Home Blanks for the winter 78 doors interpretation. Description of the deck and an example of the layout. In matters of love

78 doors interpretation. Description of the deck and an example of the layout. In matters of love

Initially, there were only twenty-two cards, or so-called trump cards, in tarot decks. Sometimes this part of the tarot is considered as a cycle of development from ignorance ("Fool") to wisdom ("Peace"), where each card represents a certain step on the path to enlightenment.

When the card of the Great Arcana falls into the alignment, it indicates that fate or other forces that do not depend on the person are involved in this situation. If there are several trump cards in the combination, then such a situation can be called foreordained from above.

Jester O

A blank slate and just the beginning of a journey into the future. For the Jester, the game has not yet begun - all possibilities are open and they are all equal. You cannot give preference to any of them. O-Uranus is the planet of surprises and the desire for freedom, and in number XXII - Pluto - the cosmic mind.

Meaning - do not miss the opportunity to go into the unknown. You will think about how everything will end after. Go with a light heart. The unknown is not as scary as the familiar. Don't take what is happening to you seriously, learn to laugh at yourself.

In the scenario - all is the will of God. Do not interfere with the course of events, trust the flow of the currents of fate. Do not complicate the situation by constantly thinking about it. Everything will be fine. Give yourself more freedom, get rid of old patterns of behavior and thoughts. Unexpected turn of events. The surprise "positive card" or "negative card" depends on the cards nearby.

In the opposite position - unwillingness to open up to the future, clinging to the past. Lack of freedom. An unpleasant surprise for sure. Nervous disorder, stupidity, psychosis.

With "negative" cards - complete detachment and no obligations. For businessmen it is unfavorable in any situation. It is useful to leave for two or three months.

In financial matters

In matters related to money, you are very immature and naive. When planning to invest in something, do your research carefully, pay attention to the details, and make sure you get all the information you need. A jester can also represent the first stage of development of a financial enterprise or business endeavor.

In matters of love

Unforeseen circumstances have given you a completely unexpected relationship, and it seems that this is "destiny." Treat the connection with all the sincerity and sincerity you can. Be welcoming and spontaneous when starting a new romance or moving on to a new stage in an existing relationship.

In matters of work

The Jester represents the beginning of a new job, career or business venture. Do business with an open mind and a positive attitude - try not to miss the opportunities presented to you. Remember, you still have a lot to learn.

"Jester" symbolizes the personality with the soul of a child: cheerful, trusting and innocent. This person does not take life too seriously and, perhaps, is especially dependent on the world around him. He or she accepts everything with sincere joy, unaware of the dangers and obstacles that lie in wait on the path of life.

Like a personal growth map

You are only at the beginning of the path, and therefore it will take some time to complete it. Let knowledge become your guides and Destiny Experience is the best teacher, and it is possible that soon he will give you some amazing surprises. Be vigilant and trust that in the end everything will only work for your good. Don't worry and be happy!

Magician I

Mercury is the mediator. The force that carries information from source to destination. Distance leading to the goal. Four possibilities are fully open before you and you have a choice.

Meaning- you are a free independent person and you must make decisions yourself. You will have to look for a way out of the current situation yourself and you will have enough strength for this, you just need to wish.

In the alignment- the need for a certain dexterity in solving a problem or leading a more strict, moderate life.

The beginning of a new period of life, when nothing has been decided yet and no mistakes have been made. All in your hands. The key to success is the right decision. Proactive actions, seizing the initiative - circumstances allow, because you are not in danger (competitors are far behind).

In the opposite position - the moment of choice is missed. Events unfolded according to their own laws and it remains only to observe their development. For businessmen, it is a "positive" card that calls for actively defending their positions.

Wizard (Magician Magician)

In financial matters

Try to deal with monetary issues in order to take control of the financial situation as a whole. You have enough energy to profit from your talents. Strive to comprehend the laws of the Universe in order to increase the state. This card can also indicate that you or someone else is behind the scenes and using resources to make a profit.

In matters of love

In your relationship, control, manipulation, and other aspects of power are of particular importance. Perhaps an internal struggle for leadership has flared up between you, in which both of you are starting serious games.

Stop persisting, try to reach a compromise instead.

In matters of work

Perhaps someone is trying to seize power and control, or is using the situation for personal gain in order to get what he wants. It is possible that you do not know the whole truth about the situation. Get ready for a power struggle. Watch the rear and try not to get involved in obscure adventures. Do not divulge the information you know.

Personality represented by this card

The wizard represents a secretive, independent person who should not be very trusted.

He prefers to work behind the scenes, trying to use the circumstances in order to seize power and control. A scammer by nature, this person seeks to take advantage of the situation and people. In a good way, this

the card can symbolize a person with a developed mental and magical potential.

Like a personal growth map

Take control of your own life and environment - don't let anyone else have power over you. Rely on divine will, using the energy of the universe in order to create favorable conditions around you.

Priestess (Moon) II

Prudence, knowledge of truth, subconsciousness, feminine principle, harmony, balance of opposite principles.

I'm not looking for explanations or excuses for the decisions you make. Obey your inner voice - it will not deceive you. You have great inner strength. Do not waste energy on small daily chores - develop spiritually, the main thing is not to raise yourself up to heaven.

Intuition, sometimes pregnancy, childbirth will help in business. Harmony. An indication of a female person (woman, mother, daughter).

In the opposite position - you tried to solve the question with logic - better ask your intuition. Women's diseases, complications during childbirth. For men, it’s a problem in relationships with women.

For businessmen - to resort to the help of a woman.

First Priest (Priestess)

In financial matters

Rely on your own intuition in solving money issues. This card may also indicate that you are not from the world sowing, at that time! How could I become a more practical person in relation to money and property

In matters of love

Your instincts, pushing you to find a partner, most likely are not deceiving. Listen to the call of your heart, try to be guided by your own feelings, rather than constantly analyzing the object of passion or the situation on the love front.

In matters of work

Listen to your inner voice, follow it in solving work-related issues. Try not to overestimate the importance of practical decisions and rational analysis - rely on your own premonitions. Among other things, the high priest advises looking at the issue from different angles, and not taking everything for granted.

Personality represented by this card

The High Priest represents a person with highly developed intuition or a person who has access to esoteric and spiritual knowledge. Such a person is characterized by a desire for loneliness and isolation, possibly due to the fact that he or she is too sensitive and therefore unable to cope with the stress of an active social life.

Like a personal growth map

Refer to your inner world and intuition. Work on developing your own natural abilities and the spiritual component of your "I".

Empress III (Venus)

The combination of opposites (masculine and feminine), however, the feminine principle prevails. Fertility, physical and spiritual strength, achievement, fulfillment. The Empress can have mercy and punishment.

If a card comes up, ask yourself if you violated her will? Have you tried to suppress your creativity? Lean on fate, take a strong posture and let events take their course. You don't need to conquer anything. You already have everything you need. Venus is in charge of love, art and money (small to medium).

Love- everything is fine or is about to be.

Arts and talents- good taste, success and joy.

Money- also "positive".

And generally "positive" in all matters. It can also indicate a woman who is close to the questioner (loving, beloved, in any case, very well-disposed).

And even in the opposite form, the forecast is still benevolent with a footnote that something is now interfering with all this. If there are no too “negative” cards nearby, the situation will soon change for the better.

For businessmen - the forecast is "positive", but think about the relationship with a partner or, rather, with a partner.

In financial matters

Empress means the wise use of monetary and other material resources. You will have the chance to profit from a partnership or group venture. Whatever happens, luck and financial stability will help you. This card may also indicate that you need to evaluate your abilities more highly, increasing those; most and self-esteem.

In matters of love

"Empress" refers to a mature approach to interpersonal relationships. You are not so frivolous about your own love and strive for relationships based on trust, respect, deep affection and mutual help. You are sincere in feelings and want unity with your partner. In relation to the mrkchina, the empress denotes a strong, loyal and refined companion who fully meets his romantic ideals.

In matters of work

Creative interaction will bring you certain benefits - during this period, you need to work as a team. Use your talents to benefit yourself and those around you. Try as much as you can and get creative with your work or project.

Personality represented by this card

The Empress represents a mature, self-confident, energetic person, usually a woman. This person has remarkable creativity and inspiration. She gladly helps the endeavors of those who embrace, acting as a source of energy for those she knows.

Like a personal growth map

The empress personifies feminine strength and promotes the development of positive feminine qualities, regardless of whether you are a woman or a woman. Meditate on this card for creativity, inspiration, and emotional balance to flourish.

Emperor IV (Mars)

Aggressive masculinity. Aries. The card personifies the rational social life. Head of the family, leader. Unlike the Empress's power, his power is crude and cruel. His mind rejects feelings. The mistress (Empress) appeared in the house earlier, so the Emperor must conquer, defend his power, which he does, often without choosing the means.

Meaning- after an unsuccessful struggle, you have adapted and ordered your life. It seems that everything is going as you planned, but for some time now there was a fear that everything would go to dust. To calm down, you chase your thoughts and suppress your feelings, to stay true to the idea is a mistake. Give yourself freedom and listen to your inner voice. There are more important things in life than you and your Napoleonic affairs.

Advice- seek help from a strong (father, boss). To become strong oneself, but not to turn into cruelty, so as not to destroy the whole matter.

In reverse position - do not use force! An influential and strong person is not on your side and will harm rather than help you.

Do not expect support from higher powers either. Perhaps you have previously exceeded the use of force and now you will have problems.

For businessmen - do not be uncomfortable with unscrupulous employees, partners, mistresses, otherwise the business will perish.

In financial matters

Manage money wisely, trying to stabilize the situation as much as possible. Consistently achieving the goal, do not forget about the effectiveness and practical value of the efforts being made. Perhaps you will be entrusted with the management of monetary and / or other material resources, solving legal issues, problems related to real estate, or put in charge of some other enterprise. Be that as it may, you have the potential to be successful in the financial arena.

In matters of love

"Emperor" symbolizes a mature and rational approach to relationships. Sometimes he points to the practical and material basis of the relationship. If the fortuneteller is a woman, this card can denote a male partner who is distinguished by stability (including financial) and emotional closeness.

In matters of work

Place emphasis on organization, responsibility, and order.

Promote stability and order in your work environment. You may need to draw up a development roadmap or a business plan. You will also need to take responsibility for others or take on a leadership role. This card can also represent work related to commercial activities, law, finance or management.

Personality represented by this card

"Emperor" personifies a person endowed with a certain position or authority, as a rule, an adult man, often a father. For the most part, this card denotes a practical person - a good leader, businessman, or an activist associated with finance. A strong and confident personality, he is able to provide sound advice, support your endeavors and contribute to overall growth.

Like a personal growth map

Show maximum responsibility AND practicality. Meditate on this card in order to strengthen your self-esteem, as well as strengthen your own position in the real / material world.

Hierophant V

His strength is not in the rudeness of the Empress, but in faith. The sacrament of marriage.

Look at the map and find yourself among the figures. If you feel like one of the students, then you are looking for a teacher who would lead you to the truth. If you see yourself as a Hierophant, you yourself can teach someone and help. Consider whether vanity has elevated you to the throne. Do you have knowledge?

In the layout: the learning process; education; marriage; and gives positive answers to these questions (will he go to college? Yes).

In the opposite position - the opportunity to study or get married, negative - no, the teacher may turn out to be a false teacher.

For businessmen: Why did you do this business at all?

In financial matters

Use the accumulated knowledge to make a profit; In addition, you will need to adhere to clearly established rules and regulations. Determine your own attitude towards money - does it seem to you that excess money kills the spiritual in a person? The hierophant can also mean that you should pay more attention to high concepts than solving exclusively material issues.

In matters of love

"Hierophant" symbolizes the highest spiritual components of personal relationships, you and your partner have common goals or care about a common big cause. Your relationship reveals only the best in both of you. This card can also mean the acquisition of a serious personal relationship as a result of a spiritual search and striving for Divine love. She can portend a quick wedding or stability in a well-formed relationship.

In matters of work

In order to be successful, you need to learn to play by the set rules. The Hierophant can also portend work in a field that is directly related to your knowledge. religion and long-term traditions. Among other things, he advises to combine spiritual development with career growth.

Personality represented by this card

"Hierophant" is a recognized legislator and leader, often a teacher or a person associated with activities in the spiritual field. Often, this person is entrusted with interpreting laws, traditions, religious and cultural institutions. He or she is a wonderful mentor you can rely on.

Like a personal growth map

Knowledge is not easy for you. But this is normal, because wisdom is comprehended with experience, and all the great truths of life come through difficulties and suffering. Meditate on this card in order to comprehend the essence of your trials.

Lovers VI

Do not be afraid of temptations - all the same, they cannot be avoided. It is love that will heal you from suffering. Let your mind rest, be dominated by your senses. You will love someone more than yourself.

In practice: friendship and love. A new strong feeling or a strengthening of an old one. Stability of feelings, however, is not excluded by temptation (crossroads, fork in the road).

Motives of infidelity and love triangle. A young man and two girls, where the young man makes the wrong choice, moving from purity (blonde) to seduction (brunette) - even in the straight position of the card. In a deck like Waite, the treason motive should be considered only in the "Reverse Positive" or in combination with other cards of a negative nature. When asked about the state of affairs or desire - stability, preservation of parity.

For harsh, active natures - a kind of stagnation.

In the opposite position - the deterioration of relations in the union of partners, sometimes, but not always, adultery. There are also problems in business relationships, but this is temporary and can still be corrected and restored in the relationship.

In financial matters

The likelihood of profit from an alliance with a business partner is high. Your spouse or loved one may be of significant help. This card can also herald the receipt of financial support for the development of a project or any other endeavor. Lovers are a symbol of good luck, especially with regard to joint ventures.

In matters of love

This card denotes reciprocity in a relationship. You and your partner are in a successful, harmonious union that reveals all the best sides in you. In some cases, the card recommends to be more independent in solving

love questions.

In matters of work

Now is the time for partnerships, joint ventures and teamwork. Don't try to handle everything alone. Try to combine creativity with pragmatism in solutions. Sometimes the card advises you to show more desire for

cooperation rather than isolation or leadership.

Personality represented by this card

As a rule, “lovers” represent a romantic partner. In addition, they can denote a person whose qualities you lack and who could very well complement you. Sometimes this card symbolizes a person who connects people and smooths out the differences between them - be it a matchmaker, a mediator or assistant in the development of love relationships

Like a personal growth map

This card represents a time of harmony and balance - a period when your outer and inner natures work in unison. Meditate on this card in order to combine masculine and feminine qualities.

Chariot VII

The previous segment of life is over. You have already gained the necessary experience, will. You take a worthy place in society. There is a strong desire to prefer reason over feelings.

Meaning: a certain force makes you leave what you have, forget about the former - home, work, comrades. Excess energy drives us to new shores. Hit the road and discover a new world. The main thing at speed is not to fly off a sharp turn. Use your reason, but do not forget about feelings, without them you can tip over.

To any question in positive and negative - the end of one stage and the beginning of another (change of residence, work, travel or trip).

In the opposite position - do not rush things. Let the change of stages go by itself. Wait or move, the trip is postponed. You got into such secrets that threaten you with collapse and disaster.

Businessmen - get ready for major business changes (global fall in prices and demand; crisis; drop in quotations, etc.). Or a transition to completely new technologies.

In financial matters

Don't try to get ahead of the game. It may take some time for the investments to bring the first income, or the financial situation generally improves. Fill in the pause by solving related issues, while trying to use your energy as productively as possible. This card also advises to take control of the forces involved in the situation.

