Home Grape Cluster on the topic of cognition. Pedagogical technologies in biology lessons. Allows students to comprehend everything they have studied in class in their own context, to express it in their own words

Cluster on the topic of cognition. Pedagogical technologies in biology lessons. Allows students to comprehend everything they have studied in class in their own context, to express it in their own words

Knowledge of the world 3rd grade

Subject: Professional holidays.

Target: introduce the concept of “professional holidays” into the active vocabulary.

Tasks : development of the ability to work in pairs, groups; develop creative skills when performing practical work.

During the classes

    Motivational target stage.


    Emotional reflection “Smiley”

    Request the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Guess the riddles and determine the topic of the lesson.

We are digging the earth deep

And in the depths of the earth

We mine coal for people,

So that they could heat the house. (Miner)

He writes and draws with chalk,

And fights with mistakes,

Teaches you to think, reflect,

What's his name guys? (Teacher)

Fear wolves and golden eagles

Always herding sheep in the mountains. (Shepherd.)

By what signs did you guess? Where can people of these professions work?

What holiday is today? What professions do people celebrate it?

II . C obsessively - cognitive stage.

    Brainstorming (group work).

Complete a cluster on the topic “Professions of my city.”

Demonstration of completed work.

7) Working with the Fishbone scheme

What holidays are celebrated in our city?

Classify in fishbone.

8) "Confusion"

Professions and their responsibilities are confused - unravel them.

The driver teaches the children.

The field farmer heals people.

A builder mines coal.

The miner drives a car.

    Debate “+ and – Are professional holidays necessary?”

The guys are divided into two groups: + and -.

Remember the rules of debate.

III. Evaluative-reflective stage.

9) Assessment.


Work for 1 point

Work worth 2 points

Work worth 3 points

wrote 1-2 professions

Posted by

3-4 professions

Wrote more than 4 professions


Recognized 1-2 professions

Recognized 3-4 professions

Recognized more than 4 professions

Entered 1-2 professions

Entered 3-4 professions

Entered more than 4 professions


Took passive part

Contributed 1-2 arguments

“2” - less than 6 points

“3” -6-8 points

"4" -9-10 points

“5” - 11-12 points

10) Reflection.

What holidays are called professional?

When is Teacher's Day celebrated? Miner?

11) Homework.

Compose a syncwine about the profession.


Work for 1 point

Work worth 2 points

Work worth 3 points

Cluster “Professions of my city”

wrote 1-2 professions

Posted by

3-4 professions

Wrote more than 4 professions


Recognized 1-2 professions

Recognized 3-4 professions

Recognized more than 4 professions

Fish bone “What holidays are celebrated in our city?”

Entered 1-2 professions

Entered 3-4 professions

Entered more than 4 professions


Took passive part

Contributed 1-2 arguments

Contributed more than 2 arguments, actively spoke

“2” - less than 6 points

“3” -6-8 points

"4" -9-10 points

“5” - 11-12 points


Work for 1 point

Work worth 2 points

Work worth 3 points

Cluster “Professions of my city”

wrote 1-2 professions

Posted by

3-4 professions

Wrote more than 4 professions


Recognized 1-2 professions

Recognized 3-4 professions

Recognized more than 4 professions

Fish bone “What holidays are celebrated in our city?”

Entered 1-2 professions

Entered 3-4 professions

Entered more than 4 professions


Took passive part

Contributed 1-2 arguments

Contributed more than 2 arguments, actively spoke

“2” - less than 6 points

“3” -6-8 points

"4" -9-10 points

“5” - 11-12 points

The doctor builds houses, shops and factories.

The banker grows grain crops.

The driver teaches the children.

The teacher performs transactions with money.

The field farmer heals people.

A builder mines coal.

The miner drives a car.

The doctor builds houses, shops and factories.

The banker grows grain crops.

The driver teaches the children.

The teacher performs transactions with money.

The field farmer heals people.

A builder mines coal.

The miner drives a car.

The doctor builds houses, shops and factories.

The banker grows grain crops.

The driver teaches the children.

The teacher performs transactions with money.

The field farmer heals people.

A builder mines coal.

The miner drives a car.

The doctor builds houses, shops and factories.

The banker grows grain crops.

The driver teaches the children.

The teacher performs transactions with money.

The field farmer heals people.

A builder mines coal.

The miner drives a car.

