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SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis Swot analysis presentation

SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats)

SWOT analysis

in a long-term development program
enterprises SWOT analysis is
intermediate link between
articulating a vision, mission and
long-term course of your company and
defining its goals and objectives

SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis can be carried out:
for the company as a whole,
in individual business areas,
for individual markets in which the firm
is functioning,

SWOT analysis

SWOT is an abbreviation of the words:
Strengths - (strengths),
Weaknesses - (weaknesses),
Opportunities - (opportunities),
Threats - (danger).

SWOT analysis

before conducting a SWOT analysis, you must
determine the study period within which
the interaction between the firm and the external environment will be studied.
This could be:
current period - existing forces are being investigated and
weaknesses of the firm and the current market situation,
short-term perspective (traditionally, within 1-2
years, in general, it is determined by the degree of turbulence
medium term (traditionally, within 3-5
long-term perspective (forecast for more than 5 years).

The main stages of a SWOT analysis

"Scanning" the context "of the environment (searching and establishing
major problematic trends that may affect
development of the subject).
Preparation and inventory of possible actions
External analysis of opportunities and threats (identification of parameters
The "environment" of the company that is not available for its control,
but can significantly affect its activities)
Internal analysis of strengths and weaknesses (identification and
analysis of controllable factors that can accelerate or
slow down the development of the company in the area of ​​interest)
Planning possible actions (highlighting actions,
which will maximize the use of strengths
companies and neutralize the weak)
Assessment and strategy selection

SWOT Analysis Matrix

Opportunities and threats

Market opportunities are favorable
changes in the external environment that put the enterprise in
better than the current market position (deterioration
positions of competitors, a sharp increase in demand, the emergence
new technologies for the production of your products, growth
income level of the population, etc.) Opportunities
are not all the possibilities that exist
on the market, but only those that can be used
enterprise to gain an advantage.
Market threats - events, the occurrence of which
may adversely affect your
enterprise (entry into the market of new competitors, growth
taxes, changing consumer tastes, reducing
fertility, etc.)

Opportunities and threats

Competition factors (the number of your main competitors, the availability of substitutes on the market, the height of barriers to entry and exit from the market, the distribution of market
shares between the main market participants, etc.)
Demand factors (market size, rate of growth or decline, structure of demand
for the products of your company, etc.)
Sales factors (you need to pay attention to the number of intermediaries, the presence of networks
distribution, terms of supply of materials and components, etc.)
Economic factors (ruble (dollar, euro) exchange rate, inflation rate, change in the
income of the population, tax policy of the state, etc.)
Political and legal factors (level of political stability in the country, level
legal literacy of the population, the level of law-abidingness, the level
corruption of power, etc.)
Scientific and technical factors (the level of development of science, the degree of implementation of innovations (new
goods, technologies) into industrial production, the level of state support
development of science, etc.)
Socio-demographic factors (size and age and sex structure of the population
the region in which your company operates, the birth rate and mortality rate,
employment rate, etc.)
Socio-cultural factors (traditions and system of values ​​of society, existing
culture of consumption of goods and services, existing stereotypes of people's behavior, etc.)
Natural and environmental factors (climatic zone in which your
enterprise, state of the environment, public attitudes towards protection
environment, etc.)
International factors (the level of stability in the world, the presence of local conflicts, etc.)

Opportunity matrix

Threat matrix

Advantages and disadvantages

An enterprise's strengths are where it has excelled or
some feature that provides you with additional
opportunities. Strength may lie in experience, access
to unique resources, availability of advanced technology
and modern equipment, highly qualified personnel,
high quality of your products, your fame
brand name, etc.
Weaknesses are the lack of something important for
the functioning of the enterprise or something that has not yet succeeded
in comparison with other companies and puts in an unfavorable
position (too narrow range of manufactured goods,
bad reputation of the company in the market, lack of funding,
low level of service, etc.)
Strengths and weaknesses must be considered in relation to

Advantages and disadvantages

Company reputation
Product quality
Quality of service
Geographic coverage, market share
Promotion efficiency
Quality of work of sales agents
Implementation of innovations
Financial stability
Technical equipment
Ability to meet deadlines
Flexibility, quick reaction to events
Knowing buyers

Expanded Matrix

Expanded Matrix

The emergence of a new
retail network
THREATS 1. The emergence
major competitor
High quality
1. How to use
Try to get in the number
suppliers of the new network,
focusing on quality
of our products
2. How can you reduce
To keep our
buyers from the transition
to a competitor,
their high quality
of our products
SIDES 1.High
production cost
3. How to overcome weaknesses for
account of opportunities
Find in the new network
buyer ready
buy at the proposed
the price
4. The biggest dangers
for the company
Emerging competitor
can offer the market
products similar to
ours, at lower

The purpose of the analysis.

