Home Perennial flowers The most elevated plains are high. Natural areas of the plains. Metamorphic rocks include

The most elevated plains are high. Natural areas of the plains. Metamorphic rocks include

Plain is one of the main forms of terrestrial relief. On the physical world map, the plains are indicated in three colors: green, yellow, and light brown. They occupy about 60% of the entire surface of our planet. The most extensive plains are confined to plates and platforms.

Characteristics of the plains

A plain is an area of ​​land or the seabed with a slight fluctuation in heights (up to 200 m) and a slight slope (up to 5º). They are found at different heights, including at the bottom of the oceans.

A distinctive feature of the plains is a clear, open horizon line, straight or wavy, depending on the topography of the surface.

Another feature is that it is the plains that are the main territories inhabited by people.

Natural areas of the plains

Since the plains occupy a vast territory, almost all natural zones exist on them. For example, tundra, taiga, mixed and deciduous forests, steppes and semi-deserts are represented on the East European Plain. Most of the Amazonian lowland is occupied by jungle, and the plains of Australia are semi-desert and savannah.


In geography, the plains are divided according to several criteria.

1. By absolute height distinguish between:

... vile ... Height above sea level does not exceed 200m. A striking example is the West Siberian Plain.

... Exalted - with an elevation difference from 200 to 500 m above sea level. For example, the Central Russian Plain.

... High plains , whose level is measured by marks over 500 m. For example, the Iranian Highlands.

... Depressions - the highest point is below sea level. Example - Caspian lowland.

Separately, underwater plains are distinguished, which include the bottom of depressions, shelves and abyssal areas.

2. By origin plains are:

... Accumulative (sea, river and mainland) - formed as a result of the impact of rivers, ebb and flow. Their surface is covered with alluvial sediments, and in the sea - marine, river and glacial sediments. From the sea can be cited as an example the West Siberian Lowland, and from the river - the Amazon. Among the mainland, the accumulative plains include the marginal lowlands, which have a slight slope to the sea.

... Abrasive - formed as a result of the impact of surf on land. In areas where strong winds prevail, sea waves are frequent, and the coastline is formed from weak rocks, this type of plains is more often formed.

... Structural - the most difficult in origin. In the place of such plains, mountains once rose. As a result of volcanic activity and earthquakes, the mountains were destroyed. Magma flowing out of cracks and splits bound the land surface like armor, hiding all the unevenness of the relief.

... Lakes - are formed in the place of dried up lakes. Such plains are usually small in area and are often bordered by coastal ramparts and ledges. An example of a lake plain is Jalanash and Kegen in Kazakhstan.

3. By the type of relief distinguish between plains:

... flat or horizontal - The Great Chinese and West Siberian Plains.

... wavy - are formed under the influence of water and water-glacial flows. For example, the Central Russian Upland

... hilly - in the relief there are individual hills, hills, ravines. An example is the East European Plain.

... stepped - are formed under the influence of the internal forces of the Earth. Example - Central Siberian Plateau

... concave - they include the plains of intermontane depressions. For example, the Tsaidam Basin.

Ridge and ridge plains are also distinguished. But in nature, the mixed type is most often found. For example, the Pribelskaya ridge-undulating plain in Bashkortostan.

Plains climate

The climate of the plains is formed depending on its geographical location, the proximity of the ocean, the area of ​​the plain itself, its length from north to south, as well as the climatic zone. Free movement of cyclones ensures a clear change of seasons. Plains are often rich in rivers and lakes, which contribute to the formation of climatic conditions.

The largest plains in the world

Plains are common on all continents, with the exception of Antarctica. In Eurasia, the largest are the East European, West Siberian, Turan, and East Chinese plains. In Africa - the East African plateau, in North America - the Mississippi, Great, Mexican, in South America - the Amazonian lowland (the largest in the world, its area is over 5 million square meters. Km) and the Guiana plateau.

  • Lowland - a plain that rises no higher than 200 m above sea level.
  • Uplands are flat land areas with a height of 200 to 500 meters above sea level.
  • A plateau is a flat or slightly wavy plain, elevated more than 500 meters above sea level.


Rise of the seabed

Plains change under the influence of water currents

Just like the mountains, the plains are gradually changing. A lot of work on them is done by water flows, both permanent (rivers) and temporary, which are formed on the slopes after heavy rains or during the spring melting of snow.

Each tributary of the river pulls out a valley for itself, along which it flows, each tributary erodes the banks, deepens, albeit slowly, its channel. The erosion process is especially fast on the hills and plateaus, since the rivers originating from them have a more rapid flow.

The water flowing down the surface washes away the top, arable layer of the soil from the fields, along with the nutrients that are so necessary for the plants. The washout occurs especially quickly on steep slopes that are not covered with vegetation; that's why steep slopes are not plowed up. Slopes with a slight slope should only be plowed across. When plowing a slope laterally, the flowing water is retained by the furrows, absorbed into the ground and does not wash away the soil. Thus, millions of hectares of fertile soil are saved from erosion. Material from the site

Plains change under the influence of wind

The winds sweeping over the plains do a lot of destructive work. It so happens that hurricane force winds blow over the plains for several days in a row, without ceasing. A dust storm begins. In one such storm, the wind can blow away a layer of soil up to 25 cm thick, and previously fertile lands turn into barren wastelands.

Grass strips that form at regular intervals in the fields, as well as forest strips, reduce soil blowing.

Especially great work is done by the wind on the plains covered with loose sands, not fastened by the roots of plants - dunes and dunes. Open sands are never even.

Test tasks in geography, grade 6 for the textbook E.M. Domogatskikh, N.I. Alekseevsky


level of knowledge on the topic: Geographic coordinate system

    Purpose of work-

    Description of the structure and content of the work.

, part

Part A is the basic level. There are four possible answers to the question, of which only one can be correct.

Part B


4. Evaluation criteria

5. UMK.

Test assignments on the topic: Geographic coordinate system

Option 1

A 1. The geographic latitude of a point is the distance, expressed in degrees, to not from

b) North Pole

c) equator

d) South Pole

A 2. Which of the following continents is completely located in the Eastern Hemisphere?

a) Australia c) Eurasia

b) Africa d) South America

A 3. Which of the following statements are true?

b) The Equator is the longest meridian.

c) To find the location of a point on the map, only two coordinates are enough.

