Home perennial flowers Fried sauerkraut with potatoes. Fried potatoes with sauerkraut: a lean tasty dish. Lenten dish for fasting

Fried sauerkraut with potatoes. Fried potatoes with sauerkraut: a lean tasty dish. Lenten dish for fasting

Spreading: Europe

Bogweed is often called a water star, as its rosettes of floating leaves really resemble a beautiful multi-beam star. Like many other species of this genus, the marsh bog is characterized by great polymorphism, greatly changing under the influence various conditions a habitat. The most common form grows in water at a depth of up to 30 - 40 cm. Under water, its stems have rather long internodes and linear translucent leaves, and near the surface of the water they have close internodes and much wider (elliptical or obovate) bright green floating leaves forming a socket. In deeper places, the stems of the bogweed do not reach the surface of the water and bear only underwater leaves. In this form, it is not easy to recognize him. But the terrestrial form of the marsh bog is even more different. This is a dwarf (up to 5 cm high) plant with stems lying and rooting at the nodes and very small, narrowly elliptical or broadly linear leaves. The terrestrial form usually behaves like an annual, although some individuals water forms(especially deeper ones) can exist for several years. It lives well in the aquarium and grows very quickly. Usually the swamp is placed on the bottom or allowed to float on the surface. The plant must first be washed well. The plant is very photophilous. It overwinters extremely rarely in the aquarium, and usually dies by autumn.

Water. Good water exchange, shallow water, t 12 - 25 °C,

Lighting. Bright light.

Priming. They are planted either directly in the soil of a reservoir or placed there in a container. With a shallow landing up to 10 - 20 cm) they develop good "stars". At a deeper one (up to 50 cm), they may not come to the surface. Any soil.

Reproduction. It happens by itself - pieces of shoots take root easily.

The plant is poisonous!

Description and photo of common podbel

Perennial undersized evergreen shrub of the Heather family - Ericaceae.
The stem of the plant is underdeveloped, practically unbranched, requiring support, otherwise the plant will spread along the ground. The shoots of the plant are rigid and ascending, red-brown in color. Shrub grows up to a maximum height of 50-60 cm.
The rhizome is long, from which many shoots depart.
andromeda leaves lanceolate, at the edges wrapped inward. The shiny glossy leaves are dark green on the outside and dull white on the inside due to the waxy coating.
The plant blooms in April - May with pink, white, less often reddish, drooping flowers, which are located on last year's shoots.
The fruits ripen at the end of summer and are small spherical boxes.
In horticulture and science, the plant is better known as andromeda, after the ancient Greek goddess of the same name. In the countries of England and Germany, because of its external resemblance to rosemary, the common podbel shrub is referred to as „ swamp rosemary”, and in Finland the ordinary podbel was nicknamed „ swamp flower”.
In the CIS countries, the underbelly has acquired an incredible number of a wide variety of names - this is white leaf- the most common, went because of the white color inside leaf; barren or barren bush, drunken grass or drunken swamp. Each region has its own nickname.
The plant spreads in damp coniferous forests North America, tundra and forest zone of Eurasia. It is found in peat bogs, as well as in the mountains.

Useful and medicinal properties of common podbel

One of the active ingredients of andromeda is the glycoside andromedotoxin. This substance crosses everything medicinal properties and quality of the plant due to its high toxicity.

The use of common podbel in traditional medicine

Previous application Podbela vulgaris practiced in gynecological diseases, tuberculosis, rheumatism. Today, any medical medicinal use Podbela ordinary is categorically not recommended due to the high toxicity of the plant.
You can use the plant as an ornamental plant, which is very important due to its attractive appearance.
Also the scope podbela- coloring preparations, thanks to tannin, which gives things a black color.

Folk recipes from common podbel

Podbel ordinary- poisonous plant, do not use it for the preparation of medicines or any other preparations.

Contraindications to the use of common podbel

Podbel ordinary - a poisonous plant! Its use is contraindicated even in the smallest doses.