What to do
The directions in which
combines the benefits and
What to fight
The directions in which
the company has advantages, but
there are threats
What to exclude
The directions in which
the company has weaknesses and
there are serious threats
What to develop
The directions in which
seizing opportunities
limited by weaknesses

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Lack of instrumentation: not
very clear what to do with
the lists received
Provides many options
There are no selection criteria from
list of options

The completion of the SWOT analysis is the correct presentation of its results, the formation of conclusions and the vector of development of the analyzed product, service or company. The SWOT analysis presentation should contain a detailed report in order to avoid mistakes in the interpretation of the prepared information.

Presentation plan

The presentation of the results and conclusions of the SWOT analysis has clear semantic blocks described below.


The first section is Summary. It is a summary of all the key suggestions and conclusions that emerged from the SWOT analysis. This data presentation format is the most effective and generally accepted in world practice. It allows you to understand the vector of your presentation.


The second section is an introductory section. In this paragraph of the presentation, tell us about the main goals of the SWOT analysis and what factors of the external and internal environment were analyzed and considered.

Basic SWOT Form

In the third section, demonstrate the basic form of SWOT in a simple matrix of four quadrants: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This form has historically been a convenient format for presenting all results on 1 page. It is advisable to immediately arrange the factors in the order of importance and priority in the form of SWOT (from the most important to the least important). Importance and high priority are easy to define: the higher the impact on sales and profits, the higher the priority.

You don't need to include many factors. It is enough to focus on 6-8 key factors for each category (maximum). Too many confuses the audience and prevents them from prioritizing and focusing on important elements. The factors, which at the moment have receded into the background due to their insignificance, can be used in the next wave of analysis.


Data speaks first is the key slogan of all presentations. Prepare a picture of the evidence for each factor in the SWOT analysis. This will help with the justification of the selected factors and their priority.


The fifth section is the key findings of the SWOT analysis. One of the convenient presentation formats is the.

Tactical action plan

The final section of the presentation should always go - an action plan with approximate deadlines and required resources. Without such a plan, all of the above was just words. In a SWOT analysis, specific guidance is expected from you.

Socio-economic development of the Kaliningrad region Report: Yu. A. Zaitseva Specialty: Economics of the company - 2015 (М) Scientific adviser: Ph.D. , c. e. n. , prof. Borovikova T.V.

Brief historical information 1239 - founded by the knights of the Teutonic Order; 1255 - foundation of the capital city of Königsberg; 1535 - transformation into the Duchy of Prussia; 1701 - transformation into the Kingdom of Prussia; 1772 - transformed into the province of East Prussia; 1871 - became part of the united German Empire; 1919 - most of East Prussia passed to Poland; 1945 - a part of East Prussia with the capital city of Konigsberg becomes part of the USSR, the Konigsberg region is formed; 1946 - renaming Kaliningrad region.

General position of the Kaliningrad region in Russia 1 - One of the top three commercial ports of the Russian Federation; 2 - Ranks 1 in the world in amber mining; 3 - One of the best reactionary and tourist zones of the Russian Federation; 4 - The best investment site in the Russian Federation (according to foreign experts); 5 - Strategic military purpose; the headquarters of the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Federation (Kaliningrad, Baltiysk).

