Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Does a boomerang exist in life? The Law of Boomerang - heavenly punishment or manna from heaven? The boomerang law works

Does a boomerang exist in life? The Law of Boomerang - heavenly punishment or manna from heaven? The boomerang law works

It's hard to call life predictable. However, if you take a closer look, you can see the relationship between a person’s actions and events in his life. This connection so thin that it can be difficult to track. To denote the interdependence of everything that happens in life, the concept “effect” is accepted.

What is the essence of the boomerang effect?

The essence this effect is as follows: day after day, a person continuously sends into the world great amount“boomerangs”, these can be certain actions or words, feelings or even thoughts. Everything sent sooner or later comes back: angry words thrown in the heat of the moment can come back tomorrow or in five years, they can change and result in deprivation of a bonus or loss of a valuable item.

If you send something good as a boomerang, it will definitely come back in a much larger volume. Negative actions and thoughts thrown like a boomerang return with harsh blows of fate. It's hard to imagine how many times a day ordinary person visit bad thoughts and emotions. It becomes clear why a huge number of lives and destinies are filled with difficulties and bitterness.

Fact or fiction?

You can doubt it endlessly, but the boomerang effect still works, the main thing is to see the subtle connection between events. “What goes around comes around” is an old saying that perfectly expresses the principle of the boomerang effect. And there are many such phrases originating in antiquity. Even the Bible has words that support the theory that everything comes back.

How to use the boomerang effect to your advantage

If you think sensibly, then it is not difficult to understand the following truth: according to the boomerang law, everything given will sooner or later come back, having changed and increased in volume. It turns out that with the help of the effect you can significantly improve the quality of your life.

The boomerang effect actually works very simply: if something is missing, for example money, you need to give it away. It sounds ridiculous, but that's how it is. If there is a catastrophic shortage of hard coins in the house, you need to go and give half of what you have to those people who are in a more deplorable situation.

Is there not enough love in life? This means you need to give your love to someone. For example, a lonely grandmother next door. You should give sincerely, without at all hoping for a quick return. Of course, everything will come back, but the Universe cares about the attitude with which people do good deeds.

Hello, dear readers my blog! Have you heard that everything in life comes back like a boomerang? Do you know how rich there are in sayings on this topic? folk wisdom? For example, “As you sow, so shall you reap”, “As it comes around, so it will respond”, “Don’t spit in the well, otherwise you’ll have to drink water from it”... And they are all for good reason, because this boomerang law does exist. If only because the entire Universe consists of laws that operate continuously and which we cannot influence.

Features and general information

Both ancient thinkers and modern scientists were interested in this topic, and even psychology and religion did not ignore this issue. No one has been able to unravel the secret of this law for sure, but one thing is clear - it has no time limits. That is, if you have done something unforgivable towards another person, you should not expect retribution immediately. Sometimes it happens that misdeeds affect the descendants, to whom not only the knowledge accumulated by the family is passed on, but also sins, because there is a connection between generations.

Another feature is that the return reaction does not come from the person to whom you did good or evil. It also tends to increase. A very important principle that some people miss is that the boomerang even works on our thoughts. Yes, yes, remember, I told you that thoughts are material(), energetically charged and equated to actions?

That is, if you thought very badly about someone and mentally wished for the worst, this already symbolizes action. The universe will hear the message, only the charged energy will return to its owner. Even if you helped another person, but at that moment you didn’t want it at all, then it will be the negativity that you experienced at that moment that will return. Therefore, it is important to defend your boundaries and gently say “no” to others if you really don’t want to do something. You should not commit violence against yourself and at the same time receive punishment.

The law has its own formula, which looks like this

  • Everything good you do will come back to you threefold;
  • Everything bad you do will come back to you tenfold.

Such a big difference because, in order to motivate a person to do good deeds, for which he will receive encouragement.

There are cases when a person follows this principle, tries to think positively and does not harm others, but in life something is still not as one would like. Then, of course, the easiest way is to doubt the probability of the Universe’s operation and wonder whether this law really exists? I have an answer to this question. The fact is that if we expect benefit, the opposite situation will happen. Can a person who helped a disadvantaged person be called an altruist and waits for recognition from others, or even demands it, accusing him of heartlessness?

The most important rule is to think positively, learn to notice the good in your life, because happiness comes from small grains of joy. Be grateful for every day you live, appreciate what you have, it is necessary first of all for you. If your thinking style begins to change to a positive one, you will be in a good mood, then the desire to do something nasty to someone else will not arise, and accordingly, encouragement will come. The Universe loves those who know how to appreciate and enjoy life, giving warmth to others.


