Home Potato What is functional training. Functional training: what it is, exercises and reviews Functional training without equipment

What is functional training. Functional training: what it is, exercises and reviews Functional training without equipment

In sports, there are many opposing approaches and ways to achieve results - and it is not always easy to figure out which one is right for you. One such case is the choice between functional training and isolated strength training.

Which approach will be more justified in a particular case, what are the typical mistakes made by athletes, and what you should know - but, unfortunately, not everyone knows.

Functional versus stand-alone training: what is it?

To begin with, let's deal with the definitions themselves: you need to understand what it is all about. Functional and isolated workouts are really absolutely opposite to each other both in form and in the tasks they solve.

Isolation training is a set of such exercises that are aimed at training a specific small muscle group, or even one muscle at all.

For example, if you are working with a barbell on a bench press for biceps, this is an isolation exercise.

Functional exercises always affect the largest muscle groups - sometimes even practically the entire body at the same time. But this is not their main characteristic: this criterion is also met, for example, squats with a barbell, which are not a functional exercise.

The key point in functional training is training not only the muscles, but also the movement of the body itself. Any such exercises are aimed not only at increasing strength or endurance, but precisely at making the body capable of performing some real action. Pull-ups are an excellent example of functional strength training.

Many tend to refer to functional only those strength exercises that are performed with their own weight - pull-ups, push-ups, jumping out, and so on. However, this is not true: functional training is quite possible with the use of weights.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches?

Let's start the conversation again with isolated training. The advantage of this option is that you achieve maximum efficiency exactly at the selected point of the body: the entire load falls solely on the target muscle. Such an advantage is absolutely irreplaceable in the same bodybuilding, but it is often useful for ordinary fitness lovers: it so happens that you need to work out a specific muscle, set the body to a point load.

The same property of isolating exercises also has their disadvantage: a developed biceps, for example, is good in itself - but it is not enough either for a harmonious figure or for real functional strength. And here comes the time to talk about functional training.

The main benefits of functional training are three

Firstly, you are not just increasing the indicators of strength and endurance of muscles, but you are accustoming the body to a specific type of physical work. In life, we do not have to do something similar to the French bench press - but the need to pull up on our arms can easily arise.

Secondly, the effect of functional training is extremely diverse. A very large number of muscles are involved in the work at the same time. You become stronger and more enduring, develop coordination, flexibility, balance ... the list depends on specific exercises, but it is always extensive. For example, even banal push-ups from the floor strengthen not only the arms and chest (which are primarily aimed at), but also the abs, legs and back.

Third, because of the vastness of the load, functional exercise burns calories effectively. This means you can combine the effects of strength training and cardio training. Many athletes think that these two types of training are some kind of antagonist, however, this is not always true. It is in functional exercises that strength and cardio components get along well.

Does functional training have disadvantages? Of course there is. There are two main disadvantages

First, because of the wide range of effects from such exercises, the results are less pronounced. For example, you will develop your heart more effectively on a cardio machine, and strength - with a "big three" with a barbell.

Secondly, dense functional training is poorly compatible with gaining muscle mass: too many calories are burned. If Apollo's body type is closer to you than Hercules, functional training is great, but not otherwise.

You probably already guessed that it is not at all necessary to choose one type of workout. In fact, it is quite possible to combine isolated and functional training in your program. Moreover: if it is still possible to do without isolated strength training (it, after all, serves mainly to achieve an aesthetic effect), then every athlete needs functional training to one degree or another.

Are functional training performed with simulators? Of course!

For example, the Life Fitness Free Rows work great for them. And Life Fitness creates all the possibilities for an interesting construction of workouts. For example, by combining a multi-station with free trajectory deadlift, a Hammer Strength training vest and any other, you can do interesting exercises aimed at functional development at home!

How to combine two types of training?

There are several tips on this topic: it is possible to fully disclose it, rather, in a separate material. But here are some tips.

The main advice - do not "jump" from one exercise to another too quickly - this is a typical mistake of those who are trying to combine a lot of different things. Your body must have time to get used to a new type of load, to the rhythm of training - otherwise there is a risk of a training plateau or even injury.

Add changes in angles, twists, inclines and other complications to your usual strength exercises - use all possible planes of movement! This is possible with, and on, and with the help of a multistation. Of course, this must be done carefully, reducing the working weight. This will involve more muscles in the work and make the exercises more functional.

