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Topics of consultations for physical education teachers. Consultations for physical education teachers. Interaction with the music director

TOPIC of consultation for educators:“Interaction between a physical education instructor and preschool teachers in the process of implementing the tasks of the educational areas “Physical Education” and “Health”

It is possible to ensure the upbringing of a physically healthy and developed child only if there is close interaction between the entire teaching staff of the preschool educational institution, medical staff and parents.

When starting my job as a physical education instructor, I identified several priority tasks for myself.

1. The work of any specialist, first of all, should begin with familiarization with the educational program in which the preschool institution operates and the educational and methodological set.

2. I carefully studied the goals and objectives of the educational areas “Physical Education” and “Health”, on which I will work with children of different ages.

3. Analyzed the conditions necessary to solve the assigned tasks.

Conducted an audit of the equipment of the gym and the outdoor sports ground. Made an application for the purchase of additional physical education equipment and benefits. So this year the gym was replenished with massage paths, balls, hoops, sticks, and jump ropes. We made ribbons ourselves and made masks for outdoor games.

In the groups, she helped create a developmental environment called “physical education centers.” Provide an area free of furniture and toys. Children were provided with toys that encouraged physical play activities (balls, hoops, jump ropes).

All work on the physical education of children should be based on their physical fitness and existing deviations in health.

4. Therefore, my next task was to “get to know the children in all respects” - their state of health, physical development, behavioral characteristics, character, interests, emotional manifestations, i.e., to diagnose the health, physical and motor development of children.

A set of diagnostic measures in our preschool institution is carried out by a whole team of specialists (educators, doctors, specialists).

    medical personnel (assessment of physical development and health);

    physical education instructor and educators (assessment of the level of motor activity and physical fitness);

    educational psychologist (identifying deviations in the development of certain aspects of the personality of preschool children: emotional state, cognitive processes);

    teacher-speech therapist (assessment of speech development and sound pronunciation);

    music director (assessment of children's musical and rhythmic development).

Interaction with medical personnel

1. In modern conditions, the full upbringing and development of a healthy child is possible only with the integration of educational and therapeutic activities of a preschool institution and, consequently, close interaction between teachers and medical personnel.

The main problems requiring joint action for me, first of all, are:

    The physical condition of children attending kindergarten. So, at the beginning of the year, after assessing the physical development and health of the children, together with the nurse, we fill out sheets of health, physical and motor development of the children. We receive additional information about children from a psychologist, speech therapist and parents, through questionnaires and individual conversations.

    Prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems. Together we develop recommendations for building a pedagogical process with children with developmental disabilities and identify differentiated groups of children who require correctional work. Therefore, in addition to individual work with such children, I always include in my classes exercises to prevent posture and flat feet, breathing games and exercises. We make sure to jointly monitor the organization of a gentle regime of activities or medical treatment for children who have suffered from illness.

    We help prevent the negative effects of intensive educational activities, those. rational alternation of the load (optimal composition of the training schedule), adherence to the daily routine and motor regimen.

    2 times per year We exercise medical and pedagogical control over physical education classes. Qualitative and quantitative monitoring of the effectiveness of the lesson is usually carried out by a nurse, and analyzed by a methodologist and physical education instructor.

    Carrying out work on formation in children of initial ideas about healthy lifestyle, We involve doctors in conducting integrated classes on valeology, entertainment, consultations for teachers and parents.

Interaction with teachers

2. Of course, the teacher is responsible for the successful completion of all tasks of the educational program, and the physical education instructor must assist the teacher on various issues of the physical development of children.

    I plan and organize educational activities in physical education;

    I plan and organize physical education and health activities during the day;

    I provide methodological assistance on physical education issues to all preschool teachers (I conduct various consultations, speak at pedagogical councils, workshops, medical and pedagogical councils, etc.). Planning for such joint activities is carried out on the basis of the annual plan of our preschool institution. In addition to group forms of interaction, I meet with specialists once a week and discuss issues that require attention.

    I develop and organize information work with parents.

Together with teachers, 2 times a year (at the beginning and at the end of the year) we conduct an examination of the level of motor activity and physical fitness of children.

This gives me the opportunity to predict possible positive changes in these indicators at the end of the school year.

Of course, one of the main forms of work in physical education is physical education classes. Based on the conditions of our kindergarten and the work experience of teachers, I conduct the first training session in subgroups. Classes in groups, where the teacher is a young specialist, are conducted jointly by the whole group. The teachers conduct the second reinforcement lesson themselves. The third lesson is outside, also conducted by me.

