Home Useful properties of fruits Project work “Making handmade soap. Research project "soap story"

Project work “Making handmade soap. Research project "soap story"

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

KSU " high school No. 26 "

Scientific and practical conference of schoolchildren

"Soap self made»


Masanina Anastasia

Pupil 9 "A" class

Consultant teacher:

Ivacheva N.S.


1 slide Many things you can buy in stores are easy enough to make at home. Soap is one of those things. Homemade soap making is a fun and exciting process with nothing complicated about it. As a result, you can create something unique and special.

2 slide. It is not known for certain when and where the soap appeared. But it is known that many peoples of the ancient world used it. Soaps are mentioned in Egyptian papyri, clay tablets from Mesopotamia. Humanity has been using soap since time immemorial: the history of soap making is at least 6 thousand years old.

At the time of Homer, soap was not yet known. The ancient Greeks cleansed the body with sand - especially fine sand brought from the banks of the Nile. The ancient Egyptians washed their face with a paste from beeswax dissolved in water.

Long time wood ash was used for washing.

According to the historian, the Gauls made some kind of miraculous ointment from bacon and ash of a beech tree, which was used to cleanse and dye hair, as well as to treat skin diseases. The color agent, red paint, was obtained from clay. They smeared their long hair vegetable oil to which the paint was added. If water was added to this mixture, a thick foam was formed, which cleanly washed the hair.

Soap has long been a luxury item and was valued along with expensive medicines and potions. But even wealthy people could not afford to wash their clothes. For this, different clays and plants were used. Doing laundry was difficult, and most of the time was done by men. So, the debate about who mankind owes the invention of soap is still not over. Nevertheless, it is known that the production of detergents was put on stream in medieval Italy. A hundred years later, the secrets of this craft reached Spain, and from the XI century. Marseille became the center of soap making, then Venice.

Since the 13th century, the production of detergents began to flourish, first in France and then in England.

But soap making on a large scale developed only after the industrial production of soap was developed. The first bar of solid soap was produced in Italy in 1424.

As for Russia, here the secrets of soap making were inherited from Byzantium, and their own soap makers appeared only in the 15th century. The industrial production of soap was established under Peter. The soap from the Lodygin factory was very famous, it was considered the best after the Italian one. It was cooked in cow, almond, oil - white and colored, with and without perfume.

In Western Europe, the craft of soap making was finally formed only by late XVII century

Nowadays, the industrial production of soap is established everywhere.

3 slide. According to one of the legends, the Latin word sapo (soap) comes from the name of Mount Sapo in ancient Rome. This mountain was famous for the fact that sacrifices to the gods were made on it. When the victims were burned, the fat released from the animals accumulated and mixed with the ash of the trees from the fire. And then the resulting mass was washed off in the rain to the banks of the Tiber River, where the clothes were washed. locals... These residents also noticed that using this mixture you can wash clothes much easier.

4 slide. Soap making at home, as a kind of handicraft, is now only gaining momentum. The popularity of home soap making can be explained as follows: firstly, using various additives, you can give your soap the necessary properties; secondly, when making soap at home, you can use your creativity and create a soap that is unique in appearance; and thirdly, having learned how to make soap at home, you can always make an original gift for your loved ones and friends.

5 slide. When making homemade soap, recipes are based on three types of homemade soaps, which differ in the base used: 1 special soap base, 2 baby soap, and 3 soap making from scratch. Since making soap from scratch at home is not an easy task, it is better to start soap making with recipes based on baby soap or a special soap base.

6 slide. Soap base- In fact, this is a ready-made soap. The base is sold in stores in the form of bars, which are then cut into cubes for convenience. A soap base is also sold that already contains the base oil.

7 slide. Base oil. It is responsible for the main cosmetic properties - some oils nourish, while others moisturize. For the base oil, odorless oils are used, which are sold, for example, in pharmacies (oil grape seed, linseed, olive, etc.).

8 slide. Flavors. As flavors, you can use essential oils or artificial flavors.

9 slide. Dyes. There are also natural and artificial ones. As natural dyes spices, oils and products that can color are used. Artificial colors are food colors.

10 slide. Molds. Plastic, plastic or silicone molds - the main thing is that they can be bent. For example, baking tins are suitable for soap making.

11 slide. Handcrafted soap is the complete opposite of store-bought bars. Such soap performs not only the main function, but, above all, it is useful ... useful for the mind and body, useful for the skin, hair, nails, emotional state.

Making soap at home is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Having tried to cook soap on your own at least once, you are unlikely to want to return to regular soap, and the process itself will captivate you so much that you will not only want to repeat it, but also definitely add some new note.

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Theme: My fabulous soap.

Target :

Learn to make soap at home


1. Get acquainted with the history of soap.

2. Learn the technology of its manufacture and the ingredients necessary for its production at home.

Object of study :

soap and the process of its manufacture.

  • What is soap?
  • The history of soap making.
  • The popularity of soap making.
  • Types of soap making.
  • Main ingredients and fixtures.
  • Soap making technology
  • Handmade soap recipes. Crafting tips
  • Literature.

What is soap?

Soap- water-soluble washing mass (lump or thick liquid), obtained by combining fats and alkalis

It is not known for certain when and where the soap appeared. But it is known that many peoples of the ancient world used it. The history of soap making is at least 6 thousand years old. Mentions of soap can be found in Egyptian papyri, clay tablets from Mesopotamia .

Popularity of soap making

can be explained as follows:

  • By using various additives, you can give your soap the desired properties.
  • When making soap at home, you can use your creativity to create a unique looking soap.
  • Having learned how to make soap at home, you can always make an original gift for your loved ones and friends.

Types soap making

For homemade soap making, recipes are based on three types of homemade soaps, which differ in the base used:

  • special soap base
  • baby soap
  • making soap from scratch

Since making soap from scratch at home is not an easy task, it is better to start soap making with recipes based on baby soap or a special soap base.

