Home Blanks for the winter Class hour monuments and historical sites. Class hour in elementary school. Unusual monuments of the world. It will be very interesting

Class hour monuments and historical sites. Class hour in elementary school. Unusual monuments of the world. It will be very interesting


Currently, one of the most serious problems is that modern adolescents do not know international historical and cultural monuments, as well as the historical heritage of our state. The reasons for this phenomenon are many, starting with a low standard of living, not the desire of young people to grow spiritually and intellectually, the lack of widespread work of the media. One of the ways to solve this problem is the active and constant work of teachers of various humanitarian disciplines of educational institutions. After all, without knowing the cultural traditions of human civilization and their homeland, it is impossible to learn to love and be proud of the achievements of their ancestors. It makes sense to love your homeland - to become a patriot, you need to have a certain amount of knowledge on the history of the country, to know the laws that protect historical and cultural monuments, as well as responsibility for the destruction and damage to cultural monuments.

Lesson Objectives:

  • Expand and deepen the knowledge of students about the famous cultural monuments of international importance.
  • To form value orientations and beliefs of students, based on the comprehension of experience in the history of culture.
  • Develop personal qualities (the ability to adequately assess oneself, make decisions and implement these decisions).
  • Expand cultural and historical horizons.
  • Foster patriotic feelings in adolescents.

Lesson plan:

1. The history of the emergence of cultural and historical monuments in the world.
2. The history of the creation of the historical memorial of Mamaev Kurgan.
3. History of the monument in the United States "Statue of Liberty".
4. Laws of the Russian Federation on the protection of cultural, historical and monuments.
5. Attitude to the historical heritage today abroad and in Russia.
6. Didactic game.

Lesson equipment:

1. Images of historical cultural monuments.
2. Video salon.
3. Demonstration of photographs of monuments of international importance.

Lesson form:

The class is divided into three groups that prepare performances:
1. A - about the history of the monument of the Mamayev Kurgan ensemble.
2. B - Articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on the protection and protection of cultural and historical monuments.
3. B - manifestation of vandalism to monuments today.
At the end of the consolidation lesson, game moments are held: to identify monuments of international importance from photographs.



According to the definition of the Encyclopedic Dictionary: “A monument is a work of art created to perpetuate people or historical events, a sculptural group, a statue, a bust, a slab with a relief or an inscription, a triumphal arch, a column, an obelisk, a tomb, a tombstone, etc. The most developed type of monument is memorial structures. "
Initially, the passion for perpetuation, which especially strongly dominated the rulers of the ancient states, was realized mainly in the creation of tombs and burial structures. They were different. For Egyptian it is a pyramid. For the Slavic leader - a bulk mound. For a European king or a powerful feudal lord - a cathedral or church built at his expense, where his sarcophagus was installed.
But there was another tradition at that time. In democratic Greece, the heroes of the Olympic Games were immortalized. Statues were created in their honor. True, these were not portraits of real athletes, but rather statues in honor of the winners in running, javelin throwing, archery, and wrestling. The Greeks also left to the descendants the first images of warriors, heroes of their myths, and at the same time their outstanding statesmen, rulers, philosophers - Pericles, Socrates and many others. Statues of the work of famous Greek sculptors - Lysippos, Miron, Praxiteles - adorned temples, forums, public buildings, city squares.

Another tradition was born in the ancient world - to perpetuate events. As a rule, famous campaigns, victories, conquests were honored with this, especially those that led to the capture of a large number of prisoners who were turned into slavery. In honor of such victories, they began to erect special structures - triumphal arches and columns.
In 1622, the first monument in Europe was erected not to a military person and not to a crown bearer, but to a civil activist, writer and philosopher Erasmus of Rotterdam, author of the famous "Praise of Folly" (sculptor - Hendrik de Keyser). And later, monuments to poets and writers began gradually, but steadily and persistently, to crowd out monuments to monarchs.
In Russia, the first writers to whom monuments were erected were N.M. Karamzin, G.R. Derzhavin, I.A. Krylov. Following the poets, composers, scientists, travelers, doctors appeared on the pedestals. Gradually, they began to perpetuate not only writers, but also the heroes of their books.
Since Peter I, a large number of various monuments have appeared in Russia, including the tsar himself. And in the pre-Petrine era, there were no sculptural monuments in our country. And not because there were no great people worthy of perpetuation, but simply in the canons of Orthodox Christianity it was not customary to erect monuments. But there was a custom to perpetuate not people, but events, mainly, of course, associated with victories. For this purpose, temples or chapels were built.
However, in the 19th and 20th centuries, the humanistic heritage of ancient culture spread more and more across all countries and continents. Today we are rich in the cultural and historical heritage of our ancestors, we have a huge number of cultural monuments. Our task is to preserve them for future offspring.
On the territory of our city there is a cultural monument of historical international importance - this is Mamayev Kurgan.

