Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill The most famous entrepreneurs of the world and russia. Qualities for successful entrepreneurs

The most famous entrepreneurs of the world and russia. Qualities for successful entrepreneurs

The path of a young businessman is difficult, but exciting. It requires tremendous effort and will to win. The stories of 10 Russian entrepreneurs who started their business from scratch and received results up to 35 years old showed that success can be achieved in any area. Creation of mobile games and payment services, development of robot assistants, opening of clothing stores, tailoring of unique sweatshirts with inscriptions and even the production of diesel generators - you can earn millions with the right approach to business.


Who are they, young entrepreneurs of Russia - crazy geniuses, darlings of fate, excellent cramps or hard workers? Experience shows that everyone can achieve success in business up to 35-40 years old. However, you have to put your soul into your business: go through difficult path ups and downs, sleepless nights and huge debts; overcome criticism and competition; start from scratch and reach the top.

Despite the assurances of skeptics that it is difficult to do business in Russia, dozens of new members are added to the All-Russian Association of Young Entrepreneurs every year. Their guiding star is the stories of young successful Russian businessmen.

Table 1. 10 young entrepreneurs in Russia who created their business from scratch

Year of birth

Business area

Personal fortune in 2016, million dollars

Alexander Agapitov

Payment service for games

Nikolay Saganenko

Real estate mockups and complaints e-book

Pizza preparation and delivery

Andrey Pryakhin

Ilya Sachkov

Fight against cybercrime

Dmitry Khrapov

Sale of railway and air tickets, tours and hotel rooms online

Andrey Medvedev

Manufacture of diesel generators and pumping units

Anastasia Sartan

Sale of exclusive clothing, TV programs about fashion

Semyon Kibalo

Making sweatshirts with slogans for students and athletes

Oleg Krivokurtsev

Building assistant robots

Agapitov Alexander - the creator of the payment service for Xsolla games

In the early 2000s, Alexander was an ordinary student of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at Perm University. Youthful enthusiasm gave birth to one idea after another of the IT business, but the young entrepreneur did not have the funds to implement them.

“There were no investors who gave money to 20-year-old boys from Perm. Even if someone gave money, receiving a share in the company, it was understood that you still borrow it "

Finding start-up capital was difficult. Agapitov had only one thing to do - to transfer the apartment in which they lived with their mother, as a pledge consumer cooperative"Amulet". The organization issued young man a loan in the amount of 700,000 rubles. The deal was risky, but the funds went to the entrepreneur at a rate of 3.5%. Their entrepreneur alternately poured into three projects:

  • the Betsee algorithm, which allowed calculating profitable bets at bookmakers;
  • 2pay platform for exchanging electronic currencies;
  • payment service for Xsolla games.

Although the first two projects allowed the young businessman to repay the debt to "Obereg", it was the Xsolla payment service that brought him millions.

Reference. Alexander developed all IT products independently with the support of friends from the university. He had to quit the latter in his third year due to lack of time for study.

It is now built into over 1200 games. The head office of the company operates in Los Angeles, and its branches operate in Russia, South Korea, Brazil and Ukraine. 30% of the company's income comes from the Russian-speaking segment.

Nikolay Saganenko - from stickers with congratulations to an electronic book of complaints

Petersburg resident Nikolai Saganenko, already at the age of 16, created his first business, which brought him up to 50 thousand rubles. per month. The young entrepreneur did not stop there - the projects started one after the other:

  • 2004 - production of stickers for flowers with congratulations;
  • 2005 - Creation and sale of glowing powder for car tires;
  • 2006 - production of models architectural structures made of polymeric materials.

The third startup was a real breakthrough: in the first month alone, the businessman received 10 large orders for 2 million rubles. The reason for this popularity is the virtual absence of competitors in the industry.

“In 2006, in my first year at university, I met a man who knew how to make layouts, but he had few clients. Then I took the Yellow Pages directory and started calling construction firms... A month later, the first orders went and the first profit. And after six months we had a workshop for 60 square meters and 5 people in the team "

Since 2010, in addition to the business of creating layouts, Saganenko has been developing the DASMS project. He is e-book complaints that any company can run to collect feedback on shortcomings in their work. Today the platform operates in more than 1000 corporations in Russia and abroad.

Fedor Ovchinnikov - the cheerful founder of Dodo Pizza

The story of Fyodor began very banal - Syktyvkar University, a diploma in archeology, participation in the party of Eduard Limonov.

However, in 2006, the young man decided to try himself in business and with a loan received for renovating an apartment, he became a co-founder of the bookstore chain "Book by Book". The lack of agreement with a partner on a number of issues forced him to leave the business with a pile of debts.