Side effects and effects of Podbel ordinary

In case of poisoning with underbelly, symptoms such as a sharp decrease in pressure, dizziness, headaches, nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea are observed. In some cases, people began to have problems with the respiratory system.

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    The swamp can be used as ornamental plant for the design of the coastal zone, any body of water will only become more attractive from this. Bogwort pairs well with other aquatic plants and is great for creating both classic and exotic styles. The arrowhead has some differences that are characteristic of this type of plant. There are three types of plants depending on the place of their growth. The arrow-shaped species is found in shallow water or on the shore, it has aquatic leaves. characteristic form, blooms in July. Plant species that have adapted to depth have yellow-green translucent petals; this type of bogweed never blooms.


    In order to grow an arrowhead, it is not necessary to have your own pond, the main thing is to provide the swamp the necessary conditions, which will allow it to grow even on the ground. The common arrowhead prefers bodies of water, mostly with stagnant water. Of course, the swamp can grow without immersion in water, but still the substrate must be sufficiently moistened. Bolotnik adapts well to life in the ground, although it requires regular watering. Often the plant can be found in sunny places. For better growth and development for it should pick up silty soil. Bogwort propagates by seeds or division.

    Collection and storage

    The collection of arrowhead nodules occurs in spring or autumn, at which time the plant has a growing season. Bogweed has short roots, dense rhizome and hanging nodules-nuts. Each plant has 10-15 tubers.

    In order to prepare this useful food plant, the nodules are thoroughly washed, and then cut into circles and left for outdoors. After the circles have dried, they can be sent for storage in a cool room. To get flour from the swamp, the nodules, cut into circles, should be dried in the oven.

    Flour from the plant is perfect for making various jelly, creams, homemade jellies. The fact is that nodules contain a large number of starch, which allows the product to be used as a thickener.

    The tubers are also loved by animals such as rabbits, so the plant can be used in household like food.

    Beneficial features

    The beneficial properties of the arrowhead are due to the substances that make up its composition. The plant contains a lot of starch (about 32%), which is even more than in potatoes. Starch is one of the most common polysaccharides, it fills the stomach well, but it does not contribute to weight gain. In general, starch is well absorbed by the body and does no harm. Difficulties with digestion can cause raw vegetables or fruits that are high in starch. Since arrowhead nodules are consumed boiled or baked, the product will bring more benefits than possible harm. Scientists have proven that starch-containing products have a beneficial effect on the patient's condition when peptic ulcer, normalize digestion, regulate blood sugar levels. There is also evidence that starch is effective in combating oncological diseases. With excessive consumption of starchy foods, flatulence, bloating, and stomach cramps may occur.

    The chemical composition of the edible nodules of the bogweed is similar to the composition of the potato, with the difference that the aquatic plant contains twice as much starch and five times as much protein. Fresh bog has bitter aftertaste which completely disappears after heat treatment. The nodules of the plant are less watery. The plant is rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, as well as mineral elements such as calcium, potassium, sodium. Nodules also contain flavonoids, steroids, tannins.

    Use in cooking

    In cooking, the swamp is used as a food plant. Nodules, which are at the end of underground shoots, are rich in starch. In Asia, the plant is specially cultivated for food purposes. A feature of the arrowhead is that nodules appear only in spring and autumn, and in summer the swamp is unsuitable for food.

    The nodules have a pleasant taste, which allows them to be cooked together with other, more traditional products. So, the plant goes well with pork, which is baked with nodules of the bog. The nodules are first boiled in salt water, then the skin is removed, and the flesh is cut. In parallel, pork is stuffed with garlic, salt and pepper. Half of the chopped nodules are laid out on foil, stuffed meat is placed on them, and the remaining nodules are sprinkled on top of it. Pork is tightly wrapped in foil and baked in the oven for an hour.

    Arrowhead nodules have a pleasant taste that resembles nuts, and after heat treatment they become like peas. If the nodules are baked, then they will taste like potatoes. A simple and tasty dish is porridge from the nodules of this plant. For one serving of porridge, you will need 200 grams of tubers, a glass of milk, salt and sugar. Fresh nodules are thoroughly washed and then boiled in salt water. As soon as the nodules cool down a little, they need to be peeled, and the pulp passed through a meat grinder. Milk, sugar, salt to taste are added to the resulting arrowhead puree and continue to cook until the desired consistency.

