Home Perennial flowers Files. Russian version Download sai brushes for drawing hair

Files. Russian version Download sai brushes for drawing hair

Most of the brush settings are specified for the old version of Paint Tool Sai 1.2.5. In the new Sai 2, they are markedly different. Also, all the settings are in English, below there is a comparison of the settings in the English and Russian versions, as well as in the old and new versions. Decide for yourself which version to choose. Free download from the links below.

Not all settings have textures. So you have 2 ways: look for a suitable one in the sets of textures (link below, about 500 pieces) or learn to make them yourself, taking them, for example, from textures.com and adapting them for Sai.

How to add new brushes

The first thing you need to learn is how to make new brushes in your sai. We will show examples of adding on the latest version of Sai 2, but in the English version.

  • Option 1 - Duplicate... Right click on one of the tools and make a copy of it.
  • Option 2 - New brush. Right-click on an empty cell and select the desired tool, most often Brush

After pressing the right mouse button, select Property (Properties), change the name of your Brush, Additional name and Shortcut Key (Shortcut Key).


New brush

How to download brushes for Sai?

It is better to add additional brushes yourself, if you have a lot of brushes, you will easily get confused in them - put only the necessary ones.

But all settings are in English and for version 1.2.5. Therefore, we made a comparison of the settings in different languages ​​and in different versions to make it easier for you to work.

Additional brushes with examples of drawings (800+ pcs)

A collection of 430+ advanced brush settings for Sai. From different authors, with different drawing styles and different quality of drawings. We have collected the very best examples. In a separate section, we have put together a collection with strokes, it more accurately shows what the result will be.

New brushes for Sai (347 pcs.)

Unlike the collection above, here are examples without drawings, just strokes. They are less colorful, but they make it better to understand what kind of brushes will turn out. There are markers, airbrushes, watercolors, for sketches and many other tools.

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Paint Tool SAI is a graphics editor designed to create vector and raster graphics. The big advantage is its compatibility with all versions of Windows and its small size, which allows you to download the full version of Paint Tool SAI quickly.

Features of paint tool sai 1.2.0.

  • Simple interface. It does not require a lot of training, you can deal with it intuitively.
  • The presence of hot keys. For those who have worked with Adobe Photoshop before, it will be quite simple, the keyboard shortcuts are similar. In addition, there are additions.
  • High performance. The graphic editor does not require a lot of PC resources.
  • Support for major formats including .psd and native sai format.
  • Graphics tablet compatible.
  • Ability to draw both raster and vector graphics.
  • Setting up the workspace. The user can choose the windows that he needs in the process of work and distribute them over the surface.

It may seem to some that Paint Tool SAI has an outdated design, but this is its advantage. Due to its simplicity, it will quickly become indispensable. In addition, you can download it for free.

Good evening friends!

The guide was created for fun in Paint tool Sai or just Sai.
Here I will tell you about the possibilities in this program. First of all I want to tell you about brushes. Brushes in Sai can be adjusted to any subject of drawing. In this guide I will tell you about a pencil. After all, many people love art drawn with a pencil, but in Sai it's like times available.

Paint tool Sai. Just click

So let's get started, how do you adjust the brush to match a regular pencil? It's very simple, use a regular Pen brush or another. Just catch it and paint with it!
Pencil brush settings. English version and Russian

I will tell you more interesting things later.
I will also tell you today about "Outline selection".
Actually, what is it for? Of course, for quick selection of the contour and in saving time. For this, I will give you an interesting explanation and settings.
First of all, select the path itself, and then remove our "details" that were formed during the selection using the SelPen tool. However, if you go beyond the line, this is fixable. You can just take the SelEras tool and remove everything.

