Home Natural farming If in a dream you dreamed of a dove. Dreams that will help you get out of the water. Dream interpretation - Seven blue moons

If in a dream you dreamed of a dove. Dreams that will help you get out of the water. Dream interpretation - Seven blue moons

As we know from childhood, pigeons are a symbol of peace. Since time immemorial, they have been tamed by humans for the purpose of delivering news, because these birds always return. Biblical story says that Noah, who had long waited for the return of the pigeons they released, came to the conclusion that the earth was close, otherwise the pigeons would have returned. If you think logically, it turns out that the image of pigeons is directly related to news and new events. However, the dove has also always been associated with love and trust. One kind of this beautiful bird evokes the most tender feelings into the soul. Since olden times, lovers have been painted in the form of doves sitting side by side. So what does a dove mean in a dream?

Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book "pigeons in a dream" analyzes in sufficient detail.

  • Seeing pigeons in a dream is a calm peaceful family life, the birth of children.
  • The girl dreamed of a dove - an imminent happy marriage.
  • Hunt pigeons in a dream - your cruelty manifests itself even in business relationship... Or sleep is a warning against possible low sexual pleasures.
  • Dream Interpretation: why do pigeons flying in the sky dream - do not be afraid of any misunderstandings.
  • Unfortunately, Miller's dream book does not describe "white doves", as well as black and any others.
  • I had a dream "a dove flew through the window" - a message from a good friend who lives very far from you.
  • Seeing a lonely dove in a dream, hearing its cooing - will come bad times, perhaps misfortune.
  • Seeing dead pigeons in a dream is a big disaster.

Dream interpretation of Meneghetti

The Doves dream is emotional, but does not carry any useful information.

Female dream book

  • In a dream, a dove is dreaming and he coos - a happy family life for a woman and a successful marriage in all relationships for a girl.
  • I dreamed of a pigeon flying into an apartment - news from a distant friend, as well as to solving the problem.
  • I dreamed of a dead dove - misfortune.
  • In a dream, catching a dove with your hands - you are very cruel towards others. If you have been catching him for a long time and in the end you have caught - the actions you have conceived are low and base, think carefully before you commit them.

Small Velesov dream book

  • This dream book "to see pigeons in a dream" is considered as positive sign, and if literally, then “Bereginya brought the groom”, that is, the marriage will be happy, children will be born.
  • Seeing many pigeons in a dream means that you will receive good news. But the dream of a pigeon biting means that there will be losses.
  • Catching a pigeon in a dream is a big money.
  • Dream "to catch a pigeon" - trouble, your thoughts are black.
  • Had a dream "a pigeon flew into the house" (for a girl) - matchmakers and an early wedding will come.
  • To release pigeons in a dream is to miss opportunities, separation from a loved one.
  • To see pigeons flying away is death.
  • In a dream, killing pigeons is a major quarrel with a loved one, friend.

Aesop's dream book

The most full interpretation sleep pigeons gave the world famous writer Aesop:

  • Why do pigeon chicks dream - changes in the family for the better, peace and tranquility will come, there will be agreement between the spouses, the children will cease to upset their parents.
  • Why is a pigeon carrying something in its beak - get news from a distant friend.
  • Why do pigeons dream drinking water- on this moment you feel abandoned and unhappy, soon the problems will be resolved and everything will change for the better.
  • What does a dove mean in a dream drowned in a river (water, sea, puddle) - rash steps taken in the heat of the moment will lead to the death of the whole case for which you took up, because you did not analyze all possible options well.
  • Why do many pigeons living at home dream - dissatisfaction with your family, your financial situation, on a subconscious level you want to make all household members happy, healthy and rich.
  • Why dream of catching a pigeon and ringing it - perhaps they themselves will bring good news that will delight everyone, perhaps they will bring it to you and you will be delighted.
  • There are many pigeons in a dream, and you walk between them - unspeakable luck, perhaps inheritance, wealth.
  • What is the dream of a wounded pigeon - thanks to your carelessness, you will lose a friend who really was the closest to you.

