Home Fruit trees What power should the lamp be for seedlings. To make the harvest happy, learn all about highlighting seedlings on the windowsill. Wasat LED window lamp for plants

What power should the lamp be for seedlings. To make the harvest happy, learn all about highlighting seedlings on the windowsill. Wasat LED window lamp for plants

Competently organized lighting in compliance with the required intensity indicators is one of the most important keys to obtaining healthy and strong seedlings. In some cases, simple daylighting is sufficient, but in most situations it is necessary to organize additional artificial lighting with the help of lamps. Today manufacturers offer a fairly wide range of such devices.

For the most part, flower and vegetable crops are thermophilic plants, the growth efficiency and development features of which are largely determined by the length of daylight hours. A lack of light leads to a slowdown in the course of photosynthesis processes and the emergence of various diseases in seedlings. To avoid the listed and related problems, additional lighting is organized.

Sunlight is composed of several waves of different lengths and colors. In order for the photosynthesis of plants to take place in accordance with the established norms, it is necessary to organize their illumination with full-spectrum light. Along with this, each spectrum performs its own important functions.

About them in the table.

Table. The role of light spectra in the development of seedlings

List of spectraRole and tasks
RedContributes to the normalization of the processes of seed development and vegetation. Under its influence, the quality of flowering increases.
BlueTakes an important part in the processes of regulation of plant cell growth. Provides the development of strong shoots.
VioletSimilar to blue.
GreenPlants hardly absorb this spectrum of light, reflecting it by the surface of the leaves.
YellowSimilar to green.

Basic lighting requirements

The key characteristics of lighting are duration and intensity level. The intensity is determined by the wattage of the lighting fixture used and the distance between it and the plants. The optimal distance is determined as follows: you turn on the lamp and put your hand under the light. If warmth is felt, the light should be moved away a little.

The normal illumination level for plants is considered to be 8000 lux. The lamps for home seedlings presented in the framework of today's publication will cope with the task of ensuring it perfectly, but additional illumination will have to be turned on not only in the morning and in the evening, but also during the day, especially if the weather is cloudy outside.

To check if the lamp needs to be used, just turn it on. Notice a significant change in light levels? There is a need to use additional lighting. Don't see much of a difference? The backlight can be omitted.

Highlighting seedlings - photo

Range of seedling lamps and their main features

There are many types of lighting available commercially that can be used when growing home seedlings. Let's consider the most popular ones.

Sodium lamps

Reflax lamps are the most popular among domestic gardeners.

The key positive qualities of sodium lamps include the following:

  • high rates of lighting efficiency;
  • ensuring a stable flow of light;
  • impressive service life;
  • creation of generally favorable conditions for the normal course of photosynthesis processes.

The main disadvantage is the relatively high cost.

The table contains information about the main representatives of the assortment.

Table. Popular models of sodium lamps

List of modelsBasic information

Equipped with a built-in mirror reflector. Outperforms competitors in all main characteristics. By means of the above-mentioned mirror reflector, an increase in the intensity of the light flux and its directivity to the grown plants is ensured.

To illuminate the seedlings on a 1.5-meter windowsill, a 70-watt lamp in the amount of one piece is enough. Select the required number of lighting fixtures, guided by this pattern.

They do not have a pre-installed reflector. A 70 W lamp is enough for supplementary lighting of plants on no more than a 1-meter windowsill, i.e. these devices are less powerful in comparison with the representatives of the above group.

If necessary, sodium lamps can be used in residential premises - the light emitted by these devices does not irritate the eyes.

Fluorescent lamps

Emit cool light similar to natural daylight. They are characterized by weak power, which forces them to be installed in an increased number. In addition, the disadvantages of fluorescent lamps include the low content of red light in the spectrum.

Calculating the required number of lamps, we use the following relationship: every 1 m of the length of the window sill with seedlings is served by a lamp with an 80-watt or two 40-65-watt lamps.

Important! Do not use LDC and LD fluorescent lamps to illuminate seedlings - plants react poorly to the light emitted by such devices.


The most popular among gardeners are phytolamps of several brands.

  1. Fluora from Osram. Luminaires with a power of 18 W are suitable. To illuminate 1 m of a window sill, one or two such lamps are enough.

  2. LFU-30. They are characterized by a power of 30 watts. One lamp is enough to service a 40x70 cm platform.

  3. Enrich. Relatively weakly irritating to the eyes, but characterized by a short (on average up to 6 months) service life. In addition, such lamps very much heat up the leaves of the seedlings, which does not reflect in the best way on its condition.