Throughout the entire period of the existence of the business, the young entrepreneur kept an Internet diary in the LiveJournal Power of the Mind. Thousands of subscribers instantly learned about his failure.

The defeat in front of the public did not break Ovchinnikov: he gathered his will into a fist and went to St. Petersburg. Here for several months he worked as an ordinary worker in well-known fast food chains - Papa John's, McDonald's and Sbarro.

Having gained invaluable experience, Fedor returned to Syktyvkar, where he rented a small basement room with the remainder of the funds from his first business (400 thousand rubles) and organized the first pizza production point in it. He highlighted this event in his blog, to which he received a lot of skeptical responses that:

  • It's impossible to make money selling pizza big money.
  • V small town with 20 pizzerias, the new fast food item will fail.

However, six months passed, and the pizzeria brought young entrepreneur 1 million rubles This was facilitated by a detailed business organization system, a blog with thousands of subscribers and viral marketing.

Interesting fact. In 2014, Fedor offered customers a unique service - air delivery of pizza using a quadcopter. In this way, 50 pizzas were sent to the clients, after which the State Aviation Inspectorate issued a warning to the company. This action was recognized as a successful marketing ploy even in the West.

Today, Dodo Pizza includes more than 70 pizzerias around the world (in 2016 it came to the United States). By 2020, the company plans to bring its shares to an IPO.

Andrey Pryakhin - gaming business on social networks

Law student Russian Academy national economy Pryakhin has always been attracted computer games... A craving for "strategy shooters" shaped his interest in programming. Together with their friend Mikhail Talalaev, they decide to create and sell their own games:

  • 2008 - A simple flash game "Saakashvili's Mission" appears, which brought small profits to the partners.
  • 2009 - the application "Fashion Week" for women was created, which was launched in social network"In contact with".

In 2011, Andrey creates a game development studio "Kefir!", Which begins work on a large project "Tyuryaga". He introduces gamers to all the delights of criminal and prison life. Mobile game was launched on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte and Facebook. The idea turned out to be successful - to this day it brings Pryakhin a solid income.

Now the studio "Kefir!" is working on the game "Forge of Glory", which should be the next breakthrough for Andrey Pryakhin and his team.

Ilya Sachkov is a brave organizer of the agency for the fight against cybercrimes

In 2003, a student at the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman Ilya Sachkov was in the hospital. His friends decided to dilute boring hospital days with an exciting book about cybercrimes, written based on materials from the FBI.

Ilya left the hospital with an understanding of the idea of ​​his future business. He borrowed 150 thousand rubles from his older brother, opened a company that began its journey in a new industry for Russia.

Reference. The firm received its first serious order in 2010. Then the website Leta Group, which represented the Slovak antivirus company ESET in the Russian Federation, was subjected to a hacker attack. After that, orders from private and government organizations.

Today, the agency for the investigation, detection and suppression of cybercrimes is engaged in large-scale thefts and hacks in the network, cyber terrorism, unfair competition, etc.

In 2016, Group-IB began, together with the Institute of the King of Thailand, to implement a large-scale project on international cybersecurity. In the same year, the firm received large investments from European funds.

Dmitry Khrapov - a travel portal born in a train

In 2003, a student of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, Dmitry Khrapov, like many of his neighbors in the student dormitory, visited his relatives in Ramenskoye on weekends. He learned the timetable of trains from paper booklets. But there was serious problem: Often the schedule for the movement of trains changed, and it was possible to find out about this only at the station.

In those years, Dmitry Khrapov and his classmate Yuri Titov were already making a living by creating websites. Useful skills helped them create their own project Tutu.ru. The essence of his work was as follows:

  • Train timetables were manually entered on the site.
  • Friends learned about changes in train schedules by going round the stations on their own.
  • Regular visitors of their site began to inform partners of separate information about the shifts in the schedule.

Since 2006, the website Tutu.ru began selling tickets for trains and electric trains, and in 2007 - air tickets. Funds earned on banner advertising, the firm invested in its own contextual advertising.

In 2007-2008, many sites of a similar type began to appear on the market: competitive fight escalated.

“If you do something bad, nothing will work out. You have to do well, and then the question is what people will choose. "

In 2009-2011, tours, hotel rooms and bus tickets began to be sold through the site. In 2012, a round-the-clock call-center for clients was launched.

According to the Kommersant newspaper, in 2016 Tutu.ru became the most visited site for the sale of railway and air tickets, which is visited by up to 4 million people daily. The business turnover was $ 250 million per year.

