Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Love for the sake of Allah meaning. What does it mean to “love for the sake of Allah”

Love for the sake of Allah meaning. What does it mean to “love for the sake of Allah”

Modern world so corrupted that it is difficult to find something pure, immaculate. The dirtiest relationships have become between people: brother goes against brother, children shout at their parents... Hence all the world's problems. People do not value themselves and, as a result, everything that surrounds them, and therefore the Creator of all things - the Great Allah.

There is less and less love, mercy, respect and compassion between Muslims. Friendly relations in the best case, they are built on partnership, and further down the chain there is profit, commercialism, profit, bypassing a rival, “sinking” a competitor. And where is that love between people that Allah speaks about in Holy Quran and the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in his hadiths?

“A person can feel the sweetness of faith only if he combines three qualities in himself: if he loves Allah and His Messenger more than everything else, if he loves another person only for the sake of Allah and if he also does not want to return to disbelief from which Allah saved him, as he does not want to be thrown into the fire.”(Bukhari. Muslim).

We always say that the construction of large and beautiful mosques does not testify to a person’s iman, nor do many madrassas testify to this. The evidence of iman is our love for each other.

The religion of Islam developed only through love. If Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with Him) did not have love for our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), would he have endured so many difficulties? I would never bear it.

Also, if Umar-Ashab (may Allah be pleased with Him) did not have love for the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), would he have endured so many difficulties? Of course not!

If Usman-Asahab (may Allah be pleased with Him) did not have such love, would he, being a rich businessman who lived in full prosperity, move to Ethiopia? Of course I wouldn’t move!

There must be love, my brothers! Of course, love should not be false, like those people who love until the morning, and in the morning everything disappears into oblivion. Love must come from the heart. passionate love did not bring any benefit either to religion or to anything else.

May Allah bless us true love to the brothers! But know that by giving preference to the worldly we cannot achieve sincere love and brotherhood. It is also impossible to achieve brotherhood by exalting and giving preference only to oneself. Why is that? Yes, because how many families exist today where siblings almost hate each other because of the inheritance of their deceased parents.

But if it were so that they, sincerely loving their parents, left all this worldly things. If the love they have for their parents blinded them to the point of not seeing all the worldly things that were left after the death of their parents, how much love would such people have left for each other? This, my brothers, is what we need today.

That is why today we do not look at the obvious qualities of people, we look at the love that brothers show towards each other, also between the attitude and humanity that we show towards each other. If all this does not happen, then we will not see the honor, conscience and dignity that our ancestors possessed, no matter how much we talk about it, day and night.

Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “A person will only achieve the love and protection of Allah when what he loves, he loves for the sake of Allah, when he is offended by someone, he is offended for the sake of Allah, and he is at enmity with his enemy for the sake of Allah. Until he does this, he will not taste true iman, no matter how long he prays and no matter how long he fasts. But, unfortunately, friendship began to be built on the basis of earthly things, and this will not give any benefit in the next world"(Ibn Jarir at-Tabari).

Despite the fact that a person is forgetful and commits sins, the Lord is patient with him. The roof under which a person commits sins asks Allah: “Let me fall upon him, I cannot tolerate disobedience to You from Your servant.”. The earth on which a person commits sin also asks: “Oh, Lord! Let me open up and swallow the one who commits a sin against You.” But the Lord answers them: “No! They may repent; if you created them, you wouldn’t ask so much.”

Here it is, the truth - great and unchangeable for all times!

When a Muslim performs actions for the sake of Allah, for the sake of His pleasure and out of love for Him, he undoubtedly follows the right path. The mercy and grace of the Lord will accompany him in everything.

A person whose intention is pure, who even takes a breath for the sake of Allah and for the sake of love for Him, rises before the Creator of the worlds.

Love for Allah - highest goal from everything that is on earth. All other love is only its fruit.

Strive for the highest, crystal clear, improve your faith (iman) - and may Allah help us in this! Amine.

Very touching real story about two friends who loved each other for the sake of the Almighty.