A 4. Place the listed objects in the order of their distance from the equator.

a) Galapagos Islands

b) Drake Passage

c) Easter Island

d) Tasmania island

A 5. The starting point for determining the geographic latitude is

a) equator

b) pole

c) prime meridian

d) 180th meridian

B 1. Establish a correspondence between geographic objects and their coordinates.


1) Mount Aconcagua a) 3 0 04. south latitude 37 0 21., East long.

2) Mount Kilimanjaro b) 32 0 39 S 70 0 00 W. d.

3) the city of Moscow c) 44 0 04 N 79 0 04 W. d.

4) Niagara Falls d) 55 0 45 N 36 0 37 east long.

Q 2. Establish a match. Of these points have

North latitude _________________________________________________

East longitude ________________________________________________

South latitude and West longitude __________________________________

Greenwich meridian

... M


AT 3. Establish a correspondence between terms and definitions.


1) equator a) a line conditionally drawn along the surface of the Earth

parallel to the equator

2) parallel b) the shortest line conventionally drawn along the surface of the Earth

from one pole to the other

3) meridian c) a line conditionally drawn along the surface of the Earth at an equal

distance from the poles

Cartographic workshop

32 0 n. 122 0 E.


0 sh. 0 0 d.



Option 2

A 1. The geographic longitude of a point is the distance, expressed in degrees, to it from

a) zero (Greenwich) meridian

b) b) North Pole

c) equator

d) South Pole

A2. Which of the following continents is completely located in the Western Hemisphere?

a) Australia c) Eurasia

b) Africa d) South America

A3. Which of the following statements are true?

a) Geographic coordinates are measured in degrees.

b) All meridians are latitudes that are northern June

c) To find the location of a point on the map, only two coordinates are enough

A4. To determine the geographic coordinates of points on the earth's surface, the axes of mathematical coordinates, that is, two perpendicular lines, cannot be used, because

A) continents and oceans have an irregular geometric shape, which complicates calculations

B) The earth is a ball, and the mathematical coordinate system was created to work on a plane

C) the earth's surface has many irregularities on which it is impossible to draw straight lines

D) the axes of mathematical coordinates have one point of intersection, and the Earth has two poles

A5. The starting point for determining the geographic latitude is

a) equator

b) pole

c) prime meridian

d) 180th meridian

IN 1. Establish a correspondence between terms and statements.


1.equator a) the geographical latitude of points located on this line is not

may be neither southern nor northern

2.parallels b) the closer to the poles, the smaller the radius of these

circles drawn on the globe

3.meridians c) the length of these lines on the surface of the Earth is approximately the same

and is 20,000 km

IN 2. Choose the correct statements.

a) geographic longitude and latitude are measured in kilometers

b) parallels on the globe and geographical maps determine the directions "north-south", and the meridians - "west-east"

c) on the globe, the parallels are circular, and the meridians are circular arcs

d) to determine the geographical coordinates of the North and South Pole, it is enough to indicate their geographical latitude

e) points on the earth's surface located between the equator and the North Pole have a southern latitude

f) geographic latitude ranges from 0 0 to 180 0

AT 3. B 1. Establish a correspondence between geographic objects and their coordinates.


1) Mexico City a) 30 0 N 32 0., v.d.

2) Cairo b) 20 0 N 100 0 W. d.

3) Cape Town c) 1 0 S 52 0 W. d.

4) Amazon d) 34 0 S 19 0 east longitude

Cartographic workshop

C1. ... Using the data provided, name the geographic objects in question.

a) The latitude at which this major port city is located is approximately 35 0 south latitude The city is located at the confluence of a large river into the ocean.


b) This sea crosses meridian 30 0 v.d. There are many large and small islands in the sea. It is connected with the ocean by a narrow strait.

c) This river flows into the ocean at a point with geographic coordinates

32 0 n. 122 0 E.


d) This river flows into the bay, in which there is a point with coordinates 0 0 sh. 0 0 d.




control measuring materials for carrying out

level of knowledge on the topic: Seasons

1. Purpose of work- determination of the level of preparation of 6th grade students.

The work includes only 10 tasks. Of these, the tasks of part A with a choice of answers out of 4 proposed - 5, tasks of part B to establish a correspondence between 3 and 2 tasks of part C.

Depending on the type of task difficulty, its performance is assessed with a different number of points. For the correct execution of each task with a choice of an answer of the first level of complexity, tasks of part A, the student receives 1 point, partA is the basic level. There are four possible answers to the question, of which only one can be correct.

Tasks of part B for establishing compliance - 2 points and part C of the task - 3 points, if there is a correct answer.When performing this task, you need to give a detailed answer.

The maximum number of points that a student can receive for completing all the work is 17 points. Assessment can be differentiated depending on the level of educational ability of the class.

Part A is the basic level. There are four possible answers to the question, of which only one can be correct.

Part B - more difficult level. The tasks presented in this group require deeper knowledge from the students.

Part С - the level of increased complexity. When performing this task, you need to give a detailed answer.

It takes 40-45 minutes to complete the final tests.

4. Evaluation criteria

If the student answers correctly:

50-70% of the questions, then gets a grade of "3",

70-90% of correct answers - "4",

90-100% of correct answers are "5".

45 minutes are allotted for the control work. Taking into account the specific conditions, the teacher can make his own adjustments to the test work.

5. UMK. Used to compose tasks, control and measuring materials, geography grade 6, S.V. Ryakhovsky "Russian word" 2017, Workbook for the textbook E.M. Domogatskikh, E.E. Domogatskikh, "Russian word", 2014.