In matters of love

Most likely, this is not the best time to start any kind of relationship, or a suitable candidate has not yet appeared on your horizon. Be that as it may, do not despair. Perhaps all you need is time for self-development or other problems that need to be dealt with before diving into a serious relationship. This card also advises you to concentrate on your own path.

In matters of work

Be patient - wait until it's time to take the first step. Don't try to speed up the natural course of events - avoid being premature. Take advantage of opportunities to gain new skills, knowledge, or experience. Curb your energy and direct it towards achieving your goal. By taking control of ambition and impatience, you gain power. During the waiting period, do not lose your vigilance - look closely and listen to everything: in the future you can use for your own purposes what you learned during this period.

Personality represented by this card

The chariot symbolizes a person who is empowered or holds a certain position. It is possible that in a given period of time this person will control your life.

Like a personal growth map

The chariot calls for patience and impartiality. Do not worry about how things will develop next: just trust that you will reach your goal in time. This is a preparatory period, so try to gain as much knowledge as possible during it. Channel Energy Constructively

Strength VIII

Soft feminine power. The future seems vague and the present is ambiguous. The mind does not understand the essence of things. Intuition is more useful now.

Meaning: do not think that reason is your main trump card. Don't forget about your body and its desires. Take care of him, let him accumulate strength. Opportunity to succeed, but take action soft, unobtrusively. In family conflicts, agree to everything, saying "Yes, dear" and doing everything in your own way, getting rid of unnecessary disputes. For weak men - reliance on a strong woman.

It reminds people of sedentary work that the body must be developed and kept in good shape.

In the opposite position - not the ability and inability to act softly. Due to the inability to build harmonious relationships, your business may fail. For those who are wasting their lives, it is time to think about the spiritual.

A businessman in danger needs to urgently unite or at least agree on joint actions with some large company, maybe even with a competitor.

In financial matters

Overcome all fears and obstacles that prevent you from achieving your goal. Stop relying on others - start earning by your own labor. You have all the makings in order to achieve financial well-being - take advantage of them.

In matters of love

Try to show strength and perseverance, no matter how difficult it may be. It is possible that the person you care about will force you to change your relationship. You may need to let go of your old isolation, self-restraint, or old habits. Overcome your own ego, insecurity, fears - and you will surely find happiness and harmony.

In matters of work

In order to achieve success, you need to confront deeply rooted fears and prejudices in your mind - they are exactly what stand in your way. Be merciless towards them. By overcoming your own weaknesses, you will achieve great success. Perhaps work-related questions will require your maximum concentration. Whatever happens, do not give up.

Personality represented by this card

This card represents a person with powerful energy, self-confidence, perseverance and fearlessness in the face of danger. Such a person does not need to use external force in order to prove his point of view - he or she infects others with his example, instilling in them confidence.

Like a personal growth map

Negative attitudes and / or old habits weigh on you. Now is the time to take a firm grip on the note and overcome your inner limitations. Meditate on this card to increase your self-esteem, courage, and determination.

Hermit IX

Refusal to strive for material and physical benefits. Appeal to the mind and soul. The inner light that a person received after many labors and hardships.

While trying to leave petty worries and usual entertainments - they interfere with thinking about the soul. To do this, you need a period of seclusion to understand yourself. You are lonely, as relatives and friends have ceased to understand you. You grew spiritually, but they stayed there. Of course, he can return to them and be accepted, but he will have to sink to their level. It is better to go ahead and find new friends equal to you in spirit.

In love affairs - loneliness. Positive advice to engage in spiritual growth.

In the opposite position - in love - the end of loneliness and even possibly marriage.

For businessman unfavorable in any position. Tip: Quit the business you are in and switch to another.

In financial matters

Learn to live independently and more independently. This card can also denote a period of detachment from the material world in order to concentrate on your inner life or the path of spiritual development. Perhaps now money is not the most important thing for you. Among other things, "The Hermit" can advise to abstract from financial issues

In matters of love

Temporary loneliness can help develop talents or simply build self-confidence. It is possible that during this period you will prefer a solitary existence to social life and communication with a partner. And even if you have formed a certain relationship, now you are more focused on yourself and your own development than on anything else.

In matters of work

For your own development, you need to achieve independence and, accordingly, decide what is really important for you. Instead of working for any company or organization, this card advises you to go freelance or start your own business. The hermit can also mean that you need to take a break.

Personality represented by this card

The "Hermit" card represents a person striving for loneliness and solitude, living by their own rules. He does not depend on the outsiders and does not seek their approval. The life philosophy of the hermit is the result of his own experience and inner search.

Like a personal growth map

Renounce your activities within the outer world - look inward. You need to find your truth, and often this is only possible in conscious seclusion, meditation and simplification of your own life. And even if you cannot leave your duties at once, try to give yourself at least some attention.

Wheel of Fortune X

Everything changes and returns to normal. It seems that everything is confused and you already do not understand anything. But in life everything repeats itself: thoughts, feelings, and events. The wheel is picking up speed. Beware of interfering in the course of events. Do not make unnecessary movements - it will blow. Strive to the center of the wheel, to your "I". Stop and observe, look at the problem with the eye of an outside observer - this is how you will find a solution. The card is more often drawn to those who are not confident in themselves and in the future. In such cases, rely on yourself as the only support.

When asked "is it worth doing this business?" or "how will it end?" - the answer is yes. The main thing is not to change your principles.

Even in the opposite position, it is almost the same thing, although changes are inevitable against your will.

For businessman changing one lane to another, depending on what you had.

In financial matters

Things are going uphill. Your financial situation should improve soon, perhaps due to circumstances that at first glance seem like sheer luck. New opportunities may appear simply because you are in the right place at the right time.

In matters of love

Finally, your love life promises to improve. A new romance is planned or certain improvements within the framework of an old relationship. At the same time, there is no need to make any additional efforts in order to find the good luck portended by this card - everything will happen by itself, because the right time has come for this.

In matters of work

You need to take a break. Luck will be a complete surprise rather than something planned. Perhaps the tensions at work will subside or things will turn in your favor without any effort on your part.

Personality represented by this card

This card represents a person who brings you good luck and opens the way to a new circle of communication. Your acquaintance may turn out to be a pure accident, as if it was prepared by fate itself, it brings good luck and opens the way to a new circle of communication. Your acquaintance may turn out to be pure chance, as if it was prepared by fate itself.

Like a personal growth map

This card denotes the cyclical nature of natural phenomena, and therefore advises to be in harmony with the time cycles of the Universe. Don't try to achieve total control. Believe that in one way or another everything is under supervision and will develop in accordance with cosmic plans.

Justice XI

By what court you judge - so you will be judged. You already know that you will have to answer for everything - be honest with yourself. Think, is it worth continuing the life you lived? Before starting a new life - pay off your old debts. Retribution is coming soon. If you have suffered - a positive decision for you. If you have disturbed the balance, you will be punished (a court decision that is beneficial to you).

In the opposite position - a deliberately losing case in court.

In financial matters

This card symbolizes an equal and fair distribution of income. "Fairness" means that in the case of resolving a legal issue concerning property or money, fortune will be on your side, because the truth is yours. In some cases, monetary compensation will be required. Strive to receive money in an honest way and use it to improve the well-being of many people, not just a few close ones.

In matters of love

Perhaps your relationship needs a fairer balance of power. All you need is fair play, sincerity, and mutual respect for interests. It is possible that one of you will need to correct deficiencies or change behavior in order to achieve peace and harmony.

In matters of work

At work, you need balance, honesty and decency more than ever. Perhaps there should be a more even distribution of responsibilities and accountabilities for the work performed. This card can also herald a period of resolution of problems or relaxation of general tension. In some cases, it can symbolize a confusing issue, which only the courts will help to sort out.

Personality represented by this card

“Justice” can represent a lawyer, a judge, as well as any other person associated with the legal system. In addition, it can be a person who helps to resolve a dispute, keep the peace, or move the case forward. As a rule, his distinguishing qualities are honesty and fairness, as well as the ability to assess the situation from the point of view of other people, while adhering to his own.

Like a personal growth map

Leave disagreements, get rid of flaws, and try to improve your own behavior - let kindness, tact, and selflessness become your guides. Try to achieve balance between all areas of your life. Don't forget about those around you. Meditate on this card in order to achieve peace and harmony.

The Hanged Man XII

Initiate who knows the truth. Victim... New has come into your life. It seems strange to you. All sorts of surprises are haunted, and what seemed like could never happen. Don't let this bother you. Open up to something new, learn, endure, keep your spirit clear and wait. The need to learn new things. On the questions of learning, cognition gives a positive answer. He advises everyone else not to hold on to the old, but to boldly learn the new.

In the opposite position, you are hardened. Learning is unlikely.

For a businessman - positive - try to master new types of business.

In the opposite position - for a large company - you are strong. Stand your ground. And for the small one - surrender to the mercy of the strong (the one who first came and offered the required amount).

In financial matters

The "Hanged Man" represents either sacrifice or loss. You need to cut your losses or get rid of any of your values ​​that slow down your progress. Sometimes this card advises to leave materialistic views and turn to the comprehension of the highest values. If what you used to make money no longer generates income, it's time to find something else to earn money.

In matters of love

It's time for a change. Leave the craving for control. It is possible that in the name of the connection itself, you will have to give up your egoistic principles and desires. Or, depending on the circumstances, it may be easier to abandon a relationship that no longer suits you.

In matters of work

Get ready for a global turn of events. Instead of following the usual course of things, you will have to radically change your tactics: discard all the old and turn to the new. Perhaps now is the time to look for a new job or to trade the burdensome stability for something more risky and promising.

The Hanged Man symbolizes a person who rejects the status quo and deliberately goes out of step with everyone. The material world is nothing for him. This card can also represent a person who has a direct impact on your life.

Like a personal growth map

Leave the past, forget old thinking and behavior, try to replace them with something more favorable and positive. Meditate on this card to develop trust and release the attachment to power.

Death XIII

Scorpion. The beginning of the renewal of the personality. The stage of life is close to completion. You will suddenly become a different person (new thoughts, ideas, friends). Often falls out at the transition of ages: 14, 21, 24, 36, 42, 48, 60, 63 years. There is no need to be afraid and delay changes, they are good for you.

In the opposite position - the transformation has recently taken place, or will happen soon, do not rush.

For businessmen - immediately close the company if it is small and open a new one elsewhere. For large - rename, re-register.

In financial matters

Whether you like it or not, a global change awaits you. This card can also represent the end of one financial enterprise and the beginning of a new one. It came vrell to leave old investments, conditions or ways of using money in order to open up new ways of development.

In matters of love

If the relationship is not satisfying, it's time to find a worthy replacement for them.

This card also advises to change the attitude towards a partner, to leave the old style of behavior in the past, replacing it with something more conducive to internal development.

In matters of work

The Death card denotes the end of a job or career, or a major change in your work environment. If you feel that you cannot turn out within the existing position, consider changing your place of work to something more promising.

Personality represented by this card

"Death" symbolizes a person who changes your personality, for example, helping to get rid of old foundations and find a new lifestyle. Plus, it might just be someone passing out of your life. In some cases, this card may represent a person associated with death and rebirth, such as a restorer, surgeon, or priest performing a burial ceremony.

Like a personal growth map

You need to get rid of thoughts, behavior or lifestyle, etc. - everything that interferes with inner development. The time has come to say goodbye to a part of oneself or to the old life in order to, once again reborn, rise from the ashes. Meditation on this card will help you more easily cope with change or loss.

Moderation XIV

The end of one stage and rather the beginning of another. Be merciful to others. You are about to change your destiny, perhaps a long journey. But while the respite has come, think and take into your new life only what is important to you.

In an upright position - yes, it is difficult for you and it seems that you will not reach the goal. Gather all your strength into a fist. On a small step, but forward, you will reach. On what you have planned - positively, if you are ready to move forward even through force. Successful contacts with abroad, travel, trips, moving to permanent residence. Distribute your strength well, be moderate so that you have enough strength to reach.

In the opposite position, there is not enough strength. You better put it off. Contacts with foreign countries are unsuccessful or you are mired in excesses.

For businessmen in the opposite position - moderate your appetites, keep quiet, freeze the company and wait a month, three, if not more.

In financial matters

The time has come when moderation is needed. Avoid any extremes, try to find a balance between your own earnings and spending. Pay attention to current debts. A financial joint venture can be very profitable. Among other things, this card can represent a balanced financial situation.

In matters of love

It's time to lick old wounds and restore the lost harmony of relationships. Try to avoid power struggles and selfish arguments. Let love sow calm and peace between you. Balance, benevolence and equality are now gaining special importance.

In matters of work

Try to balance work and play to achieve complete harmony. This card can also indicate the need for constructive relationships with employees and customers. Distribute responsibilities evenly among team members. Try to avoid power struggles or over-ambition.

Personality represented by this card

This card represents a peacemaker or mediator who smooths out differences and helps solve problems. It can also denote a person whose main qualities are balance, compassion and inner harmony.

Like a personal growth map

Avoid any kind of extremes, try to balance your own behavior. In relation to yourself and others, be honest, kind and unforgiving. Meditate on this card to reduce stress and restore harmony.

Devil XV

Capricorn. Temptations, attractions, unexpectedly burst into your life.

Meaning: do not think that vice is forever. It only seems that the chain is strong. Go all the way and come out cleansed (sex, play, alcohol, drugs, etc.). You yourself have imposed this chain on yourself and the Devil has nothing to do with it. Fight yourself and do not drag out.

A test and challenge, passing some kind of exam, so that a person understands that he has the strength to get rid of and go to a new level. In particular, the exam is also a decision to exacerbate the conflict, betrayal and any difficult situation. The more consciously you act, the more chances you have, especially in an upright position.

In the opposite position - or you will not be able to cope in the near future.

In an upright position - for businessmen. Respond with blackmail to blackmail, threat to threat. Enemies are weaker, they will retreat.

In the opposite position - make compromises and concessions.

In financial matters

Perhaps you are too obsessed with money and material well-being. Striving to acquire wealth, you lose sight of other, equally important components of life. Think about whether you are enriching yourself at someone else's expense? If so, then this card advises you to rethink your own values.

In matters of love

Your aspirations, desires and intentions are so strong that it prevents you from realistically assessing the person and the situation. The card can also represent a harmful relationship or a person who has a negative impact on you and with whom you only stay because of the unwillingness to make changes in your life.

In matters of work

This is a workaholic card. You are so absorbed in developing your own career that you neglect all other aspects of life. Perhaps you only stay in a job you hate because you're afraid of change. In some cases, this card indicates that you or someone else is involved in questionable transactions.

Personality represented by this card

The "Devil" card represents a person who controls, intimidates, destroys your "I" and cultivates only the worst in it. Among other things, it can bring out your shadow side - everything negative that you do not want to admit to yourself.

Like a personal growth map

You are at the mercy of obsessions, fears, and intense emotions. Meditate on this card in order to understand the psychological causes of discomfort, or in order to free yourself from attachment to the harmful aspects of your life.

Tower XVI

The decay of everything that was your life. Collapse. Powerlessness before the will of heaven.

You built your house on the sand, which is why it collapsed. The labors were wasted. Don't try to rebuild what is destroyed. Wait out and outlive your despair and start building a new home, while gaining new strength. The tower falls out at the moment when familiar things collapse: marriage, work, authorities. In the upright position, destruction was necessary. You cannot build a new one without destroying the old, which there was no point in reanimating. In the position of the past - this stage is over and it is time to build a new one. Conflicts in the name of finding the truth. A house or building that is in danger.

In the opposite position - do not rush to destroy the old relationship. Better settle the matter peacefully.

In a straight position for a businessman: drop everything and run, taking the cash register. In the opposite position - either go to law by hiring a good lawyer.

