Home Grape In which country was Gerda looking for Kai. The Snow Queen. Unsolicited sleep. "They returned home as adults."

In which country was Gerda looking for Kai. The Snow Queen. Unsolicited sleep. "They returned home as adults."

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When was the last time you read fairy tales? Most likely when the children were young. And maybe even earlier. If so, let's open the good old collection of Andresen and together with the Jungian fairytale therapist, analytical psychologist, host of the Club "In the labyrinth of fairy tales" Elena Shkadarevich we will go on an unusual journey through the pages of the fairy tale "The Snow Queen".

Seminar participants (the text is published with their consent)

  • Anna , 46 years old, art critic, translator, single.
  • Elena , 41 years old, employee of the Give Life Foundation, married, mother of two children.
  • Olga , 42 years old, journalist, editor, raising a son.

Do not be afraid of fairy tales, be afraid of lies

Everything that happened at the seminar dedicated to the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" was a complete surprise for all of us, its participants: Anna, Olga and Elena. We came to discuss a fairy tale, talk about symbols, heroes and find possible secret meanings, and as a result we talked about ourselves. About your experiences, fears, principles, desires and, of course, pain ... This is exactly the kind of work that Jungian fairytale therapy suggests. “A fairytale space is a space of the inner world of each of us, fairytale images are present in the psyche of every person, whether we think about it or not,” says the seminar host Elena Shkadarevich. “Every twist of the fairytale plot is reflected in our life and responds to us, causing images, feelings, associations.Here time flows in a different way, and therefore, living a fairy tale, you can live a whole life, moving in time and space as we ourselves wish. life, get to know yourself. " Which is what happened as soon as we found ourselves in a fairy tale.

"In a fairy tale, time flows in a different way, so reading it, you can live a whole life, moving in time and space as we ourselves wish."

The journey begins

Elena Shkadarevich asks us the first question: "What do you think the fairy tale" The Snow Queen "is about?" The answers are varied, but in general, there is a common thread in them. Rather, it is a story about a woman's love for a man, about the strength of her feelings, which eventually melted the ice. At the same time, Gerda seems to us to be brave and strong, and Kai is valuable and vital: after all, both Gerda and the Snow Queen need him right away. In addition, he turns out to be the only free man in the fairy tale, the rest of the male characters are found either in pairs (Raven and Raven, Prince and Princess), or in the "crowd" - robbers.

"If Gerda wants to return Kai to herself, then why does she need it?" - the next question from the leader of the seminar. "In order not to be alone" (Anna), "For justice to prevail" (Elena), "To feel like a heroine, to fill your existence with meaning ... Life is meaningless without heroic deeds" (Olga). It's amazing how different the versions are! We ask the presenter for an explanation.

"The way a person perceives a fairy tale is directly related to what is happening in his soul. If we consider a fairy tale as a reflection of a person's inner world, and the journey of a fairytale hero as a journey of the soul to integrity, then each of you speaks about what is important and valuable for you now. This is how inner harmony appears to you. Exploring a fairy tale, we fill it with individual content - ourselves. After all, each symbol and image in each person evokes its own deeply personal associations. "

Fabulous Kai is that part of the soul that for some reason turned out to be isolated, frozen. It is difficult to get to this part, but it is necessary, because only in this way the integrity can be restored. And so Gerda goes on a journey.

Hero's Path with all stops

The most important thing in any fairy tale is the tests that fall to the lot of the protagonist. If you remove them, then there will be no fairy tale. Gerda also sets off, and we obediently follow her. To do this, we just start reading a fairy tale. We recall that the mirror was bewitched by an evil troll (and not the Snow Queen at all), how Kai changed when fragments of a witch's mirror hit his eye and heart, and why Gerda went on a journey. This is our first discovery: it turns out that she was not particularly going anywhere. She was sure that "Kai is dead and will not return!" Although, sure or just trying to persuade myself?

