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The life and history of St. Mary Magdalene, Equal to the Apostles. Mary Magdalene: a true story

She was born and raised in the city of Magdala on the shores of Lake Gennesaret, which is why she got her nickname. The Gospel does not tell us anything about the young years of Mary, but Tradition tells us that Mary of Magdala was young, beautiful, led a sinful life and fell into a rage. The Gospel says that the Lord cast out seven demons from Mary. Through the illness of Mary Magdalene, the glory of God appeared, but she herself acquired the great virtue of complete trust in the will of God and unshakable devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ. From the moment of her healing, Mary began a new life, became a faithful disciple of the Savior.

The Gospel tells that Mary Magdalene followed the Lord when He and the apostles walked through the cities and villages of Judea and Galilee preaching the Kingdom of God. Together with the pious women - Joanna, the wife of Khuza, Susanna and others, she served Him from her estates (Luke 8: 1-3) and undoubtedly shared the evangelistic work with the apostles, especially among women.

Obviously, the Evangelist Luke means her, along with other women, when he says that at the moment of Christ's procession to Golgotha, when, after the scourging, He carried the heavy Cross on Him, exhausted under its weight, the women followed Him, weeping and sobbing, and He consoled their. The Gospel tells that Mary Magdalene was also on Calvary at the time of the crucifixion of the Lord. When all of the Savior's disciples fled, she fearlessly remained at the Cross with the Mother of God and the Apostle John. The Evangelists list among those who stood at the Cross also the mother of the Apostle James the Lesser, and Salome, and other women who followed the Lord from Galilee herself, but everyone calls Mary Magdalene first, and the Apostle John, besides the Mother of God, mentions only her and Mary Cleopa. This indicates how much she stood out from among all the women who surrounded the Savior.

Saint Mary Magdalene accompanied the Most Pure Body of the Lord Jesus Christ during His transfer to the tomb in the garden of the righteous Joseph of Arimathea, was at His burial (Mt 27, 61; Mk 15, 47).

Faithful to the law in which she was brought up, Mary, along with other women, remained at rest for the next day, for the day of that Sabbath was great, which coincided that year with the holiday of Easter. But nevertheless, before the onset of the day of rest, the women managed to stock up on aromas so that on the first day of the week they could come at dawn to the grave of the Lord and the Teacher and, according to the custom of the Jews, anoint His body with funeral aromas. Presumably, having agreed to go to the Sepulcher on the first day of the week early in the morning, the holy women, having dispersed to their homes on Friday evening, did not have the opportunity to meet each other on the Sabbath day, and as soon as the light of the next day dawned, they did not go to the sepulcher. together, and each from its own home. The Evangelist Matthew writes that the women came to the tomb at dawn, or, as the Evangelist Mark puts it, very early, at sunrise; the Evangelist John, as if complementing them, says that Mary came to the tomb so early that it was still dark. Apparently, she was looking forward to the end of the night, but, not waiting for dawn, when darkness still reigned all around, she ran to where the body of the Lord lay.

So, Mary came to the tomb alone. Seeing the stone rolled away from the cave, she hurried in fear to the place where the closest apostles of Christ, Peter and John, lived. Hearing the strange news that the Lord had been carried away from the tomb, both apostles ran to the tomb and, seeing the shroud and rolled up cloths, were amazed. The apostles left and did not say anything to anyone, but Mary stood near the entrance to the gloomy cave and wept. Here, in this dark coffin, until so recently her Lord lay breathless. Wanting to make sure that the coffin was really empty, she went up to him - and here strong light suddenly shone upon her. She saw two angels in white robes, one sitting at the head, and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus was laid. Hearing the question: " Woman, why are you crying?"- she answered with the same words that she had just said to the apostles:" They took away my Lord, and I do not know where they laid Him"Having said this, she turned, and at that moment she saw the Risen Jesus standing near the tomb, but did not recognize Him. He asked Mary:" Woman, why are you crying, Whom are you looking for?"She, thinking that she sees the gardener, replied:" Lord, if you put it out, tell me where you put it and I'll take it"But at that moment she recognized the voice of the Lord. A joyful cry escaped from her chest:" Rabbuni! ", which means Teacher. She could say nothing more and threw herself at the feet of her Teacher to wash them with tears of joy. But the Lord said to her:" Do not touch Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father; but go to my brothers and tell them: "I ascend to my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God."

She came to her senses and again ran to the apostles to fulfill the will of Him who had sent her to preach. Again she ran into the house, where the apostles were still in confusion, and announced to them the good news: " I saw the Lord! "So Mary became the world's first preacher of the Resurrection, an evangelist to the evangelists.

Holy Scripture does not tell about the life of Mary Magdalene after the resurrection of Christ, but one can think that if in the terrible moments of the crucifixion of Christ she was at the foot of His Cross with His Most Pure Mother and John, then she stayed with them all the nearest time after the resurrection and ascension Gentlemen. So Saint Luke in the book of Acts of the Apostles writes that all the apostles were unanimously in prayer and supplication with some wives and Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and with His brothers.

Holy Tradition tells that when the apostles left Jerusalem to preach to all the ends of the world, Mary Magdalene went with them to preach. The brave woman left motherland and went to preach to Rome. Everywhere she proclaimed to people about Christ and His teaching, and when many did not believe that Christ was risen, she repeated to them the same thing that she said to the apostles on the bright morning of the Resurrection: " I saw the Lord". With this sermon, she went all over Italy.

Tradition says that in Italy Mary Magdalene appeared to the emperor Tiberius (14-37) and preached to him about the Risen Christ. She brought him a red egg as a symbol of the Resurrection, a symbol of new life with the words: " Christ is risen!“Then she told the emperor that in his province of Judea, Jesus of Galilean was innocently condemned, a saintly man who worked miracles, mighty before God and all people, was executed by slander of the Jewish high priests, and the sentence was confirmed by the procurator appointed by Tiberius Pontius Pilate. Mary repeated the words of the apostles. that those who believed in Christ were redeemed from a vain life not by corruptible silver or gold, but by the precious blood of Christ as the immaculate and pure Lamb.

Obviously, it is Mary Magdalene that the Apostle Paul has in mind in his Epistle to the Romans (Rom. 16: 6), where, together with other ascetics of the evangelical preaching, he mentions Mary (Miriam), who " worked hard for us". Obviously, she was among those who selflessly served the Church both by their means and by their labors, exposed to dangers, and shared with the apostles the labors of preaching.

According to Church tradition, she stayed in Rome until the arrival of the Apostle Paul there and two more years after his departure from Rome after the first trial over him. From Rome, Saint Mary Magdalene, already at an advanced age, moved to Ephesus, where the holy Apostle John worked tirelessly, who, from her words, wrote the 20th chapter of his Gospel. There she finished her holy earthly life and was buried.

Relics and veneration

The Church canonized Saint Mary Magdalene to the canon of Equal-to-the-Apostles saints. The Orthodox Church sacredly honors the memory of St. Mary Magdalene, who, being called by the Lord Himself from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, set an example of a complete conversion, began a new life and never wavered on this path. She loved the Lord and remained with Him both in honor and in dishonor, which is why, knowing her faithfulness, He was the first to appear to her, having risen from the grave, and it was her who was vouchsafed to be the first preacher of His Resurrection.

The holy relics of Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary were in - the years, under the emperor Leo VI Philosophe (886-912), transferred from Ephesus to Constantinople and laid in the temple

Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Myrrhbearer

On the shores of Lake Gennesaret, between the cities of Capernaum and Tiberias, was located small town Magdala, whose remains have survived to this day. Now in its place is only the small village of Mejdel.
A woman was once born and raised in Magdala, whose name has forever entered the Gospel history. The Gospel tells us nothing about the young years of Mary, but Tradition tells us that Mary of Magdala was young, beautiful and led a sinful life. The Gospel says that the Lord cast out seven demons from Mary. From the moment of her healing, Mary began a new life. She became a faithful disciple of the Savior.

The Gospel tells that Mary Magdalene followed the Lord when He and the apostles walked through the cities and villages of Judea and Galilee preaching the Kingdom of God. Together with godly women, she served Him and shared with the apostles in evangelism, especially among women.
The Gospel tells that Mary Magdalene was also on Calvary at the time of the crucifixion of the Lord. When all of the Savior's disciples fled, she fearlessly remained at the Cross with the Mother of God and the Apostle John.

The Evangelists list among those who stood at the Cross also the mother of the Apostle James the Lesser, and Salome, and other women who followed the Lord from Galilee herself, but everyone calls Mary Magdalene first, and the Apostle John, besides the Mother of God, mentions only her and Mary Cleopa. This indicates how much she stood out from among all the women who surrounded the Savior.
She was faithful to Him not only in the days of His glory, but also in the moment of His extreme humiliation and reproach. She, as the Evangelist Matthew says, was also present at the burial of the Lord. Before her eyes, Joseph and Nicodemus brought His lifeless body into the tomb. Before her very eyes, they filled up the entrance to the cave with a large stone, where the Sun of life had set ...

Faithful to the law in which she was brought up, Mary, along with other women, remained at rest for the next day, for the day of that Sabbath was great, which coincided that year with the Easter holiday. But nevertheless, before the onset of the day of rest, the women managed to stock up on aromas so that on the first day of the week they could come at dawn to the grave of the Lord and the Teacher and, according to the custom of the Jews, anoint His body with funeral aromas.
Presumably, having agreed to go to the Sepulcher on the first day of the week early in the morning, the holy women, having dispersed to their homes on Friday evening, did not have the opportunity to meet each other on the Sabbath day, and as soon as the light of the next day dawned, they did not go to the sepulcher. together, and each from its own home.

The Evangelist Matthew writes that the women came to the tomb at dawn, or, as the Evangelist Mark puts it, very early, at sunrise; the Evangelist John, as if complementing them, says that Mary came to the tomb so early that it was still dark. Apparently, she was looking forward to the end of the night, but, not waiting for dawn, when darkness still reigned all around, she ran to where the body of the Lord lay.

