Home Fruit trees Whom to pray for mutual love. Prayers for love

Whom to pray for mutual love. Prayers for love

Not every woman can easily get a soul mate. In such cases, a prayer to attract the love of a man will help you. This is especially true for girls who are already desperate to find their betrothed.

Prayer for love is significantly different from magical ones. It is read mainly in front of the icons.

Strong prayer

A failed relationship scares a lot of people. It is because of such a negative experience that girls are afraid to build them again. However, if you pray to the saints, all fears gradually recede. Believing in the power of prayer, a woman will soon start new ones. romantic relationship . Moreover, these will be those who, as they say, for the rest of their lives.

  • Sacred words are spoken from the heart. Forget about any stereotypes, skepticism in this matter will only hurt you. The saints will hear if she is sincere.
  • Be honest in both desires and thoughts. The Lord will always help you, but you should not have evil thoughts in your heart.
  • It is advisable to learn the text of each prayer. It is not forbidden to pronounce in your own words, but the effect of them will be less.

Follow these simple conditions, and the result will not keep you waiting.

You should pray on a great feast, when the Mother of God is coming. It is not forbidden to do this at other times of the year. But it is in October that prayer will have maximum power.

“Oh, all-good Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on me loving You with all my soul and with all my heart, so that I fulfill Your holy will in everything.

Rule Yourself, O my God, over my soul and fill my heart: I want to please You alone, for You are the Creator and my God.

Save me from pride and pride: let reason, modesty and chastity adorn me. Idleness is contrary to You and gives rise to vices, give me a desire for diligence and bless my labors.

Since Your law commands people to live in an honest marriage, then bring me, Holy Father, to this title consecrated by You, not to please my desire, but to fulfill Your destiny, for You Yourself said: it is not good for a man to be alone, and having created a wife for him as a helper, blessed them to grow, multiply and inhabit the earth.

Hear my humble prayer from the depths of a maiden's heart, sent to You: give me an honest and pious spouse, so that in love with him and in harmony we glorify You, the merciful God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

How to contact Nicholas the Wonderworker?

You should know in advance that prayer to the Saint will not help everyone. Nikolay feels when he is treated with malicious intent. In addition, if your main goal is to have fun with specific man, then the Miracle Worker will further alienate him from you.

In addition, girls who want to take the guy they like out of the family will not achieve the result. Therefore, whisper a prayer only with a pure heart. Moreover, you must have sincere faith in a miracle.

If you feel that you are not yet ready for a real relationship, then you should wait with the petition. Is the desire sincere? Then go to the temple and pray at the corresponding icon. In addition, you can make a home altar. At first, in order not to stray, read a prayer on a piece of paper. However, after it should still be learned.

“With a heart weary of love, I turn to you, Wonderworker Nikolai. Do not be angry with me for a sinful request, but unite the destinies of your servants (say your name and the name of your beloved man) forever and ever. Send me a miracle in the form mutual love and cast away all vices of demons. Ask the Lord God for a blessing and call us husband and wife. May your will be done. Amen."

For the love of a particular man

If you want to be loved special person, then in this case you need to turn to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Great Mother loves her children, so she is ready to help everyone. Do not forget to follow a few simple rules:

  • Your request must be sincere intent.. Sometimes a person thinks that he needs something, although in reality it is not so.
  • Don't try to hurt with prayer. First, you still won't succeed. Secondly, you will only make things worse for yourself. To send the Wrath of the Lord on yourself - why do you need it?

"Blessed Mary,

Mother of our God Jesus Christ,

Please look into my soul

Find me a lover

Bring him to me

Someone who is also looking for love

wife of my soul,

The one I love

And who will love me until the end of our days,

You who know the suffering and secrets of a woman,

I humbly ask in the name of our God.”


