Home Perennial flowers What to read to children 5 years old list. What to read to a seven-year-old child? Sergey Mikhalkov. Children's poems and fables

What to read to children 5 years old list. What to read to a seven-year-old child? Sergey Mikhalkov. Children's poems and fables

I keep it for myself! I share with you. Thanks to all!

Preparatory group. List of literature for children 6-7 years old.

Fiction Continue to develop an interest in fiction. Support the desire to get acquainted with other chapters of the "thick" book you like, to look at the drawings and design of the books. Replenish the literary baggage with fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles, counting rhymes, tongue twisters. To educate a reader who is able to feel compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the book, to identify himself with the character he loves. Develop a sense of humor using funny stories from literature.

To draw the attention of children to pictorial and expressive means (figurative words and expressions, epithets, comparisons); help to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work; instilling sensitivity to the poetic word.

Continue to improve the artistic and speech performance skills of children when reading poems, in dramatization (emotionality of performance, natural behavior, the ability to convey their attitude to the content of a literary phrase with intonation, gesture, facial expressions). Help children explain the main differences between literary genres: fairy tale, story, poem.

For reading to children

Russian folklore


"The fox went rye ...",

"Chigariki-chok-chigarok ...",

"Mother spring is coming ...",

"Here came the summer red ...",

"When the sun rises, dew will fall on the ground ...",

"Winter has come".

Calendar ritual songs.

"Kolyada! Kolyada! And sometimes there is a carol ... ",

"Kolyada, kolyada, give me some pie ...",

"How did the carriage go?"

"Like Shrove Week ...",

"Ting-ting-ka! ..",

"Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa".

Works of poets and writers of Russia


A. Blok. “The wind has brought from afar” (abbr.), “In the meadow”;

M. Voloshin. "Autumn";

S. Gorodetsky. "First Snow", "Spring Song";

S. Yesenin. "Powder";

V. Zhukovsky. "Lark" (abbr.);

M. Lermontov. "In the Wild North", "Mountain Peaks" (from Goethe);

N. Nekrasov. "Before the rain" (abbr.);

A. Pushkin "Bird", "For the spring, the beauty of nature ..." (from the poem "Gypsies"), "Winter! A peasant, triumphant ... ”(from“ Eugene Onegin ”);

A. Remizov. "The Fox has a Ball", "Kalechina-Malechina";

P. Solovyov. "Day and night";

F. Tyutchev. "Spring Waters";

A. Fet. "The willow is all fluffy" (excerpt),

“What an evening ...” (abbreviated);

S. Black. "Before Bed", "The Wizard".

B. Berestov. "The Dragon";

A. Vvedensky. "Song of the Rain";

Yu. Vladimirov. "Orchestra";

N. Zabolotsky. "On the river";

N. Matveeva. "Confusion";

E. Moshkovskaya. “What are the gifts”, “Sly old women”, “Resentment”;

N. Rubtsov. "About the hare";

G. Sapgir. "Readers, tongue twisters";

I. Tokmakova. "I'm upset...";

E. Uspensky. "Scary Story", "Memory";

L. Fadeeva. "Mirror in a Showcase";

D. Harms. "Cheerful Old Man", "Ivan Toropyshkin".


K. Korovin. "Squirrel" (abbr.);

A. Kuprin. "Elephant";

D. Mamin-Sibiryak "Medvedko";

N. Teleshov. "Ear" (abbr.).

S. Alekseev. "The first night battering ram";

E. Vorobiev. "Broken wire";

M. Zoshchenko. "Great Travelers";

Yu. Koval. "Stozhok", "Shot", "Herbal Rusachok";

E. Nosov. "Thirty grains", "Like a crow on the roof lost its way";

M. Prishvin. "Chicken on Poles";

A. Raskin. "How dad threw the ball under the car", "How dad tamed the dog";

S. Romanovsky. "Dancing".

Literary tales.

V. Dahl. "The Old Man-Years";

P. Ershov. "The Little Humpbacked Horse";

A. Pushkin. "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes";

I. Sokolov-Mikitov. "Salt of the earth";

K. Ushinsky. "Blind Horse".

K. Dragunskaya. "Medicine for obedience";

N. Nosov. "Bobik Visiting Barbos";

K. Paustovsky. "Warm bread";

G. Skrebitsky. "Everyone in his own way";

A. Usachev. “About the smart dog Sonya” (chapters).

For reading in faces

K. Aksakov. "Lizochek";

A. Freudenberg. "The Giant and the Mouse", trans. with him. Y. Korinets;

D. Samoilov. "The Elephant has a birthday" (excerpts);

L. Levin. "Box";

S. Marshak. "Cat's House" (excerpts).

Game folklore.