Test assignments on the topic: Seasons 6th grade to textbook E.M. Domogatskikh, N.I. Alekseevsky

Test tasks

A1. When does the Sun illuminate both the Northern and Southern hemispheres equally?

a) on the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes c) always

b) on the days of the summer and winter solstices d) never

A2. It's autumn in Moscow now. Which of the following cities is spring?

a) Buenos Aires b) London c) Mexico City d) Beijing

A3. On the day of the summer solstice, the longest day is observed

a) in the northern hemisphere c) around the globe

b) in the Southern Hemisphere d) at the equator

A4. If the earth's axis did not have a tilt, then

a) there would be eternal winter in the Northern Hemisphere, and summer in the Southern Hemisphere

b) there would be eternal winter in the Southern Hemisphere, and summer in the Northern Hemisphere

c) there would be no change of seasons

d) there would be no change of day and night

A5. Which of the following statements are true?

a) If the earth's axis did not have a tilt, then there would be no change of seasons on Earth.

b) The seasons in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres do not coincide.

c) The more steeply the sun's rays fall, the less light and heat the earth's surface receives.

IN 1. Set the correspondence between characteristics and calendar dates.


IN 2 . Fill in the blanks in the proposed text.

The more steeply the sun's rays fall, the ________________ __________________

light and heat is received by the earth's surface. The amount of light and heat received by the earth's surface is natural ______________________________________________________

from the equator to the poles. The change of seasons is due to ______________________________

earth axis. The longest daylight hours in the Northern Hemisphere fall on the day of the ___________________ solstice, and in the Southern Hemisphere on the day of _________________


AT 3. Fill in the blanks in the table.

C1. Read the text and answer the question.

How boatswain Billy Bones once told the truth

It was completely calm. The brigantine's sails sagged helplessly. Captain Flint and boatswain Billy Bones were sitting on the heated deck and out of boredom told each other all sorts of stories. The parrot Piastre also found something to do - he gladly caught the pirates in a lie.

That's when I was in school, - Captain Flint began his story, - I had a solid A in geography!

Don't believe it! - the parrot shouted joyfully and flapped its wings.

Captain Flint had no choice but to frown resentfully.

But I once had one case ... ..- the boatswain began dreamily.

Ve-ryu! - the parrot Piastre started up.

Wait a minute. I have not finished, - the boatswain reassured him. - And so. We somehow sailed across the Indian Ocean towards Africa. The heat was as it is now. Even hotter. True, there was a breeze. Well, they used it. We turned the ship exactly to the south and after a couple of hours we were in real winter. The cold is terrible!

Yeah sorry. I lied a little, - agreed the boatswain. - There was no cold, but the winter was real. And when we got tired of it too, we sailed north and returned again in the summer. And so, changing course, we found ourselves in winter five times in one day, and summer came five times.

Of course, I don’t know, but I think he’s lying, ”Captain Flint said uncertainly and looked at the parrot.

However, the parrot cleaned its beak and thought. Then he thought a little more, shrugged his shoulders, put his head under the wing and began to snore loudly.

Did the boatswain Billy Bones really say? On a contour map of the world, draw the sailing route he described.



control measuring materials for carrying out

the level of knowledge on this topic: The relief of the land and the bottom of the World Ocean.

1. Purpose of work- determination of the level of preparation of 6th grade students.

2. Description of the structure and content of the work.

3. Grading system for individual assignments and work as a whole.

Depending on the type of task difficulty, its performance is assessed with a different number of points. For the correct execution of each task with a choice of an answer of the first level of complexity, tasks of part A, the student receives 1 point, partA is the basic level. There are four possible answers to the question, of which only one can be correct.

Tasks of part B for establishing compliance - 2 points and part C of the task - 3 points, if there is a correct answer.When performing this task, you need to give a detailed answer.

Part A is the basic level. There are four possible answers to the question, of which only one can be correct.

Part B - more difficult level. The tasks presented in this group require deeper knowledge from the students.

Part С - the level of increased complexity. When performing this task, you need to give a detailed answer.

It takes 40-45 minutes to complete the final tests.

4. Evaluation criteria

If the student answers correctly:

50-70% of the questions, then gets a grade of "3",

70-90% of correct answers - "4",

90-100% of correct answers are "5".

45 minutes are allotted for the control work. Taking into account the specific conditions, the teacher can make his own adjustments to the test work.

5. UMK

Test tasks on the topic: The relief of land and the bottom of the World Ocean.

Test tasks

A1. Within which of the listed mountain systems is the highest peak of the Earth?

a) Alps c) Himalayas

b) Andes d) Caucasus

a) Alps c) Himalayas

b) Andes d) Caucasus

A3. On which continent is the Earth's largest lowland located?

a) Africa c) North America

b) Eurasia d) South America

A4. Which of the following statements are true? Write your answer as a sequence of letters in alphabetical order.

a) Most of the world's population lives in mountainous regions.

b) The relief of the bottom of the World Ocean is more complex than the relief of land.

c) Plains are called vast areas of the Earth's surface with small elevation differences.

A5. What natural phenomena are attributed to the internal forces of relief formation

a) the action of the wind

b) volcanism

c) the action of flowing waters

d) the movement of the earth's crust

e) the influence of sunlight and heat

IN 1. Establish a correspondence between the types of plains and their height above sea level.


1. plateau a) 0-200 m

2. lowland b) 200 - 500

3.hill c) above 500 m

IN 2. Establish a correspondence between the landforms of the seabed of the World Ocean and their images on physical maps.


1.deep trench a) shades of blue

2.mid-ocean ridge b) dark blue color

3.the top of the seamount, protruding - c) shades of green and brown

falling above the surface of the water

AT 3. Complete the statement:

All irregularities of the earth's surface that have different sizes, shapes, origins and are formed as a result of the simultaneous action of internal and external forces are called _____________________________________________________________________________

C1. Fill in the gaps in the text.

Large areas of the Earth's surface with small elevation differences are called ________

Plains, the height of which does not exceed 200 m above sea level, are called _______________________. The largest lowland on our planet ___________________________. The higher plains are called ____________________.

And the most elevated plains with a height of more than 500 m above sea level are called ___________________________________________________.

Cartographic workshop


C3. Arrange the listed geographic features in the order they follow from north to south.


Brazilian Highlands _______

West Siberian Plain ___

South tip of the Andes _______

Scandinavian mountains ___________



control measuring materials for carrying out

level of knowledge on this topic: Kingdoms of wildlife and nature conservation.

