Home Perennial flowers The character of a woman's body. The sexual life of Taurus women. Attitude of Taurus women to family, love, marriage

The character of a woman's body. The sexual life of Taurus women. Attitude of Taurus women to family, love, marriage

Usually a pretty girl born under the sign of Taurus gets married early and is always head over heels in love.

The chosen one of her heart is in seventh heaven. After all, this poor fellow had to make a lot of efforts to win her hand and heart. After all, it is difficult to get a woman who, although she listens to the voice of her heart, steps firmly on the earth and knows well what she wants from life. And of course, these are not love adventures in the arms of unfaithful womanizers. In relation to unwanted gentlemen, Miss Taurus is not at all a charming fragrant flower that dazzles with its beauty. This is a thorny cactus, whose snide remarks unlucky applicants for her hand and heart remember for years.

As a rule, Taurus women do not enter into extramarital affairs or, by at least do it less often than many other signs. Taurus girl appreciates her innocence, and only wedding ring on the finger will become good reason give yourself all to someone.

Taurus wife - married life: Taurus's relationship to her husband, family life, home

As a wife, Taurus has many benefits. The traditional role of the housewife suits her and appeals to her. The Taurus wife loves to farm, she is sincerely interested in cooking delicious food, quickly becomes a master of desserts and all kinds of culinary delights. According to the horoscope, the Taurus wife is very caring in marriage (as well as in the role of a mother). In everyday behavior, she pays attention to good manners, tact and kindness. Taurus married family life appreciates, above all, calmness, stability and security within the four walls of her fortress.

The representative of this zodiac sign takes great care of the elderly family members, including her husband. With age, she becomes for loved ones a kind of family authority, for example, a wise aunt. Because others appreciate her practicality and good advice, although sometimes they get tired of endless teachings and reading morals.

The Taurus woman, being married, always improves and changes something in the interior of the family nest, reads a lot of magazines and other literature on this topic. In her apartment, you can almost always find the most beautiful and interesting flowers, and in middle age, gardening often becomes the main hobby. In short, home is her kingdom. And within these four walls, power belongs to her, although the spouse may be a “representative” king.

Taurus woman is married: problems, quarrels, parting, divorce

The husband of a Taurus woman needs to remember that she rules in the house, and there is nothing even to think about democracy. The hardest thing for him is if he gives her everything he earned or is by nature a moth. As the horoscope warns, the Taurus woman in marriage herself controls the family budget, and the spouse receives pocket money (which, apparently, is also under some control). And if the dear spouse begins to disturb the peace in the house with some antics, intrigues on the side or a risky business, the Taurus wife will show her second - much more formidable - face.

A woman takes family life, marriage Taurus very seriously. With age, she is more and more jealous of her husband, does not take her eyes off him, but she herself is the most faithful partner under these heavens. If by some miracle a divorce happens, then it becomes a real life disaster. Hence comes so much prudence and caution in relationships with men at the initial stage. No matter how hard it is for a Taurus woman in marriage, she tries to keep it for as long as possible.

The Taurus woman attracts a man with her imperturbable calmness and realism. It's hard to say what needs to happen to unbalance her. Her equanimity and calmness can be envied. Sometimes it seems that she does not feel anything at all and that much is indifferent to her. When, in fact, she does not like to flaunt her feelings. He does not see any real need for this.

She is realistic and serious about life. She considers everything from the point of view of sound realism, not succumbing to surging feelings, she knows how to control and express them, if they are really really justified.

The love of a Taurus woman is earthly, where earthly values ​​are the most important - comfort, coziness, money, material security. She has a penchant for everything that is luxurious, chic, as comfortable as possible, so as to make less effort. Although, on the other hand, she knows how to work, work, earn.

The manifestation of love is also earthly, where the main emphasis is on everyday worries and chores, basic needs, food, sleep and home comfort. Therefore, she is of little interest. global problems... Although sometimes the problems of acquaintances and friends may not be of interest either. She can isolate herself from others and be content with her own comfort and convenience zone.

In relationships, as in life, she does not like drastic changes, because they violate her love for stability, tranquility. Life with a Taurus woman is suitable for those who are tired of impermanence and want a stable existence and can be content with simple earthly joys.