“It happens: you want to start something new, but you begin to convince yourself that it’s not worth doing. Or everyone around you tells you about it. But your inner voice tells you that you need to try” (Anna). "And it happens that you decide for yourself that you are closing some project forever, but suddenly a premonition appears, and you change your mind" (Olga). In the fairy tale, Gerda, with her doubts, approaches the river and decides to get an answer from her, throwing into the water the most precious thing she has - red shoes. “One way or another, any change requires us to sacrifice something,” explains Elena. In the tale, Gerda gave the river "her first jewel" - red shoes. In life, it may look like a rejection of the usual calmness and security. "For a woman, red is very symbolic: perhaps it is something about virginity or the first menstruation ..." (Anna). Then maybe Gerda just started growing, growing up? An interesting thought, but the path continues and it is too early to draw conclusions.

First stop:
Sorceress in a straw hat

Gerda nevertheless decided to go into the unknown. The river carried her far from home. And it is not known how this trip would have ended if the boat had not been pulled to the shore by an old sorceress. She sheltered the girl, fed the cherries, began to comb her hair, and Gerda fell asleep with a wonderful dream: "She dreamed such dreams that only the queen sees on her wedding day." When she finally woke up from this beautiful, long sleep and jumped out of the gate of the magic garden, it turned out that a lot of time had passed, spring gave way to summer, and summer to autumn. Are these lines about us? About those who, with the approach of "autumn", suddenly realizes that "spring" and "summer" have passed "automatically", as in a dream ... life was comfortable enough, but was it mine?

"Peace and comfort sometimes lull us so much that when we suddenly" wake up ", it turns out that a lot of time has passed."

Do not rush to mourn this time, think about why Gerda (and you) needed this stop? The most obvious answer: to gain strength before a long journey. It is this question - what gives strength, recharge, resource - and we have to discuss. It turns out that Elena finds inner harmony by going for a walk with her beloved dog. Anna is fueled by energy at exhibitions, enjoying a good meal or getting enough sleep. Olga admitted that once a "magician grandmother" in her life was a doctor who correctly selected antidepressants. And then the conversation suddenly turns to another topic: “Sometimes comfort and peace lull us so much that when we, for some reason,“ wake up ”, it turns out that a lot of time has passed” (Anna). "It turns out that in order to change something, you need to water the earth with tears" (Elena). “And then the roses will grow,” Olga says. But the tale continues.

Two couples: Crow and Crow, Prince and Princess

After leaving the sorceress grandmother, Gerda meets the Crow, who sends her to the palace to look for Kai. And Gerda is almost sure that she will find the boy now. But the one she was looking for turns out to be an unknown prince. Elena Shkadarevich's commentary: "Here Gerda will be disappointed from meeting with reality. Probably, you are familiar with this state." Anna is the first to react: "I met a man on the Internet, was very fond of him, and when we met, I was just as disappointed. My ideal idea of ​​him was far from reality." “The biggest disappointment in life was marriage,” admits Elena, “first of all, I was disappointed in myself: I imagined myself as a completely different wife, but it didn’t work out. There was a similar story with motherhood, but rather, it just took off peel me, I became more myself. " "For me, marriage in general became a very" hard landing ". My parents divorced when I was very young, so I did not know anything about family life, I lived with book ideas about love" (Olga).

"Only by getting to know our dark side do we gain integrity and strength."

The Little Robber: The Meeting That Changed Everything

Gerda leaves the palace. Children - Prince and Princess - give her gifts. Including an amazingly beautiful clutch. And almost immediately the girl is captured by the robbers. Meeting them is one of the most iconic in the tale. Here Gerda interacts with two female characters - the Little Robber and her old mother. “I can’t help myself, I really like the Little Robber, although she mocks the deer, which is also dear to me,” says Anna and suddenly begins to sob and wipe away her tears. "Small, but will definitely surpass her old mother" (Olga). "The personification of the wild power that is in each of us: The little robber possesses it, perhaps excessively, but one day everyone needs to find such strength in himself" (Elena). But how do we gain this power in real life?