In financial matters

A major change is foreseen in the financial situation. This shake-up will be so unexpected that it can cause significant financial or property losses. But every cloud has a silver lining: with the disappearance of the feeling of false stability, you will finally free yourself from burdensome responsibilities and restrictions.

In matters of love

The "tower" symbolizes a break or change in a relationship. The illusions that you had for so long in relation to yourself or your partner were dispelled, leaving you alone with the truth. Despite the fact that this change can be very painful, in the end you will not really appreciate the freedom thus granted.

In matters of work

Changes at work will be so unexpected that they threaten to turn into a serious shock for you. The experiences associated with this can very noticeably shake your position as a whole, become a threat to your own safety. However, the Tower card may also indicate that this is a necessary transformation. Sometimes the destruction of the old system is necessary to gain greater independence and freedom of expression.

Personality represented by this card

This card symbolizes a person who makes significant changes in your life. He or she can suddenly burst into your life and just disappear from the stage. This person reveals the truth to you, thereby forcing you to get rid of illusions.

Like a personal growth map

Such a card shocks you so that you realize how much you have been deluded, having insulated yourself from the world around you in order to gain inner peace. Accept the coming freedom and change, stop clinging to a sense of false security. Meditation on this card will help you more calmly accept the shocking



    1. Desperate people are advised to believe in their star. Light at the end of the tunnel. The situation will soon improve.

In the opposite position - soon there will be no improvement in the situation and regalia will have to wait.

Look for a better world with yourself. Classes: Qi-gong, Wushu, Reiki.

For businessmen: either go into politics or do charity work. Donate as much as possible for at least the next six months.

In financial matters

Hope - and your expectations will be fulfilled.

This is one of the most positive cards of the Great Arcana, foreshadowing the early recovery of the financial situation. You may have to try a lot for this, but rest assured: your efforts will be rewarded.

In matters of love

Dreams of happiness will come true very soon. Despite the fact that you still have to put in a lot of efforts to strengthen and improve your relationship, this card advises not to lose hope - do not worry, everything will be fine.

In matters of work

Perhaps soon you will become a real star, worthy of all praise for work in your area of ​​expertise.

Now is the time to work hard in order to fulfill your own dreams. Do not be afraid of obstacles - success is near.

Personality represented by this card

This card represents the human star - a person who attracts everyone's attention wherever she goes. Communication with such a person will allow you to be in the center of events or increase the chances of your own success.

Like a personal growth map

"Star" tells you not to lose hope - no matter what happens, do not betray your ideals. Remember that you can make your wildest dreams come true. Meditate on this card to build up a sense of self-confidence when you feel exhausted and unable to cope with the difficulties that have befallen you.


Fishes. The threshold of the unknown prevents anxiety and fear (wolf and dog) from crossing. The path is not visible, what is further is not clear. Whatever it is - go on without stopping.

The subconscious mind is confused by fears and gives out desperate pictures. Truth is close and fear is a hindrance to it. You've walked too much to turn back. Just get to the bottom of things, don't be limited to superficial viewing. May mean pregnancy, a world of illusion. An indication of the profession: advertising, photography, cinema, magician-illusionist. It falls out to people who are on the verge of a new one, and so new that it causes fear (new job, new marriage, new country, etc.). Do not be afraid, everything will be fine.

In the opposite position, there will be no pregnancy. Professions will not bring success to enumerate. Illusions will lead to negativity. That is, addiction to alcohol, drugs, gambling addiction, virtual life, etc. The expected new will not bring anything good. The term is one month.

In a direct position - bet on cinema, show business, slot machines (in the sense of making money, like a business).

In the opposite position - wait until the zealous competitors do not fill themselves with cones and then get down to business.

In financial matters

Some facets of this financial issue seem unclear - perhaps due to some hidden circumstances. Try to avoid solid investments or deals. Financial ups and downs are possible. For creative people, "Luna" can mean earning money for participating in creative projects.

In matters of love

There is a deep idealistic bond between you. It is possible that you yourself are not able to clearly explain what is happening. This card can also denote a secret relationship: Among other things, it can indicate an unstable connection with many emotional ups and downs.

In matters of work

Try to look more deeply at the current situation or the possibility of vacation It is possible that the situation is in a transitional state and completely unforeseen circumstances may emerge. Perhaps you are under delusion about your current place of work, or you need to be more realistic about your own abilities. In addition, "Luna" advises to be more creative in the performance of work.

Personality represented by this card

This card represents an artist or creative person. It can also be a person associated with psychological or secret knowledge. Perhaps he will try to open up your dark side, pry out secrets or penetrate consciousness at a deep level.

Like a personal growth map

Explore your own subconscious: fears, complexes, memories and secrets. Meditate on this card in order to establish contact with the secret components of your own personality or to get inspiration.


All questions are answered positively in both forward and reverse positions. The term is approximately one year. Nothing good for business, except for pharmacology. Difficulty in business due to government policy.

In financial matters

A bright future is not far off. Financial problems subside, turmoil ends, and it is finally clear how to make the most efficient use of resources. This card portends success in business ventures, including financial investments.

In matters of love

This card symbolizes openness, satisfaction and a strong bond between two people. There is something special in your relationship that helps you discover the best sides in you. The brightness of the sunlight allows you to get a better look at each other and your relationship in general.

In matters of work

You have taken control of everything and use your own abilities effectively. You clearly see the goal and the ways to achieve it. Not surprisingly, success, awards and recognition await you soon. Plus, you inspire others by helping them do their assigned work.

Personality represented by this card

"Sun" symbolizes a capable, self-confident person who brings light to the lives of others. This is a truly valuable and respectable person who fills you with positive energy. This can be a leader, a creative person, or someone who helps you understand the situation more clearly.

Like a personal growth map

The "sun" instills in you joy and makes you share it with others. Take control of your life circumstances and try to use them more effectively. Meditate on this card to increase your self-esteem and achieve clarity in considering a particular issue.

Court XX

It's time to rise from oblivion to a new life. A surge of new strength and a second wind. Disruption of the usual course of things.

In the opposite position - a creative crisis, failure, postponement, peace.

In business, there is a lot of trouble.

In financial matters

It is necessary to take a firm stand in solving financial problems. This choice can cause you to deviate from the path that you have followed up to this point, and radically change your whole life. The decision made will have an impact not only on the current situation, but also on the financial situation in the future.

In matters of love

It's time to make a decision about your relationship. This may involve addressing issues of authority, ethics, and integrity. Weigh carefully your own choices - they can seriously affect the relationship with your partner, as well as relationships with people in the future.

In matters of work

The moment has come when you need to make a serious decision about your own career and work. Perhaps you just need to change jobs or start a completely new career path. When making a decision, exercise the utmost care: your decision will have long-term, serious consequences.

Personality represented by this card

This card represents a person empowered to make decisions or take responsibility for others: a judge, a people's deputy, or any other official. The card can also symbolize a person acting as a catalyst for future changes.

Like a personal growth map

The "Last Judgment" card denotes the transition period and the end of the cycle of one's own development. Reassess your own actions, hopes, and current pace of progress in order to understand how to move forward. It is possible that you will need to make serious changes in your life - in this case, meditation will help determine which path you need to choose.


In financial matters

Financial issues are progressing according to plan and everything is going as it should. Investments and businesses will pay off, but not before time allows - so try not to rush things. Of particular importance in this period is the thoroughness of the consideration and solution of issues. Be that as it may, you will get what you deserve.

In matters of love

Your relationship is developing at a slow but steady pace. You are in harmony with other events, and therefore relax and do not rush things. Everything you understand about love for this moment plays a direct role in your connection. This card symbolizes the realization and emotional maturity of relationships. Among other things, it can also mean that your relationship is moving from a personal to a spiritual plane.

In matters of work

Your goals will be achieved as you move in step with the times. Everything follows according to plans, even though it may take longer than you would like to get it done. Pay attention to details, use the knowledge and skills you gain to achieve positive results.


We continue to get acquainted with the most popular decks that have won the sympathy of tarot readers from all over the world. And today let's talk about 78 doors - Tarot is very unusual, although in many respects repeats the classics. It will be easy to make friends with these cards even for a beginner, thanks to clear, clear and vivid plot images. Are you ready to dive into the world of real and metaphysical doors? Then let's get started!

Deck creation history

Many masters of magic cards call this deck one of the most interesting ones to appear in the last decade. Originally appearing in Italy, the 78 Doors Tarot cards very quickly conquered other countries, including Russia. The author was the famous Pietro Alliego, who previously introduced to the world one of the most popular decks - the Tarot of the Dwarfs, as well as other cards. The illustrations were created by Antonella Platano. You most likely know the name of the artist, because her other creations are also heard - this is the Tarot Wheel of the Year, the Tarot Union of Goddesses and the Tarot of the Witches.

The main theme of the deck was chosen for a reason. Any door at the associative level is considered an entrance to a new world, a new life. It symbolizes the process of change and the formation of something new. If we turn to history, we will recall that in ancient times the entrances to various sacred or important places were guarded by special guards - statues depicting lions, dragons, sphinxes, angels and other mythical creatures or animals. And how many traditions there are associated with the passage through the door threshold! All this deep symbolism makes the meaning of the Tarot cards of 78 doors multifaceted, ambiguous, and therefore very interesting.

The deck was first published in 2005 by the Italian publishing house Lo Scarabeo, in 2010 it was released by Llewellyn (USA), and an official Russian version was also released from the distributor Lo Scarabeo Avvalon (Russia).

Key features of the deck

We will talk about the symbolism of the deck a little later, but first, let's see which school these unusual cards can be attributed to. For those who have studied on the Waite deck, even with a cursory glance at the illustrations, it will become clear that the interpretation of the Tarot cards of 78 Doors is very close to English traditions, i.e. to the same Ryder-Waite, although the author's reworking of familiar symbols is clearly felt, but we will analyze this nuance later, when we move on to considering the Major and Minor Arcana separately. The only difference is the numbering: Strength is the eleventh Arcane, Justice is the eighth. The suits are standard: Wands, Swords, Cups, Pentacles. Court cards are traditional - Page, Knight, Queen, King. Major Arcana are numbered in Roman numerals, Minor ones - in ordinary ones.

Tarot Symbolism 78 Doors

The main idea that can be traced in the Arcana of 78 Doors is, of course, physical or metaphorical doors through which the hero of each card must pass. Doors can be open and closed, immediately visible or hidden in detail. Also in the illustrations, the keys to these doors are presented in direct or encrypted form - they either lie in a conspicuous place, or are well hidden, which forces the characters to look for other ways to get through the doorway.

In this case, the key can be not only a physical object, but also any other thing or phenomenon - this is what makes the Master working with cards to consider not only the plot, but also the hidden meaning of the Arcana. The idea is very new, interesting, unlike the work of other deck authors. Thanks to the unique author's idea, the interpretation of the Tarot cards of 78 Doors resembles an interesting game of association - the tarot reader needs not only to pay attention to the plot itself, but also to find these very doors, as well as to find the entrances and exits - with or without a key.

Let's dwell in a little more detail on the meaning in the Tarot cards of 78 Doors of a door and a key. So, as you already understood, a door is always an entrance or exit, which symbolizes a transition from one state to another, some kind of change. When the door is open, changes occur easily and most often in a positive direction. If the passage is closed, then you need to either look for a key or other workarounds. Most often, closed doors symbolize some difficult situations, obstacles that need to be overcome in order to make a quality transition.

A key is an object that allows you to open and close, and therefore it is with its help that you can gain access to something, or vice versa, hide something from prying eyes. In fact, the key is a magical tool that removes the boundaries between the secret and the obvious. In the 78 Doors deck, the keys can be either the most common or those that you need to try to find, because they do not always look like a well-known item. And now it's time to talk about what these keys can be, so let's move on to considering individual cards.

Major Arcana

The Major Arcana decks repeat the classic plots, but with an additional semantic connotation, because, as mentioned earlier, the deck contains a special symbolism of doors and keys. Let's take a look at a few basic meanings of the 78 Doors Tarot cards.

Let's start by tradition with the Fool opening the deck. As you can see, the image of Arkan is very similar to the classics - a young tramp with a knapsack on his shoulder stands in front of an abyss, and at his feet we see a familiar dog. But pay attention - in his hand our Fool holds a key, but there are no doors around him, but there is a whole world stretching around. Perhaps he is a Fool because he is trying to find a single door, although many options are open to him?

The High Priestess is a sorceress who tries to discern the future in a crystal ball. Where are the keys and doors here? I assume that the door is the magic ball, as it opens the door to secret knowledge. And the key in this case is the ability to listen to the voice of intuition and see the essence of the situation.

In Tarot 78 Doors, the meaning of the Strength card seems classic, but behind the main characters of the Arcana - the girl and the lion - there is a mysterious door. Apparently, a beautiful lady needs to get into it, but for this you need to be able to overcome the animal. How she will do it - by cruelty or affection - is not so important, the main thing is that the key to the guarded door is the need to overcome your own fear of the formidable king of the animal kingdom.

The Temperance card is very beautiful in this deck. To step over the threshold of the locked door, the girl first needs to wait until the cups are filled with water. The key is self-control, patience, and the belief that everything will definitely work out.

And now, for the sake of completeness, consider two negative Arcana - the Devil and the Tower. Let's try to solve the riddles of these cards.

In my opinion, on the fifteenth Arcana we see people (perhaps this is a reference to Adam and Eve), who, figuratively speaking, entered the “forbidden door” - succumbed to temptation. And now the key to getting out of the situation is the most severe self-control to resist the Devil, whom they themselves let into their souls.

But the Tower of this deck seems to me much more optimistic than that of the same Waite. Look: people do not fall out of the windows of a burning building, they managed to find a way out and now they leave what will soon be only ashes with their feet. The disaster happened, but they managed to avoid serious injuries.

Minor Arcana

Now let's consider the meanings of the Minor Arcana cards of the Tarot 78 Doors. I think it will be enough to take one card of each suit. From the Wands, I chose Deuce. Most often, this card is associated with the acquisition of strength, a sufficient amount of resources to carry out what was planned, the arrival of favorable circumstances, or with a life crossroads, from which something new, but still unknown, begins.

Take a look at this girl walking through the locked door! It seems to me that she understood for sure that now is the time to carefully move on - this is her key. One feels that she is confused and even a little scared, however, she managed to somehow mysteriously get through the door and now carefully looks at what turned out to be on the other side.

From the suit of Cups, I propose to consider the Five. On this Arcana we see a woman who is trapped in a burning house. The fire has already engulfed the entire first floor, but has not yet reached the desperate lady. And now she faces a difficult choice: to be saved, you need to jump out of the window, but the woman does not do this, still hoping that someone passing by will see her and provide help. In fact, this is one of the traditional interpretations of the Five of Cups as a situation of being stuck in an emotional crisis, when a person does not see or does not want to notice new opportunities that are opening up. The key is to look wider, to notice what has not been seen before. In my opinion, an amazing interpretation and an excellent illustration of its plot.

Now let's turn to the suit of Tarot Swords 78 Doors. I propose to analyze the Ace. We see a traditional sword that slashes through the air, which is confidently held by a hand, and a huge green labyrinth stretches under it. I think that the labyrinth symbolizes a confusing situation that can only be overcome with the help of logic. This is a triumph of the mind, labyrinths of the mind, a real warm-up for the intellect - a wonderful analogy, isn't it?

And at the end of the review of the Minor Arcana, let's look at the Eight of Pentacles. In this deck, it reflects the classic meaning of the card as professionalism, the ability to painstakingly do monotonous work, accuracy and accuracy - we see this from the tattoo parlor master, who is engaged in a large tattoo on the client's back. But here there is also another important nuance - a girl who stands and watches the work of the master from the street.

