Home Potato Omelet with sausage calories. Hearty breakfast for the whole family: fry scrambled eggs with sausage. Additional ingredients in the dish

Omelet with sausage calories. Hearty breakfast for the whole family: fry scrambled eggs with sausage. Additional ingredients in the dish

Counting the calorie content of certain dishes is the prerogative of adherents of proper nutrition. As it turned out, many healthy foods may be damaged by the cooking method. In this article, we will talk about how many calories are in scrambled eggs. You will learn the features of the preparation of this dish and its

How many calories are in scrambled eggs?

The energy value of this dish may increase or decrease depending on the method of its preparation. So, very often people use sausage, cheese, milk, cottage cheese, tomatoes and herbs to diversify the final product. How many calories are in a single egg scrambled egg?

If the dish was cooked without the use of oil and salt, then the energy value will be approximately 120 kcal. In this case, much depends on the weight of the main ingredient. So, it will contain much less carbohydrates and fats. Accordingly, it becomes less caloric.

Energy value of a double serving

How many calories are in 2 eggs scrambled eggs? If you cook the product without the use of fat-containing ingredients and salt, you will end up with approximately 250 kcal. In this case, the final volume of the dish will be quite large.

How many calories are in a two-egg scrambled egg if oil was used during frying? In this case, your dish will have energy value about 350 calories. At the same time, the taste of the product will not change in any way.

Additional ingredients in the dish

How many calories in Such a dish can be called almost dietary. Its average energy value is approximately 170 kcal per serving. At the same time, you can not only get enough of eggs, but also get useful material from vegetables.

How many calories are in a 2 egg scrambled egg if the dish is made with bacon or sausage? Such a product will contain approximately 400 calories per serving. If oil is also added during cooking, then in terms of energy value, the dish can be equal to a selected piece of beef.

Steaming scrambled eggs

The most dietary product will be if it is prepared by steam treatment. How many calories are in scrambled eggs from 3 eggs if they went through a similar cooking method?

The energy value of this dish will be approximately 360 kcal. When adding cheese to the product, be prepared for the fact that you will add a couple of dozen calories to the final dish. So, a steamed scrambled egg made from one small amount of cheese will contain approximately 180 calories.

Fried eggs or talker?

Many adherents of proper nutrition say that scrambled eggs should not be mixed. Proteins should be processed separately, and the yolks should remain slightly damp. Perhaps this actually makes some sense.

So, scientists have found that cooked fried eggs contain slightly fewer calories than whipped egg substance. When you add greens to a dish, you will end up with even less energy value.

If you want to get to the table with a minimum calorie content, then you must follow the following rules:

  • do not take two-yolk eggs, they contain more carbohydrates and fats;
  • do not pour oil into the pan during cooking;
  • in the absence of a non-stick coating, give preference to either olive (use just a few drops);
  • never cook scrambled eggs in butter;
  • refrain from adding cheese to the dish and meat products(these ingredients are best served separately);
  • add greens and vegetables to the dish in unlimited quantities;
  • replace bread served with scrambled eggs with bread or bran.

Instead of a conclusion

You now know how many calories scrambled eggs contain in one form or another. If you watch your diet and carefully calculate the energy value of foods, then choose for yourself optimal view dishes. Fried eggs are best consumed in the morning. If you really want to eat eggs in the evening, then give preference to boiled ones.

Cook with pleasure and eat right. Health to you!

The question is how many calories fried egg interested in all people who are responsible for their diet. It is hard to imagine a more commonly used product in almost all cuisines of the world than eggs. They serve as an ideal breakfast, a favorite ingredient in salads, appetizers and an integral part of many types of dough.

In addition, eggs have many useful properties:

  1. Each egg contains high-quality and quickly digestible protein, which serves as a building material for muscle tissue.
  2. The amino acid leucine, present in the composition, reduces general level debris on vessel walls.
  3. Folic acid, which is especially necessary for pregnant women.
  4. The presence of microelements important for human life: vitamins of groups B, A, E, D, potassium, phosphorus and many others.

In addition to its composition, eggs are characterized by good digestibility - depending on what kind of heat treatment it was subjected to, it reaches 98%. Eggs are good for vision, teeth and bone tissue, as well as the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. With all this, the product is considered dietary.