There is also a strong one. You will need a small stone. Pick it up by the road when you go home. Bring it to the apartment and wash it underneath cold water 7 times. Then put the pebble on the stove and warm it. Take it, leave the house and walk around seven circles. Find a tree in the east, stand facing it and say the following prayer:

“I got up, Servant of God ( given name), left her own house through the doors and through the gate. I went straight to the east, went up to an old and wise tree, reliable and strong. I put my magic, solid and clean stone at the roots of his stone. And while he lies under the tree, in my life I will not know loneliness, I will not see bitter grief. And in a week I will meet my betrothed, true love, which will not float past me like a graceful swan, but will remain with me forever and fill my soul with joy for the rest of my life to come. My word is strong and strong, no one can change it. Amen."

Leave the rock by the tree and head home without looking back.

There are dozens of other conspiracies that do not require any manipulation. For example, it is enough to take a sheet of paper and write a message to the Lord on it. Ask in it in your own words that you want to find the love of a guy. The note is left on the windowsill. Keep it there until the wish is granted.

The Almighty will help you find if you pray with sincere faith.

A prayer for love can be in an efficient way, which will attract a date with a man. And although it looks unusual from the standpoint of atheistic modernity, this method is effective. A special prayer to the Almighty with a request to send a loved one can help to find love. If you consider discussions about God mere fantasies or do not believe in a supreme power at all, then even then this method will work if you humbly pray, fulfill the necessary conditions.

What is the secret of prayer for asking for love

Prayer is a very powerful tool. This becomes especially clear after reading the Bible, which says that you ask and you will receive what you ask for. Prayer for love is no exception. It is about open love with a person whose heart is free (who is also not in a church marriage). Prayer sent to God is capable of much.

To translate a prayer for love, you must really strongly believe in your plan. As a rule, universal energy is favorable to loving prayers. The main thing here is to learn to pray correctly.

Girls often turn loving prayers to the Mother of God, but they also often ask the holy matrons. Appeals to guardian angels according to the name of the supplicant, date of birth are still considered very effective.

Before reading the prayer, relax, feel the state of the greatest positive, concentrate on the area of ​​the middle of the chest (this place is also called the “emotional heart”), feel your “royal” charm. Harmonize yourself with the emerging mood and feeling of a desired man.

Only after that ask the Almighty to reward you with a meeting with the intended person. You can even state the request in one phrase (for example, “Lord, send me a loved one for love and improvement together,” but you can also compose another prayer phrase that inspires you). Slowly, feeling how each word passes through your body, repeat the prayer about 15-20 times. During the day, such a prayer can be pronounced several times, at least for 2-3 months. The main thing is to be persistent, behave correctly with the desired man sent down to you.

Prayers for mutual love

“Dear Lord, richly bless my personal life and help me find true love which I really need. I'm tired of being alone, tired of heartache associated with failures in my personal life, tired of relationships that bring me pain and mental anguish. I want real, happy, mutual love from you, Lord ...
Reward me, Lord, mutual and happy love from you. May all failures and pains go away forever for the sake of Christ. Let go of all unnecessary relationships. I so want mutual and holy love. Please, Lord, help me find that kind of love and help me accept it. Thank you in advance. Amen."

“Dear Lord God! I beg you, help me to be with a loved one who, I am very dear to me, I ask you to please, his heart and soul to me. Only on you, Lord, my hope and faith, I turn to you. Help us to be together, let this person love me with all his soul and with all his heart. I hope and believe that we will wake up together and become family to each other, and loved for each other. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever! Amen."

Prayer of a girl for marriage

“Oh, all-good Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on my loving You with all my soul and with all my heart, and that I may do Thy holy will in everything. Govern yourself, O my God, over my soul and fill my heart: I want to please You alone, for You are the Creator and my God. Save me from pride and pride: let reason, modesty and chastity adorn me. Idleness is contrary to You and gives rise to vices, give me a desire for diligence and bless my labors. Since Your law commands people to live in an honest marriage, then bring me, Holy Father, to this title consecrated by You, not to please my desire, but to fulfill Your purpose, for You Yourself said: it is not good for a man to be alone and, having created a wife for him as a helper, blessed them to grow, multiply and inhabit the earth. Hear my humble prayer from the depths of a maiden's heart sent to Thee; give me an honest and pious spouse, so that in love with him and in harmony we glorify You, the Merciful God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

Prayer for the speedy finding of love

“I bow down before you, I pray, Lord, and I ask

Begging for help I know

That you hear everything that I ask,

I'm sorry that I sin

Knocking down the legs in the blood on the stones,

Send me fast roads

Because you know what I'm looking for

How do you know who I want

With sincere love to press

And warm your whole life with love,

To be his own blood

And at the same time - the whole life.