1. Purpose of work- determination of the level of preparation of 6th grade students.

2. Description of the structure and content of the work.

The work includes only 10 tasks. Of these, the tasks of part A with a choice of answers out of 4 proposed - 5, tasks of part B to establish a correspondence between 3 and 3 tasks of part C.

3. The grading system for individual assignments and work as a whole.

Depending on the type of task difficulty, its performance is assessed with a different number of points. For the correct execution of each task with a choice of an answer of the first level of complexity, tasks of part A, the student receives 1 point, partA is the basic level. There are four possible answers to the question, of which only one can be correct.

Tasks of part B for establishing compliance - 2 points and part C of the task - 3 points, if there is a correct answer.When performing this task, you need to give a detailed answer.

The maximum number of points that a student can receive for completing all the work is 20 points. Assessment can be differentiated depending on the level of educational capabilities of the class.

Part A is the basic level. There are four possible answers to the question, of which only one can be correct.

Part B - more difficult level. The tasks presented in this group require deeper knowledge from the students.

Part С - the level of increased complexity. When performing this task, you need to give a detailed answer.

It takes 40-45 minutes to complete the final tests.

4. Evaluation criteria

If the student answers correctly:

50-70% of the questions, then gets a grade of "3",

70-90% of correct answers - "4",

90-100% of correct answers are "5".

45 minutes are allotted for the control work. Taking into account the specific conditions, the teacher can make his own adjustments to the test work.

5. UMK ... Used to compose tasks, control and measuring materials, geography grade 6, S.V. Ryakhovsky "Russian word" 2017, Workbook for the textbook E.M. Domogatskikh, E.E. Domogatskikh, "Russian word", 2014.

Test tasks

Preparation for the exam and exam

Basic general education

UMK line of V.P. Dronov. Geography (5-9)

To teaching materials on geography for grade 6 V.P. Dronova, L.E. Savelieva

Test assignments (in the USE format) to test the knowledge of students in the initial course of geography, compiled in accordance with the program for general education institutions, and designed to test the assimilation of the material of the textbook by V.P. Dronova and L.E. Savelyeva “Geography. 6th grade".

Thematic sections contain tasks of varying degrees of difficulty: blocks "A", "B" and "C".

The manual is addressed to subject teachers, and is also useful for schoolchildren for self-control of mastering the compulsory standard of education in the initial course of geography in preparation for the test, test work and exam. The assignments are provided with keys, which gives the reader the opportunity to test himself.


Testing the knowledge and skills of students is one of the important elements of the educational process. Monitoring of learning outcomes should be carried out not only by the teacher, but also by the students. Both should be interested in obtaining high results of knowledge.

Test control is one of the forms of checking the abilities, skills, knowledge of the student. It develops skills of independent analysis and helps the student to quickly find the necessary information from a large amount of acquired knowledge.

This manual is intended to prepare you for the Unified State Exam for an initial course in geography.

The manual presents 7 variants of examination work (according to the number of sections of the textbook by V. P. Dronov, L. E. Savelieva "Geography Grade 6") similar to testing knowledge and skills in the exam in geography.

Each option consists of the tasks of the blocks "A", "B" and "C"

They test knowledge of all sections of the mandatory minimum content for an initial geography course:

  1. Earth in the universe.
  2. Geographic models of the Earth.
  3. Earth's crust.
  4. Atmosphere.
  5. Hydrosphere.
  6. Biosphere.
  7. Geographic envelope.

The options are designed to give an idea of ​​what geographic knowledge from each topic of the initial geography course is tested in the exam (facts, geographic nomenclature, spatial and causal relationships).

The tasks of block "A" are relatively simple. For each task, four possible answers are offered, of which only one is correct.

Block "B" consists of more complex tasks that require you to give a short answer on the theory of the passed section.

The tasks of block "C" are the most difficult and require a detailed answer. Basically, these are tasks to determine cause-and-effect relationships and the ability to use the knowledge gained in practice.

The time for completing test assignments in the USE format by section is calculated by the teacher in accordance with the level of training of students.

Test tasks for section No. 1

"Earth in the Universe". Geography, grade 6

Block "A"

A1. Choose the correct answer: Science that studies the surface of the Earth as a habitat, where humanity arose and develops.

1.biology 2. astronomy 3. geography 4. geology

A2. The entire existing world is:

1. Universe 1. Galaxy 3. Milky Way 4. Space

A3. The speed of light is: (in km / s)

1. 150 million 2. 184 thousand 3. 300 thousand 4.400 thousand

A4. How many bright stars used for orientation are called navigation stars:

1. 22 2. 24 3. 26 4. 28

A5. The asteroid belt is between:

1. Earth and Mars 2. Earth and Venus

3. Jupiter and Saturn 4. Mars and Jupiter

A6. The smallest ocean on Earth:

A7. Find the error: Giant planets include:

1. Mars 2. Jupiter 3. Saturn 4. Uranus

A8. The largest land mass on Earth is in the hemisphere:

1.western 2.south 3.north 4. no correct answer

A9. The earth rotates on its axis with:

1. West to East 2.Clockwise 3. East to West 4. North to South

A10. The earth's axis is inclined to the orbital plane at an angle (in degrees):

1. 55,6 2. 60, 6 3. 55, 5 4. 66,5

A11. The geographic consequence of the Earth's rotation around its axis is:

  1. The earth is flattened a little from the poles
  2. The seasons change
  3. All moving bodies on Earth deviate to the right
  4. All moving bodies on Earth deviate to the left

A12. The Earth moves in an orbit around the Sun at a speed (in km / s):

1. 20 2. 25 3. 30 4. 35

A13. Age of the Earth (in billion years):

1. 3,8 2. 4,4 3. 4,6 4. 5,0

A14. Total constellations in the night sky:

1. 54 2. 56 3. 78 4. 88

A15. To find out whether it is a leap year or not, you need to divide the last two digits of the year without a remainder by:

1. 2 2. 3 3. 4 4. 5

A16. The figure of the earth is called:

1.ball 2.ellipse 3.circle 4.geoid

A17. Equator length (in thousand km):

1. 40 2. 45 3. 20 4. 50

A18. The area of ​​the earth's surface is (million sq. Km):

1. 149 2. 361 3. 510 4. 610

A19. The polar radius of the Earth is less than the equatorial radius by (km):

1. 21 2. 22 3. 23 4. 24

A20. Ancient Greek scientist who calculated the size of the Earth:

1. Pythagoras 2. Aristotle 3. Eratosthenes 4. Ptolemy

Block "B"

IN 1... Arrange the planets of the solar system in the order of their distance from the sun:

1. Mars 2. Mercury 3. Jupiter 4. Earth

IN 2. Determine how many times the largest ocean on Earth is larger than Africa

AT 3... How to find the North Star in the night sky?