Mathematics 3rd grade Date_________

Topic: Written division with remainder.

Goal: to promote the development of the ability to perform division with a “corner” remainder.

Objectives: introduce students to the algorithm for written division with a remainder; develop practical skills in self-testing.

During the classes

    Organizing time.

    Updating knowledge.









4) 1848:8 (L) 5) 2496:4 (N)



Which example is superfluous and why?

67:7 45:2 38:2 55:4

    Learning new material.

    Physical exercise.

    Fixing the material.

Independent work.

Textbook p. 121 No. 2 (1 column), p. 122 No. 7, 9.

    Assessment based on criteria.

More than 5 errors -2

3-5 errors - 3

1-2 calculation errors -4

No errors – 5

    Reflection "Traffic light".


    S.122 No. 6.8

Solve the example and determine the key word of the lesson.








    492:4 (D) 2) 759:3 (E) 3) 924:2 (I)

4) 1848:8 (L) 5) 2496:4 (N)

Solve the example and determine the key word of the lesson.








    492:4 (D) 2) 759:3 (E) 3) 924:2 (I)

4) 1848:8 (L) 5) 2496:4 (N)

Solve the example and determine the key word of the lesson.








    492:4 (D) 2) 759:3 (E) 3) 924:2 (I)

4) 1848:8 (L) 5) 2496:4 (N)

Solve the example and determine the key word of the lesson.








    492:4 (D) 2) 759:3 (E) 3) 924:2 (I)

4) 1848:8 (L) 5) 2496:4 (N)

Complete the solution with the remainder “corner”.

495:4 759:4 924:5 1848:9 2495:2

Present the algorithm for solving examples in a poster.

“Cognitive activity in social studies” - Activity forms of educational and cognitive competencies. The paradox of cognition. Process of cognition. Types of educational and cognitive activities. Criterion of truth. Feeling. Educational and cognitive competence. Problem-based learning. Competency-oriented tasks. At the end of the lesson. Cluster. A real way out of this situation.

“Preparation for the Social Studies Olympiad” - Theoretical provisions. Theme of the tournament. Correct answer. Types of Olympiad tasks. Preparation for the correspondence stage of the XV tournament named after. M.V. Lomonosov. Content sections. Evaluation system. Fill the table. Types of tasks. Basic social facilities. Search for social information. Number of tasks.

“Federal State Educational Standard for Social Studies” - Structure of the Federal State Educational Standard. Place of the academic subject “Social Studies” in the Basic Curriculum (Educational) Plan. Requirements for the structure of the basic educational program of basic general education. The basic educational program of basic general education must contain three sections. Change in requirements for results.

“Preparation for the State Examination in Social Studies” - State Budget. Labor stimulation. Inflation. Judgments about the purchasing power of money. Judgments about forms of wages. Judgments about indirect taxes. Wage. Money. Excise tax. Budget. Judgments about public debt. Types of taxes. Income items. What function does money serve?

“Exemplary program in social studies” - Structure of an exemplary program in social studies. The sequence suggested in the example program. Understanding the specifics of understanding the world through art. Goals of social studies education in primary school. The general structure of each program is traditional. Moral and legal standards. The range of sources of social information is expanding.

“Social Studies Olympiad” - Multiple choice tasks. Open-ended questions. Caricature. Tasks to establish the correct sequence. A day spent in class. Assignments of alternative answers. Missing words. Diagrams. Priority national project “Education”. Stimulating student interest.

There are 21 presentations in total

A cluster is a graphical form of organizing information when the main semantic units are identified and recorded in the form of a diagram indicating all the connections between them. It is an image that helps to systematize and generalize educational material.

Cluster as one of the methods of critical thinking

The modern education system is focused on developing independent thinking in students. Critical thinking is a pedagogical technology that stimulates the intellectual development of students. Cluster is one of its methods (techniques).

The features of critical thinking include the presence of three stages:

  • call,
  • comprehension,
  • reflection.

At the first stage, activation occurs, involving all team members in the process. The goal is to reproduce existing knowledge on a given topic, form an associative series and pose questions to which one would like to find answers. At the comprehension phase, work with information is organized: reading the text, thinking and analyzing the facts obtained. At the reflection stage, the acquired knowledge is processed as a result of creative activity and conclusions are drawn.

The cluster technique can be used at any stage.