Freud's dream book

The dream interpretation of the interpretation of dreams "Doves" is considered unequivocally: whether you are a man or a woman, you currently have a relationship, but strange, platonic. The other half is fine with this, but you are not. You want physical contact, sexual intimacy. If this is really the person you need, and you really want to be with him still long time, then take your time, otherwise you will ruin everything. Wait until he / she is ready for intimacy, and time will judge.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

  • Interpretation of dreams "Dove" - ​​happy news, peace and understanding.
  • Dream: a dove flew into the apartment - news from a far-away friend.
  • To dream of white doves flying across the sky is mutual understanding between spouses, a happy family life.
  • Black dove in a dream - there comes a time of despair, longing and hopelessness.
  • Why dream of catching pigeons in a dream - perhaps the chosen one will make a marriage proposal.
  • Keeping a dove in a dream is a quick date, a wedding.
  • Sleep: two doves - your feelings are not unanswered.
  • See in dream of the dead pigeon - disappointment in a partner, loneliness, unhappiness, depression.
  • Sleep: feeding pigeons with bread - you are loved, and quite strongly.

Wanderer's dream book

What does a dove mean in a dream - which you can easily overcome. The dream "white dove" is a divine providence, a revelation. The dream "white doves" is good news, spiritual love. The dream interpretation "two white doves" is a successful marriage in all respects.

French dream book

A dream about a dove means that you will be surrounded by the love of friends, relatives and loved ones, pleasant entertainment awaits you.

Old Russian dream book

Dream interpretation: pigeons dreamed - soon the family will become harmonious, exemplary, strong and reliable.

The Russian dream book to catch a dove with your hands interprets in different ways, depending on who saw this dream:

boyfriend - an early marriage;
a man will have a daughter;
a girl - an early marriage;
a woman will have a son.

Dream interpretation: to kill a pigeon in a dream - insults from friends.

Autumn dream book

Dead doves are a negative dream, foreshadowing misfortune.

Spring dream book

Dream interpretation: a pigeon knocking on the window - betrayal of a spouse. Dream interpretation: dove in the house - find out the place of residence of the lover / mistress (see)

Summer dream book

What does it mean if a pigeon dreams - good guests, pleasant evening, good relations.

Ukrainian dream book

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

  • Dream interpretation: to see a dove on the roof is joyful and good news.
  • To feed pigeons in a dream book - a godly deed done will not go unnoticed.
  • Dream interpretation: dead dove - the early loss of a friend.
  • If you dreamed of a dove flying through the window, you will know joy.
  • Dream Interpretation: why do pigeons dream of kissing - affection from a sexual partner.
  • Dream interpretation: fried dove in hands, for food - alarming comes turbulent time for the family.

Esoteric dream book

This dream book examines the interpretation of dreams "Dove" starting from the color of the bird.

  • What the white dove dreams of - hopes will certainly come true.
  • Why do white doves dream - a lot of good news.
  • Why does a black dove dream - to death.
  • Why do black pigeons dream - a "black" streak begins in life.
  • Why do gray pigeons dream - an unexpected letter or news will come.

Dream interpretation of the Canaanite

  • Dove dreamed in a dream - good news, changes in life.
  • Dream "a pigeon sat on his hand" - news will be from afar.
  • Seeing white doves in a dream is a tender relationship in the family.
  • Sleep "dove in hand" - unfortunately.
  • In a dream, feeding a dove is to do a good deed.
  • The dream "a pigeon flew in the house" is a joy in family life.
  • Why does a dead dove dream - to death.
  • Why are two pigeons dreaming - for love and tenderness.

Generalized dream interpretation

Dream interpretation of Wangi

Vanga's dream book "Dove in a Dream" is the personification of inner purity, forgiveness and reconciliation associated with the divine principle. To the question: "Why dream of feeding a pigeon?" the dream book answers that your thoughts are pure, you will never be alone, because people love you for your openness and honesty. To the question: "Why do pigeons peck in a dream?" the answer is something like that your business will go with complications, with some obstacles. This dream book "a dove knocks on the window" is interpreted as good news from an old friend. The dream interpretation "dove on the shoulder" is considered as internal reconciliation, the beginning of positive changes in life. But what is the dream of a sick pigeon, Wang interprets as bad sign... Vanga's dream book "black doves" is considered exclusively as negative sign bringing sorrow, death.