(Students' speech on the history of the discovery of Mamaev Kurgan)

Mamaev Kurgan rises 102 meters above Stalingrad. For more than four months (September 1942 - January 1943) there were bloody battles for this height. Many times the top of the mound passed from hand to hand. Many times this height was taken by selfless Soviet soldiers, but after a day or two the Nazis concentrated the superior forces of infantry, tanks, aviation, artillery and again seized the summit. Only on January 26, 1943, all the surroundings of the Mamaev Kurgan, all the heights adjacent to it were cleared of the enemy.
But how many of their comrades were buried by Soviet soldiers in the sacred land of the Mamaev Kurgan, densely strewn with fragments from mines, bombs, shells: there were from 500 to 1250 for every square meter ...
Immortal images of the defenders of Stalingrad are resurrected in the monumental Victory Monument erected on the Mamayev Kurgan. The authors of the ensemble are a creative team headed by the People's Artist of the USSR, sculptor E. Vuchetich and architect Y. Belopolsky.
The monument-monument, opened in 1967, includes a whole complex of architectural and sculptural structures. This is what the sculptor Yevgeny Vuchetich, People's Artist of the USSR, wrote on the opening days of the monument, in October 1967: “... In the Stalingrad epic, the nobility of the soul and the wonderful qualities of the Soviet people were revealed with extraordinary force. Here life triumphed over death, and those who passed away did not disappear into oblivion - they seemed to remain in the ranks, and the example of their feat called others to the feat ”.
Over 1 million cubic meters of earthworks have been carried out on the construction of the monument-ensemble. About 20 thousand cubic meters of concrete were laid, more than 25 thousand tons of metal structures were used.
The main monument of the ensemble is the sculpture "Motherland". Its height is 52 meters, the length of the arm is 20 meters and the length of the sword is 29 meters. The weight of the sculpture is 8 thousand tons, and the weight of the sword is 14 tons. ( Appendix, figure 1 ).
The Hall of Military Glory has the shape of a cylinder with a diameter of 40 meters and a height of 13.5 meters. More than 7,000 names of Soviet soldiers who died in the Battle of Stalingrad are immortalized on 34 mosaic banners. ( Appendix, figure 2 ).

Viewing the documentary film "Motherland" - 5–8 min.

On October 28, 1886, under the roar of cannonade - 21 cannon shots, the opening of the most famous monument in North America took place. Sirens blared, and a grandiose fireworks display. Since then, passengers on all ships arriving at the New York port have been greeted here by a gigantic female figure with the torch of Liberty in her hand outstretched to the sky. ( Appendix, figure 3 ).
The Statue of Liberty has become the symbol of the United States of America.
The statue, weighing 255 tons, is topped with a crown! a female figure trampling underfoot the torn shackles of tyranny. The seven pointed teeth of her crown symbolize freedom, extending over seven continents and seven seas. In her left hand, Svoboda holds a kind of book with two dates carved on it: July 4, 1776 - the day of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, and July 14, 1789 - Bastille day. The sculptor Bartholdi imagined that these events were ideologically linked. The right hand raises the symbolic torch. The torch and crown are illuminated in the evenings.
The height of the statue itself is 46 meters, and thus the top of the torch is 93 meters above the ground. Weight - 205 tons. The length of the right hand, in which the torch is, is 12.8 meters, with only one index finger being 2.4 meters long, and the width of the mouth is 91 centimeters. Inside the plinth of the Statue of Liberty is the Museum of American Population, opened in 1972. Here is really the whole history of the country: from the ancestors - the Indians, who moved to the then unknown continent, and right up to the mass migration in the current century.
Every country in the world honors and protects its culture. In our country, laws have been issued that protect and protect cultural and historical monuments.