Socio-economic characteristics of the Kaliningrad region Name 2011 2012 2013 2014 Population, thousand people 944, 3 950, 6 956, 2 964, 1 Number of able-bodied population, thousand people 546, 8 522, 6 501, 8 524, 12 Natural increase / decrease per 1000 people. , ppm -1, 5 -0, 8 -0, 4 -0, 6 Average salary, rub. 18455 19911 22268 23401 Population below the poverty line,% 12, 3 12, 8 12, 5 12, 3 Unemployment rate in the region,% 6, 7 6, 9 7, 2 6,

Social and infrastructural development in the Kaliningrad region Programs operating in the Kaliningrad region based on their funding from the budget 1 - Programs for providing housing for the population; 2 - Housing programs for military personnel; 3 - Programs for the development of social support and infrastructure for young families; 4 - Program for the development of education in the districts of the region; 5 - Programs of cooperation in the field of higher education with foreign countries; 6 - The program of restoration of cultural objects of federal significance.

Economic characteristics of the Kaliningrad region Name 2011 2012 2013 2014 GRP, bln. rub. 247, 6 255, 2 253, 6 249, 4 Tax receipts, million rubles. 30356 33478 31745 31458 Funds allocated for federal programs, mln. Rub. 15401 11685 10745 11896 Number of SMEs, thousand 22, 5 30, 1 21, 5 33, 4 Average level of profitability of SMEs,% 12, 4 10, 1 10, 5 10, 3 Number of export operations,% 25, ​​3 22, 7 23, 2 15, 4 Share of budget revenues from external operations,% 17, 2 15, 3 14, 4 9,

Budget expenditures of the Kaliningrad region Name Share Social sphere 51, 80% Health care 13, 50% Housing and utilities 16, 50% Investment goals 12, 30% Economic development of the region 5, 90%

SWOT analysis of the Kaliningrad region Strengths Weaknesses 1. Advantageous geographic location 1. Remoteness from other regions 2. Successfully developed trade direction 2. Decline of manufacturing industries 3. The focus of social policy on youth 3. "Brain drain" to foreign countries 4. Development rare crafts in the country 4. It is more profitable to sell products abroad Opportunities Threats 1. Use of investments 1. Priority - trade investments 2. Special economic zone 2. Sanctions from foreign countries 3. Foreign economic relations 3. Dependence on the politics of foreign countries 4. Become a monopolist in the industry 4. It is very difficult for the foreign market, in the Russian Federation it is unprofitable

Developed recommendations In the course of the study, the following recommendations were developed: 1 - Search for investments in the Russian Federation for rare fisheries and amber production; 2 - Establishing contacts for the sale of rare craft products to foreign trade unions and organizations; 3 - Transition from the special economic zone in terms of customs privileges for exports to customs privileges for imports; 4 - Development of new tourist complexes and health resorts, targeted reception of citizens from other countries; 5 - Creation of permanent state water routes for the transportation of goods with preferential treatment.

For what? "SWOT-introspection", in order to understand where to move next in career development. It will help you to really assess your strengths and capabilities, to clearly determine what points you will need to focus on. A simple technique will help you find the correct solution to the situation. Stage

The main directions of the development of SWOT-analysis are displayed in the model of dynamic changes in the OO; taking into account the results of the analysis of OO and its competitive environment using classical models of strategic planning; development of SWOT-models, taking into account various scenarios of the development of situations.

SWOT Analysis Rules 1. Carefully define the scope of each SWOT analysis; 2. Understand the differences between the elements of SWOT: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats; 3. Strengths and weaknesses can be considered as such only if they are perceived in this way by the subjects of the educational process; 4. Be objective and use versatile input; 5. Avoid lengthy and ambiguous language.

Stages of SWOT analysis 1. Determination of the purpose of SWOT analysis 2. Determination of strengths and weaknesses 3. Determination of opportunities and threats 4. Ranking and clarification of formulations of strengths and weaknesses 5. Ranking and clarification of formulations of opportunities and threats 6. Formation of the SWOT matrix 7. Formulation of criteria for choosing a strategy 8. Analysis of "rejected" strategies 9. A rough estimate of the cost of the chosen strategy 10. Approval of the strategy

Stages of the SWOT analysis STEP 1. The strengths and weaknesses of the TOE have been analyzed. Strengths Experience of NGOs Publicity of NGOs Openness of NGOs (Regular holding of seminars, conferences, open days, days of self-government, etc.) Developed training system for new employees (young teachers, mentoring system) Traditions of high quality training, education and hospitality Established partnerships relationship. …. Stage

