Home Perennial flowers Unique mikhail kutuzov cruiser possible roll. Sevastopol residents will seek the return of the cruiser Mikhail Kutuzov from Novorossiysk home. History and service

Unique mikhail kutuzov cruiser possible roll. Sevastopol residents will seek the return of the cruiser Mikhail Kutuzov from Novorossiysk home. History and service

The cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov" is located at the pier near the Sea Station of the city of Novorossiysk. Since 2001, when the ship arrived at the port of Novorossiysk, it has been a branch of the Central Museum of the Navy. Working hours of the cruiser-museum: from 11:00 to 18:00, days off - Monday, Tuesday. The tour is for a group of at least 10 people. And the wait is not long. For 5-10 minutes, an excursion group gathers near the cruiser, then people get on the ship, buy tickets at the ticket office and the excursion begins.

The cruiser-museum "Mikhail Kutuzov".

The cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov" of project 68-bis was laid down on February 22, 1951 at a shipyard in the city of Nikolaev. In total, 14 light artillery cruisers of Project 68 bis were produced in the Soviet shipbuilding industry. Most of the cruisers were named after prominent military leaders of Russia. In 1954, the naval flag was raised on the ship and in 1955 the cruiser was enlisted in the Navy. The ship served in the Mediterranean and Black Sea, as well as in the Central Atlantic until 1998. By this time, the cruiser had covered more than 211 thousand miles. "Mikhail Kutuzov" participated in two armed conflicts during the Arab-Israeli war in 1967 and 1973. Both times he was at the port in Alexandria and served as the main command post.

The cruiser is 210 meters long, 23 meters wide, and 52.5 meters high. In terms of water and food supplies, the ship could sail autonomously for up to 30 days. Full displacement - 18 640 tons, maximum speed - 35 knots, cruising range - 7400 miles. The cruiser has an armor belt 100 millimeters thick.

The main power plant on the ship is a steam power plant with a capacity of 120,000 horsepower. In the future, it is planned to conduct an excursion in the lower compartments of the cruiser, where the turbine generators are located.

Ship bell (bell).

Inspection begins with the ship's bell (bell), which is designed to break off flasks (time), signal emergency and fire alarms. The guide strikes the bell once and asks you to close your ears, since the sound is really very strong.

When you walk along the upper deck of the cruiser, you see that it has a wooden deck. The ship has three decks: a tank deck, 1st continuous and 2nd continuous.

Upper deck of the cruiser.

In the aft part of the cruiser, mine paths are installed on top of the deck. The length of these tracks allows to place on board the cruiser up to 68 sea mines of various modifications.

There is also a two-gun stabilized deck-tower installation CM-5-1C of universal caliber. There were six such installations on the cruiser. Sighting range: horizontal - 28 kilometers, vertical - 23.3 kilometers, rate of fire - 189 rounds per minute. Nineteen people served the installation, which weighs 45,800 kg. SM-5-1S was intended for firing at sea, coastal and air targets.

Two-gun stabilized deck-tower installation SM-5-1S.

Museum visitors can look inside the CM-5-1S deck-tower installation.

Inside the deck-tower installation SM-5-1S.

A unitary cartridge of 100 mm caliber, weighing 32 kg is presented for review.

The cruiser-museum "Mikhail Kutuzov". Excursions on deck. A shell for a 100 mm two-gun turret mount.

In the bow of the ship (on the tank), two captive anchors were installed: two main Hall anchors, each weighing 7 tons and two anchor chains. Anchor chains, each over three hundred meters long, are impressive in size. The weight of one link of the anchor chain is quite noticeable - thirty kilograms.

Two captive anchors.

Further, visitors to the museum are invited to go down the steep stairs (I advise you to wear comfortable shoes for the excursion). It's hard to believe, but the cruiser has 2,500 rooms for various purposes: fan and power stations, cockpits, cabins, storerooms, combat posts.

