Home Roses What happens to the person who was hit by the bullet. What to do if a foreign body enters the respiratory tract, esophagus, ear or nose? Three tricks are used to quickly open the mouth.

What happens to the person who was hit by the bullet. What to do if a foreign body enters the respiratory tract, esophagus, ear or nose? Three tricks are used to quickly open the mouth.

Caution: Do not use solutions of acids or alkalis for the neutralization reaction on the victim's skin.

If phosphorus gets on your skin?

What should be done if quicklime gets on the victim's skin?

PP instruction p.12.6. Actions in cases of skin lesions by aggressive chemicals

Attention! Do not use solutions of acids or alkalis for a neutralization reaction on the victim's skin.

1. Immediately remove chemical soaked clothing.

2. Rinse affected areas with copious amounts of cold water until a doctor arrives.

3. Offer the victim an abundant warm drink.

4. In the absence of allergic reactions, offer 2-3 tablets of analgin.

If you get quicklime on your skin?

Remove limescale with a dry cloth. Never wet or rinse with water.

If phosphorus gets on your skin?

Immediately immerse the burned area in cold water for 15-20 minutes and remove phosphorus particles with a stick.

What should be done if a victim in a state of clinical death is taken out of a well, a collector, or taken out of the fire?

PP instruction p.14. Actions in cases of poisoning with hazardous gases in sewers or wells

Caution: If the victim, who is in a confined space below ground level, does not show signs of life, poisoning with very dangerous gases should be suspected.

Remember your own safety! You can go down to the victim only in an insulating gas mask.

1. Remove the victim to the surface.

2. If there is no pulse in the carotid artery, proceed to resuscitation.

3. If there is a pulse on the carotid artery, but there is no consciousness for more than 4 minutes, turn on the stomach and apply cold to the head.

If you don't have a protective mask?

Conduct an indirect cardiac massage - non-ventilation resuscitation until the arrival of medical personnel or the appearance of a protective mask.

14.1. Actions in cases of detection of a victim with signs of carbon monoxide poisoning

Caution: If in a confined space heated by wood or coal, a victim with an unnaturally pink skin color lies motionless and there is a large amount of vomit near him, you should suspect carbon monoxide poisoning.

1. Provide access to fresh air or remove the victim from the room.

Explanation. It is enough to break or open a window, and after 2-3 minutes it will become safe to stay in the room, or drag the victim 5-6 meters away from the front door and close it tightly.

2. If there is no pulse in the carotid artery, proceed to resuscitation, see section 5.5.

Remember your own safety! Inhalation can only be done through a protective plastic mask, see section 5.6.1.

3. If there is a pulse on the carotid artery - unfasten the collar of the clothes and loosen the waist belt, raise your legs and bring a cotton swab with ammonia to your nose, see item 6.

4. If there is a pulse on the carotid artery, but there is no consciousness for more than 4 minutes, turn on the stomach and apply cold to the head, see item 7.

PP instruction p.16.2. Actions in a warm room in case of frostbite of the feet

Signs of frostbite:

- loss of sensitivity in the fingers,

- initially pale skin, after a few hours it turns purple and blisters appear.

1. Before entering a warm room from frost, tap the heel of the other with the toes of one foot. If the tips of your toes do not feel anything, do not take off dry shoes indoors.

2. Drink 50 ml of vodka (you can use cognac, brandy, whiskey) and 3-4 glasses of warm sweet tea.

3. In the absence of allergic reactions, take 2-3 tablets of analgin.

4. After 10-15 minutes, when pain in the area of ​​frostbite appears, take off your shoes, treat the skin with vodka or alcohol and massage the lower leg in the direction from the knee joint to the big toe.

Attention! Frostbite limbs should not be placed in warm water or covered with heating pads.

If your shoes are damp or full of holes?

Take off your shoes and wrap a limb in a warm blanket or put on dry felt boots.

If the skin turns purple and blisters appear?