Dream interpretation modern

Modern dream book "Doves white"considers separately, because it is a symbol of all the best in our life:

  • White doves dream book is an extremely favorable dream.
  • Dream interpretation: white pigeons - luck, love, virtue, the birth of children.
  • One white dove - the dream book decrypts as follows: all events will be pleasant in the near future.
  • Dream Interpretation: a white dove in your hands - you have everything under control.
  • Dream interpretation: white doves in the sky - Good friends will make themselves felt.

Dream interpretation of the witch Medea

The dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. Seeing pigeons in a dream is a joyful good news. To see a dove in a dream that cooed is mutual, faithful, faithful love. Dream interpretation: many doves flying across the sky - thanks to the good news, "wings will grow behind your back," happiness.


In conclusion, I would like to note that the dream of Doves is positive and good dream... It is especially auspicious when you see white doves. This is a rather rare phenomenon in the world of dreams, when almost all interpreters agree that this is a benevolent dream.

In order to correctly decipher the dream of a pigeon, you need to wake up and remember all the details of the dream. It is also important what emotions you experienced while in the kingdom of Morpheus.

The meaning of a dream about pigeons according to different dream books

Night dreams of pigeons are interpreted in each dream book in its own way:

  1. American. Peace and liberation from the heavy burden of problems.
  2. English. Fortune will smile at you.
  3. Vangi. The dream symbolizes inner purity. Because of your kindness and compassion, people are drawn to you.
  4. Oriental. Peace and quiet in the house, the birth of children.
  5. Female. To an early marriage.
  6. Winters. Communication with influential person, who will lend a helping hand or give good advice.
  7. Italian. Something will surprise you a lot.
  8. Small Velesov. Good luck in business and good events.
  9. Miller. Peace in the family and the joy of having children.
  10. Russian. To meet an unpleasant person.
  11. Russian folk. The dream symbolizes love and trust in the family.
  12. Family. Your home is a full bowl.
  13. Modern. A joyful event will happen in life.
  14. Freud. You will start to be friends with a special person of the opposite sex. This person will show extremely friendly feelings. You will not mind going to another level in the relationship.
  15. Tsvetkova. The state of health will deteriorate.

Do you know that to see an abandoned dovecote in a dream is a sign that you are not able to solve the problems that have piled up on your own? You need to ask your friends for help.

To dream of a dove's nest with a clutch of eggs - to clarify the relationship with a partner. You demand a lot from each other, often quarrel over trifles.

Interpretation of sleep depending on the sex of the dreamer

  1. A dream about a dove promises a girl a marriage proposal. Such information is given in a modern dream book. According to the esotericist Tsvetkov, there is happy marriage. According to the Ukrainian dream book, a dove in a dream symbolizes the groom.
  2. By Islamic dream book, a woman who saw a dove in her night dreams is a pious and devout nature. Gustave Miller believes that night vision promises a happy dreamer family life.
  3. A pregnant dove seen in the kingdom of Morpheus portends a fun event. It could be a party in a circle best friends or a gift from a loved one. By gypsy dream book, a dream promises an acquaintance with an interesting person.
  4. For a man, a dream about a dove predicts good news. According to the white magician Longo, the dream marks a meeting with a friend whom you have not seen for a long time.
  5. For family people, a dream about pigeons prophesies that they will receive joy and pleasure. By modern dream book, you can earn a considerable amount.
  6. If a child dreamed of a bird, then he will win in an argument or competition.

Interesting to know! Letting the birds out of the dovecote is a sign that any obstacles will be surmountable.

If you dreamed of a couple of pigeons building a nest, then it's time to discuss plans for the future with your loved one.