Mary came to the coffin alone. Seeing the stone rolled away from the cave, she hurried in fear to the place where the closest apostles of Christ, Peter and John, lived. Hearing the strange news that the Lord had been carried away from the tomb, both Apostles ran to the tomb and, seeing the shroud and rolled up cloths, were amazed. The apostles left and did not say anything to anyone, but Mary stood near the entrance to the gloomy cave and wept. Here, in this dark coffin, until so recently her Lord lay breathless. Wanting to make sure that the coffin was really empty, she went up to it - and here a strong light suddenly shone on her.

She saw two Angels in white robes, one sitting at the head and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus was laid. Hearing the question: "Woman, why are you crying?" - she answered with the same words that she had just said to the Apostles: "They took away my Lord, and I do not know where they laid Him." Having said this, she turned around, and at that moment she saw the Risen Jesus standing near the tomb, but did not recognize Him.

He asked Mary: "Woman, why are you crying, Whom are you looking for?" But she, thinking that she saw the gardener, answered: "Sir, if you have carried Him out, tell me where you put Him, and I will take Him."

But at that moment she recognized the voice of the Lord, a voice that had been familiar from the very day He healed her. She heard this voice in those days, in those years, when, together with other pious women, she followed the Lord in all the cities and towns where His sermon was distributed. A joyful cry burst out of her chest: "Rabboni!" Which means Teacher.
Respect and love, tenderness and deep reverence, a feeling of gratitude and recognition of His superiority as a great Teacher - all merged in this one exclamation. She could say nothing more and threw herself at the feet of her Master to wash them with tears of joy. But the Lord said to her: "Do not touch Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father; but go to My brothers and tell them:" I ascend to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God. "

She came to her senses and again ran to the Apostles to fulfill the will of Him who had sent her to preach. Again she ran into the house, where the Apostles were still in confusion, and announced to them the joyful news: "I saw the Lord!" This was the world's first sermon on the Resurrection.
The Apostles were to preach the gospel to the world, and she preached the gospel to the Apostles themselves ...
The Holy Scriptures do not tell us about the life of Mary Magdalene after the resurrection of Christ, but there is no doubt that if in the terrible moments of Christ's crucifixion she was at the foot of His Cross with His Most Pure Mother and John, then there is no doubt that she was with them and all the nearest time after the resurrection and ascension of the Lord. So Saint Luke in the book of Acts of the Apostles writes that all the Apostles were unanimous in prayer and supplication with some wives and Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and with His brothers.

Sacred Tradition tells that when the Apostles dispersed from Jerusalem to preach to all the ends of the world, Mary Magdalene went with them to preach. A brave woman, whose heart was full of memories of the Risen One, left her native land and went to preach to pagan Rome. And everywhere she proclaimed to people about Christ and His teaching, and when many did not believe that Christ was risen, she repeated to them the same thing that she said to the Apostles on the bright morning of the Resurrection: "I saw the Lord." With this sermon, she went all over Italy.

Tradition says that in Italy Mary Magdalene appeared to the emperor Tiberius (14-37) and preached to him about the Risen Christ. According to Tradition, she brought him a red egg as a symbol of the Resurrection, a symbol of new life with the words: "Christ is Risen!" Then she told the emperor that in his province of Judea, Jesus of Galilean, a saintly man who worked miracles, strong before God and all people, had been innocently condemned, was executed by slander of the Jewish high priests, and the sentence was approved by the procurator appointed by Tiberius Pontius Pilate.

Mary repeated the words of the Apostles that those who believed in Christ were redeemed from a vain life not by corruptible silver or gold, but by the precious blood of Christ as the immaculate and pure Lamb.
Thanks to Mary Magdalene, the custom of giving each other Easter eggs on the day of the Light Christ's Resurrection spread among Christians around the world. An ancient handwritten Greek charter, written on parchment stored in the library of the monastery of St. Anastasia near Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki), contains a prayer read on Easter day for the consecration of eggs and cheese, which indicates that the abbot, distributing the consecrated eggs, speaks to the brethren : "Thus we received from the holy fathers, who preserved this custom from the very times of the apostles, for the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene was the first to show the believers an example of this joyful sacrifice."

Mary Magdalene continued her evangelism in Italy and in the city of Rome itself. Obviously, this is what the Apostle Paul has in mind in his Epistle to the Romans (16: 6), where, along with other ascetics of the Gospel preaching, he mentions Mary (Miriam), who, as he puts it, “worked a lot for us”. Obviously, they selflessly served the Church both by their means and by their labors, being exposed to dangers, and shared with the Apostles the labors of preaching.
According to Church tradition, she stayed in Rome until the arrival of the Apostle Paul there and two more years after his departure from Rome after the first trial over him. From Rome, Saint Mary Magdalene, already at an advanced age, moved to Ephesus, where the holy Apostle John worked tirelessly, who, from her words, wrote the 20th chapter of his Gospel. There she finished her holy earthly life and was buried.

Her holy relics were transferred in the 9th century to the capital of the Byzantine Empire - Constantinople and laid in the church of the monastery in the name of Saint Lazarus. During the era of the Crusades, they were transferred to Italy and laid in Rome under the altar of the Lateran Cathedral. Part of the relics of Mary Magdalene is located in France near Marseille, where a magnificent temple was erected above them at the foot of a steep mountain in honor of her.
The Orthodox Church sacredly honors the memory of St. Mary Magdalene - a woman called by the Lord Himself from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God.

Once immersed in sin, she, having received healing, sincerely and irrevocably began a new, pure life and never wavered on this path. Mary loved the Lord, who had called her to a new life; she was faithful to Him not only when He, having expelled seven demons from her, surrounded by an enthusiastic people, passed through the cities and villages of Palestine, earning Himself the glory of a miracle worker, but also when all the disciples left Him out of fear and He, humiliated and crucified , hung in agony on the Cross. That is why the Lord, knowing her faithfulness, was the first to appear to her, having risen from the grave, and it was she who vouchsafed to be the very first preacher of His Resurrection.

The Magnification of Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene

We magnify thee, / Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene to the myrrh-bearer, / and we honor your illnesses and your labors, / you labored in your image / in the gospel of Christ.

Prayer to St. Mary Magdalene Equal to the Apostles

O holy myrrh-bearing and all-praised Equal-to-the-Apostles disciple of Christ Magdalene Mary! To you, as more faithfully and more powerfully an intercessor to God for us, sin and unworthy, now we earnestly resort and pray in contrition of our hearts.

You have experienced the terrible intrigues of the demonic in your life, but by the grace of Christ you clearly freed those who are, and with your prayers save us from the net of the demonic, so that in all our life I will take it out with deed, word, thought and secret thoughts of our hearts and faithfully serve the one Holy Sovereign God. as to the one who was promised esma.

You, more than all the blessings of the earth, the sweetest Lord Jesus, you loved, and through all your life you followed the good, not only nourishing your soul with His Divine teachings and grace, but also bringing a multitude of people from the pagan darkness to Christ to the wonderful light; that is leading, we ask thee: ask us from Christ God for the grace that enlightens and sanctifies, yes, overshadowed by it, we succeed in faith and piety, in the labors of love and self-denial, but inadvertently strive to serve our neighbors in their spiritual and bodily needs, remembering the example of your philanthropy.

You, Saint Mary, cheerfully by the grace of God passed your life on earth and you peacefully departed to the Heavenly monastery, pray Christ the Savior, that through your prayers you will grant us unstoppable wanderings in this vale of weeping and in peace and repentance die our belly, and so having lived in holiness on earth, we will be honored with eternal blissful life in Heaven, and there with you and all the saints, together, I will praise the Inseparable Trinity, we will sing the One Deity, the Father and the Son and the All-Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

A Brief Life of Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, Myrrh-Bearing

Holy equal-noap-oh-so-naya Marya Mag-da-li-na, one of the wives-mi-ro-no-sits, was able to-one-hundred-and-las the first of all dey see the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Ro-di-las she is in the place of the Mag-da-ly in Ga-li-lei. Zhi-te-li Ga-li-lei ot-li-cha-li-na-medi-ness, ardor of nra-va and sa-mo-of-ver-feminine-ness. These qualities were in the presence of the holy Mary Mag-da-lina. From her youth, she suffered from a grave illness - devil-no-va-no (). Before Coming into the world of Christ Spa-si-te-la devil-no-va-th were-lo especially-ben-but a lot: the enemy of kind -che-go, before-seeing his close-something shame-le-ny, re-stood on people with sv-re-poy power. Through the illness of Mary, the Mag-da-li-ny, the glory of God appeared, but she-ma she ob-re-la ve-li-kuyu good-ro-de-tel all-purpose lo-hoo-va-na-na-na-na-va-zhya-zhya and nothing-lob-leb-le-my devotion to the Lord-in-do Jesus Christ. When the Lord from-drove out of her seven bes-ows, she, leaving everything, after-to-wa-la after Him.

Holy Mary Mag-da-li-na next-to-va-la behind Christ, together with others, healed by the Gos- at home, manifesting a tremendous concern for Him. She did not leave-vi-la Gos-po-yes after the taking of Him by Judah-I, when na-cha-la ko-le-bat-Xia faith in Him is close teachers. Fear, boo-wow-shy to the apo-st-la Pet-ra, in the soul of Mary of the Mag-da-li-ny was in-bezh-den lu-bo- view. She stood at the Cross-hundred, together with the Pre-Saint Bo-go-ro-di-ts and the apo-sto-l John, the re-living of the suffering Bo-ge-n-th Teach-te-la and when-general-I ve-li-to-mu go-ryu Bo-go-ma-te-ri. Holy Mary Mag-da-li-na co-leader-da-la Pre-pure Te-lo Gos-da-da-Jesus Christ at pe-re-not-se- his nii to gro-bu in sa-du pra-ved-no-go Yosi-fa Ari-ma-fey-go, was-la with Him in-sin-be-nii (;). Servant of the Lord in the time of His earthly life, she wished to serve Him and after death, giving honor His Te-lu, mind-stewing him, as usual, ev-re-ev, mi-rom and aro-ma-ta-mi (). The Resurrected Christ-Sent sent Saint Mary with a message from Him to the disciples, and the blessed woman, while-forging, la apo-sto-lam o vy-den-nom - "Christ vos-kres!" As the first blah-go-vest-ni-tsa of Christ-va vos-cre-se-nia, holy Marya Mag-da-li-na recognized-na Tser-ko-vyu rav -noap-oh-so-noy. This bliss is the main event of her life, the beginning of her apo-so-fast service.

