Home Grape Why lemons don't bloom at home. Why the lemon does not bloom and bear fruit and what to do. Wildlife or cultivated plant

Why lemons don't bloom at home. Why the lemon does not bloom and bear fruit and what to do. Wildlife or cultivated plant

The question in the title of this article is asked by many amateur citrus growers, especially those who have taken up this fascinating business not so long ago. Indeed, a flowering lemon tree looks simply gorgeous, spreading an exquisite lemon-jasmine scent around itself! In addition, do not forget that after flowering, an equally pleasant period begins - fruit setting and ripening.

Alas, it often happens that all the efforts of the lemon owner are in vain, and the plant is stubbornly not going to bloom, although it is being cared for. Why isn't the lemon blooming? - let's figure it out together!

Wildlife or cultivated plant?

Practice shows that often inexperienced growers do not pay attention to whether they are grown, or grafted, grafted. But this is the most important moment on which the flowering time depends! If you have a wild, that is, a tree that has grown from a stone, then, no matter how carefully care is taken, it will bloom in 12 - 15 years, or even later.

This is the nature of this plant, and there is nothing you can do about it. Either wait all this time, or graft a stem from a fruiting specimen onto the trunk. True, there are techniques that can slightly reduce the waiting time, but these techniques are complex, not always effective, so they will not be considered here.

If you have a cultivated plant, or a grafted wild, but the pet stubbornly does not bloom, the reasons lie in improper care, and we will now consider them.

Lemon age

Remember how old the plant is. Some varieties of these trees are able to bloom quickly, already 2 - 3 years after grafting or grafting, but there are many varieties, on the branches of which the first buds appear only in the fourth or even fifth years of life. Citrus growing, among other skills, requires a lot of patience from a person!

Correct crown formation is the key to lush flowering

This component cannot be overestimated, it is he who is often the reason for the lack of flowering. It is not uncommon to see that a tree in a pot resembles a rod. In its crown there is only one large branch, incredibly elongated. Occasionally there are two such long branches, they resemble tops.

The reason is that the grower did not form the crown of his pet in time, did not make the necessary pruning.

Remember! Lemons bloom and bear fruit only on the branches of the fourth and sometimes fifth order. For them to appear, fast-growing branches must be pruned, stimulating the appearance of side shoots.

Only the presence of a lush crown with many side branches will guarantee the appearance of buds.

Organization of winter holidays

Another common reason for the lack of flowering is improper wintering of the lemon. These subtropical evergreens are accustomed to the fact that in winter, during short days and lack of sunlight, the temperature around them drops. Of course, these are not our winter frosts, but a temperature from +8 to +12 ° C will be suitable.

Mature, well-developed lemons can easily withstand even a drop to almost zero, if it is short-lived. In the case when the tree remains to winter in a warm living room, it is greatly depleted, and during the growing season it will no longer bloom.

Attention! If you do not have the opportunity to arrange a cool winter for your citrus, it should be additionally illuminated. In this case, exhaustion will be much less pronounced.

Lemon hibernating in the cool should not be fed, and its watering should be significantly reduced.

Lack of lighting

All citrus fruits need a fair amount of light. If it is not enough, this negatively affects the general condition of the lemon, and first of all, it is expressed in the absence of flowering. The tree may even look good, grow well, but if there is not enough light, buds will not appear on the branches. In order for flowers to develop, a daylight length of at least 12 hours is required, while the intensity of the luminous flux must remain at a fairly high level.

Lemon nutritional deficiencies

The lemon tree is demanding on the level of nutrition. The soil in the pot should be replaced regularly; additional mineral and organic fertilizing should be carried out in the spring-summer period. In the case when fertilizers are not applied, the pot is too small, the substrate has long been depleted, flowering should not be expected. Only with a good supply of nutrients to the crown, buds will begin to develop on its branches, and then flowers.

