Home Kitchen garden on the windowsill A new system of remuneration for workers in the public sector. New pay system

A new system of remuneration for workers in the public sector. New pay system

Principle new payment system labor of workers is that there is a division wages into two parts. Such as: guaranteed - it is paid to the employee for his performance job responsibilities, and the second part is called stimulating, its size depends on the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the employee's work. The exact size of the incentive payment is unknown, it usually depends on the head of the enterprise.

Wages, divided into two groups - piecework system of remuneration and time-based.

There are three components to the standard pay system. These are: salary, wages; compensation and incentive payments. IN new system of remuneration of workers there are also three components, but often these component parts are slightly different from each other.

New system of remuneration of workers implies that the salary and the wage rate are set on the basis of qualifications and professional level employee (professional qualification group), taking into account the volume of work performed, as well as the level of its complexity.

The professional qualification group includes a group of certain professions or positions of employees, which is formed taking into account the type of their activity and on the basis of the requirements presented to their prof. training or skill level.

An increasing coefficient is applied to the basic rate of an employee, which is considered the minimum for a certain position, which reflects the complexity of this job, as well as qualification level employee. As a result, not the base rate is calculated, but the official salary, that is, the remuneration for the performance of labor duties for one month is fixed.

The wage rate or official salary calculated in this way is the main part of the employee's salary, which is referred to in regulatory documents as the base part of the wage fund. This is the guaranteed and main part of the employee's pay.

In addition to the guaranteed part, a compensation part is also provided, which is made in the form of surcharges, surcharges, and so on. Compensation payments are not considered constant, this is how they differ from the guaranteed part, which is usually considered independent of variable parameters.

Payments that are compensatory in nature created to compensate the employee for deviations from normal working conditions. These payments are made not because the employee does a greater amount of work, but because they work in difficult conditions... These include: difficult or unhealthy working conditions, poor climatic conditions, as well as other conditions that are deviated from the standards. The amount of compensation payments is percentage to the salary, in a certain qualification and professional group.

Incentive payments are paid to an employee in order to stimulate his quality work. They should not be compared with payments regarding the conscientious performance of an employee's work. For this work he will receive a wage rate or salary. But if he shows a high result when performing this kind of work, then for this he should receive a stimulating payment.

As practice shows, those institutions that have introduced a new system of remuneration for employees, still continue to use the old principle of payroll. This is due to the fact that the manager feels sorry for the employees, since everyone needs money. This is certainly not correct, since there is no real transition to the new system.

Bonus wage system implies additional payments related to the expansion or exceeding of the employee's responsibilities or achieving high level indicators.

Forms and systems of remuneration

Form of payment

Main characteristic

Documents required for payroll

Time-based Salary is calculated based on established tariffs, rates or salaries for actually worked hours
  • Tariff rates
  • Documents that keep track of working hours
Simple timephased Hourly wage rate multiplied by the number of hours worked
  • Employee's personal card. It is needed in order to determine the tariff or rate.
  • Time sheet
Time-premium The terms of the collective agreement (contract, provisions on bonuses to the enterprise) establish a percentage increase (monthly or quarterly bonus) to monthly or quarterly wages
Piecework Salary is calculated based on the advance fixed size payment for each unit of quality work or manufactured products
  • Piece-rate rates (the ratio of the hourly (daily) rate, the rate corresponding to the category of work performed, to the hourly (daily) rate of output
Direct piecework Earnings are determined at a predetermined rate for each unit of manufactured products of appropriate quality
  • Piecework order (indicate the production rate and the fact, the work performed)
  • Piece rates
Piece-by-piece progressive An employee's output within the established baseline is paid at basic (unchanged) rates, and all output in excess of the baseline is paid at increased piece rates
  • Piecework outfit
  • Piece-rate prices for products manufactured within the norm and in excess of the norm
Piece-bonus An employee's salary consists of earnings at basic piece rates, accrued for actual production, and bonuses for the implementation and overfulfilment of established labor indicators
  • Piecework outfit
  • Order (order) on bonuses
Accordnaya The amount of payment for the work performed is not established for each performed operation separately, but for the entire range of works
  • Chord assignment
  • Time sheet for the billing period
Indirect piecework The amount of earnings (usually auxiliary workers) is directly dependent on the results of the work of the main workers they serve.
  • Guild outfit (unit outfit) for the task
  • Tariff, rate (salary) of the main employee
  • Time sheet

The relatively new term NSOT can be deciphered as new wage systems. The abbreviation is relevant for public sector institutions, that is, for employees of municipal and state structures... What are the features of this approach to payroll calculation - more on that later.

