Home Preparations for the winter How to disable paid services and subscriptions "Rostelecom. How to disable paid channels and Rostelecom services on TV

How to disable paid services and subscriptions "Rostelecom. How to disable paid channels and Rostelecom services on TV

Today, Rostelecom provides its subscribers with a package of services that includes connection to digital television through access to the global network. Each user gets direct access to watching their favorite TV channels, in the highest quality. Today, television is gradually fading into the background, some users who decide to abandon the service have a problem, how to turn off Rostelecom's interactive TV or just IPTV?

There are several options for how to disable Rostelecom interactive television. This option is the most acceptable, the user can directly contact the company's specialist. You can contact the nearest Rostelecom office. You must have the following items with you:

  • treaty
  • the passport
  • prefix

In the latter case, the prefix must be brought if it was rented from a supplier. You need to be careful, each document must be available to the applicant, otherwise the process of disconnecting from the global network will not be possible. In addition, it is advisable to check the subscription fee for the absence of any debt, its presence may be an obstacle to invalidating the contract. Then it will be impossible to turn off interactive TV Rostelecom.

During the visit, the citizen will be asked to fill out a form with an application for refusal from interactive television. This document must be completed in two copies, the first remains with the provider, the second with the applicant.

If, at the conclusion of the agreement, documents were used that were not issued to the applicant, to a third party, the personal presence of this citizen will be required or a power of attorney must be issued. After filling out the forms, an employee of the company will put a seal on both copies. From this moment, the process of termination of the contractual contractual obligations of the subscriber and Rostelecom will begin. However, Rostelecom will not immediately turn off interactive TV.

The satellite signal will be received while the application is carefully considered by Rostelecom in short time, if the presence of debt is not revealed, then soon Rostelecom will turn off interactive TV.

Turning off television through your personal account

Consumers have a question, how to turn off Rostelecom interactive television at a distance, using your personal account for this? The nuance is that it is impossible to completely refuse, you can only spend limited time blocking. To disconnect remotely through your personal account, you need to do approximately the same steps as with a standard visit to the provider's office.

If the subscriber does not have a rented special set-top box, then it is possible to turn off Rostelecom's interactive TV through a personal account without bothering to visit the provider's office. This is just as easy to do as in the first option. You need to download a sample application form on the Rostelecom website, fill it out completely and, finally, send it by e-mail to the local office of the company. Soon a Rostelecom specialist will contact the applicant by phone, an agreement will be reached to turn off interactive TV and terminate the contractual relationship.

Interactive TV blocking Rostelecom

It is possible for customers to temporarily turn off the television if the consumer long time absent while on vacation or business trip. In order not to pay for something that is not temporarily used, a Rostelecom subscriber can turn off the current service through the voluntary blocking function.

First, you must either submit a request in writing directly to the office of Rostelecom, indicating personal data in it, or enable the function in personal account. The user needs to go to the paid functionality section and disable them.

An informational message with an activation code will be sent to your e-mail, it is entered in the column that appears on the screen. In this case, the service is disabled for exactly thirty days.


To avoid any unwanted problems in the process of terminating a contractual relationship, you should carefully read all the points when concluding them. There will be a clause on the possibility of its termination, which will indicate how to turn off Rostelecom's interactive TV through your personal account or in another way quickly and without delay.

Today, in most regions Russian Federation It is Rostelecom that is the leader in the provision of services for connecting to home interactive television. This is justified by the quality of the services provided, as well as the functionality of this type of TV.

All subscribers who have connected to interactive television have the opportunity not only to watch their favorite channels and TV shows in the highest quality, but also to enjoy such advantages as delayed viewing, content rewind, and saving TV shows. In addition, the service is also distinguished by the presence of additional options and features, many of which are connected for free, while others are for a fee.

However, despite the benefits that Rostelecom offers to its subscribers as part of the Interactive TV service, one cannot deny the fact that today television as a whole has long gone into the background. Now is the era of the Internet and other innovative technologies, and television, even in the form in which it is presented by Rostelecom, is no longer in demand. That is why many once active users of the company are thinking about how to turn off Rostelecom's interactive TV.

And today we want to discuss this issue, having analyzed the 2 most popular and, perhaps, the only effective ways.

