Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Universities of Odessa: list, rating. Universities Odessa Odessa higher educational institutions

Universities of Odessa: list, rating. Universities Odessa Odessa higher educational institutions

University: institutes, universities of Odessa.

Even before the end of the school year, high school students begin to think about which universities to go to. Odessa offers us a fairly extensive list of institutes and universities that are ready to offer you training in various specialties. Universities can be technical and humanitarian. In our city, you can get a high-quality higher education in almost all demanded specialties, which in the future will become your professions, with the help of which you can be realized in life. University stands for higher educational institution. Here people are trained in working professions and scientific activities are carried out.

Which university to choose in Odessa.

The choice of a higher educational institution should be approached with all seriousness. Without higher education, it is very difficult to get a good promising job that will help you realize yourself in life. Almost all institutions can offer their applicants the opportunity to receive one higher education for free. This applies to state educational institutions. Second higher education in our country is already paid, and not everyone can afford it. On our site you are offered a complete list of institutes and universities. Here you can find their contact phone numbers and addresses where you can always contact and clarify what specialties can be obtained in your chosen higher educational institution. Using the same contacts, you will receive comprehensive information about the documents and conditions for admission. At the university, you can get a bachelor's, specialist's or master's degree. It depends on the duration and program of study.

When choosing a university, you should be guided largely by the specialty that you plan to receive. For example, you can master the profession of an economist in almost every institute, but each institute will teach a student according to a program that will be characteristic of the industry to which he belongs. Those. you will receive a degree in economics, but with a bias in one area or another, for example, agricultural. Below you are offered a complete list of universities in Odessa. Students come here to study and master knowledge not only from Odessa or the Odessa region. Also here you can meet students from all over Ukraine and other countries who study under the student exchange program. Each university is cooperating with different countries.

At the moment, to enter the university, you must pass an independent test. Based on the results obtained, you can already find out which institute you have the opportunity to enroll in. It also happens that in addition to the test results, you will need to pass additional exams or pass an interview. This is often necessary for a student who will be directly or indirectly associated with creative professions, for example,. The conditions for admission to all Universities of Ukraine are the same for everyone, so it is advisable to clarify in advance what you may need to become a certified specialist. And we, in turn, will help and advise which institutes and universities are happy to open doors for you to new knowledge.

Postgraduate education in Odessa.

A situation often occurs when a student has learned, but in the process of work he realized that he lacks some additional knowledge. To do this, you can enter the postgraduate education department and get another education, which will complement the already acquired knowledge. Also, refresher courses can be held here. They will be useful to those whose work is constantly improving and there is a need to confirm that the specialist's knowledge corresponds to modern innovations.

Odessa is the regional center of Ukraine. The city is located on the shores of the Black Sea gulf. The state's navy is stationed here, as well as the largest commercial and sea port.

Both Ukrainians and applicants from other countries come to this Black Sea metropolis to study. The Hero City is a modern international center for education and science.

It is not easy to decide on the choice of a future profession. Institutes of the city always meet their future students halfway, arrange open days. School students together with their parents can visit any higher educational institution, listen to information about professions, teachers, and the educational system. You can sign up for preparatory courses and classes. All this is done absolutely free of charge in order to attract applicants to study at a particular higher educational institution.

The article will present a list of universities in Odessa. It is compiled taking into account the rating.

Educational institutions

Many universities in Odessa were created on the basis of the two progenitors of the alma mater. These are the Odessa National University named after the great Russian scientist Ilya Mechnikov and the Odessa National Polytechnic University.

ONU them. Mechnikov

University number 1 - Odessa National University (which bears the name of Mechnikov). It is valued above all by applicants and students, as well as people who graduated from this educational institution, and employers. It was founded in 1865. As a result, other successful universities were created on the basis of ONU.


This university in Odessa was at first the Pirogov Institute, and in 1994 received the title of university.

At ONMU there are 7 faculties with demanded specialties operating and participating in the educational process. A huge base of practical clinical activity is concentrated around it. These are dozens of clinics, hospitals, medical laboratories, clinics. In the rating of universities in Odessa, the Medical University takes one of the first places.

It has its own museums:

  • anatomical - one of the museums that contains a detailed history of anatomy;
  • pathological - one of the best collections of exhibits of this kind of activity;
  • historical - reflects in detail all the stages and milestones of the development of the university.

There are 42 departments that provide fundamental, special, balanced and humanitarian training of specialists in various fields of medicine.

Odessa National Economic University

Ranked in the top ten educational institutions. Prepares professional staff for banking and financial institutions of the state.