"Where is the jelly, then he sat down ...",

"Silly Ivan ...",

"Brothers, brothers! ..",

"Fedul, what pouted his lips? ..",

"Knocked down, knocked together - here's a wheel ...",

"Have you eaten the pie?"


"You guys listen ...",

"Yermoshka is rich".

Fairy tales and epics.

“Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber” (entry by A. Hilferding, excerpt);

"Sadko" (entry by P. Rybnikov, excerpt);

Dobrynya and the Serpent, retelling by N. Kolpakova;

The Snow Maiden (based on folk stories);

"Vasilisa the Beautiful", "White Duck" (from the collection of fairy tales by A. N. Afanasyev);

"Seven Simeons - seven workers", arr. I. Karnaukhova;

"Sonko-Filipko", retelling by E. Polenova;

"Do not spit in the well - it will be useful to drink water", arr. K. Ushinsky;

"Wonderful apple", arr. L. Eliseeva;

"The Wolf and the Fox", arr. I. Sokolov-Mikitova.

Folklore of the peoples of the world


"Oh, why are you, lark ...", Ukrainian, arr. G. Litvak;

"Snail", mold., Arr. I. Tokmakova;

"What I Saw", "Three Revelers", trans. with French N. Gernet and S. Gippius;

"Gloves", "Ship", per. from English S. Marshak;

“We went through the spruce forest”, trans. from the Swede. I. Tokmakova.

Fairy tales.

"Ayoga", Nanaisk., Arr. D. Nagishkina;

“Everyone got his own,” Estonian, arr. M. Bulatova;

"Blue Bird", Turkmen., Arr. A. Alexandrova and M. Tuberovsky;

Jack, the Giant Slayer, Welsh, trans. K. Chukovsky;

"White and Rose", German, trans. L. Cohn; from the tales of C. Perrault:

"Thumb Boy", Ch. Perrault, trans. B. Dekhtereva,

"Puss in Boots", trans. T. Gabbe;

"The most beautiful outfit in the world", Japanese, trans. V. Markova.

Works of poets and writers from different countries


B. Brecht. "Winter conversation through the window", trans. with him. K. Oreshina;

M. Valek. "Wise Men", trans. from Slovak. R. Sefa;

L. Stanchev. "Autumn scale", per. with bulg. I. Tokmakova;

E. Lear. Limerick ("Once upon a time there was an old man from Hong Kong ..."; "Once upon a time there was an old man from Winchester ..."; "There lived an old woman on a mountain ..."; "One old man with a scythe ..."), trans. from English G. Kruzhkova.

Literary tales.

H. K. Andersen. The Ugly Duckling, Thumbelina, trans. from dates. A Hansen; F. Zalten.

"Bambi" (chapters), trans. with him. Yu. Nagibin;

A. Lindgren. "The princess who did not want to play with dolls", trans. from the Swede. E. Solovieva;

M. Matsutani. "The Adventures of the Tarot in the Land of Mountains" (chapters), trans. from japan. G. Ronskoy;

S. Topelius. "Three ears of rye", trans. from the Swede. A. Lyubarskaya;

B. Potter. "The Tale of Jemima Nyrnivluzhu", trans. from English I. Tokmakova;

G. Fallada. "Stories from Bedokuria" (chapter "The story of the day when everything went topsy-turvy"), trans. with him. L. Tsyvyana;

M. Aimé. "Paints", trans. with French I. Kuznetsova.

To memorize

I. Akim. "April";

P. Voronko. "There is no better homeland", trans. with ukr. S. Marshak;

E. Blaginina. "Overcoat";

N. Gernet and D. Harms. "Very, very tasty pie";

S. Yesenin. "Birch";

S. Marshak. "The young month is melting ...";

E. Moshkovskaya. “We ran to the evening”;

V. Orlov. "You fly to us, little skvorushka ...";

A. Pushkin. "The sky was breathing in autumn ..." (from "Eugene Onegin");

N. Rubtsov. "About the hare";

I. Surikov. "Winter";

P. Solovyov. "Snowdrop";

F. Tyutchev. "Winter is not angry for nothing."

Live communication with the book that the baby "reads" with his mother is a significant step towards the development of his imaginative thinking and intelligence. A good book generously fills the child's need for new information and gives him new impressions that will stay with him for life. With the help of the printed word, parents can find the shortest way for a child to understand what kindness, generosity, nobility, and true friendship are.

Acquaintance with books from 0 to 5-6 months

Acquaintance with the book is possible already at a very tender age (from 0 to 5-6 months), and it is better to start it with children's poems and songs: babies feel very well the poetic and musical rhythm. Still not understanding the meaning of words, they are already able to adequately respond to their rhythm and the intonation of their mother's voice: if mother's words sound playful and cheerful, the baby smiles; if mom speaks in a serious voice, he also becomes serious. This is how vital emotions are formed in the baby.