Block "C"

C1... What are the geographic consequences of the Earth's rotation around its axis?

C2.What is the Solar System? What cosmic bodies are included in it?

Answers to block number 1

"Earth in the Universe»

Block "A"

Block "B"

IN 1. 2 – 4 – 1 – 3

IN 2... 180 million sq. km: 30 million sq. km = 6 Answer: 6 times

AT 3... Find the bucket of the constellation Ursa Major. Mentally connect the 2 extreme stars of the bucket and continue this line to the first bright star, which is at the end of the handle of the bucket in the constellation Ursa Minor. This is the North Star.

Block "C"

C1... - The rotation of the Earth affects its shape: it is slightly flattened at the poles.

Due to the rotation of the Earth, all bodies moving along its surface deviate in the Northern Hemisphere to the right in the course of their movement, and in the Southern Hemisphere - to the left.

Due to the rotation of the Earth, there is a change of day and night.

C2... The solar system is the sun and the cosmic bodies moving around it.

The composition of the solar system: planets, planetary satellites (more than 60), minor planets (asteroids), comets, meteorites, cosmic dust.

Test tasks for section No. 2

"Geographic Models of the Earth". Geography, grade 6.

Block "A"

A1. Creator of the world's first globe:

1. Herodotus 2. Ptolemy 3. Waldseemüller 4. Beheim

A2. Azimuth is measured in:

1. kilometers 2. hours 3. degrees 4. percent

A3. If the numerical scale is 1: 5,000,000, then the named one will be:

1. in 1 cm 5 km 2. in 1 cm - 50 km 3. in 1 cm - 500 km 4. in 1 cm - 5000 km

A4. What is the northeast azimuth?

1.0 degrees 2.30 degrees 3.45 degrees 4.60 degrees

A5. The angle on the terrain between the direction to the north and the object in degrees is

1.horizon 2. azimuth 3.pole 4. landmark

A6. Azimuth is measured:

1.from north clockwise

2.from north counterclockwise

3.from south clockwise

4.from south counterclockwise

A7. The equator is:

1.longest parallel

2.the longest meridian

3.shortest parallel

4.shortest meridian

A8. Geographic longitude is:

1.western and southern

2.western and northern

3.western and eastern

4.south and north

A9. Counts from the equator:

1.western and eastern longitude

2.North and South longitude

3.western and eastern latitude

4.North and South latitude

A10. Complete the phrase: "To the north of Moscow is the city ..." (select an answer):

1. Astrakhan 2. Adler 3. Arkhangelsk 4. Anadyr

A11. Indicate what color the mountains are shown on the physical map:

1.dark green 2.brown 3.yellow 4.light green

A12. The lines of meridians and parallels on the globe and the geographical map are ...

1.horizontal 2. azimuth 3. degree grid 4. latitude

A13. Find the error:

1.90 N 125 v.d. 2.5 S 170 h.d. 3.17N 182 W 4.78 S 28 east longitude

A14. What is one degree of the meridian in kilometers:

1. 25 2. 110, 3 3. 111,3 4. 111, 9

A15. What is the length of the meridian in degrees:

1. 90 2. 120 3. 180 4. 360

Block "B"

IN 1. Read and choose the correct answer.

1. Parallels are lines, conventionally drawn along the surface of the Earth parallel to the prime meridian.

2. Meridian is the shortest line connecting the poles of the Earth.

Answer options: (yes, yes), (no, no), (yes, no), (no, yes)

IN 2... Write down the name of the line, conventionally drawn along the earth's surface parallel to the equator:

Horizontal, meridian, parallel, absolute height, latitude

AT 3. Which oceans are crossed by the prime (Greenwich) meridian?

AT 4... What continents and oceans does the equator cross?

Block "C"

C1... In which hemispheres are Eurasia, Australia and Africa?

C2... How many parallels and meridians can you draw across the earth's surface?

C3. With the help of what geographic models (volumetric and flat) depict the Earth and its separate areas?

Answers to block number 2

"Geographic Models of the Earth"

Block "A"

Block "B"

IN 1... no Yes

IN 2... parallel.

AT 3... Arctic and Atlantic.

AT 4... Continents - South America, Africa and the islands of Eurasia;

Oceans - Pacific, Atlantic and Indian

Block "C"

C1... Eurasia - in all four; Australia - in the south and east; Africa is in all four.

C2... 180 parallels and 360 meridians

C3... globe, map, area plan, aerial view

Test tasks for section No. 3

"Earth's crust". Geography, grade 6.

Block "A"

A1. Earth core temperature (in degrees):

1. 2000 – 3000 2. 3000 – 4000 3. 4000 – 5000 4. 4500 – 5000

A2. Which statement about the earth's crust is true?

1. The earth's crust under continents and oceans has the same structure

2. Under the oceans, the thickness of the earth's crust is greater than under the continents

3. The boundaries of the lithospheric plates coincide with the contours of the continents.

4. Lithospheric plates slowly move along the surface of the mantle

A3. What is the origin of the clay rock?

1.sedimentary organic 2.sedimentary clastic

3.metamorphic 4.magmatic

A4. What is the name of the raised section of the earth's crust between two faults?

1.dump 2.graben 3.horst 4.trap

A5. What landforms were formed as a result of the activity of ancient glaciers?

1.ravines 2.dunes 3. river valleys 4.moraines

A6. What are the plains with an absolute height of 0-200 meters called?

1. plateau 2. lowland 3. highland 4. highland

A7. The largest plateau in the world?