And be sure to change the speed of the movements! This is especially convenient on traction equipment with low starting resistance: for example, all the same Life Fitness home multi-stations. Such technologies allow one to perform movement under heavy load very sharply - but without risking both the joints and ligaments and the simulator.

Physical and mental health of a person to some extent depends on the way of life. An active pastime is always good for keeping the body in good shape. Sports in the classic version give some result, but gradually fade into the background. They take a lot of precious time and effort. They are being replaced by modern types of physical activity, namely functional fitness. It trains not only muscles, but also prepares the body for any stress, strengthens and heals it.

What is functional training in fitness: essence and features

Functional fitness is a new direction in sports training to prepare the body for various kinds of stress. The difference from classic sports lies in the emphasis on intensity and the study of all muscle groups. It helps develop endurance, flexibility, strength, balance and grace. Suitable for an experienced athlete and a person who is absolutely not physically prepared. The loads are regulated by the additional weight and the amount of exercise.

What is Functional Fitness Training? In fact, it is similar to CrossFit - a well-known physical training system. Both approaches have one thing in common - training the whole body. The complex of classes includes all possible exercises - from gymnastics and aerobics to weightlifting and cardio loads. The essence of the training is to perform different functional movements that are constantly changing at different intervals.

Functional fitness includes exercises that train and develop muscles

The main features and differences of functional fitness from other types of physical activity are:

  • high intensity of training, which develops the body's endurance;
  • proportional development of muscle tissue and the whole body;
  • the ability to use any equipment: simulators, fitballs, jump ropes, horizontal bars, dumbbells, barbells, resistance bands, plyoboxes, rugs;
  • various exercises are used that are familiar to many from the school curriculum, gymnastics, ordinary fitness;
  • you can do it not only in the gym, but also at home;
  • does not take much time, one workout lasts on average from 40 to 60 minutes;
  • the set of exercises is suitable for men and women of almost any age.

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Functional fitness prepares a person for everyday life, for unforeseen physical activity. It helps to easily cope with lifting heavy bags up stairs and a long climb to a mountain peak. The quality of life improves, a beautiful body and relief are a pleasant bonus.

By focusing on the muscles of the upper and lower body, functional exercise also helps the muscles of the middle of the body.

Benefits of functional training

Functional fitness has been used not so long ago, but it has already attracted many professional athletes and ordinary people who want to keep their bodies in good shape.

There are many reasons for such popularity:

  • several different muscles and joints are worked out at the same time, small muscle areas are involved that do not work during classical exercises on simulators;
  • the bone corset is strengthened, its flexibility develops - this prevents many household injuries;
  • the general goal is achieved - to strengthen the entire body, and not its individual parts;
  • coordination of movements improves, a sense of balance and balance appears, the risks of falls on a slippery road and injury are significantly reduced;
  • the main focus is on working with the weight and dimensions of your own body, and not with sports equipment and exercise equipment;

Functional fitness exercises can be performed both in the gym and at home

  • allows you to combine a personal target training program with functional exercises, thus increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of standard gym activities;
  • helps burn fat by accelerating metabolic processes in the body;
  • improves the condition of the musculoskeletal system, straightens posture, increases motor capabilities;
  • the risk of injury is quite low due to uniform loads and the absence of excessive stress in the joints;
  • tones up the cardiovascular system, strengthens the heart muscle;
  • suitable for people with low physical fitness, as well as after a long break in classes;
  • it is used as a recovery after illnesses, childbirth, injuries;
  • a large number of techniques and sets of exercises allows you to draw up an individual program for every taste;
  • high training efficiency is achieved due to the even distribution of loads and the harmonious development of the whole body.

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How to pump up the press correctly and quickly?

The effect of functional training is noticeable not only externally, but also in terms of well-being. There comes a tangible lightness and flexibility in everyday life. Lifting bags of groceries to the 9th floor, carrying a child in your arms all day, getting up from a deep chair, not falling on a slippery sidewalk in winter becomes an easily achievable task.

These exercises are aimed at training various joints and muscle groups.

Functional Fitness Exercise Options

Functional training involves the use of exercises from different sports - aerobics, gymnastics, weightlifting, fitness, Pilates, bodybuilding, cardio, crossfit. All known techniques in various variations are taken as a basis, nothing new and complicated is required.