For a long time I worked in a small kindergarten. And we had the opportunity to create a schedule of classes so that I conducted the training session with the teachers, and the reinforcement lesson with the teacher was conducted by a musician who, in addition to musical accompaniment, helped the teacher in the organization, monitored the children’s performance of ATS, provided insurance, especially if a subgroup was used in the lesson way of doing the exercises.

I select program material taking into account the age characteristics of children and diagnostic analysis. For each age group, I make long-term planning. I print notes for physical education classes, which I introduce to teachers, and provide consultations on certain issues (methods of conducting classes, methods of organization, dosage, etc.).

In order for physical education classes to be truly developing, interesting, exciting and educational, I use different forms of their implementation (traditional, training, testing, games, thematic, plot and integrated). I try to plan such activities, holidays and entertainment in accordance with calendar and thematic planning. Today I am looking for new ways and forms of carrying them out, so I began to use information technology. It gives children great pleasure.

The instructor takes the leading role in the lesson. But the teacher, knowing the methodology for conducting physical education classes, monitors the quality of general developmental exercises and basic types of movements, helps in regulating the physical activity of each child. During the lesson, the teacher not only helps the physical education instructor, but also records what needs to be reinforced with some children in individual work. I make all notes in a specially kept diary.

This year I began to develop material for educators to reinforce the material covered, in which I offer game planning and game exercises.

For the convenience of introducing children to outdoor games, I have drawn up a long-term plan for each age group. The planning is made in such a way that not a single game provided by the program is released, its training, consolidation, exercise, complication, as well as the use of the game in independent activities are thought out. In addition, card files of outdoor and round dance games, corrective and breathing games and exercises have been developed and implemented.

The teacher, as it were, is a link between me and the parents (conducts conversations with them according to my recommendations, gives consultations, offers a variety of homework, individually for each child). In turn, I also conduct consultations, conversations, speak at parent-teacher meetings, participate in meetings of the “School of Caring Parents” club, and prepare visual materials. Together with teachers, we involve parents in joint events - holidays and entertainment. Because success in strengthening the health of children, their full development, and increasing physical activity can only be achieved with the unity of the physical education system in kindergarten and the family, which requires close interaction between teachers and parents.

Interaction with the music director

3. Music is one of the means of physical education. In addition to the fact that it has a positive effect on the emotions of children, creates a good mood in them, helps to activate mental activity, musical accompaniment helps to increase the motor density of the lesson, its organization, frees the instructor or teacher from counting, draws attention to gestures, posture, posture, facial expressions . This is where the help of a music director is needed.

It is very important that music in a lesson is not played just for the sake of sounding; it should naturally be woven into the lesson, into every movement. Therefore, if during morning exercises, class or entertainment I need musical accompaniment, we together select musical pieces for various exercises and games. An energetic, cheerful march for walking, light dance music for jumping - polka, gallop. General developmental exercises have their own structure, so for them we select works of a certain structure. And the most important thing is to first try to do these exercises yourself while listening to music. If necessary, you can select music for ATS, but it should be remembered that performing difficult movements (climbing, balancing) requires a lot of effort, attention, and coordination from the child. Music in this case is not desirable and is a distraction.

Most often we use music, including sound recordings, in outdoor and round dance games, during relay races and competitions, as well as in the final part of the lesson, when music acts as a calming agent that provides a gradual reduction in physical activity. In this part I use the sounds of nature and the sound of lyrical works.

Together with the music director we organize music and sports events and entertainment. We plan such events according to the annual calendar and thematic plan.

Very it's important to remember that:

    It is unacceptable to perform physical exercises outside the rhythm and tempo;

    It is contraindicated to clarify the rhythm of movement to music by counting or continuous clapping, as this can lead to partial distortion of musical and rhythmic sensations.

Interaction with a speech therapist teacher

4. In recent years, unfortunately, there has been an increase in the number of children with speech impairments, and our kindergarten is no exception. This is how we have a speech therapy group, where I teach physical education classes, and a speech therapy center.

In this regard, my task is to help both the speech therapist and the teacher in raising and teaching children with such disorders.

These children differ in physical development from their peers in terms of impaired motor skills, incoordination and weakness of movements, motor disinhibition, and poor orientation in space.