For cooking you need ...

- Soap base, in in this case this is baby soap or any other,

Base oils: almond, cedar and olive oil. You can do one thing, or you can do any others, but it is important that these oils are odorless;

- Glycerin and vitamin E (optional);

- Essential oils - what you like;

- Fillers - again optional.

- Water to dilute the soap mass

- molds for subsequent casting.

Base oil

It is responsible for the main cosmetic properties - some oils nourish, while others moisturize. For the base oil, odorless oils are used, which are sold, for example, in pharmacies (grape seed oil, linseed oil, olive oil, etc.).


There are natural and artificial. As natural colorants are used spices, oils and products that can color. Artificial dyes are food colorings.

Preparation of ingredients.

Add water - 100g. soap - 100 grams of water, add oils - peach, almond or just olive or sunflower - 1 tsp. and put in the microwave 3 times for 1 minute.

Pour into molds

Molds can be plastic, plastic or silicone - the main thing is that they can be bent. For example, baking tins are suitable for soap making.

What is the difference between handmade soap

work from shop soap?


  • Such soap performs not only the main function, but, above all, it is useful ... useful for the body and soul, useful for the skin, hair, nails, emotional state.
  • Natural ingredients are added to the handmade soap, healthy oils saturated with beauty vitamins, A, E, B, D, F - olive oil, avocado oil, peach, milk thistle, wheat germ, shea butter, macadamia, St. John's wort, cocoa, palm kernel and so on. All of these oils are incredibly beneficial for our sensual body. These are the so-called base oils, and in addition to them, essential oils can be added to the soap - orange, neroli, patchouli, lavender, mint, rose, basil and many, many others. These or those oils have relaxing or tonic properties, pain relievers, improve emotional well-being, affect concentration, have a rejuvenating, regenerating, restorative effect on our skin.
  • And if you add such natural ingredients as honey, calendula petals, or lavender flowers to the soap, or maybe coffee or milk ... the price of such soap will not be!
  • In addition to all the usefulness, handmade soap is also beautiful, original, each piece is unique!

My project is making handmade souvenir soap.

I learned the history of soap making.

I learned how to make soap at home.

Create your own recipes.

Now I have no problem choosing a gift for my family and friends!

  • http://bse.sci-lib.com/article079354.html
  • http://www.krugosvet.ru/enc/nauka_i_tehnika/tehnologiya_i_promyshlennost/MILO.html?page=0,1
  • www.originalsoap.ru/soap-history.shtml
  • innovatory.narod.ru/soap.html
  • www.treeland.ru ›Soap making› soapstory.htm
  • ru.wikipedia.org ›Soap
  • soapbox.ucoz.ru/publ/istorija_myla/1-1-0-1
  • florance.narod.ru/history.htm
  • http://handmadesoap.ru/stat5.html

Municipal budgetary general educational institution

Kuibyshevsky district

"Average comprehensive school No. 6 "

Creative project

"Long live fragrant soap!"

Completed by: student of grade 4B Prosvetov Dmitry

Problem dirty hands relevant at all times. Soap helps us solve this problem. We use it every day.

When my mother and I go to the store to shop, I am always amazed at the assortment of soaps. In stores we see soap of all colors of the rainbow, different in shape, composition, smell, liquid and solid.

Now it is impossible to imagine life without this important hygiene product, we choose soap according to our preferences. But imagine that once upon a time there was no soap.

How did it happen that this product took such an important place in our lives?

In my project, I tried to answer the questions:

How did people do without soap?

Who Invented Soap?

How and from what is the soap we buy made?

Can you make your own soap?

Object of study: information on the production and use of soap

Subject of study: methods of making soap at home

Objective of the project: create your own soap.

Hypothesis: Suppose you can make your own soap if there are safe ways its manufacture.


1. Establish facts from the history of soap;

2. To identify the components from which soap is made;

3. Experimentally compare the cleansing properties of different types of soaps.

4. To study the technology of making soap at home;

To accomplish the set tasks, we used the following methods:

l study of literature and Internet information on the topic;

l sociological surveyadults and children ;

l experimental work;

l processing of data obtained in the course of the study;

l generalization materiala

In the course of the research, I received answers to my questions.

From various sources I learned how people in antiquity did without soap.

It turns out that the ancient Greeks adapted to cleanse their skin with sand. Then in the history of human development, people began to use wood ash. Using wood ash, people realized that it has cleansing properties when diluted with water.

But the debate about who mankind owes the invention of soap is still not over. The honor of the invention of soap is attributed to several ancient peoples at once. The Roman scientist Pliny the Elder argued that even the ancient Gauls (inhabiting the territory of modern France) knew about the preparation of soap. According to the historian's testimony, these wild tribes made some kind of miraculous ointment from bacon and ash of a beech tree, which was used for cleaning, as well as for treating skin diseases.

Another version of scientists says that the Romans invented soap after all.

Archaeologists after excavations in the Nile Delta concluded that soap production was established at least 6,000 years ago.

As for Russia, here the secrets of soap making were inherited from Byzantium, and their own soap makers appeared only in the 15th century. It is known that Gavrila Ondreev started a soap cookery in Tver. The industrial production of soap was established under Peter. In the 18th century, the factory of the city of Shuya became famous for its soap. Even the city's coat of arms depicts a bar of soap.

However, up to mid XIX century soap in Russia was produced only for the nobility and was very expensive. Peasants and artisans washed and washed themselves with lye - wood ash, drenched in boiling water and steamed in the oven.

Soap came into widespread use only in the second half of the 19th century, when the first Moscow soap factory, founded by the Frenchman Heinrich Brocard in 1864, started working at full capacity.