Among people [believers and noble deeds, deeds] are those who do not belong to the prophets, and are also not those who gave their lives for faith and the Fatherland, but on the Day of Judgment it will be they who will be envied with white envy by both the first and the second because of their privilege before God and His special attitude towards them." The Prophet was asked: “We ask you to let us know who they are and what their characteristics (their deeds, actions) are, we [at least] let's love them[we will treat them with respect and be friends with them]!” “They are the ones who build the good ones, good relations with others only on the love of God, despite the fact that in this communication they are in no way connected by family ties and there is no material background. I swear by Allah (Lord of the worlds)! Their faces are light, and they are as if in light (surrounded by it). When others are afraid, they are not afraid [fear does not take root in their souls and consciousness, it passes them without stopping], when others are sad[sullen, already giving up their hands from fatigue, the hardships of life, long absence expected result], they are not sad[everyone also moves forward, despite emotional distress],” explained the Messenger of the Almighty, after which he quoted the 62nd verse of the 10th sura.*

hadith from Muaz,

St. hadiths of at-Tirmidhi

[See, for example: Zaglyul M. Mavsu'a atraf al-hadith an-nabawi al-sharif. T. 3. P. 437; al-Qari ‘A. Mirkat al-mafatih sharkh miskyat al-masabih: In 11 volumes. Beirut: al-Fikr, 1992. Vol. 8. P. 3138, hadith No. 5012; Az-Zuhayli V. At-tafsir al-munir. T. 6. P. 227]

Loving another person for the sake of the Lord of the worlds is difficult.

Yes, we don’t even think about it...

We go to congratulate influential figures on the holidays, not thinking about the fact that your neighbor is sitting at home alone at this time and no one remembers about him. We select a groom for the girl from among those who have a house, a car, a job, a position in society, and are handsome in appearance, without thinking that the one who was rejected could be much more God-fearing, more respectful, even if he rents an apartment. We are trying to get our son a good, prestigious job, while collecting the last pennies to pay for this place, not assuming that this clean water Haram and all his salary received in this way is also impure.

Our intention is too dusty, we do not see and do not want to see that in any matter there should be love only for the sake of Him alone, who has no partners - Allah Almighty.

But who is the object of true love?

And how can there be love in one of our hearts towards several objects at once? Indeed, besides the true Giver of Good - Allah, Who Created us from nothing, and His final messenger Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), we love many others.

How can we love someone along with Allah?

What should we do in this case, since love does not depend on our will?! In addition to the Creator and His Messenger, we love other prophets (peace be upon them), we love the righteous (auliyya), great scientists (may Allah be pleased with them). We love father and mother and our children. We love our wife. We love friends. We love our life and youth. Finally, we love everything beautiful and this whole world...

How can we not love it all? How to combine this with love for Allah alone?

Yes, this is a very exciting question. Know that you must not give up love for everything else, but must love it all for the sake of the Almighty and in the name of love for Him. A believer must love only Allah, although in his fellow believers and in the creations of the world he sees the manifestation of Divine qualities.

In short, you need to love everything through love for Allah, through the prism of love for Him. For example, to love delicious food and beautiful fruits, remembering that this is a gift and mercy of Allah Almighty, this means loving His names - the Merciful, the Bestower of blessings. In this form given love will not be love for the sake of one’s passions, one’s nafs, but rather, this love will be a manifestation of gratitude to the Merciful Lord and sincere love for Him.

A person whose intention is pure, who even takes a breath for the sake of Allah and for the sake of love for Him, rises before the Creator of the worlds. A Muslim, step by step approaching Him in this way, will certainly earn His pleasure and love.

May the Almighty help us to love for His sake, sincerely striving for His mercy, contentment and love!

*With comments by Sh. Alyautdinov

The article was prepared based on materials open sources


In the name of the Gracious and Merciful Allah!
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh!