I pray for your help,

I'm lost in this world

And I can't find the one

Who is also looking for a soul mate

Yours among many people,

I pray for your help

You alone are my hope

Send me the only one

Whose heart is thirsty

I will keep my soul holy

The love given to me

For in the only you

I see help and consolation.

I ask for love, earthly love,

Hearts of merging and destinies,

I pray for mercy that will accompany our earthly path,

I ask for the fusion of our souls to gain bliss

And in the light of the sky of perfection blessings.

simple prayer for love

“Before You, Lord, I stand, and before You I can only open my heart, and You know everything that I will ask, for my heart is empty without earthly love, and I will pray and ask to give me a quick way to the only one who is capable of to illuminate my whole life with a new light and open your heart to meet mine for a miraculous merging of our destinies and finding a common soul. Amen."

"Blessed Mary, Mother of our God Jesus Christ,

I beg you, look into my soul,

Find me a lover, bring him to me

The one who is also looking for love, the wife of my soul,

The one I love

And who will love me until the end of our days,

You who know the suffering and secrets of a woman,

I humbly ask in the name of our God"

Love prayers are harmless, because a person will not receive something that harms other people. However, conspiracies for love are magical influences. Such conspiracies may energetically belong to the section of White magic, but may also apply to Black. Moreover, the conspiracies of White magic are harmless, and the texts black magic act in such a way that the achievement of the goal occurs even when for this it is necessary to harm someone's life. So choose love plots, unlike prayers, you need to be extremely careful.

Look and listen to a very strong prayer for the multiplication of love

If you are tormented by an unrequited feeling, on help will come Orthodox prayer for the love of a man to Nicholas the Wonderworker and Matrona of Moscow.
I immediately make a reservation for those who are infected with sinful thoughts: prayer for a man’s love does not help everyone.
If you are trying to attract a man for the sake of comfort, do not even try to turn to God for help.
Love is light, sincere intentions and proven by self-sacrifice, can be heard and approved by the saints.

Nicholas the Wonderworker can send you a miracle in the form of mutual love, and the Matrona of Moscow can protect her from sinful leprosy.

Prayer for the love of a man to Nicholas the Wonderworker

With a heart weary of love, I turn to you, Wonderworker Nikolai. Do not be angry with me for a sinful request, but unite the destinies of your servants (say your name and the name of your beloved man) forever and ever. Send me a miracle in the form of mutual love and reject all demonic vices. Ask the Lord God for a blessing and call us husband and wife. May your will be done. Amen.

This is one of the most powerful prayers addressed to Nikolai Ugodnik. Only it should be whispered from a pure heart, approaching holy Orthodoxy with faith in the soul.

Prayer for the love of a man Matrona of Moscow

They usually turn to the Matrona of Moscow in order to calm the turmoil of the soul and bodily ailments. But prayers for love are also said. The thing is that love for a man should be healthy. In this case, this is determined by how sinless and sufficient it is.

I appeal to you, Blessed Old Lady Matrona of Moscow. You heal the sick and heal sinful souls. Help me find mutual love in the person of a servant of God (say the name of the beloved man). I promise you that I will faithful wife and I will not sin by sore treason. May your will be done. Amen.

Another prayer, also addressed to the Matrona of Moscow, is aimed at eliminating the energy of envy of unkind people. If your love is hindered by someone's conspiracy or sent damage, then the Matrona of Moscow will help here too.

I beg you, Matrona of Moscow, and ask for a grace-filled cleansing. In sinful thoughts and unrighteous actions, I live without repentance. Forgive me for all my sins and deliver my faithful love from the soot of damn envy. If damage sharpens love or someone's unkind message, forgive my accursed enemies. Ask the Lord God that (say your name and the name of your beloved man) become legal spouses. May your will be done. Amen.