The business of Heinrich Brokor was continued by his sons. During the 1917 revolution, the premises in which the factory was located were handed over to the mint by the new government. Over time, production was restored. And the name of the enterprise became "New Dawn". It is currently a joint Russian-French industrial enterprise.

Continuing the research, I conducted a survey among adults and children, they were asked questions:

-Why do I need to wash my hands with soap and water?

- what does the soap consist of?

- how is soap made?

The survey showed that:

93% of children don't know what soap is made of

91% of adults answered that soap is composed of alkali and fats.

98% of children don't know how soap is made

78% of adults said they cook soap,

70% of children know why they need to wash their hands (so as not to get sick)

100% of adults said that soap prevents harmful bacteria from entering our bodies.

Conclusion: Basically, children and adults know why they need to wash their hands with soap and water. Most children do not know what soap is made of or how it is made.

In the literature, I found the answer to the question "How is soap made?"

At first, the factories made soap in huge open boilers. The process was supervised by an experienced soap maker, who from time to time needed to stir the viscous mass.

The modern process of making soap in the industry consists of three stages. The first is the saponification of fats and oils with caustic alkali to obtain refined soap and glycerin. At the second stage, the purified soap is formed into small balls by means of heat treatment. In the third and final stage, the soap balls are mixed with fragrances, dyes and other chemical additives that determine the properties and aroma of the soap. Soap making in industry, it turns out, is tricky. chemical process.

Having examined the packaging of soap, which indicates the composition, we saw among the main components: alkali, fats, oils, water, and various chemical additives... Some additives that are added to soap in industrial production considered dangerous. Such additives as are considered especially dangerous:

Propylene glycol(cheap substitute for glycerin)

Sodium laureth sulfate(creates a lot of foam)

Superficially active substances(Surfactant)


Dyes(FD&C and D&C - coal tar)


Be careful when buying soap!

According to experts, a new one is gaining momentum for Russian market category - handmade solid soap, which is produced using a different technology than mass-produced soap.

Before studying the technology of making handmade soap, I decided to find out from the children:

- how many times a day do they wash their hands?

- do they like to wash their hands with soap?

- what kind of soap do you like to use?

A survey of children showed:

To the question "How many times a day do you wash your hands with soap and water?"

the following results were obtained:

75% - more than 2 times

To the question "Do you like washing your hands with soap?"

84% - answered "Yes"

15% - answered "no"

1% answered "sometimes"

To the question "What kind of soap do you like to use?"

The following responses were received:

71% answered "liquid"

22% - soap with a pleasant smell

7% - other types of soap.

From this survey, I concluded:

Most children like to wash their hands, do it more than 2 times a day and usually use liquid soap.

In order to find out which soap cleans dirt better, I experimentally compared the cleansing properties of solid, low-foaming and liquid soap.

I got soot on my hand.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/073/images/image007_91.jpg "width =" 269 "height =" 202 src = ">

The next step was to take soap, which foams well. And my hands were washed perfectly .

https://pandia.ru/text/78/073/images/image010_67.jpg "width =" 272 "height =" 205 src = ">

From this experiment, you can make output that a soap that lathers well washes your hands better. This is most likely why children like to wash their hands with liquid soap, which is not always safe.

When making the soap, I took into account the opinions of the children obtained during the survey, and I wanted to make an exclusive solid soap that lathers well, with an unusual shape and color. I think that adults would also like this soap.

In the literature on soap making, I learned the composition and method of making soap at home. .

There are three main ways to make beautiful and scented soaps at home:

- "soap from soap" by melting baby soap;

From a soap base (special composition for the production of soap);

Soap "from scratch" from fats, oils, alkali.

The third option is one of the most difficult and is suitable for experienced soap-makers, since it is a chemical process. The second way is the most creative and fastest,
but the soap base is not available everywhere. There are no specialized shops in our city that sell components for making soap at home. (Novosibirsk - Kamenskaya, 45).

But the option with melting baby soap is the most affordable, simple and safe. But you need to cook under the supervision of adults.

I took baby soap.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/073/images/image018_27.jpg "width =" 200 "height =" 267 src = ">

Razlthe mass came to life by molds. At room temperature, it is recommended to dry the soap for a day or two.To speed up the process, you can put the molds in the freezer for 30-40 minutes.

As a result, from one piece of baby soap I got six pieces of colored, varied in shape, well-foaming soap with the scent of natural forest herbs.

Vitamin "href =" / text / category / vitamin / "rel =" bookmark "> vitamins will add flavor to the soap.


ground herbs in soap will provide many beneficial properties

Poppy seeds

give the soap an interesting texture and look (for example, in white soap, poppy seeds will look very effective)


will color the soap brown, make the soap foamy

Vanilla sugar

will give a pleasant aroma and Brown color soap


will give the hardness of the soap, a natural preservative.

Oatmeal or milk

nourishes, cleanses the skin. The flakes are added after thickening. Oat milk - ground flakes are poured with water, then the water is decanted. Can be used instead of water in soap. This soap is an excellent care for sensitive skin.

Sea salt

enhances blood circulation, makes soap harder, but in large volumes can dry the skin

moisturizes, increases foam volume, gives brown color to soap, nourishes the skin.


use as a decoction instead of water and powder. Coffee soap cleans well,


will give the soap a smell and color, add to chocolate soap

Cucumber juice

used instead of water in soap, will give a green tint to soap, frozen cucumber pulp is added to give soap tenderness and soothing properties, suitable for baby soap

Carrot juice

will give the soap a beautiful orange color, vitaminize the soap.

Appendix 2

Algorithm for performing the first experience of making "soap from soap"

1. Grate a piece of baby soap.

2. In a water bath, the 1st stage is warmed up. spoon
any oil (some oils give color, for example, sea buckthorn oil
will give the soap a yellow color, others are good for the skin ...).
It is more convenient that the dishes in which you will heat the soap have a handle,
otherwise it is a lot of hassle if mixed thoroughly. Spinning all the time
on water. And the entertaining process turns into torment.