  4. Paulmann. They can have different capacities. They differ from the closest analogs by practically zero heating, which eliminates the risk of overheating of the seedlings, as well as an impressive service life.

  5. Fitosvet-D. Category of LED devices. Suitable for both home and greenhouse use.

The key advantages of all phytolamps are as follows:

  • high efficiency;
  • compactness;
  • impressive indicators of environmental friendliness, efficiency, durability and safety in general.

The disadvantage is reduced to the lilac-pink color of the glow, which is not the best way reflected in the state of the eyes of a person and his well-being. In residential premises, such lamps are allowed to be used exclusively in combination with an external mirror reflector.

Can ordinary bulbs be used?

As it becomes clear from the above information, many different types of lamps can be used for seedlings, however, each of the options has its own weaknesses.

The question arises: is it necessary to buy additional lighting fixtures? Isn't it possible to do with ordinary household incandescent bulbs?

It is forbidden. Such lighting will be ineffective and simply useless. According to the average data, incandescent lamps with a traditional tungsten filament transform into light no more than 5 percent of the energy. Everything else is just warm. In addition, the light spectrum of such lamps is not suitable for plants: they will dry out, burn, stretch and, in general, not form as they should.

Now you know which lamps you can use when growing your own seedlings. I wish you a rich harvest!

Video - What lamps are needed for seedlings

Lighting is essential for plant life and growth. Without enough light, the seedlings turn pale and wither.

What kind of lighting should be, prices for various types of lamps and how to make a supplementary lighting device yourself from inexpensive materials and LED strip, we will tell you in this article.

Lighting for seedlings

The most popular plants grown as seedlings are tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, and cabbage. Many decorative flowering annuals are also sown first in small containers and only after reaching a certain size are transplanted into open ground.

This need is associated with the discrepancy between climatic zones and the duration of the growing season of individual species, or the need to pick the main root to improve the development of the root system.

Seedling illumination with LEDs

There is a fairly significant difference between lighting for mature plants and seedlings. Seedlings capture light not only with chlorophyll for photosynthesis. Phytochrome and cryptochrome also absorb light and are responsible for the division, elongation and specialization of the cells of the future plant.

Light, its intensity, color temperature, spectrum and duration of illumination are very important for germinating seeds and growing viable seedlings. With a lack of light, the plants stretch out, become pale or turn yellow, their development slows down, the timing of flowering and fruiting is postponed.

In conditions when the seedlings are on the windowsill, passive illumination can be arranged for them. A reflective screen (white paper or cloth, foil on a substrate) is installed between the seedlings and the room. Light coming from the window bounces off the screen and illuminates the plants from the other side. But all these are half measures, since natural light is completely insufficient.

Backlighting with old incandescent lamps, despite the brightness, gave a very low result, since the plants need a certain spectrum, and the necessary blue and red remains in the total luminous flux much less. Incandescent bulbs get very hot, requiring additional ventilation and watering.

Artificial plant lighting options

For artificial lighting of plants (in particular, seedlings), the following types of lamps are recommended:

  1. Luminescent. The time-tested option is still used by most greenhouse farms. It is inferior in other types of lighting for seedlings.
  2. Metal halide. Economical, but they do not give enough light in the blue spectrum.
  3. Sodium. Quite an expensive type of lamp that requires the installation of additional control equipment. Luminescence predominantly in the orange and yellow spectra.
  4. LED. Of all types of artificial lighting, the future belongs to LED plant lamps. They deserve a separate listing of numerous advantages. For plants located on racks, it is convenient to use, for example, such as in.


The advantages of supplementary lighting of seedlings are:

  1. Economical - they use 8 times less electricity than standard lamps.
  2. Durable - with heat dissipation, they can work up to 50,000 hours.
  3. Repaired - a LED that has stopped working can be easily replaced. Agree, this is much cheaper than buying a new lamp.
  4. Installation of LEDs of different power and spectrum allows you to get exactly the lighting that best suits the needs of a particular seedling at a particular time. If you need to change the spectrum, just replace one with another in the same lamp.
  5. Turns on instantly and gives an even glow without flicker.
  6. They heat up very little, which makes it possible to place them lower above the plants without the risk of causing burns on the leaf plate.
  7. Low voltage operation improves safety parameters.
  8. Environmentally friendly - do not contain harmful chemicals and do not need special conditions for disposal.