By pre-yes, she is blah-go-west-in-wa-la not only in Jeru-sa-li-me. Holy Mary Mag-da-li-na went to Rome and vi-de-la im-pe-ra-to-ra Ti-ve-ria (14-37). Known his-his-same-one-hundred-co-ser-di-em im-pe-ra-tor you-heard Saint Mary, who-that-paradise ras-ska-za-la to him about the life, chu-de-sah and the teachings of Christ, about His unjust condemnation of the Judah-I-mi, about the little-dus-shii Pi-la-ta ... Then she brought him a red egg with the words "Christ sun!" With this step-com of Saint Mary, the Mag-da-li-us are connected with the pass-chal custom-tea to give each other red eggs (yay -so, a symbol of that-in-nn-noy life, you-ra-zha-et faith in the coming-blowing common Vos-creation-session).

Then Saint Mary went to Ephesus (Ma-laya Asia). Here she is in-mo-ha-la to holy-to-mu apo-hundred-lu and evan-ge-li-stu to John Bo-go-word in his pro-po-ve-di. Here she, according to the advice of the Church, stayed and was-la-gre-be-na. In the IX century, under im-pe-ra-to-re Leo VI Philo-so-fe (886-912), the imperishable powers of Saint Mary Mag-da-l-we were -re-ne-se-us from Efe-sa to Kon-stan-ti-no-pol. They say that during the cross-paths they were taken to Rome, where they were in the temple in the name of St. John La-te-ran-sko. Pa-pa Roman-sky Go-no-rii III (1216-1227) consecrated this temple in the name of the holy equal-noap-o-so-no Mary Mag-da-li-ny. Part of her power is in France, in Pro-va, near Mar-se-la, where a temple, sacred holy that Mary Mag-da-lin. Parts of the saints of the power equal-noap-about-so-so-noble Ma-ria Mag-da-li-us are kept in various monasteries of the Holy Go -ry Athos and in Jeru-sa-li-me. A lot of pa-lom-ni-ki of the Russian Church, sowing these holy places, blah-go-wei-no -clo-nya-yut-Xia her holy powers.

Complete Life of Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, Myrrh-Bearing

On the be-re-gu Ge-ni-sa-ret-sko-go lake between-do go-ro-da-mi Ka-per-na-u-m and Ti-ve-ri-a-doy races -po-la-gal-sya small town of Mag-da-la, the remains of ko-ro-go uce-le-li to our days. Now, in its place, there is only a small village Med-zhdel.

In the Mag-da-le, when something ro-di-las and grew up, a woman-shi-na, the name of which-swarm in-ve-ki entered the Evangelical is- to-ryu. The Gospel does not tell us anything about the young years of Mary, but the Pre-grant tells us that Mary is from the Mag-da -was-la mo-lo-da, beauty-si-va and ve-la a sinful life. In the Evangelical gospel, it is said that the Lord from-drove out seven be-owls from Mary. From the moment of the healing of Mariya to the cha-la, a new life. She became a faithful disciple of Spa-si-te-la.

Evangelical-ge-lie on-west-woo-em that Marya Mag-da-li-on the next-to-wa-la behind the Gos-at-home, when He is with apo-hundred-la-mi walked through the go-ro-dam and se-le-ni-yams of Judea and Ga-li-lei with the pro-in-ve-dyu of the Kingdom of God. Together with the goodness of the women-schi-na-mi - Ioana, the same Hu-zy (do-mo-pra-vi-te-la Iro-do-va ), Su-san-noy and others, she served Him from their own names () and, undoubtedly, once de la la with apo-sto-la -my blah-go-vest-no-th-work, especially among women. Obviously, she, together with other women, has in the form of evan-ge-list Lu-ka, rass-telling that in mo -meme of the procession of Christ to Gol-go-fu, when, after bi-che-va-nia, He carried the heavy Cross on Se-be, out of-can-go under his ty-same-styu, women followed Him, crying and weeping, and He consoled them. Gospel-he-lie on-west-woo-em that Marya Mag-da-li-na na-ho-di-las and on Gol-go-fe at the moment of ras-five Gos-po -Yes. When all the students of Spa-si-te-la were missed, she was scared, but she stayed at the Cross, together with Bo-go-ro-di -cei and apostle John.

Evang-ge-li-sts pe-re-count-la-yut among the hundred-yav-shih at the Cross-st is also the mother of apo-st-la Ia-ko-va Men-she-go, and Sa- lo-miyu, and other women, following-to-vav-shih for Gos-in-house from Ga-li-lei himself, but all na-zy-va-yut the first Mary The magician-da-li-well, and the apo-table John, besides Bo-go-ma-te-ri, will only give her and Maria Cleo-po-woo. This is how-to-how-to-de-la-las she is from among all the women around Spa-si-te-la.

She was faithful to Him not only in the days of His weakness, but also at the moment of His edge of unification and time. She, as per-vest-vu-et evan-ge-list Mat-fey, pri-sut-va-la and in the presence of the Gos-po-da. In her eyes, Joseph with Ni-ko-di-m brought His de-dy-khan-lo body into the tomb-ni-tsu. In her eyes, they za-va-li-whether with a large stone the entrance to the cave, where the Sun of life went ...

Faithful for-ko-well, in ko-to-rum it was-la vos-pi-ta-na, Marya together with other women-shi-na-mi pre-was-la the whole following day in something, for great was the day of that sub-b-you, ow-pa-gave that year with a holiday. But still, before the start of the day, did the women have time for aro-ma-you, so that on the first day of the week, come to the races -light-those to mo-g-le Gos-in-yes and Teach-te-la and, according to the custom-tea of ​​the Jews, in-ma-zat His body in gre-bal-ny-mi aro-ma -ta-mi.

Do-do-la-gat that, go-get-go-go-t-go on the first day of the week to Gro-bu in the morning, holy women, parting on Friday-no-tsu ve-four-rm in their home-mothers, was it possible to meet each other on the day of Saturday-bot-ny, and how only the light dwelt on the next day, they went to the coffin not together, but each of their homes.

Evan-ge-list Mat-fey writes that the women came to the thunder-boo in the light, or, as you-ra-zha-eh-Xia Evang-ge-list Mark, all-ma-but, with the rise of the sun; Evan-ge-list John, as if completing them, says that Marya came to the thunder-so-so-soon that it was still ... Vi-di-mo, she waited with noter-singing for the windows-cha-nia-no-chi, but, not waiting for the ras-light, when it was still around ri-la darkness, in-be-zha-la tu-da, where le-zha-lo body Gos-po-da.

So, Marya came to the gro-boo one. Uvi-dev ka-men from-va-lin-nym from the cave, she is in fear in-has-shi-la tu-da, where are the closest apo-hundred- ly Khri-sta - Peter and John. Hearing the strange news that the Gos-po-yes carried it out of the gro-b us and folded boards, we were amazed. The apo-sto-ly left and didn’t say anything to anyone, and Marya sto-la-la oko-lo entered the gloomy cave and pla -ca-la. Here, in this dark thunder, still so recently without-dy-han-nym lay her Lord. Wishing to be convinced that the coffin was really empty, she went to it - and here a strong light outside-the-axis-yelled her. She saw de la two An-ge-lovs in white clothes, one at the head, and the other at the feet, wherever -lo-lo-same-but-lo Jesus-co-in. Hearing the question: "Wife, what are you crying?" - she ot-ve-ti-la the same words-va-mi, which-rye only that said-za-la apo-sto-lam: " oh, and I don’t know where He’s lodged. " Ska-zav this, she came true and at this moment uvi-de-la Jesus-sa Vos-kres-she-go, one hundred-th-e-th, about-lo, but did not recognize Him.

He asked Marya: "Woman, why are you crying, Whom are you looking for?" She, do-may, that sees sa-dov-ni-ka, from-ve-cha-la: "Gos-de-din, if you-carried Him, tell me where are you -lo-lived Him, and I will take Him. "

But at this moment, she recognized the voice of the Gos-yes, the voice, who knew from that very day, as He healed her. She heard this voice in those days, in those years, when, together with others, blah-th-th-th-th-th-th ho-di-la for Gos-at-home in all the go-ro-ladies and everything, where once-da-wa-l about Him about-by-after all. A happy cry burst out of her chest: "Rab-woo-no!", Which means "Teacher".

Respect and love, tenderness and deep reading, a feeling of appreciation and recognition of His excellence state as a great Teacher - everything merged in this one voice. She couldn't say anything more and rushed to the noses of her Teacher to wash them away ... But the Lord said to her: "Do not come to Me, for I have not yet ascended to Father Mo-e-mu; but go to Mo-im brothers and tell them: "Vos-ho-zhu to the Father Mo-e-mu and Ot-tsu va-she-mu and to God, Mo-e-mu and Bo-gu va-she-mu."

She came to herself and again, be-zha-la, to the apo-hundred-lamas, in order to use the thread of her Po-glor-she-go on pro-po-after. Once again, vbe-zha-la she into the house, where the Apo-sto-ly was still in the confusion, and gave them a good news: " Vi de la Gos-da-da! " This was the first in the world about Vos-creation.

Apo-sto-ly should have blah-go-west-to-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-va-la, she blah-go-west-vo-va-la-mim apo-sto-lam ...

The holy Pis-sa-nie does not tell us about the life of Mary Mag-da-lin-ny according to the Vos-cr-s-ness by Christ, but it is possible but I don’t think that if in the terrible mi-well-you ras-five-chri-hundred, she would have been at the foot of His Cross with His Pre-chi -with Ma-te-ryu and John, then it is doubtless that she was-was-la-la with them and all the nearer time until Sunday nii and voz-not-se-nii Gos-po-da. So, to Saint Lu-ka in the book De-I-niy apo-so-so-si-s-she writes that all apo-tables are one-soul-but-were-wa-whether in mo- lit-ve and mo-le-nii with some-ry-mi-n-mi and Mary-yi, Ma-te-ryu of Jesus, and with His brothers.