However, there is also back side medals in the form of potential harm to eggs:

  1. They are a source of acute intestinal infection raw salmonellosis. It is highly recommended to wash your hands after handling uncooked eggs.
  2. The statement is controversial, but some scientists claim that the yolk of an egg contains dangerous cholesterol.
  3. Antibiotics that support the life of chickens on farms.
  4. Eggs contain nitrates.
  5. Hormones in eggs - in fact, their amount does not exceed the amount in meat different birds and animals.

How many calories are in an egg if you fry it in oil

It was said above that eggs are a dietary product. But this applies to those eggs that are cooked by boiling. But many people, including supporters healthy eating They love to eat scrambled eggs. So, it becomes topical issue about the calorie content of this product, if it is fried.

The energy value in this case will depend not only on the composition of the egg, but also on some other factors:

  • egg size;
  • type and quantity of oil, if used.

Eggs, like chickens, are different. Weight ranges from 50 to 70 grams. Energy value of 100 grams raw egg is 70 calories.

Frying in sunflower oil

For frying one egg, 10 grams of oil is enough. 100 grams of it contains 880 calories, it comes out to 10 - 88. But not everything is so simple in calculations. Because of chemical reactions during this heat treatment, calorie content increases and ranges from 180 to 220 calories, depending on the weight of the egg and provided that no more than 10 grams of oil is used. By comparison, a hard-boiled egg contains only about 50 calories.

Butter frying

In 100 grams butter about 80% fat contains approximately 700 calories. To fry one egg, 5 grams of this product is enough, and the energy value ready meal is about 200 calories. In defense of such big numbers I would like to say that butter gives special tenderness and piquancy to any dish and eggs are no exception. Therefore, even adherents of a healthy diet can occasionally enjoy such a breakfast.

Fry without oil

Fried eggs are a favorite product of men, children and many women. It is indecently simple to prepare and is within the power of any novice hostess. Needless to say, the time from raw to ready is only a few minutes, which helps a lot in a hurry or with severe hunger. However, not all people can afford fried eggs due to dietary rules or health conditions. Fortunately, technological progress has gone so far that literally in every house among kitchen utensils There is a non-stick frying pan. The surface of most multicookers also serves as an alternative to it. This is a real find for a healthy diet without giving up your favorite dishes.

The calorie content of an egg fried on a non-stick coating without oil is exactly the same as that of a boiled one. That is 155 calories per 100 grams of product and about 90 per one medium egg.

Does salt affect the calorie content of a dish?

It is difficult to imagine any dish, with the exception of desserts, which would ready-made not seasoned with salt. It makes insipid food appetizing and helps to bring out the taste of almost all foods, regardless of the cooking method. In addition, it consists of trace elements necessary for the body - sodium and chlorine. Fortunately, the energy value of this versatile seasoning is zero. Therefore, salt does not affect the calorie content of ready meals.

But its excess amount in the body contributes to water retention. Therefore, it is enough to use it no more than 4 grams per day for a person with average parameters. It is important to bear in mind that approximately half of the recommended weight is already included in all foods eaten.

The issue of removing salt from the body as a way to get rid of excess fluid simple. It is enough to know such a property of it as easy solubility in water. Accordingly, sufficient intake pure water promotes the breakdown of salts. The recommended rate is 0.35 milliliters per 1 kg of human weight per day.

In scrambled eggs with sausage

As a rule, scrambled eggs rarely consist only of eggs. Every housewife loves to decorate the taste of this dish with vegetables, mushrooms, cheese, and the most favorite combination is sausages. Fried eggs with sausages and ham are so in demand by the population different countries that it is difficult to imagine at least one restaurant, wherever such a dish is offered for breakfast.

Fried eggs with sausage are prepared as quickly as without it, and the taste is much brighter. The assortment of sausages on store shelves is very wide and you can choose according to your taste and experiment. The average calorie content of boiled sausage is approximately 250 calories, smoked - 400, and raw smoked - 500 per 100 grams of product. More exact number should look at the packaging. A definite plus in cooking scrambled eggs with sausage is that it releases fat under the influence of temperature and this ensures the juiciness of the dish.

Summing up the above, I would like to say that it is necessary and possible to eat fried eggs, and in which cooking option it depends on personal taste preferences.

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When we talk about scrambled eggs, we immediately mean breakfast. Any novice cook can cook it. This is one of the fastest and delicious meals. Plus, she's very nutritious. Especially if you complement the meal with a cup of coffee and a few sandwiches.

But if you gradually move to proper nutrition So, you have to be careful with this dish. If you overdo it with the amount of oil for frying, as well as add sausage, bacon and more, then this fried egg will not be so healthy, although very tasty. This dish has its pros and cons.