  • At the challenge stage, children express and record all existing knowledge on the topic, their assumptions and associations. It serves to stimulate the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, motivating them to think before starting to study the topic.
  • At the comprehension stage, the use of a cluster allows you to structure the educational material.
  • At the reflection stage, the cluster method performs the function of systematizing the acquired knowledge.

It is possible to use the cluster throughout the lesson, as a general lesson strategy, at all its stages. So, at the very beginning, children record all the information they own. Gradually, during the lesson, new data is added to the diagram. It is advisable to highlight them in a different color. This technique develops the ability to assume and predict, supplement and analyze, highlighting the main thing.

Basic principles of creating a cluster

The cluster is designed in the form of a cluster or a model of a planet with satellites. In the center is the main concept, thought, on the sides are large semantic units connected to the central concept by straight lines. These can be words, phrases, sentences expressing ideas, thoughts, facts, images, associations related to a given topic. And around the “satellites” of the central planet there may be less significant semantic units that more fully reveal the theme and expand the logical connections. It is important to be able to specify categories, justifying them with the help of opinions and facts contained in the material being studied.

Rules for designing a cluster in the lesson

Depending on the way the lesson is organized, the cluster can be drawn up on the board, on a separate sheet of paper, or in each student’s notebook when completing an individual task. When making a cluster, it is advisable to use multi-colored crayons, pencils, pens, and felt-tip pens. This will allow you to highlight some specific points and more clearly display the overall picture, simplifying the process of systematizing all the information.

There are several recommendations for creating a cluster. When creating it, you shouldn’t be afraid to express and record everything that comes to mind, even if it’s just associations or assumptions. During the work, incorrect or inaccurate statements can be corrected or supplemented. Students can feel free to use their imagination and intuition as they continue working until they run out of ideas. You should not be afraid of a significant number of semantic units; you should try to make as many connections between them as possible. During the analysis process, everything will be systematized and fall into place.

Application of the cluster method

The cluster method can be used in almost all lessons when studying a variety of topics.

The form of work when using this method can be absolutely any: individual, group and collective. It is determined depending on the goals and objectives set, the capabilities of the teacher and the team. It is permissible to flow from one form to another. For example, at the challenge stage, this will be individual work, where each student creates his own cluster in a notebook. As new knowledge becomes available, a general graphic diagram is drawn up as a joint discussion of the material covered, based on personal drawings and taking into account the knowledge gained in the lesson. The cluster can be used as a way to organize work in class and as homework. In the latter case, it is important that students have some experience in compiling it.

Advantages and results of using the technique

Using a cluster has the following advantages:

  • it allows you to cover a large amount of information;
  • involves all team members in the learning process, they are interested in it;
  • children are active and open because they have no fear of making a mistake or making an incorrect judgment.

During this work, the following skills are formed and developed:

  • ability to ask questions;
  • highlight the main thing;
  • establish cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions;
  • move from particulars to generalities, understanding the problem as a whole;
  • compare and analyze;
  • draw analogies.

What benefits does using the cluster method give to children in the classroom? The use of a cluster develops systematic thinking, teaches children to systematize not only educational material, but also their value judgments, teaches children to develop and express their opinions formed on the basis of observations, experience and new knowledge acquired, develops skills for simultaneous consideration of several positions, and the ability to creatively process information.

conclusions. Lessons using the cluster method give children the opportunity to express themselves, express their vision of the issue, and give them freedom of creative activity. In general, non-traditional technologies used in the educational process increase student motivation, create an atmosphere of cooperation and instill in children a sense of self-esteem, giving them a sense of creative freedom.

A cluster is a graphical form of organizing information when
the main semantic units are identified and recorded in the form
diagrams indicating all the connections between them. He is
image that contributes to the systematization and generalization of educational
Cluster as one of the methods of critical thinking
The modern education system is focused on developing
students of independent thinking. Critical thinking is
pedagogical technology that stimulates intellectual development
students. Cluster is one of its methods (techniques).
The features of critical thinking include the presence of three stages:
 call,
 comprehension,
 reflection.
At the first stage, activation and involvement of all participants occurs
team into the process. The goal is to reproduce existing
knowledge on this topic, the formation of an associative series and formulation
questions to which you want to find answers. During the comprehension phase
work with information is organized: reading the text, thinking and analyzing

At the reflection stage, the received
obtained facts.
processed as a result of creative activity and conclusions are drawn.
The cluster technique can be used at any stage.
 At the challenge stage, children express and record all existing knowledge on
topic, your assumptions and associations. It serves to stimulate
cognitive activity of schoolchildren, motivation to think before
started studying the topic.