3. In the heated oil for 1-2 minutes, soapy oil is poured
shavings and gradually poured hot water, about 120-150gr.
You can replace the water with a herbal decoction, for example, chamomile.
Pour in water gradually, adjust the amount yourself, so
how it is not known what dryness your piece was originally.
The degree of dryness you can easily notice when rubbing the soap, the edges are usually dry
easy to rub, do not stick to the grater, and the middle is wet, rubs harder and
slightly sticks to the grater.

4. All this is gradually stirred until
homogeneous mass without lumps, until the pancake dough is thick.
Then it is removed from the fire.

5. After that, you can pour the soap into the molds. It can be
children's molds for sand, molds for baking
(not used for its intended purpose), half a soap dish,
any other containers you find in the house.

6. The hardened soap can be easily removed from the molds.
After two days of drying, the soap is ready for

7 Be sure to write down the results of your experience (what soap, how much water, what oils, etc.).

You can put a string or string in the fresh mass - you get soap on a string
or with a ponytail.

Research project "Long Live Soap!"

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of the municipality of Nyagan "Child Development Center - kindergarten number 5" Burovichok "

Project participants:

  • Babich Alexander Vyacheslavovich
  • Pronina Anastasia Denisovna
  • Avdey Mikhailovich Sudakov

pupils of the preparatory group

Project manager: educator Burdina Olga V. Nyagan, 2015

One morning, having come to kindergarten, Vika brought a small beautiful box. Surrounding it, we saw an unusual amazing house inside. It was brightly colored and had a pleasant smell. We had many assumptions about what it is: a toy, a cookie, a souvenir. But no one guessed that it was soap! Vika said that her grandmother gave her this fabulous handmade soap. We were interested in Vicki's story, and we wanted to learn as much as possible about soap, and whether it is possible to make soap with our own hands.

We assumed that if there is handmade soap, then we can also make soap with our own hands, beautiful and fragrant.

Object of study: soap.

Study subject: soap making.

Project goal: to learn how to make soap with your own hands.

Project objectives:

  1. Get acquainted with the history of the creation of soap and soap making in Russia.
  2. Find out what soap is.
  3. Make different soaps with your own hands.
  4. Draw conclusions from the study.

Research stages

Preparatory stage

  1. Collecting information about soap.
  2. Acquaintance with the history of the creation of soap and soap making in Russia.
  3. Excursion to the hardware store.
  4. Visit to the famous soap-maker of the city of Nyagan Maria Ivanova.
  5. Excursion to the kindergarten medical office, conversation with the senior nurse Nina Ivanovna.
  6. Creation of a collection of ready-made soaps.
  7. Preparation of the necessary equipment for the manufacture of soap.

The main stage

  1. Conducting a survey on the use of soap among older children.
  2. Making a variety of soaps with your own hands.
  3. Album making "Ah - this is a different soap" .

The final stage

  1. Formulation of conclusions.
  2. Formulation of a new problem.
  3. Project presentation.

Main part

We started our work on the project by looking for information about soap. They looked in books, on the Internet, asked their parents, went to visit a soap maker and on excursions to a hardware store, to a kindergarten's medical office.

As a result of the search, we learned a lot of interesting facts. Since ancient times, people have strived for purity.

In ancient times, the ancient Greeks cleansed the body with fine sand. The Egyptians washed themselves with beeswax paste, which was dissolved in water.

For a long time, people used wood ash or a cleaning agent that consisted of parts to wash conifers, water and essential oil.

Once people noticed that if you mix ash and fat, it becomes easier to wash off dirt from the body, and this is how the first soap appeared.

It certainly didn't smell as fragrant as modern soap, and his color was gray, but people were still happy with such an assistant.

The history of soap making has about 6 (six)

thousand years.

The homeland of soap is Ancient Rome. In 1424, the first bar of solid soap was produced in this country. It was from there that the soap spread throughout the world. Soap was first brewed in Russia during the reign of Tsar Peter I.

Whole villages were engaged "Potash business" , so soap making was called earlier. Soap at that time was made from lard, fat and vegetable oil.

Soap in Russia has long been a luxury item and a very expensive means of maintaining cleanliness. Even the most noble and wealthy people could not afford to wash their clothes. For this, different types of clay and plants were used. The peasants washed and washed themselves with lye - a mixture of wood ash, poured with boiling water and steamed in a stove; they used half-baked potatoes and small balls of fern ash for washing.

In Russia, the most famous factory for its soap was located in the city of Shuya. Even the coat of arms of this city depicts a bar of soap. The soap from the Lodygin factory was very famous, it was considered one of the best in the world.

It was cooked in cow, almond oil - white and colored, with and without perfume. Tar soap was also offered - "from twigs" (from diseases).

Soap is now used in every home. it important remedy personal hygiene. Every morning we wash, wash our hands

several times a day. Soap helps us fight germs and bacteria. And everyone has their own - favorite! It can have a wide variety of colors,

shape, size and flavor.

It can not only cleanse the skin, but also saturate it with vitamins, moisturize, and of course bring aesthetic pleasure when used.

After collecting information about soaps, we learned that modern soaps are composed of fats, alkalis, vegetable oils, dyes, and active additives. We also learned that it is for children, bath, toilet, household, medical and others. Solid and liquid in appearance. Liquid soap. The most hygienic, as it does not come into contact with dirty surfaces.

The most important thing is in him increased content potassium, therefore it is more gentle for the skin, at the same time it perfectly foams and cleanses the skin. It has so much more useful additives: vitamins, acids, fragrant oils, medicinal herbs... Therefore, it is more suitable than others for washing your face.

Baby soap is the safest; it contains practically no additives or dyes. Chemical substances in this soap are replaced with pomace from a variety of herbs.