The selection of brushes for May is united by one theme - it contains various brushes with images of hair, curls and hairstyles. The first in line is the Hair Brush Set with brushes for drawing individual strands and hairs. The Hair Brushes By Lugubrum Stock is a collection of honeycomb hair strands. Wavy Hair Strands Brushes are also curls and curls. But Photoshop Hair Brushes are ready-made hairstyles with which you can model the look. Braids are available in the Hair Photoshop Brushes set, and pencil hairstyles in Lineart Hair Brushes 3. There are also useful emo hairstyles and anime hairstyles brushes for creating a look.

To download your favorite brushes, click on the corresponding picture. The download page will open in a new window. There, at the bottom right of the picture, look for the "Download File" button with a green arrow, click and save the brushes on your computer. Attention! In some cases, the download link is not to the right of the preview picture, but directly below the picture in the form of link or Download here text.

1. Hair Brush Set

2. Hair Brushes By Lugubrum Stock

3. Wavy Hair Strands Brushes

4. Photoshop Hair Brushes

5. Hair Photoshop Brushes

6. Lineart Hair Brushes 3

7. Stock Photoshop Brushes Hair

8. Hair Brushes Ii

9. Anime Hairs Brushes 2

10. Painted Hair Brushes

11. Hair Brushes Set 1

12. Hair Brushes Ii

Fine-tuning PaintTool-SAI

PaintTool-SAI is easily configured through configuration files that can be opened and edited in a regular Windows Notepad (but only in it, no Word and others like it, they can add additional codes to the file that will ruin it).
I will be setting up Portable version 1.0.2d (you can find the version number by opening the file sysinfo.txt, the topmost line), but this description will work for version 1.1.0 as well. and most likely for other versions.
For the portable version, all the files we need are in the folder App, which lies in the main folder of the program. For version 1.1.0, everything is in the main program folder.

Before making any corrections, I advise you to make a backup of the entire folder with the program, just in case. That is, save a copy of it somewhere.

All changes will take effect only after restarting PaintTool-SAI.

How to create your own preset

First, let's try the simplest thing - add our own preset with a predetermined file resolution. These presets are convenient when creating a new file, we just select an item from the list with the necessary parameters, and do not set them manually each time.

To do this, we need to open the file presetcvsize.conf... In the screenshot, I've added a translation of the values ​​for each item. The very last is the name of the preset, it can be anything, but it must be in quotes. For example, I added a new preset:

1920, 1080, 72, 0, 0, "1920 x 1080 (Full HD)"

This is what it looks like in SAI

How to add your own texture in layer properties

papertex papertex.conf, and add the line:

1, papertex \ FileName.bmp


This is what it looks like in SAI

How to create your own texture brush

To do this, add a file with the finished texture (file format bmp, color mode Grayscale (grayscale), size 512x512 pixels) to the folder brushtex... Then open the brushtex.conf file in notepad, and add the line:

1, brushtex \ FileName.bmp


This is how it looks in the program

How to create your own brush shape
(only two types of brush shapes)

Type 1

To do this, add a file with the finished texture (file format bmp, color mode Grayscale (grayscale), size 512x512 pixels) to the folder blotmap... Then open the file in notepad brushform.conf, and add the line:

1, blotmap \ FileName.bmp

it consists of a special code (one) and a path to the texture, FileName.bmp is the name of your file. It is desirable that the texture be seamless.

Type 2

To do this, you need to open the folder elemap... It contains 63x63 pixel bmp graphics files that can be edited in your own way using only two colors - white and black. The path to the newly created graphic file must be added to the configuration file brushform.conf by adding the line to it:

2, elemap \ FileName.bmp

it consists of a special code (two) and a file path, FileName.bmp is the name of your file.

The pale purple coordinate system does not need to remain visible, it is for ease of editing. As I understand it, the tool works in such a way that it rotates the shape in accordance with the direction of the brush movement. With some experimentation, you can achieve your own unusual effects.

I made my own brush shape by simply painting this 63x63 square with black. I named this form Square_Max... Then I picked up such settings as in the screenshot. The result is a tool with interesting subtle features. The main disadvantage is that it slows down (does not keep up with the hand), the more so, the larger the size of the edited picture and the radius of the tool.