Toy books from 6 months to a year

From 5-6 months, the child begins to actively use his hands - he likes to touch various objects, shake them, taste. The time comes for the kid to get acquainted with toy books that help develop his tactile memory and fine motor skills, which in turn stimulates the development of speech. A child can feel such a book, study the material from which it is made with the help of fingers, taste it and examine the pictures. This is how the baby has the first experience of communicating with the book.

Illustrations in such books should be large, bright, better with different textures and, if possible, "speaking". For example, a cow, when touched, begins to moo, and a dog - to bark. And the mother must help the baby learn to "communicate" with them correctly: take the baby in her arms, leaf through the book together, examine it, press together on the sounding devices and rejoice. Children under one year old are able to concentrate on a book for only a few seconds, so for a child of this age, you can buy several bright books. They should be within the reach of the baby, then he will gladly reach from one to the other. If you notice that the child's interest in books has cooled, remove them and offer new ones. After some time, the little one will be happy to look at the "old" books again.

Toy books can be with or without text. The text, in turn, should be short and rhythmic - for example, in the form of small melodious quatrains. They should be read in a chant and with a well-pronounced intonation.

There are many such books on the book market now. When choosing them, among other things, you need to pay attention to whether the hygiene requirements for such publications are met. First of all, look at the material from which they are made - it must be safe for the child, durable and, preferably, washable.

Books from 1 to 2 years old

At the age of one to 2 years, more and more new words appear in the child's vocabulary. The kid has to systematize them, comparing them with specific objects and memorizing them in their own way. In order for a strong connection between an object and its "name" to form in the child's mind, this chain must be repeated many times: "the object is its name." And here again a smart, kind book comes to the rescue.

At this age, many children are especially fond of books about animals. Studying them, a child can fall in love, for example, with a cat and for some time will not notice other animals depicted in the book at all. He will again and again happily turn over the pages of his books, looking for cats in them. Such "love" can be used to broaden the child's horizons - for example, tell where the kitty lives, what it eats, what habits it has. This is how the child develops the first conscious interest in the book as a source of positive emotions and new knowledge.

It's time for a one-year-old child to master short, unpretentious fairy tales with endless repetitions - "Kolobok" ("I left my grandmother ..."), "Turnip" ("Pull - pull") and others. Repetitions help the child to better imagine what is happening and to assimilate the meaning of what he heard.

At the age of up to 2 years, illustrations continue to play a large role - visual images and words gradually become one whole for the baby, and this is already the basis for the development of visual-figurative thinking. Drawings from the first books help to form an accurate idea of ​​the world in which he came to the child. This is why books for this age need to be well illustrated. And adults need to help the child connect the picture and the text together. When buying the book itself or a collection of fairy tales and poems, pay attention to their decoration. Books for toddlers should contain a minimum of text and a maximum of illustrations. The most important requirement for drawings in books for young children is for the picture to be large, colorful, picturesque, and most importantly, understandable to the baby. If the baby does not understand what is shown in the illustrations, he will lose interest in this book.

For example, when mom or dad reads the text, they look at the illustrations for the text and ask the child about the following questions: "Who is drawn here? Do you remember, we read about him now?" You can buy a puppet theater, then you can read the text and show the characters of the fairy tale at the same time. For the same purpose, books with three-dimensional pictures should be added to the baby's first library. While the baby's ears are listening to the fairy tale, his mobile fingers open and close the door of the hut, roll the bun along the path, stroke the fluffy back of the chanterelle. You just need to make sure that the baby's actions correspond to the text read at this moment - then the baby will better absorb the content and will not lose interest in the reading process itself. Pay attention to the expression in his eyes and facial expressions as well. The child's emotions will tell you a lot: what surprised him, made him happy, frightened him. An observant mother, after such classes, will be able to draw some conclusions about the character of the growing man (how sensitive, fearful, receptive, etc. he is).

When you sit down with your child to read a book, do not forget to first create an atmosphere appropriate for this activity - nothing should distract the child's attention from reading. To enhance the emotional perception of the text, sometimes you can put on quiet classical music - select it in advance so that it matches the intonation of the work being read.

A child from one to two years old can look at a book for 10-20 minutes, but do not force him to do it by force, otherwise you will disgust books.