The ship had its own printing house, a bath and laundry plant, a bakery, a library, workshops, a medical block and other premises.

Two galleys (kitchens) were provided for cooking. The officers, warrant officers, sailors ate four times a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner and evening tea. The menu for all personnel was the same.

For the accommodation of the personnel on the ship, 38 cabins of various capacities from 20 to 80 people were provided. Accommodation in the cockpit was in three tiers. The cubicles were located on the first and second continuous decks.


The medical block previously consisted of an operating room, an infirmary, a pharmacy and offices of various doctors. Now only one room can be seen.

Medical block.

The wardroom was used for meetings, conferences, and special events. There were two of them on the cruiser: an officer's and one for midshipmen. All members of the wardroom addressed each other by name, patronymic, without military ranks. It was possible to smoke without the permission of the commander of the ship. But it was forbidden to discuss political and religious topics. Also on the ship were the officers' lounge, the flagship's cabin and the flagship's cabin.

During the excursion in the wardroom, visitors sit down and the guide tells them about the cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov", in particular about this wardroom.


The cruiser is riddled with cable routes, pipelines with many electrical panels, junction boxes.

The cruiser-museum "Mikhail Kutuzov". Indoor areas.

The mainmast is the second mast of the cruiser. At the top there is an antenna post of the radar for detecting air and surface targets "Kiel", the detection range is up to 180 kilometers. Below are the antenna posts of the Kristall-M space communications station, with the help of which the operational communication of the UPC of the fleet was carried out during the long voyage of the cruiser.

The mainmast is the second mast of the cruiser.

The navigating bridge (the captain's bridge - in the passenger fleet) served to control the cruiser from it. On the bridge were the commander, the officer of the watch, the navigator of the watch, the helmsman, the watch radio operator, the signal and observation watch.

Combat information post.

Under the navigating bridge there was a combat information post, where information about the air and surface situation, navigation safety, as well as information about the reserves of fuel, food, and the operation of mechanisms and assemblies flocked. The bow superstructure housed the navigational wheelhouse and the communications command post, as well as the combat posts of the artillery and radio-technical units. In the event of the outbreak of hostilities, control of the ship from the navigating bridge was transferred to the "conning tower", which was located in the bow citadel behind the navigating bridge. The wheelhouse was armored.

Two towers of the main caliber MK-5bis.

In the final part of the excursion, you can see two MK-5bis main-caliber towers, which are located in the bow of the ship. In total, the cruiser Mikhail Kutuzov had four three-barreled main-caliber MK-5bis towers, they served as the striking force of the cruiser Mikhail Kutuzov. The main method of firing the turrets was mixed, when data on the distance from the antenna post of the ARLS "Zalp" and data in the direction from the Command and Rangefinder post were simultaneously used. For the backup method of firing, data from rangefinders installed on the tower itself was used. The firing range of the main battery turrets was more than thirty kilometers, the rate of fire was 7.5 rounds per minute per barrel. The MK-5bis combat kit included 550 shells and 1000 charges. 63 people served the MK-5bis main caliber turret.

In addition, on the side of the information post, you can see the AK-230 installation, there were 8 such installations on the ship, they were serviced by one person. The firing range was 4.5 kilometers, with a rate of fire of 1080 rounds per minute. Also in the armament of the cruiser participated 16 installations B-11. True, we could not see them.

After the excursion, you can take a picture on the cruiser and buy souvenirs: an album about the cruiser, photographs of ships, a medal, a flag, magnets with the image of the cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov".

An interesting detail: one of the MTS base stations is located on the cruiser, which makes it possible to ensure a high quality radio signal in the center of Novorossiysk and, which is important, during city festive events, parades and concerts on Forum Square.

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The visit to the cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov" in Novorossiysk will be remembered for a long time. For the first time in our life we ​​have been on a real warship, albeit already permanently moored to the shore.

We invite you to visit the battleship together with us, which is a unique sight of Novorossiysk.