Baby soap will never harm anyone, it is ideal for cleansing the skin.

Antibacterial soap is distinguished by the fact that it contains triclosan, a substance that kills bacteria. It may seem to a person that such a soap is close to ideal, since it copes with two tasks at once, while simultaneously cleaning hands and killing bacteria. The bad news is that this soap not only kills the bad bacteria, but also the right bacteria. Although the toughest bacteria will still remain on the skin. Long-term use of this

soaps can be very harmful to human health.

Scrub soap. This soap differs from others in that it perfectly cleanses the skin of old skin particles.

Usually a scrub is crushed bones of raspberries, oats, apricots, and so on. It is worth using this soap no more than once a week, and then if there are no wounds on the body. And this threatens with the fact that you can spread the infection throughout the body.

Bath soap. The bath soap contains various medicinal additives that have a very good effect on the skin, since

steaming, the pores of the skin open, allowing

this soap is better to cleanse the skin of fats and toxins.

Just remember that when choosing a bath soap, you need to carefully look at its composition, as it may contain substances to which a person may be allergic.

Toilet soap with cream. Cream or milk is added to the composition of this soap, which nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

Glycerin soap. From its name, it can be understood that the soap contains

glycerol (about 8-16%) which softens

and moisturizes the skin.

Medical soap. The composition of this soap depends on what kind of therapeutic effect it will have. It has a rather powerful and pungent odor that is not pleasant. Most often, this soap is used for skin diseases, as a prophylaxis, or doctors to disinfect hands.

Laundry soap. The name speaks for itself - it is intended for use in the household - washing things, removing various stains from clothes, laundering

varied surfaces

(when there are no special means)

and much more.

On the Internet, we found interesting information O unusual ways using ordinary soap at home:

The soap perfectly protects hands and nails when working on the ground. You need to soap them very well and start working when they are dry. The soap forms a film on the hands and protects against dirt.

Soap helps to better wash away dirt from under your nails. You should scratch the bar of soap with your nails before starting work. The dirt will be easily washed off afterwards.

The soapy solution protects houseplants from bacteria, germs and insects.

If you grease a tight zipper with soap, then the lock on it will move well.

You can paint with soap on paper, on fabric, and even with watercolors on glass.

Small soap residues

(remnants) use in their

work of tailors.

The soap leaves clear lines on the fabric and rinses off well afterwards.

It is useful to wash your hair with laundry soap, rinsing them with decoctions of herbs or water with lemon juice... Hair will be shiny and thick.

Laundry soap is often used in medicine. It successfully helps fight germs and bacteria.

Nina Ivanovna, the nurse of our kindergarten, tells us about the use of laundry soap for medicinal purposes. If you are scratched, cut, burned, you need to lather the affected area with laundry soap

and leave to dry. The infection will not penetrate the wound and this will speed up its healing. If you hurt yourself, immediately lubricate the affected area with soap. This will prevent the appearance of bruising and swelling. Laundry soap foam can relieve itching from insect bites and repels mosquitoes. An excellent means of preventing flu and colds is the treatment of the nasal mucosa with laundry soap.

Nina Ivanovna also told us that many additives in soap can cause allergies, so it is better for children to use special children's soap or handmade soap.

Visiting the famous soap-maker of our city, Maria Ivanova, we learned a lot of interesting things. We saw how and from what handmade soap is made at home. We learned what needs to be added to the soap so that it is not only beautiful, but also useful for a person.

Hand-made soap is the most useful and best, because we know exactly what it consists of. In addition, soap making is fun and creative process.

Arriving at kindergarten, we decided to do some research and make different soaps on our own.

For this we needed to prepare necessary equipment... Together with our parents and our caregiver, we prepared: soap making kits, baby soap, containers and molds for soap, pipettes, stirring sticks, a spray bottle with alcohol for sprinkling soap, essential oils, food colors. Prepared soap crumbs, microwave oven, mixer, special clothing, grater, water, gloves, hourglass.

We started research.

Soap Making Not many products are as popular and widely used in everyday life as soap. It has become very important to make soap with your own hands as a gift. WITH early childhood and until a ripe old age, this "fragrant friend" is an invariable attribute of our life. Soap came to us from ancient times and gradually turned from a luxury into an essential item. Back in the 19th century, a chemical scientist said that the wealth and culture of a nation determines how much soap it consumes. And today, soap is an integral part of personal hygiene and good health... How did it happen that this product took such an important place in our lives? And is it so necessary for each of us? I will try to answer these and other questions in my work.

The purpose of my work was to make soap with my own hands at home. There is an extensive literature on this topic. Anna Zaitseva in the book "Beautiful soap with your own hands" describes the simplest ways, described step by step, how to cook soap with fillers, decorate it with carvings. I make soap after watching only one master class. Research hypothesis: I assume that you can make your own scented soap at home.

The history of soap The morning of King Louis XIV of France began with many hours of dressing and a very short wash. A large, magnificent bowl was brought to him, at the bottom of which water splashed. The king moistened the tips of his fingers and lightly touched them to the eyelids. This was the end of the procedure - it was not customary to wash completely in those days, but stifling with various perfumes was an urgent need. The age of hygiene came only at the end of the 18th century. However, soap was known long before that.

There is a legend about the appearance of soap: at the foot of Mount Sapo, the ancient Romans burned sacrificial animals. Fat mixed with ash and rains washed away into the nearby Tiber River. Women who washed clothes in this river noticed that the water began to foam, and the stains were getting better and better off their clothes ... The Roman scientist and politician Pliny the Elder claims that even the ancient Gauls (inhabiting the territory of modern France) and the Germans knew about making soap. According to the historian, these wild tribes made a kind of miraculous ointment from bacon and ash of the beech tree, which was used to clean and dye hair, as well as to treat skin diseases.