Here it is appropriate to recall the crown itself. It is noticed that for each ripening lemon, there should be about 15 developed leaves in the crown. If the foliage is scarce (and this is often associated with a lack of nutrition), not only will there be no fruits, but even flowers. Therefore, make sure that the plant does not lose its leaves for any reason.


This reason is absolutely opposite to the previous one, but it is also able to slow down flowering. The fact is that inexperienced growers often overfeed their pets, since there are plenty of available fertilizers nowadays. An excess of one or another element can be fatal for a tree! In the best case, it will begin to "fatten" to the detriment of flowering. This happens, for example, with an excess of organic fertilizers rich in nitrogen.

Pay close attention to feeding, making sure that it remains balanced, systematic and well thought out in volume.

The presence of pests

Needless to say, the invasion of harmful insects, as well as the presence of viral and fungal diseases, can also negatively affect the flowering and further fruiting of lemon. Moreover, if there are a lot of pests, then the owner, as a rule, notices it. But they can be in such an amount when the appearance of the tree does not particularly suffer, and the inattentive owner believes that everything is in order with the lemon. At the same time, pests (for example, citrus mites) suck the juice from the buds even at the stage when they are almost invisible. Of course, such a plant will not bloom!

Instead of a total

We have listed all the main reasons why indoor lemon stubbornly refuses to bloom. There are others, for example, frequent rearrangement to a new place, being in drafts, too high a temperature (lemons do not bloom in hot air). But these cases account for only a small fraction of the overall picture.

Analyze your pet's life, caring for him. See if you have made one of the mistakes that are discussed in the article? A careful, thoughtful analysis will most likely lead you to the right answer. And may in the future your lemon bloom magnificently, aromatic, as befits a real citrus plant!

Light, temperature and humidity are the main conditions for growing a citrus tree. It is also possible to create favorable conditions for lemon at home.

A sharp change in the conditions of detention is unacceptable, for example, rearrangement or removal to the street - the plant may stop blooming.

Health and immunity

Viruses and bacteria are one of the causes of tree disease. Some of them are insect-borne, others spread through the air and can grow in a plant pot due to lack of oxygen. Weakened immunity is the most common disease of homemade lemon, and the person himself is often to blame.

Main reasons:

  • Poor quality soil.
  • Unfavorable conditions such as high temperature or humidity.
  • Improper watering and / or fertilization.

Correct conditions of maintenance and care

  1. Lemon prefers long daylight hours - for this it is necessary to correctly position the tree in the apartment (for example, east or west windows). In winter, the plant should be placed closer to the window and illuminated with phytolamp for 5-6 hours a day. In summer, the tree should not be exposed to drafts and direct sunlight.
  2. The plant does not tolerate heat. The optimum temperature in room conditions is from 18 to 20 ° in summer and 12-15 ° in winter. Lemon does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature, therefore, during the winter dormant period, the tree can be watered with lukewarm water.
  3. In the room where the citrus is located, the air must be well humidified, for this the room must be systematically ventilated, and a container with water must be placed next to the plant.

    Spray the lemon once or twice a week.

Flowering and fruiting times

Many people wonder when the indoor lemon should begin to bloom and bear fruit. It turns out that it can bloom already in the first year of life, however, it is recommended to cut off the flowers in buds, since flowering greatly depletes the young plant and can destroy it. It is recommended to allow fruiting when the tree already has at least 20 leaves.

Myself the period from the beginning of flowering to fruiting takes 6-8 months(depending on the variety) while maintaining the necessary conditions. Homemade lemon blooms twice a year - in winter and autumn. After planting, the tree will be able to please with fruits only after three to four years.

With proper care, homemade lemons can flower and bear fruit for about 40 years. The main factor in the life of a plant is your concern, since the life of a tree can always be extended with the help of air layers, cuttings and grafts on other plants.

Why does the plant at home fail to yield?

There can be several reasons for the absence of homemade lemon fruits, for example:

  • If citrus is grown from seed, the plant must be grafted and allowed to wait for several years before flowering begins.
  • Pests and bacteria.
  • Dry air or high humidity.
  • Poor soil, lack of fertilizers and minerals.