The basis is made up of the following exercises:

  • Squats. They are performed in the classic version on two legs, without lifting the feet off the floor. Can also be done on one leg for balance or with legs wide apart for endurance and stability training.
  • Jump rope. An exercise known to all children is done on two or one legs. It is preferable to perform a long jump up, and have time to roll the rope twice. You have to push harder and jump higher.
  • Lunges. From a standing position, alternately step forward with each leg, bending it at a right angle. The deeper the lunge is, the better the muscles stretch.

During training, a high consumption of calories was noted, and, therefore, good results from such training can be noted.

  • Pull-ups. Can be done on gymnastic rings, raising the body 90 °, then leveling it sharply up and lowering it to its original position. The second option is on a crossbar or horizontal bar. The strength of the arms and the endurance of the joints develops.
  • Run. A crossfit version is used, when fast runs are carried out for short distances (100-200 m) back and forth.
  • Barbell. Being in good physical condition can make it harder to exercise with weights. The best option: do squats with a barbell on your shoulders, deadlift from a sitting position.
  • Press. At the initial stage, a classic version of the press is made from a prone position. You can diversify the program with twists in slow motion, like Pilates.
  • With inventory. The hemisphere will help to develop balance and stability. You need to stand on it with one foot, and raise the other a little, bend over into the swallow pose, linger for a few seconds, change your leg. With the ball, you can simultaneously train the strength of the arms, lower back, shoulders, legs. We take a light ball (up to 2 kg) on ​​outstretched arms, squat alternately on both sides, lower the ball to the floor.

  • With a kettlebell. To prepare for a trip with heavy luggage, you can use a kettlebell. Enough 5–8 kg in weight. From a standing position, we bend over on bent legs and raise the kettlebell, straighten ourselves with the kettlebell to its original position.
  • Aerobics. Aerobic exercise builds a cardio load and builds endurance. The usual dance movements are used, steps on a step platform, alternating with power loads (dumbbells, expander, medball). The main thing in this kind of training is high intensity and coordination of movements.

Functional exercise is great when done wisely. Beginners should start with simple options with their body weight, gradually making the exercises heavier and intensifying. Seasoned athletes can jump straight into a more challenging program. It is important to measure strength with physical activity so as not to harm your health.

Functional training fitness programs

There is no single training program, the set of exercises is selected individually. The fitness rooms offer several ready-made options to choose from. The best option is to invite a professional trainer who will develop an exclusive program taking into account physical fitness, age, health status and desired results. At the same time, he will control the correctness of the exercise and the level of intensity.

Fitness experts believe that sports should have more freedom and more variety of movements.

Basic training involves classes 2-3 times a week with breaks. At the initial stage, only its own weight is used, no exercise equipment and sports equipment are needed.

Many people want to know what functional training is. This lesson is on the schedule of most fitness clubs, many trainers take pride in knowing the trendy new direction, and most homework courses offer just this lesson.

As the name suggests, this direction should develop some kind of function. In fitness, functional training is aimed at developing everyday motor skills. In simple terms, it teaches us to walk on slippery surfaces, lift weights off the floor so as not to injure our backs, and endure moderate cardio loads, for example, when we need to run after someone or something.

But our secret desires are not only to run after buses, we want to be slim, strong and healthy. And also - keep your life as close to your normal life as possible and not become fans living in the gym. So how does this balance out in functional training?

Types of functional training

If we proceed purely from the definition, many fitness areas can be attributed to functional training:

  • group lessons with weighted balls, steps, fitballs, and microweights;
  • in all forms from "home-grown" squats without weight and quantity in the park or on the beach, to quite close to competitive crossfit performance of complexes based on 9 basic crossfit skills;
  • from 20 minute interval training for women to serious preparation for snatch, clean and jerk and long cycle competitions;
  • The runner's physical training is better known in our country as from the Nike Training Club;
  • training in TRX loops or the like with your own body weight;
  • group lessons on bosu platforms;
  • doing power yoga or other types, focused primarily on working out muscles and acquiring a certain shape of the body, and not on knowing the spiritual basis of the yoga path and other similar things;
  • oddly enough, but numerous directions of workout on horizontal bars too, although this usually has little to do with women's training and the wishes of fitness clients;
  • certain types of workouts in the gym with free weights.