"Sometimes it seems that you are walking in circles"

As if everything had already happened, met, happened, life became like a vicious circle. Sound familiar? “Perhaps you repeatedly relive the same episode of the fairy tale and cannot advance further? Remember the fairy tale“ Finist, clear falcon ”, - Elena Shkadarevich suggests. -“ The sisters envied Maryushka and made it so that Finist could not fly to her at night and she went to look for him. She went from one Baba Yaga to another, and each time she had to gnaw iron bread and wear out iron boots, and from each Baba Yaga she received a gift of gold things, which she then exchanged for the opportunity to meet with Finist. " you, like Maryushka, also receive valuable gifts from life, but unlike her, you cannot use them in any way.And instead of coming to Finista's palace, you go to another Baba Yaga. you want to receive, is this another gift that you cannot use? finally decide to use the gifts, you will have to do what you have never done before, take risks, present your treasures to the world. Are you ready for this? in itself that, h It will help you along the way. And if this inner work is completed, then changes in life will take place after it. This is how a fairy tale works.

Elena Shkadarevich reminds that the beautiful muff that Gerda received from the Prince and Princess is taken by the Little Robber, but in return she gives the girl her mother's mittens. "Imagine what the robber mother did with her hands in these mittens: she killed, skinned ... Together with these mittens Gerda seems to receive a part of this wild power," says the presenter. "What does this mean in translation from the fabulous? An encounter with our dark side, with that wild and unbridled power that we most often seek to hide." Only by getting to know her, we gain integrity, and with it the strength to act. The little robber is small, but not pretty. She is toothy, knows how to resist, look for a loophole to escape, to solve her problems. We come to the conclusion that it is at this stage that Gerda ceases to be a "bland" "good girl", acquires character and strength to win.

Laplandka and Finka: the last frontier

Gerda is getting closer to the cold halls. Her faithful assistant, the deer, asks the old Finnish woman for a potion of twelve heroes so that Gerda can defeat the Snow Queen. And he hears in response: "stronger than she is, I cannot make her." We remember the path traveled by the girl, and talk about what our inner strength is made of, what (or who) helps us to discover and recognize it.

"Why are folk tales so cruel?"

Fairy tales were not originally intended for children. They were told by adults who either had a very rich imagination, or had some mystical experience: they saw vivid dreams, were in an altered state of consciousness. And of course, the images they were able to see were not always light and beautiful. In these experiences, people came into contact with the dark and terrible that exists in the depths of the collective unconscious. Gradually, this experience was put into words. The images became bright and clear and gradually turned into fairy-tale characters. And the fight against evil - often bloody and ruthless, precisely because evil should not triumph - becomes an integral element of fairy-tale plots. Let's not forget that fairy tales reflect important periods of a person's life. So, during the ancient initiation rite, boys had to undergo severe tests, and only in this way could they become men. Now the echoes of these rituals are preserved only in fairy tales: we read about children who were taken to the forest, about bathing in hot cauldrons for the purpose of transformation, about meetings with terrible giants and witches. Children perceive fairy tales differently from adults. Sometimes they read and read one fairy tale, as if imbued with the strength of the protagonist, over and over again making sure that a good end is inevitable.

"For what reason there were no emotions left, nothing alive, everything was frozen out?"

