Home Potato Cathedrals beach spain on the map. Cathedral Beach. National Natural Monument

Cathedrals beach spain on the map. Cathedral Beach. National Natural Monument

Among the many attractions that are popular among tourists, there are a number of those made not by the hands of man and his creative genius, but by the forces of nature and her imagination. And among them is the so-called “Beach of the Cathedrals,” which is located on the northeastern coast of Spain.

Sun, wind and Atlantic waters: Beach of the Cathedrals

This miracle of nature, created by the forces of nature, is quite often compared to the work of a real sculptor, because, as with his work, “ Beach of the Cathedrals"(Playa de Las Catedrales), was created when the sculptor cuts off the excess from a monolith of rock and as a result receives a finished composition that amazes those around him both with its forms and the created proportions.

Indeed, the compositions created by the Spanish sun, wind and Atlantic waters are strikingly similar to Catholic cathedrals, having their own Gothic style, consisting of a number of arches, columns and tunnels. And the only thing missing from these unique compositions is classical frescoes depicting saints and their sculptural statues.

Some interesting facts from the life of the Beach of Cathedrals

From the peculiar life of this beach, located not far from the city of Ribadeo, in the province of Galicia (Spain), one can name such as the fact that the beach is a place at the edge Atlantic Ocean, can be called quite conditionally. After all, here, the sandy shore is exposed only during short periods of low tide. And only then can you wander around the resulting sandbank. And the rest of the day, the waves of the Atlantic persistently continue their work as a sculptor, begun millions of years ago.

However, this circumstance does not prevent numerous tourists, for whom Spain continues along the rocks of the Beach of the Cathedrals, from coming here in order to admire and take some memorable photographs of this unique place on our Planet. At the same time, many guidebooks to Spain note that views of this place can be seen on the pages of popular glossy magazines and music videos spanish singers. After all, the unforgettable landscape and abundance of sun create unique opportunities for professional photography.

How to get there

So, just as holidays in Spain are practically synonymous concepts, getting to the Beach of the Cathedrals will be quite easy for everyone who comes to holiday in Spain. After all, the Beach is located not only next to the city of Ribadeo, but also opposite such a famous Spanish resort as Figares.

These rock formations, shaped like arches, rise above the turquoise water at low tide, like gothic cathedrals which he is proud of.

Favorite vacation spot

Officially, the beach in the Bay of Biscay is called Aguas Santas (Russian: “Holy Water”), but tourists call it Playa de las Catedrales (Russian: “Cathedral Beach”). Now it is one of the most popular among Galicians and their guests, along with Playa de la Lanzada and Playa de Rodas on the Cies Islands. More and more often you can see scuba diving enthusiasts there. - one of the best entertainments.

Since there are too many people wanting to relax on the beach, access to it had to be limited: from July 1 to September 30, only 4,812 people per day can visit it. The regional authorities resorted to this measure to protect the unique biosphere reserve from destruction. Crowds of people simply trampled under their feet all living things that were in the sand.

It's better to admire in winter

Although Praia As Catedrais is famous, in the low season it is quite possible to stay alone in this place and calmly stroll under the rocks, which reach a height of up to 30 m and radiate a mystical charm. In autumn, tourists prefer to swim in the southern bays of Galicia, where the sea is warmer and offers water.

Leads to Soborov Beach wooden staircase. Those who have already visited it are advised to allocate more time to examine the bizarre rocks, comparing them with the exhibits of the museum under open air. The highlight of the place is the three arches that stand one after the other.

How to visit?

Everyone who travels along the northern coast of Spain and travels from Asturias to Galicia passes by Praia As Catedrais. You can also book an excursion while relaxing in the provincial capital of Lugo or in La Coruña, where the oldest is located.

From July to September, prior permission is required to visit. Spontaneous visits are only possible when the quota has not been exhausted. For quick booking you need Mobile Internet. The application must be submitted a maximum of 15 days before the planned trip.

Although neither , nor the now fashionable kiting or others are associated with this place, the number of people who want to go there is not decreasing.

In the north-east of Spain in Galicia, near the town of Ribadeo, on the shores of the Cantabrian Sea (as the Bay of Biscay is called in Spain) there is Praia de Augas Santas or Holy Water Beach. Tourists, however, call it a little differently: Beach of the Cathedrals.

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Despite such a loud name, there are no Christian churches there is no. All the buildings located here - stunning in beauty and grandeur - were created by a brilliant architect named Nature. Like a sculptor, she cut away from mountain ranges everything is unnecessary to leave unique architectural masterpieces.

Under the influence of the salty water of the Atlantic Ocean and strong winds, soft rocks over time they were washed out and weathered. As a result, the rocks acquired such a shape that they really began to resemble Gothic cathedrals. They rise above the water like giant giants - to a height of more than 30 meters.