It can be assumed that the ever-increasing consumer interest will affect production volumes and prices will begin to fall.

Let's take a closer look.

Popular models

The choice of a specific model depends on where exactly the lighting will be installed, for which crops, at what distance from the tops of the plants.

Professional LED Plant Light 75W (10 Spectra)

Where phytolamps for LED seedlings can be used:

  • in greenhouses and farms;
  • in private homes;
  • apartments;
  • in summer cottages.

Depending on the types of shelving and the number of seedlings, LED lamps can be of different shapes:

  1. Trumpet - suitable for supplementary lighting of seedlings in narrow long rows, often used on windowsills.
  2. A tablet or phytopanel is the shape of a lamp in the form of a rather large square. This is a professional luminaire designed to illuminate wide shelving units.
  3. Single lamp - supplementary lighting in this form is used when growing a small amount of seedlings for personal needs.
  4. - illuminate from a greater distance and a larger area than single luminaires.
  5. LED strips - can be configured in any order. They are more often used for making phyto-lighting with their own hands.

When choosing a phytolamp, read the instructions carefully. A good manufacturer must indicate from what distance what area can be effectively illuminated by a specific phytolamp model. This information will be very useful when planning the number and power of purchased lamps.

Example: "Topaz", the parameters and the price of which are given in table 2, depending on the distance to the plants, gives the indicators indicated in table 1.

As you can see from the table, prices are not encouraging. This is the main reason that LED backlighting is not so popular despite its obvious benefits. But you can significantly reduce the cost of the lighting device if you make it yourself.

How to assemble an LED seedling light

The simplest version of LED phytolamps is made of LED strip.

Materials for work:

  1. A panel, the size and shape of which matches the area on which the seedlings will grow. You can use a lamp from a damaged fluorescent lamp.
  2. Aluminum profile.
  3. Red and blue LED strip with Velcro. Do not forget to correctly calculate the proportions of blue and red spectra recommended for your plants before buying. Most often it is 1 length of the blue spectrum for 8 lengths of red.
  4. Power supply or driver.

Diy phyto tape assembly diagram

When choosing between a driver and a simple power supply, keep in mind that the first not only transforms the standard 220 volts into the required 12 or 24 volts, but also stabilizes the voltage. Drivers are available for specific LED wattage.

Luminaire assembly consists of the following sequential steps:

  1. We clean and degrease the panel surface.
  2. We attach an aluminum profile to the panel - it is needed to dissipate heat and extend the life of the LEDs.
  3. We cut the tape into the required lengths. You need to cut it between the soldering - it is visible on the tape.
  4. We connect the segments with a connector or with a soldering iron.
  5. We remove the protective covering from the inside of the tape and glue it with slight pressure on the aluminum profile. Avoid kinking the tape too much to avoid damaging the tracks that power the diodes.
  6. We install the panel on a stand-legs that will hold the lamp above the seedlings at the required height.
  7. We place the power supply at the required distance from the outlet and connect it to the LED strip. It is important to observe the polarity.
  8. You can use it.

The price of an LED seedling lamp shouldn't force you to refuse such high-quality lighting. If you have hard-working hands, you can make a completely high-quality lamp with your own hands.


This video will tell you how to make a DIY LED seedling lamp.

Without bright light, no living plant can survive. If we talk about seedlings and seeds, then supplementary lighting at home can work miracles. The lack of sunlight in winter and spring is detrimental to plants. Young stems will, with all their strength, reach for the sun, which is fraught with their thinning. Lack of light can also cause a black leg or even the death of seedlings. It is of great importance with the help of which lamps the additional illumination of plants is provided. An overly bright lamp will burn them, and conventional incandescent bulbs consume a huge amount of electricity. Let's talk today about how to grow full-fledged seedlings using artificial light, when and for how long to turn on the lamps, which ones are suitable for seedlings, and which ones will be of little use, and, finally, we will touch on the most reliable and proven types of lamps in different price categories.

Why do you need to highlight seedlings

The happy owner of southern windows and balconies has to worry less about artificial lighting for growing seedlings. The rest should think in advance how, where and with what devices it is better to supplement developing plants. It is quite understandable what kind of light is needed for seedlings - the closest to natural. The sun's rays provide plants with the vital energy they need for photosynthesis. Leaves absorb light radiation and photochemical reactions occur in them, as a result of which organic substances are synthesized from minerals.