Positive qualities of a Taurus woman in love

  • Prudence
  • Realism
  • Practicality
  • Purposefulness
  • Persistence
  • Perseverance
  • Hard work
  • Constancy
  • Loyalty
  • Stability
  • Calmness
  • Devotion

Negative qualities of a Taurus woman in love

  • Relaxedness
  • Inertia
  • Monotony
  • Stubbornness
  • Materialism
  • Callousness
  • Restraint
  • Slowness
  • Monotony

See also Character of Taurus Characteristics of people of the elements of the earth

Taurus woman in bed

As an earthly sign, all earthly joys are not alien to her. This includes not only tasty food, but also pleasant pleasures from touch, foreplay, affection, tenderness and sex itself. Moreover, she likes all bodily, gentle touches, especially if they are filled with sensuality, tenderness and romance.

She loves sex, although sometimes she may not attach so much importance to it as the opposite sign of Scorpio. But in any case, he will not deny himself the pleasure. She often has developed sensuality, she likes everything tender, soft. For example, furs, fur coats, soft tissue.

He also gets pleasure from touching everything tender, he likes not to indulge in bed with his beloved man. The main thing is that he fully satisfy her needs, understand her desires and be a faithful and reliable companion in life.

A Taurus woman in bed is often not a lover of everything standard, traditional. She gets more pleasure from everything permanent. And unexpected surprises can hardly surprise her. It is equally important that the environment itself be as comfortable, cozy and comfortable as possible.

See also Taurus in sex

Who suits Taurus woman

The Taurus woman is suitable for men who are able to satisfy her all earthly needs. She may or may not have many needs of her own. But in any case, she appreciates money, all earthly and material goods... And the more a man can provide them, the better it will be.

She will also pay attention to a man's ability to make money, how promising their relationship is and whether a real future is possible. And it will be if a man can make her life as comfortable, convenient and cozy as possible.

It will be easier for a Taurus woman with a man

  • Generous
  • Positive
  • Active
  • Purposeful
  • Financially independent
  • Hardworking
  • Household
  • Practical
  • Realistic

It will be difficult for a Taurus woman with a man

  • Financially needy
  • Not able to earn
  • Impractical
  • Overly emotional and touchy
  • Imperious
  • Unpredictable
  • Fickle

Taurus woman in a relationship with a man


How to Conquer a Taurus Woman

How more man will be financially independent, the more chances he has to win a Taurus woman. Often, a Taurus woman in love relies solely on a sober calculation of what benefits this relationship can bring, without taking into account feelings and emotions.

For another type of Taurus women, not only the material, external content, but also the internal, spiritual, character of the man will be important. But in any case, the material side will not be ignored.

After all, she needs stability in life, she wants to know all earthly joys. Consequently, she will pay more attention to how much a man shares her views, meets her requirements and whether a man fits her ideal. All this must be clarified so that later there will be no misunderstandings. Why the Taurus woman remains cold and indifferent to nice words about love.

She will be touched more by the earthly attention. When for eloquence there will be earthly actions, and not only fantasies, and unpredictability. She also highly appreciates the constancy and reliability of the chosen one. How constant, faithful and devoted he can be. And no less important, his ability to make money. Because the love of a Taurus woman begins with simple earthly joys.

It should also be borne in mind that a Taurus woman usually slowly converges with people, she is not used to quickly trusting, opening up, letting herself close. She needs time for everything. Even for her feelings, they slowly appear, but they will be stable and constant.

See also How to Conquer a Taurus Woman How to Fall in Love with a Taurus Woman

Taurus woman in marriage

For a Taurus woman in marriage, the main thing is that a calm atmosphere reigns at home and no one violates her stability and tranquility. She likes to have a big house of her own, possibly with land plot, it could be beautiful garden, or in good view on nature. As a last resort, an apartment is also suitable, but it must be with all the amenities.

In a home environment, it is desirable that there are chic and luxurious things. She loves everything soft, fluffy that can please her sensuality. For example, soft fabrics, velvet, furs, fur coats, wool. Food is not particularly picky. He loves to eat deliciously, but cook well, too, has the ability.

But how much they are developed already depends on it. Sometimes a Taurus woman tends to relax, be lazy, especially when she has already achieved a lot, then why not relax. She also prefers to rest with maximum convenience, comfort, so that there are fewer sudden movements and surprises.

But also taking into account the material side of the rest, so that the price matches the quality. In general, she is not a lover of everything extreme, unexpected and unpredictable, because this also violates her love for stability and tranquility.

How to get a Taurus Woman back

Typically, a Taurus woman is not inclined to end a relationship. She wants stability and constancy. She is serious about relationships and can endure a lot, just not to destroy what was created. But on the other hand, if nothing has worked out, then she will most likely quickly give up and forget.