A8. The outlet of the mid-ocean ridge to the surface of the World Ocean is the island:

1. Iceland 2. Easter 3. Sakhalin 4. Madagascar

A9. The highest volcano in Russia:

1. Klyuchevskaya Sopka 2. Shiveluch 3. Kronotskaya Sopka 4. Ichinskaya Sopka

A10. Thickness of the continental crust under the high mountains:

1.35 km 2. 55 km 3. 65 km 4.75 km

Block "B"

IN 1... Select from the following list the main parts of the ocean floor

1.trench 2.mountains 3.volcanoes 4.shelf 5.inland slope 6.bed

IN 2. Define the region of Russia by the short description.

This is the peninsular territory of our homeland. It resembles a fish in outline. Has a heavily indented coastline. Monsoons dominate. There are many active volcanoes. There is the Valley of Geysers.

AT 3... How are mountains subdivided by absolute height?

Block "C"

C1... Why is there such a diverse relief on Earth?

C2... Explain the reasons for the coincidence of the regions of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

Answers to block number 3

"Earth's crust"

Block "A"

Block "B"

IN 1. 1, 2,3,6

IN 2. Kamchatka Peninsula.

AT 3... low mountains, medium and high mountains.

Block "C"

C1. The relief is varied, because the surface of the Earth is simultaneously affected by internal and external forces. The source of energy of internal forces is heat generated in the bowels of the planet, and external ones - solar energy

C2. These are the edges of the lithospheric plates or the fault lines of the lithospheric plates. Here, the layers of the earth's crust shift, which leads to earthquakes or volcanism.

Test tasks for section No. 4

"Atmosphere". Geography, grade 6.

Block "A"

A1. The atmosphere is the shell of the earth:

1. terrestrial 2. air 3. aquatic 4. alive

A2. At what height does the conditional border of the atmosphere pass:

1.100 km 1.500 km 3.1000 km 4.1500 km

A3. At what height is the ozone screen of the atmosphere?

1.20-30 km 2.30-40 km 3.40-50 km 4.50-60 km

A4. Where is the ozone layer in the atmosphere?

A5. In what layer of the atmosphere does the air temperature rise and near the upper boundary is close to 0 degrees Celsius?

1.stratosphere 2.troposphere 3.ionosphere 4.exosphere

A6. What is the height of the troposphere above the poles of the Earth?

1.10-12 km 2. 16-18 km 3.8-10 km 4. 12-14 km

A7. With a rise for each kilometer, the air temperature decreases by:

1.3 o C 2.4 o C 3.5 o C 4.6 o C

A8. What is the name of the line connecting points with the same average temperature?

1.isobar 2.isotherm 3.isohypsum 4.isogieta

A9. How many light belts are there on planet Earth?

1. 3 2. 4 3. 5 4. 6

A10. A device for determining the relative humidity of the air?

1.hygrometer 2.barometer 3.anemometer 4.psychrometer

A11. What is the maximum cloudiness index? (in points):

1. 8 2. 10 3. 11 4. 12

A12. With what force does the air column press on every square centimeter of the earth's surface?

1.1 kg 33 g 2.1 kg 29 g 3.2 kg 33 g 4.3 kg 29 g

A13. With a rise for every 10.5 m, the pressure in the troposphere decreases by approximately:

1.1mmHg Art. 2.2 mmHg Art. 3.5 mmHg Art. 4.10 mmHg Art.

A14. Seasonal winds that change their direction twice a year are:

1.breeze 2.trade winds 3.monsoon 4.northeast winds

A15. Which month of the year is the hottest?

A16. What is the maximum wind strength in points?

1. 12 2. 10 3. 11 4. 9

Block "B"

IN 1. List the main elements of weather.

IN 2... What are the main properties of the weather?

AT 3. What atmospheric phenomena cause the greatest damage to a person and his economy?

AT 4... What are the reasons for atmospheric pressure?

Block "C"

C1... Draw a wind rose for June using the following indicators:

N - 10 days, NW - 3 days, NW - 2 days, SE - 4 days, SE - 1 day, S - 4 days, W - 3 days, E - 3 days.

C2... What is the average daily air temperature and the daily amplitude of temperature fluctuations according to the following air temperature indicators?

7, -5, -1, +1, +6, +9

C3. What is the air temperature at the surface of the earth if at an altitude of 2000 m the air temperature is –10 degrees?

C4. What is the atmospheric pressure at an altitude of 1.5 km, if the atmospheric pressure at the earth's surface is 757 mm Hg? Art.?

C5... What is the relative humidity of the air at a temperature of +30 degrees, if the air contains 18 g of moisture?

Answers to block number 4


Block "A"

Block "B"

IN 1. air temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, cloudiness, precipitation, wind direction and speed.

IN 2... The main properties of the weather are its diversity and variability.

AT 3... Droughts, hurricanes, thunderstorms, ice, hail, heavy rains, fog.

AT 4... Atmospheric pressure depends on the height of the area, on the air temperature, on the nature of the earth's surface.

Block "C"

C1. The graph is drawn to scale: 1 cell - 2 days.

C2. Average daily temperature: 1) (-7) + (-5) + (-1) = -13

3) 16 – 13 = +3

4) +3: 6 = +0.5 (degrees)

Daily amplitude of temperature fluctuations: 9 - (-7) = 16 (degrees)

Answer: +0.5 degrees; 16 degrees.

C3. 1.6 * 2 = 12 (degrees)

2. - 10 - (+12) = +2 Answer: +2 degrees

C4. 1.100: 10 = 150 (mmHg)

2.757 - 150 = 607 (mmHg) Answer: 607 mmHg

C5. At a temperature of +30 degrees, the air can contain 30 g of moisture, but it contains only 18 g. From these data we make up the proportion:

X = 18g * 100%: 30g = 60% (relative humidity)

Test tasks for section No. 5

"Hydrosphere". Geography, grade 6.

Block "A"

A1. What is the share of fresh water on Earth? (v %)

1. 20% 2. 30% 3. 5% 4. 3%

A2. How many percent of the water in the hydrosphere is in the World Ocean?