How to disable the Interactive TV service from Rostelecom in the office

It is important to understand that Rostelecom, despite the size of the company and the quality of the services provided, really does not want to “say goodbye” to its customers and in every possible way complicates the procedure for terminating the contract and refusing services. For example, it is quite difficult to get a practical answer from the support service on the question of how to disconnect from the TV. Therefore, we offer you the following list of actions that must be performed:

  1. Take the documents that you received when connecting to interactive TV services from Rostelecom, as well as a set-top box, if you rented one.
  2. Check out the information on the website about the location of the nearest offices of the company in your city.
  3. Go to the nearest office or the most conveniently located branch of the provider.
  4. Request a standard Discontinuance Application form from company employees who work in the office. Request a duplicate application.
  5. Fill out an application for disconnection from the interactive TV service from Rostelecom in two copies.
  6. Set the seals and ask to assign incoming number completed forms.
  7. Keep one statement for yourself, and keep the other for yourself.
  8. Lease the set-top box, if you rented one when connecting.

After completing these steps, you can safely go home, but this does not mean that the service will be disabled - you also need to wait for a connection with the employees of the Rostelecom contact center, who will need to confirm that you really want to stop providing television services.

How to disable Interactive TV from Rostelecom remotely

If you have not rented any equipment, you can remotely disconnect from interactive TV services. However, it does not imply the use of the site, personal account or call to the contact center. You need to fill out the same application for refusal to cooperate with the company and send it by mail to the address of the nearest office.

After receiving your application, as in the first case, employees of the company will contact you, clarifying the firmness of your intentions. After receiving confirmation, technical specialists will arrive at your connection address to physically turn off the TV.

Today we have to learn how to disable subscriptions to Rostelecom. This question is of interest to many subscribers. Someone just wants to know in advance about the ways to refuse, and someone really needs to unsubscribe from certain services. Rostelecom offers all its customers quite a few options for solving this problem. What exactly?

What can you refuse

First, let's try to understand what you can refuse in practice. What services each subscriber is able to remove without unnecessary problems? Only then should you think about how to disable subscriptions to Rostelecom. Mobile Internet, home phone, television - it all offers this company. Of course, you can easily connect to yourself everything that relates to the listed features.

And of course, you can opt out of all this at any time. In addition, here you can also include some additional options like additional traffic Internet, roaming, some TV channels. Everything that Rostelecom offers is paid services that have the option to disable.

Your actions

We call the operator at 8-800-100-25-25 and wait for an answer. Next, you will need to tell what city you are from. By the way, the call is completely free. After that, you will be redirected to the operator who is engaged in connecting and disconnecting certain options. Let me know what you specifically want to unsubscribe from. In some cases, you may be asked the reason for the denial. It is not necessary to speak it. The company needs this information to improve its subscriptions.

How to disable subscriptions to Rostelecom on a phone or any other device? Specify which "platform" needs to get rid of services, then provide your address and first / last name. Specify the package you will be disabling and wait a bit. The operator will issue an application in your name and inform you about further actions. If it's just some third party subscription or service (like additional channels or traffic), then you will be told only about the terms after which your request will be satisfied. Otherwise, you will have to negotiate with the manager about the visit and seizure of certain gadgets (for example, a modem from Rostelecom).

A personal meeting

Move on. In addition to calling the operator, a slightly different technique is used quite often. As soon as the subscriber begins to think about how to turn off subscriptions to Rostelecom, he simply turns to the nearest office of the company in the city of residence. And there, without any problems, he refuses, from whatever he wishes.

Further, when talking with an employee, you will have to say what needs to be specifically turned off. If you don't know what subscriptions and services you have connected, ask to see information about it. You will need to provide your home address. We select and name the service to be disabled, transfer the contract and passport. It remains to wait until the office employee fills out the appropriate application. Check the correctness of filling in the data, and then sign the waiver of a particular service. If we are talking about a simple subscription that does not provide for the signing of a connection agreement, the named service will be immediately removed from you. Otherwise, you will have to perform all the actions that the employee calls.

After the contract

And then what? How to disable subscriptions on Rostelecom ( Perm region or any other region)? If you personally terminated the contract, then you should have been informed about further actions. As a rule, nothing special is required from you. You will simply wait for a notification about the disconnection of a particular service, or you will meet with the manager. He will collect all the provided equipment from the company and notify you of the result of your request.