Museum ship ladder

The cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov" was launched in 1951. This is a real battle ship. He served in the Black Sea Fleet, cruising the waters of the Mediterranean and Atlantic.

The "visiting card" of the hero-city of Novorossiysk is the cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov"

During the service, the ship of military glory covered more than 220 thousand miles.

Tour of the cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov"

The warship is huge. It looks impressive. The length of the ship is 210 meters, the width is 22 meters, the height is 59.5 meters, the draft is 7.5 meters, the total displacement is 18,640 tons.

We got a tour guide who is fluent in history and language. He spoke so interestingly and enthusiastically about the history of the ship, its arrangement, that I regretted that I had not recorded everything on a dictaphone. So I'll tell you what I remember. And what I read in the book I bought on the cruiser at the end of the excursion.

The ship's bell weighs 86 kg. Cast from an alloy of bronze and silver.

Our children at the bell of the cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov"

We were not allowed to ring in the bell (ship's bell). But once the guide called himself, asking that we first cover our ears with our hands so that they would not be blocked. On the high seas, the ringing of the ship's bell is carried for 14 kilometers around. Can you imagine what the sound is? I wonder how far the ringing of the bell of the cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov" in Novorossiysk can be heard? It seems to me that the residents of the entire Central District can hear for sure.

Under the Russian cross flag ... At the stern - St. Andrew's flag

The guide advised that they should only follow him, without deviating from the route and not turning anywhere. And he joked that there are 2,500 rooms on the ship, so if we get lost, they won't find it soon.

Our children on the deck of the cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov"

Carefully warned all visitors where to bend down so as not to hit your head, where to carefully look at your feet.

Anti-aircraft two-gun short-range installation V-11

He allowed our youngest daughter to direct an anti-aircraft artillery installation. An anti-aircraft gun can hit an air target located 3 kilometers away, and an object on the water - up to 4 kilometers.

Our daughter controls the barrels of the anti-aircraft gun

Installation of the cruiser's main caliber fired up to 32 kilometers. This text is stolen from the Roads of the World site (site)!

Three-gun turret mount Mk-5bis of the main caliber

We learned that the flag of the ship, located on the bow, is called gyuis (fortress flag). It rises on ships of rank 1-2 when they are anchored or moored to the pier. Fortress ship.

Guys - fortress flag

The ship belongs to the type of light artillery cruisers of project 68-bis and is considered a masterpiece of world shipbuilding, distinguished by excellent seaworthiness and unsinkability. Watertight bulkheads of 16 compartments provide unsinkability. The double bottom provided protection from torpedoes and sea mines.

The cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov" is a masterpiece of shipbuilding

By the way, on the ship you can see a post-war sea mine. Huge! On board could be up to 68 of these. The mines were transported along special mine paths.

Sea mine

The cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov" has 3 decks and 3 platforms.

Two anchors. Each weighs 7 tons.

Anchors are not visible - they are in the sea

And anchor chains weighing 30 (yes, thirty!) Tons each!

I would not lift one link of this anchor chain

Once the personnel of the cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov" numbered 1129 people, now - only 42.

The cruiser could be in autonomous navigation for a whole month, having huge reserves of water, food, equipment.

We were shown only a part of the ship: the cruiser's artillery and the first tier down after the deck, where the wardroom, medical block, and cockpit are located.

Universal caliber turret


Stabilized guidance post

Antenna post on the mainmast

Cruiser bridge

The staircase we took down from the upper deck into the bowels of the ship

Endless ship corridors

I was amazed by the medical unit of the ship: operating room, postoperative department, isolation ward, infirmary for 24 people, X-ray room, doctors' offices (therapist, surgeon, dentist).

Medical unit

The guide joked that the sailors' teeth were treated without anesthesia - they say, anyway, no one heard the screams behind the noise of the engines. Or maybe they really were treated without anesthesia?

