Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Statuses of Omar Khayyam wisdom of life are short. Omar Khayyam the wisest parables and aphorisms of Omar Khayyam

Statuses of Omar Khayyam wisdom of life are short. Omar Khayyam the wisest parables and aphorisms of Omar Khayyam

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam is known all over the world. Millions of people know them by heart, endlessly quote and retell them. What was the famous Persian poet's understanding of the most beautiful feeling on earth? His amazing statements about love tell about this. Omar Khayyam masterfully approaches the process of comprehending the greatest mystery of existence, which knows no compromises.

Reading his sayings, you begin to better understand the truth that is indicated in them. The best sayings of Omar Khayyam about life and love will be presented in this article. Maybe they will help some of the readers accept the inevitable and make the right choice.

“Days spent without love are painful for me”

Here the author emphasizes the idea that life cannot be considered complete if a person lacks heartfelt affection. Love is connected with life by invisible threads, it invariably complements it, brings its own special meaning and meaning. One cannot exist without the other. Life without love has no meaning, because in this case the individual will not be able to truly grow and develop spiritually. Existence seems empty and disappointing. This is what Omar Khayyam talks about. filled with unchanging wisdom and knowledge of the subtle laws of the universe.

When something doesn’t work out, you need to understand the reasons for what is happening, and not immediately reject the proposed benefit. Any problem indicates the need to begin to reconsider your attitude towards it. The more we cling, the more we get stuck in our own fears. However, there are no insurmountable difficulties. To overcome the abyss of misunderstanding, sometimes it is enough to start with yourself. Omar Khayyam's best sayings about life and love confirm this idea.

“Whoever planted a rose of tender love did not live in vain”

Even an unrequited feeling carries great benefits. Someone may wonder: “How?” It is known that unrequited love brings suffering, deprives of all strength and desire to act, to achieve something. Only someone who has experienced such a dramatic event in life can understand the feelings of a rejected person. poets sing, at the same time demonstrating to the world what great suffering it leads to. This is a state of mental torment, falling and at the same time taking off. Nothing illustrates the attitude towards the feeling itself better than statements about love. Omar Khayyam emphasizes the idea that experiencing the state of love in itself brings joy and happiness.

If you experience a strong heartfelt attachment, then life can already be called beautiful. Falling in love fills a person with special meaning, makes you listen to yourself, and discover unknown depths in your soul. All this serves as an additional incentive to constantly rise to new heights, conquering the horizons of the infinite Universe.

“Kisses of your beloved are bread and balm”

There are hardly more convincing examples of capacious and meaningful sayings in literature than about love. Omar Khayyam is a master of words. He formed integral poetic forms, in which one can trace deep meaning and meaning. You can read his rubai just like that, enjoying the beauty of the sound.

This saying helps to understand the importance of a loved one for each individual person. IN difficult situations The only thing that saves us is the presence of a kindred spirit nearby, who will always support and understand. If a person did not have the opportunity to fully open himself to another, we would not be able to truly call ourselves happy. His other statements about love are also interesting. Omar Khayyam is a poet whose works touch the most hidden corners of the soul.

"Woe to the heart that is colder than ice"

The inability to experience strong emotional attachment indicates the presence of some psychological problem. Everyone has a need to love. If for some reason it is not satisfied, the person begins to build defense mechanisms. By rejecting close relationships, we become unhappy.

Thus, these statements about love are truly beautiful and amazing. Omar Khayyam helps the reader to realize the enduring truth: it is important to give care and warmth to your neighbor, to open your heart.

Topic of the issue: sayings, sayings of Omar Khayyam, quotes about life, short and long. Reading the famous sayings of the great philosopher is a great gift:

  • I know that I know nothing, -
    This is the last secret I have learned.
  • Silence is a shield from many troubles,
    And chatter is always harmful.
    A person's tongue is small
    But how many lives did he ruin?
  • Consider the obvious in the world to be unimportant,
    For the secret essence of things is not visible.
  • How long will you please all sorts of brutes?
    Only a fly can give his soul for food!
    It is better to swallow tears than to gnaw on scraps.
  • Day after day New Year- and Ramadan has come,
    He was forced to fast, as if he had been chained.
    Almighty, deceive, but do not deprive the feast,
    Let everyone think that Shawwal has arrived! (Muslim calendar month)
  • You burst into me like a hurricane, Lord,
    And he knocked over my glass of wine, Lord!
    I indulge in drunkenness, and you commit outrages?
    Thunder strike me, since you are not drunk, Lord!
  • Don't brag that you don't drink - a lot is behind you,
    Buddy, I know of much worse things.
  • As children we go to teachers for truth,
    Afterwards they come to our doors for the truth.
    Where is the truth? We came from a drop
    Let's become the wind. This is the meaning of this tale, Khayyam!
  • For those who see the inside behind the appearance,
    Evil and good are like gold and silver.
    For both are given for a while,
    For both evil and good will end soon.
  • I unraveled all the tight knots in the world,
    Except for death, tied in a dead knot.
  • For the worthy there are no worthy rewards,
    I'm glad to lay down my belly for a worthy one.
    Do you want to know if hell exists?
    Living among the unworthy is true hell!
  • One work that is always shameful is to exalt oneself,
    Are you so great and wise? - dare to ask yourself.
  • Give free rein to all movements of the heart,
    Don’t get tired of cultivating the garden of desires,
    On a starry night, bliss on the silken grass:
    At sunset - go to bed, at dawn - get up.
  • Although the wise man is not a miser and does not hoard wealth,
    The world is bad for the wise without silver.
  • Noble people, loving each other,
    They see the grief of others and forget themselves.
    If you want honor and the shine of mirrors, -
    Don't envy others, and they will love you.
  • You can lose everything, just save your soul, -
    The cup would be filled again if there was wine.
  • Above all else is love,
    In the song of youth, the first word is love.
    Oh, wretched ignoramus in the world of love,
    Know that the basis of our entire life is love! (wise sayings about the life of Omar Khayyam)
  • Feed on the blood of your heart, but be independent.
    Better than tears swallow than to gnaw on scraps.
  • Why suffer needlessly for the sake of common happiness -
    Better happiness give it to someone close.
  • O cruel sky, merciless God!
    You've never helped anyone before.
    If you see that the heart is charred with grief, -
    You immediately add more burn.
  • You'd rather starve than eat anything
    And it’s better to be alone than with just anyone.
  • Look at yourself among the people passing by,
    Keep silent about your hopes until the end - hide them!
  • The dead don't care what the minute is, what the hour is,
    Like water, like wine, like Baghdad, like Shiraz.
    The full moon will change new moon
    Thousands of times after our death.
  • There are two ears, but one tongue is not given by chance -
    Listen twice and speak only once!
  • Among those holding positions of great gentlemen
    There are no joys in life due to many worries,
    But come here: they are full of contempt
    To everyone whose souls the worm of acquisition does not gnaw. (Omar Khayyam's sayings about life)
  • Wine is prohibited, but there are four “buts”:
    It depends on who drinks wine, with whom, when and in moderation.
  • I have been tolerating the sky for a long time.
    Maybe it's a reward for patience
    Will send me a beauty of easy disposition
    And he will send down a heavy jug at the same time.
  • There is no honor in humiliating someone who is defeated,
    Being kind to those who have fallen in misfortune means a husband!
  • There are no nobler and sweeter plants,
    Than black cypress and white lily.
    He, having a hundred hands, does not push them forward;
    She is always silent, having a hundred languages.
  • Paradise is the reward of the sinless for their obedience.
    Would [the Almighty] give me something not as a reward, but as a gift!
  • Love is a fatal misfortune, but the misfortune is by the will of Allah.
    Why do you blame what is always by the will of Allah?
    A series of both evil and good arose - by the will of Allah.
    Why do we need thunder and flames of Judgment - according to the will of Allah? (Omar Khayyam quotes about love)
  • If hell is for lovers and drunkards,
    Then who do you order to be allowed into heaven?
  • Give me a jug of wine and a cup, oh my love,
    We will sit with you in the meadow and on the bank of the stream!
    The sky is full of beauties, from the beginning of existence,
    It turned, my friend, into bowls and jugs - I know.
  • If only I had power over this evil sky,
    I would crush it and replace it with another...
  • On the green carpets of Khorasan fields
    Tulips grow from the blood of kings,
    Violets grow from the ashes of beauties,
    From the captivating moles between the eyebrows.
  • But these ghosts are barren (hell and heaven) for us
    Both fears and hopes are an unchanging source.

Topic of the selection: wisdom of life, about love for a man and a woman, Omar Khayyam quotes and famous sayings about life, short and long, about love and people... Brilliant sayings of Omar Khayyam about various aspects life path people became famous throughout the world.

Who rose tender love instilled
To the cuts of the heart - you didn’t live in vain!
And the one who listened sensitively to God with his heart,
And the one who drank the hops of earthly delight!

About grief, grief to the heart, where there is no burning passion.
Where there is no love, there is no torment, where there are no dreams of happiness.
A day without love is lost: dimmer and grayer,
Why is this day barren, and there are no days of bad weather. – Omar Khayyam

Dawn threw a sheaf of fire onto the roofs
And he threw the ball of the lord of the day into the cup.
Sip the wine! Sounds in the rays of dawn
The call of love, drunken the universe.

Loving you, I bear all reproaches
And it’s not in vain that I vow eternal fidelity.
Since I will live forever, I will be ready until the day of judgment
To humbly endure heavy and cruel oppression. – Omar Khayyam

If you want to touch a rose, don’t be afraid to cut your hands,
If you want to drink, don’t be afraid of getting a hangover.
And love is beautiful, reverent and passionate
If you want to burn your heart in vain, don’t be afraid!

My eyes are crying because of the chain of separations,
My heart cries from doubts and torment.
I cry pitifully and write these lines,
Even the kalam cries, falling out of his hands...

Continuation best aphorisms and quotes from Omar Khayyam read on the pages:

You don’t push your horse on the road of love -
You will be exhausted by the end of the day.
Do not curse the one who is tormented by love -
You cannot comprehend the heat of someone else's fire.

I stubbornly wondered over the book of life,
Suddenly, with heartache, the sage said to me:
“There is no more beautiful bliss - to lose yourself in the arms of
Moon-faced beauty, whose lips seemed to lal.”