(Students' speech on the content of normative documents protecting historical monuments and signs)

Constitution of the Russian Federation:

Article 44.

Everyone is obliged to take care of the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage, to protect the monuments of history and culture.

Administrative Violations Code of the Russian Federation:

Article 7.13.

1. Violation of the requirements for the preservation, use and protection of objects of cultural heritage of monuments of history and culture, shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of ten to fifteen times the minimum wage, on officials - from twenty to thirty times the minimum wage; for legal entities - from two hundred to three hundred times the minimum wage.
2. Actions (inaction) provided for in part 1 of this article, committed in relation to especially valuable objects of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation, objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments included in the List of World Cultural and Natural Heritage, on their territories, in the territories of historical - cultural reserves (museum-reserves) of federal significance, as well as in their protection zones - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of twenty to twenty-five times the minimum wage, on officials - four hundred to five hundred times the minimum wage.

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

Section 243. Destruction or damage of monuments of history and culture
1. Destruction or damage to monuments of history, culture, natural complexes or objects taken under state protection, as well as objects or documents of historical or cultural value - shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of two hundred to five hundred times the minimum wage or in the amount of wages, or other income of the convicted person for a period from two to five months or imprisonment for up to two pet.
2. The same acts committed in relation to especially valuable objects or monuments of national importance, - shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of seven hundred to one thousand times the minimum wage or in the amount of the wage or other income of the convicted person for a period of seven months to one year, or by deprivation freedom for up to five pet.
Section 244. Abuse of the tepes of the dead and the places of their burial
1. Desecration of the tepes of the dead or destruction, damage or desecration of burial places of grave structures or cemetery buildings intended for ceremonies in connection with the burial of the dead or their commemoration, - shall be punished with a fine in the amount of fifty to one hundred times the minimum wage or in the exchange of wages or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to one month, either by compulsory labor for a period of one hundred and twenty to one hundred and eighty hours, or correctional labor for a period of up to one year, or arrest for a period of up to three months.
2. The same acts committed:
a) by a group of persons by a group of persons in a preliminary conspiracy or by an organized group;
b) on the basis of national, racial, religious hatred or enmity, as well as in relation to a sculptural, architectural structure dedicated to the fight against fascism or victims of fascism, or the burial places of participants in the fight against fascism, - shall be punished by restraint of liberty for a term of up to three years, or arrest for a term of three to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to three pet.

Despite the adopted laws on the protection of monuments in our country, today very often messages began to appear in the media that somewhere destroyed or planned to dismantle cultural monuments.

(Students' speeches on the state of monuments in Russia and abroad)

