Home Natural farming How to marinate pork kebab in beer. Kebab recipe in beer. Cooking secrets and reviews. What beer is suitable

How to marinate pork kebab in beer. Kebab recipe in beer. Cooking secrets and reviews. What beer is suitable

Today I will not just tell you a recipe for juicy, soft as a sausage, tasty and aromatic pork kebab marinated in beer. I will also debunk popular culinary myths in the field of preparing real kebab. Let's get started already.


  • Pork ham 1.5 kg
  • Onions 1.5 kg
  • Beer 0.5 liters
  • Ground pepper 1 tsp.
  • Ground coriander 1-2 tsp.
  • Chopped parsley 1 tsp
  • Chopped dill 1 tsp.
  • Salt to taste


Selection of ingredients for pork shish kebab with beer:

You can take any meat: ham (like mine), tenderloin or neck - from the second and third options, each kebab will be prepared. Draft beer to suit your taste. It's not worth taking bottled stuff. It’s better to take fresh dill and parsley and chop them well; if not, don’t worry, take dried ones like mine. It is necessary to add coriander, it is the one that adds a magical aroma that spreads throughout the area during frying. To prevent coriander seeds from interfering with your meal, it is better to use ground coriander. I grind pepper in a mill; regular readers are already accustomed to this. The onion is large, so it’s easier to chop.

Onion chopping:

Chop the onion into large half rings.

Place in a large bowl.

Adding spices:

Add all the spices to the onion. Salt.

Knead well and mix.

Finish preparing the marinade:

Add beer to the onions with spices. Test for salt; you should get a slightly over-salted marinade with beer. There is a myth that meat needs to be salted when it is ready. Just try it once and make your choice. So, let's try the marinade. It should be a little salty. Excess salt will be taken up by the meat.

Meat cutting:

Cut the meat into approximately equal pieces. Big or small special significance does not, it only determines the frying time.

Soaking pork kebab in beer:

Place the chopped meat in the beer marinade and mix well. Cover with a lid and place in a cool place. Optimal time marinating for 12 hours.

It is advisable to stir the meat every three hours. Don't believe those who say that after an hour you can already fry. Just try the result prepared according to my recipe.

Threading onto skewers:

I continue to experiment with wooden skewers. As practice has shown, when incorrect formation skewers, in the presence of transverse layers of wood, it burns out perfectly and very quickly. Just keep this in mind when choosing. And do not string a lot of meat so as not to break the skewer under the weight of the meat.

Coal preparation:

We light the coals in advance. Meat can only be laid out when the coals are gray.

Placing the shish kebab on the grill and frying:

Place the skewers with meat as in the photo. Close to each other. So that they keep warm.

During the frying process, regularly turn the kebab to ensure even cooking on all sides.

I hope you really enjoyed the pork beer kebab prepared according to this recipe. Share it with your friends, save it in in social networks, subscribe to new recipes.


“Tell me, does the marinade for pork barbecue with beer impart the smell of beer to the meat?”

-Thank you very much for the question, I completely forgot to write about it. You won’t feel the smell of beer or alcohol, it’s simply not there.

“Can I make pork kebab with beer and mayonnaise?”

-You can cook anything. Why add to this simple dish mayonnaise, I don't understand.

“What is the fastest way to marinate pork kebab in beer?”

-As I understand it, the question is the marinating time. If you don’t have time at all, you can reduce the time to 6 hours. It's still not worth less.

An unusual marinade recipe for traditional dish picnics and outings. Shish kebab in beer turns out soft, juicy, with a subtle smell of malt and hops, while the dish itself is non-alcoholic - when frying, all the alcohol evaporates.

You can marinate any “red” meat in beer: pork, lamb or beef. But the most delicious is pork kebab, since it is this meat that perfectly absorbs the aroma of beer. Pork (neck, brisket or shoulder) should be fresh, not frozen, with small layers of fat.

The best option is live beer on tap, which has not been pasteurized, then the aroma of the kebabs will be brighter. But if draft beer no, jarred (preferably unfiltered) will do. I do not recommend buying the cheapest varieties. For the marinade, it is better to take medium or expensive beer, especially since not much of it is required. You can also use natural kvass instead of beer.


  • pork meat (neck, shoulder, brisket) – 1.5 kg;
  • light beer – 300-500 ml;
  • onions – 3-5 pieces (medium size);
  • pepper, other spices - to taste;
  • salt - to taste.

The optimal amount of meat per person is 300-500 grams. The more other dishes there are, the less kebab is required. The proportions in the recipe are designed for a company of 3-5 people. The exact volume of beer depends on the marinating container.

How to cook shish kebab in beer

1. Cut the washed meat into pieces. The size of the pieces depends on the grill, time of year and place of frying. In summer, in not very windy weather, you can cut the pork coarsely (6-8 cm) to make the kebab juicy. In the cold season, and when there is strong wind, it is better to make the pieces smaller (3-4 cm). They will cook quickly, but will remain juicy.