Love for the sake of Allah means love for a person for the sake of Allah's pleasure. There are two possible options for such love:

a) Natural love that comes from your love for Allah or your love for Islam. As a result, you naturally love the chosen slaves of Allah. This includes, for example, love for the prophets (peace be upon them), love for the companions (may Allah be pleased with them), ulama, hafiz (who memorized the Koran), receiving Islamic knowledge, etc. You keep love for these people because they connected in some way with Allah or His religion, which is equivalent to having love for the sake of Allah.

b) The second type of love for the sake of Allah is the intentional and conscious type of love, when you consciously try to maintain love for to a certain person for the sake of Allah. For example, you keep love for Muslims because this is one of the Islamic principles. You treat your fellow Muslim with love and mercy, because this is what the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) taught, and this is what he himself did. This is clear from the hadith:

لا تدخلون الجنة حتى تؤمنوا، ولا تؤمنوا حتى تحابوا، أولا أدلكم على شيء إذا فعلتموه تحاببتم؟ أفشوا السلام بينكم

You will not enter heaven until you believe. And you won't believe it until you love each other. Would you like me to show you something that, when practiced, will help you develop love for each other? Make salam (Islamic greeting) common among you. (Muslim. Sahih. - No. 93, narrated by Abu Hureyra)

When a person has such love, it is a sign that he is blessed with faith, because only a person with true faith will try to maintain love for others for the sake of Allah, despite his lack of disposition towards these people. The meaning of this can be better understood if, for example, two Muslims have differences, but despite this they love each other for the sake of Allah.

Also, only a person who has realized the value of faith and keeps it loves everything that reminds him of Allah and the Islamic religion, including the chosen slaves of Allah. Accordingly, this is a sign of his faith. Therefore, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) spoke about a person who has such love for the sake of Allah:

ثلاث من كن فيه وجد حلاوة الإيمان: أن يكون الله ورسوله أحب إليه مما سواهما، وأن يحب المرء لا يحبه إلا لله، وأن يكره أن يعود في الكفر كما يكره أن يقذف في النار

He who possesses three qualities will feel the sweetness of faith:
a) Allah and His Messenger are more beloved to him than everything else;
b) he loves a person only for the pleasure of Allah;
c) he fears a return to unbelief as much as he fears being thrown into the fire. (Bukhari. Sahih. – No. 16, narrated by Anas)

Sometimes a person doubts whether he loves another Muslim only for the sake of Allah, due to the presence of close friendships or family ties. In such a situation, he needs to ask himself: if this friendly or family connection was it not, would he love this person for the sake of Allah or would he treat him as an enemy and stop all kindness towards him? If the first option is correct, and he would still love this person as a Muslim, then he should be satisfied that his love is for the sake of Allah, and the fact that this is his friend or relative only complements this love and increases it.

And Allah knows best.

Mufti Suhail Tarmahomed
Fatwa Center (Seattle, USA)


How do you respond when someone tells you that they love you for the sake of Allah (uhibbukah fillah)?


In the name of Allah, Gracious to everyone in this world and only to those who believe in the next.

The great scholar of hadith and faqih of our ummah, Imam Nawawi, rahimahullah, wrote a whole chapter on loving others for the sake of Allah in his work “Riyadh al-Salihin”, which he called “The virtues of love for the sake of Allah and its benefits, and a message to the person you love that you love him, and what to say when they tell you about it.” In it, the Imam quotes numerous Quranic verses and hadiths regarding the virtues of loving others for the sake of Allah, its benefits and rewards, and some etiquette regarding it.

There are three aspects to this issue: 1) the virtues and benefits of love for the sake of Allah; 2) telling the person you love that you love him for the sake of Allah; 3) how to respond when informed about this.

1) Advantages and benefits of love for the sake of Allah:

Sayyiduna Anas reports that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever has these three qualities will experience the sweetness of faith (iman): he loves Allah and His Messenger more than anything, he loves someone for the sake of one thing only Allah, and he is afraid of returning to disbelief after Allah has delivered him from it, as much as he is afraid of being thrown into the fire" (Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim).

Love for the sake of Allah means that one loves another simply because he has a connection with Allah, or because he worships Allah and does something for the religion of Allah, or even (and this is more worthy of praise) simply because the other person too creation of Allah. There is no worldly reason behind this love, such as a favor done by someone, and this love is not subject to change. And it does not increase from the qualities or kindness of a loved one, nor does it decrease from his shortcomings (Ibn Allan, Dalil al-Falihin, 2\240).