Reading from 2 to 3 years

A two-year-old child continues to explore the world through imitation, so reading at this age should be accompanied by a picture of the action taking place on the pages of the book. For example, my mother opens her palms wide and wiggles her fingers, showing how a butterfly flies in, then puffs out her cheeks and spreads her arms out - the clumsy Toptygin hobbles through the forest. Thus, a three-dimensional picture is built in the baby's mind: he hears what his mother reads to him about Mishka Kosolap, sees his image in the drawing and, in addition, with the help of his mother's movements, he learns what clumsiness is. After the baby, he will try to portray the club-footed Bear - at this age he really likes to be a "repeat": jump like a bunny, wave his tail like a mouse, and break a testicle, and then cry over him, like a grandfather with a woman ...

By the age of three, the baby already speaks well and turns into a real little thing - questions are pouring out of him, like from a cornucopia, including during reading. While reading the book, explain to the child all incomprehensible words and expressions, just do not overdo it. There is a funny example: the mother, who was explaining to the child what "tsokotukha" is, went into such a jungle that the child fell asleep without waiting for his favorite fairy tale. Read the text several times - kids love it. When there are fewer questions, there is an opportunity to work on the content of the read.

Coloring books and books, in which the image of objects is inserted directly into the text, increase the child's motivation to read: going from picture to word, the child will try to "read" on his own.

At the same age, it is appropriate to explain to a child how a book is arranged - what is a cover, binding, title page for. It can be said that a book, like a person, has its own passport - a title page, its own style of clothing - a format, a "talking cover" that tells us about the author of this book, about the title. Ask your child to describe in words what the picture on the cover is about and use it to guess what the book is about.

Children of this age love to re-read their favorite fairy tales several times. Every time before the baby starts reading, offer another fairy tale, even if you are sure of his refusal. At this age, the child is overwhelmed by a crisis of contradictions, so your goal can be achieved by the method of the opposite: if you don't want it, you don't need it, then I'll read it to a doll or bear. In a second, the child will say: "Read to me too!" Children under the age of three or even four years old listen mainly to the melody of the text, verse, they do not reproduce the storyline well. And they learn to react to the text by looking at you. Therefore, show your emotions correctly and do not be afraid to read K. Chukovsky's "Cockroach" to a little: this is scary for you, from the height of your life experience. And for a child, this poem is nothing more than a cheerful performance with a vigorous rhythmic pattern. Children at this age do not complete the logical chain and do not think, for example, about what will happen to the wolves if they eat each other.

Children's books from 3 to 6 years old

In the period from 3 to 6 years old, the child grows up quickly, and with him his books grow up. For this age, the tales of Pushkin, Andersen, Ershov, Volkov, Bazhov, Russian folk tales are suitable. So that the baby does not get lost in literary events and images, ask him to retell what he has read - everything in order, from the very beginning. This will develop his memory and logic.

A children's book is a harmony of text and graphics, text and extra-textual information. Don't forget about illustration. At this stage, it will serve as a practical guide in communicating with the book. The drawing should be designed for long-term viewing, the child returns to it more than once. The text next to the picture makes the latter "readable". In parallel with reading, looking at illustrations helps to deeper comprehend what you read.

At this age, the child can already perceive a work of art only by ear. For its better perception, the baby should read. And in order for children to accumulate not only information about the characters and events, but also to learn to connect the content of the book with its design and vice versa, it is imperative, immediately after reading, to consider each book read with the children according to all the rules:

  • first, the mother "eye to eye" reads the text to the child and does not show pictures;
  • then we look at the cover together, then slowly turn over the pages;
  • think over what is shown on the cover, distinguish between illustrations and inscriptions;
  • we demonstrate the order of reading the inscriptions from top to bottom, highlight the author's surname and the title of the book among the inscriptions on the cover;
  • we correlate the author's surname with the child's personal reading experience, and the title of the book with the picture on the cover
  • should be expressive, correctly placing accents-stresses. If it's hard for you to do this right off the bat, practice it first.

By the age of 5, some children begin to read themselves, but this should not be forced - as a result of scientific research, it has been proven that until the age of 6, a child mainly develops the right hemisphere, which is responsible for aesthetic development, and only then the left hemisphere is connected (mathematical ), which is also responsible for reading.

For parents who want reading to remain one of their child's lifelong hobbies, there are important points to keep in mind.

First, one should take into account the psychophysical characteristics inherent in children of each age group.

Third, instill in your child respect for the book. It's good if the family is initially sensitive to books. At the very least, books should be kept in a specific location. The kid should be taught from an early age that the book should not be torn, it should be read or examined carefully - it is "alive", it tells us many fascinating stories. You can introduce a tradition at home: “invite” each new book into the house as the most dear guest, “seat” it in a place of honor on the bookshelf among other books-friends. Look at the illustrations for the new book, guess who or what the story will be about. One should read a new book only when the child is emotionally ready for. Fourthly, do not read hastily with the child, turn reading into a kind of ritual. The child can take a position that is comfortable for him - most often the kids climb up to their mother's lap. Plant him so that you can see the reaction of the crumbs. For the first time read "eye to eye" without being distracted by the illustration. Explain to your child that the book doesn't like being interrupted. Then look at the pictures and ask the child questions to them, try to find out if he understands what it is about, or if something is not clear to him. Be sure to explain what the child did not understand and read the text again.

