Home Perennial flowers The main characters are the frog traveler for the reader. Encyclopedia of Fairy Tale Heroes: The Frog the Traveler. A measured life in a pond

The main characters are the frog traveler for the reader. Encyclopedia of Fairy Tale Heroes: The Frog the Traveler. A measured life in a pond

Frog traveler

Micro-narration: The tale of the boastful Frog, who flew with ducks from swamp to swamp, and then talked about her travels to distant countries.

Once upon a time there lived a frog-frog in a fairy-tale swamp. Once she was sitting on a branch of a driftwood sticking out of the water and enjoying the warm, fine rain. Suddenly she heard a sound. It was ducks flying. They flew past the swamp and decided to rest. The frog began to eavesdrop on the conversation of the ducks. She learned that they were flying south. She wanted to fly with them. The ducks were surprised at her request. The frog thought and dived into the water, and emerging in its paws, it was holding a twig. The ducks agreed with her, admiring her. Two ducks took a twig in their beaks, and the frog clung to the middle with its mouth and after that the flock flew away. The frog took its breath away from the terrible height to which it was raised; in addition, the ducks flew unevenly and tugged at the twig; the poor croak dangled in the air like a paper clown, and clenched her jaws with all her urine so as not to come off and not flop to the ground. However, she soon got used to her position and even began to look around. Fields, meadows, rivers and mountains quickly swept under her, which, however, was very difficult for her to see, because, hanging on a twig, she looked back and a little up, but she still saw something and was happy and proud. On the next rest, the frog said: - Can't we fly not so high? My head is spinning from the height, and I am afraid of falling over if I suddenly feel ill. And the good ducks promised her to fly lower. The next day they flew so low that they heard voices: - Look, look! - shouted children in one village, - ducks are carrying a frog! The frog heard this, and her heart leapt. - Look, look! - the adults shouted in another village, - what a miracle! - Do they know that it was me who invented it, not the ducks? - thought the frog. - Look, look! - shouted in the third village. - What a miracle! And who invented such a clever thing? Then the frog could not stand it and, forgetting all caution, cried out with all her urine: - It's me! I AM! Forgetting to be careful, the frog fell into a muddy pond at the edge of the village. But there was no one around her. Frightened by the unexpected splash, the local frogs all hid in the water. When they began to emerge from the water, they looked with surprise at the new one. And she told them a wonderful story about how she thought all her life and finally invented a new, unusual way of traveling on ducks; how she had her own ducks that carried her wherever she liked; how she visited the beautiful south, where it is so good, where there are such beautiful warm swamps and so many midges and all kinds of other edible insects. “I stopped by to see how you live,” she said. - I will stay with you until spring, until the ducks, which I have released, return. But the ducks never returned. They thought the frog had crashed to the ground, and they felt very sorry for her.

In this work, the author tells the story of a frog that got bored with life in its native swamp, and she went in search of adventure through the air, on ducks. On the way, the unlucky traveler falls into another swamp and decides that it is more interesting.

the main idea

The main idea of ​​the work can be expressed in the proverb "every sandpiper praises his swamp", and the author also shows the boastfulness, deceit and desire of the frog to embellish events, comparing it with some people.

Summary Frog traveler - Garshin

A large frog lived in a cozy swamp, it had enough mosquitoes and midges, but one autumn ducks flying south decided to rest and eat on the long journey and sank down. After listening to their conversations and deciding that it is warmer in the south, the swamps are nicer and there are more mosquitoes, the frog decided to ask the ducks to take it with them to the south. The ducks agreed, but did not know how to carry the frog with them ... then the inventive traveler came up with the idea that two ducks could take a twig with the ends of their beaks, and she would catch in the middle with her mouth, then, alternately changing, a flock of ducks could fly with her to warm places. The ducks agreed to this method, showing admiration for the frog's intelligence.

So, a twig suitable for the fortress was found, the frog grabbed hold of it with its mouth, the ducks picked it up in their beaks - and now our traveler is already in the air ...

At first, she flew face forward, but she was so uncomfortable - the air at the height was too harsh. At the very first halt, the traveler changed position and continued her way with her back to the wind, and also asked the ducks to lower their flight altitude so that people could see her from the ground. The frog was full of pride in himself and in the way of travel that she had invented. At first they did not notice her, but here and there in different villages surprised exclamations began to be heard, people asked each other: who could have thought of such a cunning thing?