Bird size and number: large, small (chick), one, two or a whole flock

  1. If in the night dreams there was a dove big size then wait for the arrival of the long-awaited guests. You will have a great time and you will remember this meeting for many years.
  2. If the bird in the dream was an adult, but small in size, then wait for good news. By family dream book, relatives will come to visit you.
  3. Did you see a pigeon chick in a dream? So wait financial well-being... Can offer new job or pay a premium. Night vision promises a big win for gamblers.
  4. One dove in the kingdom of Morpheus is a good omen. Dreams will definitely come true in the near future.
  5. To see a couple of pigeons in a dream - good sign... The person you have loved for a long time will reciprocate.
  6. If you dreamed of a dove in the company of chicks, then the long-awaited peace and quiet will come in the house. The second half and children will delight with a good attitude.
  7. To see a flock of pigeons in a dream is a bad omen. According to the gypsy dream book, you will lose trust and love in a relationship. According to Gustave Miller, you will quarrel with an old friend and say too much to each other. After a while you will reconcile, but an unpleasant aftertaste will remain in your soul.

Interesting fact! For those in love, a dream in which pigeons coo and kiss promises happiness and harmony in relationships.

To see in the night vision a couple of doves soaring in the sky - good sign... Relationship with a loved one is developing in the best way.

Why dream of a white, black, pink, gray, red or multi-colored pigeon

  1. A white bird is a symbol of innocence and purity. For a woman, a dream can predict pregnancy, and a young woman - a wedding.
  2. The black dove, according to Maria Fedorovskaya, is a messenger of death. V dream book XXI century it is written that despair and depression await you.
  3. If the plumage of the bird from the dream was pink, then cherished desire will come true. A vision may also indicate a romantic date.
  4. A gray dove in the kingdom of Morpheus is a sign of health problems. According to Grishina's dream book, you will find yourself in a difficult situation and you will be powerless to change anything... You will clearly feel hopelessness, lose faith in yourself.
  5. A red bird in night dreams is an extraordinary symbol. On the one hand, a dream foreshadows a whirlwind romance in which declarations of love will be replaced loud scandals and clarification of relationships based on jealousy; on the other, receiving good news from relatives.
  6. A dream with the participation of a multi-colored pigeon marks a fun event to which you will be unexpectedly invited (or you will get there by accident). You will have a great time and will be able to make new influential acquaintances.

Interesting fact! If in a dream you turned out to be the owner of a dovecote, then your desires will soon come true.

According to the gypsy dream book, letting go of a pigeon in night dreams means liberation from the burden of problems and the beginning of a new stage in life

Actions in a dream: what does it mean to see a pigeon from the side, see how a bird flew through a window, catch, feed with bread, etc.

See in a dream pigeons on the roof of your own house - to receive good news.

If in a dream a bird made a nest on the balcony, then changes will come in life. The main thing is to accept them with joy.

Other dreams: dreamed of a wounded or killed bird with a broken wing

Did you see a wounded bird in a dream? Some of your relatives will need your help. According to Miller's dream book, a black streak will come in life.

If the bird's wing was broken, because of which it could not fly away, then you will find yourself in an unpleasant story and will not be able to change anything. We'll have to come to terms and accept everything as it is. If a pigeon from night dreams had problems with a paw, he limped and could hardly move, then to achieve what he wants, he will have to work wonderfully.

A sick bird seen in the kingdom of Morpheus promises serious trouble. It can be a quarrel with an influential person, illness, intrigues of enemies.

A dream in which a cat was hunting pigeons warns that intrigues are lurking behind their backs.

The dream in which you saw a wounded dove predicts a sudden death loved one.

A dead dove in night vision predicts loneliness and separation from a loved one. According to Vanga's dream book, misfortunes await you.

Dreams about pigeons promise us different events... This can be a marriage proposal, the birth of a child, or the death of a loved one. It is important to believe in the best, and then your dreams will definitely come true.