For them, planning of physical education and health work is carried out taking into account correctional and educational tasks. This is where close cooperation between a physical education instructor and a speech therapist is necessary.

Therefore, I always include breathing exercises and coordination of movements in my classes.

We see one of the effective techniques in correctional work with children as the use of exercises where speech is interconnected with movement. These can be moving games, finger games, play massage, breathing games and exercises that speech therapists and educators plan according to lexical topics (seasons, transport, professions, winter sports, pets, etc.) and offer me as reinforcement. , I, in turn, develop the motor material and more often combine it into a plot. This contributes to the enrichment of vocabulary, the formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, and the establishment of correct breathing. We use such exercises at various points in physical education and health work. These are, of course, physical education classes, where, in addition to general educational tasks, a number of correctional tasks are solved aimed at eliminating the shortcomings of the emotional, intellectual and motor spheres caused by the characteristics of a speech defect, as well as physical education holidays, leisure time, morning and invigorating gymnastics, physical exercises in other classes, walks. To do this, we jointly develop card files of games, exercises, wellness massages, counting rhymes, riddles, and proverbs.

Interaction with an educational psychologist

5. There is no need to prove to anyone that preschool children need psychological help. It is important that not only educational psychologists, but also educators and physical education instructors are familiar with the methods of psychoprophylaxis and psychocorrection, and most importantly, that they can use them in their daily work with children, taking into account their individual psychological characteristics and problems.

Therefore, here it is very necessary to collaborate with an educational psychologist who will tell you what games and exercises to offer to children with excessive fatigue, restlessness, short temper, isolation, neuroses and other neuropsychic disorders.

It should be noted that practically healthy children also need psychoprophylactic work.

Therefore, in some physical education activities and entertainment I include games and exercises to relieve psycho-emotional stress, games to develop the ability to feel the mood and empathize with others, to use expressive movements, facial expressions and gestures.

Thus, we have created a model of interaction between a physical education instructor and teachers and medical personnel.

Interaction model

Physical education instructor

    With the manager, deputy head - creates conditions for physical education and recreational work, coordinates the work of teachers.

    With a nurse - participates in carrying out treatment, preventive and health-improving activities, conducts sanitary and educational work among teachers and parents.

    With a teacher - helps to ensure a flexible health regime, the formation of healthy lifestyle habits, the development of motor culture, and disease prevention.

    With a music director - participates in the motor development of children, promotes the development of a sense of rhythm, tempo, speech breathing, and coordination of movements.

    With a speech therapist teacher - helps enrich vocabulary, form lexical and grammatical structure of speech, establish proper breathing, general and fine motor skills, and coordination of movements.

    With a teacher-psychologist - promotes the development of the emotional and volitional sphere of preschool children, cognitive processes

    With a junior teacher - promotes compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements.


    Positive results in the process of implementing the tasks of the educational areas “Health” and “Physical Education” are possible provided there is a close relationship and continuity in the work of the entire teaching staff and unity of requirements for children.

Galina Sakharova
Consultation for preschool teachers “Interaction between a physical education instructor and preschool teachers”

« Interaction between the physical education instructor and teachers

Preschool educational institution on physical issues education,

preserving and strengthening children's health."

Prepared: SAKHAROVA G. B. Instructor in physical education MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 439"

Nizhny Novgorod

Target: improve knowledge teachers about constant interaction

instructor in physical culture and teachers of preschool educational institutions in physical

education, preserving and strengthening the health of children.


1. Improve knowledge teachers on preparing children and conducting

physical education classes.

2. Introduce teachers with requirements for a teacher in a joint

work on physical issues education.

3. Create a desire for ongoing cooperation teachers with instructor

By physical education in preschool educational institutions.

One of the tasks implemented teaching staff of our

kindergarten is to optimize the work to form

preschoolers' needs for physical activity, healthy habits

lifestyle. In preschool physical education and health

work is organized teacher and instructor in physical culture.

Each of them performs work in accordance with their official duties.

responsibilities. The requirements for the activities of these specialists are

differences depending on the issues being solved tasks:

general physical training of children, motor rehabilitation.

However pedagogical everyone’s activities are aimed at one child,

therefore, their actions must be coordinated with each other.

Requirements to teacher:

1. Knows the program according to which he puts into practice

physical improvement of children (goals, objectives, predicted


2. Conducts diagnostics of the physical condition of children according to the program,

implemented by a preschool institution.