What is she thinking about? About following the example of a young man and getting yourself the same tattoo? Or maybe she also has artistic talent, knows how to get tattoos and wants to get a job in this salon? Or maybe you will see something completely different in this illustration? Here you must figure out for yourself what is the key to this door. But Arkan makes you think - and this is very cool, because it is your own developments that are very important for a tarot reader.

Court cards

Now consider the court tarot cards of the 78 Doors. I really liked the author's approach to depicting the Arcana of the Court. Many of them are represented not by single characters, as we are used to, but by plot drawings showing several characters at once. And even those cards where there is, as it should be, only one person, look very dynamic - this, perhaps, is the main feature. Looking at such court cards, you do not need to think about a specific person or situation for a long time - in the scenario, everything immediately becomes clear from the surrounding cards.





Features of the interpretation of cards

As you can see, the interpretation of the Tarot cards of 78 Doors can take place as if on two levels - the analysis of the storyline and the consideration of the door-keys, that is, the entrances and exits from the situation from the position of the characters of the Arcana. In the CDM, only the direct meanings of the cards are presented to the deck, however, a reservation is made that if you use inverted ones in your work, you need to read them as opposite. Personally, it seems to me that even on the direct Arcana there is enough symbolism to describe absolutely any situation. But this, as they say, is at your discretion.

What questions is the deck suitable for?

The deck is absolutely universal, so you can use it to work out questions of personal life, social relations, work, business, finance, as well as for self-knowledge, predicting the future.

Who is the Tarot 78 Doors suitable for?

  • For those looking for a bright, versatile deck with non-classic plots and deep detailing, but still works in Waite's familiar system
  • Those who like to look closely at the cards, looking for more and more previously unnoticed nuances
  • For connoisseurs of Antonella Platano's artistic talent

Naturally, the MBK will not be enough for a detailed study of the deck. Personally, I saw three books on these cards: "Tarot 78 Doors" by Vadim Kisin, "Tarot 78 Doors - An Invitation to the Past and the Future" by Andrey Lobanov, co-authored with Tatyana Borodina, and another author's manual on cards from Irina Voloshkova. In all the literature mentioned above, you will find the meanings of the Tarot cards of 78 Doors, layouts, useful additions, author's interpretations. We hope you will find it very interesting to explore this unusual deck.

Tarot 78 Doors is an unusual deck for fortune-telling that symbolizes life's choices as entering and exiting from one place to another. Prediction gives you a thought on how to open your way and what an empty doorway means. For the correct interpretation of the alignment, you need to know the meaning of the Tarot cards of 78 doors.

Professional fortune-tellers call 78 tarot cards the most beautiful in recent decades. The deck has its origins in Italy. In a short period of time, it has gained popularity in many countries. The author of the product is Alliego P, who previously successfully created the Tarot of the Dwarfs. Beautiful and rich illustrations were formed by A. Platano. The artist is known for her works in the form of the Wheel of the Year, the Union of Goddesses and Witches.

The theme of deck 78 is not easy, any door is a symbol of the entrance to a new life. A card from the Tarot deck represents change through the development of new events. It is often mentioned in the scriptures that special places have always been guarded by statues of lions, sphinxes or angels. Ancient people adhered to special traditions that are associated with crossing the threshold. Deep symbolism forms a multifaceted meaning.

A significant difference between the deck of 78 mysterious doors from the standard version of Waite's Tarot is the numbering.

The fundamental idea is clearly traced in the new 78 lasso in the form of metaphorical doors through which a fortuneteller conditionally passes. Maps can be open, closed and partially hidden details. Information is posted in a conspicuous place or deeply hidden. Tarot characters are looking for ways to pass the portal.

The master must consider the plot and hidden meaning of the 78 arcana. The author's unique idea closely borders on the classic game of association. A professional tarot reader should pay attention to the placement of doors on the map. The main task is to define the inputs and outputs.

What fortune-telling is used for

A person is always interested in the question of the current situation in life. With the help of Tarot cards depicting 78 unusual doors, you can pose a clear question and interpret it correctly. Competently deciphered layouts help to clarify a number of nuances:

  • reasons influencing the occurrence of the situation;
  • prospects for resolving circumstances;
  • steps to be taken to normalize life.

The door on the map symbolizes any change process. In the open position of the Tarot, the passage means positive transformations, the closed position means the need to find workarounds.

A difficult situation requires a solution by using a quality solution. The key acts as a magical tool that removes the boundaries between reality and mystery.

Practical interpretation of Tarot cards 78 doors allows you to reveal the secrets of different directions in life. Often, the deck is used for spiritual meditation. In most cases, the deck is used to:

  1. Fortune telling allows you to see the future of the relationship. Often there is a misunderstanding between spouses in the family. The Tarot 78 layout reveals the nature of the conflict and the mechanisms for its establishment. A person, having learned the essence of the problem, can count on its solution.
  2. Works. Team problems often arise, and it is sometimes difficult to understand the essence of the conflict. Layout 78 accurately identifies the causes of quarrels and troubles.
  3. Good luck. The characteristics of a person's character and the complexity of the planned actions are taken into account. As a result, an accurate Tarot forecast is formed.
  4. Falling in love. The layout allows you to get a quick answer to the current situation in amorous affairs. Door cards show the prospects for a desired meeting or acquaintance.

The modern tarot divination system is based on a powerful philosophical and esoteric sense. If the ritual is performed correctly, the results will pleasantly surprise, a clear understanding of the prospects gives the actions ease and confidence. Interpretation is great for people who:

  • looking for a tarot deck with an original plot and expanded detail, the deviation from Waite's system is insignificant;
  • intently examine cards with 78 mysterious doors on them, learning new nuances;
  • appreciate the talent of Platano Antonella.

Interpretation and description of cards 78 doors

Accurate and truthful tarot divination largely depends on the accuracy of decoding the combinations obtained, knowledge of the meaning of 78 cards on which the door is depicted. As you study the interpretation, feel it deeply and let it pass through you. By connecting inner emotions with images, you can deeply immerse yourself in the essence of fortune-telling. Arkan is able to reveal new secrets every time.

The meaning of each of the 78 cards reflects the state of mind of the performer of the sacrament. The senior lasso tells in detail about the external circumstances of difficult situations. The image of the doors in the Tarot opens the curtain of the subconscious for a certain period.

The minor arcana symbolizes the 4 elements, questions of everyday life, feelings of inspiration, energy and intuition are raised.

Major arcana

Major arcana Tarot are an addition to the classic plots with an additional semantic load. Consideration of 78 cards plays an important role in decoding the dropped combinations. The interpretation is as follows:

  • Fool Tarot from deck 78. The existing rules are abolished. A person needs to get new experience in creativity. The upright position is associated with a willingness to take action;
  • Magician A trail of new opportunities. The activity of the operations will allow you to achieve the desired result. An inverted card that shows a door is a sign of unprofessionalism. Forecasting is relevant in the long term;
  • Priestess. The door opens the way to knowledge. The soul is dominated by the desire to form internal forces;
  • Empress from the deck 78. The garden of emotions and beauty influences the achievement of well-being;
  • Emperor Tarot. The straight position of the card on which the door is depicted means stability and resistance to a number of factors. A person easily achieves appreciation and fame;
  • High priest. Situations of spiritual development in priority. Kindness and tolerance prevail in life. The inverted image is associated with hypocrisy;
  • Beloved ones. Choosing the right door for amorous affairs is a daunting task. The desire to sort out the relationship prevails. Failure to heed advice is a major problem;
  • Chariot. Confident achievement of the goal;
  • Knight - avoid the hustle and bustle;
  • Justice. The goals are achieved in a legal way. An inverted card with a door - the presence of scandals and conflicts;
  • The hermit of deck 78. A complete rejection of pleasure will bear fruit. Blind faith can play bad luck;
  • Wheel of Fortune. Swim peacefully into a new channel of change on the waves of fate;
  • The power of the tarot. Use your instincts to create. Favorable business atmosphere. An inverted card with a picture of a door is a sign of inability to benefit;
  • Hanged. The time has not come yet. Self-sacrifice will come in handy in overcoming difficulties;
  • Death is the danger behind. Follow the instructions for success;
  • Moderation. Balancing the vital energy is important;
  • Devil in Tarot. The game becomes dangerous. The influence of otherworldly forces is increasing;
  • Tower. A series of big failures. The prediction is relevant in the near future;
  • Star. Creative inspiration is essential;
  • Moon from deck 78. Fears and insecurities overwhelm you. Disappointments and mistakes lie ahead;
  • The sun. Awareness of important goals and making fateful decisions;
  • The Last Judgment. The tarot card with the image of the door means that the time for awakening has come. The duality of desires must disappear;
  • Peace. Put in a little more effort to achieve the result.

Minor arcana

Understanding the essence of the minor arcana in a deck with doors 78 Tarot affects the correctness of the decision. Thanks to the suits, the nature of the situation is revealed.

  1. Two Wand. The card is associated with the acquisition of strength and resources that are necessary to achieve the goal. Favorable circumstances contribute to this. In most cases, the Wands symbolize the fire element. Combinations of this format are always associated with action and power. Energy fosters creativity and inspiration.
  2. Tarot Cups. The element of water means feelings and emotions. Cards depicting 78 mysterious doors are responsible for family relationships, the psyche of a fortuneteller. People's creative talents are partially working or not revealed. A large number of suits in fortune telling is a sign of the presence of love.
  3. Pentacles (earth). Tarot cards depicting 78 unusual doors represent desires and the predominance of materialistic beliefs. The physical side of love is prioritized. The personality is calculating and quick-witted.
  4. Swords (air). Energy is responsible for the process of learning and acquiring knowledge. The stream is directed to the outside world. In solving complex problems, a logical approach and rationalism should prevail. Listen carefully to your own intuition and appeal to your inner voice.

The versatility of the 78 Doors Tarot deck allows it to be used to address a range of issues. First of all, this applies to a person's personal life and social relations. The layout of the cards shows information about prospects at work, in the field of finance and self-knowledge.

Tarot cards of 78 doors differ in that they answer questions as directly as possible and show what is happening behind a closed door. The deck will help you watch someone else's life.

It demonstrates everything that happens externally, and conclusions about the internal content will need to be done independently.

Throughout this deck, there is a theme of doors and keys. The doors depicted on the cards are very diverse, it is always a path to something new.

History of Tarot cards 78 doors

This story is not as ancient as that of others, but it has undeniable advantages.

It is not easy to go through the door, for this you need to overcome fears, part with the past, but also go through the door guard, he will check whether a person is ready to overcome the door.

All doors have a lock and a key to it. They are unique and in order to pass them you need to pass the test, that is, to have knowledge.

The major arcana is interpreted here in much the same way as in the usual tarot deck, but still their meanings are somewhat changed.

  • The Fool, standing on a cliff, has a key in his hands, there is no definite door in front of him, the whole world is open to him and he only needs to take a step.
  • The High Priestess is represented here in the form of a sorceress, Tarot cards are laid out near her, she herself looks into a magic ball and wants to understand the meaning of secret knowledge.
  • The hermit is tempted by the spirit, he comes from a loosely closed door and shows weak points, he is only looking for a key.
  • The door of Power is guarded by a lion, in order to be there, you need to defeat him or conclude an agreement with him, in any case, you need to win the battle at home.
  • The Door of Moderation is closed, to get into it, you need inner harmony and patience, the girl on the map is taking water into jugs, this is a good sign.
  • People from the Devil card did not overcome themselves and nevertheless opened the door, although this did not need to be done, now their fate depends on their actions.
  • The door of the Last Judgment is the door of laws, it will sum up the results and help to move to a new level, nothing will depend on the person, his task is to accept the change.

This deck is very convenient to ask about the possible consequences of their actions and how to get out of a difficult situation.

In the upright position, all Tarot cards of 78 doors speak of entering somewhere and an open door, then in an inverted position it indicates the qualities necessary to open the door.

Tarot Cards 78 Doors Suit

If you decide to study 78 doors, then you need to consider that the minor arcana indicate individual details, they give advice on how to open the door and who may be behind it.

Swords help open the doors of thoughts. Ace of swords will open the entrance to a huge endless labyrinth, it is very difficult to pass it. Until a person has entered there, he may be captivated by various illusions, but if you go inside, they will quickly dissipate.

The woman on the five, got old under the door and did not dare to open it, while she was tormented, the door was already overgrown.

The 7 shows that some doors are not easy to open, they require a special key, that is, the situation needs to be rethought. The knight is unique, he gets rid of stereotypes in society.

Cups lead to emotions and feelings. The five says that it is necessary to let go of the past, the woman on her sees that her house is on fire, and she must jump out the window to save herself, but she wants to stay in the house and hopes that she will be helped to extinguish the fire.

Children in the six are listening to grandma's fairy tales. They will receive lessons from those they trust. The knight goes to the cave under the waterfall.

He came up with a bright and beautiful life, but soon the water will bring him to his senses. The queen is the spirit of the river. She listens to the woman's prayer with understanding and wants to help her.

Wands will open the way to career and self-expression. The girl with a deuce seeps through the door, although it is closed. The man in the troika holds a torch in his hand and greets the ships.

The seven depicts a brave man, he had the determination to open secret doors. Eight calls to listen to intuition, there are many keys on the table, but only one is suitable for the door.

Pentacles will open the door to the material world.

On the six you can see a poor family, they unexpectedly find a basket with gifts under the door, this suggests that belief in miracles is important. On the path of the eight, a person will need to give up his individuality, while he may not receive any benefits.

The queen lives thanks to the people who love her, and she must listen to them and try to always be pleasant.

It may seem that this deck is simple, but you can never be sure that exactly that door is open, and even if it is correct, there may be a hundred other doors behind it, and behind them there are still others, it is never clear where they will lead.

If you have not yet fully studied the deck and understood the meaning of fortune telling on these useful and interesting cards, you can order it if they are conducted by a professional, then the result of these cards may be better than that of others.