Andrey Medvedev - start a barn business and make millions

The career of Andrei Medvedev, a graduate of the Yaroslavl university, began according to the standard scenario: he got a job at the Avtodizel plant, on the basis of which he rose a few years to the position of deputy head of the marketing department. Good position, serious salary, however ...:

  1. The plant sold only standard generators through a dealer network.
  2. Customers requested models that were more adapted to individual needs - insulated, with a cooling system, mobile, pre-configured, etc.

The proposal to modify standard models at the request of customers, voiced to the management of Avtodiesel, was rejected. Then he firmly decided to implement this idea on his own.

The necessary start-up capital Medvedev did not. As a result, he, together with his partner Alexander Salnikov, decided to start a business in 2005 with a bluff. Having ordered a simple website for the provision of services for the completion of diesel generators, they received 5 orders in a month.

Interesting fact. The companions did not have personnel, premises, material and technical base. They located their workshop in a former cowshed on the edge of the village near Yaroslavl, and hired 12 villagers as workers. The equipment and materials were purchased through prepayment.

The first order was completed successfully. As a result, Medvedev registers Industrial and Power Machines (PSM) LLC, and invests the proceeds in the business.

Since 2006, PSM has not only refined, but also produced its own diesel generators: contracts with Chinese suppliers allowed the company to gain access to cheap sources of components.

Since 2008, Andrei Medvedev's firm has also started producing pumping units.

Reference. In 2011, it was recognized as the largest manufacturer of diesel generators in Russia. In 2016, she owned 24.4% Russian market, despite the fact that 72% of the plant's products were exported. The company's turnover reached 1.52 billion rubles at the end of the year.

One French philosopher said: in order to appreciate some qualities, one must possess similar ones oneself. To appreciate someone's mind, you have to be smart yourself. To understand someone's joke, you need to have a sense of humor yourself.

Experience shows that alliances between equal partners are more successful and durable than between people from different layers societies with different educational and intellectual levels.

What is partner compatibility?

In order for two people to understand each other, it is necessary that they speak the same language - only in this case can we talk about partner compatibility... Although, this rule (as well as any other) has its lucky exceptions.

If you shed tears over some movie or novel, and your friend all these experiences seem funny and far-fetched, this does not mean that you are completely unsuitable for each other and psychological compatibility between you is missing. But if any of your experiences leaves him indifferent, if he laughs at what seems ridiculous to you, if you find his jokes unsuccessful, and he does not sympathize with you in your sorrows, you should not blame each other for mental callousness, most likely you are just psychologically not compatible.

How to determine compatibility of partners

There is a common phrase about partner compatibility: "Did not get along". For a peaceful person, the characters of two do not have to be the same. Rather, the opposite is true. The characters may not coincide, rather - they complement and balance each other, and the outlook on life remains common. The common understanding should be “what is good and what is bad”. Otherwise, you will be like the inhabitants of different planets, speaking different languages and absolutely alien to each other.

So, if there are general views on life, if the emotions of one find an echo in the soul of the other, if the problems cause not curiosity, but understanding and sympathy, it is obvious.

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By subjectEconomy

On the topic:Successful entrepreneur: who is he?



CHAPTER 1. Components of Success

1.1 The concept of success and its types

1.2 Education and success, talent and profession, personal qualities of an entrepreneur

CHAPTER 2. Small business

2.1 Drawing up a business plan and starting a business

2.2 Profit as a result entrepreneurial activity


List of sources and literature


At some point, almost every person comes up with an idea to create own business... A wish with my own hands, at their own expense and under their own responsibility to create a new enterprise, new products or services inspires many people. But at the same time, not everyone succeeds in achieving success. Some become entrepreneurs already in their youth, some use and improve existing technologies, some entrepreneurs develop new forms of trade or new products, and some implement ideas that have been nurtured for years. For many, entrepreneurs are the lucky ones who managed to “be in the right place at the right time,” but they all have one thing in common - they have the same set of qualities that are especially important in entrepreneurial activity. Entrepreneurship attracts many.

Relevance This topic is due to the fact that after graduation, each person faces the choice of a profession, and the psychological portrait of an entrepreneur has long been one of the most popular topics, since we subconsciously copy the behavior of people who have achieved success and dream of becoming successful.

Purpose of the study: Identification of personality traits inherent in successful entrepreneurs.


1. Study the literature on the research problem.

2. Determine the components of success in entrepreneurship.

3. Determine the factors of becoming a successful entrepreneur using the example of well-known entrepreneurs in the world.

Research methods:

1.Analysis of scientific literature.

2. Observation.

3. Comparison.

5. Analysis.

Object of study: image of a successful entrepreneur.