What is NSOT

In accordance with the Government Decree No. 583 dated 05.08.08, put into effect new method payroll to public sector employees. The document entered into force on 01.12.08.From that moment, the NSOT established by the Government affected the employees of the following institutions:

  • Specialists from federal government agencies.
  • Specialists of federal autonomous, budgetary and state structures.
  • Civilian employees of military units, as well as their units and various institutions equated to military institutions, in which the law provides military service, and where the salary is calculated according to the federal ETS (uniform tariff scale).

The introduction of a new wage system is established by federal government agencies for their own personnel; the management of institutions, the main managers of funds federal budget- regarding the personnel of such and subordinate structures; federal executive bodies and GUSP of the President of the Russian Federation - for civilian personnel. What are the main legal features NSOT?

The new system of remuneration of employees of budgetary institutions - nuances

The reform of the salaries of public sector employees is due to the fact that the previous system based on the UTS does not take into account the results of a specialist's work. In order to motivate and stimulate personnel to increase labor productivity, the Government has developed and continues to improve absolutely new approach to pay. This methodology replaces the old payroll based on tariffs with a differentiated approach.

Consequently, previously (before the VAT), the salary was calculated on the basis of basic official salaries. These indicators were taken from the pay scale, which was tied to the professional training and the level of qualifications of the employee. The qualification grade was assigned from lowest to highest. The new methodology, first of all, takes into account the performance of a specialist for a separate time period. The way the employee performs his job duties (volume and quality) now directly depends on his salary. Material incentives successful staff is performed by the head of the institution.

What makes up the salary for the VAT (Resolution 583):

  • Base salary.
  • Compensation payments.
  • Incentive payments.

When establishing the size of the base salaries of the personnel of the SUE and MUP, it is necessary to take into account the salaries approved at the federal level for qualifying professional groups (Article 144 of the Labor Code). And if such values ​​are not established by the Government of the Russian Federation, the organization independently determines the size and approves them in the LNA, agreements, collective agreements and other documents.

Compensation payments are calculated in a fixed form or as a percentage of the base amount. Such accruals, unlike salaries, are not permanent and are intended to compensate for the lack of normal working conditions for those employees who work in more complex, specific, circumstances. For example, these are the staff of institutions located in the Far North, etc.

Incentive payments are intended to motivate employees and are charged for the growth of labor productivity, that is, high quality work, large volumes, etc. regulatory requirements... The exact incentive mechanism is approved by the management in the LNA, collective agreements.

Note! It often happens that the bulk of the salary is not a salary, but just additional payments. In order to justify the cost of wages, it is necessary to write in detail in the LNA, which incentive amounts are accrued to personnel, in what amount, and according to what criteria. Additionally in the regulatory document flow budgetary institutions the procedure for calculating motivational payments and issuing compensations "on hand" to employees is established.

Risks of using the NSAS

The changes affected different spheres the budgetary sector, first of all, the educational one. Many teachers worry about the impact of the innovation on their earnings. Because the new system is aimed at motivating personnel, it is necessary to talk about the advantages or disadvantages, first of all, from the point of view of the experience and level of qualifications that are necessary for High Quality the work of a specialist.

If, for example, the head of a school develops an effective procedure for calculating earnings, taking into account the length of service of a specialist, the financial situation of the teaching staff will only improve. If the motivational coefficients are not approved in accordance with the positions held, the accrual of a “bare” salary with insignificant increases will not result in a decent reward. As practice has shown, not all organizations are able to immediately implement the optimal procedure for calculating salaries under the VAT. How can you painlessly switch to a new technique?