The Holy Grant says that when the apo-tables went from Jeru-sa-li-ma to the pro-because at all ends -ra, then, together with them, she went to the pro-po-in fact, and Marya Mag-da-li-na. Ot-important woman, the heart of a swarm was full-but-in-mi-na-ny about Vos-kres-shem, left-vi-la native land and from-to-ve-las with pro-ve-dyu in the pagan, where many did not believe that Christ was resurrected, she second-la them the same as she said on a bright morning Vos-kre-se-nia apo -sto-lamas: "I vie de la Gos-po-da." With this pro-ve-dyu, she went around the whole of Italy.

The confession says that in Italy Marya Mag-da-li-na appeared to him-pe-ra-to-ru Ty-ve-riy (14-37) and blah-go-west-in-wa-la to him about Christ Vos-kres-shem. By pre-donation, she brought him a red egg as a symbol of Vos-creation, a symbol of a new life, with the words: " Christ is risen!" Then she ras-ska-la-im-pe-ra-to-ru about the fact that in his guilt Judea was without-guilt-but condemned-den Jesus Ga-li-le-ya- nin, husband of a saint, thy-riv-shy chu-de-sa, strong in front of God and all people, executed in the na-ve-there of the Jewish first-in-svyaz -phen-nikov, and when-thief-thief approved-the-significant-ti-ve-ri-em pro-ku-ra-tor Pon-ty Pi-lat.

Marya in the second-ri-la of the words apo-stolov, that those who have raised in Christ are-kup-le-ny from the su-et-noy life are not corruptible ny gray rib or gold, but precious blood of Christ as a blameless and pure Lamb.

Blah-go-da-rya Mary Mag-da-lin it is customary to give each other pas-chal-eggs on the day of the Light of Christ Vos-kre-se -ya ras-pro-country-nil-sya between christi-a-na-mi of the whole world. In one ancient ru-ko-writing Greek mouth-ve, na-pi-san-nom on per-ha-men-te, which is kept in bib-lio -te-ke mo-na-st-rya saint Ana-sta-sii near Fes-sa-lon-nik (So-lu-nya), in-place-to-mo-lit-va, ch- that-e-May on the day of Holy Pas-khi for the consecration of eggs and cheese, in which it is indicated that the hegumen, once-yes- blessing the consecrated eggs, the brothers say: "So we received from the holy fathers, who kept no-ve-nie from the very times of apo-so-so, for the holy equal-no-oh-so-nay Mary Mag-da-li-na is the first to-ka-za- la ve-ru-yu-shim an example of this ra-worthy sacrifice ".

Ma-riya Mag-da-li-na pro-long-zha-la-la-his goodness in Italy and in the very go-ro-de Ri-me. Obviously, it is exactly that it is in the form of the apo-table Pa-led in his Poems to Rome-la-nam (), where, together with mi-move-ni-ka-mi pro-po-ve-di evangel-gel-opo-mi-na-et Mary (Mary-am), which-paradise, as he- ra-zha-e-xia, "I did a lot for us." Obviously, they, without-a-vet-but-served-whether the Church and their means, and their-and-mi labor, under-ver- ha-yas danger-no-stam, and once-de-la-la with apo-one-hundred-la-mi labor-dy pro-ved-no-thing.

According to the church-but-no, she was-la-la in Ri-me before the arrival of that-da apo-la-la Pav-la and two more years later after his departure from Ri-ma after the first trial over him. From Ri-ma, holy Marya Mag-da-li-na, already in pre-cloned age, moved to Ephesus, where he tirelessly worked that apo-table John, who, from her words, into-pi-sal to the 20th head of his Gospel. There, after-chi-la, holy earthly life, and it was-la-gre-be-na.

Her holy powers were in the 9th century pe-re-not-se-ny in the capital of the Vi-zan-ti im-peria - Kon-stan-ti-no -pol and po-lo-women in the temple of mo-na-st-rya in the name of the holy La-zarya. In the epo-xu of the cross-stays, they were-pe-re-not-se-ny to Italy and in-lo-fe-ny in Ri-me under al-ta-rem La -te-run-sko-so-bo-ra. Part of the powerful Mary of the Mag-da-li-ny is on-going in France near Mar-se-la, where above them at the foot of the steep go-ry -moved-chick in honor of her great-li-ko-stucco temple.

The great-glorious Church sacredly honors the memory of Saint Mary Mag-da-li-us - women, called by Sam-mim Gos-house from darkness to light and from the power of sa-ta-ny to God.

See also: "" in the translation of St. Di-mit-rya Rostov.


Troparion Equal to the Apostles Mary Magdalene, Myrrh-Bearing

Christ, we are glad of the Virgin who was born, / honest Magdalene Mary, did you, / You preserve that justification and laws.

Translation: For Christ, for our sake born of the Virgin, Venerable Mary Magdalene, you followed, observing His commands and laws. Therefore, on this day, celebrating your all-holy memory, we receive forgiveness of sins through your prayers.

Troparion of the Week of Myrrh-Bearing Wives

To the wives of the Myrrhons at the grave, the Angel presented itself, crying: / of the world to the dead, the essence is proper / Christ is a stranger to corruption.

Translation: appearing at the tomb, the Angel exclaimed: “Befits the dead, but Christ appeared uncontrollable; better cry: The Lord is risen, bestowing great mercy on the world! "

Kontakion of Equal to the Apostles Mary Magdalene, Myrrh-Bearing

Forthcoming, glorious, at the Cross of Spas with many others, / and the Mother of the Lord are compassionate, and tears are sharpened, / this in praise you bring me gladly: / what do you keep.

Translation: Standing, most glorious, at the Cross of the Savior with many other wives, and compassionate to the Mother of the Lord, and shedding tears, brought it to praise, and cried: “What is this extraordinary miracle? All creation, He who holds to suffer was well pleased. Glory to your strength! "

Kontakion of the Week of Myrrh-Bearing Wives

Thou hast commanded to rejoice at the Myrrhonians, / Thou didst satisfy the cry of the foremaster of Eve / Thy resurrection, O Christ is God, / Thy apostle commanded Thy apostle: // Savior is resurrected from the grave.

Translation: “Rejoice,” having exclaimed to the myrrh-bearers, you stopped the cry of Eve by Thy resurrection, Christ God; But Thy commanded to proclaim: "The Savior is risen from the grave!"

Magnification of Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, Myrrh-Bearing

We magnify you, / Holy Myrrhoness, Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, / and honor your sicknesses and your labors, / and also labored as you / in the gospel of Christ.

Prayer of Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, Myrrh-Bearing

Oh, Holy Myrrhoness and All-Valiant Equal-to-the-Apostles Christ's disciple Magdalene Mary! To you, for it is more faithful and more powerful about us to God of the hodtaitz, sin and unworthiness, now we earnestly resort and in contrition of our hearts we pray. You are in the life of his strashnyya machinations of devils suffered Thou, but the grace of Christ is clearly the freedom hast, and have your prayers from a network of devils deliver, but pull out all over the Life of our deed, word, thought, and the secret of the thoughts of our hearts truly serve as the One, Holy Vladytse God as also were promised to Tom. You, more than all the blessings of the earth, the sweet Lord Jesus, you have loved, and through all your life you have followed His Divine teachings and grace does not nourish your soul; the thing is, let us ask you: we ask Christ from God to give grace to the enlightening and sanctifying, yes, we fall in the fall, we prosper in faith and piety, in the virtues of love and self-denial, close to your carelessness and desires for their bodies. Thou, holy Mary, vaunted by the grace of God, you passed through life on earth and peacefully departed in the abode of the Heavenly, the prayers of Christ of Spas, so that by thy prayers, by thy prayers, let us live through our passions, and let us live in this endless hope. in holiness on earth we have grown older, eternal blessed life in Heaven let us be rewarded, and that with you and all the saints, together I will bring out praise of the Undivided Trinity, I remember the Divine God, the Father of all eternity, and the Father. Amen.

Another prayer equal to the apostles Mary Magdalene, the myrrh-bearing

Oh, holy myroness, Equal-to-the-Apostles Magdalene Mary! You, with your warm love for Christ, trampled down the evil wickedness of the enemy and gained you the priceless bee of Christ, and reached the Kingdom of Heaven. For this, I fall for you, and with a touched soul and a broken heart cry out, I am unworthy: look from the Heavenly heights on me, borimago with sinful temptations, see, if you have perished all my sins and seek out all my sins. Glorious and all-worthy disciple of Christ Mary! Pray beloved you and vozlyubivshago you the Christ of God, but will give mi abandonment of my many sins, strengthen on me by his grace sobriety and bodrenno shestvovati by his holy commandments and so will perform on me the fragrant temple of the Holy Spirit, but tacos in the world nepostydno died arduous life of my land and I will dwell in the light and blessed inhabitants of the Heavenly Paradise, where you and all the saints will take out the joyfully glorifying the One-Essence Trinity, the Father and the Son and the All-Holy Spirit. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Canon Equal to the Apostles Mary Magdalene

Song 1

Irmos: The water has passed, as if it were dry, and having escaped the evil of Egypt, the Israelite cried out: We will give to our Redeemer and our God.

Divine decorated with kindness and luminaries shining with Divine, blackened my heart with your prayers, Mary, illuminate.

Sanctify thee the Word of the Father, having rescued Java from the spirits of malice, who was a disciple of Himself, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, you were fulfilled.

Filled with life-giving waters from an unenviable source, for the mercy of the Lord who appeared on earth, you dried up the currents of muddy sin.

Theotokos: Mother by the nature of the Soudetel, we sing to Thee, the Young Woman, who reconciled to God the fallen human nature, to the Mother of God the All-Immaculate Lady.

Song 3

Irmos: The Heavenly circle is more High, O Lord, and to the Builder Church, You confirm me in Your love, desires for the land, true statement, united Human-loving.