You have just met Orthodox prayers for the love of men who will help those who love with their soul.

Love to you and prosperity!

Without love, a person's life becomes meaningless and the person begins to fade away.

Therefore, very often, if in life they were not lucky enough to meet it, people turn to a wide variety of ways to attract this energy into their lives.

Today we will consider one, maybe the most effective method, attracting the circumstances of meeting with the man of your dreams. It sounds somewhat unusual from the point of view of traditional atheistic philosophy. However, this method works extremely well. This is a prayer for love, a prayer to the Almighty that he send you a loved one and a loved one. No matter how strange the way to attract love into your life through prayer may seem strange to those who do not believe in anything and consider talking about God an empty fantasy, it will definitely work if you pray correctly and follow all the necessary conditions.

Prayer is a powerful enough tool in the mouth of a person. Everyone knows the words from the Bible, what you ask for and what you ask for will definitely appear in your life. This also applies to love. It's about about pure love co a free man, whose heart is not occupied by another person, and who, moreover, is not married. Prayer from the lips of a believer is capable of much.

Prayers for love are indeed very effective, but in order to translate them into reality, a person must strongly believe in what the supreme forces ask for and in relation to what / to whom they apply.

As a rule, the Almighty forces respond very favorably to a person’s prayers for love. The only thing left to do is to learn how to pray.

It is a mistake to assume that a prayer is a memorized text, half of the words of which a person does not understand. Prayer is an appeal to God, Mother of God, All Saints in your own words. This is a kind of conversation with higher powers, so it makes no sense to memorize certain phrases for a conversation. Just pray in your own words.

Prayer has a certain structure, but this does not mean that it must be strictly adhered to. If a person prays in his own words, then it is enough just to remember the most important church prayer“Our Father”, in which a person first glorifies the power of God, thanks him for the blessings that God sent him already in life, then asks him for what he needs, asks for forgiveness for wrong deeds.
It is important to understand that prayer is not a conspiracy to achieve certain goals, it is not Magic wand that fulfills all human desires. A prayer for love is a request to give a person feelings, love, a soul mate, as Adam and Eve had, and not only for pleasure, but for procreation, and only if it is the will of the Lord.

Girls very often pray for love to the Mother of God, as well as to Saints Anna, Barbara, Natalya, Tatyana. Very strong prayers in relation to the guardian angels by name, as well as by date of birth.

Before prayer, relax, enter into a state of maximum possible personal positivity for you, focus in the area of ​​​​the middle of the chest (on the so-called " emotional heart”), tune in to the feeling of your own “royal” charm; charm, attractiveness, as if synchronizing oneself with the mood and internal state the men of your dreams.

And then, start asking the Almighty to send a meeting with this person into your life. Try to keep your prayer request in one sentence (for example, “Lord, send me a loved one for love and mutual improvement” , in principle, you can formulate any phrase that inspires you). And slowly, consciously passing through each word, repeat this formula, a prayer for love, about 15-20 times in a row with thoughtful faith and concentration.

Then stop repeating, as if giving the energy of your prayer request to the Almighty. In total, such a prayer for love should take no more than 3-4 minutes at a time. During the day, such a prayer can also be applied several times over several months. Sooner or later it will work. You just need to be persistent and behave correctly with a man who may arise in your life. If you do not make obvious mistakes in the future, real communication both during the acquaintance and the development of relationships, everything should turn out favorably for you.

Prayer from N. Pravdina

Imagine the person you want to see next to you and read this prayer:

“I thank the Universe for everything that I have. I know that I deserve the very best. Now I am attracting into my life a partner who is right for me. I gladly give him my love, kind heart and pure thoughts, and he answers me the same. I deeply believe that Divine power already knows where this person is, and every day he is getting closer and closer.
Now I turn to the eternal and only Divine power that created me for happiness and joy.
I beg you, let the most best person for me to manifest in my life. bless me. Bless our relationship.
Let them be filled with trust, tenderness.
Please open my heart to him and his heart to me.
I recognize him immediately by the look in his eyes. I am open to happiness. Our relationship is built on deep mutual love. I thank
I want it that way, and that's the way it is!"