Do good every day, even a smile sometimes works wonders because it is a powerful support. Just set a rule for yourself to do something good and pleasant every day, not only for yourself, but also for others. Then the world will give you back over time, as they say. And before going to bed, remember how productive your day was.


Envy is a motivating feeling when there is a desire to possess something that another has. It motivates us to take action; we can say that envy develops us. This is only the case when a person understands that it is necessary to make efforts to achieve the same result, and is ready for activity. But, unfortunately, sometimes it happens that for some reason it’s easier to get angry at someone else. Then envy destroys, and not only because you have to hold back feelings of anger, irritation, and maybe resentment at fate, but also because all this energy will later come back. There is only one way out - work on yourself, if you want - move towards your dream, take action, get up every time you fall, and over time you will come to your dream.


You shouldn't take revenge if you've been hurt. Believe me, holding onto resentment and anger will only harm your body; there is a risk of getting diseases such as ulcers, headaches, tooth decay, heart problems, etc. If the truth is on your side, over time the Universe itself will punish the offender. You only need to find safe way how to reset negative energy, for example, creativity or sports can help. Then it will be easier to forgive and let go of the situation in order to move on with your life, without carrying around an unnecessary burden in the form of the image of the person who offended you.

The ancients knew that the Law of Boomerang exists in our lives. As it comes back, so will it respond... Don’t spit in the well, otherwise you’ll have to drink the water... Don’t dig a hole for someone else, otherwise you’ll fall into it yourself... Biblical - what goes around comes around... IN different time, in different cultures and different nations - different variants voicing, but always the same meaning. Everything comes back. And this is inevitable. There is no escape or escape from this.

The Law of Grain, or the harvest is the fruit of your labors

Everything we have done, consciously or unconsciously, out of human malice or human stupidity, inevitably comes back to us. This is the effect of deja vu. Years later, when we have long forgotten about our action, exactly the same, or similar, or completely different situation is simulated in which we find ourselves, exactly the opposite, in a different role. And our further fate. Therefore p Before you say or do anything, or say or do nothing, ask yourself, are you ready for the boomerang law to operate in the future?

Herluf Bidstrup illustrated the principle of the boomerang law

Two traveling angels stopped for the night in the house of a rich family. The family was not hospitable: the travelers were put to bed for the night in a cold basement. As they were making the bed, the elder angel saw a hole in the wall and repaired it.

The angels spent the next night in the house of a very poor but hospitable man and his wife. The couple shared a meager meal with the angels and told the angels to sleep in their beds where they could get a good night's sleep. In the morning, after awakening, the angels found the owner and his wife crying. Their only cow, whose milk was the family's only income, lay dead in the barn.

The younger angel asked the older one:

The elder angel replied:

When we were in the basement, I realized that there was a treasure of gold in the hole in the wall. His master was rude and angry. I repaired the wall, and he will never find the treasure. When on next night we were sleeping in bed, the angel of death came for the owner’s wife. I gave him the cow.

Many things in life are not what they seem. We never know everything. We can be sure of only one thing: actions come back. Events, actions of other people, accidents and coincidences. But we will understand this only with time.

It is important to understand that the law does not work with mathematical precision. A thief can be killed - he does not have to be robbed. The killer may live long life, while being poor, rejected and deeply unhappy. One thing is true: if you give good, you get good, if you give evil, you get bad.
Castaneda said: “If you don’t like what you get, change what you give.”

Panalyze your life. What do you lack, in what area do you lack luck? If there is no love, perhaps you didn’t give it to someone? There is no money - maybe they took something else? There is no health - maybe you need to help someone recover, at least morally guide the person towards recovery... The verdict will sound something like this: “What you don’t get, you denied someone.”

At the beginning of the twentieth century, a Scottish farmer was walking home past a marshy area when he heard cries for help. The farmer rushed to help and saw a boy who was being sucked into its terrible abysses by the swamp slurry.

The boy tried to climb out of the terrible mass of the swamp, but his every movement brought him closer to death. The boy screamed in despair and fear. The farmer quickly cut down a thick branch, carefully approached and extended a saving branch to the drowning man. The boy got out to safety. He trembled, he could not stop crying for a long time, but the main thing was that he was saved!

“Let’s go to my house,” the farmer suggested to him. - You need to calm down, dry out and warm up.

No, no,” the boy shook his head, “my dad is waiting for me.” He's probably very worried.
Looking gratefully into the eyes of his savior, the boy ran away...