In the halls of the Snow Queen

But where is the Snow Queen? We, like Gerda, fail to meet with the owner of the palace: she flew to Italy, to visit the volcanoes, sprinkle snow on them ... For those who judge a fairy tale by a cartoon, this is an unexpected plot twist. It turns out that the villainess did not melt, but went on a foreign tour! But is she really the villain? Elena Shkadarevich invites us to think about what should have happened to a woman in order for her to become the Snow Queen. "For some reason, there were no emotions left in her, nothing alive, everything was frozen out. Maybe something terrible happened to her, and she had to become an automaton so as not to feel pain?" "I see in this description the image of a mother who cannot love her child, because she herself was not loved in childhood: she had no one to learn this from. She received mother's milk with snowflakes and now feeds her child with it" (Anna) ... “They are not born like that, they become like that. A newborn can hardly have a frozen part of himself, but a child who has survived the divorce of his parents can have it” (Olga). "If it is not safe to express feelings, you need to get rid of them. Stop screaming, crying, laughing" (Elena). It turns out that the character with whom so many fears, pains, perhaps hate are associated, is an unhappy woman who has experienced loss or misfortune? And each of us easily recalls an episode from our own life when we had to act automatically, without feeling pain, not allowing ourselves to laugh. To be the Snow Queen ... But who, then, is the main character of the fairy tale? This question literally breaks out from Olga. Elena Shkadarevich immediately forwards it to us. “It seems to me that this is the Little Robber. Meeting her is a turning point in a fairy tale, after her Gerda becomes alive and real” (Anna). "Certainly, Gerda, but she does not exist on her own, without other heroes and meetings with them. She is constantly enriched, new experience is strung on her, she goes through the path of a person's growing up, through trials. Otherwise, she simply will not achieve her goal, or she will cease to be. and the Snow Queen is also a part of her "(Elena). "If I started shooting a blockbuster now, I would turn Gerda into the Snow Queen" (Olga). Elena Shkadarevich's commentary: "The Snow Queen" is a fairy tale about the inner path. That hero, that episode that you see in the fairy tale as the main one, reflects your own stage of this path. The path to integrity, according to this tale, lies through recognizing and accepting different aspects of one's personality, the ability to be a beautiful princess, and a brave Gerda, and a caring old sorceress, and an unbridled Little Robber, and a frozen, "anesthetized" Snow Queen. But at the same time, it is dangerous to get stuck in one role for a long time: you cannot live your whole life with a good old woman, but it is also terrible to merge with the role of the Little Robber or the Snow Queen. "

"The path to integrity, according to this tale, lies through the recognition and acceptance of different aspects of one's personality."

"They returned home as adults."

With these words, the tale of the great storyteller ends. The children have grown up. But if we saw how Gerda grew up, then what path did Kai go? Why did he become an adult too? "Perhaps he went the same way when he got home?" (Olga). "He just walked on the other side" (Anna). "The shard melted, and growth went with a vengeance" (Elena). One way or another, by the end of the story, Gerda and Kai found each other. And the participants of the seminar, traveling with the heroine of the fairy tale, were able to see the events of their lives in a different light, to give them a new meaning. And if you still have questions, just read the story. In it you will find your answers. Because they are already in your soul.


In all the tales of the Danish storyteller H. K. Andersen, kindness, love, fidelity, and sincerity prevail. The heroes of his fairy tales are brave, ingenuous, therefore, having gone through all kinds of trials, they are enriched with life experience, gain many friends, break evil spells and emerge victorious.

I really like the fairy tale "The Snow Queen", in which the little girl Gerda fights to free her named brother Kai from the icy hands of the Snow Queen.

Gerda goes in search of Kai after being kidnapped by the Snow Queen. She has many adventures to go through, but she stubbornly continues to search for her friend, bravely going to meet the dangers.

First, Gerda finds herself in the world of a good sorceress, where gardens bloom, birds sing. But Gerda does not need this calm fairy-tale world, she goes on, getting into the winter cold in summer clothes.

On the way, Gerda met a kind raven, who helped her get to the palace, where, quite possibly, Kai lives. But even in the palace, Gerda is overtaken by disappointment - the bridegroom was not her named brother. Gerda shares her sorrows with the princess. The princess really wants to help

Gerda, offering her wealth. But her heart calls Gerda further on the road, so the princess ordered to give Gerda a warm fur coat, muff, hat, horses and a golden carriage, and Gerda sets off again.

When Gerda drives through the forest, robbers attack the carriage. Everything that the princess gave her is taken away from Gerda. The unbridled little robber, the daughter of the chieftain, listened to the sad story of Gerda. She never knew about such love and fidelity and lets Gerda go, giving her her beloved deer, which will be able to deliver the girl to the kingdom of the Snow Queen.

Gerda travels for a long time, her strength is gradually drying up, the northern inhabitants in time supported the girl with a heart full of love and hope.

At the end of the journey, Gerda finds herself in the kingdom of the Snow Queen. Seeing the indifferent and cold Kai, she rushed to him and cried bitterly. Desperate, hot tears melted a piece of ice in the boy's heart, and the Snow Queen lost her strength and power over the children. Happy Gerda and Kai returned home.

Only steadfastness and loyalty helped Gerda withstand all the trials that she had to go through, and selfless love helped return Kai to a normal, fulfilling life.