Prayer for love

It is necessary when saying a prayer to put your right hand on the heart and say:

“Before You, Lord, I stand, and before You I can only open my heart, and You know everything that I will ask, for my heart is empty without earthly love, and I will pray and ask to give me a quick way to the only one who is capable of to illuminate my whole life with a new light and open your heart to meet mine for a miraculous merging of our destinies and finding a common soul. Amen"

Prayer for loneliness

“I ask the great Lord to hear me and give me a new, successful path so that the great influence of the Lord helps me to be saturated with Light and my loneliness, caused by an unclean spirit, passes. I will block the river with three nets in order not to miss my happiness, and with three forces of the Lord’s influence a new decision will come to fate, and a meeting by a miracle will happen with the only one I need in the world and our paths will be connected by the light of true love. Amen".

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos for finding love

"Blessed Mary, Mother of our God Jesus Christ,
I beg you, look into my soul,
Find me a lover, bring him to me
The one who is also looking for love, the wife of my soul,
The one I love
And who will love me until the end of our days,
You who know the suffering and secrets of a woman,
I humbly ask in the name of our God"

Prayer to attract the second half
by Ariel Ford.

Say the following prayer only in a calm and balanced state, simply thankful for what you already have. Light a candle, stretch out on your big and beautiful bed, feel your home, your life and your heart. cozy place where your native person.

Let every word seep through you as you read the prayer out loud.
daily prayer to attract your other half

"Oh my God!
At this moment I am grateful for the release of my heart
from EVERYTHING that would prevent me from attracting my soul mate.
At this moment I remember that my ideal,
the right partner is attracted to me
and my only job is
it's calm to wait in absolute certainty,
that his heart is already connected to mine while I enjoy waiting.
Thank you".

Prayers for love are considered absolutely harmless, because a person will not be given something that can harm other people, even if he asks for it very strongly in his prayers.

But as for love conspiracies, it should be noted right away that conspiracies are magic. At the same time, even love conspiracies can be from the section of White magic, and maybe from the section of Black magic. Depending on what forces are called upon in the implementation of a particular conspiracy.

It should also be noted that the conspiracies of White magic cannot harm a person or a third person, but the conspiracies of Black magic act in such a way that, regardless of the outcome, a certain goal is achieved, even if people pay for it with their lives. That is why it is necessary to choose love conspiracies very carefully, since the possible negative energy they will have to affect someone's life, and not one person is immune from the fact that he will not suffer from his own conspiracies as a result.
According to freewizards.ru, zagadochnijmir.forum2x2.ru, privorogi.ru, www.kluchnikov.ru

A lot can happen in life and a loved one and a loved one will leave, and it is at this moment that many begin to think about higher powers to get that person back. There are many different strong prayers so that a loved one returns and at the same time begins to love more and only one. There are a huge number of prayers, the most important thing is to treat everything with complete faith and understanding.

You need to contact yourself strong book are bibles. There is an opportunity to ask for such a request in the church, where the Almighty hears more and more strongly and will certainly help the one who asks, if this is without self-interest and neglect. There are many miraculous prayers, it is necessary to choose from the total number exactly the one that will correspond to your request for the return of your loved one.

If possible, you can ask people to help you beg for what you want. The most important thing is to take it seriously. Words can be different:

“Lord, Almighty, I beg you!

Help me make my wish come true!

May my love Slave (a) name return to my life,

And he will love me more and never leave my bed!

May my prayer reach you Lord!

Help and hear me!

Amen. Amen. Amen".

Your faith must be on highest level. To do this, light church candles, you can ask before the image in order to understand who to contact. In any faith, there must be an understanding of the words spoken, so before taking any prayer into service, try to understand the meaning of all the words that are in it. To avoid the opposite effect.

Any person, no matter a girl or a man, can turn to Jesus Christ about such a request, but more often it is still inherent in the fair sex, they can go to great lengths for the sake of their love, but you should not use forbidden methods.