Indian dream book

What is the dream of a dove:

Ukrainian dream book

Seeing a dove in a dream means:

As pigeons dream - there will soon be some kind of luck; good news. Pigeons are grown-up children. As a girl dreams of a dove - this is a young one, a dove for a guy is a dove. To let go of a dove or dove from your hands - separation from your wife. Take out the pigeons from the nests - call the guests. To see doves is good news; picking up is a nuisance; flying in the sky - good news. Doves fly away from you, run away - to death. "Against the death of two sons, I dreamed that two pigeons flew into the house. I took them into the house. They sat and sat and did not know where and disappeared." "Against the death of the mother, it’s like a gray-gray dove cooing in the house, and I want to catch her, so I don’t catch her, but I chased after her and fell off the stove and woke up"

Esoteric dream book

A dream with a dove in a dream book is interpreted as:

Dream interpretation of Solomon

A dream with a dove means:

English dream book

Meaning of sleep pigeon:

Happiness and good luck await the one who dreamed of pigeons. This dream promises the respect and love of friends, peace and prosperity in the house. You will find great happiness in love as well. But if in a dream you heard the crying of a turtle dove, trouble will not keep itself waiting long. This dream foreshadows the death of a friend. A shot pigeon can also mean someone's premature death. To a lover, a dream of a dove bestows a passionate mutual love, marriage to the chosen one and happiness with her for many years. If in a dream you admire doves high in the sky, wait for important news that will change a lot for the better in your life.

Persian dream book

What does it mean if a dove is dreaming:

Dream interpretation Hasse

What a pigeon can dream of:

Persian dream book

Dove, in a dream mean:

Dream interpretation of Kopalinsky

If a dove is dreaming, it means:

Miller's dream book

Seeing, hearing their cooing is peace in the family and the joy of childbirth;
for a girl - fast and joyful marriage;
to hunt, to see that pigeons are someone's prey - the cruelty of your nature will manifest itself in your business relationships, a warning against low and base pleasures;
flying pigeons - you do not need to be afraid of misunderstandings, news from a distant friend is possible;
to hear the voice of a lonely dove, to see the dead is a misfortune.
Also see Hunting.

Miller's dream book

Seeing pigeons in a dream and hearing them cooing means peace in the family and the joy of childbirth. To the girl like a dream promises a quick and joyful marriage.
A dream in which pigeons are someone's prey or you yourself hunt them is evidence that the cruelty of your nature will manifest itself in your business relationships and, at the same time, a dream will prevent you from low and base pleasures.
Seeing flying pigeons in a dream means that you do not need to be afraid of misunderstandings, as well as possible news from a distant friend.
Hearing the voice of a lonely dove portends misfortune, the same is promised by the vision of a dead dove.

Dove in a dream from French dream book

Dove in a dream from Slavic dream book

Dove in a dream from Small dream book

Seeing pigeons in a dream and hearing them cooing is an auspicious sign. Such a dream promises peace in the house and beautiful children. For a young woman, such a dream promises a quick and successful marriage. A dream in which you shoot pigeons for fun means that, under the guise of virtue, you sometimes show rigidity. Be merciful to people. In addition, a dream warns you against concessions to base passions. Seeing flying pigeons means that soon you will receive news from absent friends.

Dove in a dream from Dream interpretation for women

If he sits on his shoulder, someone close to him will become seriously ill. If on the table - the sleeping person himself will fall ill. If the bird is sitting in a tree, you need to go to nature. If a dove flew to the dome of a church - God reminds of himself, wants to help the soul of the one who had a dream. If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday, you will receive a refusal in the case that you have been bothering about for a long time. A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday foreshadows that you will safely survive the problem period, become a participant in some important historical events.

This is known interesting fact associated with pigeons. In Russia, pigeon blood was used as one of the remedies for improperly growing eyelashes, which cause severe eye irritation. To do this, they took a pigeon, took some blood from it, dried it, but not in the sun, but in a cold place. The mass was ground into powder and sprinkled on the affected areas inside the eye.