Very often, even before the termination of the contract, subscribers bring the proposed equipment directly to the Rostelecom office. Usually this is either a set-top box or a modem. This option also exists. Then you don't have to once again think about how to disable subscriptions to Rostelecom. One visit to the office with all the equipment, a passport and an agreement for the provision of certain services is enough. After this reception, just wait for a message about the successful termination of subscriptions.


How to disable subscriptions to Rostelecom in KhMAO (and not only)? There is another pretty interesting option. But rarely does anyone agree to it. The thing is that paid services and subscriptions can be banned. That is, you can connect some basic functions from the company, but not third-party (optional) ones.

To do this, you will have to call a specific reference number. By the way, for all regions it is the same. We dial 11802 on the phone and wait for an answer. Next, we inform the telecom operator that we would like to put a ban on subscriptions and third-party services. An application will be made for you, and in response you will receive the result of processing the operation. In principle, quite an interesting technique. Only a few use it. After all, in order to reconnect to yourself some kind of package, you will have to call Rostelecom's help desk again and remove all prohibitions. This is not very convenient.


Now a little about more modern solutions. Yes, few people agree to them yet, but subscribers already now find such techniques extremely useful. It is about using the Internet to implement ideas.

The disadvantage of this technique is that it takes too long to implement. Sometimes a virtual application can take weeks to process. And if we are talking about some kind of paid subscription, then there is no point in waiting so long.

Via website

There is also a better solution. This is the official website of the operator. How to disable subscriptions on Rostelecom? In the "Personal Account" on the provider's web page. It is here that you can easily and simply manage all the services connected to you.

Go to Rostelecom, then go through the authorization there. Look in the "Services" section. Here you can look at several categories " Paid subscriptions" and just "Services and Services". Select the appropriate inscription and take a look at the result. The screen will display the entire list of services that you have connected and generally available to the company in the arsenal. Opposite each line there is a function - "Disable" or "Connect". Press desired inscription and confirm the action. You will receive a transaction confirmation code. It must be entered in the appropriate field on the monitor screen. When the work is completed, the status of a particular service will change. That's it, no problem.

When there is no "Cabinet"

What to do if you are a subscriber of Rostelecom, but you do not have a "Personal Account"? Of course, register on the official website of the operator. It consists of 4 simple steps. As soon as they are completed, your profile will automatically start displaying information about the connected and available packages services at the specified address.

All data must be valid. Special attention worth paying your address. After all, the whole profile as a whole depends on it. The slightest mistake - and you will work with someone else's apartment. Complete the registration, then follow the instructions above. And then you won't have to puzzle over how to turn off subscriptions to Rostelecom. The official website and "Personal Account" are great helpers in solving this problem.

Rostelecom is constantly working to improve the quality of customer service. In this regard, developers are releasing various Additional services which can be connected to mobile communications, television or the Internet. These add-ons are not always free.

For users to rate new opportunity, and decide on its connection, the operator automatically turns it on at the subscriber. For some time, the service is provided free of charge, after which the client must either turn it off on his own, or pay the specified amount for further use.

In 2018, the following additional services are available:

  1. For home internet:
    • TV online;
    • 100Mbps;
    • Night and Turbo acceleration;
    • Antivirus;
    • child in the house;
    • Safe Internet;
    • Torrent;
    • Surfing;
    • Social media;
    • Pay on credit;
    • Fixed
  2. For interactive TV:
    • Video rental.
  3. For mobile communications:
    • Who called;
    • Informer;
    • Conference - communication;
    • Forwarding;
    • Waiting and holding a call.

This list is not complete. All additional services can be specified on the official website of Rostelecom.

In Rostelecom, you can check and disable add-ons using the subscriber's Personal Account.

The cost of options varies depending on the region of residence of the subscriber.

You can find out about connected additional services in one of three ways:

  1. At the customer service office. You must have an identity document and the number of the contract concluded with the company with you.
  2. By calling the hot number 88001000800. Operators work around the clock. The call is free for residents of Russia.
  3. Through the Personal Account.

Disabling unnecessary services

To disable the paid services of Rostelecom, you must go through several steps:

  1. Log in to the Personal Account system.
  2. Select the personal account on which the paid option is connected.
  3. Press "Management". On the page that opens, the subscriber can receive information about tariff plan, view statistics, order details, and disable or enable paid features.
  4. Find the connected service in the list of tariff options.
  5. Click "Disable".

