Home Grape DIY paper Santa Claus templates. DIY Santa Claus made from paper: step-by-step master classes with photos. Crafts from scrap materials

DIY paper Santa Claus templates. DIY Santa Claus made from paper: step-by-step master classes with photos. Crafts from scrap materials

What could be better than making New Year's crafts with your own hands? Only making crafts together with children! The most important New Year's character can be made from absolutely simple and affordable materials, and very little effort and skill is required to create it.

Roll is not only sushi

An original paper Santa Claus can even be made from a sheet of thick red cardboard rolled into a roll. But the simplest material for making a New Year's figurine is a cardboard roll from toilet paper or paper towels.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. A sheet of red colored paper should be glued on top of the roller, and then the lower and upper edges of the cylinder should be folded in different directions as shown in Figures 1-6.
  2. A white triangle should be placed on the top of the video - this is where the face of Santa Claus will be.
  3. Using a black marker, draw boots on the lower corners of the cone and a belt around the cylinder.
  4. Draw the character's face. Secure a loop between the upper corners of the cylinder to hang the toy on the Christmas tree.

Paper tricks

Fans of the popular origami technique can use various schemes for making paper crafts. It should be noted that the first version of the toy can be made from simple one-sided red colored paper, while the original craft from the second diagram will require independent coloring of a white sheet, taking into account the details indicated on the diagram.

Santa Claus made from cones

A minimal amount of effort and time will be required to make Santa Claus from a paper cone. This type of craft is perfect for a creative activity in kindergarten or for a pleasant pre-New Year's leisure activity. Santa Claus can be made from a ready-made printed template or made independently.

For this you will need:

  • 1 sheet of white paper;
  • 1 sheet of red colored paper;
  • glue;
  • stapler;
  • scissors;
  • a bead or small pompom in gold or white.


  1. Draw a circle on a piece of red paper. The desired height of the future figure should be equal to the radius of the circle.
  2. Cut a circle out of red paper, fold it in half, roll it into a cone and secure the edges of the shape with glue or a stapler.
  3. From a sheet of white paper, cut out an oval shape with wavy edges. Using the slot in the upper part of the oval, secure the part to the cone.
  4. Draw the character’s face on the oval, glue on a red nose and white mustache. Add a bead or pompom to the finished figurine at the end of the cone.

Santa Claus - box

A figurine of Santa Claus under a decorated Christmas tree is a traditional element of New Year's celebrations. An unusual Santa Claus, made in the form of a surprise box, will help diversify the festive interior, as well as pleasantly surprise everyone who looks under the tree in search of gifts and sweets. Even one piece of candy or a small souvenir hidden inside the box will bring joy and a sense of celebration to the child who finds it.

Crafts using ready-made templates and stencils

The main New Year's character made by children for their loved ones will become the most expensive and desired gift. To make these, just print the templates on thick paper. A large selection of options will allow you to make several different crafts, which will undoubtedly be useful for sharing or in a large company.

Even the smallest children can do this craft; it is easy and interesting to do. Santa Claus made from paper turns out wonderful, you can put it under the Christmas tree, use it as a homemade decoration for a forest beauty, or just play with it. Let's make this bright and irreplaceable New Year's character together.

Paper Santa Claus will require the following materials:

  • Red and white paper. Cardboard is also possible, but it is more difficult for small children to work with and requires effort when cutting and gluing;
  • Moving eyes. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have them, because you can cut out white and black circles of different sizes and make the eyes yourself. Alternatively, draw;
  • Scissors, glue, a simple pencil.

That's all, but if desired, Santa Claus can be decorated with various stickers, drawings, and snowflakes. I have a composter for this purpose, from which many, many graceful snowflakes have been produced.

How to make Santa Claus out of paper

Take red paper and roll it into a not very wide bag and secure it with glue. This is the easiest option for creating a cone, since you can also cut a circle out of paper, cut off a small section of it and glue it together.

Cut off the resulting tail of the bag with scissors.

You will get this long and thin cone. This is a rather tall Santa Claus made of paper - about 24 cm, if desired, it can be made smaller. For example, if it will be used as a Christmas tree decoration, the red paper needs to be cut in half.

Press the cone with your hand, just above the middle. This is necessary so that subsequently the head with a beard does not bristle, and also, when compressed, the tip of the resulting cap tilts slightly forward.

The body is ready, now let's move on to white paper. Draw a wavy long figure on it, do not forget to take into account the width of Santa Claus’s torso.

Cut out and in the upper part of the figure, which will play the role of the head and beard, draw and cut out a semi-oval. Here you also need to take into account the width of the part of the cone on which the head is attached. The trimmed area does not need to be completely cut off; it will subsequently play the role of a kind of visor.