In general, all these areas have the following things in common:

  1. training develops strength, flexibility, balance, endurance and speed;
  2. such fitness will easily replace traditional exercises in strength and cardiovascular equipment;
  3. During the workout, you will learn all the basic exercises - bench and standing presses (the former are replaced by push-ups in certain areas of functional fitness), squats and deadlifts. This does not mean that you will carry huge weights without preparation, do singles for maximum strength, perform some unbearable movements;
  4. it is possible that the training will include power-speed elements - jumps, jumps on a support or up, weightlifting exercises - snatch and clean and jerk;
  5. Most functional training also includes elements of endurance development that increase the efficiency of the cardiovascular system.

We seem to have found universal fitness, right? Unfortunately, not in all cases

Who is not suitable for functional training

  • Beginners without motor skills

By motor skills, we mean the ability to technically squat without weight, push up from the floor, lift weight off the floor with a straight and tensely arched back, and maintain a neutral spine position when performing strength exercises.

Contrary to myths and legends that everyone can do it, these skills do not "grow" by themselves. Many people have ignored physical activity for years and will not be able to do it, so group functional training is not suitable for them.

Such a beginner should work with a coach to deliver:

  1. a technically correct squat with a center of gravity in the middle of the arch of the foot closer to the heels, and not to the toes, a tense and collected back, a tucked up belly and a sufficient depth of sitting, in which the pelvis will drop below the knee line. At the same time, oddly enough, a technical mistake is the formulation of such a technique in which the knees do not go beyond the socks in people with a long thigh (the lower leg is significantly shorter than the thigh), but this is already a topic for an article about squatting technique, and not about functional training;
  2. a technically correct pull, that is, lifting a weight off the floor. In this case, the coach must determine exactly how his ward will tear off the weight (only with his legs or legs and due to the contraction of the muscles of the back, this depends on the proportion of the length of the arms to the body), and how exactly the feet will stand (narrow, heels at the width of the pelvis - "Classic", wide, heels are wider than shoulders - "sumo"). All these things are determined so that it is convenient for a person to maintain a neutral back - that is, a tensely arched position of the spine with the shoulder blades flattened and without rounding the back with a hump both in the lower back and in the thoracic spine;
  3. push-ups from the floor, that is, the skill is not just to bend and unbend the arms, but to distribute the body weight in such a way that the movement is as effective as possible;
  4. the skills of correct presses and traction, that is, the work of the joint in the correct plane, and the absence of overextension in the knee and elbow joints with a general neutral position of the back.

In addition, the beginner's trainer is faced with the task of increasing endurance to the level at which circuit training, performing functional training complexes, and so on are possible. Usually, from a "zero" state to when a person can safely go to group classes in his chosen sport, at least 2-3 months of hard work should pass.

  • People with injuries

Unfortunately, not a single type of group functional training can ensure the safety of classes if a person has hernias and protrusions of the spine, or injuries to ligaments and joints. With such problems, training in simulators is shown until the rehabilitation period has passed, and the development of an individual training plan, taking into account all the characteristics of the athlete, when the rehabilitation is over.

This does not mean that, for example, with hernias or injuries, you cannot do strength training or use kettlebells or loops in your workouts. This means that the exercises must be selected individually by the trainer.

Functional training and body shaping

This is a complex topic, about which quite a few copies have been broken. Is it possible to gain muscle mass if you only do functional fitness? And the woman?

One simple thing to understand here is that if you look up to professional CrossFit athletes but don't plan on using anabolic steroids, look up to someone else.

You can talk a thousand times about what a "clean" and "good" sport it is, but the presence of high muscle mass with a minimal percentage of fat (when the notorious abs are seen in cubes and the deltas and buttocks split) is not physiological for most women. And it is quite difficult to support if you still need not only to show the press and deltas, but also to actively raise the bar, run segments, jump and perform gymnastic movements.

An amateur can gain weight, but then you will have to part with group exercises and engage in an individual annual cycle, in which periods of work for hypertrophy (30-40 seconds under load, 70 percent of 1 RM in basic exercises, minimum endurance work) will be alternate with periods of strength and speed work.

But it is worthwhile to understand that nothing will be spotted and will not be "embossed" on your own, even if the gurus from the world of CrossFit will tell you otherwise. After a period of weight gain, you will have to go on a fat-burning diet and train your activities in such a way as to avoid injury and maintain maximum physical efficiency. This usually means reducing the volume to 1 to 2 sets of basic weight training exercises and adding endurance exercises or cycles.