    AT North America the nodules of the plant are so popular that they are called the white potato of the Indians. Gourmets claim that the taste of the plant resembles baked chestnuts. In China, the arrowhead is grown as vegetable plant for the production of starch. In Siberia, arrowhead nodules are usually consumed baked. When boiled, the plant acquires a pleasant pea taste. In France, chefs prepare real delicacies from swamp nodules. Dried tubers are used to make flour that can be used to bake bread.

    The benefits of an ordinary arrowhead and treatment

    The benefits of the swamp are known to folk medicine. The plant is used for erysipelas, for this purpose, fresh arrowhead leaves are applied to the affected areas. The plant is valuable for its wound healing and astringent properties.

    The rhizomes of the arrowhead have a pronounced astringent effect, which makes it possible to use this part of the plant in medical purposes. Dry tubers are used as a tonic in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Bogweed extract is highly valued folk medicine due to its antifungal and antitumor properties.

    Harm of the common arrowhead and contraindications

    The swamp can cause harm to the body with individual intolerance. Tubers are used with caution with obesity, diabetes . If you have these diseases, you should consult your doctor.

    Swamp or, otherwise, Water Asterisk is an annual or perennial herbaceous plant from the Plantain family (Plantaginaceae).

    Bolotnik can rightly be attributed to aquatic plants: seeds need water for germination, stems and leaves for normal growth, and even flowers are pollinated thanks to water. However, highlighted at least, one ground view and several amphibious plant species.

    Bolotnik is distinguished by two characteristic properties: undemanding and beautiful decorative foliage.

    The undemanding nature of the plant is obvious: Bolotnik's range is all regions with a temperate and temperate cold climate, including Greenland, Siberia and Alaska. The plant is well adapted to low temperatures, able to tolerate fairly harsh climatic conditions, it develops well in mild climates.

    Decorative Bolotnik provides foliage. It can be conditionally divided into two varieties: underwater and surface. The first is thin, narrow leaves. They look like paired green needles. When the stems of the plant reach the surface of the water, "airy" leaves appear. The shape of their leaf blades is obovate or almost round. The tip is rounded, and the base is strongly narrowed. Length - no more than 20 mm. The surface of the plate is smooth, with clearly visible central and lateral veins. Stems and foliage are brightly colored. green color.

    From July until the onset of cold weather, Bolotnik has a flowering period. However, the flowers are hard to spot. They are hidden in the bosoms top leaves and are painted green, due to which they completely merge with the rest of the plant. Flowers are heterosexual, pollinated by water: it washes away pollen and carries it to other flowers. A few weeks after pollination, fruits ripen, filled with many seeds.

    Swamp thickets - perfect place for shelter and feeding of many species of fish. The swamp looks great in a home pond, its decorative foliage serves beautiful background for flowering plants. If we take into account that the Bolotnik does not have the habit of growing and crowding out other inhabitants of the pond, it will take a minimum of effort to decorate the pond with this unpretentious, but very attractive plant.


    Bolotnik is resistant to low temperatures, so you can sow seeds already in early spring when the ice is gone. As soon as the water and air warm up a little, the first shoots will appear.

    Sowing is carried out in wet coastal zone. Seeds need to be “drowned” a little into the ground - so that, firstly, they do not float up and, secondly, they do not become desirable food for birds.

    If desired, starting from late spring and until the end of summer, Bolotnik can also be propagated by cuttings. The technology is quite simple: the cutting is cut along the "joint" of the stem and stuck into the bottom soil. After some time, roots appear, and the plant starts to grow. Almost 100% of cuttings take root.

    Diseases and pests

    Ducks, fish, some types of aquatic insects.


    Seeds, cuttings.