Passion for you has torn the robe of roses,
Your scent contains the breath of roses.
You are tender, sparkles of sweat on silken skin,
Like dew at the wonderful moment of opening roses!

Like the sun, love burns without burning,
Like a bird of heavenly paradise - love.
But not yet love - nightingale moans,
Do not moan, dying of love - love!

Sacrifice yourself for the sake of your beloved,
Sacrifice what is most precious to you.
Never be cunning when giving love,
Sacrifice your life, be courageous, ruining your heart!

Rose said: “Oh, my appearance today
Essentially, he speaks about my madness.
Why do I come out of the bud bleeding?
The path to freedom often lies through thorns!”

Give me some wine! There is no place for empty words here.
Kisses from my beloved are my bread and balm.
The lips of an ardent lover are wine-colored,
The violence of passion is like her hair.

Tomorrow - alas! – hidden from our eyes!
Hurry to use the hour flying into the abyss.
Drink, moon-faced one! How often will the month be
Ascend to heaven, no longer seeing us.

Above all else is love,
In the song of youth, the first word is love.
Oh, wretched ignoramus in the world of love,
Know that the basis of our entire life is love!

Woe to the heart that is colder than ice,
Doesn't glow with love, doesn't know about it.
And for the heart of a lover, a day spent
Without a lover, it’s the most wasted of days!

Talk about love is devoid of magic,
Like cooled coals, the fire is deprived.
And true love burns hot,
Deprived of sleep and rest, night and day.

Don't beg for love, loving hopelessly,
Do not wander under the window of an unfaithful woman, grieving.
Like beggar dervishes, be independent -
Maybe then they will love you.

Where to escape from fiery passions,
What hurts your soul?
When would I know that this torment is the source
In the hands of the one who is dearer to you all...

I'll share my deepest secret with you,
In a nutshell, I will express my tenderness and sadness.
I dissolve in the dust with love for you,
From the earth I will rise with love for you.

From the zenith of Saturn to the belly of the Earth
The mysteries of the world have found their interpretation.
I have unraveled all the loops near and far,
Except for the simplest one - except for the light loop.

Those to whom life was given in full measure,
Intoxicated with the intoxication of love and wine.
Having dropped the unfinished cup of delight,
They sleep side by side in the arms of eternal sleep.

You alone brought joy to my heart,
Your death burned my heart with grief.
Only with you could I endure all the sorrows of the world,
Without you, what is the world and worldly affairs to me?

You have chosen the path of love - you must firmly follow,
The sparkle of your eyes will flood everything along this path.
And having achieved a lofty goal with patience,
Breathe so hard that you can shake the world with your sigh!

Oh, if only, taking with me the poems of the sofa
Yes, in a jug of wine and putting bread in my pocket,
I want to spend a day with you among the ruins, -
Any sultan could envy me.

The branches will not tremble... the night... I'm alone...
In the darkness a rose drops a petal.
So - you left! And bitter intoxications
The flying delirium is dispelled and far away.

Let me touch, my love, the thick strands,
This reality is dearer to me than any dreams...
I can only compare your curls to a loving heart,
So tender and so quivering are their curls!

We have now forgotten our vows of repentance
And they closed the door tightly to good fame.
We are beside ourselves; Don't blame us for this:
We are drunk with the wine of love, not with wine, believe me!

I found paradise here, over a cup of wine,
Among the roses, near my dear one, burning with love.
Why should we listen to talk about hell and heaven!
Who has seen hell? Has anyone returned from heaven?

Reason gives praise to this cup,
The lover kisses her all night long.
And the mad potter made such an elegant bowl
Creates and hits the ground without mercy!

Khayyam! What are you grieving about? Have fun!
You are feasting with a friend - be merry!
Oblivion awaits everyone. You could have disappeared
You still exist - be happy!

Wounded by passion, I shed tears tirelessly,
I pray to heal my poor heart,
For instead of a love drink the sky
My cup has been filled with the blood of my heart.

With the one whose body is like a cypress, and whose lips seem to be lal,
Go to the garden of love and fill your glass,
While the doom is inevitable, the wolf is insatiable,
This flesh, like a shirt, was not torn off you!

It’s better to drink and caress cheerful beauties,
Why seek salvation in fasting and prayers?
If there's a place in hell for lovers and drunkards,
Then who do you order to be allowed into heaven?

Oh, don't grow a tree of sorrow...
Seek wisdom from your own beginning.
Caress your loved ones and love wine!
After all, we are not married to life forever.

When the violets pour out their fragrance
And the spring wind blows,
The sage is the one who drinks wine with his beloved,
Breaking the cup of repentance on a stone.

Alas, we are not given many days to stay here,
To live them without love and without wine is a sin.
There is no need to think whether this world is old or young:
If we are destined to leave, do we really care?

Among the beautiful houris I am drunk and in love
And I give a grateful bow to the wine.
Today I am free from the shackles of existence
And blessed, as if invited to a higher palace.

Give me a jug of wine and a cup, oh my love,
We will sit with you in the meadow and on the bank of the stream!
The sky is full of beauties, from the beginning of existence,
It turned, my friend, into bowls and jugs - I know.

In the morning the rose opened its bud in the wind,
And the nightingale sang, in love with her beauty.
Sit in the shade. These roses will bloom for a long time,
When our sorrowful ashes are buried.