How to fix incorrect display of two names of color transition modes in layer settings

1 - open the file language.conf
2 - find the character string:


3 - immediately after it, press enter a couple of times, move the cursor up to the resulting blank lines and insert the following text:

BlendMode_Sub = "Subtraction"
BlendMode_AddSub = "Add-Subtract"

4 - save

How to change Russian to English

I am used to using the English version of SAI. Therefore, I changed my Russian language back to English.

To change the language, you need to take the file language.conf from the English version and replace it with a similar one from the Russian one. I took it from version 1.1.0 and it worked for the portable version 1.0.2d, but not really, I need to add something.

1 - open the file language.conf

2 - looking for a string of characters (including quotes):

"Status Bar"

3 - immediately after it, press enter, a new empty line will appear.
4 - insert the following text into a new blank line:

WindowFunc_HSLMode = "HSL-Mode"

5 - looking for a string of characters (including quotes):

"Status Bar (& U)"

6 - immediately after it, press enter, a new empty line will appear.
7 - insert the following text into a new empty line:

WindowMenu_HSLMode = "HSL-Mode (& p)"

8 - looking for a line containing DlgJpgSave_Title
9 - change DlgJpgSave_Title on the DlgJpegSave_Title(added Latin letter " e")
10 - do the same for the next 10 lines
11 - find a string containing a string of characters:

12 - delete this whole line (together with a semicolon at the beginning of the line) and all the lines below, exactly up to the line containing the chain of characters (we already leave this entire line in its entirety):

13 - save

The English version has not yet been fully tested by me, errors and incorrect work are possible, so this replacement of the version is at your own risk, if anything, change it back to Russian.

Well, that's probably the whole tutorial. There is nothing more to customize there.
Enjoy your drawing.

These are our tools. I will describe each part of the panel separately so that you better understand what will be discussed:

1. This is what your brushes will look like. Naturally, I have more, because I have already created a few custom brushes, but your program should have a lot of standard brushes.

2. And these are the settings for your brush. This is where you will make changes when creating your own brushes.

To create a new brush, you can simply copy any brush by right-clicking on it and choosing the Duplicate option - it will serve as the basis for the future brush. OR, you can right-click on an empty cell for brushes to open the following drop-down menu:

And let's take a look at all the options on the brushes on offer:

Pencil: The pencil has very hard edges around its entire circumference and does not mix with itself in any way. Therefore, it is ideal for creating pencil or nib brushes, ideal for contouring or fine detail.

Airbrush: Very fluffy brush. It is half transparent by default, but this can be changed. An airbrush is ideal for creating very soft brushes. It does not blend, but creates the illusion of blending by blurring its edges.

Brush (Normal): This is the basis for your brushes, which will paint like traditional ones. It has hard edges but blends well and the beginning and end of the lines are quite soft.

Watercolor (WaterCol): This is the basis for watercolor brushes. It mixes just perfect, but the color pigmentation is weak. It also has such a feature as a mixing threshold. Depending on the settings, the pen will work as either a regular brush or a blending tool.

For this tutorial, I will mainly work with Brush and Watercolor (WaterCol) because most of your custom brushes will be based on them. Due to its hard edges and its inability to mix colors, Pencil has a very narrow "specialization" - it is only suitable for line art and detailed work. On the other hand, we have the Airbrush, which is too soft for painting, in most cases it can only be used directly as an airbrush (spray). In short, they just lack the features that Brush and WaterCol have.

These are your Brush tools. WaterCol has the same functions, plus the Smoothing Prs function, but more on that later. Let's take a look at all the options, and see what they are all for.

A dropdown box that starts with Normal mode: this menu adjusts how your colors will be applied.

Normal / Vivid / Dark / Multiply

There is a field nearby Nib selection... Here you can select the tip of your pen or brush. Basically, only the softness of the tool border changes here. I prefer to work with a flat, square tip in most cases.

The next row contains the controllers Size... They do exactly what they were named for - they control the size of your brush. In the dropdown menu, you can choose a small or large brush.