And if a lot of things connect, then it will take a long time to think about what to do next. She is not a fan of quick and drastic changes. He approaches everything slowly, so the desire to leave or return should also mature slowly.

In general, it is difficult for a Taurus woman to wean herself from the earthly joys that she had in marriage; nostalgic memories of the past, home coziness, and comfort may arise. And if she sees that the chosen one has changed and is ready to sacrifice a lot for the sake of maintaining the relationship, then she can return. But only on condition that she still has feelings and trust for him.

See also How to return a Taurus Woman How to make peace with a Taurus Woman

It is worth noting that this article contains only a description of the zodiac sign, that is, only the position of the sun in the zodiac sign is described. When, as there are many other planets and aspects involved in the formation of character, behavior, habits, man. If you need the help of an astrologer or want to know more detailed information about yourself or the person you are interested in, use the astrological services on our website.

Astrological services are developed by professional astrologers. And they will help you find out more specific and interesting information, taking into account the position of all planets, aspects based on your individual horoscope... Before ordering, you can see an example of a horoscope.

What influence does a strong and stable zodiac sign have on the character of the fair half of humanity? Woman, characteristic personality traits which is a combination of rare magnetism, beauty and strong-willed character, is rightfully considered one of the most interesting figures in the zodiac horoscope.

Character description

Taurus is an amazing woman who combines true femininity, sensuality and gentleness with pragmatism and the ability to see things in their true light. They are real materialists and prefer stability and prosperity, therefore they lead a fairly measured lifestyle, trying to create a comfortable environment around them.

Women born under the sign of Taurus are conservative, do not like shocks and changes. They are responsible, decent, and their honestly quite trustworthy. V difficult situations they always show themselves with better side demonstrating amazing endurance and composure.

Outwardly, Taurus women may give the impression of strong and unyielding persons, but in reality this is not so. They are vulnerable and sensitive, but they never show their vulnerability to others. Taurus is very forgiving and patient, but don't abuse their generosity. Representatives of this sign are proud and do not allow to play with their best intentions, and the angry lady Taurus is truly terrible in the manifestation of her offended feelings.

Modesty Taurus is not inherent, they do not like to be content with little and adore luxury, splendor, social events, gourmet food, the company of smart and wealthy people. However, with all their love for beautiful life they are not one of those who spend money left and right. They are calculating and know how to manage money wisely.

Main positive qualities:

  • patience;
  • friendliness and optimism;
  • reliability and stability.

The main negative qualities:

  • laziness;
  • complacency and selfishness;
  • stubbornness.

Taurus are under the auspices of Venus, so they know how to value and, which is especially valuable, to build relationships. This applies to both friendship and love. Taurus are always attentive to their loved ones and show concern for them, rather, with real deeds, than with advice and heart-to-heart talks.

V love relationship Taurus women are passionate, sexy, relaxed and temperamental. Sex is very important to them, and they know a lot about it. Men are often fascinated by the representatives of this zodiac sign, because such a sensual and charming partner, who also has all the qualities of an ideal wife, is not so easy to find.

Taurus women are wonderful housewives who know how to create home comfort. Patient and indulgent beautiful wife, well-groomed children, beautiful house and an invariably delicious lunch - this is what awaits a man who is lucky enough to put a wedding ring on a Taurus finger.

But winning her heart is not easy. Such a woman wants to see next to her strong man... She is able to forgive many shortcomings, but she will never forgive betrayal, lies and cowardice, since she herself is a devoted and loyal nature and will never leave her husband in trouble.

Career and finance

Able and persevering, Taurus women are excellent workers. They may seem too slow, but it is worth accepting this feature, because their reliability and responsibility more than compensates for other shortcomings. They are great analysts and know how to find mutual language with people, which helps them in their career growth.

A rational attitude to money and perseverance on the way to a goal makes them successful business women with an iron grip and business flair. Taurus women in leadership positions are characterized by stability, balanced decisions and great relationship with their subordinates.

Women of this sign often choose creative professions, tend to work in areas related to aesthetics - the beauty industry, fashion, floristry, publishing.

Excellent compatibility in Taurus women with men born under the signs of Virgo and Capricorn. Such unions are ideal in all respects, due to similar moral values ​​and the same rhythm of life. This perfect example a family in which people complement each other perfectly and build a family based on mutual understanding and mutual respect.

A Taurus woman and a Cancer man, as well as a Taurus woman and a man, have good chances of happiness. If the spouses can understand the characteristics of each other and come to terms with some of the shortcomings, then they will be able to avoid conflicts and disagreements.