The benefits of scrambled eggs

Of course, all the benefits of scrambled eggs lie in its main component - eggs:

  • eggs contain proteins necessary for our body which are building materials. In one egg, about 14% of daily allowance person. Also they have healthy fats, and in the yolk of one egg there are about 6 gr.;
  • also in eggs there are a lot of vitamins of group B, PP, A, E, as well as such useful elements as iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc and many others;
  • they also contain vitamin B4 which contributes to the removal bad cholesterol and protects our cells from the effects of free radicals.

Harm of scrambled eggs:

  • Unfortunately, eggs are one of the most common allergens. Eggs can cause allergies in young children. It can manifest itself in violation of the chair, and also cause suffocation. Sometimes this goes away with age, but in some cases people are forced to give up eggs altogether;
  • Eggs can be dangerous due to the presence of salmonella bacteria on the shell. Of course, poultry farms are required to vaccinate chickens, but this rule is not always followed.

    Therefore, before using the eggs, they must be washed. And if you see that the shell is cracked, then it is better not to use such a product.

    Also, do not eat eggs that have a grayish white, and undercooked eggs. And wash your hands after handling raw eggs;

  • Both the white and the yolk of an egg contain cholesterol.. And studies still contradict each other whether it is good for us or bad. In any case, excessive consumption will not bring benefits, but if you eat 1-2 eggs a day, then this will only benefit.

Calorie scrambled eggs from two eggs

If you cook scrambled eggs from two eggs in a non-stick pan without oil, then its calorie content will be 150-160 kcal.

The number of calories in a cooked scrambled egg depends not only on how many eggs you will cook it with, but rather on the method of preparation. And also what else you add to it.

Increasing calories while cooking

Almost all the foods that we add to it increase the calories in the dish. This is especially true of the oil in which we fry the scrambled eggs. There are several classic ways to cook scrambled eggs. Let's look at the main ones and calculate the number of calories per serving.

One of the most simple recipes which everyone can use. In addition, this dish turns out to be very fragrant, and hardly anyone can resist.

Someone uses bacon instead of sausage, someone uses sausages, they also add chili peppers, tomato paste and much more.

But for classic recipe you will need:

  1. First you need to cut the sausage into large rings. Do not make them too thick so that the sausage can be well fried. The thickness of the pieces should be about 0.5 cm;
  2. Now heat up the pan, pour out the oil, let it warm up and fry the sausage on both sides;
  3. Now you need to break the eggs in a separate bowl, add salt, pepper and seasoning to your taste. Mix everything thoroughly and pour the mixture into a pan with sausage;
  4. The eggs must be fried over medium heat for about 4 minutes. The lid does not need to be covered.

The calorie content of this dish per 100 grams will be about 212 kcal.

There are a few tips for cooking scrambled eggs with sausage:

  • If you want to make fried eggs, then the eggs need to be poured one at a time directly into the pan, and only then sprinkled with salt, pepper and seasonings on top.
  • You can also instead of boiled sausage take smoked, the taste will change from this and become more piquant.
  • Do not fry the dish on too high a fire, so you run the risk of overcooking the eggs, and after this, the scrambled eggs can already be thrown away. It will be unpleasant not only in taste, but also in smell.
    It is best to do everything on medium heat, and as soon as the protein becomes light, you can turn it off. The dish can then be held a little under the lid so that the eggs are fully cooked.
  • When you fry boiled sausage , make sure that she does not have time to arch, otherwise she simply will not be able to completely fry except for the very middle.
  • You can use butter for frying or margarine instead of vegetable, then the scrambled eggs will turn out more tender.

Scrambled eggs with butter

It differs from the previous recipe in the speed of cooking and, of course, the absence of additional components.

The calorie content of this dish will be about 200 kcal, plus oil for frying approx. 40 kcal.

If you use butter instead of vegetable oil, then the calorie content of the dish will be slightly higher.

And if you first break the eggs into a separate bowl and mix with salt, pepper and seasonings, and then pour everything into a hot frying pan with oil, then the calorie content of the dish will decrease to 170 Kcal.

Fried eggs can be prepared as follows:

  1. Pour oil into a preheated frying pan, heat slightly and start breaking eggs into it. Do not rush to hit the shell, try to keep all the yolks intact;
  2. Now you can salt and pepper everything;
  3. Fry the fried eggs in a pan for about 2 minutes, and then you can still put them in a preheated oven for literally another 4 minutes;
  4. As soon as the proteins have become white, the dish can be served at the table.