The Estonian Parliament has set a precedent for Soviet monuments around the world. "The adoption by the Estonian deputies of the law" On the Protection of War Burials "" does not give a very good example to other countries and is not a plus for Russian-Estonian relations, "said Andrei Klimov, member of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, Chairman of the Subcommittee on European Cooperation. January 10, 2007 The Estonian parliament adopted in the third reading a law that allows the monument to Soviet soldiers-liberators (Bronze Soldier) to be moved from the center of Talin to Tõnismägi (Bronze Soldier) in the third reading.
"In the center of Europe, such a decision is made by those who consider themselves representatives of the European community. Why engage in dragging the remains? Fighting with bones is not the best sign of civilization. The Estonian parliament is not setting a very good example," A. Klimov said.
The manifestation of vandalism also takes place in Russia, for example, vandals outraged the "Mourning" memorial in Perm. ( Appendix, figure 4 ).
There are more and more such places in Russia every year.
"The Soviet war memorial in Treptower Park is a grandiose monument to about 21 thousand soldiers who died in 1945 during the capture of the capital of Nazi Germany. We honor their memory and still consider the memorial to be Soviet, since it was the USSR that liberated Berlin. We are doing our best for a worthy care of all three large Soviet war memorials in our city - Treptower Park, Tiergarten and Schönholzer Heide, "says Hans Stimmann, head of the construction directorate in the Berlin government.
In one hand, a Soviet soldier holds a sword that cuts a swastika, and in the other, a rescued little German girl rises on a pedestal in Berlin's Treptower Park. The world famous sculpture by Yevgeny Vuchetich was solemnly hoisted in the place where it stood since 1949. ( Appendix, figure 5 ).
Inside the pedestal, to which a granite staircase leads, there is a round domed memorial hall. Its walls are lined with smalt mosaics made according to the sketches of the artist A.A. Gorpenko. The large and bright mosaic panel depicts representatives of the peoples of Europe laying wreaths on the graves of Soviet soldiers - their liberators.
On both sides of the ensemble, from the banners to the main monument, there are eight massive white-stone sarcophagi each. These are simple stone blocks with reliefs telling about the Great Patriotic War. Moving from one bas-relief to another, moving to the central monument, the visitor can see the events of the Great Patriotic War. Vuchetich conveys the drama of the event with great force. Before the visitor's gaze, an exciting picture of a mortal battle with fascism is successively unfolded.
... a 40-ton figure of a Soviet soldier was removed from the pedestal for a major overhaul in October 2005. Then they were dismantled into seven parts and sent for restoration to the North German island of Rügen. There she was covered with a special protective layer. In addition, a special metal corset was made and placed inside the figure, tightly fastened with screws to the outer parts. This construction increases the stability of the monument many times over. The German side spent 1.5 million euros on this major overhaul. These are the details of the grand Berlin project.
This is one of the best symbols of our Victory. And his today's return after restoration is also symbolic. Any of the monuments of that war - and among them there are masterpieces of architectural art and modest obelisks - are valuable, first of all, for their internal, historical content.

In the Bulgarian city of Plovdiv, on the Bunardzhik hill in 1954, a monument to the Soviet soldier, the liberator "Alyosha" was erected, designed by the Bulgarian sculptors Radoslavov, Zankov, Kotsev and Topalov. The height of the monument is 18 meters, made of stone. Later, the song "Alyosha" appeared, which became the anthem of Plovdiv.

Watching a film about the history of the "Alyosha" monument in the Bulgarian city Plovdiv - 5–8 min.

But time cannot be erased, just as memory and history cannot be erased.
Belinsky noted: "Of all the critics, the greatest, the most brilliant, the most infallible is time." I think that time will put everything in its place.


With the help of photos ( Appendix) identify monuments of international importance.

1. Europe - "Warrior-Liberator" - Evgeny Vuchetich (Berlin)
2. Belarus - Khatyn Memorial - S. Selikhanov, V. Zankovich (Minsk)
3. Russia - Memorial "Soldier's Field" - A.E. Krivolapov (Volgograd)
4. "Stand to the death" - Evgeny Vuchetich (Volgograd)
5. "Motherland" - Evgeny Vuchetich (Volgograd)
6. Hall of Military Glory - Evgeny Vuchetich (Volgograd)
7. Monument to V.I. Lenin at the Volga-Don shipping channel - Eugene
Vuchetich (Volgograd). Lenin's monument is included in the Book of Records
Guinness as the world's largest real monument
living person.
8. "The Bronze Horseman" - Etienne Maurice Falconet (St. Petersburg),
9. Monument to Minin and Pozharsky - Etienne Maurice Falconet (Moscow).
10. USA - Statue of Liberty - Bartholdi.
11. Egypt - Great Sphinx at Giza.


  1. Aleksandrov V.N. History of Russian art. - Minsk; Harvest. 2004.
  2. Volgograd: four centuries of history. - Volgograd .: Nizhne - Volzh. book ed, 1989.
  3. Handbook on patriotic education of schoolchildren. - M .: Globus, 20007.
  4. Basic codes and laws of the Russian Federation. - S – Pet .: ID Ves, 2002.
  5. Samin D.K. One hundred great monuments. - M .: Veche, 2001.

In 1983, at the initiative of the Assembly of the International Council for the Protection of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), the UNESCO Cultural Heritage Center declared April 18 as the International Day for Monuments and Sites.

The International Council for the Protection of Monuments and Sites, an association of professionals, was founded in 1965. The organization unites 9.5 thousand individual members from 151 countries of the world, 106 national committees, 28 international scientific committees.