The Taurus-Taurus couple is very harmonious, but it will be difficult for them to develop relationships because of their laziness and fear of change.

But the combinations Taurus - Sagittarius and Taurus - Aquarius are definitely doomed to failure. The Taurus woman, with her love of calmness and serenity, will not be able to endure the changeability and independence of Sagittarius and the unrestrained fantasy of Aquarius hovering in the clouds.

Taurus is a zodiac sign in which a woman and her characteristics are influenced by two opposite forces: a craving for beauty and spirituality and a desire for material well-being. In order to find happiness and harmony, a woman born under this constellation needs to balance these aspects of her life. In this she will be helped by the forces of nature, which will contribute to overcoming materialism and fill the soul with beauty.

Zodiac sign Taurus woman characteristic

Date of birth: from April 20 to May 20, Planet: Venus, Element: Earth, Color: emerald green

Day: Friday, Stone: Emerald, Motto: I have, energy: Yin,

Zodiac Taurus woman ruled by the planet Venus, sensuality and practicality are the main qualities of this sign. Taurus is resistant to adversity and difficulties, sometimes even stubborn, which can be annoying. These qualities are very helpful for Taurus in overcoming difficult periods life, the emotional strength that is given to them, makes others reckon with the opinion of the Taurus woman. You should not perceive Taurus as a gentle and submissive person, yes, she has a beautiful appearance, but she can easily turn into an attack if provoked. She has a rather hot and quick-tempered disposition, has her own opinion, which is not so easy to change, which emphasizes the strength of character. The symbol of this zodiac sign is the bull, and this characterizes her as calm, unhurried, and at the same time she has an explosive character, which is hidden under the slowness. Zodiac Taurus woman confidently goes to the set goals, easily accepts life experience, and quickly learns from both his own and others' mistakes.

Astrologer's advice: The description of the zodiac sign will be much more specific if you take into account the year of birth and this will be helped by the section of the ancient Chinese calendar... Go to the appropriate page -

But the basis of the character of a Taurus woman is still: good nature and love for others, conflicts with her are rare, zodiac sign Taurus woman strives for balance and harmony in life. She loves nature and for her, there is nothing better than living in a house located in a picturesque corner. She is smart, and her intelligence will be appreciated by friends for whom she will be very hospitable and benevolent. She loves stability, and her way of life will be subject to order.

The element of earth gives Taurus rationalism and practicality, which ensures material well-being in life.

Zodiac sign Taurus woman sex and relationships

The bull loves pleasure and affection and is stubborn to coercion and force. Zodiac Taurus woman loyal and reliable and may appear a little low-key. She is sensual and feminine, but firm and strong in spirit. You can trust her and count on her help. Taurus attracts men with their natural beauty and calmness and this is their main weapon. They will not hysteria in vain and adequately perceive any problems, jealousy for no reason is alien to them. These qualities attract men and many consider her as a future spouse in marriage. Zodiac Taurus woman very loyal and will never give a reason to doubt it. Treat her correctly and you won't have to face her full forceful tenacity. It may seem to you that you conquered it very quickly, but this is unlikely. She is selective in partners and it takes some time for her to understand and evaluate a person. You should not rush things until she is sure what she did. right choice... Delicate and sensual Taurus woman loves romantic courtship, walks under the stars and candlelit dinners are what they will love. She is educated, gentle, thoughtful, diligently avoiding intrigues.

Passionate and tender Taurus Woman will be able to give great pleasure in bed to his partner.

Her lover will be surprised at her ingenuity, and her good physical shape, her stamina is unmatched. Sex with a Taurus woman is a deep and sensual experience. She prefers a gentle foreplay, long sex, which will make it possible to better feel pleasure. She may be shy about suggesting new poses, but she will usually readily accept your ideas.

Taurus zodiac sign woman most compatible with the zodiacs:, and.

Zodiac Taurus woman and money

Zodiac Taurus woman not stingy, but pragmatic, strives to financial independence... She loves to save money and all her purchases will be thought out and based on real needs and opportunities. Risky financial operationsTaurus woman doesn't even consider. Practical, zodiac Taurus woman will choose Best offer in relation to: price - quality. Taurus women, as a rule, are financially literate, and it is unlikely that they will be able to deceive them. She knows perfectly well how the credit system works and can quickly choose the best way if need be.