    First steps after purchase

    If Bogweed Seeds are purchased in winter period They are placed in the refrigerator for storage. However, you can immediately plant the plant in a home pond, aquarium or paludarium. In their absence, you can take a container - a container or a pot - fill it with nutritious light soil and water it so that a small swamp forms. After that, the seeds are sunk into the soil and again plentifully, but carefully watered. Bolotnik is very cold-resistant, so the plant can be transplanted into a street pond with the onset of the first heat, when the air temperature rises above 0ºС.

    Acquired adult plants must be immediately planted in the coastal zone of the reservoir in such a way that most of stem was under water. Bogweed grows quite quickly, so after a few weeks, oval bright green leaves will appear on the surface of the water. Further reproduction under favorable conditions will occur by self-seeding.

    Success Secrets

    Water is perhaps the only and most important factor successful cultivation of Boletnik. The plant categorically does not tolerate drought, therefore, when choosing a planting site, care must be taken to ensure that even in the hottest periods of summer, a source of moisture remains for Bolotnik.

    For the plant, ponds with stagnant water or with a very slow current are preferred. Therefore, for example, when landing in a home pond for Bolotnik, they choose a place away from the pump that pumps water.

    Most Bogweed species can grow in partial shade, but thrive best in full sun. The plant does not need fertilizing.

    Possible difficulties

    The main danger for the Bolotnik, planted in the open pond of the garden, is represented by ducks. Birds are very fond of the delicate foliage of the plant and for a short time can significantly spoil its appearance.

    In the absence of ducks, insect pests can take over. In summer, cricotopus mosquitoes, iridescent sawflies, caddisflies and some other insect species sometimes lay eggs on the leaves of the Bolotnik. Their larvae eat soft tissues leaves, causing the plant to die.

    As a control measure, you can use the immersion of the plant for some time under water or a strong stream of water, which will wash off most of the larvae. If the reservoir is inhabited, insecticides are not recommended - most of them are very toxic to fish.

    Swamp plant: description and care

    To decorate an artificial reservoir, unpretentious and perennial swamp. It has incorporated several positive qualities which influenced its prevalence.

    Description of the flower bog

    Water Asterisk, or Swamp is a plant that can be both perennial and annual. The Podorozhnikov family.

    Source: Depositphotos

    Bogweed gets along well with other water plants.

    It is an aquatic flower because it needs water to grow, develop and pollinate. The plant is undemanding to care. It can grow in moderately cold climates.

    Leaves are located under water and on its surface. The underwater part of the plant looks like narrow and thin leaves. The part that is on the water is pear-shaped. The ends are expanded, narrowing goes to the stem. They are not more than 2 cm long. The flower has a bright green color, the leaf itself is smooth.

    Bolotnik grows in and near water bodies, as evidenced by its name.

    Blooms from mid-summer to late autumn. The flower is not visible, as it is located in the axils of the upper foliage and does not differ from it in color.

    Bred at home in a pond and even how indoor plant in aquarium. For fish it is not a hindrance, unless of course, the thickets are not very dense.

    Care and reproduction

    The indoor bog is propagated by cuttings and seeds. In the future, self-seeding will occur. Pollination comes from water. The flowers are all heterosexual, as a result of which pollen is washed off from one to the other. After successful pollination, after 20 days, the fruits swell, seeds ripen inside them.

    The swamp does not require special care, it is resistant to low temperatures.

    Growing requires:

    • regularly thin out the thickets of the plant, because it grows quickly;
    • place the aquarium in a sunny place, growth slows down in the shade;
    • plant seeds shallow so that they can come to the surface;
    • never leave a flower without water, otherwise it will die.

    In order for the swamp to grow at home, it is not necessary to purchase a special container, in the form of an aquarium. For him, any dishes in which there will be soil and water will be enough. Such a swamp will contribute to the growth of the flower.

    In hot summer days water should be added to the container so that the plant is always in the right environment. It is advisable to use settled clean water, the same temperature as in the aquarium.

    Photos of the bogweed don't look as unique as the flower itself in real life. Peculiar stars float on the water, which looks charming. Pleasure can be obtained not only from appearance plants, but also from the easy care of him.

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