In the conditions of a short day of the cold period of the year, additional illumination of seedlings is simply necessary. Otherwise, good planting material will not work. The lack of light acts depressingly, the sprouts become weak and frail, they can stretch strongly in an attempt to get at least a little more sunlight. If you use additional lighting, then the seedlings begin to noticeably grow stronger and form new leaves, its color becomes more saturated. The sun sends light energy to the earth, consisting of photons (sections of electromagnetic waves of different lengths). The visible white ray can be decomposed into photons of different colors (electromagnetic spectrum), differing in wavelength (red - the largest, blue and violet - the shortest).

According to research, light waves of red and blue colors have the greatest influence on the development of plants. The rays of the blue part of the spectrum (400-500 nm long) regulate the growth rate and promote the formation of thick stems. Red light waves (600-700 nm) ensure productive photosynthesis and intense leaf growth.

What color spectrum is needed for growing seedlings

Before proceeding with the manufacture of the lamp, it is necessary to determine the color spectrum and designate "useful" for seedlings. The next step is to choose the type of lamp, but more on that later.

The opinions of many gardeners differ: some believe that it is necessary to grow seedlings exclusively "on blue", while others, on the contrary, claim that only red is necessary for plants. Another misconception is that seedlings do not need green at all. And in vain, because it is necessary for normal growth, and you cannot experiment with this.

What gives the plants each color:

  • red - must be used for an adult plant to speed up flowering and fruit formation;
  • blue - without it, it is impossible to grow strong seedlings. It helps the root system become stronger and the green mass stronger. If the blue color is not enough for the seedlings, then it will cease to stretch upward, the stems will become thicker, and the leaves will become larger;
  • other color components may not be used - the plant will be able to receive them naturally. It is enough that the sunlight through the window will saturate the plants.

And the most important thing to consider when constructing a lamp for illuminating seedlings: the main goal is to grow healthy seedlings, and not harvest directly from the windowsill. Therefore, we focus on the blue color and tone down the red.

Seedling lamps

Before opting for a certain model of a luminaire for seedlings, you should pay attention to the operability of the device, its power and efficiency. Other characteristics should also be considered.

The most important process in setting up a backlight is choosing the right lamps. Gardeners in their experiments use:

  • High pressure sodium lamps. They provide stable warm light, which has a beneficial effect on seedlings, but at the same time lamps require additional equipment (power regulators), and also have an unnecessarily high price, which is incomparable with the yield of the average gardener.
  • Phytolamps. An excellent solution for illumination - the spectrum of violet-pink lamps is ideal for plants, but very harmful to humans, therefore it is recommended to supply such lamps with a special reflector.
  • Sodium metal halide elements. Such phytolamps for seedlings are mainly used already in a later period of growth for highlighting seedlings. NLVD is used during the period of flowering and ripening of the fruit, in this case you need to supplement it if you want to speed up the growth process. If you turn on such lighting for young seedlings, then it will begin to grow very quickly, but its leaves will be more spreading.
  • Such phyto-lamps for seedlings have a high light output and a long period of operation. They can mainly be used for fragmentary lighting in greenhouse environments where natural light is the main part of the lighting.
  • Fluorescent lamps. The main advantage of such lamps is that they do not heat up, that is, when using such a device, the air temperature does not rise, which is important if you want to grow high-quality seedlings. Not sure how to choose a lighting fixture? It is worth choosing those devices in the light spectrum of which blue rays would be used - they are needed for reliable photosynthesis. Such a lamp for seedlings has a number of advantages - it is a long period of operation and economy.
  • Classic incandescent lamps. They are some of the most useless for supplementary lighting. Bulbs are more suitable for heating a room than for lighting it.
  • LED lights. These types of lamps are one of the most promising available and have a number of features that are worth talking about separately.

Important! For supplementary lighting of plants, ordinary incandescent lamps are not suitable. They have an insufficient radiation spectrum, therefore, even at high power, they will not give the required amount of light. In addition, these lamps tend to get very hot, the sprouts can burn out.

The development of modern, innovative technologies allows the summer resident to choose the appropriate type of lighting. In the shops you can find a wide range of specially combined, high-quality devices for young plants.

How to make a phytolamp for seedlings with your own hands

Step-by-step instruction:

  • drawing up a diagram (a drawing is being developed taking into account all technical parameters, each diode must overlap each other, in this case the entire area under the lamp will be illuminated evenly);
  • preparation of the necessary materials (you will need an old lamp case, diodes - 20 white, 30 red, 10 simulating midday lighting, 20 blue, led drive);
  • assembly of equipment (using hot glue, the diodes are attached to the aluminum plate, a circuit breaker is installed, the device is connected to the network).