Dove in a dream from Dream interpretation alphabetically

To dream of pigeons flying around the apartment is to family joys. Doves on the roof - good news, in the sky - you will be happy. To see a dove with a dove is for a wedding, to see them kissing is to be kindly. To feed the pigeons is to do a good deed. Letting pigeons out of your hands means separation. Catching pigeons is to survive the loss.

To kill a dove in a dream - in reality you will lose a friend or girlfriend. Cooking pigeon meat - to alarms in the house, eating pigeons - to experience boredom and melancholy.

Hearing the cooing of pigeons in a dream is a harbinger of peace, love and bliss, creating a family or adding to the family, and for a young girl - an early marriage.

A dream in which pigeons are the prey of a cat hunting them portends that the cruelty of your character will manifest itself in your business relationships. The same dream is a warning against accidental adultery.

Pigeons circling in the sky in one place indicate that you may not be afraid of the consequences of your stupid act in relation to a loved one. A lone pigeon is an accident.

Dove in a dream from Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Seeing a dove on your window is good news from afar.

If you dreamed of a pair of gently cooing pigeons, the dream portends a happy marriage and an addition to the family.

A lot of pigeons who have flocked to one place - friends will help you out in any life situation.

Cooing pigeons - you will find support in the face of a person who is very close to you; flying pigeons - long-awaited news that will strengthen your hopes.

Seeing a pigeon with chicks is a quick replenishment in your family. Prolong mental sleep, try to lure the pigeons delicious delicacy... Do not skimp on treats.

Seeing how a pigeon was harmed - you or your loved ones will be in trouble: someone catches a pigeon - your family happiness jealous and eager to bring discord in your relationship.

To see how stones are thrown at a pigeon - to unexpected illnesses; to see how a pigeon was killed - to the death of your loved ones; ruined dovecote - discord and quarrels in the family can lead to divorce.

Imagine witnessing a theatrical performance. The magician only imitates that he harms the pigeon, but in fact the bird remains unharmed (see The Magician, Theater).

Dove in a dream from Dream interpretation of the 20th century

This is a sign of home comfort and family happiness.

Hand-feed the pigeon: symbolizes your concern for the family.

If you see someone feeding pigeons: This is a clue that you should take better care of your home.

Watch the hunt for pigeons in a dream: - a warning that your cruelty and mental callousness can destroy family happiness.

A cat sneaking after pigeons: is a warning of possible treachery and intrigue that can lead to discord in the family.

Dove in a dream from Dream interpretation of Rommel

Seeing pigeons in your house, in your yard, on the window, holding them in your hands, feeding them - to well-being in the family, peace, love.

Man has long been accustomed to believing in all sorts of miracles: predictions, damage, Parallel Worlds, signs, horoscopes and other fables. Dreams are no exception. Interpreters of dreams assure that during falling asleep a person approaches as close as possible to the line separating another world.

And what happens in a dream may be some kind of sign or warning for real life... Is it true or not? Nobody can confirm. But there are cases when dreams did come true or helped a person to avoid trouble. Many do not believe in night visions and shrug them off with a smile. They just forget. But, one way or another, we all sometimes think about why this or that object is being seen, and sometimes we are even afraid to look into the dream book.

Good sign

Today we will figure it out, It is unlikely that this cute bird can portend trouble! If you dreamed about pigeons, then this is almost always a good sign. Such a bird is a harbinger of some pleasant events, meetings or news. She personifies trust, understanding, peace, tranquility and love. But there are also such dreams where the dove dreams of unpleasant events. You just need to be able to correctly interpret these visions.

So pigeons? Such a dream promises a man great luck in all matters, pleasant events in the very near future, success in the family and at work.

Many birds

If a person sees in a dream many flying white doves, which are huddled in flocks and chaotically circling above him, then very soon you can expect news from loved ones. For example, from relatives from afar. Perhaps there will also be a meeting with friends whom he has not seen for a long time. Why do white doves dream? In fact, there are a lot of interpretations. The symbol of such a bright bird itself suggests that sleep brings good luck in love, happiness in marriage.