Having loved the first good culprit, our mercifully deified nature, you followed Him diligently, Mary, who obeyed the Divine command.

Weeping, Thou didst reach the tomb of the Deliverer, having first seen the Divine, the young woman, the resurrection. The same evangelist appeared you, crying: Christ is up, clap your hands.

Theotokos: The incarnate Word saves me, Most Pure One, from Thy purest bloods, resolving the condemnation of the first fall with the wealth of goodness, He always pray to save Thy flock.

Sedalen, voice 8

To the impoverished Word with much mercy, Mary Magdalene, as if a disciple truly served you, see Him, you were lifted up on the Cross and laid in the grave, you wept, tearful. Even so, we honor thee and celebrate yours by faith, glorious myrrh-bearer, pray to Christ God of sins forgiveness of tribute to those who honor your holy memory with love.

Song 4

Irmos: Hearing, O Lord, Thy Sacrament, understanding Thy deeds and glorifying Thy Divinity.

Without the embarrassment of possessing worldly vanity, the thought, Thou hast served the whole world to save from flattery.

Washing with tears, reaching the grave of the life-giving, Thou hast beheld the Angel, proclaiming Christ, Mary, the resurrection.

Thy heart is blameless in the justifications of Christ, and Thou hast longed for the One, Red with goodness, glorious.

Theotokos: With a nap of laziness, I am a sinful dream, Child, comprehend, with Your cheerful prayer, raise me up to repentance.

Song 5

Irmos: Thou hast rejected me from Thy face, O necropolis of Light, and is there an alien darkness covering me, cursed? But turn me and to the light of Thy commandments direct my ways, I pray.

Prababa, who deceived this words and banished from paradise with ancient feet, trampled upon pure wives, who acquired a masculine disposition, eternally rejoices with them.

Died and in the tomb of the Closed, all the life of the Inhaling, stung by love, bringing myrrh to the sweetness of His love, Magdalene, honest Mary, and shedding tears of fragrances.

By divine passion, by the terrible Savior ascension, pass, the word is everywhere honest proclaiming and many catching ignorance seduces, like the Word is a glorious disciple.

Theotokos: Delivers me, who has fallen to sinful multi-weaved cases, And from Thee will be born a blessed one for immeasurable mercy, Most Holy Young Woman, Beg him of all harm to get rid of the faith of those who sing Thee.

Song 6

Irmos: Cleanse me, Savior, my iniquity is many, and build up from the depths of evil, I pray, I cry for You, and hear me, God of my salvation.

The verb of your watering and grief will take away the disciples, honest, as if you cried out: Christ is Vosta, the belly is revealed, the sun is clear.

This is your luminous memory ascent, enlightening the faithful, singing thee in it, and drive away the evil demons of temptation, all-wise.

Theotokos: The priesthood is a mental and inviolable cleansing house, the saint is illuminated, and you lead the bridge to God, confessing Thee, the Mother of God, the Most Immaculate.

Kontakion, voice 3

Forthcoming, glorious, at the Cross of Spasov with many other, and the Mother of the Lord are compassionate, and whip away tears, this is in praise of bringing, saying: what is this strange miracle? Contain all creatures to suffer at will. Glory to Thy power.


The Lord Christ and the King of creation, do not leave Heaven, from below, as if you will, and they will accept the flesh by will. Having seen him the Immaculate Mother, we are nailed on the Cross, with the honest virgins standing and Mary Magdalene, crying. That bo, there existing and the warmest faith showing everlastingly, follow Christ and the grave in vain, expecting and crying: Thou hast deigned to suffer, glory to Thy power.

Canto 7

Irmos: The youths of Jewry in the cavern boldly showered the flame and laid fire on the dew, crying: blessed be you, Lord God, forever.

Thou hast drove away ailments of various kinds, you have the words that advance you, you stand before Him now, cryingly, to the myrrh-bearer: blessed are you, Lord God, forever.

I was the only one who saw you before, and the belly of our Christ was rooted, you didn’t ask for the helper of the One, crying: blessed are you, Lord God, forever.

Theotokos: Thou hast ordained a mortal course, Immortal God, as if you conceived and gave birth, Pure, We will drink all of Him: blessed art, Lord God, forever.

Canto 8

Irmos: The Chaldean tormentor of the God-pious fiercely fueled in the sevens of the world, but by the best power they were saved, seeing this, the Creator and the Redeemer cry out: youths, bless, priests, sing, people, exalt for all eternity.

Thy life is bright, with drenches of dampness, O Magdalene! Good deeds, Divine preaching, hedgehog to God's beckoning, and even rays to the Creator of love, Eat Him from the Angels: priests, sing, people, exalt Him forever.

At the Cross, you were coming, seeing the unrighteous, glorious, the slaughter of yourself pouring out for inexpressible mercy, and, with groaning and tears, we are shedding that strange, - you cried, Mary, - a miracle? How is the mortified and dying death, the belly of nature?

Theotokos: Yako Mother of God We glorify thee with one mind and the higher creature, Pure, about Thee, condemnation, hedgehog from Adam, consume and apostate being assigned to people, a creature singing: priests, bless people, exalt Him forever.

Canto 9

Irmos: The Heavens are terrified of this, and the ends of the earth are astonished, for God is a man of flesh and Thy womb is the widest of Heaven. Thus Ty, the Theotokos, the Angels and the man of the rank of authority are called.

Thou art more divine, now joyous, to a wider breadth of heaven, to a mental and rewarding abode, where there are venerable ranks, where there is a voice of pure celebrating light, Mary the God-bearing. All the same, we please all thee.

Thou didst prefer nothing more than those who exist on earth over the love of Christ God, but the one who is consumed by kindness and directly, all-honorable, sent by the rays, at the feet of this, you cried, the following: I magnify thee, Many-merciful.

Having received godly deification, and having drunk a stream of grace, and receiving the bribes of diseases from God originally, and counting the apostolic rank, Magdalene, a disciple of the Word, who honors you with your prayers with love.

Theotokos: Yako Mati who suffered for us, save me the strangled passions; like the Merciful, permit the sins of my captives; like Blessed, please my now embittered soul demonic temptations, Virgin Mary, may I sing Thee, the All-chanted.


The unsettled sun, the young woman, who had shone from the Father before the ages, was sealed in the tomb of the Jewish host, but you saw the risen first, Mary, and you announced you as a disciple.

Akathist to St. Mary Magdalene Equal to the Apostles

Kontakion 1

Prepared by the Lord for the equal-to-the-apostles ministry, Saint Mary Magdalene, you followed your beloved Christ: we also praise you with songs with love; But you, as if you have boldness commanding the Lord, save us from all troubles with your prayers, but with joy I will take you out:

Ikos 1

The Creator of Angels and the Lord of Powers, foreseeing your good will, holy myrrh-bearer, choose you from the city of Magdala, freeing you from the devil's net; You are still a faithful servant of the Lord, you appeared, zealous for the glorification of His life and ministry. We, with such a look of God about you, in the tenderness of our hearts, call you:

Rejoice, from the Son of God, from the darkness of the devil into His wonderful light, you were called; Rejoice, O thou who didst remain pure by grace in body and spirit.

Rejoice, for you have preserved spiritual poverty with purity of heart and spiritual poverty to the end; Rejoice, first of all the resurrected Christ behold the one who has been vouchsafed.

Rejoice, you who conquered the power of the enemy for good; Rejoice, having shone forth with strong faith and warm love for Christ God.

Rejoice, having loved the Savior Christ with all your heart; Rejoice, faithfully serving Him unto death.

Rejoice, gracefully renewed in your soul; Rejoice, for you have contained the preaching of the Gospel in the treasure of your heart.

Rejoice, for you have proclaimed the apostle's preaching of the resurrection; Rejoice, venerable angelic conversation.

Rejoice, Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, who loved the most sweet Lord Jesus more than all the blessings.

Kontakion 2

Seeing holy Mary, she will be delivered to herself from seven fierce demons, with all her heart cleave to the conqueror of hell, Christ God, all people teach not only with their lips, but with all their lives to serve God, crying to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The human mind is perplexed, thinking, from what troubles to the height of an angel-like living, by the grace of Christ, you ascended, praiseworthy Mary Magdalene. In the same way, we, the kindly representative of property, pray to you warmly: deliver us from the abyss of sinfulness, but with love you cry like this:

Rejoice, avoiding fierce demonic slavery; Rejoice, for you have exposed the flattery of evil demons.

Rejoice, for you taught God to take refuge in the adversity of the enemy to Christ God; Rejoice, despair to anyone in the great sinful sorrow that motivates you.

Rejoice, for you have shown the way to holiness for all sinners; Rejoice, knowing the all-powerful power of Christ's grace.

Rejoice, good teacher worthy of thanksgiving to God; Rejoice, faithful teacher of true glorification.

Rejoice, in your life you showed us the right path of the earthly current; Rejoice, good intercessor to all sinners before God.

Rejoice, our souls from the flattery of the satanic defender; Rejoice, in all sorrow our intercessor is warm to Christ.

Rejoice, Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, who loved the most sweet Lord Jesus more than all the blessings.

Kontakion 3

By the power of Divine grace, bought and by her good will, you have sadly left your father's house, like Abraham of old, and you joyfully followed Christ God; Even so, we pray to you, disciple of Christ, glorious Mary, with your prayers and our hearts, enlighten our hearts with love for God, and even now we always cry out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Possessing the power of God-given wisdom, you have masculinely rejected, Mary Magdalene, this world is red, and as a kind disciple, you have truly served the Word with much mercy, which had become impoverished for us. For this sake, we also cry out with emotion:

Rejoice, good disciple of Christ; rejoice, teacher of true love for God.

Rejoice, for you have known the vanity of this world for good; Rejoice, you who courageously rejected his joy.

Rejoice, you who are red of the world for nothing; Rejoice, for you have shown the good way of life to the monastic rank.

Rejoice, guiding all to Christ God; Rejoice, for you have gone out of the house of the earth for works of mercy.