Officer's cabin

Sailor's cabin

There used to be mattresses and pillows

The ship has 38 crew quarters and two wardrooms - an officer's and a midshipman's. Only officers were allowed to be in the officer's wardroom.

Officer's wardroom

In the wardroom, officers held meetings, rested, and ate.

Wooden panel on the wall of the saloon

There is even a piano in the wardroom!

Ship model

Smoking room of the officer's wardroom


Officer's wardroom

We were allowed to sit in the wardroom and look around.

Our children in the officer's wardroom

It is simply a miracle that the ship has survived to this day. In 1996, they wanted to dispose of the cruiser Mikhail Kutuzov, but the council of veterans of the cruiser defended it, convincing the country's leadership to make a museum out of the warship.

This is the only cruiser from the 68-bis project that has survived to this day. A total of 14 such ships were built. The rest were written off and scrapped.

Vysotsky lived on the ship

The cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov" has been filmed several times. On it in Sevastopol they filmed "Leaving ashore" (1961). The role of the sailor Peter was played by Vladimir Vysotsky. For better implantation into the image, the artists put on a sailor's uniform and lived in the crew quarters. They ate, slept, raised the alarm - like all the crew members. And, resting from filming, Vysotsky sang his songs to the sailors.

At the same time, Vysotsky's shipmates recalled that the artist was on a par with them, simple, open and sociable.

Then Vysotsky was lucky to meet with Gagarin and Titov. The entire film crew and actors were sent ashore during the visit of the cosmonauts, and Vysotsky got used to the role of a sailor so well that he was mistaken for one of his own.

Historical photograph of the visit of cosmonauts Gagarin and Titov to the cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov"

Whoever was on board the ship: cosmonauts Yuri Gagarin, German Titov, Pavel Popovich, Andriyan Nikolaev, Russian President Vladimir Putin and even Indonesian President Sukarno and Ethiopian King Haile Selassie I. We also visited it.

Advantages: extremely interesting, inexpensive, they are allowed to shoot everything with photos and videos. I liked the excursion very much.

The cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov" is one of the most famous museums of the USSR Navy on the territory of the Russian Federation. The ship got its name in honor of the main commander of the Russian army during the Patriotic War of 1812 - Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov.

The main characteristics of the ship

  • Length: 210 m;
  • height: 53 m;
  • reservation: from 50 to 100 mm in different zones;
  • crew: 1220 people;
  • combat artillery: 4 three-gun turrets + 12 universal guns;
  • mine armament: 180 min.

The military cruiser arrived at the port of Novorossiysk in 2002. It is noteworthy that before that the ship was stationed in Sevastopol, where in 1988 it was transferred to the reserve of the navy, and ten years later it was excluded from its composition. To this day, the ship serves the residents of the city as a museum of Russian naval glory.

Historical facts

Having defeated Germany and Japan in World War II, the Soviet Union threw all its efforts into rebuilding the country. The first ten-year program of military shipbuilding of the USSR after the war provided for the construction of light cruisers, taking into account the latest developments in the field of science and technology. One of these ships was the cruiser Mikhail Kutuzov. The initial project was listed under the index "68-K", but in connection with the receipt of new tactical and technical tasks in 1947, the project was renamed "68-BIS".

Direct participation of the ship in hostilities during the Cold War was not recorded. It is known that the cruiser made its first exit to the sea in June 1957. The main task of the voyage was to find out if the new ship was capable of withstanding a severe storm and storm in the waters of the North Atlantic. After arriving at the port of "Sevastopol", defects in the left wing of the ship were revealed.

Despite the fact that the cruiser did not make a single combat shot, its history can hardly be called uninteresting. On account of the vessel more than 15 sea voyages over long distances, as well as participation in the operation to rescue sailors from the exploded battleship "Novorossiysk". "Mikhail Kutuzov" was on alert in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, and during the Arab-Israeli conflicts in 1967 and 1973, the ship became the command center of the Supreme Military Adviser of the Soviet Union in Egypt. The stay of the Soviet cruiser in the port of Alexandria saved the Egyptians from military attacks from the Israeli army.