For this recipe you will need:

  1. Onions must be peeled and cut into half rings;
  2. Now we put the pan on the fire, heat it up, pour in the oil and wait for it to warm up;
  3. Put the chopped onion into the pan and fry over medium heat until golden brown;
  4. Meanwhile, wash and cut the tomatoes also in half rings. Add to the onion and fry a little more;
  5. Next, break the eggs into the pan, add salt and pepper;
  6. After 2-3 minutes, when the whites turn white, you can turn off the fire. Sprinkle greens on top and, if desired, you can cover the pan with a lid for a couple of minutes.

You will find here.

The calorie content of this dish will be 127 kcal.

For proper cooking This dish also has a few tips:


Eggs are dietary products, so any dishes from them will also be healthy and nutritious.

To date, all foods containing fats are excluded by many and considered harmful, but if you cook scrambled eggs, then it is difficult to do without oil. Yes, and in the quantities that you use for frying, the oil will only be useful, unless, of course, you pour several tablespoons into the pan at once.

Try to add more vegetables and herbs to this dish. Can be used in a recipe green beans, bell pepper, Brussels sprouts, mushrooms and many other green vegetables. They will give the dish a special taste. And the benefits of such a meal will only increase.

The favorite dish of bachelors, students, a lifesaver among other ideas for breakfast is scrambled eggs. The calorie content of the dish can be varied, depending on the combination of products that are added to obtain all kinds of flavor combinations of the dish. The egg is valuable in its composition, is an excellent source of protein and belongs to available products nutrition. 97% absorbed by the body. It is recommended to use the product only after heat treatment, otherwise infectious intestinal diseases cannot be avoided.

Composition of chicken eggs

A commercial product intended for sale enters store shelves with a specific label. The first letter on the egg label indicates the expiration date. So, the letter "D" - dietary, indicates a weekly shelf life of the product, and "C" - table, can be sold and eaten within 25 days. Further, the letter is followed by a number characterizing the category of eggs depending on their weight:

  • category 3: 35-45 grams;
  • category 2: 45-55 grams;
  • category 1: 55-65 grams;
  • category 0: selected product with a weight of 65-75 grams;
  • the highest class is an egg weighing from 75 grams.

By chemical composition chicken product has the following percentage:

  • Proteins - 12.7.
  • Fats - 11.5.
  • Carbohydrates - 0.7.
  • Water - 74.
  • Minerals - 1.1.

This dietary product, one medium egg, excluding the shell, consists of 40 grams of egg mass, which has nutritional value 63 kcal. But scrambled eggs with tomatoes have a calorie content of 120 kcal, based on the fact that one egg, tomato, 5 ml is taken for cooking vegetable oil, salt and pepper.

The product contains 12 vitamins, among which vitamin A predominates. By the amount of vitamin D, eggs are second only to fish oil.


Chicken product contains protein - essential construction material for muscles, bones and the healthy functioning of the whole organism. Consequently, scrambled eggs, the calorie content of which is acceptable for people who monitor their diet, has the same set of vitamins and minerals that help strengthen muscles and maintain immunity. The food is rich in vitamins: A, B12, B6, D, E, choline, biotin, pantothenic acid. Regular consumption of eggs can prevent cancer, periodontal disease, eye and cardiovascular diseases.

Therefore, a breakfast such as fried eggs (calorie content of the dish is 170 kcal) for a growing organism, athletes a couple of times a week will become a source of the necessary protein and a product that improves memory due to the content of choline in it.

Beware: salmonella!

The egg is in second place in the list of products that provoke the appearance of intestinal infectious diseases, the causative agent of which is the Salmonella bacterium. It is in the body of the chicken and does not cause any harm to her health. However, an egg passing through birth canal birds, covered with salmonella sticks.

Everything would be fine, but the structure of the chicken product shell is porous. The size of the holes is larger than the size of the bacteria, so the latter easily penetrate the inside of the egg. Interestingly, quails incubate their eggs at temperatures above 40 degrees, and therefore salmonella does not survive in such conditions.

Therefore, so that scrambled eggs, the calorie content of which attracts all dieters, does not provoke an upset gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the product and heat it before cooking. Important: children can be given the product only after 10 minutes of cooking.