1 Tarot - Club Tarot deck 78 doors Graduation work of Pavel Makarov Scientific adviser Lobanov A.G. Moscow 2010 2 Introductory remarks of the scientific supervisor This work is of special value. It is too rare to come up with a desire to design a well-known and popular deck. Even less often, such developments reveal new, non-standard approaches without repeating other people's patterns. 78 doors - the deck is very popular. However, there are no ready texts, and even more so, printed sources on it. A small white book rather de-orients its reader. Naturally, each predictor brings his own interpretations to the meaning of the cards. But to go completely, to comprehend the whole deck is a huge work. Paul did it masterly. My role as a scientific advisor was reduced almost exclusively to a complacent nod when reading the next version of the text. I asked him to limit his bachelor's work only to the brief meanings of the cards, so that the course for students and the work for the master's degree in Tarot were just as interesting and innovative. I see no need to comment on the diploma. Check it out for yourself. Alexey Lobanov, teacher of Tarot - Club 3 Introduction Already from the very name of the deck "TAROT 78 DOORS" it follows that for prediction the key moment is the door itself: is it on the image, in what state it is (open or closed, new or old, etc.). The function of the doors is to separate (isolate) one room from another and give the opportunity to penetrate from room to room. Accordingly, in the symbolic aspect of cards, a door is used as an analogue of the transition from one world to another, from one state to another, and the open or closed position of the door indicates either ease with changes that may occur, or about some possible difficulties. In short, the door is the situation in which the questioner finds himself. However, not always in the TAROT 78 DOORS deck, a closed door means some kind of obstacle. An important aspect is those actions that reflect a particular row in the images of the Arcana. Directly with the help of the scene that we see on each of the cards, we can describe the essence of the question and the mood of the questioner with extraordinary accuracy. In addition, in most cases, when depicting a plot in which several people participate, in real life the same number of people also take part in the situation. The more active, positive image on the map, the easier it will be to open the door and, accordingly, the transition to a new stage in life. And vice versa, if the door is open, and the image on the map evokes a feeling of hesitation, uncertainty, then this suggests that with the seeming lightness of the event series, when moving towards the goal, a person will still have a lot of doubts, which can even interfere with the implementation of his plans. On some Arcana, the door is not depicted at all. More often than not, this suggests that the situation in which the person finds himself has not yet been formed and in life some more stages must be passed before achieving the desired. Also, maybe spiritual aspects, questions of philosophical meaning, or just feelings and current mood are important in the situation. Keys are symbols of a certain potential, an improvised means for achieving what was conceived, a way by which the desired can be achieved, advice on how to act. There are images of the keys directly on only four cards - the Fool, the High Priest, the Ace of Pentacles and the Eight of Wands. For the Fool, the key means the willingness to prove oneself (to open the door), for the High Priest - the right to open ways to others, for the Ace of Pentacles - a variety of possibilities, many paths when moving towards what was conceived, in the Eight of Wands - the search for the right solution. I would like to note that the opinion of the author of this work does not always coincide with the original values ​​of the cards in the brochure attached to the deck. Nevertheless, the original meanings are given in the text of this work immediately after the depiction of each Arcana, so that the reader can decide for himself which aspects for him may be fundamental. The layout described in the appendix to the deck is very interesting, however, you should be careful with the recommended formulation of a question like "How should I behave in this situation in order for it to develop properly?" The questioner himself should look for a way to solve possible problems, and not the Arcana of the Tarot should do it for him. After all, the card of advice, which is present in many layouts, is still not a plan of action, but rather an easy hint to the querent how to behave in order to come to the result in a more harmonious way. For those who have a brochure for the TAROT 78 DOORS deck not in Russian, the layout is given at the end of the work. In principle, the deck can be used for almost any question, but the advantage should be given to more everyday, situational moments. Also, the deck is very convenient for considering interpersonal relationships. In most cases, the Court Cards, being part of the Minor Arcana, as well as the Arcana from Ace to Ten, describe a certain situation. This is quite logical, since rarely a person acts outside the event series, representing himself exclusively as a set of certain traits of character. In this deck, the idea of ​​describing a person as a constant participant in some process that occurs around him is fully reflected. However, do not forget that when Court cards fall out, other people participate in the events and influence these events. If a picture of any card of the Court depicts both a man and a woman, then, as a rule, for a man's client his role is male, and for a woman, accordingly, female. That is, for example, on the map of the King of Swords, a man brings thoroughness, efficiency, help into a woman's life, and female participation in a man's life circumstances is either inaction, or a challenge to compassion, waiting for help. Inverted Court cards mean almost the same as straight ones, but in a straight position, a person does not interfere with the questioner, and maybe even helps, and with a card in an inverted position, a person, no matter what positive qualities he possesses, can do harm, and from his querent actions may suffer. 4 Interpretation of the Arcana Minor Arcana Suit of Wands Ace of Wands Creativity. Inspiration that gives extra energy to achieve future goals. A door is a situation accompanying new beginnings; creative upsurge. The key is to show inspiration, energy; to bring together all the strength, experience. Direct position. Activity, energy (including spiritual), fortitude. High potential, involvement with something. Devotion to something, previous experience can be used. Confidence in your strength. Movement towards the intended goal, despite the possible difficulties, which in a fit of enthusiasm may simply not be noticed. Challenge to circumstances; the ability to bring lofty ideas to life. Inverted position. Lack of inspiration, powerlessness, weakness. Not concentration, lethargy. Creative stagnation. About tkaz from the conceived plans. Inability to apply the accumulated experience and knowledge. Fall (the depicted person falls, as in the classic version of the VI Arcanum Tower), crisis. Wasted potential, neo-given hopes. Two of Wands Curiosity leading to intellectual development and discovery. Implementation of your own ideas. Door - The situation of assessing the prospects. Key - Non-standard solution. Direct position. The manifestation of intuition. Assessment of the situation, prospects. Caution in actions; attentiveness. Duality; there is no confidence in the correctness of the deed. Approaching with caution. Curiosity. Overcoming obstacles with cunning, hidden abilities. Astonishment. New, interesting discoveries. Problems in interaction with men, probably due to the fact that constrains (fetters) material. Inverted position. Lack of prospects. Inability to measure what you want with reality. Braking; disappointment. Cowardice, fear of future events. Incorrect vision of the situation, false assessment of what is happening. Inability to use the obtained facts. 5 Three of Wands Ability to find an alternative way to implement new ideas. Cooperation. Door - An unexpected coincidence. The key is a spark, fire, as an idea, as an alternative approach, thanks to which it becomes possible to find a way out of this situation. Direct position. Savvy. Excerpt. Energy, activity, enthusiasm. Confidence in the correctness of actions. The ability to think about others. Also about the task entrusted to oneself. A creative approach to problems. Devotion to the assigned work; for example, is the quality. Sexual energy aimed at improving relationships with possible prospects of serious intentions. There is a likelihood of a trip. Inverted position. Selfishness, arrogance; unjustified actions, misunderstanding of the actions of the partner (partners) and their actions; inconsistency. Rejection of ideas, advice, support from others. Inability to make contact. Unnecessary heroism. Four of Wands Satisfaction with what has been earned by conscientious work. Good organization, trustworthy friends, employee affection. Door - Enjoy the result. Key - Sincere expression of your feelings, conscientiousness. Direct position. Heat; the comfort of the hearth. A loving, caring environment. Living in your own world. Happy family life; harmonious relationship. Support of loved ones, mutual understanding. Protection from negative circumstances. An agreement that brings mutual benefit. Limited action. Inverted position. An envious attitude towards the happiness of others, also sadness, dissatisfaction about this. You are not expected. People not to be trusted. Fears for their happiness, family. Cool attitude of the partner, indifference. Plans are not being implemented as expected. Dissatisfied with relationships, circumstances, fate. Five of Wands Ambition, composure, sweeping away all obstacles on the way, even friendship. Door - Obstacle in the way. Key - Willingness to overcome obstacles by force. Direct position. Power; simplicity; courage; perseverance. Readiness for drastic changes. Transformation of living space. Desire to work. Dealing with circumstances. Determine their positions. Struggle for success. An attempt to get rid of the unnecessary, hindering the movement forward. The probability of overcoming the obstacle is not great and will require sufficient perseverance. Pride, ambition. Inverted position. Perfidy. Hopeless tenacity. Anger at not being able to cope with problems. Insurmountability of obstacles. Lack of a clear plan and understanding of the situation. An attempt to engage in unnecessary matters Quarrels, conflicts, up to the use of force. Psychological problems, nervousness. Your defense is being attacked. Loss of the conquered positions. The opponent has more weighty arguments. 6 Six of Wands Deserved success and advancement on the career ladder or increase in social status. Appreciation. Door - Success, respect of others. Key - Show personal qualities. Direct position. Trust, growth. Help from others; recognition of your merits and merits. Respect will be won. Openness. Achievement of the goal. Acceptance of the offer; cooperation, mutual understanding. Participation in a meeting, in a collective event, where you will be welcomed. A positive change that will bring inner lift and satisfaction. Fulfillment of hopes, desires. Inverted position. Loss of interest from the partner (s). Probably betrayal, treason, deception. Success passed you by; obstacles. The envy of others. Dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction with their position, career. Seven of Wands Interest in "closed doors" and the secrets of the world. Great courage, will and physical strength. Door - Secret, hidden. Key - It will take some effort to achieve the goal. Direct position. A person has something to hide. Secret hideout; secret life. Struggle with the scourge. Secrecy, or interest in secrets. Plans for the future; efforts to make the future worthier. Approaching the cherished goal; the frequency of actions taken in attempts to achieve a result. Self-interest, successful venture, business. Inverted position. Inability to cope with what was conceived. Discovery of secrets; inability to keep secrets. Excessiveness interferes with the movement towards the goal. A person becomes closed, becomes isolated under the influence of circumstances. Weakness, powerlessness. There may be carelessness and disregard for what has been achieved. Eight of Wands Intuition that helps in making difficult decisions. Have a clear vision. Hearing is clear. Door - The situation of choosing the most appropriate solution for the situation. Key - Show intuition, perspicacity. Direct position. Variety of options. Ability to hear and listen to your inner voice. Intense inner work. The need to rely on their own strengths and abilities. Difficulty making decisions. Immersion in your own thoughts. Self-withdrawal. It is worthwhile to relate to what is happening easier and, probably then, you will be able to see that it is quite easy to find a way out of the situation. You have been rated among many options. The goal is close, it is important to assess the correctness of the chosen means to achieve it. Inverted position. You are not noticed. Inability to make the right choice. Stupor in making a decision due to which the situation can be slowed down to the point of complete stagnation. 7 Nine of Wands The transition from the end of the project to the beginning of a successful enterprise, the final calculation, the final stage, thanks to the employers for what was done. Door - Transition to a new, successful stage in life. The key is Labor for the necessary improvements. Direct position. Improvement. The beginning of a favorable period in life. The possibility of growth in business; professional growth. Repair. Pleasant chores; gratifying events. Living with joyful change. Enthusiasm. Strengthening your positions. The release of their past, bringing improvements. Inverted position. Neglect of household chores, as well as any other responsibilities. Unwillingness to change anything in your life. In a relationship, there are no prospects, insurmountable difficulties. Desire to end the relationship. Work that has to be done under duress, out of the bargain. Errors arising from misunderstanding, also from inaccurate instructions. Ten of Wands Waste of energy on the search for useless values ​​or because of the pressure of the imposed heavy responsibility. Door - Hopelessness of the situation. The key is to find a different approach to solving the problem. Direct position. Indifference of the surrounding world; life is passing by. Search for problems in the past (also in childhood). The need for support. They make a jester out of you. Cool relationships, lack of understanding of the environment. Loss, mental anguish. Pain. Perhaps the participation in the situation of a person, more often a child, who is hiding something, which is not possible to reach (the fists are closed behind the back), or the key role in the situation is assigned to a child with whom family relations are possible. Inverted position. The same, but the relationship is completely hopeless; issues that cannot be resolved; I have no strength to accept anything. You are not only neglected, but deceived. There is no point in accepting anything, because the situation ends. Page of Wands An enthusiastic youth. Fan. Door - Pleasant event, surprise. Key - The need to do pleasant things and accept them. Direct position. Hiking someone (for example, visiting); a meeting that brings positive emotions. Happy event. Disposing person. A situation of openness, interaction with benefit. News; pleasant surprise, or expected joy. Early relationships. Enthusiasm, sincerity. Present; the ability to make gifts, as well as the desire to please. Sometimes simplicity, simplicity. Inverted position. The arrival of someone (guests) to you. An emotional meeting. Caution. No desire to go anywhere. Stealth; awkwardness. Messages that have to wait a long time. Diving without negativity. There may be a duty to make gifts. The girl has the ability to receive gifts. 8 Knight of Wands Passionate and impetuous person. Impatience and inability to hold back. Door - Uncertainty, reflections before action (departure). Key - The need to think again before taking action. Direct position. Fears about future events. The moment before starting a new business. Departure; leaving with sadness. New adventure, unknown. Reflections; indecision. Doubts despite the absence of specific barriers. Ability to see and understand signs, symbols. Choosing a life path. Willingness to take the blows of fate, to defend (armor). A small barrier to overcome. Inverted position. Inability and unwillingness to see and understand signs and symbols. A narrow view of things. Wrong assessment of the situation. You may be harmed from the one-sided perception of any person, from his indifference, discontent, both with life in general and with individual events. Man is on his own mind. Queen of Wands A sensual woman with a very strong character. Creative and sensitive nature. Door - A situation of satisfaction with what is happening. The key is Self-reliance. Direct position. Wealth, high status. The hostess. Energy, cheerfulness, enterprise, independence, independence. Cheerful disposition. Beauty, attractiveness, charm. Enjoyment of life. Decent result. Contact with benefit; a positive attitude towards other people. A woman is not wasteful, she may be a little tight-fisted. In the manifestation of abilities - he himself is an expression through the word. Inverted position. Fruits from someone else's garden. Payment of bills. It is necessary to proceed from experience, from what is available. Aggressive and insidious woman. Deceiver; also deceit in a relationship with a partner; inconstancy. Self-confidence, to impose their will on others. Vulgarity. King of Wands A domineering man with an iron will. Excessive seriousness at times. Door - A situation of reliability, stability. The key is Confidence, power. Direct position. A person in a high position. A person who knows what is not known to others, or who himself is trying to find the truth. A cultured person, maybe from a noble family. Sometimes theatricality, the desire to attract attention. More often the situation is quite detailed and serious. The person is disposed to the questioner and is ready to help him. When asked about travel, Stonehenge says that the trip will include historical monuments, excursions related to ancient cultures. Behind the person's back is a family business or a family, birth condition. Inverted position. A person who considers his opinion to be the most correct. Attempts to impose your opinion on others. With a - confidence. A tendency to manipulate people. Often, in achieving the goal, the manifestation of rigidity, firmness that can harm others. Lack of principles. Aggressiveness in the sexual sphere. 9 Suit of Cups Ace of Cups A splash of emotions. Love for another person or an emotional approach to something. Door - An event that gives a new emotional mood. The key is to embrace the new (new emotions). Direct position. Hope for a bright future, for protection from above. Support, help from other people. The beginning, overwhelming with love, feelings. Positive attitude. Desire and actions towards improving one's future and the future of a loved one (child). Faith in God; trust in God. The first step towards better times. Birth of a child; significant positive event in the fate of the child. New life. Inverted position. Devastation; feelings were wasted; disappointment. An emotionally poor life. Oh, go to God, to the higher powers. Infertility. Efforts that do not bring results. Insincerity of feelings. Maybe you were set up. Manipulation, imposition. Trust scams. Two of Cups Strong affection, beloved or sincere friend. Door - Sincerity of relationship, love. The key is Mutual understanding, respect for each other. Direct position. Meeting. Exchange of feelings, gifts; surprises. Love; mutual attraction. Purity of feelings. Harmony; harmonious relationship. Confession. Equal relations, consistency. Ability to understand, feel a partner. Process of courtship. Relationships based on trust, mutual respect. Inverted position. Disagreement. Constantly emerging difficulties in relationships; misunderstanding. Attentions go unanswered. There may be pretense, falsehood in the manifestation of feelings, or you are being led, subordinated to yourself, or you are trying to influence the situation and subdue your partner. Three of Cups Generosity and benevolence. Internal balance and good health. Door - Collective fun, celebration. The key is Joy, carelessness. Direct position. The state of the holiday; fun. Sometimes coquetry. Fees anywhere. Successful completion of the case. Nice, easy communication; chatter. A positive attitude shared with friends. Maybe shopping, shopping. Legs in a relationship. Successful completion of a process. Finding the right way out of the situation that brings everyone a positive result. Inverted position. Completion of a process that does not bring joy and satisfaction. Also sadness at the end of something. Celebration and fun are boring. Unsuccessful acquisitions. Friends and communication have liked it. As in the inverted Two of Cups, it is false to express your feelings. Abuse of a careless lifestyle, fun parties, drinking. 