Transition to a new system

For a prompt and legally competent transition, each budgetary institution must develop and approve the procedure for calculating staff salaries, taking into account the changes. This process will go through more quickly if employees do not mind the innovation. To confirm your consent, you must write a statement on the introduction of changes. The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  • Notification of personnel - according to stat. 74 TC for at least 2 months. before the planned changes.
  • Obtaining the consent of employees - it is obligatory in writing in the form of statements from each specialist.
  • Drafting of new additional agreements to contracts with personnel - in the conditions it is necessary to describe new order payroll. At the same time, it is indicated in detail what exactly the earnings will be composed of - the size of the salary and compensation amounts, as well as from what moment the changes will begin to take effect.
  • Offering other vacancies to those employees who do not agree with the innovations - according to the norms of stat. 74 TC, the employing company is obliged to offer such work in writing, including lower and lower paid positions in the given locality. It is allowed to offer places of employment in other territories only on condition that such a clause is spelled out in the contract, collective agreement or agreement.
  • Dismissal of those employees who do not agree with the innovations or with the other position offered by the employer - the employee will also have to be fired if the employer does not have available other places of employment. Grounds for dismissal - Clause 7, Part 1, Art. 77 TC.

Note! If, due to the changes, the employer may face mass dismissal of personnel who disagree with new policy, the institution has the right to establish the regime part day work before the expiration of the six-month period. If, at the same time, the employee refuses to work, the dismissal is carried out on the basis of paragraph 2 of Part 1 of Art. 81 TC.


The content of labor of workers in many branches of the public sector has characteristic features determined by its focus on meeting the diverse needs of a person. We are talking about the satisfaction of such human needs, which are associated with the strengthening of his physiological and moral health, increasing the intellectual potential, general educational and professional level, the formation of civic positions.

The specifics of the labor of workers in the branches of the budgetary sphere (health care organizations, education, science, culture, etc.) determines, firstly, their increased social responsibility to society for the result of their activities. Their activities are directly aimed at a person and the well-being of each member of society and the country as a whole depends on what the results of labor will be. The activities of socio-cultural industries are directly related to the implementation of a number of important constitutional rights citizens-rights to receive a free medical care in state and municipal institutions of health care, education of all types, for the use of cultural achievements. The work of scientific workers (scientists, researchers, graduate students, etc.) is especially important for society, since scientific and technological progress in general depends on the results of their work, which affects absolutely all spheres of human life (on the economic and socio-cultural development of the state to security and solutions global problems of humanity).

Secondly, workers in the branches of the public sector are distinguished by a higher level of qualifications in comparison with the branches of material production.

Thirdly, in the labor processes carried out by workers in the branches of the budgetary sphere, a high proportion is occupied by creative activity.

Thus, the specifics of the labor of workers in the public sector are characterized by an increased level of responsibility, high qualifications and the maximum manifestation of creativity in the process labor activity... This leaves an imprint on the organization of their wages. Along with general principles, the organization of remuneration in the budgetary sphere has its own characteristics, such as the use of a unified basis for regulating wages at all levels of the budgetary sphere, differentiation of tariff rates and salaries of employees, tariffication and assignment of wage grades to them, the establishment of incentive bonuses and allowances.

The relevance of the topic is that there is a need to improve the system of remuneration of workers in organizations of the budgetary sector of the economy in connection with the decline in the prestige of labor of the main categories of workers in this sector of the economy: doctors, teachers, teachers, scientists, cultural and art workers, civil servants and others due to an erroneously arising negative trend assigning these spheres a secondary role in the country's economy.

The issues of improving the remuneration of workers in the budgetary sphere and state bodies should be considered in a complex for all categories of workers, taking into account the analysis of the current legislation, compliance with reasonable proportions and uniform principles.