Even fewer calories

Everyone knows that cooking scrambled eggs requires vegetable oil, butter or lard, in general, any fat-containing product. But where it is possible to do without it, a person has not missed the opportunity to reduce the nutritional value of a dish by removing oil from the recipe. So, scrambled eggs without oil, the calorie content is 45 kcal lower than its classically cooked counterpart, i.e. 125 kcal.

There are several recipes for this dish. The easiest is scrambled eggs, fried in a pan with a non-stick coating or a greased drop of oil. Also, lovers of low-calorie dishes came up with cooking scrambled eggs on the water. In this performance, the food is considered the most dietary.

For those who still consider this product to be high in calories, there is an option to refuse the yolk, since it contains 3 times more nutrients than protein.

Popular food combinations with fried eggs

Chicken eggs are considered a universal product. In addition to self-use, they are also used in cooking as a fastening component of sauces, cutlets. The chicken product is baked, fried, boiled, dissolved.

The combination of one is considered the most energetically valuable. chicken egg with 30 g of bacon - 210 kcal; the most dietary - scrambled eggs with tomatoes, calorie content - 120 kcal.

The combination of products with which palatability the egg is combined, great: it can be mushrooms, meat ingredients, cheeses, vegetables, greens. Each additionally added product increases the energy value (if it is not vegetables, of course). For example, scrambled eggs with sausage has a calorie content of 194 kcal. If you replace the meat product with vegetables, then the food immediately reduces the nutritional value to 110-120 kcal.

Classic scrambled eggs: calories and recipe

An interesting fact: a person eats about 173 eggs a year: soft-boiled, hard-boiled, in omelettes and other dishes. But the most popular remains the favorite fried egg, which is used in European countries. The highlight of the dish is a whole, not spreading yolk. This condition in cooking is the difference from an ordinary omelet, where eggs are beaten with milk and flour.

The recipe for fried eggs belongs to European cuisine and is so simple that anyone without culinary skills can master it. For one serving, you need 10 grams of butter, a frying pan and 2 eggs. In a heated bowl, butter is melted, eggs are broken gently (to avoid damage to the integrity of the yolks), salted, peppered and cooked until the protein is folded. To protect the body from salmonella at the end of cooking, it is advisable to cover the pan with a lid to create steam inside the dish in which the fried eggs are fried. A serving of such a dish will contain 198 kcal.

classic omelet, favourite dish for breakfast for the majority of the population of our country, it is prepared from eggs beaten with milk, where only one pinch of salt is added. However, many people prefer thicker omelettes, in which case wheat or corn flour is poured into the workpiece.

Be that as it may, dieters claim that scrambled eggs and everything connected with it are not suitable for those who follow their figure. Let's take a closer look at what an omelet is and how its use is associated with weight loss.

Omelet options

Depending on your imagination and preferences, an omelette can be completely without filler or with ham, and so on, including completely exotic fillings. Any kind of omelet can be kneaded together with the chosen filler, as well as wrap the filling in the finished cake.

It is believed that an omelet with meat stuffing more high-calorie than with fish, but this difference is not too significant and should not become an obstacle in choosing the method of preparing this famous dish.

Usually an omelette is cooked in a very hot pan, but there are lovers who bake the product in the oven, slow cooker or microwave oven. It cannot be said that due to a different heat treatment, the calorie content of the omelet will decrease.

Calorie omelette

Indeed, a ready-made omelette made from 2 eggs with milk in a pan or oven cannot attract those who want to lose weight with a low calorie content - it is approximately 142.1 kcal per 100 grams. But this figure is easy to reduce, since the net protein omelette without milk already boasts a calorie content of 58 kcal for the same weight, which will undoubtedly attract an incredible number of losing weight fans to this dish. Moreover, scrambled eggs are also presented in today's popular diet programs.

Omelet in dietetics

It's no secret that omelettes have long been used as supplements to various diets, including hypocaloric ones. This is due to the content of eggs in them. As you know, eggs contain an incredibly useful set of vitamins and minerals, such as, and.

In addition, the frequent use of scrambled eggs helps to strengthen the shattered diet. nervous system, which is important for those who first decided to limit themselves in food. On the this moment There are two diets that are extremely popular:

  • hypocaloric(an omelette from one egg along with a glass of kefir is added to the breakfast menu);
  • protein-egg(an omelette with cheese and greens, made from three eggs, is introduced into the morning diet with one cup of coffee with milk).