With regard to the correction of "problem areas", everything will be even more difficult. Still, it is easier to swing lagging deltas or glutes with bodybuilding rather than functional fitness.

If you have a desire to correct one or two zones, or gain weight somewhere in one area of ​​the body and reduce it in another, you will again need cycles of weight and drying. But at the same time, it will be necessary to make sure that isolating exercises are also present in the plan. Then it makes sense to just go to the gym and combine basic and isolation exercises there.

Functional Fitness Results

This direction is often criticized precisely for its high injury risk and lack of results. After all, most people in reality do not need the skills of walking on ice or throwing weighted objects up. They are quite enough with rounded buttocks, a straight back, a belly without a bun of fat on it, tight arms and the absence of areas shaking from unnecessary accumulations on the body. Why do so many people quickly become disenchanted with functional training?

It's simple:

  • really effective things (crossfit, kettlebells, "army" training in the loops and the runner's GPP) are quite complicated technically. You must have good control of your body to do this for a long time and without injuries;
  • effective functional training requires a well-adjusted life schedule. You should sleep at least 7 hours, and preferably more. Weekends are not a time for extra work or activities in the spirit of a "Sunday warrior", you should rest, and the way athletes do - massage, sauna, cryotherapy and long walks in pleasant places, and not washing, cleaning, cooking and working at a second job ... Therefore, Americans often joke that CrossFit is not for the poor;
  • ft results require quality nutrition. We are talking about at least 1.5 grams of complete protein per kilogram of body weight, a gram of quality fats and an adequate amount of carbohydrates. The specificity is that you must eat easily digestible foods to stay healthy, because significant body resources will be spent on recovery after exercise;
  • you need to constantly monitor your health condition - microtrauma and inflammation, changes in hormonal levels and pressure, all this needs to be monitored so as not to end up in the position of a girl who broadcasts to the entire Internet about the dangers of training and promotes homework on the carpet without burdens, so that for sure not be injured;
  • there are even fewer good specialists in functional training than in bodybuilding and powerlifting. You have to understand that not every person who has taken part in CrossFit games can train. Due to the specifics of sports, this area is full of either naked theorists who do not have sports training and therefore do not understand the training methods of amateurs, or fake natural athletes who use anabolic steroids in practice and do not understand anything about training amateurs without them, or fanatics who believe that a couple of active injuries are not at all an obstacle for 10-20 jumps on a support with a height of 60 cm. Finding a truly qualified FT practice even in a large city of our country is a difficult task.

All in all, the truth about functional fitness is pretty harsh. Classes in a group with 3 kg balls and microdumbbells are no different in effectiveness from group lessons with bodybars, rubber bands, etc. They will help to acquire harmony only for a person with a naturally quite harmonious physique and a fairly high discipline in terms of diet. And nothing will help a person who eats "as usual", not counting calories, and seeks to lose weight only through training.

At the same time, such characters quickly have problems with recovery and on CrossFit, so there is only one way out - look for competent trainers, establish nutrition and stop ignoring the need for rest. And then you can achieve results with almost any direction in fitness.

Examples of functional training:

The article was prepared by Anna Tarskaya (trainer, nutritionist)

With each new day in the world of the fitness industry, more and more training complexes appear for the development of strength, endurance and beauty of a person.

One of these technologies, which currently occupies a leading position, is functional.

Benefits and Description of Exercise

Functional training is a complex of various, which in just an hour can tone all the main groups and significantly speed up the metabolism in the body of any person, with any preparation, in addition, such a system provides training programs for and for.

This type of activity includes: intense walking, climbing stairs, jumping, cycling or skating, etc.

Slimming training

Having dealt with the concept of functional training and the exciting question of what it is in sports and, especially, in fitness, we can conclude that this is a superbly debugged system of physical movements that comprehensively encompasses cardio and strength training, which are now actively used in various programs. only for the purpose of building muscle mass, but also for fast and safe weight loss.

Did you know? Scientists have proven that 20-minute exercises for about 48 hours and 40% accelerate metabolic processes in the body.

An example of a functional training for burning fat can be the program below, for which you first need to prepare the necessary equipment - a rug, a jump rope, light dumbbells, and the training should always start with a warm-up, alternately performing the following actions: slow jogging in place for 3 minutes, direct punches and legs (10 times).