ICOMOS 'activities aimed at the preservation and protection of cultural heritage are based on the principles enshrined in the 1964 International Charter for the Conservation and Revitalization of Monuments and Historic Sites (Venice Charter).

The International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites is celebrated annually since April 18, 1984 to draw public attention to the cultural heritage of the world, its monuments and historical sites, to remind that this cultural heritage needs constant care and protection.

International Day of Monuments provides an opportunity to learn more about the diversity of the world's heritage and the forces that are being used to protect and preserve it.

For several years, ICOMOS has been proposing the theme of celebrating the International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites. The theme of the day 2017 - "Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Tourism" is linked to the declaration by the United Nations of 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism Development.

Cultural heritage and tourism have a great relationship. Many countries place cultural heritage as a priority for sustainable tourism development. Therefore, the issues of restoration and reconstruction of monuments and historical sites play a central role in the tourism cluster. The preservation of the architectural heritage, historical urban and natural landscapes, cultural traditions should be priorities in the planning of sustainable tourism.

April 18 has become a professional holiday for those whose work is related to the preservation of cultural heritage. A lot of events dedicated to the preservation of the world heritage are timed to this day, many museums work for free, the doors of historical buildings and architectural complexes open.

The International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites is widely celebrated in many countries of the world that are part of UNESCO, including Russia, where the care of monuments and historical sites became an official matter under Peter I (1722), when measures were first taken to protect individual monuments antiquity.

The basic law of the Russian Federation in the field of preservation, use and state protection of cultural heritage objects (historical and cultural monuments) is the federal law of June 25, 2002 "On cultural heritage objects (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation".

In accordance with the law, cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation are of unique value for the entire multinational people of Russia and are an integral part of the world cultural heritage. The law is designed to guarantee the preservation of cultural heritage sites in the interests of the present and future generations of the multinational people of Russia.

State protection of cultural heritage sites is one of the priority tasks of the state authorities of the Russian Federation, authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.

In Russia, issues of protection of historical and cultural monuments were under the jurisdiction of the Federal Service for Supervision of Compliance with Legislation in the Field of Protection of Cultural Heritage - Rosokhrankultura. According to the government decree "On the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation", which entered into force on August 8, 2011, all functions of Rosokhrankultura were transferred to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Natalia Tarasovskaya
Day of Monuments and Historical Sites. Presentation "Travel around the city of St. Petersburg"

The motto of the International Day

became words:

“Let's keep our historical homeland» .

The holiday is celebrated around the world on April 18 with the aim of protecting and preserving cultural heritage. On the territory of Russia, there are a huge number of monuments and historical sites, there are approximately 150 thousand cultural heritage sites.

Especially rich in such attractions are two main cities of the country - Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Currently, Russia has issued a conservation law monuments.

The country loses up to 200 monuments of history and culture, and some cultural objects of the past have already been lost irretrievably.

In different countries of the world, it is accepted in this day carry out various events dedicated to the preservation of the world heritage.

Many museums in this day can be visited for free.

Word « monument» - « memory» ... Any a monument is a piece of history.

Monuments are structures that are designed to perpetuate people, events, objects, etc.

Historical places -« story» - it places, on the territory of which important historical events, or where there were earlier or are ancient buildings and structures.

To whom we owe the opportunity to enjoy works of art - the authors and creators of grandiose projects, as well as all those who contribute to preserving them in their proper form.

Summer goes by, cold weather sets in, then it gets warm again. And if it were not for the caring hands of people devoted to their profession, then we would hardly enjoy the sight of beautiful creations - they would have been so badly damaged by wind, rain, snow, as well as drawings and indecent inscriptions.

What are they made of monuments, sculptures from which materials: metal, stone, wood, clay. glass, bronze, marble.

Master tools: the main thing is hands, a hammer, a mallet, drills, knives, sharp stacks, a saw, an ax.

We love very much your city!

The sun is shining over the Neva

Or the rains are knocking on the window

We love him anyway

We are in this we live in the city,

And it grows and we grow!


–Love on walk the city,

Nevsky - one, Winter - two,

Three - the beautiful Neva,

And four - the Palace Bridge,

Five - I'm walking along Sadovaya,

Six - I'm going to Isaac

And I'll look at the dome.