Odessa Law Academy

This is a prestigious law university in Odessa of the fourth (highest) degree of accreditation. The modern educational complex is located on an area of ​​more than 73 thousand square meters.

The Academy of Law trains employees for investigative bodies, for the prosecutor's office, notaries, criminologists, military lawyers.

State Agrarian University of Odessa

It is the largest agricultural university in the south of Ukraine. More than 45 thousand agricultural specialists have already been trained here. Here workers of fields, gardens and farms also undergo retraining and improve their professional level.

The ancestor of Odessa universities with a technical direction can be considered the Odessa National Polytechnic University. It was founded in 1918. The following educational institutions were organized on its platform.

National Maritime University of Odessa

The Maritime University has 3 educational buildings, its own research pool, and an aerodynamic laboratory. At 31 departments of the educational institution, 480 teachers train qualified personnel for work in the maritime industry, shipping companies, in the port and in the navy. The teaching staff includes 36 doctors, 53 professors, 164 candidates of sciences and 130 associate professors. In many international ports, you can meet graduates of this educational institution.

Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

One of the leading universities in Odessa - the State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture - prepares highly qualified engineers, designers, scientists for the construction industry of the country. This industry is developing intensively. As always, there are not enough specialist graduates. They are expected in ports, on canals for the construction and erection of structures and facilities for water supply, sewerage, ventilation; in construction, research organizations. It also trains specialists for urban communications and the nuclear industry.

Cold academy

The list of universities in Odessa by right of status can be attributed to the State Academy of Refrigeration. By the decision of the administration in May 2012, OGAH was merged with the Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies.

This university has been operating since 1902. Then it was called the Millers School. In 2003 ONAPT received the status of an academy. To date, the educational process is conducted not only in the fields of grain crops technology, but also in the meat, dairy, canning industry, innovative methods of training personnel for public catering enterprises, in the restaurant, hotel and tourism business have been introduced. In the city, which is located on the Black Sea, where every year a huge flow of people is sent for recreation, cultural pastime, each graduate will find a job after graduating from the academy.

National Academy of Telecommunications of Odessa

The institution is waiting for future communications and communications specialists. Today these are the most promising professions. ODNAS has 27 departments that train personnel for work on television and radio, fiber-optic communication lines, software, information and computer technologies and in various other areas of communication and communication. And they are very important today.

State Ecological University of Odessa

It is the leading university of ecology and hydrometeorology in Ukraine. It trained and graduated more than 30 thousand specialists, including foreign students. Among them are renowned scientists and environmental researchers. It also trains officers of the military hydrometeorological service.


After grade 11, Odessa universities accept all former school students who have a high school diploma. Before entering a higher educational institution, future candidates, if they wish, can study at preparatory courses. This method has proven itself widely.

You can study at any of the departments of the University of Odessa: full-time or on-the-job - evening and part-time. There is free and paid training - by contract. All higher educational institutions have their own campuses, hostels for students. To obtain complete information, you must contact the educational institution personally.

The city of Odessa is primarily famous for its maritime universities. However, agrarian institutions also merit attention. Additionally, there are many universities in Odessa with economic areas. In order to understand this issue, you should consider the most popular establishments.

National University "Odessa Law Academy"

Considering the best universities in Odessa, one should definitely pay attention to this educational institution. According to many experts, it is considered one of the best in journalism. The National University "Odessa Law Academy" was created in 1997. Forms of education are presented in it both full-time and part-time. Looking at other state universities in Odessa, it should be noted that this educational institution has the fourth accreditation. Free training for students is provided in it.

Faculties and specialties

Many universities in Odessa with legal specialties do not have a judicial and administrative faculty. However, in this case, students also have the opportunity to study international legal relations. The educational institution also has a department of economic and civil justice. Like other universities in the city of Odessa, the National University "Odessa Law Academy" prepares lawyers. Legal political science is taught in it. There is also a department of sociology.

Odessa Academy of Regulation and Quality

If you look at the list of Odessa universities of the third level of accreditation, then the Odessa Academy of Regulation and Quality is rightfully considered the best. First of all, it should be noted that it provides for doctoral studies. It is also possible to study for free. If we consider the qualification levels, then in this case there are bachelor's, specialist's and master's degrees.

The specified academy was founded in 1945. The main direction of the educational institution is considered to be electronics. Other universities in the city of Odessa, in contrast, are not able to boast of such a high level of computer technology.