 At the comprehension stage, the use of a cluster allows
structure educational material.
 At the reflection stage, the cluster method performs the function
systematization of acquired knowledge.
It is possible to use the cluster throughout the lesson, in the form of a general
lesson strategies at all stages. So, at the very beginning, children record
all the information they have. Gradually, during the lesson, into the scheme
new data is added. It is advisable to highlight them in a different color. The
the technique develops the ability to assume and predict, supplement and
analyze, highlighting the main points.
Basic principles of creating a cluster
The cluster is designed in the form of a cluster or a model of a planet with satellites. IN
in the center is the main concept, thought, on the sides are indicated
large semantic units connected to the central concept by straight lines
lines. These can be words, phrases, sentences expressing
ideas, thoughts, facts, images, associations related to this topic. And already
around the “satellites” of the central planet there may be less
significant semantic units that more fully reveal the topic and
expanding logical connections. It is important to be able to specify categories
justifying them with the help of opinions and facts contained in the studied
Rules for designing a cluster in the lesson
Depending on the way the lesson is organized, the cluster can be designed
on the board, on a separate sheet of paper or in a notebook for each student
completing an individual task. When composing a cluster, it is advisable
use multi-colored crayons, pencils, pens, markers. This
will allow you to highlight some specific points and display them more clearly
overall picture, simplifying the process of systematizing all information.
Recommendations for creating a cluster
There are several recommendations for creating a cluster. With him
creation should not be afraid to express and record everything that comes to mind,
even if it's just associations or assumptions. During work
incorrect or inaccurate statements may be corrected or supplemented.
Students can safely give free rein to their imagination and intuition as they continue

work until all ideas run out. Don't be afraid
a significant number of semantic units, you need to try to compose
as many connections as possible between them. During the analysis process everything
will be systematized and fall into place.
Application of the cluster method
The cluster method can be used in almost all lessons, with
studying a variety of topics.
The form of work when using this method can be absolutely
any: individual, group and collective. It is defined in
depending on the goals and objectives, the teacher’s capabilities and
team. It is permissible to flow from one form to another. For example, on
challenge stage, this will be individual work, where each student
creates its own cluster in the notebook. As new knowledge becomes available,
as a joint discussion of the material covered, based on
personal drawings and taking into account the knowledge gained in the lesson, is compiled
general graphic diagram. A cluster can be used as a way
organizing work in class and as homework. In the last
In this case, it is important that students have some experience in compiling it.
As an example, let’s look at creating a cluster in a social studies lesson.
when studying the topic “Monarchy”. At the very beginning of work, students
express all their knowledge on this issue,
assumptions and associations. For example, form of government, power, head
states, king, monarch, autocracy. The teacher records them on the board.
This is followed by reading a paragraph from the textbook. During familiarization with
material (or as a result of reading), the diagram is supplemented with new
facts. The teacher completes them using colored chalk. The result of the lesson
should be an analysis of the resulting picture, with a discussion of fidelity or
incorrectness of initial judgments and generalization of the obtained
Advantages and results of using the technique
Using a cluster has the following advantages:
 it allows you to cover a large amount of information;
 involves all team members in the learning process, it is for them
 children are active and open because they have no fear
make a mistake, make an incorrect judgment.
During this work, the following skills are formed and developed:
 ability to ask questions;
 highlight the main thing;
 establish cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions;

 move from particulars to generalities, understanding the problem as a whole;
 compare and analyze;
 make analogies.
What benefits does using the cluster method give to children in the classroom? Cluster reception
develops systems thinking, teaches children to systematize not only
educational material, but also their value judgments, teaches children to develop and
Express your opinion based on observations, experience and
new acquired knowledge, develops skills of simultaneous consideration
several positions, the ability to creatively process information.
Conclusions. Lessons using the cluster method give children the opportunity
express yourself, express your vision of the issue, give creative freedom
activities. In general, non-traditional technologies used in
educational process, increase student motivation, form
environment of cooperation and instill in children a sense of self
dignity, give them a sense of creative freedom.

Each teacher strives to make the learning process brighter, more fun and interesting. After all, the unusualness of the situation makes children remember information better.