Seven - of course, the Summer Garden,

How beautiful his outfit is!

Eight is a fortress by the Neva,

You were probably there.

Nine - met me

Bronze rider on horseback.

Ten - Rostral columns

Visible from afar

The Neva River is crowned

These two beacons.

Building the city began with a fortress... The fortress was laid in day Saints Peter and Paul - on May 27, 1703 this day and is considered the birthday of St. Petersburg. A cathedral was built in the fortress in honor of the saints, and it began to be called Peter and Paul. Now the fortress houses a museum city ​​history.

Saint-Petersburg is located on the Neva River. The Neva flows out of Lake Ladoga and flows into the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic Sea.

Who and when founded our town? (Peter 1, over 300 years ago) (show portrait of Peter 1)... But what deeds Peter did for the good of Russia 1 : (built town, created a fleet, founded schools and academies, introduced a new calendar, assemblies, began to publish newspapers and magazines under him, brought and planted potatoes) Peter 1 was a strong sovereign - the master and ruler of Russia.

After the death of Peter I, Russia was ruled by Catherine II (show portrait)... She ordered to find a talented sculptor to create monument to Peter 1 worthy of his glory.

He created an equestrian sculpture of the king, as if driving on the crest of a wave. With his feet the horse crushes the snake, with his hand Peter 1 points to everything that was created by him…. Approving the model monument, Catherine 2 ordered to find a huge solid marble block, suitable to serve as a foot (pedestal)... Soon a suitable granite rock was brought, called "Thunder is a stone".

The great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin described monument in his poem and named it "Bronze Horseman"... So monument Peter 1 and began to call "Bronze Horseman"... And why exactly copper, if it is cast from bronze? Because bronze is an alloy of iron and copper. When water gets on the bronze, the bronze turns a little green, like copper. That's why "copper".

Palace Square is one of the most beautiful squares in the world. On the square opposite each other there are two building: Winter Palace and General Headquarters.

the main street cities called Nevsky Prospect.

Palace drawbridge is another symbol St. Petersburg.

The Admiralty has a beautiful golden spire. There is a boat at the very top of this spire. This boat is also a symbol of our cities.

On Vasilievsky Island, on the banks of the Neva, there is the Zoological Museum.

Our zoo is one of the oldest zoos in Russia. The emblem of the zoo is a polar bear.

Symbols St. Petersburg: a flying angel on the spire of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, a ship on the spire of the Admiralty, coat of arms cities-it depicts two anchors: sea and river.

Painting " Monuments our military glory cities», « Monument to the kindergarten»

Psycho-gymnastics "Living sculpture".

DI "Collect monument» (cut pictures, "Learn by description"

International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites has traditionally been celebrated on April 18, since 1984. The holiday was established by the Assembly of the International Council for the Protection of Monuments and Sites, acting under UNESCO, in 1983. The holiday is necessary in order to draw people's attention to the problems of preserving and protecting our cultural heritage. Within the framework of this holiday, various significant events are held, including conferences related to the preservation of monuments, historical complexes and their protection from vandalism. Guided tours of historic buildings that are closed to the public on ordinary days are also organized, and some museums receive visitors on this day free of charge.

Today in Russia the situation with the protection of attractions is not the best - either there are no relevant laws, or they are simply not respected. The result of this is the destruction of protected and historical zones, and the perpetrators usually do not bear any responsibility.

In European countries, memorial sites are treated much more carefully; even after archaeological excavations, work is being carried out to restore historical landscapes.

Walk through historical sites
And wait in silence near the monument,
History comes alive here so that we
To tell the past about life.

To once again remind of the great
Or sometimes warn against trouble,
On the day of monuments, the whole world I call
Protect the heritage of history.

How many historical places are there,
And everyone hides a riddle!
Of course, we can't count all of them,
But they all mean something!

We must keep them with all our hearts,
After all, they are our heritage!
We need to appreciate history
Each monument is very important to us!

Monument Day celebrates
Today the entire scientific world,
Our planet is so rich -
Above her, history is like smoke.

Descendants are obliged to keep
Invaluable experience of past years,
More beautiful than those dressed in stone
After all, there are no witnesses of the epochs.