  1. Deep squats at a fast pace with parallel overhead dumbbell raises.
  2. "Chopping wood" for the press. It is necessary to stand up straight, press the shoulder blades to the spine and raise the dumbbells behind the head on straight arms. Then quickly lower the body down, and the dumbbells between (as when chopping wood) and return to the starting position. Such manipulations are repeated at a fast pace 20 times.
  3. "Climber", which in simple words means running with an emphasis on hands. The exercise time is 30 seconds.
  4. Push-ups with a small amplitude.
  5. Jumping rope. This exercise should be performed at a fast pace for three minutes.

After a one-minute rest, the exercises presented must be repeated in three sets.

Important! You can perform this set of exercises for one month, but after that it is advisable to increase the load by choosing more intense training complexes.

Programs for beginners

Each person sooner or later turns to active classes for any reason, and at the very initial stage it will be very convenient to use the already developed training complexes, which are available for both men and women.

For men

The training program for men includes 5 days of special exercises:

  • crossbar (15 pull-ups);
  • rowing (1 minute);
  • 12 burpee complexes;
  • skipping rope (minute of fast jumps);
  • cross-run (2 minutes);
  • 10-15 minute repetition (no rest).
Day 2:
  • barbell (15 accelerated squats);
  • bars (up to 20 push-ups);
  • 1.5 minutes of respite;
  • 3-4 repetitions of the whole complex.
Day 3:
  • gymnastic rings (pull up 15 times);
  • Sit down 15 times (in the usual way);
  • rope (climb 2 times without using legs);
  • 12 alternate (for each leg) lunges;
  • 10-15 minute repeat (no rest);
  • twisting (side - 25 times).
Day 4:
  • push-ups (standing on hands, 8-12 times);
  • deadlift (10 movements);
  • barbell (overhead tremors - 10 movements);
  • 20-25 ;
  • kettlebell (up to 20 swings);
  • jogging in place (3 minutes is enough);
  • 3-4 minutes of respite, after which the complex is repeated 2-3 more times;
  • 25 knee lifts (just hanging or on the wall bars);
  • twisting on the floor (also 25);
  • repeat the last couple of exercises 2 times.
Day 5:
  • push-ups from the floor (10);
  • gymnastic rings (pull up 10 times);
  • push-ups from the floor (again 10);
  • push-ups on the uneven bars (10);
  • rest from half to a whole minute;
  • repetition of the entire complex (three times);
  • bars (corner - three times for half a minute);
  • gymnastic rings (corner - a third of a minute).

For women

Training program for women:

  • crossbar (10 pull-ups);
  • 2-minute rowing;
  • burpee (15 times);
  • jump rope (a couple of minutes of quick jumps);
  • 1 minute cross-country run (round trip).
  • within 10 minutes is repeated without interruption.
Day 2:
  • barbell (15 squats);
  • hands in the back support (15-20a flexion-extension);
  • rest 1.5 minutes;
  • repetition of the complex (3-4 times).
Day 3:
  • hill (20 jumps);
  • gymnastic rings (10 pull-ups);
  • 20 squats (legs wide apart);
  • a couple of rope lifts (you can help with your feet);
  • 15 foot lunges;
  • repetitions without interruptions up to 15 minutes;
  • side crunches (for both sides without breaks 25 times).
Day 4:
  • 6-10 push-ups (standing on hands);
  • deadlift (12 movements);
  • rubber expander (10 forward raises);
  • one and a half dozen forward bends;
  • 20-25 hyperextensions;
  • a dozen raises of hands to the sides (with an expander);
  • 2-minute jogging in place;
  • respite 3-4 minutes;
  • repetition of the complex (up to 3 times);
  • 25 knee lifts in the hang or on the wall bars;
  • 25 crunches on the floor;
  • repeat the last movements 2 times.
Day 5:
  • push-ups (10 times) from the floor;
  • rest from half to a whole minute;
  • jumping out of rolls on the back (10 times);
  • raising the pelvis from a supine position (15 times);
  • rest from half to a whole minute;
  • threefold repetition of the complex;
  • bars (three-fold half-minute corner);
  • gymnastic rings (disposable 20 second corner).


In order to fully engage in functional training, it is necessary to exclude some serious contraindications:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Hypertension.
  3. Heart disease in which physical activity is prohibited.
  4. Spine diseases.
Functional training is one of the serious steps of a person on the path of improvement, the main thing is to adhere to all the rules in this unique process, boldly go towards your own health and ideal.

