation in accordance with the rules.

15. Responsible for the technical safety and organization of the operation of energy facilities.

16. Responsible for the timely check of protective equipment, electrical insulation, grounding, electrical equipment.

17. Develops and submits for approval to the management the norms and limits for the consumption of electrical energy.

18. Supervises measuring instruments.

19. Ensures timely submission of information of the established reporting form to higher and energy supply organizations.

3. Rights.

The chief power engineer has the right:

1. Conduct negotiations on energy supply issues with an energy supply organization represented by Krymenergo OJSC.

2. Participate in meetings to address issues of energy supply of this enterprise.

3. Require from the relevant service (work - giver) logistics for rhythmic and safe work electrical equipment, electrical installations.

4. Intercede with management to reward or punish employees.

5. Participate in the work of the commission for the investigation of accidents, marriages in work, accidents.

4. Responsibility.

The Chief Power Engineer is responsible for:

1. Failure to ensure the correct and safe operation of electrical installations.

2. Accidents and defects in the work of the energy service, unsatisfactory and untimely repair of electrical installations.

3. Selection, training and instruction of working and subordinate personnel.

4. Providing working and subordinate personnel with instructions on labor protection, protective equipment in accordance with the standards.

5. Must know.

Ch. the power engineer must know:

Decrees, orders and orders of higher authorities, methodological and normative materials for the energy service of the enterprise, single system preventive maintenance and rational operation of equipment, production facilities, the procedure for concluding contracts, labor legislation, rules and regulations of labor protection and fire safety.

6. Qualifications.

Higher or secondary technical electrical education,

At least 5 years experience in electrical installations

Special training on labor protection in educational institution with knowledge testing. In the future - 1 time in 3 years.

7. Relationships.

In the work of Ch. the power engineer interacts with the director (employer) on power supply issues.

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2. Job description of the chief power engineer of the plant

1. General Provisions

Chief power engineer 4 qualification group 2 qualification level belongs to the category of leaders

The decision on hiring and dismissal of the chief power engineer of the 4th qualification group, 2nd qualification level is made by the director of the plant.

A person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering and management positions in the industry corresponding to the profile of the enterprise is appointed to the position of the chief power engineer of the 4th qualification group of the 2nd qualification level National economy at least 5 years.

The chief power engineer of the 4th qualification group of the 2nd qualification level reports directly to the director of the plant.

The chief power engineer of the 4th qualification group of the 2nd qualification level in his activities is guided by:

Rules for electrical installations PUE, Moscow, 2004

rules technical operation electrical installations of consumers, Moscow, 2003

Intersectoral rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations, Moscow, 2001

Instruction of the Ministry of Energy of Russia on the arrangement of lightning protection of buildings, structures and industrial communications SO 153-34.21.122-2003.

The chief power engineer of the 4th qualification group of the 2nd qualification level must know:

Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

Federal Law No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data";

2. Functions

Organization of technically correct operation and timely repair of power equipment;

Uninterrupted supply of the enterprise with electricity;

Rational use of energy resources of the enterprise;

Ensuring sufficient and rational lighting of workplaces, industrial premises and territories.

3. Job responsibilities

Conduct briefings (including on labor protection) of service personnel;

Keep state secrets;

Participate in the development of an energy conservation program;

Strictly comply with the requirements of Ch. accountant for documenting business transactions and providing them to the accounting department required documents and information;

Draw up a nomenclature of cases;

Maintain personal account cards for the issuance of funds personal protection site workers;

Keep records of the working hours of the personnel employed in the work with harmful conditions labor for the issuance of milk;

Timely submit applications for the purchase of overalls and other personal protective equipment, detergents, milk;

To conduct safety briefings with the employees of the site when hiring, quarterly briefings, targeted briefings on labor protection when performing work that is unusual for them, as well as high-risk work with the obligatory execution of a work permit;

Check the serviceability of tools and protective devices, replace faulty ones in a timely manner, test personal protective equipment;

Take part in the work of commissions appointed by the director's orders;

Comply with the current environmental, sanitary and epidemiological norms and rules when handling waste and take measures to ensure the protection environment;

To carry out on the site control over the separate collection of waste generated by their types, hazard classes, avoiding mixing;

Provide conditions under which waste does not harmful effects on the state of the environment and human health in the event of accumulation of industrial waste in places of storage prior to their removal;

Maintain reliable records of the presence, generation, use, disposal of all waste of own production and monthly submit a report on the amount of generated waste to the responsible for environmental protection to calculate the fee for waste disposal.