In the morning, the farmer saw a rich carriage pulled by luxurious thoroughbred horses drive up to his house. A richly dressed gentleman came out of the carriage and asked:

Was it you who saved my son's life yesterday?
“Yes, I am,” answered the farmer.
- How much do I owe you?
- Don't offend me, sir. You don't owe me anything because I did what a normal person should have done.
- No, I can’t leave it just like that, because my son is very dear to me. Name any amount,” the visitor insisted.
- I don’t want to talk about this topic anymore. Goodbye. - The farmer turned to leave. And then his son jumped out onto the porch.
- Is your son? - asked the rich guest.
“Yes,” the farmer answered proudly, patting the boy on the head.
- Let's do this. I will take your son with me to London and pay for his education. If he is as noble as his father, then neither you nor I will regret this decision.

Several years have passed. The farmer's son finished school, then - medical University, and soon his name became world famous as the name of the man who discovered penicillin. His name was Alexander Flemming.

The story continued.Just before the war, the son of that same gentleman was admitted to one of the rich London clinics with a severe form of pneumonia. What do you think saved his life this time? According to legend, it was penicillin discovered by Alexander Flemming.

The name of the wealthy gentleman who educated Flemming is Randolph Churchill. And his son's name was Winston Churchill, who later became Prime Minister of England and veryliked to repeat:“What you do will come back to you”.

Everything comes back sooner or later. There will be a reward for good deeds, and punishment for bad deeds. Of course, many people are confident that they can get away with anything, but the boomerang law has acted, is in effect and will continue to operate. Everything comes back: thoughts, actions, and words.

What it is?

Speaking in simple language, the boomerang law is an unbreakable rule according to which a person always gets what he deserves. His good deeds, thoughts, good wishes or negativity - everything will certainly return a hundredfold. For example, if we take into account all the world's religions, it will become obvious that the boomerang rule was in effect long before the advent of modern man. And our ancestors prudently made entries into religious postulates. The main book of Christianity - the Bible - teaches a person to treat people as he would like to be treated.

What do scientists say?

In scientific circles, the boomerang rule has been studied for quite a long period of time. However, scientists still cannot come to a clear decision. Presumably it is generally accepted that the boomerang law is the influence of the subconscious. A person who radiates negativity may subconsciously experience a feeling of shame or remorse. Perhaps he cannot realize it, but emotions do not disappear anywhere and affect life. This could be a good explanation, but, according to the results of studies, only 34% of cases involve subconscious experiences. Therefore, science cannot reliably say how the boomerang rule works. It just is, and nothing can be done about it.

Religious aspects

As is known, every world religion has its own rules and regulations. However, there are 7 inviolable postulates that are present in every faith. And among them there is always a point that evil returns. Of course, this sounds different in every religion, but the basic meaning is still the same. The boomerang rule is in effect, and every religious denomination is trying to convey this idea to its parishioners. For example, Buddhists believe in reincarnation, that is, the rebirth of a person after death. They generally believe that all actions from this life will affect future destiny. Although it is called karma, the meaning is the same.

Can the law not work?

The boomerang rule is a set of causal situations and their consequences. This is a manifestation of karmic influence, according to which a person is treated as he once did. However, people do not always believe in this, because they do not see the rapid implementation of this law.

Let's take, for example, the usual life situation: A husband leaves his wife and children. They have no means of subsistence, so the mother sells the apartment and moves in with her parents, gets a job, tries to get the children back on their feet and barely ex-husband meanwhile, he doesn’t deny himself anything, he has new lover, successful business and a new trip abroad every weekend. Many years later, the situation does not change: the woman is still trying to survive, but ex-lover doesn't need anything.

This happens quite often, and one has to doubt whether the boomerang rule applies in life. But this law always works, the whole point is that some time must pass between the action and the consequence. And at times this period can drag on for several years, so people lose the cause-and-effect relationship.

Very often you can meet a person who always helps everyone, but for him everything works out the way it should. All his endeavors are doomed to failure, but such a person does not give up and does not get angry in vain. And then one day, after 5-7 years (or all 10), a moment comes in his life. white stripe. All his ideas come true, as if by magic magic wand. From the outside it may seem that he is simply incredibly lucky, but in reality this is all payment for the good that he previously did to people. Therefore, the boomerang rule always works.

Captured by thoughts

Retribution comes not only for actions, but also for and this is a fact. There is even good proverb: “Before you think, think.” A very apt statement, especially considering that many people have never encountered the concept of “thought hygiene.” Constant despondency and a negative attitude towards the world poison the life of every person; these emotions also fall under the boomerang rule. “Don’t make others angry, and don’t make yourself angry” - this is precisely the principle that one should act by in society, so as not to get a good “slap on the head” from the Universe.