If a person, namely a loved one, is named by your fate, that is, by forces from above, then he will not go anywhere, even if he leaves, he will return. And it also happens that attempts are made to keep someone who is not your own, so you can just suffer all your life and that's it.

Let go, and if yours doesn’t go anywhere, and if not, then it’s easier to survive it and come to a different understanding. Prayer may not help if you try to keep a loved one who is not named to you, with forces from above, and it is then that all efforts will become useless. Pick up Right words so that they reach the Almighty and try so that at the moment of prayer your thoughts are not filled with anger!

A person who asks the Lord for help with all sincerity will never use conspiracies and love spells. After all, any such act affects the fate and life of a person, manifests itself in failures and diseases. Moreover, this happens with those who use black magic and with those who are negatively influenced.

Each conspiracy has a strong effect on a person, fetters it and aggressively sets up behavior that is completely uncharacteristic of a person.

Prayer helps get rid of negative consequences and save yourself.

Prayer right

You should pray sincerely, the words should come from the heart of a person. If you just repeat a set of words, then the wonderful words will not have the proper effect. You should also know in advance a little about those Saints to whom prayer will be dedicated. Only then will the words be heard and correctly understood.

In no case should you say a prayer in bad mood, with a feeling of anger, hatred and annoyance. It is necessary to say a prayer only when there is a desire to talk with the Lord, and this is allowed to be done at any time and in any place.

It is necessary in prayer to tell not only about yourself, but also about close person. It will also not be superfluous to turn to God and ask for wisdom that will help you cope with difficulties and all-consuming loneliness. You should ask for a relationship with your loved one to become close and trusting.

Important! You must first understand yourself, understand why this relationship was broken by the chosen one and left. If the culprit is the abandoned one, then you definitely need to repent for your actions. Only then can one begin to pray.

Is there strong prayer?

If you look at prayers as a mere set of words, then it will never have power. After all, prayer helps to establish contact with God, talk to him and tell him about problems. The Lord will be able to see the most secret thoughts and desires of the asker, to understand what he really needs. You should not assume that talking with God is a talisman, and will definitely help. Indeed, when asking, sincerity and words that come from the depths of the heart are very important.

Prayer for love

People always consider the unexpected separation from their loved one a real shock. That is why many decide to commit important step. And they want to return the chosen one at all costs. In this case, one should turn to a prayer for the return of a loved one, which is sent to the Almighty, Jesus or the Holy Mother of God.

Christ is the light of the world, which can open the way to the Lord and salvation. Therefore, the most powerful prayers are considered "Our Father" or "Prayer to Jesus." You can turn to Christ in any difficult situations when a person is left alone and feels hatred and fear, aggression and disappointment. Should be in a difficult life situation when a loved one left, say these words:

"The Lord is my God,
You are my protection, I trust in you
Mother of God Holy Mother of God
and Saints.
I offer my prayer to you,
I ask for your help in difficult times,
in the return of my beloved servant of God (name of the chosen one).
Hear my sinful prayer,
do not leave my bitter request
servants of God (name of the prayer).
Lord, Mother of God and Saints,
I ask you to return your beloved (name),
return his heart to me.
Amen, Amen, Amen."

The Mother of God is the Queen of Heaven, who always helps all believers in times of difficult situations or despair. The Virgin Mary has huge force, only it should be addressed only to those who really believe that it will help. Women ask the Mother of God for happiness with the chosen one, she can help get rid of loneliness and find a suitable person for life.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos

"Mother of God,
Holy Mother of God
and Saints,
Only you can help me
I ask for my beloved (name),
protect from temptation
and return to me
servant of God (name).
I am praying to you,
to reunite us
united before God and people.
Amen, Amen, Amen."

After that, you must definitely drink water from the church and cross yourself three times.

Saints Peter and Fevronia

During a difficult separation from a loved one, prayer to the saints who guard the family hearth and marriage can help.
Peter and Fevronia of Murom are the saints of the Lord.