Do not worry that your name will be forgotten.
Let the intoxicating drink comfort you.
Before your joints fall apart -
Comfort yourself with your beloved by caressing her.

Kiss your foot, oh queen of joy,
Much sweeter than the lips of a half-asleep girl!
Every day I indulge all your whims,
So that on a starry night I can merge with my beloved.

Your lips gave the color to ruby,
You left - I am sad, and my heart is bleeding.
Who hid in the ark like Noah from the flood,
He alone will not drown in the abyss of love.

Whose heart does not burn with passionate love for the beloved, -
Without consolation he drags out his sad life.
Days spent without the joys of love,
I consider the burden unnecessary and hateful.

From edge to edge we are on the path to death;
We cannot turn back from the brink of death.
Look, in the local caravanserai
Don't accidentally forget your love!

Our world is an alley of young roses,
A chorus of nightingales, a transparent swarm of dragonflies.
And in the fall? Silence and stars
And the darkness of your flowing hair...

Who is ugly, who is handsome - does not know passion,
A madman in love agrees to go to hell.
Lovers don't care what to wear,
What to lay on the ground, what to put under your head.

Throw off the burden of self-interest, the oppression of vanity,
Enmeshed in evil, break out of these snares.
Drink wine and comb your darling's locks:
The day will pass unnoticed - and life will flash by.

My advice: always be drunk and in love,
To be dignified and important is not worth the effort.
Not needed by the almighty Lord God
Neither your mustache, friend, nor my beard!

I went out into the garden sad and not happy about the morning,
The nightingale sang to Rose in a mysterious way:
“Show yourself from the bud, rejoice in the morning,
How many wonderful flowers this garden gave!”

Love is a fatal misfortune, but the misfortune is by the will of Allah.
Why do you blame what is always by the will of Allah?
A series of evil and good arose - by the will of Allah.
Why do we need thunder and flames of Judgment - by the will of Allah?

Come quickly, full of enchantment,
Dispel sadness, breathe in the warmth of your heart!
Pour a jug of wine into the jugs
Our ashes have not yet been turned by a potter.

You, whom I have chosen, are dearer to me than anyone else.
Heart of ardent heat, light of eyes for me.
Is there anything in life more precious than life?
You and my life are more precious to me.

I'm not afraid of reproaches, my pocket is not empty,
But still, put away the wine and put the glass aside.
I always drank wine - I looked for pleasure to my heart,
Why should I drink now that I'm drunk with you?

Only your face makes a sad heart happy.
I don’t need anything except your face.
I see my image in you, looking into your eyes,
I see you in myself, my joy.

In the morning my rose wakes up,
My rose blooms in the wind.
O cruel sky! Has barely blossomed -
How my rose is already crumbling.

Passion for an unfaithful woman struck me like a plague.
It’s not for me that my darling is going crazy!
Who, my heart, will cure us of passion,
If our doctor suffers herself.

You are the queen of the game. I'm not happy myself.
My knight has become a pawn, but I can’t take my move back...
I press my black rook against your white rook,
Two faces are now side by side... But what happens in the end? Mat!

A life-giving spring is hidden in the bud of your lips,
Let no one else's cup touch your lips forever...
The jug that preserves the trace of them, I will drain to the bottom.
Wine can replace everything... Everything except your lips!

Have fun!... Can't catch a stream in captivity?
But the running stream caresses!
Is there no consistency in women and in life?
But it’s your turn!

We are like compasses, together, on the grass:
The single body has two heads,
We make a full circle, rotating on the rod,
To match head to head again.

The sheikh shamed the harlot: “You, a prostitute, drink,
You sell your body to everyone who wants it!”
“I am,” said the harlot, “really like that,
Are you who you say you are?”

The sky is the belt of my ruined life,
The tears of the fallen are the salty waves of the seas.
Paradise - blissful peace after passionate efforts,
Hellfire is just a reflection of extinguished passions.

From the lilac cloud to the green plains
White jasmine is falling all day long.
I pour a lily-like cup
Pure pink flame - the best of wines.

In this life, intoxication is the best thing,
The singing of the gentle Guria is best,
Free thought boiling is best,
Oblivion of all prohibitions is best.

If you are in the rays of hope, look for your heart, heart,
If you are in the company of a friend, look into his heart with your heart.
The temple and the countless temples are smaller than a small heart,
Throw away your Kaaba, look for your heart with your heart.

Sweet curls are darker from the musk of the night,
And the ruby ​​of her lips is more valuable than all stones...
I once compared her figure to a cypress tree,
Now the cypress tree is proud to the roots!

Drink wine, for bodily joy is in it.
Listen to the chang, for the sweetness of heaven is in it.
Trade your eternal sorrow for joy,
For the goal, unknown to anyone, is in him.

A blooming garden, a girlfriend and a cup of wine -
This is my paradise. I don't want to find myself in something else.
Yes, no one has ever seen heavenly paradise!
So let's take comfort in earthly things for now.

I would like to cool my soul towards the unfaithful one,
Allow yourself to be taken over by a new passion.
I would like to, but tears fill my eyes,
Tears don't let me look at anyone else.