If a person is constantly worried about something, is dissatisfied with something, or is afraid of something, then sooner or later all his fears will come true. Yes, in life there is always a place for experiences, but you should not elevate them to the status of obsessions.

Sweet revenge

If someone has offended a person, there is no need to harbor a grudge or try to take revenge. It's better to just wish everyone well and move on. Of course, sometimes it is difficult to erase from life what caused pain, but if you focus on this moment, you can miss your happiness. And revenge is also not best way out. Even if we assume that the “retaliatory strike” strategy was successfully implemented, a person cannot say for sure that in the future he will not make a similar mistake, and he will definitely not be revenged in the same way.

Let's say there is a situation: a girl got a job as a secretary. She had to become her boss's mistress because she didn't want to lose her job. Her boss is a family man, and he has a very strict wife, but this does not stop the man from going “to the left.” After some time, the girl comes to her boss so that he signs documents about her going on maternity leave. The man could not come to terms with the fact that his subordinate had an affair and decided to fire her without severance pay. The girl threatened to tell everything to his wife. The boss began to beg not to destroy the family. Although the expectant mother was offended by such an attitude, she did not resort to extreme measures, was still fired. A few years later, this girl became not only a happy wife and mother, but also successful entrepreneur. One day she met her former boss. He was not going through the best period in his life, and he threatened her that he would tell the press that the now respected businesswoman had a relationship with her own boss in the past. The woman began to beg him not to ruin her life, and he disappeared. Like her in her time, the man remained silent.

This is an excellent example of how the boomerang law can operate in relationships between people. In addition, everything might not have turned out so well if the girl had taken revenge on her boss at one time. Yes, he would have found himself in an unpleasant situation, but how would her life have turned out then?!


Life itself knows who and how to punish. And a person should not think that if he stole something, then his valuable thing will be lost. Consequences for actions never equal the amount of harm caused. The payoff is always much greater than the damage caused. For example, if a person insults someone, he may get into an accident. If you hit someone, something could be stolen from him, or a fire could happen in the house. What a person values ​​most always becomes the object that will be affected first by the boomerang rule.

How to live happily?

This is not a bedtime horror story, but real story called “The Law of Boomerang in Life.” Psychology is studying this aspect in every possible way, and its leading specialists have been racking their brains for several years now about how not to fall into the hands of others. And today there are several effective methods:

  • Down with gossip. You can't gossip about others, even if the person is telling true story about the bad deed of another, this will undoubtedly leave its negative imprint.
  • Don't get angry and don't curse. No matter how strong the resentment against someone may be, you cannot be angry with him or wish anything bad. Otherwise, some of the curses will have to be shared with the offender.
  • Don't go over your head. No matter what bright prospects loom on the horizon, you cannot neglect the people who are nearby. Other people's tears always come back.
  • Don't be jealous. Someone else's success should be an impetus for achieving your own goals, and not a source of anger and resentment. It should be remembered that negativity always attracts negativity.
  • Give good. Even if these are meaningless little things, but over time the good will definitely return.

It has many names: someone says that someone is sure that these are the principles of the universe or the laws of the Universe. But no one denies the fact that all human actions and thoughts return. We can conclude that each person holds his own happiness in his hands, and it depends only on his actions whether it will be broken or increased.

To put it very simply Boomerang Law, then this is the rule or principle by which everything that you give comes back to you.

This cosmic law has been well known to people at all times; it is repeatedly reflected in folk proverbs and sayings.

What goes around comes around…

As it comes back, so will it respond...

What is hello, so is the answer…

Don't dig a hole for someone else - you yourself will fall into it...

Moreover, this universal principle works in both directions. Both for good and for evil, both for plus and minus, for both creation and destruction.

That is, the more good we do in our lives than more good we “sow” around us - the better, more prosperous and happier our lives will be.

And the more bad we do, the more negativity radiates from us, the stronger the troubles and problems that arise on our life path.

Boomerang Law It is also notable for the fact that it works not only in relation to human actions, but also to our thoughts.

On the energetic plane, thought equals action, therefore, even if you thought badly about someone, it means that you HAVE ALREADY committed a negative action towards this person.

By allowing yourself a negative thought, you HAVE ALREADY committed a bad act, and according to the boomerang law, it will come back to you in the form of problems, even if you didn’t do anything bad. If we paraphrase the well-known expression about the boomerang rule, we get:

Be afraid of your thoughts, because they tend to come back

It is in relation to our thoughts that the Boomerang Law is consonant with another universal principle of the Universe - the Law of Attraction

The Law of Boomerang and the Law of Attraction

They have a lot in common, but there are also differences between them.


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