3. Knows the specific health conditions pupils and plans lessons

physical exercises in accordance with these characteristics.

4. Organizing physical exercise sessions with pupils,

uses only methodological materials recommended by authorities

education (Russian, city, district) for working with children

preschool age.

5. When conducting physical education lessons have a lesson plan based

based on these teaching materials.

6. Forms children’s ideas about hygiene and aesthetics of activities

physical exercises (posture, exemplary display of physical

exercises, conducting classes in sportswear and shoes, etc.).

7. Uses physical education means for moral education

(moral-volitional) qualities in their pupils.

8. Monitors children’s physical activity based on external signs


9. Ensures the safety of children during physical activities


10. Provides children with first aid in case of accidents.

11. Plans, conducts and analyzes physical education and health

activities during the day (morning exercises, physical education minute,

outdoor games between classes and on the street, invigorating gymnastics).

12. Plans, conducts and analyzes physical education work in

group ( physical education, physical education holidays, etc.. P.).

13. Creates conditions in the group for independent motor

children's activities.

14. Organizes independent motor activity of children in a group

and on a walk.

15. Informs parents about the level of physical condition of their children and

success in motor activity.

Before physical education teacher monitors sports

children's clothes and shoes (shoes, so that the children's T-shirts are removed

there was nothing in his hands or mouth. The teacher changes clothes himself

sports uniform. Rearranges children according to growth: from highest

child to the lowest.

It is important that teacher knew his role in each activity. He

should help children better understand the program content. At the same time, his

activity in the classroom depends primarily on the age of the children. Most

active role belongs primary school teacher. Educator

does everything from the very beginning classes: with the entrance to the hall, building children in

line until it ends: exit the hall at a calm pace.

In middle, high school and pre-school groups teacher

helps to the instructor in rearranging children, distributing and collecting sports


During general developmental exercises and in basic types

movements teacher monitors the original position and quality

movements, makes comments to children as necessary or encourages those

who correctly completed the task using a wide variety of techniques.

During outdoor games the teacher watches the children, that they

correctly conveyed the game image and did not violate the established rules.

Abilities, knowledge and skills acquired by children at physical education classes,

teacher should be skillfully used in morning exercises and in

everyday life of children.

Daily activities with each child, knowledge of his interests,

abilities make it possible teacher and physical education instructor

education carry out the physical development of all children. Physical education instructor consults teachers, gives the necessary advice, provides assistance. Particularly meaningful collaboration with teacher and the music director is carried out in preparation for morning exercises, sports events, leisure, and entertainment. Considering everyone's abilities teacher it is necessary to assign roles for the surprise moments of the holiday, work them out, select musical accompaniment, songs, and dances. To teacher was the first mate physical education instructor, you need to work with him regularly to interact. On consultations to familiarize educators with the work plan, develop morning exercises, pay attention to those skills that each child should master, discuss the lessons together, take into account which of the children needs individual help. And help in practical classes educators, improve their skills and abilities. Constant, collaborative work physical education instructor and teacher group can lead to the desired results in solving general physical problems education of preschool children.


1. Magazine "Preschool upbringing» No. 7, 2010, p. 12, Filippova S.,

doctor pedagogical sciences, professor, head of department

health-improving physical culture, Russian State

Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen. Article one “Preschool

establishment: Standardization of educational activities in the field

physical culture"; “On professional competence teacher» .

2. Magazine "Preschool upbringing» No. 5, 2010, p. 47, Filippova S.,

article two “Preschool establishment: Standardization of educational

activities in the field of physical culture."

3. Magazine « Physical education instructor» No. 1, 2010, p. 84, Tarasova T. A.

“Improving the physical training of older preschoolers in

conditions of preschool educational institutions and families."

Publications on the topic:

Summary of integrated educational activities together with parents. Interaction between a speech therapist, a psychologist, and a physical education instructor Goal: overcoming speech and psychological disorders, as well as development and correction of the motor sphere in conditions of close productive interaction.

Abstract of the workshop “Interaction between a physical education instructor and pre-school teachers on physical education issues” MDOU No. 38 “Iskorka”, Podolsk Seminar-workshop “Interaction between a physical education instructor and preschool teachers on physical issues.

Consultation for teachers “Interaction between the music director and the teacher in a preschool educational institution on organizing holidays” The material is addressed to teachers of preschool educational institutions (music directors, teachers). Contains methodological information.