Place the head-beard on the cone-body.

Cut out a red round nose and a white mustache and glue them together.

Glue on the eyes, nose and mustache and draw a smile.

That's it, the paper Santa Claus is ready, you can decorate him with snowflakes and stars. Glue the same snowflake, fluffy or paper pompom to the tip of the cap.

Competitions for the best creative works among students and parents have begun in schools and kindergartens. The New Year theme is quite extensive. In some groups it was decided to make a mitten from scrap materials, in others - a Christmas tree, in others - New Year's toys. My daughter and I have already knitted a mitten with fairy-tale characters (a scratching mouse, a jumping frog, etc.). There are up to a dozen different paper Christmas trees at home. So, today we’ll make a simple New Year’s toy. It will be Santa Claus.
Children of primary school age can cope with a craft made from colored paper without outside help. Children are not yet able to do this kind of work.
So, let's prepare:

  • scissors
  • white and colored paper
  • pencils.
Let's start by designing the fur coat and hat of Santa Claus. This is a complete element. You need to form a cone out of red paper. There are different ways to create this geometric figure. Someone cuts out a circle and then glues it into a cone. We got used to twisting a cone from a rectangular sheet. We level the base with scissors.

Next you need to make a fur trim for the hat and fur coat. We will need two white stripes approximately 10 mm wide. Let's bend the strip in half lengthwise, and use scissors along the edge opposite to the fold, cutting a narrow short fringe.

Glue the fur trim to the bottom of the fur coat. We immediately decide on the height of the hat and mark the edge of the headdress with a white border.

Next, cut out an elongated trapezoid from a landscape sheet and carefully round all four corners. Immediately cut thin long strips into the resulting figure - a beard. At the end of the work, we will go through each hair with the blade of the scissors to fluff up the snow-white beard.

Using gouache, watercolors, felt-tip pens or pencils, we draw the face of Santa Claus. A distinctive feature of the hero's appearance is thick eyebrows and a mustache.

We will also cut out the hair for our craft from paper. No difficulties.

All that remains is to glue all the parts into place. Santa Claus made from colored paper is ready. Of course, if you wish, you can continue the work, in particular, design the hero’s arms and legs. However, the craft also looks great in its presented form.

Let's put Santa Claus next to the paper Christmas tree. The tree is made of multi-colored (white and green) palms. We will place tinsel next to the children's crafts. It's a pity that there were no silver items at home. We will correct any misunderstanding this coming weekend. You still have to prepare for the matinee.

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New Year's mood can be lifted in many ways. For example, make a three-dimensional Santa Claus out of paper with your own hands for the New Year from scrap material. We also have a lesson
Just 15 minutes and you will be in the mood, and you will also have a finished craft in your hands, made with your own hands from colored paper.

  • Red and white double sided paper
  • Red store-bought pompom
  • Stationery glue
  • Simple pencil
  • Marker black
  • Scissors

Step-by-step photo lesson:

We will make the body of Santa Claus in the form of a cone. To make such a geometric figure, draw a circle on red double-sided paper. You can use a compass or circle a plate. Cut it out. Bend in half. Open and cut along the fold with scissors. We get two halves. For one Santa Claus figurine you will only need one part.

We twist half of the circle and get a cone-shaped figure. Secure the edges with glue. The lower parts can be adjusted with scissors to give an even base.

Then we draw a beard on white paper.

Cut out the beard along the contour. Cut through the middle to create a horizontal slit. We “dress” the beard through the slit. Bend a small part forward to create hair.

Glue the red pompom to the highest point of the cone. This will be the bubo of Santa Claus's hat.

Glue the plastic eyes. Cut out a mustache from white paper, and a small circle from red paper. Glue the cut out parts just below the eyes. Use a marker to add brightness and clarity.

Always in anticipation of a magical holiday, the whole family starts making New Year's decorations for the green beauty and home. And the most favorite craft is rightfully considered the main symbol of the New Year holiday - Santa Claus.

We suggest you make Santa Claus out of paper. With such a simple material you can create real masterpieces with your own hands. You just need to devote a little time to this activity and show all your limitless imagination.

Study our master classes on making Santa Claus with your own hands and you will be able to please your loved ones with unique New Year's gifts, made with soul and attention.

Modular origami Santa Claus - master class

We will need: sheets of A4 paper: blue - 14 pieces for 211 modules, white - 13 pieces for 207 modules, pink - 1 sheet for 17 modules.