After flying to the third village, the frog could not stand it, opened its mouth and croaked: I! It's me! And, of course, she no longer had anything to hold on to, and she flopped straight into some kind of swamp ...

Local frogs immediately gathered around her and the traveler, with great aplomb, told them that she had invented an original way to travel on ducks and flew south, and on the way back she decided to let the ducks go until next spring and see how the toads live in this swamp.

But the ducks did not return - they thought that the traveler hit the ground and broke and felt sorry for her.

Picture or drawing Frog traveler

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Frog traveler

There lived a frog in a swamp. In the fall, ducks flew south past the swamp and stopped to rest and eat. The frog, having learned that it was warm in the south, wonderful swamps and clouds of mosquitoes, asked to fly with them. She figured out that if two ducks grab the ends of the twig with their beaks, and she grabs the middle with her mouth, then the flock, changing, can carry her to the south. The ducks agreed, admiring her intelligence.

The frog first flew forward with its muzzle, after a halt it turned over and asked the ducks to fly lower so that people could see it. People wondered: who invented such a clever thing? Flying over the third village, the frog could not resist and began to croak: it's me! And fell into some kind of swamp. There she said that she had come up with a wonderful way of traveling on ducks and flew to the wonderful south, and now she flew in to see how they lived here, and let the ducks go until spring. But the ducks didn’t come back, tk. thought the frog had broken and felt sorry for it.

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  5. The main heroine of V. Garshin's fairy tale "The Frog the Traveler" is an ordinary frog that lived in its swamp, caught various insects there and enjoyed the rain during inclement weather. But once in the fall, ducks flew into the swamp, which were heading for the winter in warm regions. The curious frog began to ask the ducks about the purpose of their journey, and when it found out what the south is and how many different midges and mosquitoes there are, it immediately wanted to go there. But the ducks did not know how to help the frog, which had no wings.

    Then the frog began to think and found a solution. She asked two ducks to carry a twig in their beaks, and she herself decided to cling to the middle of the twig with her mouth and so fly south. The ducks liked the resourceful frog, and they agreed to her proposal. Thus began an unusual journey.

    During the flight, the frog had to hold tightly to the twig with its mouth. She was breathtaking with delight during the flight at high altitude. During the next rest, she asked the ducks to fly lower. They agreed and the next day they flew very low. So low that people on earth saw how ducks were carrying a frog on a twig and began to wonder loudly, trying to understand who had invented such an unusual way of traveling.

    And then the frog could not resist. She opened her mouth and screamed loudly that it was she who came up with the idea of ​​flying south with a twig. As a result, the traveler flew down and fell into a pond at the edge of the village. The ducks thought it had crashed and flew on. And the traveler frog remained to live in the village pond, telling the local inhabitants about its wonderful journey and dreaming that one day the ducks would return and take her on a new journey.

    This is the summary of the tale.

    The main meaning of the fairy tale "The Frog the Traveler" is that boasting does not lead to good and often becomes the cause of serious failures.

    V. Garshin's tale "The Traveler Frog" teaches patience and perseverance when doing any business. Silence was key to the success of the frog's journey. But she could not resist bragging, and her journey ended ahead of schedule. The tale teaches that opening your mouth in other situations is undesirable and even dangerous.

    I liked the main character of the fairy tale, the frog. Although she failed by opening her mouth at the wrong time, she deserves respect for the original idea of ​​air travel on a twig. Also, sympathy is caused by the very desire of the frog to travel.

    What proverbs fit the fairy tale "The Frog the Traveler"?

    Savvy will help out in any business.
    The word is silver, and silence is gold.
    Think a hundred times before you open your mouth!
    Easy to boast, easy and to fail.

    Frog traveler

    There lived a frog in a swamp. In the fall, ducks flew south past the swamp and stopped to rest and eat. The frog, having learned that it was warm in the south, wonderful swamps and clouds of mosquitoes, asked to fly with them. She figured out that if two ducks grab the ends of the twig with their beaks, and she grabs the middle with her mouth, then the flock, changing, can carry her to the south. The ducks agreed, admiring her intelligence.

    The frog first flew forward with its muzzle, after a halt it turned over and asked the ducks to fly lower so that people could see it. People wondered: who invented such a clever thing? Flying over the third village, the frog could not resist and began to croak: it's me! And fell into some kind of swamp.

    There she said that she had come up with a wonderful way of traveling on ducks and flew to the wonderful south, and now she flew in to see how they lived here, and let the ducks go until spring. But the ducks didn’t come back, tk. thought the frog had broken and felt sorry for it.

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