2. Chop the onion. Lovers of a bright onion aroma can grind the onions on a grater, in a meat grinder or in a blender until mushy. If you like fried onions, then it is better to cut them into rings (small) or half rings (large).

3. Place pork in a saucepan or plastic tray. Add onion and dry spices, do not add salt. Cover with a lid and leave the meat in the dry marinade for 30-40 minutes at room temperature.

4. Pour beer over the pork and marinate for 2-3 hours, in the refrigerator for 6-12 hours.

The meat should only be lightly coated with beer, but not swimming in it! Salt 10 minutes before frying.

5. When the coals are ready, thread the kebab onto skewers in order: a piece of pork, a couple of onion rings, and another piece of meat. In the middle of the skewer there should be the most large pieces, since the heat is usually stronger there.

In order for the kebab to cook evenly, it is important to fry the pork all at once, and not one skewer at a time while the next one is being threaded.

6. Place the skewers with meat on a tray and move closer to the grill. Pour the beer marinade into a bottle, you will need it later.

7. Place the kebab on the grill. During frying, periodically turn over and baste the meat with marinade from the bottle.

The total cooking time for pork kebab is 20-30 minutes over more or less high heat. Ready meat has Brown color and slightly baked barrels. After the cut, clear juice is released from the meat fibers.

Do you like juicy, smoky fried meat? We know how to make it even tastier! Do you like beer? Use it to prepare your favorite steaks, signature shish kebab or your signature grilled delicacies. In this article you will learn how to make beer marinade for meat, which will make it more tender and fill it with the fragrant aroma of hops.

What beer to use for beer marinade for meat

The main ingredient of the marinade is beer. It should be chosen carefully. You will never make a tasty beer marinade for meat using cheap pasteurized bottled beer. And in general, a cheap drink can significantly spoil the taste of meat.
The type of beer should be selected based on the characteristics of the meat ingredient. For chicken or turkey, light wheat beer is suitable. It has a light, neutral flavor, like the meat itself. There will be no imbalance in taste.
Fruity lager will suit fatty pork. Pleasant sourness, a refreshing aftertaste, will come in handy if you are preparing pork kebab. Lamb needs heavy beer artillery. The meat has its own, rather assertive taste and aroma, which can be balanced by beer with a pronounced aftertaste of hops. Dark and semi-dark varieties with good strength are what you need to prepare a beer marinade for lamb meat. Porter, stout, bock would be appropriate, and for young lamb meat - brown ale.
If you are cooking and want to use beer as a marinade for meat, we recommend sticking with brown or red ale. Good choice will become a pilsner. Amber ale is more suitable for veal. Detailed recipe beer marinade for grilled steak you will read.
Important: Whatever beer you choose, it must be alive.
Beer marinade for meat is not only about beer pure form. Usually put additional ingredients: onion, garlic, cinnamon sticks, fresh rosemary, citrus juice and zest, Apple vinegar, A little olive oil. They serve as an aromatic addition. The foamy drink does the main job of softening the meat. It penetrates deep muscle fibers, which softens them. The enzymes contained in beer are quite active, so use beer marinade with caution for rabbit, lamb, and lean aged beef steaks.

A simple beer marinade for meat

To prepare it, take light light beer. A lager, pilsner or a not too hoppy ale will do. Mix a glass of the drink with grated ginger, add a couple of tablespoons of soy sauce and hot peppers taste. Pour in a spoonful of rapeseed or sesame oil to give the mixture the consistency of an emulsion. Stir well and pour the resulting marinade over the prepared and trimmed meat in portions. Leave for at least 40 minutes.
This beer marinade recipe will be appropriate for preparing Asian-style dishes. For example, beef stir-fry or meat in a wok. We talked about how to cook beef with a wok in this article.
In addition, beer marinade with ginger and soy sauce goes well with alternative steaks. Flank and Hanger have a richer taste and aroma compared to classic steaks. These steaks require a multi-faceted and complex marinade. You can find other marinade ideas for tender and tasty steaks.