Faculties of the Academy of Regulation and Quality in Odessa

Considering all universities in Odessa with budget places, it should be noted that only in the Odessa Academy of Regulation and Quality instrumentation is taught. Additionally, it has a faculty of metrology. Information and measuring technologies are studied at the appropriate department. The disciplines of standardization and certification deserve special attention. In this case, educational dimensions are also taught at the academy. Therefore, considering the universities of the city of Odessa, the state academy and quality, special attention must be paid unambiguously.

Odessa Agrarian University

If we consider all universities in the city of Odessa, then there is only one agricultural institution in the city. It was created back in 1918. This university has a fourth degree of accreditation. State diplomas are issued there. Both full-time and part-time studies are provided at the university, which is very convenient for students. In this case, the qualification level of a master's at the university is provided.

If we compare the specified university and other universities in the city of Odessa, it is important to note that the presented higher institution provides its students with dorm rooms. Also, people have the opportunity to get postgraduate education. In total, there are about 330 teachers at the Odessa Agrarian University, while about 6 thousand students are currently studying. The main areas of the university include agriculture and fisheries. Additionally, the university teaches economics and management.

Faculties and specialties of the Agrarian University in Odessa

This university is distinguished by the presence of an agrobiotechnology faculty. Other universities in Odessa do not have this. Studied at this faculty is agronomy, as well as plant protection. Even at the Odessa Agrarian University there is a department of veterinary medicine. Among the specialties, we should mention surveyors and cartographers. Agro-industrial production is also taught at this university. There are no other universities in the city of Odessa in this area.

Odessa Institute of the Academy of Personnel Management

Considering the best universities in Odessa, one should not forget about the specified institute. Its distinctive feature is considered to be good.This educational institution was founded in 1998. It received the third degree of accreditation. All students of the Academy of Personnel Management receive diplomas of the state standard.

In this case, there is no master's degree at the university. However, among the advantages, it is important to note the presence.In addition, comparing all universities in the city of Odessa, we can conclude that this institute is one of the few that can boast of postgraduate studies.

Faculties and specialties

The main faculty of this institute can be called psychology. However, pedagogy is also studied at the university. If we compare the specified Academy of Personnel Management and other universities in Odessa, it is important to mention that jurisprudence in this higher educational institution is taught at a very high level. Additionally, the university has a department of jurisprudence.

Odessa Maritime University

If we talk about the maritime universities of Odessa, then, first of all, the Odessa Maritime University should be noted. The specified educational institution has been operating since 1930. The university has the fourth accreditation status. Full-time, as well as part-time education is provided in it. Naturally, there is a military department at the university. Also, the advantages include the presence of hostels for students.

In total, the Odessa Maritime University has more than 400 teachers. At the same time, about 6 thousand people study students. Qualification levels are available for specialist and bachelor. Students' diplomas at the end of their studies will have a state standard.

Faculties and specialties of the Maritime University in Odessa

The maritime universities of Odessa are considered to be very qualified, but only this university is famous for the presence of the department of transport technologies. Jurisprudence is also studied in the courses. In this case, the ship-mechanical faculty is provided. The disciplines of shipbuilding and ocean engineering deserve special attention. Last but not least, it should be noted that the Odessa Maritime University has a faculty of shelf and water transport facilities.

Odessa Polytechnic University

This university is famous primarily for its postgraduate studies. In this case, distance learning for students is provided. Directly qualification levels are available for specialist and master. The degree of accreditation from the Odessa Polytechnic University is the fourth. There is a preparatory department at the university. Today about 10 thousand students study in it. It should also be noted that the presented university is capable of boasting an excellent military department.

Faculties and specialties of the Polytechnic University in Odessa

The most demanded faculty of the Odessa Polytechnic University is considered to be mechanical engineering. In this case, applied mechanics is studied at the university. Additionally, students are able to receive education in road transport. The university also has a chemical-technological faculty. It studies environmental protection and ecology. The Faculty of Industrial Technologies at the Odessa Polytechnic University is envisaged. First of all, students undergo mechanical engineering on it, which affects labor safety.

Studying at the university In addition, teachers introduce students to foundry. Another direction of the Odessa Polytechnic University can be called metrology. It includes information and measurement technology and standardization. At the Department of Industrial Technologies, students take the discipline "welding".


All universities of Odessa were examined by the Center for International Projects "Euroobrazovanie". Their rating is presented as follows:

  1. Odessa Maritime University.
  2. Odessa Agrarian University.
  3. Odessa Institute of the Academy of Personnel Management.
  4. Odessa Academy of Regulation and Quality.
  5. National University "Odessa Law Academy".

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