10 Four of Cups Calmness and contentment can lead to stagnation and inertia. Door - A situation of inaction, contentment, simple relaxation. Key - The need to assess your situation in order to determine if the overall situation is getting worse. Don't fuss. Direct position. Immersion in your thoughts, or dissolution in the information flow and outside. Abuse of bad habits, gluttony, addiction to alcohol, to various pleasures and other not very severe addictions. Not a desire to undertake anything, to change anything in my life. There can be problems in interpersonal relationships; also a reluctance to have a relationship. Inverted position. Check: either overcoming stagnation, breaking the deadlock and new ideas that help make a breakthrough and enter a new stage of development; or dissatisfaction with their position, depression and anger due to the impossibility of doing anything, lack of ideas, lack of understanding and unwillingness to understand what is happening, a state of lethargy, melancholy, binges, periods of withdrawal into oneself. Five of Cups Pain for something lost, regret. Stop looking back at the past and open up to the future. Door - Situation of loss, loss. The key is to be persistent, trying to cope with the situation. Card of experiences. Direct position. Fire. Danger, loss, destruction of plans. Fear, pain, loss of property. Help is nowhere to be found. Feeling the hopelessness of the situation. The escape route (to the exit from the situation) is cut off. Termination of relations, breakup. A burning door is depicted on the card, and since in this deck the door describes the situation, the situation itself is in the process of destruction. Deep inner experiences. An unexpected look at a distressing situation. Inverted position. A difficult way out of a crisis, out of a dead end situation. A person is fueled by energy from the outside. There may be dependence on a partner or on a situation. Self-sacrifice. Condition after misery, destructive processes. Misunderstanding of your feelings by your partner. Depressed state. If a straight card is a loss of property, then an inverted one can also mean the acquisition of property, even an inheritance (must be checked). Six of Cups B lag Look at life with simplicity and curiosity, like a child. Door - Harmony and warmth, coming from childhood, from childhood memories. The key is to enjoy the pleasant moments in life. Direct position. Caring, sensitivity; kind, attentive attitude. Calm peaceful level of life. Support, help in business. The card is associated with events from the past. Harmonious family relationships. Memories of a bright, simple time of life. Returning with the old relationship, to the old business. Feeling “like in a ska”. The map touches upon questions of folk tales and epics. (Well-being is at such a level that the related issues are of little concern). Inverted position. The people around you will put pressure on you with their problems. You will have to deal with other people's affairs. We'll have to solve the accumulated issues. Reluctance to listen to competent opinion. Disregard for advice from elders. Disrespect for older people. Search for something new. 11 Seven of Cups Because of an unconscious fear of reality, there is a tendency to seek comfort in an illusory world. Door - An unconscious search for comfort in an illusory world. The key is to return to the state of conscious awareness. Direct position. A choice of unreal things. Illusion, self-deception. Experiences at the subconscious level. Indecision in choice. Sometimes contrived problems. Dreams (including at the level of the unconscious) about fame, wealth, sex. Idealized perception of the world. In Ryder Waite's Seven of Cups deck there is a choice, in this deck there is no choice - pure illusions). Inverted position. In the image, the girl is above the illusory images, i.e. there is a choice and it can be made, however, the girl is with her eyes closed (asleep), therefore it is necessary to check the positive or negative result of the choice. Eight of Cups Discarded ideas. In search of something sublime, you can lose friends or a stable position. Door - Departure from the usual way of life. Key - Go forward - the doors are open. Direct position. Journey. Distant, but significant and promising events. Loss of a stable position for the sake of a future bright, great goal, for the sake of further growth. Avoiding joys. Parting, striving for freedom; the person felt cramped in the familiar environment. A person is on the way to self-realization, to the realization of his goals and plans. Striving to change life for the better. Inverted position. Anxiety; inability to make the right decision. If the question is about returning a person somewhere, about reuniting with a person, then the answer is yes. However, the card in this position speaks of an unattained goal, that is, to the question “will the set goal be achieved?” The answer will be negative. Nine of Cups Recognition of virtues that give a stable state. Wealth and lucid desires. Door - A situation of success, recognition. Key - Enjoy success, balance and stability. Direct position. Harmony. Enjoyment of wealth, or just some pleasant things. You can afford to pay for pleasure as well. That someone will work for you or will service you. Generosity to those who are lower in status than you. Waiting for a holiday, also a holiday (including a holiday of life) is already underway, tk. in the image, the goblet is raised for toast. Fullness, abundance, satiety. Expectation of good events. Inverted position. Saturation. Dissatisfaction with their position, income. Disdainful attitude towards those who are driving. Unstable financial situation. Bad table, feeding. 12 Ten Cups of s Happiness in feelings, rewarded love that bears fruit. Door - Happy. joyful event Key - Enjoy life. Direct position. Favorable outcome. Significant event; wedding. A person is overflowing with feelings, including love, luck, happiness. Exciting love. Full implementation of plans. Unification, connection. Mutual love. The relationship is open, in plain sight. Improving relationships. Inverted position. Sadness. Sadness. Also, nothing significant happens. Third parties intervene in the relationship and damage the relationship. Disappointment from current (past) events. Dissatisfaction in a relationship. There is a possibility of divorce. Page of Cups A sensitive and dreamy person, at times a little superficial. Future news related to the realm of the senses. Door - Situation search. A deeply feeling person with developed intuition. Key - Apply intuition, flair. Direct position. Search for information. Positive news. Information related to training. Sensitivity, sometimes tact. Search, choice. The person in the image is looking for the source, however, when the search is crowned with success, you still have to get to the source, that is, there is no complete result for this map. Determination of tactics of action. The manifestation of their abilities. Inverted position. The choice was made, but not successful enough, or the inability to find the right path. Bad intuition. Inability to listen to the inner voice. Knight of Cups Impulsive and romantic-minded person, utopian and dreamer. The door is a situation saturated with romanticism, elevation of feelings. Key - Direct position. Deep emotional processes. Avalanche of feelings, experiences. Romantic nature, pure. Light. Minor problems. Developed sense of taste, beauty. Ability to present yourself in the best possible light. Sometimes some indecision, mind. Intuition, imagination. Inverted position. Excessive romanticism; infantilism. Illusory vision, cynicism, neglectful relationship with others. A slippery person, he himself does not understand what he wants. Departure into emotions "headlong"; irritability. Hot temper, which subsequently leads to emotional problems. Inability to present oneself beautifully. 13 Queen of Cups Generous woman, gentle, with a great sense of sacrifice. D ear wealth. Door - A situation that speaks of a warm, kind, high relationship. Key - Tenderness, sincerity. Direct position. Positive emotional experiences. Enlightenment, deification; femininity. Request. Ability to listen, understand. The position of a person who is “on top”. Condescension, sensitivity, attentiveness. Respectful attitude. Internal, spiritual purity. A woman perceived as a fairy godmother may be like a mother. Support and help when you need it. Faith, naivety, gullibility. Love over the internet. Idealization with idols. Inverted position. Disappointment, debunking of ideals. The assistance you were counting on will not be provided. There may be no harm from an inverted Queen of Cups, but there will be no support either. Illusions. Plebeianism. Maybe an unrequited feeling. Alertness; mistrust. Striving to hold on to the illusion. King of Cups Educated and creative person with highly developed intuition and a sense of humor. Door - A situation of creative, intellectual upsurge. Key - The goblet is at the level of the door. that is, it is necessary to act through beauty, through imagination and talent. Direct position. Love for aesthetics, creativity, art. Spirituality, emotionality. Striving for something sublime. Detachment from the real world due to high creative potential, education. Enjoy the sensual world. In a deck, the more a character looks fabulous, the more disconnected he is from reality. Inverted position. The person tries to put pressure on the feelings and use the feelings of others. Pretense; illusory vision of the situation. Insensitivity. Lack of spirituality. Rejection of spiritual, beauty. Suit of Swords Ace of Swords Creation of new ideas. Imagination. Idealism, which sometimes threatens to be transformed into egoism. Door - Sudden ideas. A moment of enlightenment, enlightenment. Key - Be smart. take advantage of the idea. Direct position. Reasonable decisions. Ideas help to find a way out of the current situation. Abrupt changes, aggravation of relations. situations; harsh judgments. Clarity of perception; high intelligence. Rationality. Unexpected events may occur. Inverted position. Braking, lack of mobile thinking. Lack of flexibility in mutual relations (misunderstanding). Inability to listen to the opinions of others. Problems expressing thoughts. 14 Two of Swords The need to protect powerful friends; surprise at an unexpected but positive situation. Door - The situation of making decisions in circumstances of unexpectedness, however, the choice is usually predetermined. Key - It is necessary to perform an act based on the positions of kindness, participation, responsibility, mercy, conscientiousness. Direct position. You have to act, whether you like it or not. Responsibility for someone. A troublesome situation that will bring many problems in the future. On the part of the mother, who is not shown in the figure, the responsibility is shifted onto others; moving away from what seems like a problem. On the part of the child - a positive change; security; new. More comfortable living conditions. Just rain, bad weather. Spoiled plans. Problems can be resolved because the door is open. Inverted position. Failure to make the right decision. Problems weigh on your ability to deal with them. The situation will not be decided in your favor. Three of Swords Doubt and pessimism that cause suffering, but after a period of intervention, will be overcome. Renewal. Door - The situation of overcoming troubles with non-standard methods, may be witchcraft, etc. The key is Exit in the manifestation of your abilities. Direct position. Precarious position. Anger. Despair overcome by harming others. Envy. Old, stagnant problems; desire for revenge. Annoyed by missed opportunities. Health hazard. Three Needles - Refers to Three Problems Inverted Position. In combination with the direct Arcanum, the Tower can mean quick death. Serious injury, health hazard, also as a result of magical effects. Or just an external influence on the life of the questioner. Four of Swords Self-delusion and self-centeredness that can lead to indifference or emotional emptiness. Door - A situation of external constraints, missed opportunities. Key - You need to show your inner flair. Direct position. Restrictions. Health problems. The way out of the situation may not be found because of an inadequate vision of it, or completely ignorance. An intuitive approach to decision making, which is not always able to lead to the desired result. Inability to give a correct assessment of events. An attempt to overcome difficult life circumstances. Inverted position. Unjustified risk in overcoming a seemingly hopeless situation. Negative events hinder progress. Health risk; injury. Awkwardness; shame; a shame. Chel ovek passed the good one. The bitterness of an uncompleted loss. 15 Five of Swords Despondency and lack of faith in oneself, which, when faced with a problem, prevent one from overcoming it. Door - A situation of devastation, hopelessness, insurmountable problems. Key - Overcome lethargy, apathy. Direct position. Lack of understanding of others. Detachment, pessimism, sadness, doom. Recognizing mistakes and evaluating past actions. The feeling that everything, even the forces of nature, are against you. Cloggedness. Abandoned chance. Sadness. Lack of mental strength to achieve goals. Gloomy vision of the future; hopelessness. Inverted position. Resentment and disappointment that you were bypassed. Pain, suffering. An attempt to overcome from a state of loneliness, sadness. Condition after the decline. Antipathy towards other people. Mental callousness. Six of Swords An opportunity to change the daily routine of life by going on a Journey or in any other way. Hobbies and romantic thoughts. Door - Search Situation; planning something with the aim of avoiding reality. Key - Desire and ability to find a way out of the current situation. Direct position. Search for new, probably previously unexplored paths; considering further actions. Hobbies (more often collecting, gathering). Maybe something exotic, cult. The desire to live differently, or like others (the mask is someone else's mask). Ability to use the necessary information (the person in the picture has already been traveling and knows how to find what is needed). Passion, contact; seeking advice, information. Love to travel. Maybe just the time spent at the computer. New discoveries; rest after a period of (some) stress. Inverted position. Excitement, worries, disturbed calmness. The steps associated with finding a solution have already been taken (what the result will be to check, but rather the result is negative). Inability to find the information you need and use it. Risky living conditions. Seven of Swords Aspiration and persistent search, an impetus to find new solutions to any problems. Door - A situation of being infatuated with something. Key - Non-standard solution to existing problems. Direct position. First of all, it is a map of the creative process. Talent. The process of creating something new, interesting. worthy. Ability to use their skills, abilities. Imagination. Interesting creative work. A positive outlook on things. New vision of the situation. Pleasant prospects. Sense of style. Taste. Inverted position. Inability and unwillingness to see and understand what is happening in real light; flat view of things. The creative processes and processes of self-expression, the development of abilities and the manifestation of oneself and one's potential occurs at a slow pace. Misconceptions, misconceptions and misconceptions can lead to erroneous actions, or simply to inaction. 16 Eight of Swords Fear and indecision that lead to isolation and devastation. Yes, the influence of society and government. Door - Fears; inability to cope with them. Key - Try to pull yourself together. drive away uncertainty, fears. Direct position. The state of insuperable obstacles. The girl shown in the picture is walking from the doorway in the opposite direction, this indicates the inability to find the right way out of the situation, about delusions. Phobias. Problems that. most likely, they have no real, serious basis. Nudity speaks of insecurity. Downstairs - a person is moving downward. Phantom problems interfere with the positive development of circumstances. Flight from oneself. The narrow corridor is the narrowness of thinking. perception. Insomnia. Nightmares and an attempt to banish them. Inverted position. Too. An attempt to overcome fear, problems. Voltage. The problems were left behind, but the fears remained. Nine of Swords Loneliness as the main cause of pessimism, fatigue, inaction or life by inertia. Door - A situation of loneliness, misunderstanding on the part of others. Key - Try to look around and understand that you should not drive yourself into a cage (even if it is golden). Direct position. Other people's problems, perceived as their own (a cell is not a place for a person). You are being watched; they don't understand you. There is a way out of the situation, but the person is not able to see it. The person himself restrains his movement (under the influence of circumstances). Self-restraint. Loneliness, self-absorption; dripping in itself. Inverted position. Trouble, grave condition. Shake-up after a period when you had to worry or be depressed. What will this shake-up lead to to look at neighboring cards or check. Perhaps, you will have to check your health, since the next card is a trip to the doctor. Ten of Swords Worries and unresolved problems, leading to seek refuge in fantasy and surreal dream world. Jealousy. Door - Painful, emotional situation. Key - Seek professional help. The need to endure pain in order to improve the situation, also for the sake of recovery. Direct position. Visit to the doctor. Self-sacrifice to achieve the goal. Sometimes health hazard; serious health condition. Physical pain, excruciating condition. An unconventional method of influence (treatment). Sometimes it means that they are trying to treat you or they are using non-functional, unhelpful methods (with dubious results, since the door in the picture is closed). Inverted position. Failure to take responsible, rational action. Action on the verge of what is permissible. Overcoming problems is difficult; minimum efficiency. One-sided vision of the situation. 