At the conclusion of the State contract (agreement) to provide reliable information and proper execution of photocopies constituent documents received from organizations concluding with the plant State. contract (agreement).

4. The rights

The chief power engineer of the 4th qualification group of the 2nd qualification level has the right to:

  • represent the interests of the company in relations with others structural divisions enterprises, other organizations, on issues related to the energy service of production;
  • receive from the head and specialists of structural divisions information related to the issues of energy maintenance of production;
  • stop the operation of power equipment that is in poor condition;
  • give instructions on the issues of energy maintenance of production to managers and specialists of structural divisions;
  • to correspond with organizations and structural subdivisions on issues related to the energy service of production.

5. Responsibility

The chief power engineer of the 4th qualification group of the 2nd qualification level is responsible for:

  • for failure to perform or improper performance of their duties stipulated by this instruction - in accordance with the current labor legislation; for offenses committed during the period of its activities, in accordance with the current civil, administrative and criminal legislation;
  • for causing material damage - in accordance with applicable law;
  • for the safety of official documents.

6. Relationships

The chief power engineer of the 4th qualification group of the 2nd qualification level represents:

  • To the higher organization:
  • Certificate of energy consumption - quarterly;
  • Annual application for energy consumption, broken down by quarters;
  • Certificate of annual electricity consumption.

To the accounting department of the plant:

  • Monthly email spending report energy departments and sections of the plant;
  • Monthly time sheet.
  • Quarterly and annual work plans for the energy sector;
  • Annual application and calculations for the purchase of materials, equipment and spare parts.
  • Plan vocational training energy department personnel - November;
  • Vacation schedule for energy department employees - December
  • Disability sheets.

7. The procedure for reviewing the job description

The instruction is subject to revision as necessary, but at least once every 5 years.

The job description was developed on the basis of the Qualification Directory for the positions of managers, specialists and other employees approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 37 of 08.21.1998.

Compiled by: Chief Engineer.