Itemresearch: formation of the qualities of a successful entrepreneur.


1.1 What is success?

Success is very important to each of us. And many people want to be successful in this or that business. But in order to achieve success, you need to understand what success is.

So, Success is the achievement of the set goals in a conceived business, a positive result of something, public recognition of something or someone http://itc/tgl.ru /wiki/index.php/R116.

Successit is a process.

Success is a process; it takes time. Success doesn't happen overnight. You go up one step, then another, then another, and so on.

Success is action.

Success occurs when you take daily actions to achieve your dreams. Even if sometimes these actions will be insignificant.

Success and education.

Success comes from education. This does not apply to school, but to putting knowledge into practice, which is actually wisdom and is successful. Knowledge itself is a passive force, but putting it into practice is what makes you successful. I believe that it is better to take action by making mistakes than to procrastinate in the pursuit of infallibility. Having considered the components of success, we understand that it is impossible to become successful immediately in one month or even in a year. Success is movement only forward, development and self-development, achievement of the set goals, setting new ones.

1.2 Education and success, talent and profession, personal qualities of an entrepreneur are knownglobal entrepreneurs

entrepreneurship successful business

Chanel Coco, real name Gabrielle Chanel, years of life 1883 - 1971. Outstanding French fashion designer, founder of the House of Chanel, owner of a multimillion-dollar fortune. She was born in the West of France in the family of a small merchant. At the age of 20, she began to work in a knitwear shop next to the boarding house, where she lived from the age of 12 after her mother's death. She quickly earned trust and respect, as she expertly sewed women's clothing... She was determined and persistent, and in 1913 she opened her own boutique. Coco creates her own clothing line and is rapidly entering the world of fashion. In 1920, she opens a fashion house - a factory that puts into practice all of Coco's ideas. The result of meeting Ernest Bo was the world-famous perfume "Chanel No. 5". Until old age, Koko maintained an amazing capacity for work, she worked day and night. The initials SS are still on the millions of things that are produced annually around the world by Glasser W. Schools without losers. M .: "Education", 2003, p. 71 ..

The most famous Russian entrepreneurs:

Mikhail Khodorkovsky. One of the richest people in Russia, his fortune is measured at $ 15 billion. During his life, he tried many ways of earning money - from carpentry to oil trading. The latter brought him such a large capital

Roman Abramovich. This man was popularly nicknamed "the aluminum tycoon", which is directly related to his occupation. Rabinovich himself believes: his success lies in the fact that he works tirelessly until he reaches the intended goal.

Mikhail Fridman. Back in the days Soviet power Mikhail earned money by speculating on theater tickets. Over the years, his income has grown significantly, which has allowed him to penetrate more prestigious areas of business. Many well-known entrepreneurs refer to him as a shark that will rip everything in its path.

Rem Vyakhirev. The former head of Gazprom, who has signed many important contracts for the sale of gas.

Elena Baturina. Famous Russian entrepreneurs are not only men, and Baturina is good to that example. This businesswoman owns several cement plants, as well as a network of the largest construction plants in Moscow. http://pro-business.kz/velikie-predprinimateli.html

Based on the above, we get the conclusion:

1. Successful person - this is a person who sets himself promising goals and knows how to competently achieve them.

2. An important trait of a successful person-a positive attitude towards life. You need to learn to believe in yourself and trust the world around you. 3.Communication- is the main vehicle for success. 4.One of the main factors of success is education.

It is important to learn how to use your abilities to achieve goals. The knowledge gained must be constantly updated, self-educated. The book is man's best friend.


2.1 WITHabandoning a business plan and starting a business

Entrepreneurs are only business purposeful people who are responsible for their occupation, embody their ideas, look for benefits and benefits in different areas life activity and are distinguished by a search character. Entrepreneurs must be able to anticipate what will happen in the future. Search for new ideas, concentration, flexibility, originality, determination - all these qualities should be possessed by an entrepreneur whose business will bring profit and benefit to the population. Organization of the work of the personnel of the enterprise, aimed at identifying new opportunities for economic activity, the development of new markets, the transition to the production of new goods and services, all this is entrepreneurial activity. The entrepreneur should be the source and leader of the creative activity and enterprise employees of his enterprise. He must look for new ways to develop and improve production efficiency, improve the quality of work, and increase the profitability of the enterprise. The main goal of an entrepreneur is to make a profit. An entrepreneur puts all his energy into his enterprise, great amount energy, demonstrates enthusiasm, prudence, confidence, diligence and dedication to their work, which in turn leads to the achievement of the expected result. Each of these areas of activity can generate a different income, satisfying human needs. The development of production is based on the development and discovery of the latest scientific and technical developments, which in turn require investment of not small money. The income received will make sense if real values ​​are reflected in it and for the income received you can fully purchase all the real items that a person needs.