Improper care

However, the main reason why indoor lemon does not bear fruit is the wrong conditions for keeping the plant:

  1. High or low room temperature. The optimum room temperature for growing a lemon tree is 18 to 20 degrees Celsius.
  2. Improper watering. You need to water the lemon regularly, with pre-settled water, so that all the chlorine can disappear from it. In summer and spring, 2 times a day, in winter - 2 times a week. Choose room temperature for irrigation.
  3. Lack of fertilizers. Homemade lemon is fertilized during the active flowering period from March to September, once or twice every two weeks, otherwise the tree will lose color. During winter dormancy and in the presence of diseases, the plant should not be fed.
  4. Incorrect location and lighting. Lemon is recommended to be placed closer to sunlight. An excellent option would be rooms with windows facing west or east; an insulated loggia is also suitable.

    But it should be borne in mind that citruses are afraid of drafts, especially during flowering. In the hot season, the tree must be shaded. It is unacceptable that the sun's rays enter the plant, this will lead to leaf burns.

  5. Wrong ground.
    • It is better to prepare the soil yourself (earth, leaf humus and sand in equal proportions).
    • Do not cover different parts of the soil in layers.
    • The soil should be loose, without lumps.
    • Drainage can be added to the soil to provide oxygen to the roots.
    • The acidity level of the soil is not more than 7 (pH = 7), determined using an ionomer.
    • The soil must be fertilized regularly.
    • Once every two years, the citrus tree is transplanted with a complete replacement of the soil.
  6. Poor pollination. Lemon fruiting will occur without any intervention on your part. If you want to get a bountiful harvest, you need to use a cotton swab to shake the pollen from the stamens onto the pistil.

    It is worthwhile to proceed with caution, as there is a high risk of damage to the flowers. The procedure should be repeated in the next couple of days. The tree can bear fruit with or without pollination, but in the latter case, no seeds are formed in the lemon fruit.

  7. Too abundant flowering. A large number of flowers takes a lot of energy from the plant. It is necessary to periodically remove excess ovaries so that the citrus can bear fruit.

When will a seed-grown crop bear fruit without grafting?

A lemon tree grown from a seed, without grafting, will become fruitful only 12-14 years after planting. To accelerate fruiting, the plant must be grafted.

How to get vaccinated?

There are two ways to graft a citrus tree:

  • Budding is the safest method. A young and strong lemon bud is placed under the bark of a young seedling. This method has a high survival rate.
  • Copulation- a more traumatic way for the plant. Cuttings of a fruiting lemon and a mother tree are cut at an acute angle with a special, disinfected tool and fixed to each other. It is important that there is no exposed wood after grafting.

Could the age of the crop be the reason for the lack of yield?

An old lemon may not produce fruit for the same reason as a young one - improper keeping conditions.

The lemon tree lives and actively bears fruit up to 40-50 years, the main thing is to take care of him correctly.

A young plant, on the other hand, will not bear fruit for the first few years. A grafted lemon grown from a cutting under the right conditions will give its first fruits in 3-4 years, and one that sprouted from a stone may not bear fruit even after 10 years.

Can a lemon tree be made to bloom or not, and how?

Proper grooming contributes to the proper development of the lemon tree. There are several ways to make your plant bloom:

  1. Extreme conditions can be created. For example, make a short cut or slightly damage the bark of the lemon tree by tapping it with a stick or other object. You can also hang a small weight on vertical branches so that the branches take a horizontal position. In such a case, the tension in the bark will promote flowering in a stressful situation.
  2. Crown formation. At home, it is recommended to form a flat tree. To do this, you need to cut and gently break off the shoots to the windowsill. After the dimensions of the window opening and the crown become the same, pinching or even trimming is carried out. With this type of crown, the lemon will feel great and will be able to give a good harvest. The main thing is to have time to form the crown before the beginning of fruiting.
  3. Pulling branches. The branches need to be pulled together with soft wire at the beginning of sap flow - in order to concentrate nutrients in them, which will be useful during the next flowering. In November, the plant is freed from the garter.