Consultation for parents “Interaction between preschool educational institutions and families” Consultation for parents “Interaction between preschool educational institutions and families” “The family is the very environment in which a person learns and does good himself” V.A.

Consultation for kindergarten teachers. Healthy running as one of the forms of health-improving work with preschoolers.

Talalaeva Natalia Borisovna physical education instructor at MADOU No. 145, Khabarovsk
Description: This development is designed for teachers of preschool educational institutions to create conditions for increasing the professional competence of teachers on the development of motor activity of children, and is intended for physical education instructors and teachers of preschool educational institutions.
“If you don’t run while you’re healthy,
you have to run when you get sick"

Healthy dosed running

The purpose of healthy dosed running– give children an emotional charge of vivacity and peace of mind, train breathing, improve gas exchange, strengthen muscles, bones and joints.

Health-improving running has an excellent effect on the upper respiratory tract, intestinal muscles, heart and lungs, and causes active sweating.
Health-improving running develops endurance and prepares the body for stronger loads.
Methodically well-designed workouts for preschool children promote stabilization in the respiratory and cardiovascular systems and train the heart muscle.

What you need to pay special attention to.

Health running has a simple technique that does not require training, and its impact on the human body is extremely great. Health-improving running is especially relevant for children, because its overall impact is associated with a reduction in morbidity.
Recreational running should be carried out with a small subgroup of children (5–7) people, and the physical level of fitness of the children must be taken into account. When conducting recreational running, an individually differentiated approach is carried out.
In average preschool age (4-5 years), recreational running begins at 1 minute and gradually increases to 3-3.5 minutes.
Thus, children aged 5–6 years with high and average levels of motor activity are asked to run 2 laps (500 m), while those with little mobility are asked to run 1 lap. Running duration is from 1.5 minutes to 6 minutes at an average pace.
Children 6–7 years old with high and average levels – 3–4 circles, inactive – 2 circles.
In older preschool age, they run at an average pace (2.4–2.7 m/s) without stopping for significant distances - from 950 m to 1600 m - in a period of time from 5 to 11 minutes.
Wellness running is not a multi-hour race for pursuit or survival. Healthy running for preschool children should be strictly regulated and dosed.
Preschool children are advised to cover their mouths with medical adhesive tape before running. For what? To allow the child to regulate physical activity himself and start walking in time.
The first training in experimental kindergartens showed that, on the one hand, it is necessary to seal the mouth - the child learns to breathe correctly through the nose and unnecessary cold air and dust particles do not enter the child’s body through the mouth. The child clearly feels the time and place of stopping and the transition to walking. But on the other hand, preschoolers do not like the procedure of gluing and unsticking their mouths.
Experience shows that first the child must be taught to breathe correctly and only then gradually increase the load and running time.

What time should I go for recreational jogging with my child?

It is advisable to carry out health jogging at least 2 times a week on days when there are no physical exercises, during a morning walk, and also in the cold season at the end of a day walk.
The health run ends with a gradual slowdown in pace and a transition to normal walking with breathing exercises, then standing exercises to relax the muscles (2-3 minutes).

Why do you need to lighten your child's clothes?

(that is, take off your warm jacket)
While running, a lot of energy is generated and the child's body temperature rises. And if the child is also wearing warm clothes, he will inevitably sweat quickly and become hypothermic in cool weather, which will lead to illness and not to recovery.

The best way to do health running is:

Before morning exercises before general developmental exercises,
at the end of the walk,
after classes.
The health run ends with a gradual slowdown and a transition to normal walking with breathing exercises, then standing exercises to relax the muscles (2-3 minutes):
– when choosing a running distance, it is important to take into account the health status and level of physical activity of children;
– all running distances must be marked (lengths of a semicircle and one circle);
– running should bring “muscular joy” and pleasure;
– it is necessary to develop in children a sense of speed in running, tempo;
– after running, do not forget about relaxation and breathing exercises;
– in the winter season, it is advisable not to stop jogging, while taking into account clothing and the length of the distance, which is reduced (from 250 to 500 m).
Children of the middle group should not be allowed to run for more than 4 minutes, children of the senior group - more than 6 minutes, and children of the preparatory group - more than 7-8 minutes. Of course, children can run longer, but then the load on the growing bones will be too great.
Recommendations for parents
Parents can go for a morning jog with their child before kindergarten, after lightening the child’s clothes or before immediately returning home after an evening walk.
Preschoolers cannot run continuously for 1-1.5 minutes, although, as it seems to parents, the child “runs around” all day long.
Time your run before kindergarten and start running with your child every day.