However, in all its splendor this miracle of nature appears to travelers only at low tide. Then the water of an amazing turquoise color (as in tropical lagoons) recedes, and amazing monuments and towers, giant vaults of arches appear before the amazed public, like the “33 heroes” from the well-known Pushkin fairy tale, mysterious caves and labyrinths.

Actually, only at a time when the water moves away from the shore can this place be called a beach, and only then can you walk along it. Travelers with great pleasure wander along the wet snow-white sand between the rocks, looking into the most secret corners, and take photographs to capture themselves against this amazing background. The rocks are so bizarre that each of them individually would make any beach in the world unique, but in this place - for some reason unknown to anyone - they are all gathered together in a not too large area.

The most beautiful places

The most interesting section of the Beach Cathedrals stretches for a distance of approximately 300 meters. There will be enough time to walk around it calmly and have a good look at everything, but you shouldn’t settle down here to rest: the low tide will very soon be replaced by a high tide, and so fast that you will have to flee: you may not even have time to collect your things.

Those who are afraid to get their feet wet are advised to view the beach from the shore of the cliff. There is a specially laid observation path here, fenced with a low parapet - so that tourists do not accidentally fall down. Those who find themselves on the Beach of the Cathedrals during low tide (then only the peaks of the arches are visible from the water) or when the sea is very rough (the same parapet protects from splashes - you can only get wet from head to toe) are invited to this path. great desire).

Of course, it is better to walk along the shore - between the gigantic columns, but if you are unlucky, the view from above can be a consolation: it is just as fantastic as from below. Rocks are a favorite refuge seabirds. White seagulls against the backdrop of dark gloomy rocks are also a stunning sight that will not leave anyone indifferent.

One of the most photographed places in the world

At the end of the beach there are 3 arches one after another that make you doubt their natural origin: These structures of water and wind look so man-made. Immediately behind the arches there are colonies of bivalve mollusks, also worthy of it to get into travelers' photo albums.

By the way, Praia de Augas Santas is very often chosen by professional photographers for filming: the views are such that everyone who sees their reports feels an irresistible desire to visit this extraordinary place. Cathedral Beach is one of the most photographed places in the world.

What to see

The beach is worth walking from beginning to end and be sure to look into all the caves and grottoes, even if there is no exit visible from them: the caves are small, so you won’t get lost. But in any cave and any grotto, everyone will find something unusual and surprising for themselves. You can climb one of the not too high rocks (this is not prohibited here): from more high point the landscape will look slightly different, which will allow you to look at it from a different angle and take slightly different pictures.

You don't have to go back to the stairs you came down - unless, of course, there is a car left in the parking lot. Moving forward all the time, you can go to another beach - Reinante. Behind the natural arches and columns the area is not so impressive, but there will be an opportunity to observe the inhabitants of the sea, which are found in abundance here, and to swim at the end of the path. By the way, the water in the Bay of Biscay is not very warm, but it’s still worth bringing swimsuits with you. In addition, on the beach of the Cathedrals there are many tidal pools and grottoes, where the water is much warmer.

One of the main tips: while in this place, you need to constantly monitor the water level in order to have time to return to the stairs or go to another beach before the water covers the entire ground, otherwise you may find yourself in a difficult situation (remember, the tide is here very fast). However, diving enthusiasts will enjoy the high tide; divers also have something to see here.

National Natural Monument

Cathedral Beach is a National Natural Monument. Experienced travelers had heard about it before, but now, with the development of telecommunications, it has gained worldwide fame. At the same time, absolutely everyone is amazed by the selectivity of nature: after all, having driven just a little away from this place, you will no longer see anything like it.

That is why thousands of tourists come here to admire the daily performance: every time the sea recedes, people feel like they are in a grandiose scenery created by nature itself, and are amazed at the harmony of incredible power and beauty. According to the results of international opinion polls, Playa de las Catedrales is recognized as the most beautiful beach in Europe. This place is one of a kind and definitely worth a visit.

When to go and how to get there

Do not forget that Galicia is the north-west of Spain, so even in summer the weather can be changeable. The best time July and August are considered for travel. In addition, it is better to familiarize yourself with the tide schedule in advance in order to see this place in all its grandeur.

Travelers are accepted by 3 airports in the cities of La Coruña, Vigo and Santiago de Compostela (the capital of Galicia), but there is no direct flight to this region from Moscow, so you will have to make a transfer either in Madrid or Barcelona. From Madrid to Santiago de Compostela (480 km) the journey takes approximately 1 hour 15 minutes, from Barcelona - 1 hour 30 minutes. Playa de las Catedrales can be reached by car.

You can get to the beach from Ribadeo; there is a regular bus. Moreover, the schedule is designed in such a way that the arrival time does not coincide with the tide. Adults will have to pay 2.5 euros for the trip, children - 1.5 euros. There are approximately 25 hotels in the immediate area of ​​Cathedral Beach.

Having arrived at their destination, tourists find themselves in a parking lot at the top of a cliff. A staircase leads down to the sea. By the way, you can go down even during high tide - there remains a piece of land below that is not flooded by water (at least at normal tide). But you should keep in mind that this piece of land is very small, it is located next to the stairs.

