Home Grape Fried veal with soy sauce. Fried veal with soy sauce - recipe. Cooking veal steak in soy sauce

Fried veal with soy sauce. Fried veal with soy sauce - recipe. Cooking veal steak in soy sauce

Meatballs made from minced meat (meat or fish), often contain greens, a lot of spices, and, sometimes, soaked bun or breadcrumbs.

The size of the meatballs is approximately Walnut but sometimes more. It is believed that meatballs are served with sauce, not in sauce, although this is more of a historical tradition than realities. Well, the size of the meatballs is significantly smaller than that of.

In Ukrainian cuisine, the dish sicheniki (ukr.sicheniki), cutlets, or balls of finely chopped (sown) meat, fish, or vegetable mince is very popular. Then the sicheniki are fried and stewed in sauce. Sauce for fish dishes is usually required. For example, without sauce it will be dry.

A dish of small balls of fish or minced meat, exist in national cuisines most peoples of the world. For example, one of the main national dishes of Sweden is.

In addition to meat or fish, fillings for meatballs may include fillers: rice, soaked bread, breadcrumbs, onions, and, in addition, spices and eggs. Meatballs are most often stewed in sauce, but sometimes they are fried, baked, or steamed.

Fish meatballs stewed in sauce can be prepared from almost any fish. Pike, walleye, cod and sea bass are perfect, and even quite bony River fish, for example - bream.

Fish meatballs. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Fish fillet (pike, cod) 300 gr
  • Garlic 2 cloves
  • Egg 1 pc
  • Parsley greens 5-6 sprigs
  • Olive oil 3 art. l.
  • Breadcrumbs, flour, tomato paste or tomato juice taste
  • Salt, ground black pepper, dried Mediterranean herbs taste
  1. In any case, for meatballs and other similar dishes, you need to cook minced meat (from Latin farcio - “I start”). Using a meat grinder or a knife, chop the fish fillet, add spices, herbs, and other ingredients and cook fish meatballs.
  2. For meatballs from fish, almost any low-fat fish fillet, which can be bought or caught on a fishing trip.

    Fish fillet, greens and egg for meatballs

  3. First you need to prepare the parsley. tear off all the leaves from the stems and chop the greens very finely with a knife. Throw away the rough stems. Peel the garlic. Separate the yolk of one egg into a cup - only it is needed.

    Finely chop the parsley

  4. Fish fillet, if possible, carefully remove the bones and cut off the skin. It is not necessary to choose especially small bones, the meat grinder will delay them in front of the grate - completely positive and extremely beneficial effect.
  5. Grind the fish fillet with a meat grinder, even twice is better.

    Mix minced fish with spices, herbs and yolk

  6. In a deep bowl, mix minced fish, chopped herbs, add one egg yolk salt and pepper, and add a mixture of dry Mediterranean herbs (savory, oregano, basil).

    Ready minced meat for fish meatballs

  7. Mix the mince thoroughly. Further, to make the minced meat a little more dense, while continuing to knead, start adding breadcrumbs in small portions (1 tsp each). Usually you need to add 1 tbsp. l., maximum 1.5 tbsp. l. It is important that fish meatballs do not fall apart during frying and keep their shape.

    Form small meatballs

  8. When the minced meat is ready, moisten the cutting board with water and with wet hands form round balls - meatballs. The size is not the largest walnut. Put prepared fish meatballs on a board or plate.
  9. Heat up in a deep frying pan vegetable oil. Sprinkle fish meatballs with flour and place in hot oil.

    Dip the meatballs in flour and place in the pan

  10. When the fish meatballs are fried, they can not be turned over, but simply mixed with a spatula, as is usually done when potatoes are fried.

    Fry fish meatballs

  11. It is not necessary to fry until cooked, it is enough to fry for 5-6 minutes.
  12. Sauce for meatballs can be prepared according to your taste. We prefer home tomato sauce. Approximately 1 cup of canned tomato pulp mixed with 0.5 tsp. sugar, a pinch of salt, pepper and add a pinch of aromatic herbs. Grind everything in a blender to the state tomato juice and pour over the fried fish meatballs. Immediately add a quarter cup of milk or cream and about two cups of hot water.

    Add tomato

  13. Next, bring the sauce with meatballs to a boil and simmer under the lid for small fire 15 minutes.

tender and delicious recipe

Products for the recipe:

veal - 450 gr

sweet pepper - 1 pc.

garlic - 3 cloves

sesame (roasted) 1 tbsp. l.

sherry - 2 tbsp. l.

soy sauce 4 tbsp. l.

green onion

vegetable oil


Wash the pepper and cut it lengthwise into two parts. Clean and cut into strips.

Cut the meat into pieces (you need to cut it across the fibers)

Wash and finely chop the onion. Peel the garlic cloves and run them through a press.

Pour vegetable oil into a heated frying pan, warm it up a little and add meat. Fry for 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally.

After two minutes, add pepper and garlic. Stir and fry for another two minutes. Then pour in the sherry, soy sauce and onions. Stir and cook for one more minute.

After that, put the veal on plates and sprinkle with fried sesame seeds and serve with your favorite side dish.

Dear our guests!

It's no secret that we all love to eat well, and one of our favorite dishes is Veal with Soy Sauce. Therefore, many people, especially our beloved women, sooner or later ask themselves:. A simple recipe has been written especially for you, which briefly and clearly explains how to cook Veal with soy sauce at home. Here, all the recipes are written in simple, understandable words, so even the most inept cook can easily cook. For this, special recipes with detailed photographs and step by step descriptions preparation steps. Following the written recipe, you can easily cook this tasty dish and feel it beneficial features and impeccable taste. If you, dear readers, after viewing this material, did not understand how to cook veal with soy sauce, then we invite you to look at our other recipes.

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