Consultation for educators

“Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions”

Technology is, first of all, a systematic method of creating, applying and defining the entire process of teaching and learning, taking into account technical and human resources and their interaction, with the goal of optimizing forms of education (UNESCO).

Health-saving technology is a system of measures that includes the interrelation and interaction of all factors of the educational environment aimed at preserving the health of a child at all stages of his learning and development. The concept of preschool education provides for not only the preservation, but also the active formation of a healthy lifestyle and the health of pupils.

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO).

Physical health is the perfection of self-regulation in the body, maximum adaptation to the environment.

Physical activity is a natural need for a healthy, developing body to move (in childhood it acts as a prerequisite for the child’s mental development).

Mental health is a high consciousness, developed thinking, great internal and moral strength that encourages creative activity.

Mental activity is the need of a normally developing child to understand the surrounding life: nature, human relationships; in knowing yourself.

Health-saving educational technologies are the most significant among all known technologies in terms of the degree of influence on children’s health. Their main feature is the use of psychological and pedagogical techniques, methods, and approaches to solving emerging problems.

1. Technologies for preserving and promoting health


Not earlier than in 30 minutes. after meals, 2 times a week for 30 minutes. from middle age in physical education or music halls or in a group room, in a well-ventilated area


Not earlier than in 30 minutes. after meals, 2 times a week for 30 minutes. from middle age

Pay attention to the artistic value, the amount of physical activity and its proportionality to the age of the child

Dynamic pauses

During classes, 2-5 minutes, as children get tired

Outdoor and sports games

As part of a physical education lesson, on a walk, in a group room - small with an average degree of mobility. Daily for all age groups

Games are selected according to the age of the child, the place and time of the game. In preschool educational institutions we use only elements of sports games


In any suitable room. Depending on the condition of the children and goals, the teacher determines the intensity of the technology. For all age groups

You can use calm classical music (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov), sounds of nature

Aesthetic technologies

Implemented in artistic and aesthetic classes, when visiting museums, theaters, exhibitions, etc., decorating premises for holidays, etc. For all age groups

It is carried out in classes according to the preschool educational program, as well as according to a specially planned schedule of events. Of particular importance is working with families, instilling aesthetic taste in children

Finger gymnastics

From a young age, individually or with a subgroup daily

Gymnastics for the eyes

Every day for 3-5 minutes. at any free time; depending on the intensity of visual load from a young age

Breathing exercises

Ensure the room is ventilated and the teacher give children instructions on mandatory nasal hygiene before the procedure.

Invigorating gymnastics

Every day after nap, 5-10 min.

The form of implementation is different: exercises on beds, extensive washing; walking on ribbed planks; easy running from the bedroom to a group with a difference in temperature in the rooms and others depending on the conditions of the preschool educational institution

Corrective gymnastics

In various forms of physical education and health work

The form of implementation depends on the task and the number of children

Orthopedic gymnastics

In various forms of physical education and health work

2. Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle

Physical education lesson

3 times a week in the gym or music hall. Early age - in a group room, 10 min. Young age - 15-20 minutes, middle age - 20-25 minutes, older age - 25-30 minutes

Classes are conducted in accordance with the program according to which the preschool educational institution operates. Before class, the room must be well ventilated.

Problem-based games (game training and game therapy)

In your free time, maybe in the afternoon. Time is not strictly fixed, depending on the tasks set by the teacher

The lesson can be organized unnoticed by the child, by including the teacher in the process of play activity.

Communication games

1-2 times a week for 30 minutes. from an older age

Classes are structured according to a specific scheme and consist of several parts. They include conversations, sketches and games of varying degrees of mobility, drawing, modeling, etc.