A great way to achieve what you want is to turn your attention to the cluster. What it is? At school, this is a technique that the teacher uses during the lesson. This is the name of a graphical method of organizing information in which the main semantic units are identified, recorded in the form of a diagram with an explanation of all the connections between them. An educational cluster is an image that promotes systematization and generalization. It serves as a visual aid for the student.

The “cluster” technique develops the ability to form one’s own opinion based on experience and observations. In addition, it promotes students’ self-educational activities, the ability to work both in a group and independently, and intensifies learning activities. The guys have the opportunity to make corrections to ready-made diagrams.

Cluster - what is it? At school, this is an opportunity for children to express themselves, to show how they see the proposed problem or topic. This is creative freedom.

Cluster - what is it at school?

Let's talk about the reception in more detail. The term itself translated means “constellation” or “bundle”. A cluster is a graphical technique for systematizing knowledge in the form of a “cluster” or “bundle” of interrelated facts.

Cluster as a method of critical thinking

What is the modern education system focused on? To increase the independence of younger schoolchildren. Critical thinking is what stimulates the intellectual development of students. The "cluster" technique in primary school is one of his methods.

There are three stages: challenge, comprehension, reflection.

The first stage is the activation stage. All students are involved in the process. Its goal is to reproduce existing knowledge on a given topic, form an associative series and raise problematic questions on the topic. The comprehension phase is characterized by the organization of work with information. This could be reading material in a textbook, thinking or analyzing existing facts. Reflection is the stage when acquired knowledge is processed during creative activity, after which conclusions are drawn.

If you look at these three stages from the point of view of a traditional lesson, it becomes obvious that they are not fundamentally new for teachers. They are present in most cases, just called slightly differently. “Challenge” in a more familiar name for a teacher sounds like “updating knowledge” or “introduction to a problem.” “Comprehension” is nothing more than “discovery of new knowledge by students.” In turn, “reflection” coincides with the stage of consolidating new knowledge and its initial testing.

What's the difference? What is fundamentally new with the “clustering” technology in elementary school?

The element of unusualness and novelty lies in the creation of conditions for the free development of each individual. Each stage of the lesson involves the use of its own methodological techniques. There are quite a lot of them: cluster, insert, syncwine, table of thick and thin questions, zigzag, “six thinking hats”, true and false statements, and others.

Cluster technology: what are the advantages and results applications this method?

What skills are formed and developed during this work?

  1. Ability to formulate questions.
  2. Find the main thing in a large volume of educational material.
  3. Establish cause-and-effect and logical relationships.
  4. Build conclusions.
  5. Move from the specific to the general, perceiving the problem in general terms.
  6. Draw analogies.
  7. Compare and analyze.

Application of cluster technology: advantages

  1. Allows you to cover a significantly larger volume of educational material.
  2. Involves all students in the learning process.
  3. The activity is interesting for children.
  4. Students are open and active because they have no fear of making the wrong judgment.
  5. Organizes creative activities and provides flights of imagination.

In what sequence should you proceed when creating a cluster?

The sequence of actions when making a “bunch” is logical and simple.

In the middle of the chalkboard or blank sheet of paper, a key word or sentence is written, which is the main one in revealing the topic or idea. Next, other words or sentences are written around that express facts, ideas, images that are suitable for the chosen topic. As you write, all new elements are connected by a straight line to the key concept. Each “satellite,” in turn, also has “satellites” - this is how new logical connections are established between concepts.

At what stage of the lesson is it more productive to use the cluster technique?

The cluster in elementary school can be used at any stage of the lesson. It is also suitable at the stages of challenge, comprehension and reflection, as well as as a basic lesson strategy.

When organizing work with primary schoolchildren, it is necessary to take into account their age characteristics. Remember that the teacher in these lessons is a kind of work coordinator: he directs the students’ efforts in the necessary direction, confronts various judgments, and helps create conditions that will encourage independent decision-making.

What's good about a cluster? What is it like at school? Method of independent work of students. To make this technique technologically advanced, it is enough to carry out similar work 2-3 times. Students enjoy making clusters. You can work on questions that you didn’t have time to cover in class at home. The use of the “cluster” method is not limited only to classroom activities of primary schoolchildren.

How to apply at different stages of the lesson?