2) The need to tell someone that you love them for the sake of Allah:

Abu Karima al-Miqdad ibn Ma'dikarib reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “When a person loves his brother, he should inform him that he loves him.” (Sunan Abu Dawud, no. 5124 ; “Sunan” Tirmidhi, no. 2393).

Thus, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) recommended telling the person you love that you love him for the sake of Allah, as this will increase mutual love and strengthen the bonds of brotherhood. It is also good to clarify to the other that this is love for the sake of Allah alone, and not because of some worldly gain or other reason.

3) How to respond if such love is reported?

Sayyiduna Anas reports that one person was in the company of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and another person passed by him. The man said: “O Messenger of Allah, I love this man.” The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) asked: “Did you inform him about this?” He replied no. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “So tell him.” Then this man caught up with the other and said to him: “I love you for the sake of Allah.” He replied: “May He for whose sake you love me, (Allah) love you” (“Sunan” Abu Dawud, 1522).

In light of this practice of the companion, if someone informs another that he loves him for the sake of Allah (uhibbuka fillah), one should respond: “Ahabbakallazi ahbabtani lahu,” which means: “May Allah Almighty, for whose sake you love me, love you.” . This way you will reciprocate this love and make du'a for that person, inshaAllah.

It is increasingly becoming fashionable to do something and say “for the sake of Allah.” Let’s say “swear for the sake of Allah”, “do for the sake of Allah”, “love for the sake of Allah”. It’s still clear to swear and do something, but what does it mean to love for the sake of Allah? Really, courtship, dates, gifts, “lying with thoughts and waking up with thoughts of your loved one” - all this means love, and it is for the sake of Allah?

Loving someone - your soulmate, family members, friends - for the sake of the Creator means doing everything necessary for this person so that the Almighty is pleased with him. To ask the Merciful for him, to warn against wrong actions. Example: a husband loves his wife, talks about feelings at every step, but over time he is not satisfied with his dressing gown, excess weight, actions, everyday life are boring. And he will reproach her for this and express his dissatisfaction. Where has love gone? A similar attitude is expressed on the part of the girl towards her husband; insufficient attention, insufficient income... What can I say, we people are loaded with empty problems. Instead of seeking and finding peace in a loved one, we have only reproaches and complaints.

If you sincerely love someone in the name of the Creator, then the lover should try to be pleased with him, through which to achieve the Highest satisfaction for the loved one, make dua and ask God for faithful guidance.

One of my good friends, say, a sister in faith, says: “What is love? Just a word invented so that there would be something to compose songs from. Here is my husband, if I, my family, need something, or go somewhere, he will help me and take me, even if he doesn’t have time. Or, coming home and seeing my tired appearance, he won’t even ask for dinner, but will say, go get some sleep, realizing that the children are small, and the troubles are big... And I, in turn, try to earn his satisfaction, realizing that, having achieved the pacification of my husband, I will earn the pleasure of Allah. I ask Him to increase his blessings. This is love for the sake of Allah. And all the reproaches about flowers, resorts, gifts are simply cluttering your mind with useless thoughts. All this, of course, is pleasant and encouraged to the extent possible and desired. But prayer and the contentment of a loved one are much more pleasant...”

I completely agree with her opinion.

In the house, the concept “I want” should not be higher family needs. If we want attention, wealth, relaxation, beauty, then it is better to quietly ask the Almighty for it. And perhaps our wishes will come true, depending on how much we want something and how much it is in the will of the All-Hearing One. The most important thing is to try to remain calm in the family.

Love you

For the sake of Allah I want to save you

From evil eye, because there is such a thing,

For the sake of Allah, I want to warn you,

So that the whispers of the shaitan are not flattering.

I ask the Almighty to help you

In all endeavors in your life,

May everything be perfect and smooth in the family,

Surrounded by people who are strong in faith.

So that the temptation of fun is far away,

So that you do not experience loss and fear,

I ask, making dua for you,

May God alone be merciful to him.

I'll sneak up and quietly ask,

- Tell me, dear, how do you love me?

“Exactly the same,” is the answer I will hear,

And you will look with a sweet smile, loving.

Samira Magomedova (Turabova)

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