Rejoice, having found Christ's mercy here and in Heaven; Rejoice, for having thus attained eternal bliss.

Rejoice, wise lamb, from evil wolves to the good shepherd Christ who resorted to; Rejoice, you who entered the courtyard of His verbal sheep.

Rejoice, Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, who loved the most sweet Lord Jesus more than all the blessings.

Kontakion 4

A storm of demonic rage with great force rush to the temple of your soul, Saint Mary, but you cannot shake that to the end: you have found salvation on the firmness of the faith of Christ's stones, on whom you, wise wife, stand motionless, teach all to the all-good God to sing a song: Alleluia ...

Ikos 4

Hearing, God-wise Mary, as if in following Christ you found true joy of the heart, truth, peace and joy about Holy Dus, we strive and we will appear in the person of a participant in this Kingdom of God. To you, as a partaker of that which exists and who showed us the way to it, everything is as follows:

Rejoice, thou hast loved the heavenly sweetness of Jesus; Rejoice, having found true life in Christ.

Rejoice, you also showed us the image faithfully; Rejoice, living now ever in heavenly joy.

Rejoice, I will take out the food of paradise; Rejoice, you kindled the fire of love for God in your heart.

Rejoice, by Christ God, as a faithful servant, beloved; Rejoice, diligent prayer book for us to God.

Rejoice, helper in our troubles; rejoice, our kind and meek teacher.

Rejoice, most honorable dwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, who loved the most sweet Lord Jesus more than all the blessings.

Kontakion 5

The divine star, accompanying Christ, glorious Mary, in the midst of the myrrh-bearers, you appeared. With them now I will take out the forthcoming Holy Trinity, and us with your prayers to the sacred face of those aggregates, the dark path of our life is illuminating with your light, but a joyful cry to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Behold, Saint Mary, hanging Christ on the cross, you have shown wondrous courage: you have left many of your disciple's Teacher; But you, with the ceaseless divine teachings of the One, kindled the soul and thought, you conquered the weakness of the female nature, and thus you received communion more than the saving passion of Christ. For this sake, we, your titular valiant courage, are in sight, cry out to you:

Rejoice, beauty and fertilization of wise wives; Rejoice, Christians of all good joy.

Rejoice, Christ God, hanging on the cross, compassionate one; Rejoice, who showed us the way steadfastly in love for Him.

Rejoice, for you have gained great boldness with love for us in intercession to God; rejoice, wives kindness and praise.

Rejoice, Christian strong refuge; rejoice, more strong husbands the strongest.

Rejoice, wisest of the sages of this world; Rejoice, for God has revealed His secret wisdom to you.

Rejoice, for God Himself taught the Word to eat the true theology; Rejoice, you who loved Christ God more than your life.

Rejoice, Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, who loved the most sweet Lord Jesus more than all the blessings.

Kontakion 6

By Thy grace, the feeble heal and the weak vessels are strong, do you, O Christ the King. The myrrh-bearers of the feminine wife at Thy Cross are masculine and proclaim the grace of the godmother to all fearlessly; the faces of wise wives, the faces of angels, to become vain, vigorously take out the Trinity of Saints: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Seeking to be illuminated by the light of true God-mind, when you saw God hanging on the Cross, you said tearfully, wondrous Mary: how does Life accept free death? We, your glorious enlightenment by the grace of the Holy Spirit, are leading, crying out to you:

Rejoice, crucified Christ from the depths of the soul mourned; Rejoice, everlasting gladness in the villages of the heavens.

Rejoice, you showed us the image of good weeping; rejoice, for you are our incessant joy.

Rejoice, false consolation for all who grieve; Rejoice, as for Christ, for His sake, on earth you have suffered.

Rejoice, for you are glorified with Him in Heaven; Rejoice, strong victor of all our enemies.

Rejoice, in all our sorrows, the ambulance; Rejoice, for your remembrance is sweet to all Christians.

Rejoice, for the whole Church of Christ your name honorably; rejoice, true vine of Christ.

Rejoice, Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, who loved the most sweet Lord Jesus more than all the blessings.

Kontakion 7

If you want to comprehend the all-conquering power of the Cross, before the end of Christ's passion you lay at the cross of Spasov with other wives, glorious Mary. But the mothers of the Lord are painfully compassionate, so you cried in perplexity: what is this strange miracle? Contain all creatures to suffer at will. We, by the will of Ascended love, cry out to the Life-Giving Cross: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A wondrous wife appeared to you, blessed Mary, to your love for Christ God: you expressing sorrowful sobs, falling down to the one removed from the Cross, you washed His pure ulcers with tears. Even to the noble Joseph and the truth-loving Nicodemus, you flowed to the tomb of Spasov with other holy wives, crying ovo, crying ovo inconsolably His Mother, His Most Immaculate, Her fierce weapon will pass through her soul, comforting her. We, such is your prowess, are leading, we humbly cry to you:

Rejoice, having cleansed the wounds of Christ with tears; Rejoice, compassionate of the Mother of That Most Immaculate Java.

Rejoice, for you did not even leave Christ until the grave; rejoice, in the grave that lay in perplexity ripening Life.

Rejoice, our kind teacher to tears of repentance; Rejoice, with those tears of sinful filth you wash us away.

Rejoice, with the same petrified heart that motivates us; Rejoice, you who showed us the image of true wisdom.

Rejoice, you teach us to remember the passion of Christ; Rejoice, glorious Mary, bought with the Most Immaculate Virgin Mary, our faithful intercessor.

Rejoice, good servant of Christ; Rejoice, Lord, and not pleasing man.

Rejoice, Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, who loved the most sweet Lord Jesus more than all the blessings.

Kontakion 8

It is strange, God-wise Mary, the burial of all the life of the life-giving Life-giver appears to you: He is hurt by love, still existing darkness, you brought my world to His tomb and shed tears you shed aromas. The same, and abide now in the fragrant paradise of the villages, with the faces of angels crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All the sweetness, all the joy, all your life, Jesus, holy Mary, for the sake of seeing the stone taken from the tomb, but having not found this, you flowed sobbingly to the living faith of the stone Simon and the other, whom Jesus loved, the disciple, painfully saying: having taken the Lord from the grave and do not know where we have laid him. Now you, freed from that grief, are eternally rejoicing in Heaven with Christ. We are on earth in such joy with your prayers, attentively, with emotion, crying out tako:

Rejoice, having conquered the darkness of the night for Christ by the radiance of your love for Christ; Rejoice, for you taught us to watch the night in prayer.

Rejoice, shining in Heaven with eternal light; Rejoice, for you have bought the Kingdom of Heaven through spiritual poverty.

Rejoice, for through grief for the passions of Christ you have found abundant consolation; Rejoice, meek wife, heiress of the land of Heavenly paradise.

Rejoice, hungry and thirsty for the righteousness of Christ, for you are now satiating your Heavenly meal; Rejoice, merciful, who has received the Lord's mercy and earnestly asking Him for our mercy.

Rejoice, you are now, as if you are pure in heart, see God face to face; Rejoice, for you were honored to be the first to see the resurrection of Christ, the Eternal Peace.

Rejoice, exiled righteousness for Christ's sake, for yours is the Kingdom of God; Rejoice, having acquired eternal gladness and a great reward in Heaven.

Rejoice, Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, who loved the most sweet Lord Jesus more than all the blessings.

Kontakion 9

Every rank of the angels will be amazed at the great mystery of Thy glorious resurrection, Christ the King; Hell trembled byst, seeing that you descended into the underworld of the earth and crushed you the eternal faith, containing the bound, Christ. We are the joy of the women of myrrh-bearers rejoicing, with joy crying: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Vity of the many-talked tongues does not suffice with dignity to rip out your great sorrow, glorious Mary, when you stood outside the grave crying. Who is more capable of cutting the sickness of your soul, if you have not found in the grave more than the life of your beloved Lord? Thy sorrowful heart cannot heed the consolation of the bright angels. Thy bone grief is remembered with tenderness, we sing it like this:

Rejoice, seeing Christ Jesus in the cave, crouching; rejoice, now seated on the Throne of Glory, seeing.

Rejoice, having beheld the bright celestials still on earth; Rejoice, from those you received the voice of the joy of Christ's resurrection.

Rejoice, for you are always happy with them now; Rejoice, having brought peace to Christ with love.

Rejoice, sweet smelling sweet smell of Christ's peace; Rejoice, bitterness that rejected the joys of the sinful world.

Rejoice, you who loved the heavenly sweetness of Jesus; rejoice, good summer in the garden of Jesus.

Rejoice, fertile vine of God's helipad; Rejoice, adorned temple of the All-Holy Spirit that has appeared.

Rejoice, Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, who loved the most sweet Lord Jesus more than all the blessings.

Kontakion 10

To save the world, even if you descended into the grave immortally, but you destroyed the power of hell and rose again, as a conqueror, Christ God, who prophesied to the myrrh-bearing women: rejoice. With them, we also now bring a song of joy to Ti: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The walls are solid stone, your love for the beloved Christ, the glorious myrrh-bearing Mary Magdalene. The same is the one who saw you before, and our belly rose from the sepulcher. Thou didst not ask for the helper of the One, and cried out to Him, forgetting the nature of weakness: "If you took Him, guide me where you put Him, and I will take Him." But the sweet voice of that Teacher's voice, teach you how to call us:

Rejoice, the true Vertogradar who was first resurrected and beheld; Rejoice, you who have settled in the Heavenly helipad.

Rejoice, now I will take out the nourishment of the bunch of God's grace; Rejoice, having fun with the wine of heavenly joys.

Rejoice, for your love for God has conquered nature; Rejoice, for by concealing and teaching us God's zeal to eat.

Rejoice, receiving the first broadcast of the resurrection from the lips of Christ; Rejoice, the apostle who first proclaimed the words of joy.

Rejoice, having found eternal joy in Heaven; Rejoice, for you are inviting us to that joy too.

Rejoice, for you will intercede with God for this about us; rejoice, for to him bring prayers for us warmly.

Rejoice, Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, who loved the most sweet Lord Jesus more than all the blessings.