From September 1, 2007 to December 31, 2008, for employees of federal budgetary institutions and civilian personnel of military units, whose remuneration was carried out on the basis of the Unified Tariff Schedule for Remuneration of Employees of Federal State Institutions (UTS), new remuneration systems were introduced, and in the budgetary sphere, the principles of managing the performance of the institution began to be applied by stimulating the desired performance behavior of the staff. However, the beginning of the reform showed that this goal will not be achieved soon.

The purpose of this course work is to research and analysis of remuneration in the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Udmurt State University" after the introduction of a new remuneration system.

Object of study- the fundamental characteristics of wages in the public sector. Subject of study- determination of the features of remuneration in the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Udmurt State University".

Work structure: the work consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusion, bibliography and applications.

In the first section of the work, a general description of the Udmurt State University is given (history of creation, main activities, characteristics of the university staff).

The second section analyzes the system of organizing remuneration in the public sector, its features.

The third chapter describes the organization of remuneration for public sector employees using the example of the Udmurt State University after the introduction of the new remuneration system in December 2008.

The theoretical basis for writing a term paper was legislative and regulations, publications of economic newspapers and magazines, information from statistical collections of the Russian Federation was used, as well as the works of authors such as : Ostapenko Yu.M., Pashuto V.P., Volgin N.A., Geyts I.V., Voitova T.L. and others.

Chapter 1. General characteristics of the enterprise

1.1. The history of the creation and development of the Udmurt State University.

Udmurt State University (UdSU) is the oldest university in Udmurtia, it is the direct successor of the Udmurt State Pedagogical Institute (UGPI). UGPI-UdSU was founded in 1931 - in the era of forced industrialization, complete collectivization, and the construction of a new society in the USSR. The global tasks facing the country could not be realized without the creation of a modern education system.

Particularly acute was the question of enlightening the national outskirts and closing the historical gap in the cultural, educational and economic levels of development of numerous peoples living in the territory of the former Russian Empire. Against the background of many national formations, Udmurtia (at that time - the Votskaya Autonomous Region, VAO) was distinguished by a fairly developed heavy industry. However, the social and cultural spheres lagged far behind. Thus, the region needed 717 specialists with higher education, and even more - 3881 - specialists with secondary specialized education, however, educational institutions of the region could train only 3667 people. The gap between supply and demand was proposed to be reduced by practitioners, nominees, graduates of short-term courses, specialists from other regions.

On March 10, 1931, the bureau of the regional party committee decided to open a pedagogical institute in September for "social-literary, physical-technical, agronomic and chemical-biological departments" and determined the quota for the first enrollment - 160 people. The City Council was obliged to provide the institute with the necessary premises, and OBONO was obliged to equip classrooms and a library for the new university by the beginning of the academic year.

On March 25, 1931, a Resolution of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee was adopted on the organization in Izhevsk of the Pedagogical Institute "named after the 10th anniversary of the VAO". Two weeks later, on April 10, the grand opening of the Udmurt State Pedagogical Institute took place.

Initially, the UGPI had four small departments - socio-economic (transformed in 1933 into historical), physics and mathematics, natural science, language and literature. With the development of the organizational structure, the institute gradually turned into a complex educational complex.

The teaching contingent was initially small. At the beginning of the first academic semester, it was 12 people, then the number increased: by January 1, 1932, the UGPI had 20 teachers, but only one of them worked on a permanent basis. It is not possible to accurately track the dynamics of changes in the teaching staff in the first years of the university's existence, due to the high turnover of staff and the transfer of specialists to other institutions.

In 1939/40, the staff of the UGPI somewhat strengthened: it was based on young people who graduated from universities and postgraduate studies already under Soviet rule. Most of them corresponded to the qualification “teacher of the highest category”. The institute included 3 part-time professors, 3 candidates of sciences, 3 full-time associate professors, 5 senior part-time teachers, 8 teachers, 2 part-time teachers, 9 assistants. As a positive fact, the university reports noted the promotion of UGPI graduates for teaching work. However, the departments of the Russian language, Russian and general literature, and the Udmurt language remained poorly staffed.