On board the famous ship the shooting of the film "Shore Leave" took place. The actors who played had a chance to live for several days among ordinary sailors of "Mikhail Kutuzov". The top officials of states, including the Egyptian head Abdel Nasser, the Shah of Iran and others, have climbed the deck of the cruiser more than once. The famous cruiser was even visited by the first Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. Also, to capture an important historical period, a documentary of the same name was filmed in 2010 about the history of the ship.

Three gun turrets

Where is?

The parking lot of the ship-museum "Mikhail Kutuzov" is located in the city Novorossiysk(Krasnodar Territory, Russia). To visit the museum by boat, head to the city embankment. The vessel is moored at berth No. 33 of the main commercial port.

Geographic coordinates of the vessel's anchorage: N 44.43.16 E 37.46.55.

Address: Naberezhnaya im. Admiral Serebryakov, 2a

Working hours: from 11:00 to 18:00 (Monday, Tuesday - days off)

Entrance ticket price: for adults - 200 rubles, for children (up to 7 years old) - free. There are also permanent discounts for schoolchildren, students and pensioners (subject to the presentation of a supporting document). The ticket price includes a walk on the deck of the ship + services of a professional guide.

Permission for photographing vessel objects: 50 rubles.

Why is it worth visiting the cruiser "Kutuzov" in Novorossiysk?

One of the main reasons why it is worth at least once to visit the deck of the famous facility of the Black Sea Fleet is an interesting story about the post-war times of the Soviet Union. Even the most erudite connoisseurs of history will find it useful to hear what an important strategic object the ship "Mikhail Kutuzov" once was. At the moment, the cruiser is included in the list of historically important unique sites of UNESCO, and the ship has been assigned the status of a museum-monument of military history.

The excursion on the ship will be interesting for both schoolchildren and adults who want to learn more about the Black Sea Fleet of the USSR. Walking along the deck, an experienced guide will tell you a lot of interesting information about how the cruiser was created, what conditions the sailors lived in, and what tasks were assigned to the crew of a strategic vessel. Visiting the cruiser-museum "Mikhail Kutuzov" in Novorossiysk is a great way to expand knowledge about the events of the military confrontation between the two superpowers during the Cold War.

About the cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov"

In the hero city of Novorossiysk, within the framework of a visit to the naval base of the Black Sea Fleet, we also managed to visit the project 68-bis cruiser " Mikhail Kutuzov". At present, the cruiser is part of the forces of the Novorossiysk naval base as a museum. Anyone can visit the museum ship for a very reasonable fee." Unfortunately, the excursion takes place only on the deck of the ship and covers the superstructures quite a bit.". I can't say if this is so, because I managed not only to climb the superstructures and descend into the holds, but also met the crew of the ship-museum.

About sailors

Senior sailor Dmitry Alexandrovich Aniskin conducted a personal tour for me. A calm, intelligent guy and his surname is kind of simple-minded. He still has six months of service left for " Mikhail Kutuzov", and then Dmitry will return to his native Ryazan, will study in the medical field. Apparently, in the surgical one.

And he went to serve in the army himself, voluntarily. I wanted to understand everything and learn to be independent. While they were smoking on the deck, I asked the senior sailor Aniskin about the sailor's life. I did not hear any complaints, the service is not the most intense, the weather is not harsh, it is permissible to swim in the sea. The only thing that he and the other sailors are not happy with is the cigarettes handed out.

For example, I vytsyganit one pack on a minesweeper (more on this next time). " Smoke break"are called. The sailors said they had a smoke." Smoke break"It makes sense only if there is a desire to completely part with the lungs. Well, taking this opportunity, I transfer to OJSC" Donskoy tobacco"bored black sea" hello", sailors often remember this tobacco establishment with a kind word. Or even two.