Call stage

At this stage, students express and record all the knowledge they have on the topic, as well as all associations and assumptions. Here, the cluster is a stimulating component of the cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren, which creates motivation to think before starting to study a new topic.

Conception stage

At this stage, using a cluster will allow you to structure the educational material, improving the quality of its assimilation.

Reflection stage

This is the stage of generalizing the acquired knowledge and skills that the cluster will help to systematize.

Examples of drawing up such diagrams, at least some of them, are presented on the page. The good thing about this method is that it is suitable for use in any lesson and at all stages of the lesson, as a general strategy. So, at the beginning of the lesson, students record all the knowledge they possess. Further, as the lesson progresses, students add new data to the diagram. It is advisable to do this in a different color.

The use of a cluster contributes to the development of the ability to highlight the main thing, assume and make forecasts, analyze and supplement.

Are there any principles for composing a “bunch”?

A cluster in history or any other discipline can be designed in the form of a model of a planet with its satellites or in the form of a bunch.

The key concept, thought, is located in the center, then, on the sides of it, large semantic parts are designated, which are connected to the central “planet” by straight lines. These can be sentences, phrases or words that express facts, thoughts, associations or images related to the topic.

You can divide the sheet into a certain number of sectors, which will have a common part in the center - this is the key concept and the blocks associated with it.

Cluster - examples of correct specification and systematization of facts contained in the material being studied. Thus, around the “satellites” of an already existing “planet,” even smaller satellites appear, less significant units of information that more fully reveal the topic and expand logical connections.

Cluster: examples in elementary school. How to properly arrange a “bunch”?

The design of the cluster depends on how the teacher organized the lesson: for example, a “cluster” can be designed on the board, on separate sheets of paper, or even in students’ notebooks as they complete individual assignments. When making a cluster, it is best to use multi-colored chalk, pens, pencils, markers or felt-tip pens. This will highlight key points and more clearly display the overall picture, simplifying the process of systematizing and classifying information.

When making a “bunch”, do not be afraid to express all your thoughts, assumptions, facts and record everything that comes at the level of associations. After all, in the course of work, everything that is incorrect and inaccurate can be corrected or supplemented. Students can give free rein to their imagination, imagination and intuition, working until the flow of ideas dries up. There is no need to worry about the presence of a significant number of semantic links in the diagram. A cluster on a topic that is extensive in itself and should turn out to be quite large. The main thing is to find as many logical connections between blocks as possible. At the work analysis stage, everything is systematized and falls into place.

How to use the cluster method in the classroom?

So, a cluster. Examples in elementary school can be truly diverse: this technique can be used in almost every lesson when studying a wide variety of topics.

Using this method of work, you can use absolutely any form: collective, individual or group. It is determined by the goals and capabilities of the teacher and students. Let's allow a transition from one form to another.

For example, during the challenge phase, each student works individually: each child creates their own cluster in their notebook. When new knowledge begins to arrive, already during a general discussion and discussion, based on personal drawings, one can draw up one general graphic diagram.

The cluster can be used as a way to organize work during class or as homework. If you ask students to create a cluster at home, remember the importance of students having some experience and skills in creating it.

Cluster technology: an example

As an example, let’s take making a “bunch” in a social studies lesson. The topic being studied is “Monarchy”.

At the beginning of work on the “bunch”, students express all associations and suggestions on this issue, and the teacher, in turn, records them on the board.

Example: power, monarch, form of government, head of state, autocracy, government system, power.

What follows is an introductory reading of the paragraph in the textbook. As you get acquainted with the material or as a result of reading the text, the cluster is supplemented with “fresh” facts. The teacher records them on the board using chalk of a different color.

The result of the lesson is an analysis of the resulting picture. A discussion of the correctness or incorrectness of the original facts and judgments is required. An important stage is the generalization of the acquired knowledge.

What benefits does the use of a cluster give to children in their learning process?

The cluster method promotes the development of systematic thinking, the ability to creatively process material, teaches children to classify and analyze not only facts from the textbook, but also their value judgments, develops the skill of considering several positions at once, teaches them to formulate and express their own opinions, which are developed on the basis of experience and observations.


A lesson using cluster technology, or “bunch,” gives children the opportunity to express themselves, express their opinions, and also provides room for creativity. In general, non-traditional teaching methods, which are actively used in the educational process, help to increase students’ motivation, give them a sense of their own freedom, and create an environment of mutually beneficial cooperation.

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