Egyptian archaeologists, after excavations in the Nile Delta, concluded that soap production was established at least 6,000 years ago. Some Egyptian papyri contain recipes according to which animal or vegetable fats had to be heated together with alkaline salts, in abundance available on the shores of one of the lakes. Although soap has already been invented, many peoples the ancient world for a long time they continued to use lye, bean flour, glue, pumice, barley leaven and clay.

For example, historians know that Scythian women made washing powder from cypress and cedar wood, then mixed it with water and incense. They rubbed the whole body with the resulting delicate ointment, which had a delicate aroma. Then the solution was removed with scrapers, and the skin became clear and smooth. In the Middle Ages, the main suppliers in Europe were the cities of Naples and Marseille. Gradually, the craft of making soap was learned in other places as well. The attitude to this craft was the most serious. In 1399 in England, King Henry IV founded the order, a special privilege of whose members was considered ... washing in a bath with soap. In this country, for a long time, under pain of death, a member of the soapmakers' guild was forbidden to spend the night under the same roof with masters of other crafts, so as not to betray the secret. In the second half of the 17th century, a royal decree was issued in France, allowing soap to be brewed only in the summer and only from ash and olive oil.

Finally, the fashion for cleanliness was instilled medieval Europe knights who visited the Arab countries during the crusades. Sometimes the soap served as a gift. The Crusaders brought the famous soap balls from Damascus and presented them as a gift to their beloved. It is known that in the XV and XVI centuries. knights and merchants brought smelling balls from Venice. They were embossed with lilies and spruce cones. In Russia, the soap of the Lodygin factory was very famous, it was considered the best after the Italian one. It was cooked in cow, almond, oil - white and colored, with and without perfume. Tar soap was also offered. Soap has long been a luxury item and was valued along with expensive medicines and potions. But even wealthy people could not afford to wash their clothes. For this, different clays and plants were used. Doing laundry was difficult, and most of the time was done by men. So, the debate about who mankind owes the invention of soap is still not over.

Do you think that making soap at home is difficult? Not at all! It's an easy and enjoyable creative process. In addition, as a result, you will receive wonderful handmade souvenirs. Also, homemade soap is much healthier for the skin, because it is made from natural rather than chemical components. Handmade soap will have all the properties you need, and besides, it can be given any shape, endowed with any smell, and painted in any color.

Soap making at home In order to do soap making at home, we need: 1. A special soap base. You can buy it at specialized stores. 2. Miscellaneous different oils... For example, olive, almond, tea tree or any other of your choice. They are needed to soften and nourish the skin. You can also add different oils to one soap. 3. Dyes. You can buy special or use food. The soap can also be decorated with dry sparkles by mixing them into a liquid base. 4. Forms for the bay of soap. Use plastic packaging from various products. For example, if you take a box of chocolates, you get cute little soap. Often times, the soap is poured into silicone cookie cutters.

TECHNOLOGY OF PRODUCING SOAP AT HOME CONDITIONS Briefly: Making soap from a soap base is very simple, you need to melt the base into microwave oven, then add everything you need, dyes, oils, fragrances, and pour into a special form, depending on what kind of soap you have, how many layers, what form, etc. Next, put the soap in the refrigerator, remove the cooled soap from the mold and that's it ready!

Conclusion Soap making is a real art, where there is scope for creativity. Handmade soap, which has recently become popular, is a craft that has been known for many centuries. And if earlier making soap by hand was a necessary necessity, now it has become an art that gives joy to people. If anyone is interested in my topic, then I will add that the best ingredients, and most importantly natural, will be added to the soap that you make with your own hands. Extraordinary shape, bright colors and enriched with healing properties thanks to natural fillers (dried plants, aromatic oils, spices). You will use it with great pleasure, and your loved ones will be delighted with such a gift. REFERENCES M. Gamblin Handmade soap, p.111 Elena Kaminskaya: DIY soap 2011 - V. Kornilova: Decorative soap. Technique, techniques, products, Ekaterina Meshkova: DIY soap, om.htm - The origin of soap and its composition oapstory.htm - The history of soap

Target research project:
Get information about soap
study the history of soap;
get acquainted with the technology of making soap;
to conduct a study "Condition of the skin when using factory soap;
make soap with your own hands;

If the components of which it consists are well selected in the soap, then it has a beneficial effect on skin and does not annoy them.

In my work I used the following methods:
search, research, practical, questionnaire, experiment.

Relevance of the topic:

Personal hygiene products are an integral part of every modern cultured person... Their use does not require additional investment of time and cannot cause harm to health, because the main thing in their creation is the principle of "do no harm", which determines the exclusively natural nature of all components. Having studied the technology of soap production, as well as their properties and effects on the human body, we have selected the simplest methods for producing soaps from natural raw materials. Natural ingredients have been introduced into these soaps that have a beneficial effect on the skin, as well as give the soap a variety of colors and a pleasant smell. And this is the formula for beauty and health.


This paper discusses the means and methods for producing soap. At present, a boundless sea of ​​cosmetics and hygiene products has appeared on store shelves, in which it is so easy to "sink". We have become accustomed to the style of struggle of large manufacturing firms, conquering the market with heavy advertising fire for their existence, and it puts pressure on our consciousness and subconsciousness. People choose personal hygiene products from the counter on the following grounds: prestigious company, beautiful packaging, pleasant smell, low prices... Unfortunately, this is not safe. The antibacterial chemical ingredients contained in some soaps dry out the skin, cause allergies with repeated use, can be absorbed into the bloodstream, and in the case of repeated use, have a cumulative property (accumulate in the body), poisoning nervous system and the liver. The consequences can be from premature aging and chronic fatigue before the illness. It's not enough to look good, it's more important to feel good. All this forces us to approach the selection of personal care products with new requirements. Personal hygiene products should serve as a means of mild impact on the body, helping the skin to fulfill its main functions: to maintain body temperature, remove harmful substances from the body. The word hygiene comes from the Greek hygienos, which means healing, bringing health. The most important hygiene products should, first of all, include soap. An important condition skin care is right choice soap. Healthy skin with strong immunity can resist bacterial, viral and other types of damage, saving us from many problems. the main task and purpose research work: to consider and study the methods of obtaining medical and hygienic soap, choose the most available ways obtaining, select the necessary literature and use it wisely, as well as obtain soap using natural ingredients that are not able to exert on the body harmful influence.

