Home Natural farming Powell Reservoir on the Colorado River. Amazing Lake Powell.USA. Picturesque scenery of an artificial lake

Powell Reservoir on the Colorado River. Amazing Lake Powell.USA. Picturesque scenery of an artificial lake

Now I'm going to grumble a little...

I visited Camden market with a friend. She herself lives in a quiet area of ​​London and doesn’t really like noisy places, but this place is famous, and although she herself treats it calmly, she decided to show me. I thought I'd like it - I did creative person. But for me, suddenly, not very well.
Let's find out why.

Who is this place good for?
  • For informal people, lovers of non-standard clothing, as well as theater props who are looking for something similar for productions.
  • For those who adore eclecticism. There she is...
  • For those who are looking for non-standard souvenirs and are willing to pay an impressive amount for them.


I'll start with the positives.
Camden Market is very unusual place. This is not just one market fenced with a chain-link fence, these are several streets lined with shops with fantastic facades, and when all this is around you you begin to feel like a character in a grotesque play.
So yes, there are original author's things there. I remember an amazing store with leather bags, I left there, dragging a trail of drool behind me, like a snail. Because I wanted everything, but I didn’t have enough money for anything: a small cross-body bag cost 50 pounds.

On the way out of Camden, I bought myself a cool sports bag for £5 at a regular souvenir shop, which has served me faithfully ever since. I go to the gym with her.
The birds there are not afraid. They sat on the backs of chairs in a cafe and let themselves be photographed from the front and in profile. Well, the audience is very curious - it turned out to be more interesting to look at people than at things.

Unfrightened bird Minuses

Very, very, very expensive. That's all. If there are cheap shops there, except those with souvenirs from China, that’s great, but where are they hiding... The cafe is also very expensive, we didn’t even drink coffee there, but I grab a cup of coffee everywhere when I travel , wherever possible.
Actually, products. That's where I cursed on the spot. Yes, there are quite a lot of original things that are produced by local craftsmen or companies. There are jewelry, accessories, and clothing. But about 70% of this is diluted with things bought on one (or two) well-known Chinese site, you all know it.

Sorry, comrades. But I also shop there. And I know that these particular faux turquoise metal alloy earrings cost $1 there. And not the 10 pounds you want for them. 10 fucking pounds!!! Well, you have to have a conscience. Well, at least some.

But, as it turned out, no. While walking, I realized that the number of things purchased in China and sold here under the guise of original ones, self made, branded ones - simply huge. Okay, souvenir shops with standard mugs, T-shirts and magnets. Everyone knows where they are printed. Well, they cost accordingly, like my purchased sports bag. I didn’t have any hopes for her at all, I would have lived to get home, but she serves me faithfully and is not going to creep away... However, when an obvious Chinese backpack is sold as an original one, this, excuse me, is complete nonsense.

This whole scam really disappointed me. I expected to end up in a place where at least 80% of the things were actually original, but it turned out that there was a Chinese branch here. When you figure out what it costs, it really hits the impression hard.
Well, the very design of the streets and the market, which everyone is so excited about, didn’t suit me. Yes, I looked and appreciated it, but for me all this clutter turned out to be too much, and I ran away to rest my soul in St. James's Park.


I won’t go to Camden again, once was enough for me. You can look there once if you need to, or just look at the color. Color – yes, it is there.

The creation of a reservoir in the Colorado River Valley was an initiative of the US Congress. Construction began in 1956 with the construction of the Glen Canyon Dam, which eventually reached a height of 178 meters. Its construction was completed on September 13, 1963, but it was completely filled with water and reached its maximum point much later, in June 1980. Since then, the water level in the lake has been subject to significant fluctuations, which depended on the seasonal melting of snow.

The resulting basin, during the creation of which about 700 canyons were flooded, was named after the American explorer John Wesley Powell, a one-armed veteran Civil War, who explored the river with three wooden boats in 1869.

Bends of the Colorado River:

The main purpose of the construction of the dam was the need to create a reliable reservoir and the subsequent construction of a hydroelectric power station, but in the end, in addition to solving economic issues, an unusually beautiful man-made landscape was added. That's why Lake Powell was included in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area in 1972. The reservoir occupies only 13% (161,390 hectares) of the huge total area reserve (1,250,000 hectares), which is a harsh arid desert.