2.2 Profit as a result of nentrepreneurial activity

Profit is the difference between revenue and total costs. Profit arises as a result of production, research, trade, speculative activities. Profit opportunities stimulate entrepreneurial activity, even if it is risky.

For the entrepreneur, profit serves as a signal indicating where the greatest increase in value can be achieved, and creates an incentive to invest in these areas. Losses also play a role.

They highlight mistakes and miscalculations in the direction of funds, organization of production and marketing of products. Economic instability and the monopoly position of commodity producers distort the formation of profits as net income, and lead to the desire to obtain income mainly as a result of price increases.

Profit formation goes a long way and begins with its calculations and taking into account the factors influencing it.

The higher the prices, the greater the profit; the greater the volume of production, the greater the profit; the lower the costs of production and sales of products, the greater the profit.

For sustainable economic functioning and development, the enterprise needs to solve a number of tasks, including:

¦ determination of the most effective strategy for the development of the enterprise;

¦ determination of possible ways of bringing the enterprise to a more favorable trajectory of promotion;

¦ identifying and using various improvement methods financial situation enterprises, cost management, prices, sales proceeds, etc .;

To identify the financial result, it is necessary to compare the proceeds that the entrepreneur received in the course of selling his products, and the costs of production and sale. If the revenue is greater than the cost price, financial results talks about making a profit.

An entrepreneur always aims to make a profit, but does not always extract it.

This is due to the fact that profit is influenced by many components, both positive and negative. The leading importance of profit does not mean that it must be obtained at the expense of production and social development enterprises. An increase in prices, an increase in cheap but low-quality products can only temporarily allow an increase in profits.

In these conditions, it is necessary to study the market conditions of management and use the most beneficial for the prospective growth of profits. These include the release of diverse and competitive products that are in demand, the reduction of all types of costs, compliance with a strict regime of savings in spending, and modeling pricing policy. The problem of pricing occupies a key place in the system of market relations.

The rise in prices, on the one hand, increases profits, on the other hand, it restrains the demand for inexpensive products. When mastering and releasing new products, works and services, it is necessary to very carefully consider all costs, the possible level of profitability and set prices with the prospect of reducing them.


I fully confirmed the hypothesis put forward. A successful entrepreneur is an independent, responsible, goal-oriented, confident, educated, and risk-taking person.

If a person wants to start his own business, he must, first of all, make sure whether he himself has such qualities.

Research that has identified a set of qualities and traits common to successful entrepreneurs has shown that many of these skills and traits can be acquired. Entrepreneurs developed their abilities through education, training, experience, apprenticeship and experimentation.

Anyone looking to start an entrepreneur should develop a plan to develop their personal abilities and pursue endeavors that match their strengths.


1. Glasser W. Schools without losers. M .: "Education", 2003, p. 71.

2. Healthy lifestyle (http://www/1945msk.ru / health / 0601php)

3. What is success? Success factors. (http: //itc/tgl.ru /wiki/index.php/R116)

4. Where does success come from? (http://www.myiane.ru / artides / text /? id = 224)

5. Great entrepreneurs (http://pro-business.kz/velikie-predprinimateli.html)

6.Economics (http://studme.org/1584072011261/ekonomika/ekonomika)

Posted on Allbest.ru


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Entrepreneurship is an exciting and potentially rewarding activity that also carries enormous risks due to the high likelihood of bankruptcy. A successful entrepreneur is distinguished by correct attitude, competent approach to business and wise management of the company. Row simple steps will help you successfully manage your own business!


Correct attitude

  1. Love your job. Enthusiasm is the most important component of being successful. If you do something that you do not like, then entrepreneurship becomes torture and immediately doomed to failure. The owner must give all of himself to his own company. This is impossible if you don’t love your company.

    • List your strengths and weaknesses... Start a business based on your merits. For example, if you are a good cook and have a successful customer experience, open a restaurant! If you are good at math, start an accounting or engineering firm. If you love interacting with people, start a party company!
    • List your hobbies. Enjoy playing basketball, running, watching matches and walking in gym? Open your own fitness club.
    • If you are already in business, then think about how much you love your business. Don't try to fool yourself. If you like your current job, then your task is to continue what you love. If you don't like the chosen direction at all, then change your company according to your interests or start from scratch.
  2. Take your work seriously, give the company all your attention and energy. Set yourself up for success. A positive attitude leads to positive results. Running your company is more than just a full-time job. This is your life. Dedicate yourself to the cause, otherwise nothing will work out.