Let them stand silently
Let them teach a fragile world to protect
Go to them for inspiration,
Let there be more of these meetings.

So many interesting places in the world:
Museums, sculptures, monuments!
And how beautiful all these palaces are,
And the estates of intellectuals!

How beautiful the architecture is!
We really have something to enjoy!
May our culture flourish
May the legacy last forever!

On Monument Day, I remind you:
We need to be sensitive to history,
Events that are frozen in stone
I urge you to cherish it very much.

Let the reminders stand
Long gone years and days
After all, with them all our landscapes are more beautiful
And life becomes clearer.

There are many monuments in the world
It's hard to even count
We need to take care of them,
Protect from vandals
About history we need
Remember more often, friends,
About world culture
You can't forget!

There are silent guards standing
And they cast a bronze glance at us.
Sometimes they will tell us this,
That it is impossible to move back!

Places of history that made events
They opened our front door to the past.
They still conceal in themselves by opening,
That will surprise us, believe me!

So guard them to know the origins
And to convey their beauty to children.
After all, not many are allowed to do them.
And do not break, you only have one!

Historical places
The world is huge,
They are witnesses
Epochs, events, military.
On the day of memorials to you
I want to wish
To love and protect history.
Experience history
Let him share with us
So that mistakes of the past
We didn't repeat.

We will protect the monuments,
Protect historic sites!
Let's preserve the cultural heritage
For posterity, for heirs!

We are countless cultural masterpieces,
We organize celebrations in their honor,
Let's tell new generations
About their great importance!

So that we can calmly watch
On your kind bright tomorrow
Need to warm the past in souls
And do not irretrievably erase from the ground.

We need to keep history
And to give to descendants, of course,
Monuments worthy of value
Save from vandals every day!

Congratulations: 34 in verse.

International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites (World heritage day) is celebrated on April 18. Established in 1983 by the Assembly of the International Council for the Protection of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), established at UNESCO, in order to draw public attention to the protection and preservation of the world cultural heritage. For the first time, at the interstate level, the day of monuments and historical sites was celebrated on April 18, 1984.

The slogan of the International Day for Monuments and Sites was the words: "Let's preserve our historical homeland."

This Day was established in 1982 by the Assembly of the International Council for the Protection of Monuments and Landmarks (ICOMOS), created at UNESCO. The holiday is celebrated in the world since April 18, 1984 in order to draw public attention to the protection and preservation of the world cultural heritage.

In the USSR, in 1924, the Instruction of the People's Commissariat for Education developed a Decree (based on the resolution of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of July 7, 1924), according to which the executive committees were obliged to ensure that “fortified settlements, mounds, burial grounds and other places of historical value , were not plowed open, were not excavated for any economic purposes, and in the circumference of the monuments a protective strip of one fathom or more would remain inviolable, depending on the size and significance of the monument. "

Currently, there are about 150 thousand objects of cultural heritage of federal and regional significance in Russia. And the basic law in the field of preservation, use and state protection of cultural heritage objects (historical and cultural monuments) is the Federal Law of June 25, 2002 N 73-FZ "On cultural heritage objects (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation."

Unfortunately, this law is not always observed. Monuments, historical sites and protected areas are mercilessly destroyed, and those guilty of this, as a rule, do not bear any punishment. According to experts, the country annually loses up to 200 historical and cultural monuments, and some cultural objects of the past have already been lost irretrievably.

In Europe, history is treated much more carefully; European countries even preserve historical landscapes and landscapes of the area. For example, in France, landscapes of memorial sites are being restored even after archaeological excavations. In the north of England, the Hadrian's Wall, built during the reign of the Roman Emperor Hadrian to protect the northern borders of the empire and stretching for 117 kilometers, is practically intact.

And today's holiday is an occasion to once again draw the attention of the general public and government officials to the protection and preservation of various local monuments and historical sites and world cultural heritage sites. Therefore, on this day, as part of the celebration, various conferences are held on the preservation and protection of cultural heritage, as well as a number of other events. For example, some museums and exhibition halls on this day (as well as on International Museum Day) can be admitted free of charge. Visitors can also visit architectural complexes and historical buildings that are closed for visits on ordinary days.

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