What to do when buds appear?

With the appearance of the first flowers, the citrus tree should be kept at the optimum temperature (16-18 degrees). Also, you need to regulate the number of ovaries and avoid overloading, especially during the first flowering. From the beginning of flowering until autumn, the plant is given weak feeding using organic and mineral fertilizers. Water the lemon tree during flowering twice a day.

Reasons for the loss of ovaries

There are several reasons why the plant blooms violently, but does not bear fruit.:

  • Inappropriate temperature and lighting.
  • Tree age - the lemon may be too young to bear fruit.
  • Too poor soil, lack of complementary food and fertilizers.
  • Inconsistency in the number of flowers and leaves (one flower for two dozen leaves; cut off the rest in buds).
  • Dry soil or, conversely, overflow.
  • Improper pollination (gently transfer pollen from bud to bud with a cotton swab).

In this way, it is quite difficult to make lemon blossom and bear fruit at home, but interesting. If you follow all the above recommendations and take a serious approach to growing a plant, it will surely thank you with exuberant flowering and many fruits.

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Lemons came from Southeast Asia. These are evergreen low-growing trees with shiny leathery leaves. Lemon blooms in their natural environment in spring and can be harvested in autumn.

At home, for lemon flowering, a number of conditions must be observed:

  • Provide a comfortable temperature - from 14 to 27 ° C.
  • Do not move the plant from place to place.
  • Place next to an east-facing window. Lemons love the morning sun.
  • Transplant the tree in early spring.
  • Do not place near heating appliances and spray continuously to ensure sufficient humidity (about 70%).
  • When pests appear, immediately rid the plant of them.

With such care, the lemon will delight its owners with fragrant flowering and juicy fruits.

How is the process going?

Lemon flowers are medium-sized, 2-3 cm, painted in pastel shades: white, cream, pinkish or purple. A subtle delicate aroma spreads throughout the room where the tree is located.

Principle and process

A young lemon tree can bloom in the first year of life, but this early bloom can kill the plant. Therefore, flowers must be picked off.

When does lemon bloom at home? Flowering usually begins in late April - early May. The lemon flowering process consists of several stages:

  1. The plant throws out peduncles.
  2. Buds are formed.
  3. The buds open after 2-3 days.
  4. Flowering occurs within a week.
  5. The petals fall off and an ovary appears.

Artificial pollination and self-pollination

Lemon depending on the variety can either pollinate on its own or requires artificial pollination... The owner of the plant can carry out the process of artificial pollination with a cotton swab or cotton swab. It is necessary to carefully transfer pollen from one flower to another. This pollination method does not guarantee quality pollination, but it can help in the absence of other options.

Number of flowers

Lemon trees produce as many flowers as possible for themselves, but this is detrimental to the plant. When growing at home, the number of flowers should be adjusted.

The optimal ratio will be - 1 flower for 6-7 green leaves, so that the ovaries that arise later turn into fruits.

Why are there no buds?

Lemon trees do not always please the owners with flowering. There can be a number of reasons for this: from improper care to the presence of pests.


Most often, lemon trees are susceptible to attacks by spider mites, scale insects, thrips and soil fleas.

Spider mite

Spider mites are small pests that are difficult to see with the naked eye. The tick size is 1-2 mm, it settles on the underside of the leaf plate, most often it infects leaves and immature shoots.

Signs of a tick:

  • Small light dots on the leaves.
  • Roll-up leaves with cobwebs on the back.

There are several ways to get rid of a tick:

  1. Spraying with sulfur.
  2. Washing the leaves.
  3. UV lamp.
  4. Processing the leaves with an alcohol solution.


Scabbards are the most dangerous pests. When they appear on the tree, convex oval plates (about 4 mm) appear. There are several varieties of scale insects, but they are all equally dangerous to the plant. It is very difficult to get rid of this pest because its shell is covered with a wax shield that protects it from the effects of chemicals.