Main part

1.History of the origin of soap

To cleanse the body of sweat and impurities, water alone is not enough, you need soap and shampoos.
Soap is a liquid or solid product that, in combination with water, is used to cleanse and care for the skin. Operating principle: soap particles have enveloping properties. Dirt particles are captured by the soapy foam and washed off with water. The washed body begins to breathe through the skin more freely, since part of the oxygen enters the body through the thin blood capillaries that penetrate the pores of the skin.
There is a legend that from Mount Sapo in ancient Rome, where sacrifices were made, ash and animal fat, melted down when animals were burned at the stake, were washed away by rainwater into the Tiber River. Women who came to the banks of the river to wash their clothes noticed that in those places where they fell into the water mountain runoff, the water became foamy and the laundry was easier to clean. Thus, according to legend, people recognized the soap. The word "soap" comes from the name of the mountain. In Latin, the word "sapo" means "soap".
But most early description Soap making was discovered by scientists on Sumerian tablets dating back to 2500 BC. According to these records, the soap was made by a mixture of water and wood ash, which was boiled and subsequently melted fat in it, thereby obtaining a soap solution. But, unfortunately, no evidence of the use of this solution has survived. It was in Rome that soap making became widespread and emerged as a separate craft industry. So during the excavations of Pompeii, archaeologists excavated a soap factory, where ready-made bars of soap were found.
In Western Europe, the craft of soap making was finally formed only by the end of the 17th century. The geographical factor played an important role in the development of soap making. The ingredients for making the soap varied by region. In the north, animal fat was used to make soap, and in the south, olive oil was used, which made the soap of excellent quality.
So, starting from the 9th century AD, Marseille became the main supplier of soap in Europe, thanks to the availability of raw materials in the nearby territory, that is, olive oil and soda. The oil obtained after the first two pressing was used for food, and after the third one was used to make soap.
Only from the end of the XIV century did Marseilles soap give way to Venetian soap in international trade. Soap making was also actively developing in Italy, Greece and Spain.
In the 15th century in Italy, in Sevon, they began to produce solid soap for the first time industrially. In this case, the fats were combined not with ash, but with natural soda ash. This significantly reduced the cost of soap, and, consequently, transferred soap making from the category of handicraft production to factory production.
In Russia, soap began to be made during the time of Peter I, but until the middle of the 19th century, only nobles used it. The peasants washed and washed themselves with lye - the wood ash was poured with boiling water and steamed in the stove. The main center of soap making was the city of Shuya, on its coat of arms it even depicts a
2.Raw materials for making soap
Long time only waste from the processing of animal fats served as raw materials for the soapmakers. In 1843, a natural soap was made in Germany from high-quality white lard with the addition of a new component - coconut oil. At first, it sold poorly, since it did not have the repulsive smell of rancid fat that was familiar for that time, which means, in the opinion of buyers, it was of poor quality. Later New Product(natural soap) received the recognition it deserved, and since then classical basis toilet soap make up sodium salts fatty acids coconut oil and beef fat in a 1: 4 ratio.
Whatever additives are contained in the soap, no matter how beautiful it is (transparent, multi-colored, patterned, fragrant) - any soap has the same base: these are salts of fatty acids (sodium oleate, palmitate and stearate - for solid soap) ... Such chemical compounds (salts of fatty acids) are readily soluble in water, of course, if they are formed by one of the alkali metals (sodium Na or potassium K).
One of the widely used fatty acids is stearic acid (С17H35 - COOH), and its salts - stearates (for example, sodium stearate С17H35 - COONa) - are soluble in water. Magnesium stearates, calcium stearate or ferrous stearate, or even stearic acid itself, are insoluble in water. It is this property that is used to soften water: by adding soda ash to hard water containing magnesium and calcium salts dissolved in it, you can easily soften the water, while we will observe precipitation, the composition of which will be calcium or magnesium carbonate insoluble in water.
The equation for obtaining soap is called saponification, fats and alkalis participate in this reaction: С3H5 (OCOС17H35) 3 + 3NaOH = С17H35 - COONa + С3H5 (OH) 3. And you can also get soap from potash or wood ash and fat from pork, beef or coconut oil.) 3).