I asked Dmitry to show where he lives. We went down into the warship, into the living quarters of the sailors. Now the entire cruising team is about 20 people, and according to wartime states there were more than 1200, so many of the crew quarters are empty. In the place where I went, a sailor, free from watch, sat and watched TV with pleasure. I was a little embarrassed when I saw the camera, but having received explanations in the spirit of "no antics is necessary" - I calmly watched the TV show, while I bravely raised the ISO to 6400 and walked either in single file or squatting around the living quarters.

I asked Dmitry to show where he lives. We went down into the warship, into the living quarters of the sailors. Now the entire cruising team is about 20 people, and according to wartime states there were more than 1200, so many of the crew quarters are empty. In the place where I went, a sailor, free from watch, sat and watched TV with pleasure. I was a little embarrassed when I saw the camera, but having received explanations in the spirit of "no antics is necessary" - I calmly watched the TV show, while I bravely raised the ISO to 6400 and walked either in single file or squatting around the living quarters.

About the peakless cap

After examining the ship " from keel to klotik"under the guidance of senior sailor Aniskin, I trained a little my moderate knowledge of naval terminology. Fal, end, clinket, jack, barbet, ladder, latrine, jar - you can very intricately explain yourself, owning such words. lean towards evening, I had to rush headlong to the nearest army store in order to acquire a sailor's peakless cap.

"Besca"in the store, of course, there was only one and the smallest size. And that one is made in the style" glamorous demobilization". Plain ribbon with the inscription" Black Sea Fleet"In the Novorossiysk store, of course, it was not there either. But the Pacific and Baltic stores are easy. Even in the demobilized versions, when a half kilo of bright trinkets are hung on each end of the tape. Guard!

Well, he took what was, not up to the choice. And when I returned to the cruiser, senior sailor Aniskin presented me with the correct ribbon, and I gave him a pack of my cigarettes. I didn't have anything else with me. If suddenly someone from Ryazan comes here - beckon Dmitry's parents and friends, I think they will be pleased to know that the senior sailor Aniskin is all right, the service is confidently moving towards the end. In the meantime, I'll tell you something about the battleship where such smart sailors serve.

About the main tactical and technical data of the cruiser:

Displacement: 16 653 tons.

Dimensions: length - 210 m, width - 21 m, draft - 7 m.

Maximum speed: 32 knots.

Cruising range: 9000 miles at 16 knots.

Power plant: steam turbine, 2 x 68,500 hp

Reservations: side - 100 mm, turrets - 175 mm, wheelhouse - 130 mm, deck 50 mm.

Armament: 4x3 152-mm (4 three-gun MK-5bis turrets), 12 6x2 100-mm, 16x2 37-mm guns MZA V-11, 8 paired 30-mm gun mounts MZA AK-230, 2x5 533-mm torpedo tubes (namely they are not on "Mikhail Kutuzov").

Crew: 1270 people.

"The cruiser has a cabin for 60 places. 2 saloons. 56 single and double cabins, a club, a radio broadcasting center, printing houses, a medical compartment with all equipment. The cruiser is built from domestic materials. It has become a major achievement in world and domestic shipbuilding. An authoritative directory-yearbook. Jane (1987-1988 editions) classified the Project 68-bis ships as the masterpieces of the world shipbuilding school.

"The cruiser has a cabin for 60 places. 2 saloons. 56 single and double cabins, a club, a radio broadcasting center, printing houses, a medical compartment with all equipment. The cruiser is built from domestic materials. It has become a major achievement in world and domestic shipbuilding. An authoritative directory-yearbook. Jane (1987-1988 editions) classified the Project 68-bis ships as the masterpieces of the world shipbuilding school.