Marbled meat in beer marinade

In a good way, marbled meat does not need to be marinated. It only needs dry or wet aging, and the juiciness and softness is ensured by a mesh of marbled fat. But when you want to give meat an unusual taste of hops and malt, you should prepare a beer marinade.
Aged beef, especially dry-aged beef, has a rich meaty flavor and aroma. In this case, the beer should be quite strong and self-sufficient. Brown or amber ale or lager will do. For very marbled meat with high fat content, as well as for grilled delicacies made from it, it is better to take a strong dark beer with bitterness: stout or porter. However, it should be added in tablespoons. If you are preparing a beer marinade for barbecue, then use about half a glass of beer so as not to overwhelm the taste of the meat.
To prepare a marinade from dark beer, you can take the same ingredients as in the previous recipe, only add stronger beer. Other recipes for beer marinades suggest mixing beer with mustard, adding a spoonful of honey. Our recommendation: pour in a little live kvass - it will dilute the overly assertive taste of the beer. Don't forget about oil and spices: freshly ground black pepper and hot, to taste.
Beer-based marinade is suitable for dishes that will be cooked on the grill or barbecue. Beer will give ribs, wings, brisket and steaks a delicious caramel crust and soften them well.
Our advice: beer marinade for meat with the addition of mustard and honey is suitable for cooking German cuisine. Try cooking pork knuckle in glaze. You will find the recipe for baked knuckle.

Fragrant beer marinade for shish kebab

This one is lightweight and delicious marinade will be ideal for barbecue. And it doesn’t matter whether you cook it from chicken, pork or beef - the marinade is universal.
To prepare it, use light ale. Mix it with mustard, lemon juice, onion rings and garlic. Add vegetable oil and dry spices to taste. Our recommendation: oregano, sweet paprika, allspice.
Pour the marinade over the barbecue meat, but do it carefully and gradually - the meat should not float. The marinade has a good softening effect, so a couple of hours of marinating is enough. Prolonged marinating in beer gives the meat an unappetizing earthy color.
Final tips:
- prepare beer marinade for dishes that will be fried over open coals - this will reduce the amount of carcinogens;
- do not reuse marinade that has been in contact with raw meat;
— the freshly prepared marinade is used for stewing, including: how to cook beef in beer, read here;
- If you add more sugar to the beer mixture, you can use it as a glaze for baked brisket or roast beef.

History of kebab

This is exactly the case when it is impossible to accurately name the country and time of origin of a dish. In general, the tradition of eating meat fried over a fire came to us from ancient times. This is perhaps one of the oldest dishes on earth, which is no less popular today. The version that this food came to us from the Caucasus has a basis in logic, but is not considered the correct and only true opinion. The whole point is that we find kebabs, but under different names, in the cookbooks of completely different nations.

To understand the essence of the dish, it is enough to simply understand the etymology of the word “shish kebab” itself, which comes from the Turkic “shish”, which means skewer; accordingly, kebab began to be called everything that was prepared in this way. Moreover, in many countries, paying tribute culinary traditions, such dishes were called in their own way. In Russia, since the 18th century, the so-called “twisted” meat has been known - the trend can be easily traced. Other nations often worked by analogy due to traditions and similarity of dialects, as happened in Turkey, where kebabs and other dishes cooked on skewers are called shish kebab. In Armenia, similar dishes are usually called “khorovats”; in Azerbaijan they prepare “kebabs”. But in America, meat that is rotated during the cooking process over time, instead of simply turning, was sometimes called “barbecue,” which we are also well aware of today.

By the way, to cook the latter, Americans are increasingly using not fire and coals, but a simple electric grill. Undoubtedly, it is much simpler, but the taste of the dish is not so great. In Afghanistan, Morocco or Algeria, cooking barbecue has also become a ritual. Due to the extreme aridity and desert nature of the climate, dry branches of aromatic plants and thorns are used as firewood. It is on them that small pieces of marinated lamb are fried. Thanks to the fragrance of aromatic plants, such a kebab practically lacks the specific taste of lamb meat and fat tail fat, which is an integral part of any dish involving lamb ingredients. As you yourself understand, due to religious traditions Pork kebab, no matter what recipes are used to prepare it, is simply unacceptable in these parts.

From all that was said above, you were probably able to conclude that the science of how to cook kebab is known to every nation in one way or another. But here delicious kebab from pork, which we all love so much, not everyone can do it. Moreover, in many countries that are considered native to this dish, pork is not eaten at all. Well, what, pray tell, could we do? It’s absolutely right to figure out how to bring the pork kebab and its marinade to perfection. Obviously, the first thing that came to the minds of beer lovers was to use their favorite drink for the marinade. The hope was that the meat would begin to give off the aroma of malt and fresh bread and I must say the idea itself is not that bad. But it should be noted that there are some subtleties in such preparation and marinating, and without observing them, the result will be so-so. So, what should you pay attention to if you choose a pork kebab recipe in beer:

  • First of all, remember that you should never use pasteurized beer to marinate meat. For this purpose, you need to take “live” beer or, in extreme cases, at least unfiltered beer. It retains the taste and aroma of malt and hops;
  • If you want to use your own marinade, then beer can be replaced with homemade kvass on Borodino bread. This way, subtle notes of cumin will get into the aroma of the kebab - it will be simply wonderful;
  • If you have chosen pork kebab, the recipe of which involves adding beer, it is also important to remember that the time spent in the marinade itself should not exceed 3-4 hours. It's all about the fermentation process, which is inevitable when adding yeast products. Therefore, in order not to spoil the taste, we do not marinate for a long time.