How to use seedling lamps

By the same principle, you can build additional lighting without lamps. If the seedlings are on a windowsill or on a table next to a window, you need to put a screen behind it that will reflect natural light. It can be a bulky cardboard box from household appliances: its front wall must be cut to the height of the boxes, the foil must be fixed to the inner walls with a stapler, and containers with seedlings must be placed inside the box.

Regardless of the type of lighting, boxes and cassettes with seedlings are recommended to be installed on windows with a south and south-east orientation. It is also necessary to maintain the additional lighting time. So, green crops need 8-10 hours a day, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants and tomatoes - 10-12 hours a day, and tough-like crops need a total daylight hours of at least 12-16 hours. On sunny days, you can turn on the lighting fixtures only in the morning and evening hours, and in cloudy weather, the lamps should work for the entire recommended time.

This will guarantee the receipt of strong and healthy seedlings that can tolerate a dive and subsequent transplantation into a greenhouse or open ground without problems.

Whichever side of the building the window is located, backlighting is needed when growing planting material on the windowsill. The lack of artificial lighting will affect the poor harvest in the fall. Thus, in order for additional lighting of seedlings to give the desired result, it is necessary to fulfill all conditions - from choosing a place for plants to placing correctly selected light sources.

To speed up the growth of seedlings at home, you can use special lamps to illuminate the seedlings. Such lamps are called phytolamps, because they have a specific spectrum of light that maximizes the effect on the plant.

Phytolamps are produced in the following types: energy-saving or luminescent, induction, sodium and the most modern - LED.

Plant illumination with phytolamp

How does lighting affect seedlings?

Backlighting for seedlings is necessary to ensure the stable development of plants, flowers, fruit bushes. Good illumination is an important condition for seed germination, the formation of leaves, stems, and ovaries. With an insufficient amount of sunlight, the photosynthetic apparatus of seedlings ceases to function, the growth of the root system and leaves slows down. The stems can begin to stretch, bend, curl. The immunity of plants is disturbed, the seedlings lose their quality characteristics, which further affects the yield, the size of the fruits.

Light spectrum of lamps

Supplementary lighting lamps have different color spectra:

  • Red;
  • blue;
  • Violet;
  • yellow;
  • green.

The presence of red spectrum lamps in the device increases the germination of seed. With the further development of the bush, the shade of the spectrum contributes to the harmonious development of the variety, stable growth of the stem, branches and leaves.

Light spectrum most affecting plant growth

The colors of the spectrum blue and violet help the formation of cells, increase the rate of their division. Shades of blue in the phyto-lighting device prevent the stems from stretching, the plant harmoniously forms the shape of the crown. The stems acquire the required density and thickness. The cold range contributes to the harmonious growth of ornamental plant varieties.

The shades of the spectrum, green and yellow, are intended to balance other colors in the agrolamp, because reduce the harmful effects of infrared, ultraviolet lamps.

When deciding which phytolamp is optimal for growing seedlings, it is important to take into account that it is not recommended to use 1 color of the spectrum. It is necessary to combine several tones for a complex effect on stems and leaves at different periods of development. The range of intensity of shades can vary depending on the type of plant, season.

When choosing a lamp for seedlings, it is important to determine the design and dimensions of the device, the backlight power, the efficiency, and the presence of a reflector.

1 lux = 1 lumen / 1 square meter

In the description of lamps, you can often find lumens and suites. People often confuse these units of measurement with each other. Lumens measure the amount of light emitted from a lamp. And in suites, they measure the degree of illumination of an object. In fact, everything is simple, for example, there is a lamp emitting 1000 lumens, if you place it above a table with an area of ​​1 square meter, at such a distance that all its light falls on the table, then the illumination of the table will be about 1000 lux.


Can incandescent bulbs be used?

Incandescent devices are not suitable as a lamp for illuminating seedlings; special devices for germinating and forming leaves and stems are suitable. Bushes, illuminated by standard lamps, will not be able to form, acquire immunity sufficient to move into open ground.

Incandescent lamps are also not recommended due to their uneconomical energy consumption. The luminous flux accounts for no more than 4.6%, thermal energy - about 95%. When using incandescent lamps, seedlings may be burned. The spectral characteristics of the devices also do not correspond to those recommended for seed germination, development of leaves and branches.

What types of phytolamps are there?