1. 96% 2. 80% 3. 55% 4. 75%

A3. What percentage of the Earth's area is the World Ocean?

1. 90% 2. 80% 3. 71% 4. 75%

A4. What is the area of ​​the World Ocean? (in square kilometers)

1. 510 2. 149 3. 361 4. 75

A5. What is the deepest ocean on Earth?

1. Quiet 2. Indian 3. Arctic 4. Atlantic

A6. What sea of ​​the Earth has no shores, currents serve as its borders?

1. Coral 2. Sargasso 3. Red 4. Fiji

A7. Which sea is the inland sea of ​​the World Ocean?

1. Arabian 2. White 3. Okhotsk 4. Caribbean

A8. What is the widest and deepest strait of the World Ocean?

1. Gibraltar 2. La Perouse 3. Berengov 4. Drake

A9. What is the average salinity of the World Ocean? (in ppm)

1. 37 2. 35 3. 33 4. 36

A10. What is the distance between wave crests called?

1.wave height 2.wavelength 3.slope 4.bottom of the wave

A11. What is the height of the highest tides in the oceans?

1.18m 2.19m 3.20m 4.17m

A12. What is the name of the most powerful current in the World Ocean?

1. Gulf Stream 2. Western winds 3. Kuroshio 4. California

A13. The longest river in the world:

A14. Which river in the world has the largest drainage basin?

1. Congo 2. Amazon 3. Ob 4. Nile

A15. Highest waterfall on Earth:

1. Iguazu 2. Victoria 3. Angel 4. Ilya Muromets

A16. The largest lake in the world:

A17. The highest mountain lake in the world

1. Baikal 2. Onega 3. Caspian 4. Titicaca

A18. Which lake of the following is a waste lake:

1. Baikal 2. Balkhash 3. Dead 4. Caspian

A19. How much fresh water is conserved in modern glaciers?

1. 75% 2. 70% 3. 65% 4. 96%

A20. What is the origin of the lake basin of Lake Baikal?

1.karst 2.glacial 3.tectonic 4.volcanic

Block "B"

IN 1... What are underground waters? How are they formed?

IN 2... List the forms of karst?

AT 3... What groups are glaciers divided into? Where do they meet?

AT 4. List the main natural phenomena in the hydrosphere.

Block "C"

C1. Write the names: a) 2 archipelagoes, b) two inland seas, c) any bay of the Atlantic Ocean, d) a strait connecting two seas of two oceans and separating two countries located on two continents.

C2. Why is the Gulf Stream warm, and the Canary current off the coast of Africa cold, if the temperature of these currents is practically the same?

C3. How much salt can be obtained from 1 ton of water taken from the Ocean? In the Red Sea?

Answers to block number 5


Block "A"

Block "B"

IN 1... Groundwater: groundwater and interstratal. Groundwater is formed on the first water-resistant layer, interstratal water - between two water-resistant layers.

IN 2. Karst forms: karst wells, funnels, caves, underground lakes and rivers, stalactites and stalagmites.

AT 3. Glaciers are divided into two groups: cover and mountain glaciers. Covering areas are formed in Antarctica, Greenland, on the Arctic and Antarctic islands. Mountain glaciers form only on the tops and slopes of mountains.

AT 4. The main natural phenomena of the hydrosphere: floods, avalanches, mudflows.

Block "C"

C1. a) Japanese Islands, Canadian Arctic Archipelago (optional); b) White Sea, Black Sea (optional); c) Bay of Biscay; d) Berenga Strait.

C2... If the surrounding water is colder than the water in the current, it is a warm current; if the surrounding water is warmer than the water in the current, it is a cold current.

C3. An average of 35 g of various salts are dissolved in a liter of ocean water. 1 ton of water is 1000 liters. Therefore, from 1 ton of ocean water, 35 kg of salt can be obtained. The salinity of the waters of the Red Sea is 42 ppm, i.e. 1 liter of water contains 42 g of salt, which means that 42 kg of salt can be obtained from 1 ton of Red Sea water.

Test tasks for section No. 6

"Biosphere". Geography, grade 6.

Block "A"

A1. Life on planet Earth originated in water about: (in billion years)

1. 4,6 2. 3,5 3. 3,8 4. 4,5

A2. The living shell of the earth, where life exists, is called:

1.atmosphere 2.hydrosphere 3.biosphere 4.lithosphere

A3. What is the ratio of plants to animals on land: (percentage)

1. 92: 8 2. 94: 6 3. 71: 29 4. 75: 25

A4. Which part of the World Ocean has the most living organisms:

1.on the continental slope 2.on the shelf 3.on the ocean floor 4.in the troughs

A5. What part of the land area is forests?

A6. What part of the total forest area of ​​the Earth is occupied by humid equatorial forests?

1.third 2.fourth 3.fifth 4.sixth

A7. Forests of which climatic zone of the Earth include three forest sub-belts?

1.tropical 2.equatorial 3.arctic 4.moderate

A8. In which natural zone of the Earth is there a great variety of large herbivores?

1.deserts 2.savannas 3.steppes 4.forests

A9. The Russian scientist who created the theory of soil science?

1. Voeikov 2. Alisov 3. Vernadsky 4. Dokuchaev

A10. What is the name of the most fertile soils?

1. chernozem 2. podzolic 3. tudrovy-gley 4. brown

A11. On which continent of the Earth is the share of protected areas the highest?

1. Africa 2. Eurasia 3. Australia 4. America

A12. Russian scientist who created the doctrine of the biosphere.

1. A.I. Voeikov 2. B.P. Alisov 3. V.I. Vernadsky 4. V. V. Dokuchaev

Block "B"

IN 1. What forests are common on the territory of Russia?

IN 2... In which climatic zones of the Earth are the steppes and savannas spread on the plains, and in which deserts?

AT 3... What is soil?

Block "C"

C1. From the above list of trees, write down those that form deciduous forests: larch, oak, beech, maple, fir, aspen, birch, poplar.

C2... Write down at least seven biosphere values.

C3. What are the characteristics of humid equatorial forests?

Answers to block number 6


Block "A"

Block "B"

IN 1. On the territory of Russia in the temperate zone are widespread: coniferous (taiga), mixed and deciduous forests.