Below is the menu Min Size... Here you can set the minimum brush size (in this case, it means you have a tablet) with the lightest pressure on the pen.

As you can see in this example, the top line was drawn with a low minimum brush size, while the bottom line was drawn with a high minimum brush size. Both strokes were applied with the same pen pressure.

Menu Color intensity (Density) allows you to change the opacity of your brush (that is, how much color will be applied with one stroke).

Lower dropdown menu (simple circle) and the adjacent controller controls the tip of your brush and how it will paint. In the drop-down menu, you choose the brush tip, and in the adjacent menu, depending on the number you set, it will choose how wide that tip will be. The smaller the number, the more rounded the tip of the brush will be, and, accordingly, the higher the value, the more ... unusual the brush will turn out (at the edges).

Following dropdown menu (no texture) and the adjacent controller is responsible for the texture of your brush. The lower the number set in the menu, the more “flat” the brush will be (like a standard one). If you choose a larger number, then the texture on the brush will be seen more clearly.

On the menu Blending you can choose the ability of your brush to mix colors.

Menu Dilution it is necessary in order to regulate how diluted the color of the brush will be when applied to another color. The higher the Thinning number, the more the color of your brush will be painted in the same color it was applied to.

On the menu Persistence you can choose how much color your brush will absorb when it is passed over a different color. The higher the percentage, the more persistent the color you apply to the smear. In the image below, the strokes were applied with Stamina from 0 to 100% from left to right.

Keep Opacity: this option is a little confusing. The tooltip says, "Doesn't diminish the opacity as you move the brush over an unpainted area." I've tried this option with different colors and pressures, and you know what? I didn't see any visible difference. I would leave this fad untouched, but you can try it in action, maybe you will succeed.


Quality: you might think that this is the "quality" of the brush stroke, but after testing this option in different settings, the difference was negligible ...

Edge Hardness: gives an almost imperceptible difference in the hardness of the brush edges.

Minimum Density: controls the color saturation of strokes with the least possible pressure on the stylus on your tablet.

Pressure at maximum intensity (Max Density Pressure): here you can adjust the brightness of the stroke color while pressing the tablet as much as possible.

Hard Soft: This controller adjusts the thickness of the brush nib at the beginning and end of the stroke.

Press / Dens / Size / Blend: these checkboxes simply adjust the tools you see. By turning them off, you also turn off the effects of the toolbox that they control.

The WaterCol brush has one more tool that the regular Brush does not:

Smoothing Prs: This tool adjusts how softly you apply pressure to the pen so that your watercolor becomes a true blending tool, not just color overlay.

That's all for the basics of customizing your brushes. Remember the most important thing: EXPERIMENT... You never know what will happen in the course of such "arbitrariness" :)

Below are a few of the brushes I created for SAI.

Click on the picture to see the image in full size and 100% quality.

And these are the brushes I use most often:

Mechanical pencil

(I did not claim the most original names>.>)

You can now also create new brush tips, paper textures, and brush textures.

If you have one of the latest versions of SAI (hopefully so), you should have a do-it-yourself daddy. This folder contains a template for new brush tips. It looks like this:

(don't forget to save it in .bmp format)

Just draw on this template with a clean black pencil (it's better not to use gray, take my word for it) and save the result in a folder "Elemap"... The reason why it's best not to use gray or any other color is because SAI is programmed to ignore those colors, and when you try to load your new brush nibs into the program, they will be blank. Therefore, make sure that the color is always black. And ignore the lines on the template, they won't be visible when you load the brush.

To create textures for brushes and papers, you will need a 512x512 pixels. BMP file in gray. Just save the file to the desired folder ( brushtex for texture brushes and papertex for paper textures).

So, the most important thing. See the icon "Start-sai" at the very bottom of the list (picture above). Click on it and start SAI (do not use the regular sai.exe file to start the program). So the program will automatically find all the textures and brushes that you have created at startup and load them for further use.