They were princes in Murom in the fourteenth century, and all their lives they were faithful to each other. They lived in harmony and peace, were a model married life and fidelity. They constantly prayed and asked the Lord not to leave them alone. These saints died at the same time, so they did not even have to spend a minute without each other. Believers who worship the saints feel faith and harmony, and are healed of various diseases.

Prayer to Peter and Fevronia can be read by those who truly consider them an example to follow. The ideal of love and fidelity of spouses and devotion to each other. Saints stand up to protect the family from witchcraft and misfortune, help to cope with difficult situations and patronize all those who love each other.

“Oh, great miracle workers,
saints, saints of God,
Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia!
I turn to you
I pray to you with bitter hope.
Report about me, sinner,
prayers to the Lord God himself.
And ask His goodness:
faith, yes to the right, hope, yes to the good, love not hypocritical!
Amen, Amen, Amen!"

Nicholas the Wonderworker

When a loved one leaves, the other is left alone and suffers inexpressibly. In this case, he can turn to Nicholas the Wonderworker and read a prayer asking that the chosen one return to the family and change his mind. This saint always helped the poor and those who needed it, he never refused anyone. This saint is the most revered of all.

The miracle worker received this nickname thanks to that. That could work real miracles. He created them during his lifetime, and continues to help the suffering even after death. Christians who spoke miraculous prayer. They are convinced of the strength and power of the saint. It is recommended to read a prayer in front of the face of Nicholas the Wonderworker, it is advisable to do this in a church.

"With a heart weary of love,
I beg you, Miracle Worker Nicholas.
Do not be angry with me for a sinful request,
but unite the fates of your servants (your name and chosen one)
forever and ever.
Amen, Amen, Amen"

If you need very strong prayer in order for a loved one to return, it is worth contacting the Matrona of Moscow. The Holy Matrona hears everyone, without exception, who turned to her for help. She can work miracles even after her death.
The saint became famous due to the fact that all her life she faithfully served the Lord.

Even before her death, she said that people would come to her after death and talk about their problems, as if she were alive. She will definitely hear prayer and request and help. Usually Matronushka is asked to have children, happy marriage or getting rid of loneliness.

"Mother Matronushka,
Bring a prayer to the Lord
servant of God (Name), I ask
about my beloved (name).
Cleanse his thoughts from evil influence,
help me remember the love for me,
unite our souls again.
Amen, Amen, Amen."

The Power of Prayer

A huge number of people, left alone, think what kind of prayer is the most powerful. You should pray so that the words come from the heart. You can not even pronounce certain words, but from the bottom of your heart ask and beg the Lord for help, then it will be heard.

How do you know if a prayer has been answered? When the saints heard the request, a person feels peace and tranquility, is in harmony with himself and begins to believe in the best. Naturally, this does not mean that the beloved will immediately rush in and start knocking on the door. You just need to believe that everything will change soon, and rely on the will of the Lord.

Turning to God cannot fulfill all desires in the blink of an eye. At the same time, a person recognizes his nature of sin, feels humility and purifies the soul. He begins to understand why he lives in this world. For a loved one to want to return, you need to constantly work on relationships, forgive and make concessions, because only this is true love.

After the words

What does a person feel who tried to communicate with the Lord and read a prayer? No one can immediately determine whether the miraculous words worked or went unheard. However, a person should feel calm and understand that soon everything will work out. You need to be prepared that a person cannot be pulled by force. If he does not want to return to the family, then this is predetermined from above. Maybe he was not intended by fate at all, but a loved one will come soon.


The Bible says that a person should not be alone. The Lord wants everyone to be happy, to live in a family and love each other. The main thing is to remain faithful to your chosen one and not indulge in all serious. Naturally, those people who experience betrayal or betrayal suffer greatly. They need comfort, turn to the Almighty with a request for help.

Believers getting married. We must love and respect each other all our lives. That is why betrayal is a serious blow. You just have to rely on God's grace and wait for help. Sincere prayer, coming from the heart, will certainly help to return a loved one, get rid of loneliness or meet your true love, destined by fate.

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