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Zodiac sign Taurus woman sex and family

Taurus Woman good mother but strict, demands obedience and good behavior from her children. Zodiac Taurus woman has a good memory and will try to pass on to his children family traditions, instilled in her by her parents. She is sentimental to a certain extent, but her feelings are controlled by her. She is hardworking and does not like laziness, and of course, she will also bring up this quality in her children. Zodiac Taurus woman will be for your children best friend, for life and until the end of his life will help and protect them.

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This woman stands firmly on her feet, and in many respects thanks to her sign element - the Earth. Practical, prudent, patient - she achieves a lot with her mind and endurance. The Taurus woman is rich inner world, but she can not show it to everyone. General impression that Taurus produces on people - a reserved and calm woman. Some will call her impenetrable, but in vain, internally she is also capable of suffering, worrying and rejoicing, she only hides her emotions under external equanimity.

The Taurus woman always strives for comfort and harmonious existence. She does not like changes and unnecessary worries, she is not ready to take risks for only one reason - he knocks her out of a rut, takes her out of a state of general calm and makes life so unfamiliar and incomprehensible. The Taurus woman is generous and non-mercantile, values ​​decency and honesty in people, being the owner of these qualities herself. She hates everything petty and vile, considering it the lot of the weak. The Taurus woman communicates with everyone in the same way - she does not divide people into rich and poor, successful and not very successful. She is wise and always remembers that life at any moment can turn to the forest in front, and to you in the back.

Taurus woman career (career & goals)

Prudence and practicality make the Taurus woman an indispensable worker. She does not consider herself unhappy with her routine tasks. The Taurus woman is ambitious, loves success and does everything to achieve it. Purposefulness leads her to positions of authority. And already there she shows her excellent organizational skills in all its glory. Its departments always do their job well. She will never rush a subordinate. Slowly but surely is better for her. Vanity, throwing, hasty decisions - all this is not to her taste. She is kind and calm to her subordinates and work colleagues. He does not welcome intrigues, considering them a way to disorganize the team and reduce the quality of work. But the employee who is doing his job conscientiously will certainly reward financially.

Taurus woman and love

The Taurus woman intrigues men with her mystery, and upon closer acquaintance, she demonstrates her charm, passion, self-confidence and the ability to remain herself without playing. It strikes men outright.

How to win a Taurus woman?

To conquer a Taurus woman, you need to know that this woman is sensual: so perfume must be expensive, appearance- neat and attractive, voice - pleasant, conversation - on romantic and light topics. Evening walks in fine weather are desirable. Good manners and a bouquet of flowers are required. But that's not all: this woman does not tolerate weakness of spirit. The outer veneer should reinforce strong character men. Next to this, the Taurus woman blooms, demonstrating all her best qualities.

Taurus woman's relationship with men

Her man will be happy. The Taurus woman, by virtue of her character, can give him everything he dreams of: comfortable and cozy home, a practical attitude to family budget, the absence of tantrums and showdowns, an excellent and responsible mother of his children. But there is one drawback - she is not too emotional, so a temperamental man will miss good ones. family scandals... Frequent ones, at least. But if you set out to piss her off - by methodically teasing, insulting, or simply getting on her nerves - your curiosity can play a cruel joke on you. Have you ever wondered what bullfighters feel one on one with an angry bull, and without their famous mines? Yes, yes, you will feel the same. And you will no longer be drawn to the Taurus woman's emotions. Otherwise, she is a wonderful wife, loyal and reliable, albeit a little stubborn.

The Taurus woman will not harass her man with scenes of jealousy, she will not track his path from work to home, she will never sniff shirts and count the minutes on the way to the store. She is above that. She will forgive the man for an easy, non-binding flirtation, she herself sins with this, but upon learning about the fact of betrayal, she will be furious. The Taurus woman is not one of those women who easily forgives. Even if this happens, the unpleasant incident will remain in her memory forever.

Taurus woman and her house

After a hard working day There is nothing better than coming home to a Taurus woman. An excellent hostess who will feed, warm, take care of everything and everyone, will not bother with questions. She herself is so warm and cozy that a man wants to return to her again and again, in search of peace, tranquility and tenderness.

Taurus woman health

The Taurus woman naturally possesses excellent health... But all minor sores run the risk of becoming chronic if she does not begin to treat them in time - this woman is not too sensitive to her health. Close attention need to be given to the ligament - ear-nose-throat. They need a good ENT doctor. It is also worth taking care of your legs and back. The best rest for Taurus - a trip to the country house or to the village, closer to the earth, which gives them peace of mind and recharges them with new strength.

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