17 The Page of Swords An intellectual and critic who can also be cunning and vengeful. Door - Situation of surveillance, surveillance of someone; also an attempt to hide the facts. Key - Be careful (the guy in the picture is standing on a small area of ​​the step). Direct position. Duality of meanings. One person acts openly, he has nothing to hide and he has a way out of the situation. The second person tries to act by rolling; secrecy, the ability and ability to keep their secrets (the door on the left is not clear whether it is open or closed, but it is, which means there is a possibility of a way out of the situation, even with some treachery). Resourcefulness, cunning, insincerity, spying, observation; if there is something to hide, an unseemly act could have taken place. Shame for the deed committed. Anxiety. Lie. The general situation - one person is trying to clarify the situation, the other is not willing to do it. Inverted position. Tendency to gossip. Talkativeness or secrecy, as well as attempts to deceive, can be harmful. Inability to lie. Empty chl opots. Nervousness in relationships and situations. Anxiety. Knight of Swords A brave and elusive man. The need to protect the fruits of one's labor and intellectual activity. Door - Situation of overcoming obstacles, perseverance. Key - Manifest a reasonable human principle; think before acting. Direct position. Tenacity, strength, animal instincts. The speed, suddenness of action. Inflexibility of thinking. Not reasonable actions, but action ahead, tough actions with the use of force. Anger. An attempt to defend their positions. A person in whom natural forces, animal instincts and intellect, sometimes suppressed by base manifestations, are combined. Sometimes alcohol addiction. There may be ambiguity in the situation, ambiguity. The blow will be inflicted by the power of thought or brute physical force. Disturbance of calm. Inverted position. The same, but in a more severe form. Actions with brute force. Inability to listen to other people's arguments. Aggressiveness that can wreak havoc. Excessive talkativeness. Rudeness. Cruelty. Impossibility to overcome obstacles. Queen of Swords An energetic and independent woman whose personality can oppose her to others. Trance. Door - A state when the soul and body are acting inconsistently. Key - It is necessary to figure out which way to move, where is the light, and where is the darkness. Direct position. Poor vision of the situation. The state of trance, sleep; acting through a state of trance. Duality; secret actions. The desire to do something - either outside of logic, outside of reason, or without listening to the inner voice. Duplicity; an attempt to deceive because of the inability to speak out or act directly and honestly. Memories, dreams about dead people, about past events. A situation when a person pours out his soul to someone. Rarely is a child's ear, a state when a person feels very young. Inverted position. The same meaning as in the upright position of the card, but the person tries to overcome the duality with the situation, which is not sufficient. Insincerity; parading; intrigue. Something is thinking behind your back. There may be a return to reality; inability to communicate; a man in the form of a girl - an old woman. 18 King of Swords A highly educated person with a strong tendency to rule over others. A narrow and indifferent view of the world. Door - Situation of rendering (accepting) help. Demonstration of participation. The key is to accept support or be empathetic. Attentiveness. Direct position. A good specialist with a narrow profile. Support, help. Waiting for help or willingness to help. The arrival of someone (appearance, return). Not only the arrival of the doctor, but also someone else. who provides services (also just a meeting or a trip to the one who provides services). There may be a serious, long-standing medical condition that will be treated by a specialist. A person who has a beneficial influence on you, who is able to help, support when needed, and provide specific assistance. An intelligent, noble person. Inverted position. The cruel, callous, ruthless person you depend on, but who will hurt, disappoint, and dash your hopes. You cannot rely on a person, because apart from heavy, painful relationships, you will not be able to get anything from him. Suit of Pentacles Ace of Pentacles Various keys of material happiness. Wealth defined by money and property. Door - A situation of prosperity and contentment with one's position. The key is to accept what is given and enjoy it calmly. Direct position. Well-being; success in everything, especially in the material sphere. Desire and ability to farm. Practicality; success, which came through the use of personal qualities and hard work (most likely the picture shows a housekeeper). Calm, stability. Perhaps the acquisition of real estate. With a desire to live in abundance. A person who has the ability to open many doors, that is, to delve into many situations and find a decent way out of them. Cancer diseases. Inverted position. Disappointment. Feeling unsuccessful; dissatisfaction with their position, prosperity. There may be no significant monetary losses. Mercantile relationship. Uncertainty about the financial health of tomorrow. The indifference of others to the financial problems of the questioner. Two of Pentacles A new and unknown business that has proved to be quite successful, especially if you do not neglect the help of a strong ally. Door - The situation of starting a new business. Intuitive feeling. Key - Seek the help and support of a like-minded person. Direct position. Joint, synchronous actions. Activity, courage, determination, ability to act in pairs. Activity. Emotional (water) harmony (infinity sign). Something (door) under the layer of feelings (water). Overcoming emotional barriers. Abrupt entry into the situation, but, nevertheless, ease of entry. Sometimes entertainment, recreation (water body in nature). Keeping fit in pleasant, uncomfortable ways. Balance, balance of the situation. Inverted position. The same, but it is necessary to understand how the goal is correctly assessed (the door is turned upside down, and people fly out of the water) in order not to be thrown out of the situation. Imbalance. Inconsistency of actions. One of the participants in the relationship dominates the other. Financial instability, not the right solution to the set tasks. Incorrect choice. 19 Troika of Pentacles Development and implementation of plans. Possibility to solve problems and find several exits. Door - The situation of creating something new, interesting. Key - Show creativity, diligence, skill. Direct position. Enjoyable work; time consuming but interesting work. Performance, hard work. Striving for the intended goal. Satisfaction with the results. (Small strong enterprise, business). Perseverance, attentiveness, diligence, patience. Finding your calling. A result that will be approved and rewarded. Inverted position. Fatigue; work is not enjoyable; inability to complete the matter. Laziness; unwillingness to work; the desire to live at the expense of others. Volatility, poor sales. Lack of business acumen. Lack of initiative, lack of demand. Four of Pentacles Fury and a fight at any level, a desire to prove oneself in any way - all this is overkill and will lead to meanness and desolation. Door - A situation of inconsistency between reality and potential. Key - The need to look for another option., Or the achievement of the goal should be postponed. Direct position. Premature attempts to take control of the situation. A practically hopeless situation, however, one should not despair, since anyway to undertake something will not be enough for either physical strength, or capabilities, or fortitude. Confusion before events due to lack of understanding of what is happening. Everything will remain at the reached level, since the four is a stable number, and the map shows a dead end. Territorial questions; questions concerning the boundaries of possessions. The card advises to think about the need for action in general, whether it is worth spending energy and money, maybe this is not necessary. Inverted position. There is no sense in penetrating the situation. Restrictions taken on. Unwillingness to share with others. Closure. Incorrect vision of the situation, which interferes with overcoming obstacles. Innocence; shame; the discomfort. Five of Pentacles An agonizing expectation of a solution to the problem. Material worries and anxiety. Door - A situation of agonizing expectation of a solution to problems. Key - There is nothing to do but wait patiently. Direct position. Being under the yoke of circumstances. Patience. Inability or inability to defend their position. Low requirements for yourself; hopelessness, disappointment. Cramped material conditions (clothes in patches). Visiting a medical institution, doctor. Necessary waiting in any case (waiting for someone, result or reception), but more often waiting for reception, since in the image an elderly person is sitting with a stick, therefore, he came to solve his problems. Old age, as it is, or internal old age. Long-standing problems, including health problems. Inverted position. Check. There can be recovery, the problems of the past have been overcome, the restoration of health, working capacity; interest in life, in work wakes up. There may also be serious health problems, serious illness; unwillingness to be treated, disregard for their health. Bad luck, not e-luck. Hopelessness. Impatience. 20 Six grater of Pentacles An unexpected increase in wealth and gifts. Generous person, ready to help others. Door - The situation of an unexpected increase in prosperity (the image does not show a serious increase in prosperity, but this is a six, therefore profitability is still significant). Key - Accept gift, help. Direct position. Financial support. Generosity, patronage, sponsorship. An unexpected gift from a friend. Honesty in relationships, separation of duties. A pleasant, joyful event, one way or another associated with an increase in prosperity. Inverted position. Financial losses. In order to get something, you need to show your abilities (for example, to be quick, learn to ask, etc.). In relationships, neglect of their duties, unwillingness to provide help, support. It can also be either a consumerist attitude or dependence on a partner (check). Seven of Pentacles Constant excessive demands on oneself, which leads to hassle and a desire to quit. Door - A situation that encourages action and the goal of improving the current state of affairs. The key is to show more discretion, restraint. Direct position. Message, news, letter, information, more often coming from the client. Desire for more. There may be dissatisfaction with the result. Naivety, frivolity, hopes, a desire to change something for the better. Inability to perceive information as well. Inability and unwillingness to work. The grass is a symbol of benefit and submission (mown here). The desire to free himself (like a bird flying to freedom), but rather ineffectual (since the artist depicted a carrier pigeon, and he will return). If the girl is sending a message to the workers in the background, there will probably be no response (they may not have a pen, paper, ink). But this does not affect the situation, since the answer is not important. There is no completeness of relations with people with whom there is communication, contact. Also a secret game, actions that are hidden from loved ones, from the family. Inverted position. The result will not be long in coming. Olive color is the color of feminine strength. Material benefit. Willingness to work, earn. However, the chance for improvement is likely to be missed due to risk, reluctance or inability to take the necessary action at the right time. Receiving from messages, news. Useful contact. Finding the right spiritual path. Any positive changes. Eight of Pentac Lei Pettiness and craving for monotonous painstaking work. The tendency to follow the movement of the crowd and herd feelings. Door - Continuous action to achieve positive results. Key - Skill, professionalism, patience. Direct position. Hard work. Monotonous work. Benefit resulting from painstaking, tedious work. Craving for something unusual; desire to stand out from the crowd, to attract attention. The desire to look better, more interesting. A tendency to experiment with yourself. Sometimes waiting, patience, studying the situation. Striving for a goal, nurturing an idea, a dream. Question: "Will the doctor perform an operation on me?", The answer is "yes." Inverted position. Execution of duties as required. Unfulfilling work. Lack of clients. Experiments on your appearance take on frightening forms. 21 Nine Pen Tackle Satisfaction with material situation. Creativity with a little prudence. Door - Material satisfaction, wealth. Key - The right moment to take advantage of what is given to you. Direct position. Success, including career success; prosperity. Hike to visit; talk about art, creativity. We are glad to welcome you in our home. Relationships are moving into a new, harmonious channel. Maybe a new house, apartment. Material problems go away. Inverted position. Dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs; unstable state of affairs. The solution of material and property problems has been postponed. Delays in resolving any issues; erroneous actions are likely. Guests will come to you. Ten of Pentacles Material security, giving family happiness and stability in relationships. Door - The situation of material well-being, support of the family, relatives. The key is to accept the help of loved ones, to honor traditions. Direct position. Solidity, stability, prosperity. Calmness and confidence for your future. Desire to be like your parents. Nepotism, family roots, strong family ties. Respectful attitude towards your partner. A family business, a business that brings the questioner a good income. The querent's material problems do not concern or worry. There may be a separate dwelling, a room that was rather obtained with the participation of relatives. The prospect of prolongation of the genus (two children, two trees in the distance). Recreation, entertainment, games in nature. Inverted position. Lack of stability, stability, solidity in life. The advice is to keep your head down. There may be quarrels, family strife. Dissatisfaction with financial stability in the family. The hopelessness of financial growth. Sensual emptiness. Sexual discord. Page of Pentacles A capable and thoughtful person, scientist or public figure. Door - The situation of the occurrence of pleasant moments in life. The key is to open up to something new, to meet new events. Direct position. Unexpected luck. Good news, news. Interesting, unusual su r-prize. Kindness. The ability to cheer (jester costume). Os troumie. Tact. Favorable circumstances, the emergence of something positive. Internal complexity with apparent lightness. Inverted position. What was conceived will not bring any result. There is no point in addressing anyone with requests and questions. Lack of news. 22 Knight of Pentacles Responsible and generous person. Carefully thought out plans. Door - Situation of an expected, at the same time, pleasant event. Key - Take a step to get closer; to accept the situation, to act more actively. Direct position. Present; attention to detail. The ability to do something pleasant. Kindness, reliability, calmness. An open but discreet expression of your feelings. Unhurried, meaningful actions (the horse stands rooted to the spot). Actions are more likely according to their own ideas than in order to please, but despite this - a positive manifestation of feelings. Inverted position. Lack of thoroughness, carelessness. Inability to make gifts. Inattentive attitude towards people around. Actions that do not bring results; spontaneity is not useful. Queen of Pentacles A charming and ambitious woman. The need to listen to someone else's opinion. Door - A situation of material abundance. Availability to your money. The key is to be more organized, not to relax, to be engaged in putting things in order. Direct position. Financial wealth, excess. Beauty, status (in the classics - a good host, in this deck - no). Careless attitude to finances, to property. Generosity, as a result of a disregard for the attitude to money, inability to manage money. Openness. Laziness. You may be deceived, but you may not even feel it. A person who has let everything go by itself. Desire of a close environment, to get benefit from the questioner, that is, dishonest, and consumer attitude towards the client. There may be a revision. Inverted position. Envy. You are being watched. Carelessness in relation to finances will lead to monetary problems. There is a high probability that someone can covet your property and try to appropriate it. Mercantile or complete financial disorder due to a sufficiently high income. The King of Pentacles An energetic, patient and practical person. Tendency to empty fantasy pits. Door - Security Situation; a tendency to hoard. The key is a sober attitude to material values, the ability to distribute funds. Direct position. The questioner has a patron, sponsor (practical). Accumulation of values. A reliable financial situation, Growth in income, wealth. Income exceeds spending (the jewelry in the picture is already falling out of the safe). Ability to rationally about money. Practicality. Inverted position. Addiction to hoarding, greed, stinginess, or inability to spend money, extravagance. Unwilling to help people, especially with money. Callousness to others. Stubbornness, lack of flexibility in assessing someone else's opinion, conservatism. 23 Major Arcana Fool All established rules are overturned. You have to get a completely new creative experience, often quite chaotic. However, it will not help you very much in finding the correct key. Door - A situation of lack of logic and a plan of action with an internal readiness to take the first step. The key is to be light. Start moving towards the future. Direct position. Desire, potential. Willingness to take action. Ridiculous situation; unseen circumstances; search for adventure. Ease, optimism. Small stupidity, not harmful. Stupidity. Curiosity. In the clouds; romantic mood. Journey. If there is a friend who can provide support or just give advice, then you should accept the support and listen to the advice. The person is not as simple as it seems, he has support and even some preparedness. An unexpected event. The questioner has a key to solving problems, a key to the universe. Inverted position. Indecision, uncertainty. Indifference. There is no support from friends, there can also be a bad influence of close circle, useless advice. Immaturity; not knowing where to go next. There may be a high level of irresponsibility. Magician The door opens onto a path full of possibilities, and in order to use them, you have to master the skills of a Magician and an illusionist. To do this, you have to work hard, which will take a lot of time. Door - The situation is open, promising, giving an opportunity to be realized. Key - Show ability, show others your skills, start a new business or learning process. Direct position. Impulsiveness, energy, activity, speed. Craftsmanship; a skill acquired by hard work, a desire to achieve a goal. Confidence in your strength. Activity. Perspective. Self-centered movement, self-centered movement. Ability to control the elements. Ability to do several things at once. Balancing on the brink of seemingly impossible abilities to implement. There is a possibility of some vulnerability, instability. Inverted position. Lack of professionalism. Difficulty showing your abilities. Insincerity, superficiality, deceit, fraud. Either anger, aggression, or weakness, inactivity and and n-fancy. Bad start. Unprofessionalism; inability to conduct business. 24 Priestess The door opens to knowledge. The perspective of your future accomplishments and the dramas of your life's journey unfolds before your eyes. If you are patient, restraining your desires, this vision will help you and become a good counselor. Door - Uncertainty, secrets, the future has not yet been fully clarified. The key is to show intuition, to act with the help of occult practices alone, or with the assistance of specialists. Direct position. Spiritual wisdom, knowledge. Possession of a secret. The gift of foresight, understanding of the truth. Striving for the development of internal forces, an internal gift, abilities associated with premonition, clairvoyance, etc. Predisposition to occult practices. Duality, unpredictability; however, in most cases, Arcanum points to the discovery of secrets. It may advise you to ask the question again, or to make attempts to understand the situation, that is, to try to open what was previously a secret. Inverted position. Inability to use intuition. Distorted vision of the situation or not seeing it. Nedov erie. Fraudulent predictions. Disappointment; disappointed hopes. As well as in the direct position, the card may advise you to ask the question again, however, it does not advise deliberately revealing what is hidden. Empress The door opens to the garden of emotions and beauty. You have the opportunity to see the most important milestones and directions of your path. The card can also indicate a young mother or a new friend. Door - Improvement of the financial situation; participation, support from outside in the implementation of your ideas. The key is to accept help, to act openly and courageously. Direct position. Referring to someone older and more experienced. Material support; profitability. Achieving a level of well-being higher than expected. Improving the situation, prospects for growth in all areas. Relationships are moving to a new, profitable level. Fertility in everything. Help from an older, experienced person (woman). Reasonable decision, wisdom, good advice. Politeness, cordiality, hospitality, the ability to charm. Inverted position. Lack of support from the person (woman) you were counting on. Neglect, pleasure itself. Obstacles. Hopelessness. Disputes, disagreements, misunderstandings. Inconsistent actions. Unreliable partners. 