Older versions of SAI may not have this file, and adding new textures and brush tips can be a pain. You will have to edit the .conf file to include the new textures. It's like a thorn in the behind * but there are tons of tutorials on DeviantArt where people can teach you how to edit these files, so if you need it, don't be too lazy to search. *

* If you really need a lesson on editing files ..

Good luck with your brushes!

Download a set of brushes and textures from DarlingMionette
Download Russian version of SAI You cannot download files from our server

The small application Easy Paint Tool SAI is quite popular among amateurs and professionals in the field of graphics processing, due to its uniqueness and ease of use by trained users. The stationary version of the assembly can be downloaded from the official website of the Japanese developer, and the portable version of Paint Tool SAI can be downloaded in Russian below.

Paint Tool SAI: first look

The application itself is a professional graphics editor, which is not inferior in capabilities to the editor Adobe Photoshop and Gimp. There is also full support for layers and graphics tablets with pressure support. The program is less demanding on computer resources and fully supports 64 bit Windows systems from 98 to Windows 7 and 10.

Downloading and running the application

Separately, it is worth dwelling on the issues of loading and starting the program. For the official version, the installation distribution is first downloaded, after which the installation is performed, which is no different from the standard processes. If we talk about a portable assembly, you can download SAI in Russian as an archive, which after unpacking as a separate directory can be used. That is, you do not need to install it or integrate it into the system. To start the program, the executable file sai.exe is used, which must be run on behalf of the administrator (if this is not done, the system will simply inform that its execution is impossible).

Method of working in the editor

How to Draw in Sai? Elementary! You just need to choose the right tool like a pencil or paintbrush. Working in the "Paint Tool SAI" editor is no different from the above editors (unless you have to study the keyboard shortcuts for quick access to some function). Most of the tools are displayed on the main screen, but if necessary, you can use the top panel, which has accessibility functions. Interestingly, the open image is scaled by scrolling with the mouse wheel, and, as usual, you do not need to hold down the Ctrl key. The functions for changing the canvas and layer parameters, which can be accessed from the corresponding menus in the main panel, will be very useful.

By the way, you can additionally download brushes for Paint Tool SAI. This will significantly expand the capabilities of the program.

A large number of tutorials and lessons will allow you to quickly master the capabilities of the program.

Pros and cons of the app

Finally, with regard to the practical use of the editor, we can say that it is both simple in terms of performing standard operations and complex, since the interface is somewhat overloaded, and an ordinary user is unlikely to figure out what's what the first time. On the other hand, the program's capabilities are quite interesting, and can be quite serious competition for Photoshop, especially in terms of drawing and processing graphics in the spirit of anime and manga.

Changes in Paint Tool SAI 2.0

  • the canvas size was expanded to 100000x100000 (for the 64-bit version);
  • the number of drawing layers has been increased to 8190;
  • new types of layers: regular, folder, vector, shape and text;
  • added tools: shapes, text, gradient, ruler and perspective;
  • new filter - Gaussian blur.

Supported file formats:

  • sai (format from version 1.0 / 1.2)
  • sai2 (format version 2.0)
  • psd (standard Photoshop)
  • psb, jpeg, png, bmp, tga.

In addition to a set of standard brushes, there is also an additional one. It contains over two hundred brushes. They can be found on the Internet in the public domain and downloaded to your computer. Brushes are suitable for all versions of the program.

How to install brushes in Paint Tool Sai

Download the selected brushes and unzip them.

  1. If you have the latest version of SAI installed on your computer, then copy the new brushes into the corresponding folders of the Paint Tool Sai editor: blotmap and brushtex. Then start the "start-sai" application by clicking on its icon. It will independently find all the added brushes and load them. Then you can use them.
  2. If you are using an earlier version of the program, then you will have to make changes to the configuration file brushform.conf. It will need to be opened using any text editor. Add links to new brushes "1, blootmap / name.bmp" into the opened document. After that, you can launch Paint Tool Sai and use the added brushes.

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