Lessons from the “Health” series

Once a week for 30 minutes. from Art. age

Can be included in the lesson schedule as cognitive development


Depending on the goals set by the teacher, sessions or in various forms of physical education and health work

It is necessary to explain to the child the seriousness of the procedure and give children basic knowledge of how not to harm their body

Acupressure self-massage

Conducted on the eve of epidemics, in the autumn and spring periods at any time convenient for the teacher from an older age

It is carried out strictly according to a special technique. Indicated for children with frequent colds and diseases of the ENT organs. Visual material is used

Biofeedback (BFB)

From 10 to 15 sessions of working with a computer for 5-10 minutes. in a special room. Recommended for older adults

Compliance with computer rules is required. A special technique for preschoolers is recommended

3. Corrective technologies

Art therapy

Sessions of 10-12 lessons for 30-35 minutes. from middle group

Classes are conducted in subgroups of 10-13 people, the program has diagnostic tools and includes training protocols

Music influence technologies

In various forms of physical education and health work; or separate classes 2-4 times a month depending on your goals

Used as an aid as part of other technologies; to relieve stress, increase emotional mood, etc.

Fairy tale therapy

2-4 lessons per month for 30 minutes. from an older age

Classes are used for psychological therapeutic and developmental work. A fairy tale can be told by an adult, or it can be a group story, where the narrator is not one person, but a group of children

Color influence technologies

As a special lesson 2-4 times a month depending on the tasks

It is necessary to pay special attention to the color scheme of the interiors of preschool educational institutions. Properly selected colors relieve tension and increase a child’s emotional mood.

Behavior correction technologies

Sessions of 10-12 lessons for 25-30 minutes. from an older age

They are carried out using special methods in small groups of 6-8 people. Groups are not formed according to one criterion - children with different problems study in the same group. Classes are conducted in the form of a game, have diagnostic tools and training protocols


1-2 times a week from older age for 25-30 minutes.

Classes are conducted using special methods

Phonetic rhythm

2 times a week from a young age, no earlier than every 30 minutes. after eating. In the physical education or music halls. Jr. age - 15 min., older age - 30 min.

The use of health-saving pedagogical technologies in the work of preschool educational institutions will increase the effectiveness of the educational process, will form among teachers and parents value orientations aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils, if conditions are created for the possibility of adjusting technologies, depending on the specific conditions and specialization of the preschool educational institution; if, based on statistical monitoring of children's health, the necessary amendments are made to the intensity of technological influences, an individual approach to each child is ensured; Positive motivation will be generated among preschool teachers and parents of children.

Forms of organizing health-saving work:

1. physical education classes

2. independent activities of children

3. outdoor games

4. morning exercises (traditional, breathing, sound)

5. motor-health-improving physical training sessions

6. exercise after nap

7. physical exercises in combination with hardening procedures

8. physical exercise walks (to the park, to the stadium)

9. physical education activities

10. sports holidays

11. health procedures in the aquatic environment.

Health-saving technologies used in combination ultimately form a strong motivation in the child for a healthy lifestyle.

Alena Guseva

Preparation for class:

The teacher must monitor the clothing the child wears to class. For classes on physical education indoors, children must wear a T-shirt without an undershirt, shorts, socks or knee socks, and sports shoes. Girls' hair should be neatly tied up.

On physical education When walking, children dress according to weather conditions, shoes should be comfortable for activities.

Show up for class at the strictly scheduled time!

The teacher himself must be in sports uniform and shoes:

Sweatpants, T-shirt, sports shoes - for indoor activities;

Dress for the season and comfortable shoes for activities on the playground.

Formation for class

Children enter the hall in an orderly manner (one in a column) and immediately go to the construction site indicated instructor in physical culture.

During class

Children perform drills on command instructor in physical culture. In junior and middle (of necessity) In groups, the teacher performs exercises together with the children; in older groups, he assists in the organization and quality of drill exercises. Monitors children's discipline. Provides assistance in rebuilding the outdoor switchgear.

Instructor in physical education names, shows and explains

ORU. During their implementation, the teacher of younger groups (medium as needed) must complete all tasks together with the children. If the children are unable to do this or that movement, the teacher helps them cope with the task.

After completing the outdoor switchgear complex Instructor in physical education gives the command to change formation to perform ATS. The teacher helps organize the children.

Instructor in physical education and the teacher jointly prepare

equipment for performing air traffic control. In the senior group, those on duty, appointed in advance by the teacher, can be involved in preparing the equipment. While performing basic types of movement (OVD) The teacher performs the task with the subgroup where the task is already familiar to the children (repetition or consolidation of learned material). The teacher pays attention to the quality of the exercise, prevents children from making mistakes, and monitors the behavior of the students.

The teacher is responsible for the safety of children during exercises. Must know the rules for securing children during exercises.