Manufacturers produce phytolamps for seedlings:

  • luminescent;
  • energy saving;
  • induction;
  • sodium;
  • LED.

Energy saving or fluorescent lamps

Energy saving lamps are a type of fluorescent lamp. The devices are compact, have a high performance (at least 15000 hours), are equipped with a built-in choke and an E27 base, which is comfortable to install. The devices can operate for several seasons, are economical and safe to use. Ultraviolet lamps are placed at a distance of at least 15-30 cm from the seedlings.

Fluorescent Lamp

Experts prefer to use standard fluorescent daylight lamps with a linear design in arranging a place for plants. The light output of energy-saving devices is less due to the twisted tube. Fluorescent devices are distinguished by their affordable cost, economical power consumption.

However, the devices produce light of the pink-lilac spectrum, which adversely affects vision; in the apartment, devices must be supplemented with a mirror screen. It is necessary to take into account a small amount of lamp working time (10,000 hours), a decrease in the glow intensity when most of the shelf life is reached. The devices are recommended for greenhouses and supplementary lighting of bushes for a period of up to 3-4 weeks.

Induction lamps

Induction lamps are used to illuminate plants. The devices are based on the principle of operation of luminescent devices, however, they differ in design solutions. The induction lamp has no electrodes inside. The induction lamp includes a tube with a phosphor deposition, an induction coil, a magnetic ring, and a current generator. The device has a long shelf life (60,000 hours). When operating 12 hours a day, the lamps can function for about 15-20 years. The decrease in light intensity in the device is insignificant (5%).

Induction lamp

Devices are not damaged by voltage surges. The flask does not heat up during long-term operation, the devices can be placed next to the seedlings. The color rendition of the devices is similar to the natural solar one. Manufacturers produce models for greenhouse structures, universal use, for seed germination and the period of fruit ripening. Light, useful for plant growth, reaches more than 95%. The disadvantage of these devices is their high price.

Sodium lamps

Sodium lamp

Sodium lamps are low-cost, economical in energy consumption, and emit warm colors. The devices are designed to operate for several seasons, and allow you to adjust the luminous flux for different types of plants. The devices produce even illumination and create conditions for stabilizing photosynthesis. The cost of lamps is high.

LED lamp

LED lamps for phyto-luminaires are distinguished by a long service life, the products are of high quality, economical in energy consumption. Round-the-clock illumination of plants is allowed, if necessary. The advantage of LEDs lies in the even light with a full spectrum of shades in the required proportion (multispectrum). Bicolor varieties are also produced.

LED lamp

The devices are compact, ergonomic, easy to install and light in weight. A large number of devices can be placed in a limited area. Phyto-luminaires are distinguished by an increased service life, LEDs work for more than 50,000 hours. The luminous flux characteristics do not decrease over time. Lamps do not heat up, there is no risk of burning foliage, stems.

Popular turnkey solutions

For growing seedlings on the windowsill, you can buy ready-made solutions from manufacturers. In the list of the best lamps for seedlings phyto-lamps:

  • "Sun";
  • Alamak;
  • "Khatisa";
  • Wasat.

Reflax phyto-lamp "Sun"

The phyto-lamp "Solnyshko" is designed for illumination of flowers, seedlings; it is produced in several varieties with a power of 70-150 W. The sodium-type device is designed to illuminate agricultural crops. The device is compact, optimal for use in rooms. The device is mounted for growing bushes on a tabletop or by a window on an area of ​​about 1.5-2 m².

The power can be varied for the type of crop grown. During operation, it is important to comply with the manufacturer's requirements and turn off the device no earlier than 5 minutes after connecting. When illuminated, seedlings acquire a rich green color, immunity for transplanting into open soil or a greenhouse. When flowers and fruit-bearing plants are grown, fruit ovaries and buds begin to form. The device is realized with an adjustable bracket for fixing to a table, shelves, windowsill.

Table phyto-lamp "Alamak"

The Alamak device is designed to illuminate seedlings in an apartment. The light radiation of the device contributes to the formation of a bush resistant to open ground conditions and greenhouses. The phytolamp design is compact, ergonomic, easy to install. The model is equipped with a bracket with adjustable height. The lamps in the device are LED, the power of the device reaches 540 lux.

The illumination of the device is full-spectrum, stimulating the process of plant photosynthesis. A power supply unit and an electric wire 1 m long are supplied with the device. The backlight power is regulated in the design. The permissible height of the device is 48 cm. The distance between the device and the leaves is limited by the manufacturer and amounts to 5-20 cm.