We divide each sheet into 16 rectangles, from which we will make modules.

Step one. Fold the rectangular sheet in half lengthwise. Using another fold, we outline the middle line.

Step two. We bend the edges of the rectangle folded along the middle, as shown in the photo. Turn the piece over and fold the bottom edges up.

Step three. We fold the corners, bending them over the large triangle, and then bend these corners inward. We bend the resulting figure in half - so we have learned how to make a module. Now, in the same way, we make the required number of modules indicated above from the rest of the paper.

Step four. Let's start making crafts. We take 5 white modules and arrange them as in the photo (we place the top row module with the smaller side up). Next, we assemble a chain of 3 rows of white modules. Each row consists of 25 pieces.

Step five. We close the chain into a ring and turn it over. Next, we perform 3 rows with blue modules. From the seventh row we make a beard. To do this, insert 2 white modules with the smaller side facing out. We insert the remaining blue modules of row 7 as usual.

Step five. In the 8th row we fasten 3 white modules, as usual, with the long side, the remaining modules are blue. With each next row we add one white module on each side of the beard.

Step six. In the 11th row we insert one red module into the middle of the beard - this is the mouth. Row 12 consists of white modules. We put them on blue modules with the smaller side facing out, and on white modules (beard) with the long side, as usual. In the 13th row, opposite the red module, we put on the white one with the long side outward, and 2 pink modules each with the smaller side (see photo).

Step seven. In the 14th row we put on 6 pink modules with the smaller side, and we put on white modules as usual. Row 15 - we put on 17 white modules and 8 pink ones. In the 16th and 17th rows we put on all the white modules with the smaller side outward - this is the hat.

Step eight. The last 18th row consists of blue modules with the smaller side facing out. We assemble hands from 3 white modules and 5 blue ones. Glue the finished eyes and insert the nose (part of a children's mosaic). Santa Claus made from paper using modular origami technique is ready. We hope that after studying the master class, the Snow Maiden, made in the same technique, will appear next to your Santa Claus.

Santa Claus made of paper using origami technique - master class

We will need colored paper and a little patience. We offer you several schemes according to which you can easily make Santa Claus with your own skillful hands. You can hang it on the Christmas tree, decorate a greeting card with it, or give it to friends for the New Year.

DIY Santa Claus from colored paper - master class

We will need: red paper, pink paper for the face, white paper for the beard, cotton wool, markers, scissors and glue.

Operating procedure:

  • Using a compass or a small plate, draw a semicircle on red paper. We cut it out, fold it into a cone and glue it together.
  • We cut out an oval from pink paper, draw eyes and a nose on it with a felt-tip pen and glue the face of Santa Claus to the cone.
  • Next, glue on the beard and hat from white paper. To do this, cut out white strips, cut fringe on them and twist it with scissors. We glue strips with twisted fringe to the cone at the bottom of the face in several rows, giving the beard fullness. We make a hat from the same strip. A beard, hat and fur coat for Santa Claus can be made from cotton wool, which is glued to the cone along its lower edge, on the face and the upper part of the cone. An elegant Santa Claus made from paper, made by yourself, is ready. Using a cone, using your imagination, you can make a Snow Maiden.
  • Santa Claus made of colored paper strips - master class

    We will need: thick colored paper, white corrugated cardboard, scissors and glue.

    Operating procedure:

  • Cut out 6 strips measuring 1 cm by 15 cm and 6 strips measuring 1 cm by 10 cm from red paper. Glue them into rings. We assemble a ball from 6 large rings, fastening it with glue at the top and bottom. Using small rings, we assemble a smaller ball using the same pattern. The result is the body and head of Santa Claus.
  • Cut out a small circle for the face from pink or orange paper. We cut out a mustache, beard and hat of any size from corrugated cardboard and decorate the face with them. Cut out and glue the eyes and nose. Glue the face to a small ball, which we then glue to the body. Cut out mittens and felt boots from cardboard and glue them to the craft. The New Year's symbol made from paper, created with your own hands, is ready.
  • A few more ideas for creating Santa Claus with your own hands

    By using your imagination and using the patterns we have proposed, you can make Santa Claus even from a paper napkin.

    A paper cone allows you to make many versions of Santa Claus with your own hands.

    And this family of Santa Clauses is made from ordinary toilet paper rolls.

    Father Frost and Snow Maiden using the popular modular origami technique.

    We hope that our master classes helped you understand the technique of making Santa Claus from paper and encouraged you to be creative. Use a little imagination and create your own kind Grandfather or even several. They will decorate your holiday and create a magical mood!

    Diagrams, printouts, drawings

    Video master class

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