IN 2. Steppes and savannas are common in the subequatorial and temperate zones; deserts - in the tropical and temperate zones.

AT 3. Soil is the top layer of the earth that is fertile.

Block "C"

C1. Deciduous forests are dominated by oak, beech, maple.

C2. The value of the biosphere:

  1. the composition of the salts in the ocean remains unchanged;
  2. provides a person with food;
  3. gives diversity to the environment;
  4. provides self-cleaning of reservoirs;
  5. maintains the gas composition of the atmosphere;
  6. creates sedimentary rocks and minerals;
  7. carries out biological weathering of rocks.

C3. Features of humid equatorial forests: layered, evergreen (trees shed their foliage gradually), it is easier to find 10 trunks of different types of trees than 10 trunks of the same species, 75% of all land vegetation is concentrated, the "keeper" of numerous species of plants and animals, in the forest humid and gloomy, most of the inhabitants of these forests live in the crowns of trees.

Test tasks for section No. 7

"Geographic shell". Geography, grade 6.

Block "A".

A1. Which statement about the geographic shell of the Earth is considered true:

1. A special shell of the Earth, in which the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere touch and interact.

2. A special shell of the Earth, in which the interaction of the atmosphere and the hydrosphere takes place.

3. A special shell of the Earth, in which the interaction of the atmosphere and the biosphere takes place.

4. A special shell of the Earth, in which the interaction of the hydrosphere and the lithosphere takes place.

A2. What is the name of the stage in the development of the geographic shell, if the formation of the earth's crust and the origin of life in the ocean are going on:

  1. anthropogenic
  2. geological
  3. Biological
  4. there is no right answer

A3. The change of natural zones in the mountains is called:

1.natural complex 2.geographic envelope

3. high-altitude zonation 4. latitudinal zoning.

A4. An example of a negative impact on the geographic envelope is:

1.carrying out reclamation activities

2. open pit mining

3.the creation of forest belts

4.creation of a closed cycle of water processing

A5. The natural complex "steppe" is located in:

1.the northern cold zone

2.south cold zone

3.the northern temperate zone

4.in a hot zone

Block "B"

IN 1. List the main components of the natural and economic territorial complex.

IN 2. List the stages of development of the geographic envelope.

AT 3. What is the uniqueness of the geographic envelope?

Block "C"

C1. What negative consequences can the formation of a ravine cause? State at least two consequences.

C2. What features determine the number and variety of natural areas in the mountains? Give at least two reasons.

Answers to block number 7

"Geographic shell"

Block "A"

Block "B"

IN 1. Air, plants, animals, water, rocks, soil, man and his activities

IN 2. Stage 1 - geological (prebiogenic)

Stage 2 - biological (biogenic)

Stage 3 - anthropogenic (modern)

AT 3. Only in it there are conditions for life, a person lives and manages in it.

Block "C"

C1. 1.decrease in the level of groundwater

2. reduction of soil cover (reduction of arable land area).

C2. How above the mountain and what closer they to the equator , the more high-altitude zones and they are more diverse.

6th grade

section: Lithosphere Final test

1. The shell of the Earth, including the earth's crust and upper mantle, is called:

a) thermosphere;

b) the asthenosphere;

c) lithosphere .

2. It consists of solid materials and rocks:

a) mantle;

c) the earth's crust .

3. Igneous rocks were formed as a result of:

b) lava solidification;

c) destruction of solid rocks;

^ 4. On the surface of the Earth above the source of the earthquake is located:

a) volcano;

b) a geyser;

c) crater;

d) epicenter.

5. Plains located at an altitude of 200 to 500 m above sea level are called ...

A) lowlands

B) hills

B) plateaus

^ 6. Rocks that have undergone changes under the influence of high pressure and high temperature during the subsidence of parts of the earth's crust are called ...

a) metamorphic rocks

b) igneous rocks

c) clastic rocks

d) organic rocks

^ 7. Tremors with oscillatory movements arising from sudden displacements and ruptures in the earth's crust and mantle are called

a) volcanoes

b) earthquakes

c) tsunami

^ 8. Indicate the number in the figure indicating the magma chamber.

9. A fountain of hot water and steam is called

a) a spring

B) lava

C) a geyser

d) key

^ 10. Establish the correspondence of concepts and their definitions.

^ 11. The inner shell of the Earth is called:

A) the core;

B) the asthenosphere;

C) the lithosphere.

12. Thickness of the earth's crust under the ocean:

B) 15-100 km;

B) 10-60 km.

^ 13. Sedimentary rocks were formed as a result of:

A) the accumulation of animal residues;

B) solidification of lava;

C) destruction of hard rocks;

D) pressure rise and high temperatures at great depths.

^ 14. The section of the earth's crust through which magma rises:

A) volcano;

B) mouth;

B) crater;

D) epicenter .

15. Read and make the right conclusion.

“The road went up and down. On the sides of the road, streams ran merrily in numerous ravines. "
This road passed ...

A) on a mountainous country b) flat plain

C) hilly plain d) the bottom of the gorge

^ 16. An elevated plain with a special relief, with an absolute height exceeding 500 m, is called ...

A) lowland b) plateau

B) upland

^ 17. What color are the mountains painted on the physical map:

A) blue;

B) green;

B) brown.

18. Volcanoes that erupt more or less regularly are called ... ..

A) sleeping

B) acting

C) extinct

^ 19. The igneous rocks include:

A) hard coal; c) marble;

B) granite; d) sandstone.

20. Metamorphic rocks include:

B) quartz;

B) basalt;

D) clay.

21. The epicenter of an earthquake is:

A) the area of ​​the earthquake;

B) the focus of the earthquake;

C) a point on the surface of the Earth located
over the source of the earthquake.

22. ^ The crossing of several mountain ranges is called

A) mountain knot

B) mountainous country

B) mountain range

23... Mountains with heights from 1000 to 2000 m are called

A) low

B) medium

B) high

24. ^ The change in rocks under the influence of external forces is called

A) erosion

B) earthquake

C) weathering

25.Earthquake recorder

A) seismologist

B) seismograph

C) seismology



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