Mahmoud Farshchian (c)

No one can tell what roses smell like...
Another of the bitter herbs will produce honey...
If you give someone some change, they will remember it forever...
You give your life to someone, but he won’t understand...

Dear friends! Wisdom of life from talented people are always interesting, and the wisdom of life from Omar Khayyam is doubly interesting. Persian poet, philosopher, astrologer, mathematician... Omar Khayyam is famous in the mathematical world for creating a classification of cubic equations; his calendar, created several centuries ago, surpasses the ancient Roman one from an astronomical point of view Julian calendar, and in accuracy the European Gregorian.

A lot can be said about Omar Khayyam, and I may decide to talk about the biography of this extraordinary man, but today’s post is about him literary heritage. Omar Khayyam became famous in our time, first of all, as the author of the famous wise quatrains - reflections - rubai. Rubai - bright, emotional, written with brilliant wit, at the same time musical and lyrical - have conquered the whole world. Most of Rubai are reflections on the Koran. How many quatrains were written by the poet? Now there are about 1200. According to the Indian scientist and researcher of the work of the poet Swami Govinda Tirtha, up to 2,200 quatrains have survived in our time. In fact, no one knows how much was written, because over nine centuries many rubai have been lost forever.

Was there any wisdom of life from Omar Khayyam?

The controversy about the authorship of the Rubaiyat continues to this day. Some believe that Omar Khayyam has no more than 400 original texts, others are more strict - only 66, and some scientists claim - only 6 (those that were found in the most ancient manuscripts). Everything else, according to researchers of Khayyam’s work, all these wise sayings and poems are the authorship of other people. Perhaps the manuscripts that were passed down from generation to generation were accompanied by other people's quatrains, whose authorship was not established. Someone wrote down their own rubai in the margins, and centuries later they were considered missing insertions and included in the main text.

Osman Hamdy Bey (c)

Perhaps the most laconic, daring, witty and elegant quatrains in all centuries were attributed to Omar Khayyam. Finding authentic rubai of Omar Khayyam is a hopeless task, since today the authorship of any quatrain is difficult to establish. Therefore, let us trust ancient and not very ancient manuscripts, we will read wise thoughts and find the quatrain to which our soul responds in this moment. And then say thank you to the author (regardless of who he is) and the translator.

Osman Hamdy Bey (c)

Learn all the secrets of wisdom! - And there?…
Arrange the whole world in your own way! - And there?…
Live carefree until you are a hundred years old and happy...
You will miraculously last until two hundred!... - And there?

“Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam” by E. Fitzgerald

The wisdom of life from Omar Khayyam became known thanks to Edward Fitzgerald, who found a notebook with quatrains and first translated them into Latin language, and then - in 1859 - into English.

These poems amazed the English poet with their wisdom, deep philosophical overtones and at the same time lyricism and subtlety. “After several centuries, old man Khayyam continues to ring like real metal,” Edward Fitzgerald said admiringly. Fitzgerald's translation was arbitrary; in order to connect the quatrains, he made his own insertions, and ultimately created a poem similar to the tales of the Arabian Nights, main character which he constantly feasts on and periodically utters truths over the constant cup of wine.

Thanks to Fitzgerald, Omar Khayyam gained a reputation as a merry fellow, a jokester who loves wine and encourages seizing the moment of pleasure. But thanks to this poem about Persian poet became known to the whole world, and aphorisms, poems, parables and other everyday wisdom were distributed as quotations throughout all countries. The most famous

To live your life wisely, you need to know a lot,
Two important rules remember for starters:
You'd rather starve than eat anything
And it’s better to be alone than with just anyone.

The lower man soul, the higher nose up.
He reaches with his nose to where his soul has not grown.

in the ears or tongues of many.

The appearance of the wise sayings of Omar Khayyam in Russia.

The first publication of Omar Khayyam in Russian appeared in 1891. The translator was the poet V.L. Velichko. He translated 52 quatrains. These were rather paraphrase translations, since the poet did not set himself the task of reproducing the original. A total of 5 sayings were made in the form of quatrains.
In general, more than 40 names are known in Russia who have translated Omar Khayyam. Some of the most famous are the translations of V. Derzhavin, A.V. Starostin, G. Plisetsky, N. Strizhkov, G.S. Semenov. I specifically focus on these names, because I give the quatrains below without indicating the name of the translator (I couldn’t find it, alas). Perhaps these poets are their authors. To date, more than 700 Khayyam rubai have been translated.

We have already said that translations reflect the essence of the translator, because everyone brings into the translation not only their own talent, but also their own understanding of quatrains (by the way, I “fell ill” with the topic of interlinear translation after, which simply stunned me with its conversation). Therefore, the same lines can be interpreted differently. I liked the comparative translation of this original text (interlinear) by Omar Khayyam.

Be cheerful, for there is no end to suffering in sight.
More than once will luminaries in the same zodiac sign come together in the heavens,
[representing the predestination of fate].
The bricks that will be molded from your ashes
Smash into the wall of a house for other people

Mahmoud Farshchian (c)


Translation by C. Guerra (1901):

Surrender to joy! The torment will be eternal!
The days will change: day - night, day - night again;
The earthly hours are all small and fleeting,
And soon you will leave us from here.
You will mix with the earth, with lumps of sticky clay,
And the bricks will be covered with you at the stoves,
And they will build a palace for the lowly cattle,
And at that bookmark they will make a series of speeches.
And your spirit, perhaps, is a former shell
Back to yourself again, it will be in vain to call!
So sing and have fun while they give you a reprieve
And death has not yet come to visit you.