25 The Emperor The Emperor opens the doors to the kingdom of success and security. Well-formed plans and good business will create a stable position for you. Noble person or wealthy groom. Door - Stability; assistance in solving your questions of a person with a higher social status. K luch - Accept help, keep yourself confident, show independence, firmness. Direct position. Stability, steadiness, endurance. Belonging to power structures. Support of a strong, purposeful person. Possibility to a degree of gratitude, fame, influence on others, prestige. Desire to rule or dominate. Consistency, practicality, conservatism. Achieving the goal, but, nevertheless, your actions may be somewhat limited. Inverted position. The state of stability passes. Uncertainty, unwillingness to act, make decisions. Losing power. Defeat. Fear of power structures. Disdainful attitude towards the questioner. Conflictness. High Priest You are given the keys to spiritual growth. You can safely trust the author to a person, a leader. It can also be our inner voice and our heavenly Teacher. Door - A situation of spiritual development, acceptance of new developing ideas, also the ability to share your thoughts with others. The key is to act through moral, divine manifestations. Direct position. High manifestation of spirituality. The ability to lead. Compassion. Possession of knowledge, truth, as well as the desire and ability to share them. Belief in higher spiritual powers. Kindness, reverence, reverence, kindness, tolerance, wisdom, solicitude. The discovery of truth. Friendly relations. Based on the unity of opinion, on the unity of the worldview. Adherence to traditions, conventions. Understanding; the ability to keep secrets. Lecture. Inverted position. False ideals; lack of spirituality. Inability to lead. Hypocrisy. Blind faith; mindless adherence to traditions, including religious ones. Misunderstanding f. Reluctance to share knowledge. 26 Beloved Ones Choosing the right door in matters of love can be more difficult than expected. Small obstacles or “love triangle” are possible. Door - An attempt to find the right path, make the right decision in the current circumstances. The key is to turn to fortune-tellers, soothsayers, or just listen to your inner voice and calmly start looking for a way out of the dual situation yourself. Direct position. Often the process of divination as such. Mediation. Seeking help from third parties. Desire to sort out the relationship. Openness, support. Consistent, systematic solution of issues. You are given a choice that affects the further on the path of life, hence the hesitation (not uncertainty) in making decisions. Trial; checking feelings, checking life position. Union, partnership, love, however, there is a possibility of betrayal. Inverted position. False predictions. In a relationship, disagreement. The choice is made, and events begin to unfold quickly enough. Deceit, lack of trust. Jealousy. Attempts, probably not very successful, to correct the current state of affairs. Inability to listen to advice. Shifting responsibility in making decisions and shifting their problems to others. The Chariot of Honor and prosperity, the doors of success are thrown open, and all you have to do is enter and reap the benefits. Continue to believe in yourself and do not refuse to help those who are less fortunate. Door - Success, self-confidence. You are admired and appreciated for your abilities. Key h - Enjoy the fruits of your achievements. Direct position. Achievement of the goal. Success, recognition, fame. Confidence in one's own interests; striving for success. Activity, energy, ambition. Willingness to hit the road. Travel, departure. The dynamics of the development of events. Talent; demanded abilities. Desire to be the center of attention. Successful completion of the business, raising it to a new level. Inverted position. Obstacles in achieving the goal. Difficulties; road difficulties. Unfavorable outcome of the trip. Not a success. Envy of the achievements of others. Unclaimed talent or lack of talent. Ambitions without foundation. In relationships, conflicts, destruction of the union, misunderstanding. 27 Justice If you have followed the path of honesty, you have no reason to fear anything from the door of Justice. Tackle your problems vigorously and at the moment when you least expect it, you will find wise people who are ready to give good advice. The door is the Highest Divine Justice above everyday vanity. The key is not to waste energy on squabbles and showdowns, because right, so long duration will be on your side. Direct position. Striving to achieve the goal in a legal, fair way. Consent, understanding. Favorable solution of cases related to the law. A reasonable approach, a system, a certain basis that reason emotions also try on people. Assessment of what is happening. Sometimes feeling insignificant in a system; understanding that attempts to change the situation may not bring results. Inverted position. Quarrels, scandals, conflicts. Injustice. Failures, troubles, bringing resentment to fate, disappointment, a feeling of emptiness. Legal troubles; unfair accusations. Illegal actions. Maybe the spitting attitude to the rules, to the law. Hermit Inconsistently closed doors mean a short-term expectation of good circumstances or indicate the possibility of opening another door to the inner area on your own. This card marks a period of inner self-analysis, when loneliness does not mean self-isolation. Door - The situation of rejection of the offered goods in the process of searching for truth. Key - On the path to spiritual growth, weighed the number of constraints taken on oneself against the really necessary constraints for this growth. Direct position. Refusal of pleasures, rejection of natural pleasures. Search for spiritual enlightenment. Asceticism for a lofty goal. Loneliness, attempts to protect oneself from external influences. High moral standards, prudence, self-control, chastity. Inner strength, purposefulness. There may be dissatisfaction with what is happening because of the inconsistency with their own ideas about life values. Inverted position. Blind faith; irreconcilable attitude to surrounding things, people and events. Misogyny. Obstacles to achieving the goal. Weakness. There may be forced communication, which brings neither joy nor benefit. Very little income, poverty. 28 Wheel of Fortune The door of a new phase is open to transformation, a process of change, an opportunity not to be missed. Swim peacefully into the new on the waves of a changing fate. Door - You have enough inner strength and resources to attract luck. Key - Do not neglect the help of like-minded people and do not hesitate to use magical actions to attract good luck into your life. Direct position. A favorable chance that is given by fate. However, you will have to act (make decisions) and the result of your actions cannot be accurately assessed. At some point, you need to think about the need for what comes into your hands, to listen to your inner voice. Perhaps other people are involved in the situation, on whom the outcome of the event also depends. A card of inventive behavior, also just hopes for luck, luck. Even if a chance will be missed, you will not have to get upset, because a positive attitude and expectation of something more will remain. Inverted position. Cheating, cheating, trying to take advantage of inexperience. Consideration should be given before taking risks and should not rely entirely on luck. People who are involved in the situation may fail, or simply will not provide the expected help. Probably, a favorable chance will be missed, or someone else will take advantage of it. Perhaps inhibition in achieving the goal; something will get in the way. However, the card speaks of instability and changes in mood. The Force Lions guarding the Force door can be fearsome or be your best allies. You have the ability to use your instincts, transforming them into future willpower and composure. The Door - Finding a Balance Between Animal Instincts and Intelligent Behavior Key - You've almost reached your goal. Continue to act, once at a time combining tact, discretion and courage. Direct position. Interaction, contact will be beneficial. Favorable environment at work, in business. The need to act with attentiveness, delicacy, sensitivity. Internal understanding that the situation is predetermined from above. There may be a planned situation. A card of a strong, intelligent personality. Ability to manage, dominate without putting obvious pressure on a partner. When asked, the card means sex. Inverted position. Inability to benefit from communication, contacts. Unfulfilling work. Playing secondary roles; personality - insignificant, depressed. Lack of energy, sensitivity. Inattention, rudeness. Quarrels and discord in sexual relations are likely. 29 The Hanged Man You may feel unable to find the correct key and have no control over the situation. Your time has not come yet. It takes time for the past to model the future. Be sure - the door will open on time. Door - To achieve the goal, a new, maybe opposite outlook on things is needed; not with go to the place, act. Key - It is necessary to act in extreme conditions or embodying extraordinary ideas. Direct position. Self-sacrifice. The need to overcome difficulties in order to achieve significance in the eyes of other people, as well as to strengthen their material position. Public actions. Overcoming sensory tension. The situation when you are being watched is evaluated. Temporary restrictions. Recurring situation. To the question “will I take part in any action (representation), will I become a participant in some event?”, The answer is “yes, but they will be looking at you”. Something that we create for people. Inverted position. There is no need for self-sacrifice actions. Abrupt, exciting and change in the situation (check the side of improvement or deterioration). Removing the burden of responsibility. Inability to achieve goals is likely; change (violation) of plans; inability to implement the plan. People create something for us. A wide range of assessments in relation to us. Death The danger that may be lurking behind this door comes from the fact that the desire to change the old situation is incorrect. And yet any end leads to a new beginning. This is the law of being. Door - Changes that are very difficult to affect. The key is to accept a new turn of events as part of an inevitable life process. Direct position. Sooner or later, the hourglass will stop counting time and for a new countdown, you will have to turn it over, which means a change and the arrival of the next round in life. A map of either a global change, or a series of minor events. There may be sadness about past tragedies; thoughts about the eternal; philosophical mood. Immersion in your world; detachment. Inverted position. Yearning. Zas that, hopelessness; unwillingness to act; insurmountability of obstacles. The events of the past hinder progress. Nothing may happen. 30 Moderation The vital energies within you are again balanced, opening the door to recovery and peace of mind. Deep friendships can also be born or strengthened. Optimism. Door - Harmonious, calm situation. Key - Find balance, balance. Direct position. Calmness; harmony. Tolerance. 88 - speaks of balance; the hourglass in the image seems to have frozen, this indicates the inhibition of the moment. The card may mean restrictions due to the inability to accept more. Fullness. Pregnancy. Also the use of additional resources to achieve their goals. The desire to bring more emotional components into your life. Inverted position. Imbalance. Imbalance of feelings. Emotional instability. Excitement; insurmountability of obstacles. Loss of energy. Instability. Inability to take advantage of the situation. Events don't start to shape as planned. Devil It is a great temptation to open some doors that should probably remain closed. The game can be dangerous. Strong sexual impulses, magnetism, even moral temptation is possible. Door - High energy, potential. The desire to go beyond the bounds of the free. The key is to take a chance, to allow the energy to escape. A warning is not to be dependent on the dark forces. Direct position. Sex, sexuality; passion, desires; magnetism. Secret knowledge; occultism. Maybe the exorcism of the devil, demonic essence. Protection from magic. Impunity. Disregard for the Spiritual. Licentiousness. Inverted position. The destructive result of wrong actions, retribution for sinful actions. Mess; and n-triganism. Lust. Witchcraft. Addiction. Sexual coercion, violence. Subordination. Events are not developing as planned. 31 Tower The doors are thrown open by a hurricane of destruction, destroying old ideas and unbending boundaries of individuality. Fearlessly cross the threshold of temporary failure if you feel that it is leading you to rebirth. Door - The situation of the onset of sudden major changes is often of a negative nature. Key - Need for quick action; search for ideas to avoid the catastrophic consequences of current events. Direct position. Destruction. Negative changes. Collapse of plans. Accident. Anxiety; confusion; excitement. Scandal. Danger. Instability. An attempt to avoid a difficult situation. Flash of ideas. Inverted position. All the bad things are over. Recovering from a crisis. Star The door to infinity, leading to a higher mind, is directly within you. Follow the creative inspiration that comes from the depths of your soul. Romantic connections. Door - Prospective situation; movement towards the goal. The key is to share with others the positive energy that you draw from the Cosmos. Direct position. Hope, spirituality. Strong connection with the Cosmos; support of the Universe; strength derived from nature. Freedom, purity, harmony. Deep understanding of things. The goal may be distant, but the events of the future are fruitful and significant. The relationship is romantic, free, easy, perhaps without commitment. Emotional lightness. Inverted position. Naivety, daydreaming. Insecurity. There may be outrageous behavior. Emotional dependence on one's own illusions. Immature desires. 32 Moon This door opens into the depths of the soul, and entering it can be a wonderful or disturbing experience. Everything that is manifested is in continuous change, reality is harmoniously connected with memories and illusions. Door - Instability. A situation of fear for the future. Intuition. The key is to listen to the inner voice; apply magic. Direct position. Uncertainty, doubt, fear. Impermanence, changeability (both mood and situation). Covert actions; infidelity; stealth. The world of feelings, sensations. The situation is unstable; false vision of the situation. There may be nervous problems (depression, despondency, melancholy). Pregnancy, the birth of a new, unknown. Feeling insignificant. Inverted position. Disappointments, mistakes, difficulties. The vagueness of what is happening. What has been discovered does not bring the expected result. Secrets and what scares turn out to be commonplace. Sun All shadows are destroyed, all doubts are erased. Meet the dance of life with an open heart and positive emotions. Important goals will be realized, the fear of fateful decisions will disappear. Door - The Energy of Space will help you achieve what you want. Happiness. Key - Enjoy a happy period in life. Direct position. The sun is a huge flow of energy and heat, and people in this flow are like little blades of grass in a huge gear, in the middle of which they spin. Being in the center of the turbulence of power, people get the joy of life, being. One satisfaction. Optimism. The joy of communication. Happiness. The achievement of the goal was likely accompanied by the application of effort and some difficulties. Merry; nice pastime. Mutual respect; purity, clarity of feelings. Inverted position. Communication, as well as the goal as such, and the achievement of the goal do not bring satisfaction. The process of moving forward is not controlled by the questioner. Vanity, conceit, self-confidence, selfishness. Limited joy. People are separated from the common World. 33 The Last Judgment The time has come for awakening, breathing new strength into every aspect of your life. Do not be afraid of surprises and accept any changes, no matter how surprising it may cause. Give up old dogmas and stereotypes and follow the light. A long trip is possible. Door - Your efforts can be rewarded. Key - Cast aside doubts; move forward with pure thoughts. Direct position. Duality. Half of a person's desires strives in one direction, and the other half strives in the other direction (for example, spirituality and fear of a possible result obtained, or the successful completion of something that brings joy, satisfaction, and at the same time the sadness of the completion, understanding that the peak of good is passing and it is necessary to start entering a new stage). Striving for light. Call (call) of fate. A person or a group of people, inspired by what is happening. Inverted position. Base motives prevail in man's aspirations. People who are also inspired by what is happening, but the background of inspiration can be, for example, sex, material gain, the desire to rule, etc. Duality, hesitation. World You have found the key you were looking for: the cycle has ended and another begins. The current plans will bring success. Rejoice in stability, peace and all the gifts that are given to you. Door - A little more effort and the goal will be achieved. The key is to get the support of others. Direct position. The goal you have been pursuing for a long time has been achieved. A successful, meaningful, satisfying happy ending. Help from others. A new stage of development. Great prospects are opening up before you. Desire to change the world for the better. Inverted position. An unfortunate ending that brings suffering. Insecurity; failure of plans. Problems with childbirth. With additional efforts, the goal can be achieved, but with all kinds of obstacles; it can also take a lot of mental strength. Often, a card can mean many obstacles, from which the result may not bring satisfaction. The card can simply mean dissatisfaction with life, the current state of affairs. The role of others is important, to whom you can turn for help. 34 "KEY" layout Approximate formulation of the question: How should I behave in this situation so that it develops properly? or how should I behave in order to get out of this possibly negative situation? 1 - the topic of the question. Internal problems. 2 - the past. How past events affect, including subconsciously, current affairs and the circumstances, which, we believe, develop by chance. 3 - present. Forces that affect current events. 4 - the future. Possible path to achievement that you want to follow. 6 and 8 - light. Reality. Everything that is clearly visible and what is known to us. 5 and 7 - shadow. Unconscious. That which, being in the shadows, is not visible, but influences our decisions. 9 - hopes and fears. The moment before crossing the threshold. 10 - a key to enter or move to a situation. Solution.

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