Kontakion 11

Not a single word dominates the glorification of the divine joy of the resurrection of Christ, even with other wives, glorious Mary, the apostle to erect on this named and holy day, a feast and a celebration of celebrations. The same, before the greatness of Thy ineffable bounties, Christ the King, who were upon us, bowing down, with humility and love we call Ty: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

A radiant star appeared to the sinful world, Magdalene Mary, when, according to the glorious Ascension of the Savior, the cities and weights are transient and the word of the Gospel proclaims everywhere, you bowed many under the good yoke of Christ. Having even reached ancient Rome, you appeared to Caesar as a man, Tiberius Caesar, and thus you understood the red egg and wise words of the life-giving power of Christ, but you denounced the evil Pilate and the godless bishop, and by your lawless deed you worthy of your joyous apostle screaming ti sice:

Rejoice, glorious evangelist of Christ's teaching; Rejoice, radiant pagan darkness exorcist.

Rejoice, for you have resolved the sinful bonds of many people; Rejoice, for you taught all the wisdom of Christ.

Rejoice, many people have brought light from the darkness of ignorance into the wonderful Christ; Rejoice, you showed us the image of firm standing for the truth of Christ.

Rejoice, for you have loved the salvation of the souls of sinners more than your own life; Rejoice, for you have good understanding of the commandments of Christ.

Rejoice, thou who followed faithfully; Rejoice, for you boldly exposed the pagan darkness.

Rejoice, thou who did not fear the wrath of Caesar; Rejoice, for you have shown this anger and deceit of the enemies of Christ.

Rejoice, Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, who loved the most sweet Lord Jesus more than all the blessings.

Kontakion 12

Grace from God abundantly filled, you brought many souls to Christ, glorious Mary, for this you came to Ephesus, where you served as apostolic love with the Apostle for the love of salvation, you reposed as a blessed supposition to the Lord; Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your praiseworthy life on earth and glory, even in Heaven, we joyfully glorify, sing and magnify the wondrous in His saints the King of Heaven, but not only you yourself, Saint Mary, rejoice in His grace in the villages of the righteous now, but we also rejoice on earth, Leaving us the precious myrrh of your relics, even the wise Leo the king from Ephesus to Constantine ordered to bring the city. You and we, as if exuding grace inexhaustible to all flowing love, with faith and love mentally kissing, sweetly sing the following:

Rejoice, who burned with love for Christ on earth; Rejoice, you who entered the heavenly abode of That One.

Rejoice, firm intercession to the faithful; Rejoice, fragrant ointment, fragrant Church.

Rejoice, golden censer, bringing out the incense of prayer for us to God; rejoice, source of healing is not scarce.

Rejoice, inexhaustible treasure of God's grace; Rejoice, faithful partner of angelic faces.

Rejoice, glorious inhabitant of Heavenly palaces; Rejoice, for your reward is much in Heaven.

Rejoice, for your joy is eternal in the abode of the saints; Rejoice, for you also accept joy to us, but you will take out grace and glory in your intercession.

Rejoice, Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, who loved the Sweetest Lord Jesus more than all the blessings.

Kontakion 13

O wonderful and wonderful adornment of wives, praise and joy to all Christians, equal to the glorious Magdalene Mary, who appeared as the apostle, the myrrh-bearer! Receive our present prayer, from all our troubles and sorrows, mental and physical, and from the visible and invisible enemies who find us, deliver and to the Kingdom of Heaven with your intercession, send everyone who, with tenderness and love, sing to God about you: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos: "The Creator of Angels ..." and the 1st kontakion "Prepared by the Lord ..."

First prayer

O holy myrrh-bearing and all-praised Equal-to-the-Apostles disciple of Christ Magdalene Mary! To you, as more faithfully and more powerfully an intercessor to God for us, sin and unworthy, now we earnestly resort and pray in contrition of our hearts. You have experienced the terrible intrigues of the demonic in your life, but by the grace of Christ you clearly freed those who are, and with your prayers save us from the net of the demonic, so that in all our life I will take it out with deed, word, thought and secret thoughts of our hearts and faithfully serve the one Holy Sovereign God. as to the one who was promised esma. You, more than all the blessings of the earth, the sweetest Lord Jesus, you loved, and through all your life you followed the good, not only nourishing your soul with His Divine teachings and grace, but also bringing a multitude of people from the pagan darkness to Christ to the wonderful light; that is leading, we ask thee: ask us from Christ God for the grace that enlightens and sanctifies, yes, overshadowed by it, we succeed in faith and piety, in the labors of love and self-denial, but inadvertently strive to serve our neighbors in their spiritual and bodily needs, remembering the example of your philanthropy. You, Saint Mary, cheerfully by the grace of God passed your life on earth and you peacefully departed to the Heavenly monastery, pray Christ the Savior, that through your prayers you will grant us unstoppable wanderings in this vale of weeping and in peace and repentance die our belly, and so having lived in holiness on earth, we will be honored with eternal blissful life in Heaven, and there with you and all the saints, together, I will praise the Inseparable Trinity, we will sing the One Deity, the Father and the Son and the All-Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer

O holy myrrh-bearer, equal to the apostles Magdalene Mary! You, with your warm love for Christ God, trampled upon you the evil intrigues of the enemy and found you an invaluable bead, Christ, and you reached the Kingdom of Heaven. For this reason, I fall to you and with a tender soul and a broken heart cry out to you, I am unworthy: look down on me from the heights of Heaven, borimago sinful temptations, see, since the enemy beats me with many sins and troubles every day, looking for my destruction. Glorious and all-praiseworthy disciple of Christ Mary! Pray for your beloved and beloved Christ God, may He grant me the forgiveness of many of my sins, strengthen me with His grace soberly and vigorously walk the path of His holy commandments, and may the fragrant temple of the Holy Spirit make me, so that in the world I will end up shamelessly my laborious life. I will dwell in the bright and blessed abode of the Heavenly Paradise, where you and all the saints will joyfully glorify the Consubstantial Trinity, the Father, the Son and the All-Holy Spirit. Amen.

On the shores of Lake Gennesaret, between the cities of Capernaum and Tiberias, there was a small town of Magdala, the remains of which have survived to this day. Now in its place is only the small village of Mejdel.

A woman was once born and raised in Magdala, whose name has forever entered the Gospel history. The Gospel tells us nothing about the young years of Mary, but Tradition tells us that Mary of Magdala was young, beautiful and led a sinful life. The Gospel says that the Lord cast out seven demons from Mary. From the moment of her healing, Mary began a new life. She became a faithful disciple of the Savior.

The Gospel tells that Mary Magdalene followed the Lord when He and the apostles walked through the cities and villages of Judea and Galilee preaching the Kingdom of God. Together with the pious women - Joanna, the wife of Khuza (the steward of Herod), Susanna and others, she served Him from her estates (Luke 8: 1-3) and undoubtedly shared the evangelistic works with the apostles, especially among women. Obviously, the Evangelist Luke means her, along with other women, when he says that at the moment of Christ's procession to Golgotha, when, after the scourging, He carried the heavy Cross on Him, exhausted under its weight, the women followed Him, weeping and sobbing, and He consoled their. The Gospel tells that Mary Magdalene was also on Calvary at the time of the crucifixion of the Lord. When all of the Savior's disciples fled, she fearlessly remained at the Cross with the Mother of God and the Apostle John.

The Evangelists list among those who stood at the Cross also the mother of the Apostle James the Lesser, and Salome, and other women who followed the Lord from Galilee herself, but everyone calls Mary Magdalene first, and the Apostle John, besides the Mother of God, mentions only her and Mary Cleopa. This indicates how much she stood out from among all the women who surrounded the Savior.

She was faithful to Him not only in the days of His glory, but also in the moment of His extreme humiliation and reproach. She, as the Evangelist Matthew says, was also present at the burial of the Lord. Before her eyes, Joseph and Nicodemus brought His lifeless body into the tomb. Before her very eyes, they filled up the entrance to the cave with a large stone, where the Sun of life had set ...

Faithful to the law in which she was brought up, Mary, along with other women, remained at rest for the next day, for the day of that Sabbath was great, which coincided that year with the Easter holiday. But nevertheless, before the onset of the day of rest, the women managed to stock up on aromas so that on the first day of the week they could come at dawn to the grave of the Lord and the Teacher and, according to the custom of the Jews, anoint His body with funeral aromas.

Presumably, having agreed to go to the Sepulcher on the first day of the week early in the morning, the holy women, having dispersed to their homes on Friday evening, did not have the opportunity to meet each other on the Sabbath day, and as soon as the light of the next day dawned, they did not go to the sepulcher. together, and each from its own home.

The Evangelist Matthew writes that the women came to the tomb at dawn, or, as the Evangelist Mark puts it, very early, at sunrise; the Evangelist John, as if complementing them, says that Mary came to the tomb so early that it was still dark. Apparently, she was looking forward to the end of the night, but, not waiting for dawn, when darkness still reigned all around, she ran to where the body of the Lord lay.

So, Mary came to the tomb alone. Seeing the stone rolled away from the cave, she hurried in fear to the place where the closest apostles of Christ, Peter and John, lived. Hearing the strange news that the Lord had been carried away from the tomb, both Apostles ran to the tomb and, seeing the shroud and rolled up cloths, were amazed. The apostles left and did not say anything to anyone, but Mary stood near the entrance to the gloomy cave and wept. Here, in this dark coffin, until so recently her Lord lay breathless. Wanting to make sure that the coffin was really empty, she went up to it - and here a strong light suddenly shone on her. She saw two Angels in white robes, one sitting at the head and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus was laid. Hearing the question: "Woman, why are you crying?" - she answered with the same words that she had just said to the Apostles: "They took away my Lord, and I do not know where they laid Him." Having said this, she turned around, and at that moment she saw the Risen Jesus standing near the tomb, but did not recognize Him.

He asked Mary: "Woman, why are you crying, Whom are you looking for?" But she, thinking that she saw the gardener, answered: "Sir, if you have carried Him out, tell me where you put Him, and I will take Him."