Translation by G. Plisetsky (1971):

Have some fun! The sad ones go crazy.
Eternal darkness shines with eternal stars.
How to get used to what is made of thinking flesh
Will the bricks be made and laid at home?

Unfortunately, I cannot list (due to the blog format) 13 more varieties of this translation. Some rubai have 1 translation, and some (the most popular) have up to 15!

But let's just read and enjoy these poetic lines, because we receive precious advice and instructions. Despite the fact that ten centuries separate his work from us, the wise thoughts of Omar Khayyam still relevant and close to everyone. Indeed, in the quotes of Omar Khayyam about life, about love, about wisdom, the truth is revealed that all people of the world are looking for. Despite the fact (or maybe precisely because) that the statements of his poems are sometimes opposite and contradictory, his rubai captivate people of any age.

Osman Hamdy Bey (c)

Young people, thanks to the wisdom of his poems, have the opportunity to avoid some mistakes. Young people just entering great life, learn worldly wisdom, because the poems of Omar Khayyam give answers to different life situations. Elderly people, who have already seen a lot and are themselves able to give advice for all occasions, find in his quatrains rich food for the mind. They can compare their life wisdom with thoughts extraordinary person who lived a thousand years ago.
Behind the lines one can see the searching and inquisitive personality of the poet. He returns to the same thoughts throughout his life, revising them, discovering new possibilities or secrets of life.

Osman Hamdy Bey (c)

For many years I reflected on earthly life.
There is nothing incomprehensible to me under the sun.
I know that I know nothing, -
This is the last secret I have learned.

Quotes from Omar Khayyam are an opportunity to step away from the hustle and bustle and look into yourself. Even after a thousand years, the voice of Omar Khayyam carries a message of love, understanding of the transience of life and a careful attitude towards every moment of it. Omar Khayyam gives advice on how to succeed in business, how to raise children, how to live in love and peace with your husband, how to build relationships with people around you. These tips are given beautifully, gracefully and expressively. They captivate with their brevity and depth of thought. Every moment of life is priceless, the poet never tires of reminding us.

Osman Hamdy Bey (c)

Wisdom of life from Omar Khayyam

You will say this life is one moment.
Appreciate it, draw inspiration from it.
As you spend it, so it will pass,
Don't forget: she is your creation.

Everything is bought and sold,
And life openly laughs at us.
We are indignant, we are indignant,
But we buy and sell.

Don't share your secret with people,
After all, you don’t know which of them is mean.
What do you do with God's creation?
Expect the same from yourself and from people.

Don't let a scoundrel into your secrets - hide them,
And keep secrets from a fool - hide them,
Look at yourself among the people passing by,
Keep silent about your hopes until the end - hide them!

Everything we see is only one appearance.
Far from the surface of the world to the bottom.
Consider the obvious in the world to be unimportant,
For the secret essence of things is not visible.

We change rivers, countries, cities...
Other doors... New Years...
And we can’t escape ourselves anywhere,
And if you go, you’ll go nowhere.

Hell and heaven are in heaven,” say the bigots.
I looked into myself and became convinced of the lie:
Hell and heaven are not circles in the palace of the universe,
Hell and heaven are two halves of the soul.

Mahmoud Farshchian (c)

We don’t know if life will last until the morning...
So hurry up and sow the seeds of goodness!
And take care of love in this perishable world for your friends
Every moment is more than gold and silver.

We went to look for You, but we became an angry crowd:
And the poor, and the rich, and the generous, and the stingy.
You talk to everyone, none of us hears.
You appear before everyone, any of us is blind.

The sky is the belt of my ruined life,
The tears of the fallen are the salty waves of the seas.
Paradise - blissful peace after passionate efforts,
Hellfire is just a reflection of extinguished passions.

Article material used
Omar Khayyam in Russian translated poetry
(Z. N. Vorozheikina, A. Sh. Shakhverdov)

Life is a moment. Appreciate it while you are alive, drawing inspiration. Life is only your creation. As you harness it, so will you go.

Always keep it short – just the gist. This is the conversation of a real man. A pair of ears is a lonely tongue. Pay attention and listen twice - open your mouth only once. – Omar Khayyam

Pour, do not spare me the flowing fire, pour ruby ​​sparks into the glass, give me a massive goblet, fill the container with the joy of playing lights.

The stars decorated our sky. They shine in the sky, disturbing peace and sleep. We are expecting thousands of people. The table is set, but it's low season.

If you recognize someone else's superiority, that means you are an adult husband. If he is a true master of his actions and promises, then he is doubly a man. There is no honor or glory in humiliating the weak. If you are compassionate in misfortune, if you help in trouble, you are also worthy of recognition and respect. O. Khayyam

Fortunately, no one has ever been able to please and satisfy oneself without consequences and disappointments.

The source of joy and the sea of ​​​​sorrow are people. As well as a container of filth, and a transparent spring. A person is reflected in a thousand mirrors - he changes his face like a chameleon, at the same time being insignificant and immeasurably great.