Other compositions on this work

The image of the Snow Queen in the fairy tale by G.-H. Andersen The meaning of the title of Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen" The image of Gerda in Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen"

The country where Gerda went to find Kai

First letter "l"

Second letter "a"

Third letter "p"

The last beech letter "I"

The answer to the question "The country where Gerda went to find Kai", 9 letters:

Alternative crossword questions for laplandia

Jesus Christ is Nazareth, and Santa Claus?

Natural area in the north of Sweden

The area of ​​the Sami and Lapps

Natural zone, area of ​​Sami settlement in the north of Scandinavia and the Kola Peninsula

Natural zone, the area of ​​the Sami settlement in the north of Scandinavia and the Kola Peninsula

Homeland of Santa Claus

Definition of laplandia in dictionaries

Wikipedia Definition of a word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Laplandia is a railway station of the Murmansk branch of the October railway in the Murmansk region. The city of Olenegorsk is part of the urban district. Population 143 inhabitants (2005). In the 1930s, a peat-coke oven was built near the Laplandia station ...

Great Soviet Encyclopedia Definition of the word in the dictionary Great Soviet Encyclopedia
(Norwegian Lapland, Swedish Lappland, Finn. Lappi), a territory in northern Norway, Sweden, Finland and in the western part of the Murmansk region of the USSR (northward from 64-66╟ N lat.), which is the main area of ​​Sami settlement (Lapps, or Lapps).

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998 The meaning of the word in the dictionary Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998
natural area in the north of Sweden, Norway, Finland and in the west of the Kola Pov (Russian Federation). Tundra and taiga landscapes. The main settlement area of ​​the Sami (Lapps, or Lapps).

Examples of the use of the word laplandia in literature.

In addition, an outstanding geographer, a member of the Academy, after doing various research, came to the conclusion, which amazed both him and us, that the Labardan Republic allegedly does not exist at all, there is an island of Labrador and more Lapland but it is not a republic.

The weather report was followed by a message from the regional radio Lapland that the oldest Sami woman in the world, Nazca Moshnikoff, disappeared in Kaamanen while moving from Sevettijärvi to the nursing home of Inari commune.

Because of all these eclipses total in countries located in northern latitudes - Lapland, Siberia and Greenland - there will be only an eclipse on August 9, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six!

From the bowels Lapland, from the large mountain lake Imandra to Kandalaksha, the Niva River rushes like a continuous waterfall thirty miles long.

From Kandalaksha, the traveler headed north, into the depths of the Russian Lapland, as this wild and unexplored land was called then.

Gerda's Adventures in Search of Kai (after GK Andersen's "The Snow Queen")

There were two poor children living in a big city. "They were not brother and sister, but they loved each other like brother and sister." They went to visit, halyards together and loved to sit on a bench under rose bushes. One day, when the children were looking at a picture book, the boy Kai cried out: "I got a prick in my heart and something hit my eye." They were the devil's mirror glass. An evil troll crafted it for fun. In him everything good and beautiful diminished, and everything bad and ugly stuck out. The glass of the mirror made Kai's heart as cold as a block of ice. He began to offend Gerda and his old grandmother, broke off their favorite roses. And in winter, Kai disappeared, caught by the Snow Queen. Gerda did not know what happened to her named brother. She loved Kai with all her heart and therefore did not believe in his death. In the spring Gerda went in search. Her journey was long and difficult. But the kind and brave girl was helped by people, birds, and animals. Gerda visited her grandmother-witch, where the community always shone and flowers bloomed. She made her way to the palace of the prince and princess, fell into the hands of robbers who could kill her. But the Little Robber helped her, and Gerda rode the Reindeer to Lapland. The Lapland woman and the Finnish woman took pity on Gerda. They told her about the Snow Queen and the glass in Kai's heart. When the Reindeer asked the Finnish woman to give Gerda the strength of twelve heroes, the old Finnish woman said: “Stronger than she is, I cannot make her ... After all, she walked around half the world barefoot ... Her strength is in her heart, that she is innocent child".

Gerda found Kai and with her tears melted the shard in his heart. And they hand the hoop went home.

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