Led table lamp for plants "Hatisa"

Tabletop lighting device "Khatisa" is designed for indoor use. Stylish design allows you to place the device in office premises, study rooms to illuminate small greenhouses, flower beds. The device is equipped with LED lamps. The height of the structure can be varied (5-50 cm), the luminous flux of the device reaches 800 lux. The bicolor lamp works up to 100,000 hours. The kit includes an adapter and electric wires. The dimensions of the device are 50x15x10 cm.

Wasat LED window lamp for plants

The LED device "Wasat" is supplied with fasteners and is intended for installation on a windowsill, table-top. The device is economical in power consumption, compact, with high luminous efficiency. The body is made of aluminum alloys, equipped with 30W LEDs. The design can vary in length (80-120 cm), the width reaches 3 cm, the thickness is 3 cm. The bracket can be adjusted in 3 planes. The area of ​​the illuminated space is 20-50 cm. The device is equipped with a power supply unit, a cable 1.2 m long.

How to highlight seedlings correctly?

When installing lights on a windowsill, it is important to follow the recommendations of device manufacturers and standard requirements for creating artificial lighting for seedlings:

  • the direction of the light source should be from top to bottom, to match the sun's rays;
  • phytolamp is located at a distance of 25-40 cm to the seedlings;
  • for 1 m² of space, the optimal power of the device is at least 70 W;
  • in winter, it is necessary to increase the illumination up to 4-5 hours using sodium or LED backlighting;
  • when growing seedlings, you need round-the-clock illumination for up to 3-4 days, then the daylight hours are reduced to 14-16 hours;
  • it is important to observe the schedule of day and night changes when supplementing plants;
  • it is forbidden to install devices on tubs, trays for seedlings, because the arrangement will damage the even growth of the stems;
  • an indicator of the distant placement of the lighting device are elongated stems, a dull shade of foliage, it is recommended to bring the device closer to 1/3;
  • flowers need at least 14 hours of illumination per day;
  • during periods of rainy, snowy winters, it is important to increase the time of plant illumination.

In accordance with the parameters of heat tolerance, plants are divided into the following groups:

  1. 1,000 - 3,000 lux is optimal for cultivars growing in partial shade, requiring illumination away from foliage. The group includes euphorbia, agave, calathea, ficus, dracaena.
  2. 3,000 - 4,000 lux are recommended for bushes developing under diffuse lighting. The power of the devices is suitable for seedlings of pepper, cactus, gardenia, camellia, begonias, palm and tea crops.
  3. 4000 - 6000 lux are suitable for varieties that develop in direct sunlight. The selection of crops includes legumes, pomegranate, hibiscus, gerbera, mimosa, chrysanthemum.
  4. 6000 - 12000 lux are optimal for exotic plants, bushes with fruits. Cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers. The list of crops recommended for illumination includes roses, eucalyptus, jasmine, cacti, citruses, olives.

Purchased LED seedling lamps for seedlings are just not intended. They are suitable for greenhouses, conservatories and indoor plant lighting. The spectrum of their LEDs is dominated by red, which helps build up green mass. There is no need for seedlings to build up green mass, on the contrary - they need a strong root system.

There should be much more blue in the spectrum of LED lamps intended for supplementary lighting of seedlings.

The design of a budget LED seedling light was invented by a highly respected FORUMHOUSE user with nickname Lifted and has been successfully tested by many members of the forum.

  • What do I make a budget LED lamp for seedlings;
  • DIY budget LED lamp design;
  • How to check the safety of a luminaire.

Budget lamp: number and ratio of LEDs

LEDs are the most non-budgetary component of this budget project, it is important to buy as many of them as you need. User FORUMHOUSE Lift, based on his experience, deduced the following formula:

Required number of LEDs = 50 LEDs of 1W x 1 sq. meter of seedlings.

So, in order to organize a full-fledged illumination of seedlings on a windowsill one and a half meters long and 30 cm wide, 25 LEDs are required (it is better to round up to 24).

These are the minimum requirements.

The less light the window gives, the more LEDs should be in the luminaire.

The ratio of red and blue LEDs depends on the seedling time. If all forecasts and signs indicate that the seedlings can be planted on time, the optimal ratio of red and blue is 2: 1. If you are not sure about the timing, then it is better to use more blue, up to 1: 1. Under such a lamp, seedlings will be able to wait for disembarkation without stretching or getting sick.