The creation of an artificial basin had a serious impact on the life of the Colorado River, the biological balance and environment this region, which caused great amount protests from various organizations. Activists advocated for the preservation of the submerged remains of ancient Indian settlements, the ecological balance and the vital activity of local representatives of flora and fauna. The lake caused the death of many species of plants growing in the nature of the canyon, and modified the state of the aquatic system, which disrupted the process of normal development of fish, many of which were valuable and rare species. Also, the influx of boats serving visitors to the recreation area does not have a particularly good effect.

View of Lake Powell from space:

But, if we put aside all the disadvantages, a very good picture emerges: the flooding of Glen Canyon led to the formation of an absolutely unique landscape treasure. About 96 canyons of various sizes, sometimes reaching a kilometer in length, picturesquely indent the shoreline of the lake and create an extraordinary labyrinth at its depth. The smooth surface of the water is cut through by sheer reddish-orange walls rushing upward, topped with spiers and towers, which represent a kind of parade of stone sculptures of the most bizarre shapes and outlines.

Besides the amazing natural resources, the Glen Canyon area acquired the infrastructure necessary at one time to support the dam construction process, which significantly revitalized the entire region. The fact is that the place where the dam is located today used to be ten miles away from more or less passable roads.

Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, with scenic Lake Powell, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the United States, attracting everyone year after year. large quantity tourists. About 3 million people visit these places every year. Huge recreation area and availability large quantities inaccessible areas, despite countless streams of tourists, allows the reserve to remain partially unexplored. Lake Powell offers a wide range of activities to suit every taste, from viewing and exploring amazing natural creations to the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of sports and recreation.

There are several rental points near the lake where you can rent water skis, jet skis, yachts, canoes or boats. Americans, coming for the weekend with their entire families, often rent so-called floating houses, which resemble a water-based version of a “home on wheels.” These pontoons also host parties where you can have fun. Boat excursions of varying lengths (half a day or a day) provide an excellent opportunity to enjoy the most picturesque views of the coast. Dive enthusiasts can explore the depths of Lake Powell and its inhabitants, as here good conditions for diving - visibility is about five meters. Wahweap Marina Pier, near the largest nearby city, Page, Arizona, offers steamship cruises. Such a walk away from the shores of the lake will immerse vacationers in another world, undistorted by the traces of civilization.

Among other entertainments, you should not miss fishing, hiking and various excursions. When it comes to fishing, the waters here offer opportunities to catch species such as striped bass, catfish, carp, crappie and smallmouth bass.

In addition, Lake Powell is a treasure trove of great shots for photographers. Seeing this picturesque body of water and the range of colorful canyons from a bird's eye view is a very real prospect. Anyone can take a trip by helicopter or plane. A small airfield is available to owners of personal air transport.

One of the most striking attractions of this region is the Rainbow Bridge, natural monument, who is often given the title of the most big bridge natural origin and the most easily accessible natural arch in the world. It is a mountain arch reaching about 88.5 m in height and 71 m in width between the two supports. The bridge, which is sacred to the Navajo Indians, is a two-hour walk from Lake Powell.

Rainbow Bridge:

On the territory of the reserve you should definitely visit the John Wesley Powell Museum, which contains many interesting information about Glen Canyon and how the study of this area began. Also near the lake there is another no less interesting place- Mormon settlement of the 19th century.

Such popularity of the American body of water could not help but arouse interest among filmmakers: the local beauties took part in the filming of about 45 television series and films, including such famous films as “Planet of the Apes” (1968 and 2001 versions), “Maverick” (1994), TV series “Doctor Who” (episodes “The Impossible Astronaut” and “The Wedding of River Song”, 2011), “John Carter” (2012) and “Gravity” (2013).

The so-called "Horseshoe" on the Colorado River:

The creation of a reservoir in the Colorado River Valley was an initiative of the US Congress. Construction began in 1956 with the construction of the Glen Canyon Dam, which eventually reached a height of 178 meters. Its construction was completed on September 13, 1963, but it was completely filled with water and reached its maximum point much later, in June 1980. Since then, the water level in the lake has been subject to significant fluctuations, which depended on the seasonal melting of snow.

The resulting basin, which was created by flooding some 700 canyons, was named after American explorer John Wesley Powell, a one-armed Civil War veteran who explored the river using three wooden boats in 1869.

Bends of the Colorado River:

The main purpose of the construction of the dam was the need to create a reliable reservoir and the subsequent construction of a hydroelectric power station, but in the end, in addition to solving economic issues, an unusually beautiful man-made landscape was added. That's why Lake Powell was included in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area in 1972. The reservoir occupies only 13% (161,390 hectares) of the huge total area of ​​the reserve (1,250,000 hectares), which is a harsh arid desert.