    • Prepare to work harder than ever before. Starting a company from scratch is incredibly difficult. Purposefulness is the key to success.
    • Tune in to hard work. You will have practically no rest, especially at the very beginning, and such work is exhausting. It is necessary to constantly work for the company to develop. Otherwise, there will be a more stubborn entrepreneur who will succeed in a similar business for you.
    • Work from home. Answer emails and make calls even after leaving the office.
    • Take time to relax. At times, the thought may arise to work around the clock, seven days a week. The trick is to give 100 percent of your work. Working harder is much better than working longer. A person needs rest to be effective. If you're feeling exhausted, take a little vacation. Warm up and relax throughout the day. Don't forget about your daily lunch breaks.
  3. Get organized. Organization is the main aspect of the rational use of time resources. It involves more than just order in documents. Establish a system and establish routines for efficiently completing daily tasks.

    • To-do lists are a good example of organization.
    • Create a calendar that takes into account every aspect. This approach is much more effective than multiple calendars for different activities. Indicate in it workers, families and social events... Update your information regularly and check your calendar.
    • Plan your time wisely. Plan your day to alternate important tasks with short breaks. There is no need to waste time on useless and futile affairs.
  4. Don't be afraid to innovate. Use your creative potential and trust your intuition. It should be understood that it is the innovative perspectives of the owners that distinguish successful businesses from all others. Driving on the beaten track is unacceptable. At some point, you will need to choose your own path.

    • You have to take risks to be successful. Sometimes you need to make decisions without all the information or resources you need. Take risks and trust your instincts.
    • Analyze and find new solutions. Come up with your own fundraising method, or new approach to personnel management. Better yet, come up with a unique product.
  5. Strive to listen and learn. This is an important aspect, since no one knows everything in the world. Meet experts in your industry and listen to their advice. Work closely with business partners and workers, and seek the opinion of each worker. They will appreciate your attentiveness, even if such an opinion is not taken into account.

    • Successful leaders aren't afraid to ask for help. You need to come to terms with the fact that it is impossible to know everything, so the combined knowledge of friends and co-workers will only strengthen your position.
    • Find a mentor in your field to develop and acquire new knowledge.
  6. Invest in yourself. All the best entrepreneurs spend time and money to become a better, deeper understanding of their field of activity. Buy the best specialized books and magazines, read new information every day. Go to seminars and trainings on business, continuously improve. Attend classes and learn the skills you need.

    • Never spare money for self-development. Ultimately, this investment always pays off.
    • Spend evenly time studying and working. Your business is more important in the short term, and self-development is a long-term investment.
  7. Be an exemplary leader. Your positive image extends to the entire company. You are the standard bearer of your enterprise. People perceive your company according to your actions. Make an effort to be perceived as a professional and pleasant person to do business with.

    • Strive to produce good first impression, especially in meetings with investors or leaders in your industry.
    • Inspire others with a positive mindset. Your spirit is communicated to all employees.
    • Be open to dialogue. Stick to politics open doors and encourage your employees to contact you for any issue.
    • Always dress appropriately for the occasion. This is important for your image. Look and behave like a professional.
    • Find a top-notch office. If you work from home, hold your business meetings in a location such as a library or coffee shop.
  8. Prepare for setbacks and difficulties. Eight out of ten small businesses close quickly due to bankruptcy. Statistics work against you, so you will face difficulties. A successful outcome requires persistence and determination. Don't be afraid to take risks. Only a reluctant and fearless entrepreneur can handle the challenges.

    • If you do not possess these qualities, then it is possible that entrepreneurship is not for you.
    • Motivate yourself to move forward. Come up with a mantra, find an uplifting song, or someone who won't let you stop. Use your ardor and enthusiasm. In any case, it's important to stay strong and focused.
    • In case of failure, gather your strength and continue on the way forward. It sometimes takes several tries to create a successful company from scratch. Don't give up after the first failure.

    How to build your business

    1. Create a team of like-minded people. Choose partners and employees carefully. You should take your time to hire employees, but do not delay the dismissal, if there are reasons for this. In your business, it is important to fully trust employees, who must be qualified, as well as share your views and enthusiasm.

      • Trust is the most important aspect of relationships with first partners.
      • Communication plays key role... Every employee should see your openness to communication.
    2. Build a loyal customer base. Customer relationships are paramount. Keep in touch and be extremely friendly. Continue to communicate with clients after meetings. They need to feel like they are part of the team in order to provide reciprocal courtesy and support.