3. The difference between factory soap and handmade soap
About 25 years ago, the history of the development of soap entered the next round of the spiral. V developed countries the desire to return to natural products... This did not happen by chance, but because of a sharp increase in the number of diseases caused by environmental degradation. Not the last role in the wide spread of skin diseases (dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis) was played by industrial soap containing many artificial additives. Against this background, quite naturally, interest arose in a long-forgotten product - natural soap, produced in the old fashioned way, without "chemicals", which was called handmade soap. The main difference between this soap is not what it is made by hand, but how it is made and from what.
What is the difference between handmade soap and industrial soap? The first is done manually with the strictest adherence to the process technology. It contains only what is necessary and sufficient: a soap base made from natural oils (palm, coconut, corn with the addition of olive) and natural glycerin. Soap base is a soap without fillers.
As a rule, softening and nutritional additives are also introduced into such soaps: an endless variety of fats, waxes, clays, medicinal mud, plants and extracts from them, and, of course, essential oils.
In industrial production, glycerin is separated from the soap. These are the requirements of mass production technology. Best case scenario, small part this glycerin is returned to the subsequent stages of production, calling this soap "glycerin" In the process chemical reaction free alkali appears in the soap, which is not good for human skin. In addition, no soap is used in factory soap natural oils and components of natural fruits and herbs, and there are synthetic additives in the form of preservatives, emulsifiers and fragrances. They can cause dryness, skin tightness, irritation, flaking, allergic reactions and skin diseases.
Once a bar of soap was worth a whole cow. Centuries later, expensive handmade soap, made without boiling, is returning to us. Of course, he will never supplant cheap, factory soap - the price and small quantities of batches will not allow it. And as a weapon mass destruction chemistry looks somehow more reliable against especially harmful bacteria.
4. My experiment "The effect of factory soap on skin types"
I know that a person has different types of skin. Oily skin has a sheen due to heavy oil and perspiration. Such skin usually has large pores. Dry skin is very sensitive to wind. The pores on such skin are small and thin. Normal skin smooth and soft with medium pores. This type of skin does not shine (like dry skin). By eye, having determined what kind of skin my family members have (my mother and mine are normal, my grandmother is very dry). I decided to conduct a small experiment on the use of XXX soap on our skin. The experiment was carried out for 1 week. The results are as follows:
I got dry
Mom is dry
Grandma has redness
The experiment was extended to two weeks. The following result:
I got peeling
Mom is very dry
My grandmother has small hives or some kind of rash.
Let me remind you that we did not use hand creams at that time, as this soap is a cream.
Takeaway: Factory soaps are hygienic, but not good for the skin.
Then we switched to handmade soap. After a week of use, the result is zero.
Conclusion: handmade soap is gentle on the skin. And the most important thing homemade soap can be made specifically for a specific skin type. That is, homemade soap is more individualized!
My grandmother has sensitive skin, which means that soap with the addition of sea buckthorn and peach oil, with calendula or vitamin E is suitable for her.

5. Several ways to get soap different types.

A) Preparing solid soap

To prepare solid soap, take 2 kg of caustic soda, dissolve in 8 liters of water, bring the solution to 25 ° and pour it into melted and cooled lard to 50 ° (it must be unsalted and take 12 kg 800 g of it for the specified amount of water and soda) ... The resulting liquid mixture is thoroughly stirred until the whole mass is completely homogeneous, after which it is poured into wooden boxes, well wrapped in felt, and placed in a warm, dry place. After 4-5 days, the mass hardens and the soap is ready for use.
b) Cold preparation of soap.
To prepare soap in this way, they take coconut oil, previously cleaned from random dirt, and saponify it with strong soda lye at a low temperature with constant stirring. In order for the soap to be neutral, it is necessary to make several preliminary tests and accurately determine the quantitative ratio of fat and alkali. On average, you have to take caustic soda in solid pieces, about 15% by weight of the fat part. When the saponification process reaches such a state that the contents of the kettle turn into a homogeneous mass that is difficult to stir, then coloring and perfumery substances are added to it, which, due to prolonged stirring, are evenly distributed throughout the mass.
c) Cooking soap with salt.

At the time of the appearance of foam, salt is thrown into the soap (preferably ground). Salts are taken by weight approximately equal to the oils. To saponify such soap, you need to take from 60% coconut or palm oil(otherwise it doesn't wash well). After passing through, the soap must be cut immediately, otherwise it will become a stone block. It should come out like ice, hard and smooth.
d) Preparation of liquid soap.
To prepare liquid soap, dissolve the same amount of crude potassium hydroxide in 2 kg of water, bring the solution to 25 ° C and mix thoroughly with 8 kg of unsalted bacon, previously melted and cooled to 50 ° C. In the future, they do exactly as indicated above.

Conclusions on the work and the practical part.
DIY soap making

The soap that is sold in our stores is a detergent, not soap in its real meaning. This soap is made from petroleum products that dry out the skin and can cause irritation. It contains synthetic surfactants, preservatives, silicones and plasticizers such as sodium laurite sulfate, EDTA, etc. Natural soap is made exclusively from pure vegetable oils. The most commonly used are olive, rapeseed and coconut oil... Sometimes jojoba, avocado, cocoa or shea (shea) butter is added to the soap. Also, in the manufacture of natural soaps, clay, essential oils, grape and apricot pits(like a scrub), poppy seed, honey, goat milk, cereals, coffee, chocolate, etc. For those who prefer absolutely natural soap, there are varieties without adding fragrances, for example, only on olive oil... Knowing all this, we also tried to make the simplest soap with our own hands.
... For work, we used the following reagents:
soda (sodium bicarbonate, internal pork fat or triglycerate stearic acid, a little water, perfume "Rose" for the scent, a little coarse sea salt with seasonings "Pripravych", an indexer phenolphthalein.
The simplest equipment: a spirit lamp, a large and small crucible for a water bath, a glass rod for stirring. dry fuel.
Work progress:
1. In a small crucible put three tablespoons without top fat and half of this volume of baking soda, added a little water and for better quality added sea salt with herbs. We placed this crucible in a large container and put it in a water bath to heat everything well.
2. Stir with a glass rod.
3. We saw that a "soap core" began to form, similar to foam when you cook meat.
4. Dali will boil this product a little more in a water bath and with.
5. Then they took it off with ladles in another dish and began to crush it a little
6. The excess water is gone
7. While the mass has not yet grabbed, we added a drop of perfume “Rose and kneaded it well and shaped it into a small block.
8. This is how we got our soap.
In order for the soap to be beneficial to the skin, it was tested with a phenolphthalein indicator. If it becomes raspberry, then an alkaline environment predominates, you must immediately add a portion of fat. to neutralize the reaction product.
Thus, with simple chemical transformations, one can obtain useful remedy which not only destroys bacteria and impurities on the skin, but also keeps the skin healthy and beautiful for many years.

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