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Valentin Katasonov August. You yourselves are accomplices. Valentin Katasonov about the economy of scoundrels. Video. There is no scarier beast than freons

The party is relying on the rejuvenation of personnel

At the XVII Congress of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, which was held in Moscow on May 27, the chairman Central Committee Gennady Zyuganov was expectedly re-elected. At the same time, the composition of the Central Committee was renewed by a third, and Yuri Afonin became its deputy chairman instead of Valery Rashkin.

Ten thousand new members

“We made a deep analysis of the systemic crisis, in the center of which our country finds itself, but at the same time we proposed a real program for getting out of it, which we agreed with possible allies and fellow travelers who will go with us both to local, gubernatorial, and presidential elections“- said Gennady Zyuganov at a press conference following the results of the congress. In his opinion, the main result of the congress is that “people felt: the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is a party of the people, of the working people, which really has an idea of ​​​​what is happening.”

The participants of the congress received more than 50 greetings and congratulations, including from Russian President Vladimir Putin. In his telegram, he called the Communists’ balanced and business-like approach to discussing key issues and noted attention to topics important to citizens, primarily the protection of social and labor rights.

Of the 344 elected delegates, 340 made it to the congress. The event began with the presentation of party and Komsomol tickets. If in four years the ranks of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation were replenished with 60 thousand new members, then only recent months According to the “anniversary” call, 10 thousand signed up for the party ranks.

The agenda included the political report of the Central Committee, the report of the central control and audit commission of the party, the issue of changes in the party charter, elections of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the central control and audit commission.

Practitioners and theorists

An acute problem remains the participation of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in municipal elections, says Gennady Zyuganov: “ Last years in the lower-level elections, we nominated only about 20 percent of candidates; by the way, every second one won in many regions. Therefore, we need to resolutely correct this, put forward as much as possible talented people who are respected locally."

The relevance of the party program “10 steps to a decent life", it has been tested and will remain the focus of our attention for the next reporting period.

“The relevance of the party’s program “10 steps to a decent life” has been confirmed, it has been tested and will remain the focus of our attention for the next reporting period,” said CPRF ideologist, State Duma deputy Dmitry Novikov. He added that the party not only has a program, but also a team capable of implementing it, and the governor’s speeches Irkutsk region Sergei Levchenko and the mayor of Novosibirsk Anatoly Lokot showed how effectively representatives of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation can organize work in difficult conditions.

At the congress, a provision was introduced into the Charter of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, which obliges party members to master theoretical knowledge and have solid Marxist-Leninist training, Novikov noted.

In the State Duma, the Communist Party faction will continue to fight for bills on children of war, on education for all, and for changes to the Labor Code.

The Central Committee has seriously “rejuvenated”

“At the first organizational plenum, elections of the Central Committee took place, and Gennady Zyuganov was unanimously and unanimously chosen for the post of the Central Committee. This, in our opinion, emphasizes not only the fact that the party leader is highly respected in its leadership structures, but also that there is a clear, firm position and understanding of where to move,” explained Dmitry Novikov.

Of the 186 members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, 61 were replaced. The new composition includes 29 women, and average age- 54.8 years. 125 people with an average age of 41 years became candidates for membership of the Central Committee.

First Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee Ivan Melnikov will continue to lead the party’s election headquarters, Vladimir Kashin will remain in charge of the “protest action headquarters,” and Dmitry Novikov will continue to be responsible for ideology. Valery Rashkin was replaced as deputy chairman for personnel by Yuri Afonin, who will also remain secretary for organizational and party work. As Zyuganov explained, Rashkin has “no end of his game” in the role of first secretary of the leading city committee - Moscow.

The secretariat of the Central Committee included the chief Komsomol member Vladimir Isakov, the leader of the Communist Party faction in the Moscow City Duma Andrei Klychkov and an employee of the organizational department of the Central Committee Maria Drobot.

Photo from the site kprf.ru

In the year of the centenary of the October Revolution, the Lenin Prize was revived

Starting this year, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation decided to re-establish the Lenin Prize - in Soviet times it was one of higher forms encouragement of citizens by the state. The laureates were political publicist Yuri Belov, director of the Lenin state farm near Moscow Pavel Grudinin, historian and publicist Yuri Emelyanov, doctor philosophical sciences Richard Kosolapov and Chief Editor newspapers Soviet Russia» Valentin Chikin.

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is actively preparing for the 19th international meeting communist and workers' parties, which will be held in November in St. Petersburg and Moscow and will coincide with the centenary of the October Revolution.

“More than a hundred applications have already been submitted for the celebrations dedicated to the centenary of the Great October Revolution,” Zyuganov informed, “first we will gather in Leningrad, where we will visit Smolny and the cruiser Aurora, then a concert will be held at Yubileiny, to which four thousand guests are invited. Then we will return to Moscow, where the international dialogue “Challenges of the 21st Century and Renewed Socialism”, a large demonstration and a solemn meeting will take place.”

Today, the Central Bank, with enviable efficiency, announced the revocation of the license from Bank Ugra from the Russian Top 30. This was a response to the demarches of the bank’s obstinate shareholders, who protested and filed lawsuits against previous decisions of the Central Bank. In fact, the Prosecutor General's Office took their side, but it also failed to influence Elvira Nabiullina. BUSINESS Online experts believe that the hole in the bank is at least 100 billion rubles, and its owner Alexey Khotin may leave Russia.

Professor of the Department of International Finance at MGIMO, Doctor of Economics, Russian economist and head of the Russian Economic Society named after. Sharapova":

If you carefully read the law on the prosecutor's office, it says that any of its decisions must be impeccably executed. IN in this case I see a blatant violation of this law by the Central Bank. This issue goes far beyond the banking system. The question is that the Central Bank has created an extremely unpleasant precedent - it turns out that it is possible not to comply with the decision of the prosecutor's office. I’m not a lawyer, but I specifically called my colleagues, doctors of law, we discussed this topic quite thoroughly, they said with a sigh: “What do you want? Mayhem! Life according to concepts! This is the picture we have.

It would be better if presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov did not make a statement that the story with Yugra Bank is not the competence of the Kremlin, but a matter of monetary policy. But, sorry, that's not true. If the decision of the prosecutor's office is ignored, then this is already a question state security. This is almost an open attempt to undermine the foundations of our statehood. It is necessary to open a case against Nabiullina. Because she has violated the law many times, she violated the law on the prosecutor's office in this case. To be honest, I am surprised that Ms. Nabiullina makes decisions about the fate of banks, millions of depositors, thousands of corporate clients, and she herself is a violator Russian legislation. How can we even comment on her decision if she should be held accountable for her actions under the law.

About a year ago, the Central Bank unexpectedly decided that 10 unsinkable, “permanent”, so-called systemically important banks would appear in the Russian banking system. After this decision, which was not recorded in any law - and this is a very serious violation - clients began to flee from all other banks to this “top ten”. In particular, financial position VTB was very unimportant at the beginning of last year, but now it is quite normal. I think many banks can tell you a lot of interesting things here. Of course, they are afraid of the regulator because they may pay for their revelations, but the atmosphere in the Russian banking system is ominous. Nobody trusts anyone, everyone is afraid of the Central Bank, and it constantly violates the Constitution, the law on the Central Bank and other laws.

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