Fifth, in order not to discourage the child from reading, never force him to read, And do not look at the clock - be guided only by whether the baby is interested or not. Never shame your child (especially in the presence of strangers) for not picking up a book for a whole week - this can cause him mental trauma. A win-win option, as in many other situations, remains education with love: leafing through your favorite books in an embrace with a child, reading, assigning roles with dad, you can achieve a much greater effect than excessive severity and prodding.

References for children from 0 to 2 years old:

  1. Any books with "correct" illustrations, washable or made of thick cardboard.
  2. Series "My first book": "This is me"; "Animals"; "Car"; "Check"; "The words"; "Farm"
  3. Series "Mishutka": "Bon appetit"; "What to wear"; "Favorite toys"; "Merry Day"; S. Kozlov. "I'm lying in the sun".
  4. Series "Lessons for kids": "Your toys"; "Counting"; "Everything sings"; "Let's play"
  5. Series "Stompers": R. Sef. "Who looks like whom"
  6. Series "For the smallest": "Tales in verse" (A. Barto, B. Zakhoder, V. Berestov, K. Chukovsky, E. Uspensky, I. Tokmakova;
  7. "Turnip". Russian folk tale in A. Tolstoy's arrangement, "The Snow Maiden and the Fox" Russian folk tale from the collection of A.N. Afonasyev.
  8. "Teremok".
  9. V.A. Stepanov. "How are you? What are you chewing?"
  10. B. Zakhoder. "Songs of Winnie the Pooh".

List of literature for children from 2 to 4 years old

  • "Golden Book for Children" "Turnip". Russian folk tale, arranged by K. Ushinsky, fig. S. Bordyuga and N. Trepenok;
  • "Kolobok". Russian folk tale, arranged by K. Ushinsky, fig. And Savchenko;
  • "Cockerel and a bean seed". Russian folk tale in arr. O. Kapitsa. rice. M. Rudachenko;
  • S. Marshak. "Children in a cage", fig. S. Bordyuga and N. Trepenok;
  • V. Suteev. Chicken and Duckling; "Under the mushroom";
  • L. Tolstoy "Three Bears", fig. S. Bordyuga and N. Trepenok;
  • S. Mikhalkov "Stubborn Frog", fig. V. Suteeva;
  • S. Mikhalkov. "My puppy", rice. V. Suteeva;
  • S. Marshak. "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse";
  • S. Marshak. "The Tale of the Clever Mouse", fig. S. Bordyuga and N. Trepenok;
  • K. Chukovsky. "Telephone", fig. V.Kanashevich;
  • "Swan geese". Russian folk tale in arr. L. Eliseeva;
  • K. Chukovsky. "Tsokotukha fly", fig. V. Konashevich;
  • K. Chukovsky. "Cockroach", fig. V. Konashevich;
  • K. Chukovsky. "Crocodile", fig. V. Suteev;
  • V. Suteev. "Uncle Misha", rice. V. Suteev;
  • B. Zakhoder. "Bear-Toptyzhka", rice. G. Bedarev;
  • A.S. Pushkin. "Lukomorye";
  • I.A. Ischuk. We read from the pictures,
  • V.N. Kosygin. "Tru-la-la", Articulatory gymnastics,
  • S. Marshak. "Cheerful account";

References for children from 3 to 6 years old

To the above works are added:

  1. "Little Red Riding Hood", retelling by L. Kuznetsov, fig. T. Wolfe.
  2. "Three Little Pigs", trans. M. Tarlovsky, fig. T. Wolfe.
  3. "Puss in Boots" trans. L. Yakhnina, fig. T. Wolfe.
  4. "Cinderella", translated by A. Ganzen, fig. T. Wolfe.
  5. "The Sleeping Beauty", retelling by L. Yakhnin, fig. T. Wolfe.
  6. "The Tin Soldier", retelling by S. Letova, fig. T. Wolfe.
  7. "The Little Mermaid", translated by A. Hansen, fig. T. Wolfe.
  8. "Fire", retelling by L. Kuznetsov, fig. T. Wolfe.
  9. "New Year's Tale", publishing house "Samovar", 1996.

Alexandra Morozova - preschool teacher,
Irina Aleksandrova - philologist, teacher of the highest category

But time goes by, my daughter is growing and we are already reading new books that I want to tell you about.