The majority of students came from low-income families who were forced to earn extra money in logging, railroad, in the shops of factories. Not everyone received the scholarship, and the amount was insufficient - 45-85 rubles a month. Meals cost 2.5 rubles, that is, one could live on a scholarship for 20 days - if one was limited only to bread.

Difficult living conditions were compensated by a great desire to learn, a consciousness of social significance higher education and social optimism characteristic of those years. 1935 UGPI graduate P.I. Shibanova wrote about her fellow students: “Basically, these were people already of age, who had worked for several years before entering the university. Perhaps that is why they were distinguished by their exceptional conscientiousness, perseverance, and the desire to master the sciences. We never had a question about attendance, because everyone knew that attending lectures is a guarantee of success in studies. "

In 1935, the first graduation of graduates took place at the UGPI. 60% of 64 graduates had advanced marks, at least 9 people were left to work at the pedagogical institute, one was sent to graduate school in Moscow. Since that time, UGPI has become the main base for training personnel not only for the education system, but also for party, state bodies, cultural institutions, etc.

During the post-war war years, the pedagogical institute has come a long way (the number of faculties increased, the material and technical base was improved, the personnel potential of the university was strengthened) and by the turn of the 60s and 70s, it had quite satisfactory conditions for fulfilling its main task - training highly qualified teaching staff and entered the top ten pedagogical institutes of the USSR. It was this circumstance that played important role in raising the rank of the university and transforming it into a university.

On March 5, 1971, the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 150 "On the organization of the Udmurt State University" was adopted. The initiative to organize on the basis of the Udmurt Pedagogical Institute was shown by the leadership of the Ukrainian ASSR. A particularly important role was played by the head. administrative department of the Udmurt regional committee of the CPSU G.E. Mordin and head. Department of Science of the UO CPSU N.A. Efremov, who not only actively promoted the idea of ​​opening a university by authorities, but also subsequently provided great assistance to UdSU in the selection of personnel and the formation of a material base.

In the spring, all republican newspapers announced the official admission of students to the university. In August, entrance examinations for day and evening departments were held, and from September 1, 1971, the former UGPI became officially known as UdSU. The grand opening of the university took place on October 20.

With the change in status, the requirements for the staff of the university have also changed. In fact, the administration was faced with the task of forming a new university-type team. It was solved using internal and external resources, as carefully and carefully as possible, in order to maintain a good working atmosphere and make the transition of the staff of the pedagogical institute to work at the university less painful.

At the same time, the "emissaries" of UdSU traveled around the country, looking for venerable scientists and promising young researchers in universities, and invited them to work in Izhevsk. For example, in 1973 alone, 14 candidates of sciences were invited. In just the first three years of the existence of UdSU, the infusion of new personnel amounted to 140 people, including 48 candidates of sciences, 25 graduate school graduates, 20 university graduates (as of 1975).

  1. New systems payment labor in health care

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    One year. Reform idea systems payment labor state employees was born during the reign of Alexander Pochinok ... and the incentive payments provided for new system payment labor to official salaries, new system payment labor provides: an increase in salaries ...

  2. New systems payment labor of employees of state and municipal institutions

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    Basic (tariff) payment... When moving to an organization payment labor state employees with the use of ..., Moscow, a method is proposed new systems payment work of teachers and accepted ... increasing the level of material well-being state employees; - stimulate to increase ...

  3. Systems payment labor in budgetary institutions

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    ... new the system payment labor. According to the Resolution new system payment labor abolishes the rigid wage scale, and wages state employees... coming from income-generating activities. New system payment labor also provides for payments of compensation ...

Vladimir Vladimirovich, what is the essence of the new wage system for federal budgetary institutions? And is it different from the old one?

The unified tariff scale, introduced in 1992, concealed a rather serious drawback associated with the fact that it operated in a unified manner throughout the country, regardless of industry, region, etc. and, as a result, did not take into account the peculiarities associated with the functioning of a particular industry. In September last year, the government issued a decree №605, which introduced a new system of remuneration. In August this year, a new resolution was adopted

No. 583, which developed the ideas laid down in the 605th. First of all, this is a complete rejection of the ETS. The new wage system is now being built not even according to the sectoral principle, but according to the departmental one. That is, each department develops its own system of normative legal acts in order to introduce a new system of remuneration in the department: Rosobrazovanie is developing a regulatory framework for its subordinate organizations, Rosobrnadzor - for its own, Rosnauka - for its own, etc. Accordingly, the Ministry of Education and Science RF coordinates this work.