The cruiser became the foremost ship in combat training. In 1956, 1958, 1963 he won the challenge prizes of the USSR Navy. For five consecutive years from 1965 to 1970 - the prize of the Commander of the KChF for artillery preparation. Repeatedly the crew of the cruiser achieved the title of the best surface ship of the Black Sea Fleet. In 1957, the cruiser made a cruise around Europe and participated with ships of the Northern and Baltic fleets in a parade on the Neva in Leningrad. In full accordance with the then oceanic doctrine, in 1964, the first of the KChF ships entered combat service in the Mediterranean Sea. Seven exits to combat service. More than 200 thousand miles traveled and seven excellent marks for this difficult service.

The cruiser became the foremost ship in combat training. In 1956, 1958, 1963 he won the challenge prizes of the USSR Navy. For five consecutive years from 1965 to 1970 - the prize of the Commander of the KChF for artillery preparation. Repeatedly the crew of the cruiser achieved the title of the best surface ship of the Black Sea Fleet. In 1957, the cruiser made a cruise around Europe and participated with ships of the Northern and Baltic fleets in a parade on the Neva in Leningrad. In full accordance with the then oceanic doctrine, in 1964, the first of the KChF ships entered combat service in the Mediterranean Sea. Seven exits to combat service. More than 200 thousand miles traveled and seven excellent marks for this difficult service.

Over the past years, for many generations of naval sailors, the cruiser has become a real school of combat training, military skill, a school of life. For their great contribution to the axial readiness of the fleet, more than 700 servicemen of the ship were awarded orders and medals. The cruiser gave a start in life to 17 admirals, 73 captains of I rank.

In addition to combat training, carrying out combat services far from the homeland, the cruiser systematically carried out government assignments: diplomatic missions, friendship visits and overseas campaigns, receptions of heads of foreign states and governments, major foreign military leaders, as well as cosmonauts, scientists and cultural figures. Currently, the cruiser is in reserve of the 3rd category of the 1st stage. Armament and equipment were mothballed in 1987 with the use of dynamic drainage. The ship underwent four current repairs, one medium and modernization of equipment and weapons. The last docking was in November 1985-2001. Physical fields check - April 1986. All the material part of the cruiser is in service.

In 1994, the veterans of the cruiser came up with an initiative to preserve the only and last artillery cruiser in the Russian Navy as a historical center of a wide profile - as a center of military-historical, patriotic, veteran and excursion-tourist work. Directive of the General Staff of the Navy of December 26, 1996 No. 730/1/2273 provides for the use of the cruiser as a ship center for military-patriotic education and the history of the Russian Navy. Due to the lack of funds, leave it in safe custody as part of the Black Sea Fleet in the main fleet base in the city of Sevastopol.

By the directive of the Civil Code of the Russian Navy dated 3.08.2001. The cruiser No. 35 was designated as a branch of the KChF naval museum and relocated to the city of Novorossiysk on August 23, 2001. "

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Coordinates of objects.

The cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov" is a ship of military glory of the Black Sea Fleet, the keeper of military traditions and history of many generations of sailors of the USSR Navy. The huge cruiser was honored to become a museum ship and enter the top ten warships around the world - a real masterpiece of shipbuilding. The cruiser has impressive dimensions - 210 meters long and 22 meters wide, and the ship is serviced by a crew of more than 1,100 people. In terms of armament, seaworthiness and unsinkability, the ship is still one of the best in the world. It is not for nothing that the silhouette of "Mikhail Kutuzov" is adorned with the honorary medal of the USSR Navy - "For a Long March."

There is also a river cruise ship "Mikhail Kutuzov", but they have nothing in common, apart from the name.

Prices for excursions on the cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov" in 2019

Entrance and excursion rates depend on the chosen program, visitor's citizenship and age. Foreign nationals, group of 10:

  • adults - 400 rubles. per person;
  • students and schoolchildren - 200 rubles.

Citizens of the Russian Federation or CIS countries:

  • adults - 200 rubles. per person;
  • students and schoolchildren, pensioners and disabled people - 100 rubles.