Important! Pressing the command to disable the Rostelecom service through the Personal Account does not stop the option. To block the add-on permanently, you must click "Create an application" in the next window. After processing the request by the company, it will be stopped.

This method of disconnecting in the Personal Account may not always work. Since some options for technical reasons are not indicated on the operator's website. To refuse the connected Rostelecom service, the client will need to call the hot number for working with clients. The operator will give full information connected services and help stop them. To identify the person, the client will need to name the code word specified in the agreement, the contract number or passport data.

Also, in a conversation with a specialist, the subscriber may need not to connect in the future trial versions paid services without his permission. In this matter, the Internet provider must take the side of the client and fulfill his requirement.

How to avoid further connections

Since the contract for the provision of services of the operator Rostelecom does not contain a clause prohibiting the connection of additional options, in some cases, this can still happen. To avoid this situation, the client can:

  1. Periodically view news on the official website of Rostelecom at the link https://moscow.rt.ru/press. The company always creates a special post about all changes.
  2. Check the availability of connected options in the Subscriber's Personal Account.

Full information on additional options, how to enable and disable them can be found at https://moscow.rt.ru/mobile/mobile_service.

Rostelecom is a leader in the provision of interactive home television services, thanks to high quality and acceptable cost. However, technology is constantly evolving, and many users decide to abandon interactive TV in favor of the Internet. The question naturally arises of how exactly to turn off Rostelecom television. There are several options for turning off the TV, and a temporary blocking function is also available, for example, for people leaving for a long time. Disconnection can be issued at one of the offices of Rostelecom or remotely.

Visiting the provider's office in order to refuse Rostelecom TV services is the most popular and acceptable option, since you can personally consult and find out the details of the refusal from a company employee. To complete the procedure for turning off the TV at a time, you need to prepare and take with you:

  • the passport;
  • connection agreement;
  • equipment (attachment), if it was rented from the company upon connection.

Important! Mandatory presence of a person and his documents for registration of the application. Close relatives will not be able to turn off the TV even with the documents of the person with whom the contract was concluded.

At the provider's office, you will be asked to fill out a special application form, it must be drawn up in two copies. One copy remains with the employee, and the second is taken by the user. After filling in all the fields of the form, an employee of the company checks the information and puts a wet seal.

After completing these steps, you should not wait for an instant disconnection, in most cases, you need to talk with the manager who reviews applications by phone and re-confirm the refusal of the TV. After the application is considered and no obstacles are found for terminating the contract, then it is fully satisfied.

Turning off television through your personal account

Despite the fact that there is an option to remotely refuse TV without a personal visit to the branch, it will not work online. Remote refusal implies filling out the same application form, where all fields must be filled out. This application is sent by regular mail to the branch where the decision of the user to completely abandon Rostelecom television is considered. Employees contact the user by phone to clarify information. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to completely disable interactive TV in your personal account.

After checking all the information and making a decision, at the agreed time, technicians will arrive at the user to disconnect the TV. You can apply remotely if you have your own equipment, if the user has not rented a set-top box from the company.

Important! Complete disconnection is possible only if there is no negative balance on the user's personal account.

Otherwise, you must first pay off the debt, after which you can already apply. Negative balance is a significant reason for rejection.

Despite the fact that it is not possible to disable the service in your personal account on your own, there are ways to cancel the subscription to paid additional services or temporarily block TV. This is especially true for people who go on vacation, a long business trip and plan to renew their subscription to Rostelecom interactive TV upon their return.

Temporary blocking of Rostelecom television service

Using your personal account, you can apply for an online blocking. This function so it is called "". Please note that this option has time limits, you can block for a period of 30 to 90 days. You can connect and refuse both at the company's office and through your personal account to block TV. You must specify the period for which the blocking is planned to be enabled, as well as the personal account number. You can also cancel the blocking online or by contacting an employee of the Rostelecom branch by phone.

If desired, in your personal account you can also independently refuse additional paid options without visiting the Rostelecom office. To do this, you need to go to the "Paid Services" section in your personal account and click on the options that you need to enable or disable. After that, in the window that appears, you will need to enter the code that will come to the address Email to activate.

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