The main difference between the new wage system is that the wages that the employee will receive from December 1, 2008, will consist of three parts: salary, compensation and incentive payments. From January 1, 2010, at least 30 percent of the budgetary part should be allocated to incentive payments. For the introduction of the NSAS, the government has additionally indexed the wage bill by 30 percent since December 1, 2008.

Second, very important point: The new wage system is based on professional qualification groups, which were developed, in particular, by the Ministry of Education and Science and approved by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development. Professional qualification groups are composed of qualification levels, which are already correlated with specific positions. If we talk about the teaching staff of the university, then these are: dean, head of department, professor, associate professor, senior teacher and assistant. One of the disadvantages that the ETS had was the existence of eighteen grades, and the difference in wages between adjacent grades was very small. This very little stimulated the employee to improve his qualifications. Now, the approximate regulation on remuneration, developed by the Ministry of Education and Science and subordinate agencies, prescribes that institutions, when developing local regulations, should proceed from the fact that they should set salaries for their employees according to the qualification levels of professional qualification groups, while there is a noticeable difference in remuneration. Another innovation spelled out in the decree is the ability of the founder to centralize up to five percent of funds in order to subsequently direct them to stimulate the heads and employees of subordinate institutions. We are now very actively working with Rosobrazovanie to develop criteria for assessing the performance indicators of institutions so that these five percent can be distributed in accordance with these criteria. I want to emphasize that all centralized funds will be returned to subordinate institutions. However, someone who works better will get more, while someone who has shown poor results will get less. I believe that the norms contained in the decrees allow us to move to completely new relationships with employees, which, in fact, will give us the opportunity to build the work of the institution most effectively and, as a final result, improve the quality. educational services provided by the institution.

What exactly does the NSOT give to institutions?

First of all, the ETS did not allow and did not stimulate the head to be more flexible in managing labor resources that he has in the institution. Due to the fact that the wage bill was calculated on the number of staff units that were assigned to the institution, it was not profitable for the institution to somehow reduce these units. Often because of this, these units were listed as “ dead Souls". Now the situation has changed dramatically. The institution has a fixed wage fund, which cannot be reduced if the state assignment does not decrease, and the institution must, within this fund, in an optimal way, make staffing table, To obtain maximum effect from the labor of their workers. At the same time, I would like to emphasize that the stimulating part of wages plays one of the leading roles in this issue. Because the main difference between the new wage systems and the ETS is that there was no incentive part in the ETS: regardless of whether you worked well or badly, you received the same wages.

We took the path of providing maximum independence in establishing a remuneration system by the institution. The approximate regulation on remuneration, developed by the Ministry of Education and Science, enables the head to independently establish a remuneration system, taking into account the features that exist in a particular educational institution. In my opinion, it is impossible from the center to regulate and impose the forms, methods and amounts of remuneration. IN different regions different economic situation, different educational institutions in which different amount extrabudgetary funding and so on and so forth.

By our order, we approved the approximate indicators of incentives for the staff of the institution for the quality and quantity of labor. Moreover, these indicators should stimulate employees to certain activities. For example, it is known that the quality of education at a university directly depends on those scientific research conducted by its employees, since new knowledge gained in the course of research should be immediately implemented in educational process, should arise Feedback, students must also take part in research, and so on. In this case, if the teacher participates in scientific activities, then he will receive more.

I know that the Ministry of Education and Science, unlike many other institutions, already has some experience in introducing the NRS. How successful is he?