"Captain Coco and Green Glass"

Let's start with the wonderful children's writer Lev Kuzmin. Lev Kuzmin is notable for the fact that he began to write books and poems, being already a rather mature person.

But, despite this, his works are unusually fabulous and magical. My daughter and I got acquainted with the work "Captain Coco and Green Glass" at a performance at the Perm Theater "House of the Actor". After the performance, I immediately decided to buy this book for my home library, but it was not on sale. And only a year later (in 2015) the publishing house "Nigma" published a wonderful book with this story-fairy tale.

The quality of the book is very good, the illustrations are also very good, the content is beyond praise. This book is about the mysterious meridian, which can only be seen through the Green Glass and along which you can travel to different magical countries. Captain Koko, for example, is looking for the go-ahead-Forsy country. I wonder if he'll find her?

"Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors"

The next book by the writer Vitaly Gubarev "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors". In 1963, a film of the same name was produced based on the book, which was very popular in the USSR. It is better to watch this movie after reading the book, so that it does not leave its mark, and the children's imagination presented the kingdom of crooked mirrors in all its glory and variety. After this piece, my daughter and I played for a long time with the game "Say the opposite" (Olya - Yalo, mother - amam, toad - Abazh, etc.).

At this age, I propose to start acquainting children with the work of Grigory Oster. At the age of 6-7, children already understand what “Bad advice” means and remember them well. I liked this book not only with a selection of bad advice (in my opinion, here are the author's best bad advice), but also with illustrations that can be viewed for hours.

"Pippi Long Stocking"

And again Astrid Lindgren. How without her? She is the greatest Swedish writer, with works for every child's age, and they are deservedly popular worldwide. Now we will talk about "Pippi Long Stocking". For some reason, in my childhood, my parents did not read me about Pippi. I, of course, knew about her, but very superficially: that she was red-haired, with two pigtails and was very fond of playing pranks. But in the work she appeared completely different: mature, wise, fantastically strong.

She lives all alone in the "Chicken" villa with her animals: the monkey Nilson and the horse. Her father is a captain (later became the leader of a black tribe). Peppy's mother died when she was still a baby. Pippi has a suitcase of gold that allows her to live comfortably. Yes, she is not a very educated girl, and does not go to school like the other children, but she is “real” and very erudite. This is a personality that children should definitely read about.

"Tales of the Blue Fairy"

I accidentally bought the books by Lydia Charskaya "The Tale of the Blue Fairy" and did not regret it. Fairy tales are kind, sweet, airy, sentimental. They seem to be teaching the etiquette of the soul. Girls must read!

"Magic Cauldron"

And now we come to the main 2 books that made a splash in our house. Let me explain in more detail.

My daughter and I read a lot. And I imagined myself already a fairy tale guru. But having bought the books "The Magic Bowler", I realized my mistake. In these two volumes there was only one fairy tale that we had read before. And all the rest are new, unknown and insanely interesting. Here are collected the tales of the peoples of the world. There are eastern, there are Western European, Eastern European, Russian, Indian and many others.

The collection is compiled in such a way that the variety makes your head spin. There are fairy tales similar to parables, for example, the famous Indian fairy tale "Who does the elephant look like?" (about the blind beggars). Leafing through each time, you do not know what awaits you in the next fairy tale. And every evening for 2 months my daughter asked before going to bed "Magic pot, magic pot, cook an interesting fairy tale." And believe me, fairy tales have always been interesting! These 2 books are real gems of the children's library.

This is our interesting selection of books for the next age: Best books for children 7-8 years old

P.S. I buy books in the Labyrinth online store, good price-quality ratio.

At the age of six or seven, children become more and more independent, and it is sometimes difficult for parents to influence their behavior. Therefore, it is so important at this stage to support, instill universal human values ​​and moral principles. We will tell you about what to read for children 6-7 years old in this review.

How to read with a 6-7 year old child?

If you used to read a lot out loud to your baby, now it's time to switch roles. At the age of 6-7 years, the child should read most of the books on his own. More often ask the little one to read the text for you so that you can appreciate the reading technique. Remember that a first grader should not break long words into syllables. It is important to be reminded of the need for pauses at the end of sentences and at punctuation marks.

To develop expressive reading skills, choose works with a lot of dialogue and ask your toddler to voice different roles.

This will develop acting skills and help the book reader to better represent the plot of the story. Offer the baby to independently come up with a continuation of the story or continue the rhymes of the poem. This will stimulate creativity and increase interest in reading.

In first grade, daily reading becomes boring homework, so it is important to maintain a love of literature. Explain the difference between reading in the school curriculum and for fun and entertainment, and most importantly, find the right reading for your child.

What books should children 6-7 years old read?