To destroy scale insects, use:

  • Chemicals (Aktara, Aktellik, etc.).
  • Soapy water.
  • Infusion of tobacco.


To remove thrips, use the same means as for the destruction of spider mites.

Soil fleas (earthen fleas, podura)

Earthen flea beetles can be seen when watering on the surface of the soil or on the base of a pot. Pests can actively jump in different directions. Podura feed on decayed parts of roots and non-decayed plant debris., but easily switch to healthy roots, which can lead to plant death.

  • Keep the flowerpot clean.
  • Avoid over-watering.
  • Provide good drainage so that excess water does not stagnate during watering.

If earthen fleas have already appeared, you should:

  1. Reduce watering.
  2. Replace the top soil in a pot (2-3 cm) with new soil.
  3. Sprinkle dry sand over the soil surface.
  4. Sprinkle tobacco dust on the soil in the pot.
  5. Water the plant with any insecticide, and after 2-3 days, transplant the plant into new soil.


Among the diseases that are susceptible to lemon, late blight and sooty fungus.

  1. Late blight (late blight) is one of the most common diseases of citrus plants. He can move from one plant to another. The disease manifests itself with brown spots located along the central vein of the leaf. The spots may be covered with a cobweb-like coating.

    If the disease has just begun, removing the affected parts of the plant will help. For advanced cases, the drugs Albit, Profit or Ordan are used.

  2. Sooty fungus often occurs due to damage to the plant by the scabbard.

    Therefore, it is necessary to carefully inspect the plant for the presence of pests. If pests have been detected, action must be taken immediately.

The photo shows late blight:

The photo shows a sooty fungus:

Containment breach

Inappropriate conditions in which the lemon tree grows is often the reason for the lack of flowering. The main mistakes in the conditions of detention:

  • Over / under watering. Moderate soil moisture must be maintained
  • High / low soil pH. Lemons like a neutral pH.
  • Fertilizer in the winter. It is recommended to feed lemon only in summer.
  • High temperature in the room. Lemon trees prefer moderate temperatures but high humidity.
  • Dry air is harmful to lemon
  • Insufficient lighting.

What to do and how to get the plant to release buds?

If the lemon tree does not bloom for a long time, it can be provoked to bloom in proven ways:

  • Creation of extreme conditions:
    1. During winter, the lemon can be taken out onto the balcony to wake the plant up.
    2. The second way to change conditions is to deliberately create a period of drought, which is replaced by abundant watering.
  • Crown formation. Lemon trees begin to bloom and bear fruit on the branches of 3-4 orders of magnitude. Molding can push the plant to active branching and the appearance of the necessary branches. It is important to do the molding correctly and not to cut short fruit branches. In addition, pinching helps to form a beautiful tree crown.
  • Pulling branches. By improvising with rope and weights, you can give the branches a horizontal position. This leads to an acceleration of flowering and fruiting. Skeletal branches can be pulled with wire.
  • Necessary care measures. The plant needs:
    1. Feed in a timely manner (only in the summer season).
    2. Pour with settled water.
    3. Spray frequently to create a comfortable environment that allows the lemon tree to grow strong and grow vigorously.

We suggest watching a video on how to help a lemon to bloom:

What if they appeared?

Active flowering of lemon does not guarantee that ovaries and then fruits are formed on the plant. Why can flowers fall? In the absence of proper care for a blooming lemon, flowers may fall off. This happens if:

  • The air temperature is above 18 ° C.
  • The soil in which the tree grows is dry.
  • The air is not humidified enough.
  • The plant is watered with water that contains chlorine.

Why are there flowers but no ovaries and no fruits? In addition, the presence of flowers does not always mean that the lemon will bear fruit. The main reasons for the lack of fruiting:

  • Unpolished flowers.
  • Violation of the conditions for keeping the plant.
  • The age of the tree. A young plant is not capable of bearing fruit.