But at that moment she recognized the voice of the Lord, a voice that had been familiar from the very day He healed her. She heard this voice in those days, in those years, when, together with other pious women, she followed the Lord in all the cities and towns where His sermon was distributed. A joyful cry burst out of her chest: "Rabboni!" Which means Teacher.

Respect and love, tenderness and deep reverence, a feeling of gratitude and recognition of His superiority as a great Teacher - all merged in this one exclamation. She could say nothing more and threw herself at the feet of her Master to wash them with tears of joy. But the Lord said to her: "Do not touch Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father; but go to My brothers and tell them:" I ascend to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God. "

She came to her senses and again ran to the Apostles to fulfill the will of Him who had sent her to preach. Again she ran into the house, where the Apostles were still in confusion, and announced to them the joyful news: "I saw the Lord!" This was the world's first sermon on the Resurrection.

The Apostles were to preach the gospel to the world, and she preached the gospel to the Apostles themselves ...

The Holy Scriptures do not tell us about the life of Mary Magdalene after the resurrection of Christ, but there is no doubt that if in the terrible moments of Christ's crucifixion she was at the foot of His Cross with His Most Pure Mother and John, then there is no doubt that she was with them and all the nearest time after the resurrection and ascension of the Lord. So Saint Luke in the book of Acts of the Apostles writes that all the Apostles were unanimous in prayer and supplication with some wives and Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and with His brothers.

Sacred Tradition tells that when the Apostles dispersed from Jerusalem to preach to all the ends of the world, Mary Magdalene went with them to preach. A brave woman, whose heart was full of memories of the Risen One, left her native land and went to preach to pagan Rome. And everywhere she proclaimed to people about Christ and His teaching, and when many did not believe that Christ was risen, she repeated to them the same thing that she said to the Apostles on the bright morning of the Resurrection: "I saw the Lord." With this sermon, she went all over Italy.

Tradition says that in Italy Mary Magdalene appeared to the emperor Tiberius (14-37) and preached to him about the Risen Christ. According to Tradition, she brought him a red egg as a symbol of the Resurrection, a symbol of new life with the words: "Christ is Risen!" Then she told the emperor that in his province of Judea, Jesus of Galilean, a saintly man who worked miracles, strong before God and all people, had been innocently condemned, was executed by slander of the Jewish high priests, and the sentence was approved by the procurator appointed by Tiberius Pontius Pilate.

Mary repeated the words of the Apostles that those who believed in Christ were redeemed from a vain life not by corruptible silver or gold, but by the precious blood of Christ as the immaculate and pure Lamb.

Thanks to Mary Magdalene, the custom of giving each other Easter eggs on the day of Christ's Resurrection has spread among Christians all over the world. An ancient handwritten Greek charter, written on parchment stored in the library of the monastery of St. Anastasia near Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki), contains a prayer read on Easter day for the consecration of eggs and cheese, which indicates that the abbot, distributing the consecrated eggs, speaks to the brethren : "Thus we received from the holy fathers, who preserved this custom from the very times of the apostles, for the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene was the first to show the believers an example of this joyful sacrifice."

Mary Magdalene continued her evangelism in Italy and in the city of Rome itself. Obviously, this is what the Apostle Paul has in mind in his Epistle to the Romans (16: 6), where, along with other ascetics of the Gospel preaching, he mentions Mary (Miriam), who, as he puts it, “worked a lot for us”. Obviously, they selflessly served the Church both by their means and by their labors, being exposed to dangers, and shared with the Apostles the labors of preaching.

According to Church tradition, she stayed in Rome until the arrival of the Apostle Paul there and two more years after his departure from Rome after the first trial over him. From Rome, Saint Mary Magdalene, already at an advanced age, moved to Ephesus, where the holy Apostle John worked tirelessly, who, from her words, wrote the 20th chapter of his Gospel. There she finished her holy earthly life and was buried.

Her holy relics were transferred in the 9th century to the capital of the Byzantine Empire - Constantinople and laid in the church of the monastery in the name of Saint Lazarus. During the era of the Crusades, they were transferred to Italy and laid in Rome under the altar of the Lateran Cathedral. Part of the relics of Mary Magdalene is located in France near Marseille, where a magnificent temple was erected above them at the foot of a steep mountain in honor of her.

The Orthodox Church sacredly honors the memory of St. Mary Magdalene - a woman called by the Lord Himself from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God.

Once immersed in sin, she, having received healing, sincerely and irrevocably began a new, pure life and never wavered on this path. Mary loved the Lord, who had called her to a new life; she was faithful to Him not only when He, having expelled seven demons from her, surrounded by an enthusiastic people, passed through the cities and villages of Palestine, earning Himself the glory of a miracle worker, but also when all the disciples left Him out of fear and He, humiliated and crucified , hung in agony on the Cross. That is why the Lord, knowing her faithfulness, was the first to appear to her, having risen from the grave, and it was she who vouchsafed to be the very first preacher of His Resurrection.

Memory Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene takes place in Orthodox Church August 4 in the new style, as well as in the week of the myrrh-bearing wives, on the second Sunday after Easter.

Biography of St. Mary Magdalene
Very little reliable information about the life of St. Mary Magdalene has come down to us. It is known that she was from the city of Magdala, located near Capernaum. In the Gospel, her name is mentioned several times. She suffered from demonic possession and received healing from Christ, after which she began to follow Him, serving Him and helping with her money (Luke 8: 3). V catholic church It is generally accepted that the evangelical sinner, who washed Christ's feet in peace, was Mary Magdalene, but in Orthodoxy this point of view is not shared, and in the akathist and canon dedicated to this saint, there is no mention of the prodigal life that she led before meeting Christ. It is known from the Gospel that Mary Magdalene, together with other women, was present at the death of the Savior on the cross, as well as at His burial (Matt. 27:56, Matt. 27:61). The Evangelist John also tells us that Mary Magdalene was the first to whom the risen Christ appeared. According to this story, she came to the tomb of the Lord early in the morning, without waiting for the other myrrh-bearing wives, and there she was awarded a meeting with the Savior, whom she did not recognize at first and took for a gardener (John 20, 11:18). Having received from Him the command to convey everything seen and heard to the disciples of Christ, Mary Magdalene went to them with the joyful news, thus beginning her preaching ministry.
Tradition tells that after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene, together with the other apostles, began preaching Christianity, first in Jerusalem, and then in Rome, where she also visited the emperor Tiberius. According to legend, she had to bring him some kind of gift, and, having nothing, she brought an egg to the emperor. After Tiberius had listened to her sermon about the life and teachings of Christ, as well as about His resurrection, he said that it was as impossible as a red hen's egg. After that, the egg brought by Mary Magdalene turned red, and since then there has been a tradition of giving each other red eggs.
It is also known from tradition that Mary Magdalene preached in Ephesus together with the Apostle John the Theologian, where she died peacefully.

Veneration of St. Mary Magdalene
The relics of St. Mary Magdalene, Equal to the Apostles, were long time at the place of her burial in Ephesus and only in the 9th century were they transferred to Constantinople, but during the Crusades they were captured by the crusaders and transferred to Rome. Currently, particles of the relics of Mary Magdalene are in Jerusalem, Athos, and also in France.
In the Orthodox Church, Saint Mary Magdalene is venerated as Equal to the Apostles and is remembered on the day of the Myrrh-Bearing Women, who became the first witnesses of the Resurrection of Christ. In the Catholic Church there is a special cult of Mary Magdalene, in whose image it is customary to see a sinner who, through repentance and ascetic deeds, achieved holiness. According to Western legends, Mary Magdalene spent the last years of her life in the desert, where with tears and repentance she received the forgiveness of her great sins and was buried by a certain hermit monk. Thus, in catholic tradition the image of Mary Magdalene merges with the image of Mary of Egypt. In Western countries, there are many churches consecrated in honor of this saint, although in our country she enjoys great reverence and is the patron saint of many Christian women. Her example of sacrificial love and self-denial in the service of the Lord is worthy and exemplary.

Troparion, voice 1:
Christ, for the sake of us born of the Virgin, / honest Magdalene Mary, you followed, / That justification and preserving laws. / Also, today your all-holy memory is celebrating, / sins are resolved // by your prayers.

Kontakion, voice 3:
Forthcoming, glorious, at the Cross of Spasov with many other, / and the Mother of the Lord are compassionate, and weeping tears, / this in praise you bring, saying: / that this is a strange miracle? / Keep all creature willing to suffer. // Glory to Thy power.

We magnify thee, / Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene to the myrrh-bearer, / and we honor your illnesses and your labors, / you labored in your image / in the gospel of Christ.

O holy myrrh-bearing and all-praised Equal-to-the-Apostles disciple of Christ Magdalene Mary! To you, as more faithfully and more powerfully an intercessor to God for us, sin and unworthy, now we earnestly resort and pray in contrition of our hearts. You have experienced the terrible intrigues of the demonic in your life, but by the grace of Christ you clearly freed those who are, and with your prayers save us from the net of the demonic, so that in all our life I will take it out with deed, word, thought and secret thoughts of our hearts and faithfully serve the one Holy Sovereign God. as to the one who was promised esma. You, more than all the blessings of the earth, the sweetest Lord Jesus, you loved, and through all your life you followed the good, not only nourishing your soul with His Divine teachings and grace, but also bringing a multitude of people from the pagan darkness to Christ to the wonderful light; that is leading, we ask thee: ask us from Christ God for the grace that enlightens and sanctifies, yes, overshadowed by it, we succeed in faith and piety, in the labors of love and self-denial, but inadvertently strive to serve our neighbors in their spiritual and bodily needs, remembering the example of your philanthropy. You, Saint Mary, cheerfully by the grace of God passed your life on earth and you peacefully departed to the Heavenly monastery, pray Christ the Savior, that through your prayers you will grant us unstoppable wanderings in this vale of weeping and in peace and repentance die our belly, and so having lived in holiness on earth, we will be honored with eternal blissful life in Heaven, and there with you and all the saints, together, I will praise the Inseparable Trinity, we will sing the One Deity, the Father and the Son and the All-Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

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