Professional photo and video filming is paid additionally: 1 thousand and 2 thousand rubles. respectively.

Special thematic programs and event-periodic ones are paid separately by agreement.


The artillery cruiser, named after Field Marshal Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov, was built in 1954 as part of Project 68 bis. A year later, the ship was entered into the USSR fleet, where it served until 1988, having covered almost 212 thousand miles during this time and "educating" many generations of sailors, captains and admirals of the Navy.

During the Arab-Israeli war, the ship participated in two armed conflicts, where it was the flagship of the ships of the first line. After the war, the cruiser Mikhail Kutuzov became a place for important political meetings of a very high level. Many kings, presidents and other influential people have visited it.

The rest of the ships of Project 68-bis were destroyed in accordance with the directive of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, according to which both they and "Mikhail Kutuzov" were to be removed from the combat ships and disposed of. But this cruiser escaped this sentence, thanks to the advice of veterans, who turned to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Yevgeny Maksimovich Primakov. He personally ordered the Commander-in-Chief to leave the cruiser as a museum ship.

In 1999, "Mikhail Kutuzov" officially became part of the Black Sea Fleet Museum, and in 2002 it was opened to visitors. In 2001, the ship set off on its last journey, the destination of which was the hero city of Novorossiysk, Krasnodar Territory. In 2012, the cruiser became a branch of the Central Naval Museum, which it remains to this day.


The legendary cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov" has been delighting tourists with its collections and exhibitions for almost 20 years. In addition to them, the vehicle itself, its military weapons and unique technical component evoke visual delight.


An exhibition of models of naval combat units is located in the wardroom. On the walls in front of it you can see the history of the cruiser and photographs from the military operations and long voyages of the Mikhail Kutuzov.

In the cabin you can see a bronze ashtray weighing 36 kilograms. This is a symbol and amulet of the ship. In the main cabin, you can see a bust of M.I.Kutuzov, the name of which served as the name of the cruiser.

Showcases about the Great Patriotic War

Several showcases in the ship are dedicated to the heroes of the Second World War: sailors, infantrymen and pilots. In addition to photographs, newspaper clippings and awards, you can see the personal belongings of these heroes. Such as grenades, pistols, binoculars, clothing items and more.

Arsenal cruiser

The main weapon of Mikhail Kutuzov is four MK-5bis B-38 turrets. These guns could accurately hit targets at a huge distance, both ground and air, which was unique for the fleet in those years. Each tower required the maintenance of more than 50 people.

The ship has 2 types of anti-aircraft guns, 36 and 30 mm. With a tremendous rate of fire, these guns could hit targets at a distance of several kilometers.

There are also 6 100-mm gun turrets in the armament, which can hit any target.

In the early 80s, the ship was modernized, which significantly improved the artillery, as well as the detection and communication equipment. This gave the ship control functions.

The deck is also equipped with mines. Up to 70 different mines weighing more than 700 kg fit on the special tracks of the ship.

Schedule of the cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov" in 2019

Currently, the museum ship is open 5 days a week, from 11:00 to 18:00 hours. Days off at "Mikhail Kutuzov" on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Panorama of the cruiser on Google Maps

How to get to the cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov" in Novorossiysk

The closest public transport stop to "Mikhail Kutuzov" is the Chernomorskaya Hotel. You can get there by the following transport:

  • trolleybuses: 1, 6, 7, 11, 12, 14;
  • buses: 1, 11, 15A, 19, 30;
  • minibuses: 7, 8, 8A, 10, 14, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 24, 27.

To get there by your own car, you can plot a route on the navigator from your location to Admiral Serebryakov Embankment, 2A, or to Mikhail Kutuzov.

Route to the museum-cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov" by car - Yandex.Maps

Also in Novorossiysk, almost all popular taxi services operate, such as Uber, Gett, Yandex. Taxi and others.

Video about the museum-cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov" in Novorossiysk

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