Continue reading Omar Khayyam's quotes on the following pages:

Those who have not sought the way are unlikely to be shown the way - Knock - and the doors to destiny will open!

Passion cannot deep love to be friends, if he can, then he won’t be together for long.

If a vile person pours medicine for you, pour it out! If a wise man pours poison on you, accept it!

Those who lose heart die before their time.

No one saw either heaven or hell; Has anyone returned from there to our corruptible world? But these ghosts are fruitless for us and our fears and hopes are an unchanging source.

exalt yourself, Are you so great and wise? - dare to ask yourself. Let the eyes serve as an example - huge seeing the world, They do not complain because they cannot see themselves.

We change rivers, countries, cities. Other doors. New Years. But we can’t escape ourselves anywhere, and if we escape, we will only go nowhere.

Evil is not born from good and vice versa. Human eyes are given to us to distinguish them!

I will teach you how to please everyone, lavish smiles left and right, praise Jews, Muslims and Christians - and you will gain good fame for yourself.

Passion cannot be friends with deep love. If it can, then they will not be together for long.

Nobility is born through suffering, friend, to become a pearl - is it given to every drop? You can lose everything, save only your soul - the cup will be filled again, if only there was wine.

Those who have not sought the way are unlikely to be shown the way - knock and the doors to destiny will open!

From feigned love there is no quenching, No matter how much the rotten light shines, there is no burning. Day and night there is no peace for a lover, For months there is no moment of oblivion!

You, the Almighty, in my opinion, are greedy and old. You deal blow after blow to the slave. Paradise is the reward of the sinless for their obedience. Would you give me something not as a reward, but as a gift!

Saki! I admire the fleeting dawn, I rejoice in any carefree moments. If you haven't drunk all the wine during the night, pour it. “Today” is a glorious moment! And “tomorrow” will be... eternal.

Although a wise man is not a miser and does not accumulate goods, the world is bad for a wise man without silver. Under the fence the violet fades from beggary, And the rich rose is red and generous!

Don't complain about pain - that's the best medicine.

To grow a shoot of despondency in the soul is a crime.

Of those who have traversed the length and breadth of the world, of those whom the Creator doomed to search, has at least one found anything that we did not know and that was useful to us?

You’d rather starve than eat anything, and it’s better to be alone than with just anyone.

Everything we see is only one appearance. Far from the surface of the world to the bottom. Consider the obvious in the world to be unimportant, for the secret essence of things is not visible.

Life is a desert, we wander through it naked. mortal, full of pride, you are simply ridiculous!

He is too zealous and shouts: “It’s me!” In the wallet, the little gold coin strums: “It’s me!” But as soon as he has time to get things going, Death knocks on the braggart’s window: “It’s me!”

You will say: this life is one moment. Appreciate it, draw inspiration from it. As you spend it, so it will pass, do not forget: she is your creation.

If a mill, a bathhouse, luxurious palace A fool and a scoundrel receive a gift, And a worthy one goes into bondage for bread - I don’t care about your justice, creator!

It is better to gnaw on bones than to be seduced by sweets at the table of scoundrels in power.

Until death we will become neither better nor worse. We are the way Allah created us!

Don’t share your secret with people, because you don’t know which of them is mean. As you yourself act with God’s creation, expect the same from people.

It is better to drink and caress cheerful beauties than to seek salvation in fasting and prayers. If there is a place in hell for lovers and drunkards, then who will you order to allow into heaven?

It's hard to understand God's plans, old man. This sky has neither top nor bottom. Sit in a secluded corner and be content with little: as long as the stage is at least a little visible!

IN God's temple don't let me in the door. I am an atheist. This is how God created me. I am like a harlot whose faith is a vice. Sinners would be glad to go to heaven, but they don’t know the roads.

Know: in the heat of love, you have to be icy. At a high-ranking feast, you have to be cool.

One will not understand what roses smell like. Another of the bitter herbs will produce honey. Give bread to one - he will remember it forever. Sacrifice the life of another - he won’t understand...

Communicating with a fool will not bring you shame, so listen to Khayyam’s advice: accept the poison offered to you by the sage, but do not accept balm from the hands of a fool.

Man is the truth of the world, the crown, not everyone knows this, but only the sage.

In this perishable Universe, in due time, a person and a flower turn into dust, if the dust evaporated from under our feet, a bloody stream would flow from the sky to the ground.

Not appropriate good people to offend, it is not appropriate to growl like a predator in the desert. It’s not smart to boast about the wealth you’ve acquired, it’s not appropriate to honor yourself with titles!

He who from his youth believes in his own mind has become dry and gloomy in pursuit of the truth. He who claims from childhood to know life, without becoming a grape, has turned into a raisin.

If a vile person pours medicine for you, pour it out! If a wise man pours poison on you, accept it!

Wine is prohibited, but there are four “buts”:
It depends on who drinks wine, with whom, when and in moderation.
If these four conditions are met
Wine is allowed to all sane people.

Don't give a fool a drunken treat,
To protect yourself from feelings of disgust:
When he's drunk, he won't let you sleep with his screams,
And in the morning he’ll get tired of it, asking for forgiveness.