1. General Provisions
1.1. The chief power engineer - the head of the department of the chief power engineer (OGE, hereinafter referred to as the chief power engineer) ensures the operation of the energy facilities of the enterprise.
1.2. Appointment, transfer, dismissal, promotion and punishment of the chief power engineer are carried out in accordance with the procedure established by law by order CEO on the proposal of the Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer.
1.3. The Chief Power Engineer reports to the Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer.
1.4. Directly subordinated to the Chief Power Engineer are:
1.4.1. Deputy chief power engineer for electricity and water supply, in charge of the electrical engineering bureau and the bureau of water supply and sewerage;
1.4.2. Deputy Chief Power Engineer for Heat and Gas Supply and Purification Wastewater in charge of the heat engineering bureau;
1.4.3. Head of Bureau for rational use energy resources;
1.4.4. Head of the Departmental Supervision Bureau;
1.4.5. Head of the Bureau of Economics and Scheduled Preventive Maintenance;
1.4.6. Head of the electrical supply department;
1.4.7. Head of a thermal power plant;
1.4.8. Head of the gas supply department;
1.4.9. Head of the water supply and sewerage department;
1.4.10. Head of the department for neutralization and purification of industrial wastewater;
1.4.11. Head of electrical repair shop;
1.4.12. Head of the centralized power repair shop.
1.5. The orders and instructions of the Chief Power Engineer are binding on the heads of all the above structural units and can only be canceled by the General Director and Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer.
1.6. During the absence of the chief power engineer, his duties are assigned to his deputy with a large salary, unless otherwise specified by order of the general director.
1.7. The chief power engineer in his work is guided by:
the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
governing, regulatory and other documents of the ministries and departments of the Russian Federation;
regulatory and other documents of bodies exercising state supervision over the work of industrial enterprises;
the charter of the enterprise;
management policy in the field of quality;
quality manual;
requirements of state and interstate regulatory documents;
orders of the general director;
rules and regulations of labor protection and industrial safety;
orders for the enterprise;
internal labor regulations;
enterprise standards;
the present position.
2. Qualification requirements
Specialists with higher qualifications are appointed to the position of chief power engineer. technical education, with at least 5 years of work experience in the field of energy, who have completed training in the field of quality, as well as training, internships and certification in accordance with the procedure established by law for knowledge of the rules and regulations for labor protection and industrial safety.
3. Job responsibilities
The chief power engineer must:
3.1. Organize uninterrupted supply of the enterprise with energy resources of the required parameters (electricity, steam, superheated water, industrial and drinking water, natural gas, compressed air), including:
3.1.1. Organize the reception of electricity from the ________ system, (name) transformation and transmission to consumers.
3.1.2. Organize metering of electricity received from the system _______ (name) and consumed by the enterprise's divisions, control of the operation of electricity metering devices.
3.1.3. Organize the provision of enterprise units with thermal energy of specified parameters.
3.1.4. Organize the generation of own electricity.
3.1.5. To organize uninterrupted supply of all gas-consuming shops with natural gas of the required parameters.
3.1.6. Organize uninterrupted supply of enterprise units with river, circulating and utility water of specified parameters.
3.1.7. To organize the maintenance of the serviceable condition of the networks of external fire-fighting water supply.
3.1.8. Organize the reception of household and fecal effluents from the enterprise and third-party enterprises and ensure their pumping to the industrial wastewater neutralization and treatment shop (NIOPSV).
3.1.9. Organize biological wastewater treatment to parameters that meet environmental standards and requirements.
3.1.10. Organize the preparation and conclusion of contracts with third parties for:
obtaining energy resources;
supply of energy resources;
waste water intake;
provision of services for the maintenance of power equipment;
provision of services for the repair of power equipment.
3.2. Organize the development of regulatory and technical documentation for the technical operation, repair and modernization of equipment for subordinate structural units, including:
3.2.1. Lead and be personally involved in the development of current and long-term plans development of the energy facilities of the enterprise in accordance with production plans.
3.2.2. Prepare technical specifications for the design of energy facilities of the enterprise. Consider and give opinions on projects for the reconstruction and expansion of energy facilities.
3.2.3. Participate in the preparation of title lists of construction.
Coordinate projects in terms of energy supply.
3.3. To organize ensuring the uninterrupted operation of power engineering, electrical, heat engineering, gas equipment, pipelines through repairs and maintenance, ensuring the safe and economical operation of the company's divisions. To this end:
3.3.1. Provide quality control installation work and participation of subordinate specialists in carrying out commissioning work at newly commissioned energy facilities.
3.3.2. Participate in the work of commissions for the commissioning of power equipment of new and reconstructed facilities; check the quality and completeness of technical documentation. Prepare accepted power facilities for commercial operation.
3.3.3. Ensure that the enterprise carries out a system of planned and periodic repairs of the energy facilities, including: Manage the development of plans for major and current repairs of power equipment, power plants and communications. Supervise the compilation of statements of defects, estimates and title lists for the production of major repairs and reconstruction of energy facilities. Organize work on the timely and complete preparation of applications for power equipment, spare parts for it and repair materials. Ensure timely conclusion of contracts for repairs of power equipment with contractors. Provide supervision to subordinates overhauls power equipment on time and in the approved volume, as well as the participation of specialists in its acceptance from repair. Control the use of funds allocated for the repair of power equipment. Organize timely preparation of the energy facilities of the enterprise for work in winter conditions; draw up a certificate of readiness.
3.4. To improve the quality of service and repairs carried out in accordance with the constantly changing requirements of customers.
3.5. To promote the steady improvement of the qualifications of personnel in order to improve the quality of work performed.
3.6. Organize the development of plans for organizational and technical measures for reconstruction, technical re-equipment, increasing the reliability and efficiency of equipment operation in order to increase the economic efficiency of production.
3.7. Organize work to improve the organization
production, creating the most favorable working conditions, improving the culture of production.
3.8. Job responsibilities in the field of quality:
3.8.1. Participate in the implementation of the management's quality policy.
3.8.2. Ensure the use of suitable basic electrical and power equipment.
3.8.3. Ensure control over appropriate maintenance and repair of electrical and power equipment.
3.8.4. Organize and conduct documentation and registration of work on the repair of electrical and power equipment.
3.8.5. Participate in internal and external audits of the quality system.
3.8.6. Participate in the development, operation and improvement of the quality system.
3.8.7. Participate in the analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of the quality system.
3.8.8. Participate in identifying the causes of nonconformities, developing the implementation of corrective and preventive actions.
3.9. Job responsibilities for labor protection and industrial safety:
3.9.1. Organize systematic control over compliance with the rules and norms of labor protection and industrial safety during repair, construction, installation and other types of work in subordinate units and services.
3.9.2. Organize the revision of instructions: cross-cutting, special, other, job descriptions of specialists.
3.9.3. Supervise in subordinate units and services the implementation of measures provided for collective agreement, acts of inspection, prescriptions, orders, orders.
3.9.4. Participate in comprehensive inspections of the state of labor protection and industrial safety in individual workshops, carried out in accordance with the plan for the enterprise.
3.9.5. Quarterly lead a commission to survey the state of labor protection and industrial safety in one of the subordinate units. Based on the results of the check, draw up an act.
3.9.6. Develop plans for targeted inspections of the state of labor protection and industrial safety in subordinate units and services when carrying out work related to the function of the chief power engineer service, and ensure that these inspections are carried out.
3.9.7. Ensure the organization of technical supervision for power equipment, gas facilities, communications, measuring instruments and automation, maintaining technological process in power plants, in good condition and safe operation steam boilers, pressure vessels, steam pipelines and hot water, gas pipelines, cylinders with combustible and liquefied gases.
3.9.8. Ensure timely diagnosis of equipment.
3.9.9. Ensure obtaining licenses for types of activities by ownership and monitor compliance with the conditions for the validity of licenses.
3.10. Ensure that subordinate units carry out production control over compliance with sanitary norms, rules and the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures.
4. Interactions
The interactions of the chief power engineer with officials and structural divisions of the enterprise are presented below.