      • The client is always right. You have to go out of your way to provide them with what they want.
      • Stay connected with customers. Communicate important business decisions or a change in the direction of the company. Seek advice to make it feel like an integral part of the company.
      • The first customers are always the most important. They must feel individual attitude to yourself to remain loyal to you and your company.
      • Strive to get to know your customers. Communicate with them not only on business matters. Become friends and you will get a regular client.
      • It is important to remember that without customers, neither the quality of your product, nor hard work, nor the cohesion of a team of like-minded people matter. Customers always come first.
    3. Attract investors to support your business. Each new acquaintance is a potential investor. Develop relationships with people who show an interest in your business, especially experts in your industry and solid investors. Make connections and build a base of potential investors.

      • Prove the viability of your business. Even if it's not profitable yet, show the potential of your idea. Aim for small successes to get support. People are more likely to invest in a solid venture than a bare idea.
      • Investors invest in people. They should trust you and share your views.
      • Attract diversified investors. If your investors are all alike, your company is built on shaky foundations. Strive for diversity.
      • Instill in investors trust and a positive image of the company. One way or another, you will have to face difficulties. Look for investors who will help weather the storm rather than evaporate at the first sign of trouble.
    4. Invest in a workspace. You can work from home at first, but over time, you still need a real office. The work space should impress investors and clients and provide a comfortable working environment.

      • Strive for professionalism in everything. The more representative your company looks, the more likely you are to be taken seriously.
      • Organize your office comfortably. Order provides a business-like look and improves work efficiency.
    5. Use modern technology. With technology, a start-up company is able to compete with a large but hulking firm. Use the Internet and programs wisely for effective work and competitiveness in the market.

      • Don't be afraid to invest in technology infrastructure development. First-class computers and software will help you compete with developed competitors. Your decisions must be balanced so as not to waste money on spectacular but useless equipment.

    How to manage and develop a company

    1. Create a product that is second to none. A dough slicer will not help create a successful company. Long-term success can only be guaranteed by a unique product. It is important to evaluate the market and find your niche.

      • Analyze the value of your product. Your offer must be unique.
      • Making small improvements to an existing product is a good way to stand out.
      • The product does not have to be the distinguishing feature. This could be the structure of the company, methods of fundraising, or collaboration. Find a way to stand out to make a unique offer.
    2. Maintain communication. This applies to all aspects of your business. Lack of communication is one of the main reasons for bankruptcy. Know how to convey the value of the company to investors and your clients, discuss business matters with partners.

      • Have a real dialogue with your customers. Use any convenient communication channel. Customers can leave if you stop talking to them. Without clients, a company is doomed to fail.
      • Speak to them clearly and concisely and attract attention. You can't waste their time.
      • Communication with business partners is never redundant. Keep them informed about everything.
      • Undoubtedly, some decisions need to be taken unilaterally. Such aspects should be kept to a minimum.
    3. Follow industry trends. Your business must keep pace with the rapid changes in the marketplace in order to maintain a competitive edge.

      • Act quickly if you decide to change direction in accordance with new trends. Long and drawn-out changes will only hurt the company.
      • Trends are new opportunities. Make the most of them.
      • Organize your company to survive the dramatic change. Communicate all changes to investors and clients.
    4. Be a strong leader and treat your company, partners, and customers with respect. In many cases, the cause of bankruptcy is discord at the top. It turns out that the founder of the company is involved in a scandal or commits an inappropriate act, as a result of which he loses the trust of customers. Cyclist Lance Armstrong is an example. You don't have to go to the wrong conclusion that your business will help compensate for your character flaws.

      • Remember that investors are investing in you, not the company.
      • Identify your flaws and strive to make a difference. If you find it difficult to find mutual language with people, then develop your speaking skills. If you are prone to a riotous lifestyle or commit unlawful actions, then get rid of these problems before starting a business. Investors are always looking at the facts of your biography.
      • Strive to be as pleasant and respected as possible. Behave with dignity and respect your business partners.
    5. Strive for a profitable business model. The company does not always make a profit from the first days of its existence, but for successful operation one cannot do without constant income. Analyze the actions of successful companies in your industry and focus on this business model.

      • Don't worry if the business isn't profitable at first. This is a normal situation. It is important to invest in infrastructure and create a great product, and investors will help you stay afloat.
      • When communicating with investors, emphasize that you will definitely make a profit. At the same time, you must definitely have a real plan that will allow you to achieve your goal.
      • If the business is not profitable, then over time, investors will lose faith in the prospects and your company will burn out, regardless of the quality of the product offered.
      • From the very beginning, you must have a plan that will make you profitable.
    6. Re-invest the profits you make with the company. Along with the first profits, there is a desire to keep money for yourself as a reward for hard work. Resist the temptation. Invest in company development.