Ratio of red and blue

Dates of planting seedlings

Red Blue

The blue color delays the development of green mass and stimulates the development of roots.

Components of the structure

To make a budget LED lamp for seedlings, you will need:

  • LEDs with a power of 1-3 watts, blue (440nm) and red (660nm);

The light wavelength given in parentheses indicates that the LED is designed specifically for plant illumination.

  • Any aluminum profile;
  • Insulated mounting section 0.2 -0.5 sq.mm;
  • Thermal paste or hot melt glue;
  • Power cord with plug;
  • Source of power.

How to Make LED Light Cheap - Buy LEDs at a popular online auction. Drive "led 1W 660nm" into the search bar.

Luminaire frame construction

The location of the LEDs depends on the width of the surface on which the seedlings will stand. If this is a window sill less than 25 cm wide, they can be mounted on one ruler, if more - on two or even three.

Lift Participant FORUMHOUSE

The ruler is a piece of aluminum profile 100 mm shorter than the sill.

It is important to arrange the LEDs evenly, and given that each one emits a light cone with an angle of 70-120 degrees, so that the projections of these cones slightly overlap each other, as in this diagram by our user with the nickname Liftanuty.

The width of the profile is calculated based on the fact that for high-quality heat removal from one one-watt LED, 25 sq cm of surface is needed.

A symmetrical U-shaped symmetrical profile is best suited for LED strips. Along its edges, you need to make stops with a height of 1 mm.

In the frame, the ruler must be secured with screws or blind rivets.

LED installation

Blue and red LEDs are evenly spaced on the ruler, taking into account the ratio of colors (red, red, blue, etc.). Before mounting on the ruler, indicate where the LED of a certain color will be fixed.

You can mount LEDs in different ways:

  • screws;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • rivets;
  • heat-conducting glue.

For LEDs "on stars" in the ruler, two fastening holes should be drilled in the line.

It is ideal to use heat conductive adhesive from radio stores, it will be both fasteners and thermal spacers at the same time.

The "plus" of one "LED" is connected to the minus of the other by any radio-mounting wire from 0.2 sq. Mm. The work uses a soldering iron no more than 40W.

The LEDs have polarity markings, but there are inconsistencies that are detected by a multimeter in the "dial" mode.

Source of power

When choosing drivers, the creator of the luminaire strongly recommends that you be careful: if there is a choke with two windings instead of a transformer in the circuit, then using such a driver to make homemade lamps is life-threatening.

Drivers discharged from China must be checked for galvanic isolation by the phase indicator, pressing it in turn to the output terminals of the driver.

viktor50 FORUMHOUSE Member

If the indicator does not light up at any output, it means that the driver is with a transformer; galvanically isolated from the mains. If the indicator lights up, there is no decoupling and it is imperative that the sockets be turned on in the switchboard through an RCD (residual current device).

Experience of use

A FORUMHOUSE YurecV member assembled such a budget luminaire from Chinese LEDs and drivers, as well as an aluminum I-beam from a hardware store.

The luminaire has two bars, each with 21 LEDs (10 blue and 32 red), the distance between them is 4.5 cm. The LEDs are attached to the I-beam with auto-sealant.

The lamp cost a thousand rubles (prices in 2016, but even then it was 4-6 times cheaper than buying a finished one) and a day of work: half a day for assembling the frame, marking and fixing the LEDs, and another half day for cutting, cleaning , tin and solder the wires. Between these processes, I had to wait a day until the sealant was completely dry.

LEDs on each line are connected in series, each line has its own driver. The whole structure consumes 32 watts.

The lamp heats up, but weakly: up to 41 degrees. It can be lowered closer to the plants without the risk of burning them.

In operation, the lamp has shown itself in the best way, even light-loving dill under it grows fluffy and spreading.


A DIY lamp made of LEDs for seedlings costs several times cheaper than a purchased one. But the main advantage, which cannot be bought for any money: the correct ratio of red and blue in the spectrum. Such a lamp will illuminate the seedlings evenly over its entire area. And strong, unstretched, healthy seedlings are the main condition for an excellent harvest.

At FORUMHOUSE, you can learn more about how to make a budget one, read an article by a user with the nickname Liftanuty about the results of experiments at home (and why they are better than phytolamps). The collective experience of the application portal can be explored. There is an article on the portal that summarizes successful manufacturing experience. Find out how to get. Watch a video on how to properly harden and feed adult seedlings.

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