Instructor in physical education works with a subgroup performing

a new or more complex exercise in technique. The teacher helps organize the change of subgroups during the implementation of internal affairs activities.

in groups, those on duty are involved in feasible work, and instructions are given).

The teacher helps prepare children for outdoor play.

Instructor in physical education explains the rules of outdoor games (or asks the children if the game is familiar).

During the outdoor game, the teacher monitors discipline, the safety of children, and compliance with the rules of the game by children. Low mobility games or exercises in the final part also require the attention of the teacher. The teacher monitors the quality of the exercises, monitors the condition of the students, preventing them from becoming overexcited.

At the end of the lesson Instructor in physical culture conducts analysis

classes. The teacher can also recognize children, praise them for their achievements, or

express your comments in a tactful manner.

Teachers of all age groups monitor the safety of performance

exercises, insure children. Responsibility for the life and health of children is

physical education classes are carried out by both teacher.

After class:

After class, the teacher helps the children change clothes and organizes cleaning

physical education uniform and shoes. After classes physical education organizes a calm

activities with children.

Exercise develops in children the habit of doing physical exercise every day in the morning. Over time, this useful habit turns into a need, thereby instilling a culture of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers.

Gymnastics is carried out with children every day in the morning, for 4 – 12 minutes. The morning exercise complex is planned for two weeks and consists of three parts: introductory, main and final.

For the younger group – 4-5 minutes,

For the average group – 5-6 minutes,

For the older group – 8-10 minutes,

For the preparatory group – 10-12 minutes.

Middle group

The number of outdoor switchgear increases to 4-5, repeated 5-6 times. Walking and running are also complemented by other exercises. Children work with inventory: hoop, cubes, ribbons, ball and others.

At the beginning of morning exercises, short-term walking is given in different ways. Children independently change the pace of walking according to the beats of a tambourine, for example. That is, they learn to perform movements clearly according to the instructions.

Senior group

In the older group, children are already getting dressed for morning exercises. It is held in physical education or music halls. The hall is ventilated before the start of classes.

Charging includes 5-6 outdoor switchgear, actively used inventory: pigtail cord, gymnastic stick, ball and others.

The complex consists of a sequence of exercises that are performed at a specified tempo or in accordance with a musical pattern. Children learn dance movements, learn to walk with extended and alternating steps, and do jumps.

Children of senior preschool age have a well-developed memory, so they can repeat a set of exercises on their own, without the help of a teacher.

Preparatory group

The set of exercises for the preparatory group does not differ significantly from the morning exercises carried out in the senior group. The number of repetitions of the outdoor switchgear is 6-8 times. Exercises with a variety of equipment are widely used, equipment: children's dumbbells, jump ropes, air or inflatable balls, jumping jacks. In addition, tasks with "buffet wall".

Charging plan

As a rule, the introductory part includes various types of walking and running (sometimes simple game tasks). This is a little warm-up.

The main part is an outdoor switchgear with objects (flags, handkerchiefs, skittles, cubes, hoops, balls, etc.) These exercises help improve the health of the body, develop muscle strength, joint mobility, form correct posture and the ability to navigate in space. When performing gymnastic exercises, it is necessary to observe and alternate starting positions (standing, sitting, lying on the back and stomach, since a static posture negatively affects the posture in general and the formation of the arch of the child’s foot.

In the final part of the morning exercises, walking at a moderate pace and games of low mobility are carried out to restore breathing; elements of health-saving technologies are included that contribute to full physical health. development:

1. Breathing exercises

2. Finger gymnastics,

3. Exercises for the eyes,

4. Exercises to prevent flat feet, self-massage and others.

Method of doing gymnastics after sleep

Gymnastics after a nap should help the child wake up and return to the working rhythm of the day.

To wake up quickly, but not abruptly, use some simple principles:

There is no need to wake up the child on purpose. He should wake up on his own, to calm music and the quiet voice of the teacher;

It’s better to start with finger exercises, self-massage, simple exercises in bed;

Before classes, ventilate the room well;

Gymnastics should not be tiring, children should finish it in a good mood. But there will be no benefit from classes that last less than 15 minutes;

It is best to complete the exercises with hardening procedures. Healthy children can wipe themselves with cool water, children after illness can simply wash themselves;

Gymnastics should be carried out in a playful way, and exercises should be selected so that the child can cope with them. If it is difficult for your child to perform certain exercises, help him, and, of course, do not scold him in any way.

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