It must also be added that the scrambled eggs diet is not only allows you to quickly lose weight, but also helps to cleanse the body of harmful toxins and toxins. Don't forget to completely eliminate from the use of granulated sugar, and chocolate.

Classic omelet recipe

Many of us remember the thick and completely unappetizing omelettes of Soviet canteens, but today there is no need to cook them just like that - yours skillful hands help you create the perfect classic omelet. To make your omelette truly delicious, choose from the following Components:

  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 25 ml of milk;
  • 3 g of table salt;
  • 2 g black ground pepper;
  • 3 ml sunflower oil.

Put the pan on medium heat and add to it. stir a little in a deep bowl, then add to it. Beat the mass with a whisk or in a blender until completely homogeneous, add pepper and table salt. Stir the mass again and pour it into a preheated pan.

Fry the workpiece on one side for about 2 minutes, then turn over with a spatula. Cover the pan with a lid and fry the omelet until cooked through, the process will take another two minutes. Calorie omelet with milk from 1 egg in counting per 100 g is 106 kcal, from 3 eggs - 125.1 kcal.

Popular omelet recipes

The most delicious, healthy and nutritious omelette can be easily prepared at home by reducing the standard calorie content by adding additional components to the workpiece. How to do this is described in the recipes below.

Omelet with tomatoes

A very light and appetizing looking omelet is made with fresh tomatoes and onions. To prepare it, use the following Components:

  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 100 g of onions;
  • 200 g of tomatoes;
  • 25 ml;
  • 1 g of table salt.

We clean and rinse, then cut it into half rings. After that, put the resulting mass in a heated pan, pour oil. Cook over medium heat for about five minutes, stirring constantly. While the onion is fried, cut into thin slices.

Pour them to the onion, fry the mass for another minute or two. In the meantime, beat the eggs a little with salt, then pour the prepared vegetables with the resulting mixture. Cook the omelet for about five more minutes. calories per 100 g omelette with tomatoes is 76 kcal.

Cheese omelette

Those who love dishes with cheese will certainly appreciate this type of omelette despite the increased calorie content. To prepare it without problems, select the following Ingredients:

  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 3 egg whites;
  • 25 ml of milk;
  • 3 ml sunflower oil;
  • 50 g;
  • 2 g of table salt.

Heat the pan in a skillet using medium heat. In the meantime, beat the egg with milk, beat the whites separately with table salt. We combine the two resulting mixtures in one bowl, beat in a blender or with a whisk for about a minute.

Separately, grate the cheese on a medium grater. Pour the mass into a frying pan, sprinkle with grated cheese and cook for about five minutes under a closed lid. Calorie omelet with cheese per 100 grams is 130 kcal.

Omelet with sausage

Sausage is considered high-calorie product, however, few can resist not to cook this much-loved dish for breakfast or midday lunch. An omelette is perfect if you take the following Components:

  • 100 g of raw smoked sausage;
  • 5 chicken eggs;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 50 g of onion;
  • 20 ml sunflower oil;
  • 2 g of table salt.

Heat up in a hot pan sunflower oil At this time, dice the onion and sausage. Separately, beat the milk with eggs using a blender, adding a pinch of salt there. Pour the sausage with onions into the pan, mix with a spatula and fry for about five minutes, trying not to burn the ingredients.

After that, pour the egg-milk mixture onto the sausage, cover the pan with a lid and cook the omelet on the lowest heat for about seven minutes. Calorie omelet with sausage per 100 grams is about 185 kcal.

squash omelette

Delicate omelet with mouth-watering zucchini is diet dish recommended for those who are trying to lose weight. Baking in the oven makes this dish as light and tasty as possible. Its preparation is impossible without the following components:

We cut the zucchini into thin rings, and try to cut the tomato, onion and carrot into half rings. Lubricate a baking sheet or baking dish with oil, put carrots on it, then onions, zucchini and prepared tomato. Sprinkle the workpiece with salt on top and bake the mass in the oven for about twenty minutes at a temperature of about 200 degrees.

In the meantime, prepare the sauce: beat the eggs and whites with a blender, then add water and milk there. Beat a little more, remove the vegetables from the oven. Pour them with prepared sauce and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Top with grated or finely chopped cheese and put the mold back into the oven. We stand the product there for about ten minutes. Calorie omelet with zucchini per 100 g kept within 75 kcal.

Try to use more greens during cooking different types omelet. It will not only improve the taste of any dish, but will also contribute to the rapid absorption of food.

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