Weaknesses Demotivating system of compensation of employees, not stimulating to improve their qualifications. Large percentage of staff turnover. Weak material and technical base.% Of graduates. Low level of analysis. Lack of intra-organizational communications, lack of regular informing of employees about the results of their work, weak feedback, which are demotivating factors. …. Stage

Analysis of the external environment will reveal the following opportunities and threats for the development of educational institutions. Opportunities Stabilization of the educational process will lead to the opening of new classes (popularity of educational institutions in the microdistrict, etc.) Stability of personnel, attraction of young specialists. Threats There is another competing school nearby, pulling in the contingent ... Stage

Strengths Has a sustainable competitive advantage in the form of a unique developed system of education and upbringing Cooperation with other NGOs (additional education for children and partners, sponsors) Head of the NGO. … Weaknesses The range of additional educational services ceases to correspond to the preferences of children and parents. Insufficient funding (of any services) reduces the ability to attract new entities. Stage

Standard basic SWOT analysis matrix Stage Strengths Opportunities ... ... Weaknesses Threats ... ...

Stage 3 opportunities and threats identified during the analysis are divided into three groups according to priority, the need to concentrate efforts and funds, and the thoroughness of monitoring. Stage Probability of threats realization Consequences of threats destructive heavy lungs High Medium Low (unlikely)

Stage 4 Taking into account the identified opportunities and threats, the main mutually influencing groups "Opportunities - strengths / weaknesses" "Threats - strengths / weaknesses" are identified and an appropriate matrix is ​​drawn up. Stage Description Strengths Weaknesses ... ... ... ... ... Possibilities Threats

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Characteristics of the company JSC "Holod". Open Joint Stock Company "Kholod" is one of the largest food industry enterprises in the Republic of Tatarstan, providing the population with high-quality products of its own production.

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Founded in 1929, the company began its activity as a cold storage facility specializing in the storage of food products: meat, fish, poultry, butter, eggs. Today OJSC "Kholod" is an industrial complex with two refrigeration plants in Kazan, a wholesale center "Service-Kholod" and its own retail network.

Slide 4

The company is widely known as a manufacturer of ice cream and fish products, as well as services for the leasing of warehouse and retail space with refrigeration equipment.

Slide 5

Since 2005, JSC "Kholod" has been a part of the holding company "Ak Bars", and in September 2006, LLC "TD" Kholod "was established as a separate trade division of JSC" Kholod ".

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The main problem of the enterprise today is the need to expand the production of new systems and, as a consequence, the need for working capital to finance production and marketing.

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The main achievement of the enterprise is the creation of a high-tech and competitive product - ice cream, fish products, as well as services for the provision of retail space with refrigeration equipment.

Slide 8

Ice cream production The main activity of JSC "Kholod" is the production of ice cream. The average annual production is over 1000 tons of ice cream per year. OJSC "Kholod" produces more than 30 types of ice cream on a creamy and ice-cream basis, as well as fruit ice.

Slide 9

The introduction of Danish and Italian modern automated extrusion and filling lines in the ice cream shop made it possible to significantly increase production, expand the range of products and almost completely eliminate manual labor. In particular, the Streitline extrusion line (capacity 2 thousand tons per year) produces ice cream in the form of briquettes, rolls and in the traditional form - popsicle.

Slide 10

Production of fish products Since 1993, JSC "Kholod" began to develop a new type of activity - processing and production of fish products. For this purpose, a new fish processing plant was built and put into operation, equipped with high-performance equipment from domestic and foreign companies. Currently, a set of measures is being taken to modernize the existing equipment and fixed assets.

Slide 11

Refrigeration warehouse complex The warehouse premises of the enterprise have an advantageous location, being in the area of ​​a large traffic intersection with high business activity. The complex is equipped with shunting railways, which ensure the possibility of shipment of products not only by large-capacity automobiles, but also by rail. These advantages allow tenants to consider the placement of their products on the basis of JSC "Kholod" as a profitable strategic partnership with the company.

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Rendered services: - Leasing of refrigerating chambers, freezing equipment - Leasing of retail, industrial, utility and office space - Services of loading - unloading, rental of loading equipment - Services of a guarded parking lot for trucks and cars - Provision of sanitary and veterinary control services - Laboratory analysis of products (for the presence of herbal additives, fat, moisture, salt, acidity, organoleptic properties, etc.)

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