When leaving, it is important to consider factors such as temperature conditions, air humidity and the age of the tree. If all the conditions are met, the lemon will delight the owners with fruits all year round.



The lemon tree is not only prized for its fruit. Lemon inflorescences are actively used in cooking and traditional medicine. Lemon flowers are used in cooking not only as a decoration. In the East, they are used in the preparation of desserts. Floral lemon water is popular in Europe. It is used as a base for various cocktails.

In folk medicine, lemon inflorescences are used:

  1. For insomnia and menstrual pain.
  2. With hypertension and emotional arousal.
  3. For nausea and stomach pain.
  4. When coughing.

Lemon flowers are brewed in the form of tea, infused with mineral water, combined with medicinal herbs.

Lemon trees are not only beautiful ornamental plants. With proper care from lemon, you can achieve regular flowering and fruiting. The bloom will provide a pleasant scent in the room, the inflorescences can be used in cooking or medicine, and the ripe fruits can be eaten. The efforts made to grow lemon are well worth it for its beauty and fruit.

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Homemade lemon has become very popular today. This is an indoor dweller who can easily be purchased in the store. Many people choose it because of its exoticism, but before purchasing such plants, you need to know how to care for lemon at home. After all, with improper care, lemon flowering does not occur, and the plant does not set fruit. In this article, we'll show you what to do to make your lemon bloom.

In general, during the period that the tree will be in a new pot, it will have time to take root there, and settle in a new place. Therefore, when transplanting, simply pick up a larger pot for him, the earthen lump in which he grew before can be left. Naturally, if this is not done on time, your pet is unlikely to bloom in the cramped conditions.

Inappropriate conditions

In addition to adhering to agricultural technology, caring for a lemon means providing it with good conditions. Otherwise, he will not please you with a single flower.

Unsuitable soil. If the land where the tree was planted is strongly acidic or alkaline, your pet begins to wither and lose flowers. In order to determine the acidity of the soil, it is enough to use a litmus test. If this really was the problem, you need to give it a slightly acidic reaction.

Lack of sunlight. This plant is very thermophilic, therefore it needs a sufficient amount of sunshine for optimal development. You shouldn't expect beautiful flowers without it. It is best to place it on a window that faces south or southwest.

And remember that it is better not to expose your pet to direct sunlight - this is fraught with sunburn, and then you will have to think about how to reanimate the poor plant. Then you don't have to ask why the lemon does not bloom.

Watering with cold water. Flowers and trees are usually watered with warm water. The lemon tree is also no exception to the rule - pouring cold water on it will negate all the tree's attempts to bloom.

A sharp change in conditions of detention. The sudden change in scenery has a detrimental effect on this citrus tree. For example, you decided to rearrange your pet in the sun, although before that he stood in the shade all the time. Or they took out a houseplant outside without hardening it before. Naturally, if the change of scenery occurs so abruptly, the tree simply does not have time to adapt to new conditions. It is because of this "stress" that it can stop blooming. Therefore, if you decide to change the conditions of detention, do it gradually so as not to provoke stressful situations.

Lack of vitamins and minerals

It is imperative to feed your pet - after all, for full growth and development, it needs nutrients that it receives thanks to regular ones. Fertilize the tree twice a month (during the active growth phase), and make a short pause for the winter.

Citrus fruits are grown at home both for useful fruits and for decorative purposes. In addition, during the flowering period, they fill the entire room with their aroma, making staying in it like a fairy tale. However, it happens that the planted lemon does not bloom for a long time. What to do and how to get fruit from the plant?

There may be several reasons why the lemon tree does not form flowers and does not bear fruit. It is necessary to understand well whether mistakes have been made in the care, and also whether pests have appeared on the tree.

Wrong vaccination

If the seedling was grown from a stone, then you should not expect a harvest and flowering from it. A fruiting lemon must be grafted. For these purposes, mainly the Meyer and Dioscursia varieties are used, which are capable of producing crops as early as next year. The stock can be a seed-grown orange or a grapefruit.