When there are many white doves in the night vision, and you clearly hear their cooing and noise, then you should know that this promises "loud" joy, noisy fun, perhaps some kind of holiday or even the birth of children to a young couple, peace, harmony and goodness in family. This means that everything bad will pass away, and loved ones will delight only with good news.

Dream for a wedding

A very good sign if young unmarried girl dreamed of pigeons, especially if they were white! Hence, in real life very soon a happy marriage awaits her. In this case, pigeons promise a long and happy family life. This means that the husband will be very good. And the girl does not have to worry about her choice.

If white doves appeared in a dream to the future bride who is worried about the wedding, then this is a sign that everything will be fine. Therefore, she can not hesitate, but calmly marry. Single men also dream of white doves for an imminent wedding. And what does such a dream mean for family people? A dove in night vision is a sign that their relationship will continue to be full of respect and understanding, and they will be able to live a long life together... Such birds also promise the justification of hopes and desires, as well as the implementation of all plans.

Why dream of white doves that calmly fly across the sky? A dream in which a person saw birds flying high suggests that soon his dreams will be able to come true. Perhaps he will be able to realize his plans. He can take on any business and undertaking. All of them will give a positive result.

Luck and luck

A great sign if in a dream a person built a dovecote or he already has one, and there are many white birds in it. Such a dream promises unexpected wealth, great profits, luck in the game, good luck in work, perhaps even a sudden gift. If you had such a dream, it will not be superfluous to play the lottery. Perhaps then Fortune will smile at you.

It is also very good if you dreamed about a white dove with chicks. This dream also promises prosperity, peace, happiness and love. Addition to the family is possible.

Sleep: the pigeon flew in. Vision Interpretations

If a person saw a dream in which a bird was in his house, then this means that next to him there is a very decent and important person... He is a support and closest friend. You may have another dream - a dove, for example, flying in or knocking on the window. This is a sign that good news awaits you. Perhaps a loved one will come.

If a pregnant woman dreamed of a dream in which a bird knocks on the window, this is a "notification" of ambulances. happy childbirth... Quite unexpected news awaits the one to whom the dove appeared, carrying something in its beak. The news may be different. But if the pigeon was white, then most likely they will be joyful.

Watch a dove drinking in a dream clean water, - to pleasant changes in life. Clean means overcoming all problems and getting rid of ill-wishers. If the water was dirty, it is most likely to cause untidiness or poor health. Good news will be received by the one who, in a dream, was able to ring a pigeon or catch it. Such a person literally caught luck.

Dreams That Will Help You Get Out of the Water

Seeing a pigeon drown in water is a sign to a person that he is doing the wrong thing. In this case, you should avoid dubious rash activities. If in a dream you have to breed pigeons, it means that you are not satisfied with your job or position in the family. Most likely, you are unable to provide for your family or find a suitable business.

Why dream of white doves that are restlessly circling in the sky, screaming or alarmed? After such a dream, it is better to be careful. With this behavior, birds warn you about illness or accidents. It's bad if you dreamed about a dead dove. He talks about troubles, problems and serious trials.

If you dream that you killed a bird, it means that soon you yourself will incur someone's anger or quarrel with loved ones. A wounded pigeon warns of a break with loved ones. In addition, such a dream promises experience and trouble. Separation from the second half promises a dream in which the sleeping man released white dove out of hand.

If in a dream a bird sits on the table, this is an ailment. And if she landed on her shoulder, then health problems will affect the whole family. But sleep does not so much promise illness as it warns you to be attentive not only to yourself, but also to your family. You need to care more about them and help.

Hunting pigeons in a dream means that soon you will become the subject of people's distrust and contempt. It is better to monitor your behavior and deeds. For family people, the dream of pigeons sitting in a tree means that it is time to take a break from problems and work. You need to take a vacation and be alone with your soul mate.

White birds on the domes of the church or in the courtyard say that God knows about your problems. He will definitely help to solve them.


Now you know what it means to see white doves in a dream. It should be noted that these birds rarely dream of trouble. Most often they "arrive" to inform us about something new, good and pleasant!

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