Even if it seems to you that your student is already quite an adult, you should not torment him with adult books with small print. Choose children's editions with colorful illustrations that will help to brighten up the characters in the story and the events taking place. Allow your child to choose their own books in the bookstore and on the shelf at home to understand what genres are interesting to him.

Six-year-old children are already well acquainted with small forms of literature: stories and poems, so their library can be diversified with new genres: fables, stories, plays and even novels.

It is important that children's literature for children 6-7 years old consists of several chapters and its reading can be extended over several days.

This will simultaneously awaken in the child a desire to learn the continuation, and develop patience and perseverance.

Books for children 6-7 years old should not be too complicated and serious; when choosing books, be guided by the horizons of your child. The kid should not only read, but also understand all the twists and turns of the plot, otherwise he will quickly get bored with reading. Choose popular works, because at the age of seven it is important for children to easily join the team, and a discussion of what they read will be an excellent start to a conversation.

When choosing non-fiction literature, pay attention to children's encyclopedias and educational publications that correspond to the interests of your book reader. Boys always love colorful albums about cars, technology and sports, while girls will love encyclopedias about clothes or pets. Horror films for children are also in great demand nowadays.

The most obvious answer to the question of what books to read for children 6-7 years old is. If you have already exhausted the repertoire of Russian folk tales, you can move on to more serious works, such as "The Scarlet Flower" by S. Aksakov, "Malachite Box" and "Silver Hoof" by P. Bazhov, "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel", "The Tale of the Fisherman and a fish ”and other works by A. Pushkin.

Andersen occupies a special place among storytellers, whose works are very popular with children. The story of Gerda from "The Snow Queen" cannot but touch the hearts of both boys and girls, and the misadventures of the ugly duckling help the kids to survive the difficulties of moving to a new team.

Diversify your fairy tale repertoire with stories from the peoples of the world, choosing the best from English, French and German literature. Do not forget about the indescribable atmosphere of the East in the stories about the magic lamp of Aladdin, Sinbad, Ali Baba and the forty robbers.

The legends and myths of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, adapted for children, can also be classified in this category. Among them are many instructive stories and tales of brave heroes and terrible monsters, before which no young adventurer will resist.

Most of the literary works have been filmed, films, fairy tales, and clips for children have been created based on them.

Russian writers have created many fascinating and instructive stories for young readers. The following have long been recognized as classics of children's literature:

  • "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel" by A. Nekrasov
  • "The Wizard of the Emerald City" A. Volkov
  • "The Little Humpbacked Horse" by P. Ershov
  • "Old Man Hottabych" L. Lagin
  • "Twelve months" by S. Marshak
  • "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" by N. Nosov
  • "Three Fat Men" by Yu. Olesha
  • "The Adventures of Pinocchio" by A. Tolstoy
  • The Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Vali by Larry Yan
  • "38 Parrots" by G. Oster
  • "The Adventures of Alice" by K. Bulychev
  • "The Adventures of Electronics" E. Veltisov
  • "Deniskin's stories" by V. Dragunsky

Foreign literature, translated into Russian with high quality, also deserves attention. Children six to seven years old enjoy reading:

  • Gulliver's Travels by J. Stift
  • "Tom Sawyer" and "Huckleberry Finn" by M. Twain
  • The Adventures of Chippolino and The Journey of the Blue Arrow by J. Rodari
  • "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" by R. E. Raspe
  • The Chronicles of Narnia by L. Clive
  • "Arthur and the Miniputes" by L. Besson
  • "The Little Prince" A. Saint-Exupery
  • "Mary Poppins" P. Travers
  • "Endless Book" M. Ende
  • "The Wizard of Oz" Fr. Baume
  • "Mowgli" by R. Kipling
  • "Alice in Wonderland" by L. Carroll
  • "Peppy Long Stocking" and "The Tale of Little Boy and Karlsson" by A. Lindgren
  • "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all" A. Milne
  • the first books of the Harry Potter series by J. Rowling

This is just a short list of books that are suitable for children aged 6-7 years. You can change and supplement it at your discretion, depending on the tastes and preferences of your own child.

In addition, we note that the method based on children's books is especially popular now. Reading foreign books, the child learns a foreign language faster and easier.

What books do you read to your children?

You don't need to have a college degree to understand that reading and child development are inextricably linked. All intellectual activity of a person depends on what his first experiences with books were.

It doesn't have to be thick encyclopedias and novels, and it's not just about literal texts. Modern books for children are whole works of art with many illustrations, interactive tasks, and even soundtrack.

In this article, we will talk with you about what you can read to a child at 5 years old.