Functional strength training is aimed at comprehensive study of all muscle groups.

Unlike usual training, this technique allows you to develop not only large muscles, but also uses smaller ones - stabilizers.

Functional Strength Training: What Is It?

The main difference is that a large number of exercises are used in one lesson on all muscle groups. Particular attention is paid to the abdominal and back muscles.


  • The inclusion of a large number of static exercises in the complex.
  • Active use of stabilizing muscles.
  • Application of the principle of speed-strength training.
  • Suitable for any age and gender, having a universal set of activities and techniques.

Important! Functional strength training not inferior in intensity loads of strength training.

  • Increasing the tone of all muscle groups.
  • Development of flexibility, speed and endurance, agility and strength - the main physical qualities of a person.
  • Decrease in body volume due to significant loss of calories.
  • Low injury rate allows experienced athletes to train during the recovery period, and beginners who are just "pouring in" into the training process.
  • Strengthening the respiratory, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems.


Functional strength training has a small list of limitations, so the intensity of the load can be varied. with the help of the instructor's recommendations.

Do not ignore the advice of your doctor.

List of contraindications:

  • Serious diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Acute disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Complex lesions of the respiratory tract.
  • Increased fragility of bones, their demineralization.
  • Severe injuries of the musculoskeletal system: fractures, tendon sprains, dislocations, muscle tissue ruptures.
  • Postoperative period.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system eg diabetes mellitus.
  • Acute neuralgia.

Fundamental rules

  • The lesson should be started with a high-quality warm-up.
  • The basis for the success of functional strength training is well-designed set of exercises that takes into account individual needs.
  • Correct and balanced nutrition will ensure the achievement of the set goal for the trainee - weight loss, muscle drying or general strengthening of the body.
  • Using special equipment will make your workout more effective.
  • Internal attitude and self-motivation- the fundamental components in achieving the desired result.

Trainers and equipment

A set of exercises

Functional training is traditionally associated In the aspect of strength training, the speed-strength training method can be used for static exercises. This will increase the productivity of the lesson, will start the process of fat burning and will allow you to form a beautiful relief of the muscles of the body.

Exercises from this complex make you work all muscle groups, using several at the same time. Cardio loads are used only as a warm-up.

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Speed-strength functional training

This type is weight work aimed for deep study main and stabilizing muscle groups using the speed-strength training method.

The principle is to use small weights combined with dynamic exercises.


  • Focus on gaining lean muscle mass.
  • Acceleration of metabolic processes and fat burning.
  • Ability to combine exercises, perform them with their own weight and weights.
  • Increase the strength of the stabilizing and core muscle groups.

Important! Speed-strength functional training is one of the most effective types of training that can be adapted for individuals with different levels of physical fitness.

Sample program

  • Push-ups from the floor, alternating with a bar. Put your hands shoulder-width apart, keep your legs straight at the knees together, keep the body straight. Perform at a measured pace 20 pushups d, and then perform the bar in the lying position for 1 minute. Execute 2-3 sets.
  • Reverse plank (complicated version). Put your hands on the bench, turning the body up. Stretch your legs forward and keep straight. The ribcage, tailbone and feet should form one line. Stay in the starting position for 30 seconds and then execute 4-5 slow push-ups- fully bend and unbend the elbows and repeat the plank. Do 3-4 sets.

Photo 1. The girl performs the reverse plank, the body bends up, the legs are straight, extended forward.

  • Holding the body with weights. Take a prone position, arms with dumbbells extended along the body. Maintaining an even position of the legs, raise the body 45 degrees, smoothly lifting your hands off the floor and pulling them forward. Fix this position for 30 seconds. Then take your legs off the floor and make swaying movements with your legs with a small amplitude 20-25 times. Return to prone position. After a short rest, repeat the exercise. Execute 4-5 approaches.
  • Weighted boat. Starting position: lying on your stomach, arms with dumbbells extended forward. Lift arms and legs off the floor at the same time at 30-45 degrees and stay in this position for 15 seconds, then smoothly return to its original position. Execute 15 lifts in every of 3 approaches.
  • Tilts of the body with a barbell. In a standing position, place the bar on the shoulders behind the head. Tilt the hulls slowly 90 degrees. Fix for 10 seconds and smoothly return to the starting position. Execute 2-3 repetition and 2-3 sets.

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