      • Remember the long term. Most companies go bankrupt, so do whatever you can to help your business avoid a similar fate.
      • Invest in marketing and sales to grow your company.
    • Use your time wisely. There is no time for everything, so prioritize and delegate authority correctly.
    • Invest in self-development. Even if your case fails, you will be much better prepared for the next attempt.
    • Nobody is born an entrepreneur. Only hard daily work will help you acquire the necessary skills.
    • Don't forget to rest! Overwork will not help you achieve success. Work smart, not exhausting.
    • Talk about your company constantly. The more said, the better.
    • Communication is the key to success.

The success of an entrepreneur can be assessed by two main criteria - external and internal.

If an entrepreneur makes a stable profit, his enterprise develops and expands, then such a company and such a leader represented by those around him is quite successful.

If, at the same time, the entrepreneur likes his occupation, and this does not harm his personal life, family relations and health - we can say that this person is happy. He succeeded as a professional, he has time for himself and his family, and he is financially independent. Many of us dream of something like this.

Can you be a successful entrepreneur, be successful in your own business and find more time for your family? This is a tricky question.

How to become a successful entrepreneur in Russia?

Let's take a look at seven secrets of successful entrepreneurs to help them get things done:

Each of us knows what it is. Fear of losing sources of income, fear of failure, failure. Even the fear of communicating with customers is also a serious problem for some entrepreneurs.

Everyone has fears and insecurities. But a successful entrepreneur must rise above his or her fears. They should motivate him to more productive work, more careful planning. But don't suppress his will.

Starting any business, a successful entrepreneur sets goals for himself. This is the direction of the firm's development and other priorities.

Define yourself one goal for the foreseeable future that will lead your company to a result.

If defined the main objective, to which the firm strives, then you do not need to run after every idea that comes to your mind. Achieve one goal and then build on your success.

At the same time, priorities need to be determined. Where should family and personal life be? Are you willing to work harder, but at the expense of your relationship with your family?

Business requires utmost dedication and concentration, but sometimes you just need to be more productive. If you define one goal and work in one direction, it will bring more results and take less time if you worked in three directions, not paying due attention to each of them.

Starting a business is best in an area in which you know at least a little.

If you decide to breed earthworms for sale to fishermen, high profitability of this type of activity, then think about how and what you will feed them, how will you get them out of their habitat, how to store and deliver them to the consumer? These subtleties can be confusing if you do not understand the habits of earthworms.

Constantly improve in your chosen field of activity in order to understand all the details of your business.

4) Planning.

If you have an understanding of the direction of the firm's development, expressed in calendar chart achieve your goals, then you will be able to work more productively. If the timeline is clearly stated in the plan, then it is also an incentive to work. You will get more done in less time.

Plans can be divided into several categories - individual and business plans of a firm.

In a business plan, you not only reflect all the goals and ways to achieve them, but also analyze your competitors, looking for reserves for enterprise growth.

An individual or personal work plan for the day, week, month will help you become a highly effective professional. Nothing can distract you if you train yourself to work according to the plan.

5) Realism.

How do you make sure you do everything that you have planned for the day? - Set realistic goals and realistic deadlines.

Realism is important factor success. If your goals are far from reality, and you see the ways to achieve them as in a fog, then you can forget about big money and a stable business.
All goals that are reflected in the plan must be realistic. Otherwise, your plan and work on it will only turn into self-criticism and disappointment.

6) Activity.

Without purposeful activity, you will not succeed. Your goals will remain on paper if you don't work hard to achieve them.

Do you want to receive two or three thousand rubles a day, sitting at home and breeding earthworms? Love the dung and shovel. Start each day with the hardest work - preparing food for your pets, checking the acidity level of the substrate in which they live.

Being active in achieving the goal is the main factor that leads to the success of even those who are not used to planning their time.

7) Willingness to change.

Get ready for change. This is difficult because we strive for peace and minimization of effort, but nothing stands still in the world.

New strong competitors, better products may appear, and consumer demands may change. And what about the tax burden that strangles an entrepreneur like a boa constrictor, sucking out the last juices and nerves? Tax law changes every year, and far from in favor of the entrepreneur.

But being mentally prepared for the fact that tomorrow may be worse than today will help you overcome all obstacles and become a successful entrepreneur.

By overcoming fear of failure, setting realistic goals, planning every step of the way to achieve them, constantly learning and making every effort, you are sure to become a successful entrepreneur, wise and experienced enough to respond flexibly to all changes in your business.

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