Incorrectly selected temperature mode

Lemon does not tolerate temperature fluctuations. With sharp changes in it, the plant can bloom profusely, but then lose color. It is recommended to grow a tree at a temperature of +20 - +24 ° С. Heat negatively affects its growth and development, and especially in a closed room.

Insufficient moisture

The lemon tree loves a humid indoor climate. Otherwise, flower buds will not form at all or will crumble. To humidify the air, use special devices or simply install an open vessel with water in the room. Also, the plant is regularly sprayed.

Abundant flowering

There are times when the lemon blooms but does not bear fruit. Experts recommend normalizing the number of flowers by removing the excess ones. If there are a lot of them, then the tree will lose a lot of strength and there will be no more of them left for the formation of ovaries. You can determine how many flowers to leave by counting the number of leaves on the plant. For every 10 leaves, 1 flower is left.

Lack of vitamins and minerals

During flowering, lemon requires good nutrition, high in vitamins and minerals. They come together with feeding.

If you do not fertilize the soil, the tree will lose color and will not form ovaries.

Diseases and pests

Lemon, like other indoor plants, can be affected by pathogens and pests. During the flowering period, fungal infections are considered the most dangerous. To prevent their appearance and development, it is necessary to control the level of humidity and normalize watering. Of the pests, the plant affects:

  • thrips;
  • spider mites;
  • scabbards.

If the tree is sick, then it will not bloom, much less form an ovary. It is necessary to take urgent measures to destroy pests and pathogenic flora, to make lemon healthier. Only then will he be able to please with abundant flowering.

How to make lemon blossom and bear fruit?

What if you want to see the homemade lemon bloom and enjoy its healthy fruits? It is necessary to stimulate flowering, provide proper care, improve the health of the tree and eliminate possible mistakes in care.

Vaccination and feeding

If the grafting is done correctly, then the indoor lemon will be able to please the owners with the harvest in 3 years. The most commonly used method of inoculation with an eye. The stalk is grafted only if the branch contains a small number of leaves. You can perform this action in the split or behind the bark. Work is carried out during the period when the lemon begins to actively flow. This usually happens in April or May.

For the stock, they use strengthened seedlings with thick twigs, the bark from which well moves away from the wood. The growth should contain about 5 leaves. For the operation to be efficient, a clean and very sharp knife is used. A strong alignment is achieved by tightly tying the grafted lemon. If after 3 weeks the leaf petiole near the eye turns yellow, then the vaccination has taken root successfully. Failure in this matter can be overtaken in the case when the bark is poorly separated from the wood.

Cultivating a lemon tree in an enclosed space requires proper feeding.

The amount of fertilizer must be properly dosed and applied to the soil. During the flowering period, the plant is fed 2 times a month, and in winter, the application of drugs is reduced to 1 time per month. Well suited for growing citrus organic and humic fertilizers. There are natural dressings that contain a complete set of essential trace elements. To achieve abundant flowering, they must be introduced from February to August.

Crown formation

For a homemade lemon to bloom, it needs to be pruned regularly from the first year of cultivation. First, the tops are cut so that after 3 years a crown with 7 main branches is formed.

It should be remembered that flowers are formed just at the tips of thin twigs, so you do not need to constantly shorten them. Otherwise, flowering will never come. With proper molding, the tree throws out flower stalks within 2 years after planting. The lower shoots are subject to mandatory pruning as soon as they begin to appear. Flowers are not formed on them, and such growth takes moisture from the tree.

Pulling branches

With the onset of sap flow, the branches of the lemon tree become flexible. At this time, you can pull them together with a soft wire, which will allow you to concentrate the supply of nutrients there. This will contribute to the active formation of peduncles next year.

Holding the twigs in a horizontal position gives the lemon crown a spreading shape, which is somewhat similar to a fountain. The garter is removed around the month of November, when the period of sap flow stops. The procedure should be repeated after 1 or 2 years.

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