The creation of an artificial basin seriously affected the life of the Colorado River, the biological balance and environment of this region, which caused a huge number of protests from various organizations. Activists advocated for the preservation of the submerged remains of ancient Indian settlements, the ecological balance and the vital activity of local representatives of flora and fauna. The lake caused the death of many species of plants growing in the nature of the canyon and modified the state of the aquatic system, which disrupted the process of normal development of fish, many of which were valuable and rare species. Also, the influx of boats serving visitors to the recreation area does not have a particularly good effect.

View of Lake Powell from space:

But, if we put aside all the disadvantages, a very good picture emerges: the flooding of Glen Canyon led to the formation of an absolutely unique landscape treasure. About 96 canyons of various sizes, sometimes reaching a kilometer in length, picturesquely indent the shoreline of the lake and create an extraordinary labyrinth at its depth. The smooth surface of the water is cut through by sheer reddish-orange walls rushing upward, topped with spiers and towers, which represent a kind of parade of stone sculptures of the most bizarre shapes and outlines.

In addition to its amazing natural resources, the Glen Canyon area acquired the infrastructure necessary to support the dam construction process, which significantly revitalized the entire region. The fact is that the place where the dam is located today used to be ten miles away from more or less passable roads.


Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, home to scenic Lake Powell, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the United States, attracting more and more tourists year after year. About 3 million people visit these places every year. The huge area of ​​the recreation area and the presence of a large number of hard-to-reach areas, despite countless streams of tourists, allow the reserve to remain partially unexplored. Lake Powell offers a wide range of activities to suit every taste, from viewing and exploring amazing natural creations to the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of sports and recreation.

There are several rental points near the lake where you can rent water skis, jet skis, yachts, canoes or boats. Americans, coming for the weekend with their entire families, often rent so-called floating houses, which resemble a water-based version of a “home on wheels.” These pontoons also host parties where you can have fun. Boat excursions of varying lengths (half a day or a day) provide an excellent opportunity to enjoy the most picturesque views of the coast. Diving enthusiasts can explore the depths of Lake Powell and its inhabitants, as there are good diving conditions here - visibility is about five meters. Wahweap Marina Pier, near the largest nearby city, Page, Arizona, offers steamship cruises. Such a walk away from the shores of the lake will immerse vacationers in another world, undistorted by the traces of civilization.

Among other entertainments, you should not miss fishing, hiking and various excursions. When it comes to fishing, the waters here offer opportunities to catch species such as striped bass, catfish, carp, crappie and smallmouth bass.

In addition, Lake Powell is a treasure trove of great shots for photographers. Seeing this picturesque body of water and the range of colorful canyons from a bird's eye view is a very real prospect. Anyone can take a trip by helicopter or plane. A small airfield is available to owners of personal air transport.

One of the most striking attractions of this region is the Rainbow Bridge, a natural monument that is often awarded the title of the largest natural bridge and the most easily accessible natural arch in the world. It is a mountain arch reaching about 88.5 m in height and 71 m in width between the two supports. The bridge, which is sacred to the Navajo Indians, is a two-hour walk from Lake Powell.

Rainbow Bridge:

On the territory of the reserve, you should definitely visit the John Wesley Powell Museum, which contains a lot of interesting information about Glen Canyon and how the study of this area began. Also near the lake there is another equally interesting place - a Mormon settlement of the 19th century.

Such popularity of the American body of water could not help but arouse interest among filmmakers: the local beauties took part in the filming of about 45 television series and films, including such famous films as “Planet of the Apes” (1968 and 2001 versions), “Maverick” (1994), TV series “Doctor Who” (episodes “The Impossible Astronaut” and “The Wedding of River Song”, 2011), “John Carter” (2012) and “Gravity” (2013).

The so-called "Horseshoe" on the Colorado River:

At the Hoover Dam). It stretches 298 kilometers in length among red rocks from the city of Page, where the 178-meter-high Glen Canyon Dam is located, to the city of Haight and contains about 30 cubic kilometers of water (during high water) with a maximum surface area of ​​1627 km 2. Lake Powell was named after a one-armed Civil War veteran. North America John W. Powell, who in 1869 became the first to explore the Colorado River, leading a legendary expedition through its canyons in three wooden boats.