Now is the time to note how to marinate pork kebab and more. Let's find out what rules there are in this science:

  • First you should cut the meat. But the cutting method, imagine, depends on the time of year. If you cook in the summer, then cut into large pieces - the meat will be juicier. However, if you cook in the cold season and in an open space where the wind blows, it is better to use smaller pieces, because this way they will fry faster and will not have time to lose their juices;
  • If you want the meat to be better saturated with onion aroma, it is preferable to cut the onion into very small pieces or even grind it in a blender or meat grinder to a porridge state. But if you like fried onions in rings, then you can cut them like this, and as an option, add a little chopped ones - it’s all in your hands;
  • Before pouring liquid marinade into the meat, it is better to first add ground herbs, spices and onions to it and let it sit for at least 30 minutes, after which you can pour kefir, beer or wine, at your discretion.

In any case, no matter what recipes for shish kebab from pork or other meat you choose, the main thing to remember is that the most tasty dish should always be prepared with love. Now, KhozOboz believes that the time has come to tell you about how to cook pork kebab in beer.

Ingredients for pork skewers

  • Pork meat (shoulder) - 2 kg
  • Beer not pasteurized - 0.33
  • Onions - 5 pcs. small size
  • Salt - to taste
  • A mixture of peppers and other spices - to taste

How to cook shish kebab

  1. Before marinating the pork kebab, you should prepare the appropriate part of the carcass and cut the meat into large pieces - we cook in the air in the summer;
  2. Let's get to the onions. In our recipe, this time we decided to simply cut the onions into rings, and we chose small onions specifically so that the rings were not too large and would not burn when frying the kebab;

  3. Now we place the meat in a tray or pan with a lid, where it will marinate, after which we add onions and seasonings with salt to taste. Leave the meat in the dry marinade for at least 30 minutes. Afterwards, pour beer over the kebab and leave to marinate for another 2-3 hours;

  4. About 30 minutes before the end of marinating, light the fire and prepare the coals for frying the shish kebab. When the coals are almost ready, string the kebab onto skewers in order of meat, a couple of onion rings, meat, onions, etc. Please note that it is better to place larger pieces in the middle of the skewer, this way the heat is always stronger;

  5. When all the skewers are strung, put the meat on a tray and transfer it to the fire. It is important to start frying all the meat at once, and not as you thread it, so the kebab will cook evenly and at the same time;

  6. Please note that after the shish kebab there is marinade left in the tray, which can be used to sprinkle the meat when frying - this way it is guaranteed not to dry out and will be juicier. So we pour the marinade into a bottle - we will need it later;

  7. Now is the time to place all the skewers on the grill;

  8. As the kebab cooks, turn it over the heat. If you hesitate, the meat will burn - this is not good, so be on alert;

  9. The kebab is fried for about 20-25 minutes. It's better not to overdry it. Even if at first glance the meat seems a little raw, remove it from the heat. It will “finish” in the pan. But if you overcook, you will end up with meat crackers without taste or aroma. IN finished form the meat should look something like in our photo: be brownish in color with baked barrels;

  10. It is better to put the finished shish kebab in ceramic dishes with lid. If you don’t have one, then use enameled or steel, but in no case plastic - it spoils the taste and smell of the product and is dangerous for health, even food.

In this review, you learned how else you can marinate kebab from pork and not only from it, and also, perhaps, discovered new subtleties in preparing the meat symbol of relaxation and summer. If you know interesting and original recipes kebab and marinades for it, . Don't be afraid to share your secrets, they can make you famous. We wish everyone great picnics and a fruitful and delicious holiday in nature. And HozOboz will continue to choose for you best recipes world culinary. Remember, you can’t deny yourself something delicious, because this is bliss that can’t be compared with anything else. And KhozOboz works to gladly give you joy and zest for life through the best recipes.

Honestly, after many marinades we have tested for... pork kebab, they were somewhat skeptical about the marinade with beer. Well, what can beer do?? This question intrigued us.

For this experiment, two pieces of pork ham with a small amount of lard were selected. Our meat was marinated for about three hours. It was impossible to wait)).

The finished result amazed us; the meat turned out to be extremely tender. Maybe it’s the beer, maybe it’s the mustard, maybe their tandem has such a beneficial effect on the meat. The kebab was eaten instantly. And it was decided to repeat it again in order to give the beer a prize place in marinades. I advise you to try cooking pork shish kebab with beer.

Wash the meat and dry it a little with a napkin.

Cut the meat into medium cubes.

Place in a large container. Add chopped onion and mustard. Salt and pepper.

Mix the meat thoroughly with your hands.

Pour beer.

And mix again. Leave to marinate for a couple of hours or more.

Grill shish kebab on moderately hot coals.

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