What a thrill it is when a place that you had previously only seen in photographs turns out to be exactly the same in life as in your fantasies.

Even Galician bagpipes sounded over the beach, setting the right mood.

The beach is located in the north of Galicia, in the province of Lugo, 10 kilometers from the city of Ribadeo.

The official name is playa de Aguas Santas, i.e. Holy Water Beach.

But among tourists it is better known as Playa de Las Catedrales, i.e. Beach of the Cathedrals.

In addition to the amazing shapes created from stone by the wind and surf, the beach is notable for the fact that you can see this beauty only during the maximum low tide.

At high tide, you risk driving past without even realizing that the most beautiful beach in Spain is located next to you.

Although the most beautiful beaches a lot of. Among the objective achievements - in 2014, the Beach of the Cathedrals became the fourth most beautiful beach in Europe according to a survey of tripadvisor visitors.

Despite big number visitors, after each tide the beach returns to its pristine purity.

Due to its cleanliness, the beach has a permanent “blue flag” status, but crowds of tourists interfere with sunbathing and swimming here.

Before heading here, be sure to check the tide schedule for your chosen day. You can do this on the page http://playa-catedrales.com/mareas

This a good place to celebrate a birthday, but on major holidays (especially during Holy Week and around August 15-16) it is better not to come here. Too many people.

In July and August the flow of visitors had to be limited. To go down to the beach, you had to get permission on the website https://ascatedrais.xunta.es/.

Besides the huge boulders

on the beach there are many small caves and grottoes with colorful walls

where you can climb to be alone for a while.

In this place it is difficult not to remember the Maltese island of Gozo and the famous Azure Window.

Or, what is the same thing, some episodes of Game of Thrones.

And here is the main decoration of the beach.

It is thanks to these rock formations, reminiscent of Gothic buttresses, that the beach is compared to a cathedral.

Some of the "columns" reach 30 meters in height.

But at high tide they are barely visible from under the water.

When walking on the beach, it is better to take off your shoes.

It is forbidden to climb rocks, throw stones, or collect persebes.

But some still climb.

To avoid parking problems, it is recommended to park your car at the nearby Playa de Arealonga, from where you can walk to the Beach of the Cathedrals in 20 minutes along a boardwalk for pedestrians and cyclists.

In short, the beach has only one drawback.

It is located a bit far from Santiago.

There is a restaurant right above the beach where you can calm the surging wave of feelings with a glass of aguardiente.

I have not yet seen what Cathedral Beach looks like at high tide. Found this photo on the page

Spain has strong traditions of Catholicism (in case you don’t know, this is one of the branches of Christianity), and even one of the amazing places on the coast is named almost religious spirit. This is the famous Beach of the Cathedrals, also known as the Beach of the Holy Water (again with religious overtones).

But you won’t see any priests and nuns, much less chapels and temples here during high tide. But with low tide, as if by magic, stunning arches appear, following each other on a narrow piece of land. Amazing cathedrals appear literally before our eyes. The natural designer created this miracle very similar to the architecture of Catholic churches.

In fact, that’s why the name Beach of the Cathedrals fits this beautiful corner perfectly. Year after year, from century to century, nature carefully and scrupulously created this masterpiece, diligently carving it with winds and sea waves.

The beach and its magnificent arches are located in the northern part of the country, just ten kilometers from the city of Ribadeo in the district of Galicia on the shores of the Bay of Biscay.

Beach of the Cathedrals on the map

  • Geographic coordinates 43.553829, -7.155245
  • The distance from the capital of Spain Madrid is approximately 450 km
  • Distance to the nearest airport Asturias is about 90 km

Tourists from all over the world flock here not for swimming and a beautiful tan. They are primarily attracted by the stunning beauty of the landscape, which reveals itself as the water recedes. At high tide, salty waters reliably hide Cathedral Beach from prying eyes. This situation is also typical for the no less famous El Arco in Mexico, although it is not all hidden during high tide.

So, the tide is in full swing, so to speak, and you have an amazing opportunity to walk under the arches of the huge arches, the height of which can reach 30 meters. Besides this, here a large number of small grottoes and caves, although not so majestic, are still quite interesting. Exploring and wandering through them will be an interesting experience for both ordinary travelers and seasoned photographers. After all, photographs against the background of colossal arches turn out to be extremely picturesque and bright.

Having been carried away by contemplating the creations of the most skillful artist of all times (as you guessed, this means Her Majesty Nature), you should not forget about time, since the tide in these places is fast. Of course, you won’t be completely overwhelmed by water instantly, as, for example, a flood in the Lower Antelope Canyon can do, but still be prudent. Try to leave the beach before high tide. As a last resort, use the top observation deck equipped with fences. It stretches along the edge of the cliff and helps to safely observe the landscapes during a storm or high tide.

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