5. Rights
The chief power engineer has the right:
5.1. Represent on behalf of the enterprise on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the head of the enterprise.
5.2. Give instructions on the operation of power equipment, the use of all types of energy and fuel, energy saving modes, labor protection and energy safety, which are mandatory for all heads of production, workshops and departments and can only be canceled by the general director and chief engineer.
5.3. In accordance with the established procedure, prohibit the operation of power engineering equipment, electrical equipment, power installations and power communications in the event of a gross violation of the rules, operating instructions or poor technical condition, unpreparedness of maintenance personnel, the presence of a threat of an accident or an accident. After warning the shop administration, give instructions on their disconnection from existing networks (electric, thermal, etc.).
5.4. Prohibit the commissioning and operation of new power equipment that has imperfections, deviations from existing rules and regulations that impede normal operation, is not provided with technical documentation and trained maintenance personnel.
5.5. Give instructions to the heads of workshops and other departments on the operation and repair of power equipment.
5.6. Control the expenditure of funds allocated for repairs power plants, equipment and communications.
5.7. With the permission of the administration of the enterprise, invite specialists from research organizations for examinations, consultations, inspections of power equipment, according to difficult questions operation and repair.
5. 8. Represent in higher organizations on issues within the range of activities of the chief power engineer.
5.9. To resolve issues within the scope of its activities:
to attract specialists of the enterprise in accordance with the established procedure;
hold meetings;
prepare draft orders and instructions for the enterprise.
5.10. Make proposals to the head of the enterprise and the chief engineer on the acceptance, transfer, dismissal, encouragement and punishment of the heads of subordinate units.
Note: the admission, transfer and dismissal at the initiative of the administration of specialists associated with the operation and repair of power equipment in all workshops of the enterprise is carried out in agreement with the chief power engineer.
5.11. Provide state and short-term unpaid (within 15 days) leave to employees of the chief power engineer service.
5.12. Establish the terms of reference for employees of the OGE and subordinate units and services in accordance with applicable law.
5.13. Appeal against the orders of the Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer of the enterprise before the head of the enterprise, without suspending the implementation of the instructions received.
6. Responsibility
The Chief Power Engineer is responsible for failure to fulfill his official duties and improper use of his rights in accordance with applicable law.

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