It's interesting that Lake Powell in the USA formed in 1963, immediately after the completion of the dam on the Colorado River (started in 1956 by decision of the US Congress), which blocked the Glen Canyon. However, the process of filling it with water continued until 1980, when it was completely filled, after which specialists inspected the mass spillway.

Basic information:

NameLake Powell
Where isIn the Glen Canyon, formed by the Colorado River after the construction of the Glen Canyon Dam, on the border of Arizona and Utah in the USA
GPS coordinates36°56′10″N, 111°29′03″W
36.936111, -111.484167
What isThe second largest artificial lake in the United States, the site of water storage for electricity generation at the Glen Canyon Dam hydroelectric power station, a national resort and a vacation spot for millions of tourists
Official date of formationSeptember 13, 1963
Height above sea level1128 m (maximum)
Maximum depth178 m
Length298 km
Width40 km
Surface area1627 sq. km
Maximum water volume30 cu. km
Coastline3057 km
Nearest cityPage, 5 km from the southeastern edge
Official sitewww.nps.gov/glca/index.htm

Unique contrast between deep pure blue waters and the surrounding rocky landscape of dark red sandstone with little vegetation makes Lake Powell stunningly memorable. Countless steep incisions and side canyons approaching the lake, tall natural spiers and ridges that once stood high above the Colorado Plateau, now form steep cliffs on the shore of Lake Powell or protrude from its depths as small islands. They are visible from afar, and we took several photos of them from observation platforms located around the lake.

Today Lake Powell is an important tourism center, not only regionally but famous throughout the country. Many people come here on vacation to relax and have a carefree time, go fishing or sail a boat along the numerous canyons, aquatic species sports, cycling, hiking or even living in a houseboat.

Interesting fact: in 1972, Lake Powell and the surrounding area were included in the composition, which is in demand among tourists. More than 2.5 million people come to Lake Powell every year to relax, and attendance at this popular recreation area among Americans is constantly growing.

Location of Lake Powell on the US map:

Most tourists who want to see Lake Powell come to the city of Page in their own or rented car. However, those who want to save time should keep in mind that Page has its own airport (United Airlines flies here from Washington, DC and other US cities, among others).

  • All cheap flights to Page
  • You can rent a car inexpensively for a trip around the USA on the car rental website Rentalcars.com →

What is Lake Powell like?

Continuing our wonderful journey, we arrived at Lake Powell in the afternoon, late afternoon, from Monument Valley. We decided to stop in the city of Page, and at the same time see the amazing canyon located nearby. The next day, early in the morning, we went by car to the most famous attraction on Lake Powell - Glen Canyon Dam, thanks to the construction of which it was formed.

Access to Lake Powell and Glen Canyon by car is very limited due to the lack of good roads, laid to the coastline. Most tourist attractions such as boat tours, trails for hiking or campsites concentrated on it west bank, close to small town Page, located at the southwestern edge of the lake and is the center of resort tourism on the northernmost edge of the US state of Arizona.

Lake Powell's most popular natural attractions, such as the Rainbow Bridge and Hole in the Rock, are located in the surrounding canyons, most easily accessible by motorboat, pre-purchased spot on a guided tour, or booked a private boat or car ride.

Also near the border with Utah there are various beaches (wild and equipped), resort hotels (resorts), boat docks and a variety of campsites. All of this can be easily found along the Lake Powell shoreline, but for all your recreational and camping needs optional equipment you need to bring it with you, and you will have to go to the city for groceries.

Map of Lake Powell and Glen Canyon Park

The coastline of the northeastern tip of Lake Powell is located among sparsely populated areas, but there are several small towns where you can take advantage of the main benefits of civilization. This part of Glen Canyon Park has only basic amenities for campers and tourists. There are beaches, boat launches and campgrounds, and several roads leading directly to the lake.

General decrease in water level in Lake Powell in last years resulted in the coastline moving quite far away from the village of Hythe. Well-surfaced roads provide access to the Bullfrog and Halls Crossing marinas, two-thirds the size of the entire lake, opposite each other and connected by a car ferry.

In addition to the asphalt roads listed above in Page, Haight, Bullfrog and Halls Crossing, there are numerous dirt roads providing access to different places along the lake. They are typically only suitable for four-wheel drive vehicles, although regular high-clearance city vehicles can pass on some of them, such as Smoky Mountain Road, which leads north from Lake Powell from its western end. All travelers can take this scenic road to some remote beaches (the road passes close to them). It then turns north and continues towards Escalante.