What books are interesting to children at the age of 5

Five-year-olds are very curious. This is the age of "why". They are interested in literally everything. Do not be surprised if your five-year-old asks you how the universe came to be or why the hour hand goes from right to left - even that is interesting to the child. And at this age, it is good to explain to the little researcher that not only mom and dad know the answers to many questions that interest him - most of the information can be gleaned from books. But in order for a child to develop a craving to find answers to his questions, it is necessary to open the world of books to him. So where to start, what books will be of interest to a 5-year-old child?

Stories from plot

Children of this age are very good at remembering stories with a plot. Therefore, it is better to give preference to fairy tales, fables and stories with a small number of characters that the child can understand.

Remember that books must be illustrated. It is better for the drawings to be colorful and colorful rather than black and white. Before buying a book, flip through the publication and check if the illustrations correspond to the content and logic of the text.


You are mistaken if you think that a five-year-old child may not understand or remember many things. This age is the most favorable for absorbing information about the world around us, including the encyclopedic one. Therefore, along with story books, you can buy educational encyclopedias for children.

Magazines and comics

In our opinion, this is the best form of presenting information to a child. Firstly, they are well suited for entertaining reading, and secondly, they have games, all kinds of educational tasks and tricky questions.

The peculiarity of magazines and comics also lies in the fact that they are periodicals, that is, the child does not have to say goodbye to his favorite characters - the adventure continues in each new issue.

In addition to the internal content of publications for children, pay attention to the formal aspects:

  • the paper should be light and dense, preferably matte, so that it does not shine under lamp lighting;
  • the font must be large enough and printed in black ink only. Only headings can be colored;
  • A4 pages are ideal. Don't buy bulky and heavy editions.

For example, consider several magazines of different formats that a mother can look through with her child before bedtime.

"Far Far Away kingdom"

The main genre of literature for a child 4-5 years is a fairy tale. One has only to hear the phrase "In the distant kingdom, in the thirtieth state ..."

- a place where real miracles live. The characters were created on the basis of Russian folk tales: the beautiful Vasilisa, the clever Lyubava, the brave Ivan. This bias is not accidental. Today children watch many cartoons, including foreign ones. They know who the fixies and Peppa's pig are, but have not heard about the Snake Gorynych and the cat Bayun, but nevertheless, it is very important to instill in kids from an early age a love for the national culture.

Most of the storylines in The Kingdom of Faraway are presented in the form of a comic book. So, a mother can flip through a magazine with her child and voice the lines of characters, and the baby can follow the plot through illustrations.

Stories and adventures not only entertain, but also teach the child new things, expand his knowledge of the world. For example, one of the numbers tells how Lyubava was planting flowers. The child gets acquainted with the word "front garden" and learns that planting is a whole science: you need to dig up a garden, plant seeds, water them, shelter from the cold.

In the process of getting to know the stories of the heroes, the child is invited to complete several tasks. Puzzles, varying in difficulty, are inscribed in the plot of the story. For example, in one of the rooms, Lyubava is planting flowers with friends, and in order to help her, the kid must find an ax, a watering can, a bucket in the picture. Thus, he develops the ability to establish associative links between objects and gets an idea of ​​the garden tools.

Tasks are presented in different forms: riddles, coloring books, logic puzzles. They are aimed at developing the child's perseverance, attention, and imagination. Some tasks gently teach the kid to write and count.


The main characters of the magazine are simple guys: Nastya, Kolya and Vova. These characters constantly find adventures (or they have them!) And find themselves in funny situations. Parrot Pretzel and Cat Sandwich always tell instructive tales, the characters of which, after reading, can be painted with pencils or felt-tip pens. The stories are not only entertaining in nature, but also teach to distinguish between good and evil, to honor parents, not to be afraid of difficulties, to be faithful, brave and friendly.

The magazine is fully interactive: the child completes tasks together with the main characters, makes decisions, gets out of the intricate labyrinths. Kind and instructive stories tell about natural phenomena, animal life, the history of the appearance of objects, etc. The little curious will find the answers to all your questions!


Children from an early age ask their parents for phones and tablets in order to play. Five-year-olds are already well versed in mobile applications, and it is not so easy to distract them with a book. Thanks to Fidget, a child can use gadgets to good use.

What is important is that the magazine uses augmented reality technology. Imagine: you decide to read to your child before bedtime. You read a story, show an illustration, point your phone at it - and the picture comes to life! This format will interest the kid and make him turn over the pages of the magazine over and over again.

The magazine will be of great help in preparing your child for school. By the first grade, the child should know letters, be able to add prime numbers. Making time for class and sitting the child at the desk in order to learn some of the basics is not an easy task. The training will take place by itself. The stories, tales and stories of the magazine will entertain the child, while the accompanying tasks are to teach him something new.

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