Don't look at how someone else is smarter than everyone else,
And see if he is true to his word.
If he doesn’t throw his words to the wind -
There is no price for him, as you yourself understand.

If you want, I’ll tell you how to look for treasure in life,
Amid the world's disasters, seek peace of mind:
You just need to not be distracted from the wine by anything,
Only pleasure to seek for the whole century in a row.

One's work is always shameful

Because own death can't be delayed
Since from above the path is indicated for mortals,
Since eternal things cannot be molded from wax -
There’s no point in crying about it, friends!

The greatness of the world is always in accordance with the greatness of the spirit looking at it. The good one finds his paradise here on earth, the evil one already has his hell here.

Some people are deceived by earthly life,
Some of them turn to a different life in their dreams.
Death is a wall. And in life no one will know
The highest truth hidden behind this wall.

Everything will pass - and the seed of hope will not sprout,
Everything you have accumulated will not be lost for a penny:
If you don't share with your friend on time -
All your property will go to the enemy

I am not afraid of death, I do not complain about fate,
I do not seek consolation in the hope of heaven.
An eternal soul, given to me for a short time,
I will return it in due time without complaint.

After all, it doesn’t matter at all what you die from,
After all, what is more important is why you were born.

The earth must crumble at the end of time.
I look into the future and see that she,
Short-lived, will not bear fruit for us...
Except for beautiful young faces and scarlet wine.

Until death we will become neither better nor worse.
We are the way Allah created us!

Nobility and meanness, courage and fear -
Everything is built into our bodies from birth.

If you don't share it with your friend on time -
All your wealth will go to the enemy.

In this world, love is the adornment of people,
To be deprived of love is to be without friends.
The one whose heart has not clung to the drink of love,
He's a donkey, even though he doesn't wear donkey ears!

If I were given omnipotence -
I would have cast down such a sky long ago
And would erect another, reasonable sky
So that it loves only the worthy.

Everything we see is only one appearance.
Far from the surface of the world to the bottom.
Consider the obvious in the world to be unimportant,
For the secret essence of things is not visible.

You, Almighty, in my opinion, are greedy and old.
You deal blow after blow to the slave.
Paradise is the reward of the sinless for their obedience.
Would you give me something not as a reward, but as a gift!

You are not very generous, almighty Creator:
How many broken hearts are there in the world due to you!
There are so many ruby ​​lips, musky curls
You, like a miser, hid it in a bottomless casket!

One will not understand what roses smell like. Another of the bitter herbs will produce honey. Give bread to one - he will remember it forever. Sacrifice the life of another - don’t
will understand...

You can't look into tomorrow today,
Just the thought of him makes my chest feel painful.
Who knows how many days you have left to live?
Don't waste them, be prudent.

Water... I drank it once. She doesn't quench my thirst

There is no point in locking the door in front of the future,
There is no point in choosing between evil and good.
The sky is rushing blindly dice -
Everything that falls out must be lost in time!

Do not envy the one who is stronger and richer, after the dawn there is always a sunset, treat this short life, equal to a sigh, as if it were given to you.
for rent.

I would compare the world to a chessboard -
sometimes it’s day, sometimes it’s night, and you and I are pawns.
Moved quietly and beaten
and put it in a dark box to rest!

Mortals, do not mourn yesterday's losses... Today is today, do not measure tomorrow by the yardstick... Believe neither the past nor the future minute... Believe the minute
current - be happy now...

We change rivers, countries, cities. Other doors. New Years. But we can’t escape ourselves anywhere, and if we escape, we will only go nowhere.

God gives, God takes - that’s the whole story.
What's what remains a mystery to us.
How long to live, how much to drink - they measure
by eye, and even then they strive not to top it up every time.

I would like to mold my life from the smartest things
I didn’t think of it there, but I didn’t manage to do it here.
But Time is our efficient teacher!
As soon as you give me a slap on the head, you have become a little wiser.

The ocean, made of drops, is large.
The continent is made up of dust particles.
Your coming and going doesn't matter.
Just a fly flew into the window for a moment...

Who is ugly, who is handsome - does not know passion,
A madman in love agrees to go to hell.
Lovers don't care what to wear,
What to lay on the ground, what to put under your head!

Better to fall into poverty, starve or steal,
How to become one of the despicable dishevelers.
It's better to gnaw on bones than to be seduced by sweets
At the table of the scoundrels in power.

Be easier on people. Do you want to be wiser -
Don't hurt with your wisdom.

Have smaller friends, don't expand their circle.
And remember: better than close ones, a friend living far away.
Take a calm look at everyone who is sitting around.
In whom you saw support, you will suddenly see your enemy.

Communicating with a fool will not lead to shame.
Therefore, listen to Khayyam’s advice:
Take the poison offered to you by the sage,
Do not accept balm from the hands of a fool.

Can only be shown to sighted people.
Sing the song only to those who hear.
Give yourself to someone who will be grateful
Who understands, loves and appreciates.

You must be good with both friend and enemy! He who is kind by nature will not find malice in him. If you offend a friend, you will make an enemy; if you hug an enemy, you will gain a friend.

In this unfaithful world, don’t be a fool: Don’t you dare rely on those around you. Look with a firm eye at your closest friend - A friend may turn out to be your worst enemy.

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