View of Lake Powell from an airplane - watch the video:

Wildlife lovers will be interested to know that in Lake Powell and the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, despite the apparent scarcity of flora and fauna, quite a lot of species of plants, animals, birds, fish and other waterfowl grow and live. Here you can find:

  • 875 plant species;
  • 305 bird species;
  • 57 species of mammals;
  • 26 species of fish;
  • 27 species of reptiles;
  • 7 species of amphibians.

Lake Powell weather It is quite unpredictable in nature, but in general its character is more consistent with the continental climate characteristic of the high deserts. During the day, the temperature can fluctuate wide range, and sunny weather is often replaced by sharp winds and precipitation.

In general, the weather here strongly depends on one of the four seasons of the year and can be very different. In summer, Lake Powell is always very hot (up to +40 degrees in the shade) with variable cloudiness and frequent showers. In winter it is very cool (in the daytime the average temperature is +6..+10, at night -3..-5).

The spring weather is also not pleasant; it is very changeable, and this time of year is characterized by strong, piercing winds. But the weather in autumn is usually quite calm and the most comfortable for traveling to Lake Powell, but short-term rains and sudden gusts of wind are possible.

There are several options for exploring Lake Powell, available to all tourists who come to it:

  • By car is a convenient and inexpensive way to travel between the Glen Canyon Recreation Area surrounding Lake Powell. You can easily rent a car in the USA. The closest town where you can do this is Page. Public transport does not go around the lake. It is possible to buy a tour or order a transfer from Page.

You can spend the night right next to Lake Powell - on the territory of Glen Canyon Park in one of the lodges, camping, trailer or houseboat located in one of its parts:

  • Hotels and lodges are only available in Wahweap areas (e.g. Lake Powell Resort) and Bullfrog.
  • RV rentals available at Halls Crossing, Bullfrog and Hite.
  • Organized campgrounds with facilities are available at Wahweap, Lees Ferry, Bullfrog and Halls Crossing.
  • Primitive campsites with minimal amenities are available along the Colorado River between Glen Canyon Dam and , at Lone Rock Beach, Bullfrog, Hite, Lake Powell Shoreline.

If you do not want to camp or have not reserved a place in advance at one of the lakeside lodges, then you can choose one of the hotels in the city for an overnight stay. The closest hotels to Lake Powell are in Page, a 10-minute drive from Glen Canyon Dam, Utah.

Here are some good hotels to book in Page:

  • Best Western View of Lake Powell Hotel - hotel overlooking Lake Powell;
  • Map of the area around the city of Page

    Hiking near Lake Powell in Arizona and Utah

    Hiking enthusiasts may be somewhat surprised at first to learn that there are only a few groomed hiking trails around Lake Powell and the Glen Canyon Recreation Area. But if you look at this fact from the other side, this provides an opportunity for independent walks outside the marked paths. You can descend into narrow canyons, visit hills from which beautiful panoramas of the lake open up, and see hoodus and other geological weathering forms. So for avid hikers and travelers simply interested in geology, this is even good.

    Basic information about hiking near Lake Powell in Arizona and Utah:

    Haiku nameLengthClimbGrade
    Horseshoe Bend0.5 miles50 meters4/5
    Spencer Trail2.1 miles550 meters4/5
    Blue Pool Wash1.2 miles30 meters2/5
    Bullfrog Bay Canyon0.5 miles20 meters2/5
    Cathedral Wash1.5 miles110 meters3/5
    Davis Gulch2.7 miles140 meters5/5
    East Sevenmile Canyon3 miles (circular)180 meters3/5
    Fall Creek and the Echo Pass Trail11 miles (circular)400 meters4/5
    Ferry Swale Canyon4.6 miles140 meters3/5
    Spencer Trail2.1 miles550 meters4/5
    Llewellyn Gulch6 miles230 meters5/5
    Neon Canyon4 miles400 meters4/5
    Rock Canyon5 miles100 meters4/5
    Smith Fork7.5 miles180 meters4/5
    Stateline Canyon2 miles110 meters3/5
    Stud Horse Point
    5 miles210 meters4/5
    Swett Creek7.4 miles290 meters3/5

    It is worth adding that there are many narrow canyons outside the Glen Canyon recreation area, but nevertheless also interesting for hiking - in the Page, North Wash, Trachyte Creek, White Canyon and Escalante River area.

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