Indeed, within the framework of the priority national project "Education", in particular, complex projects for the modernization of education in the regions, a model methodology for remuneration of teachers in schools was introduced. We continue to collect and analyze the experience of its implementation and listen to emerging proposals. But on the whole, I can say that this model technique has fully justified itself. In the regions that introduced it, teachers' salaries exceeded the average for the region's economy, on the one hand, on the other hand, we got a situation where the best teachers began to receive two or two and a half times more than they received before. This means that the teacher, in addition to social respect, also receives a decent material reward for his work. In this way, in schools we can reinforce best teachers... Now, in my opinion, in those regions that, participating in the experiment, introduced a new system, a turning point has been outlined in this respect.

Vladimir Vladimirovich, it turns out that educational institutions with the introduction of the NSOT get almost complete freedom. Will there be a situation in which the favorites of the head of the institution will receive a higher salary than the rest? Is there a control over the implementation of the resolution?

There is a simple antidote to this: criteria for evaluating performance must be objective. For example, among the assessments of the activity of a university teacher there is a citation index, the number of publications, the number of graduate students defended.

Of course, we didn’t let the process of introducing the NSOT take its course. There is a well-functioning monitoring system. We have held many methodological meetings and seminars. I personally took part in the meetings of the Russian Union of Rectors, the Council of Rectors of Moscow and the Moscow Region, in the all-Russian meeting of heads of universities, institutions of secondary and primary vocational education.

And now, if questions arise, then in most cases they are psychological character... We are too accustomed to the equalizing system of remuneration. But now the consciousness is being rebuilt. In addition, our website http://www.kpmo.ru/ has been opened on the Internet, on which there is a special section, where constant daily monitoring of what is being done in educational institutions how they develop regulations. There is a forum where people ask questions and get answers from qualified lawyers. It's alive and useful system... I often go there myself.

The main function assigned to the wage system is to stimulate industrial relations employees of a business entity in order to direct them to the implementation of the strategic plans of the organization. In this case, the material interest of employees will be one of the elements of the effective activity of the enterprise.

The traditional remuneration system is based on determining the size of the salary due to a given employee and a set of material and social benefits. The value of this indicator is set depending on the value of the job held, as well as on its market value.

The new system divides the employee's remuneration into two groups. The first of them includes payments of a guaranteed nature. They are credited to an employee for the direct performance of his duties, which are assigned to him according to the position held. The second group includes character. Their value is directly dependent on the quality, as well as the efficiency and effectiveness of the employee's activities. At the same time, the amount of payments related to the incentive share of wages is not limited by anything.

Has a specific remuneration fund structure consisting of three main elements. These include:

The base part, which is the amount of the salary or wage rate;

Payments that are compensatory in nature;

Remuneration for the purpose of stimulating the employee's activity.

The size of the base part is intended to serve as a payment to the employees of the organization for the performance of the work they are doing in accordance with their job duties, enshrined in the agreement with the employer, as well as recorded in job descriptions and other documents. For activities outlined in a certain circle, a person has the right to receive a salary or wage rate. At the same time, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the requirements for an employee for the purpose of performing labor duties that are not included in his job description are illegal. this work can only be performed with the consent of the employee. In this case, it is necessary to accrue additional remuneration.

The new remuneration system regulates the establishment by the head of the institution of the size of the salary or the rate of material remuneration. In this case, it should be taken into account. professional training as well as the qualification level. Both the complexity and the volume of work performed are taken into account.

The new wage system is being implemented at the base salaries set by the Government of the country. This provision is fixed in the one hundred and forty-fourth article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, remuneration for government work should not be lower than the base rates or salaries approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The new system of teachers' remuneration provides for the division of the school budget into two components. One of them is the basic part, the other is the stimulating part. Educators are rewarded for all of their activities, not just the number of lessons they teach. Thus, the new remuneration system has established a link between the teacher's salary, the quality of the classes he provides, as well as work outside school hours. The stimulating part of the budget is an incentive in the form of a material increase in the salary of worthy teachers. The amount of these payments directly depends on the quality professional activity teachers.

The new system of remuneration in health care additionally provides for the presence They are charged to doctors for combining professional activities, overtime work, harmfulness, etc. The new system directs health care workers to improve the quality of services provided.

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