Cover with a clean cloth.

PP instruction p. 17. Actions in the event of crushing the legs with a heavy object

Attention! If within 15 minutes it was not possible to extract a limb from under a heavy object (you can dig it up), then all attempts to free it should be stopped and rescue services should be called. Only if it is not possible to call rescuers should you start performing 5, 6 and 7 positions.

1. In the absence of allergic reactions, give 2-3 tablets of analgin.

2. Cover the crushed limbs with bags of ice, snow or cold water.

3. Offer a generous warm drink.

4. Apply protective harnesses to the squeezed limbs (if possible before their release and always after release).

5. Immediately after release, bandage the injured limbs tightly.

6. Apply splints or fix the victim in a vacuum mattress.

7. Continue drinking plenty of fluids until doctors arrive.

If your head, chest, or stomach are crushed?

Do not stop attempting to lift a heavy object until rescue services arrive.

Which of the following should not be done when bitten by a poisonous snake?

PP instruction clause 18. Dealing with snake bites and poisonous insects

Attention! Do not apply tourniquets or apply heating pads or warming compresses to the bite site.

1. Remove the sting from the wound.

2. Apply cold to the bite site.

3. Put 5-6 drops of galazolin into the bite wound.

4. In case of snake bites in the leg or arm, be sure to apply a splint.

5. Give copious and preferably sweet drinks.

If the victim has lost consciousness?

Turn it over onto your stomach.

If the victim fainted and his carotid pulse disappeared?

Proceed with resuscitation.

Despite the fact that cycling is a relatively safe method of transportation, no one is immune from an emergency. Therefore, it is necessary to determine in advance for yourself what exactly needs to be done under such circumstances.

Most often, accidents with cyclists are caused by car drivers. Official statistics show that most of the road traffic accidents are collisions with a passing car, which turns to the right.

Cyclists are least likely to collide with each other and with pedestrians.
What should a cyclist do in an accident?

It is necessary to stop, calm down and check if any transport is coming to you. Don't stay on the road. Also, do not move or touch the bike. Then you need to call the traffic police and an ambulance, if necessary.
In the first minutes after the accident, the person is in a state of shock. This feeling can greatly dull the pain, even if significant wounds are present. It is advisable to ask someone around you to examine you and provide first aid. By the time the doctors arrive, you should already know all the visible and invisible injuries. They should be recorded and a medical certificate should be obtained, which may come in handy in court proceedings.
Even if the bicycle has caused a traffic jam on the road, it must not be removed from the road until the arrival of the traffic police. If you are outside the city limits, put up an identification sign 15-30 meters before the accident. You can also take pictures of the accident scene.
In no case should the perpetrator of the accident be released from the accident scene. First of all, he needs to be held accountable. If he disappeared, try to remember or write down the number of his car. If he is an injured person, he needs to receive first aid and call an ambulance.
It is very important to find witnesses who can tell you all the details of the incident together with you. Then all their testimony will be entered into the protocol of the road patrol service. You can even write down their data in order to further enter them into the protocol. If you turn to the legislation, then any person who has any information on the case can act as a witness.
If the bike strongly interferes with the movement of cars, it is necessary to draw up a detailed road accident diagram. All this must be recorded in the presence of several witnesses.

If as a result of an emergency there are no casualties, drivers have the right to arrive at the nearest traffic police post with a diagram of the incident and resolve the problem on their own.
When communicating with a traffic police officer, you do not need to provide unnecessary information. It is enough to calmly talk about the situation and state all the facts. You have to give the impression of a literate and educated person. It is not necessary to write in the protocol what the inspector dictates. Be sure to make sure that all damage to the bike, even the smallest, is indicated in the report. The road accident diagram must be signed by two participants in the emergency and several witnesses.

According to the Constitution, you are not obliged to testify to the traffic police. It is best to calm down and resolve all issues in the presence of a lawyer. After an accident, you should ask someone you know to take you home if you are not picked up by an ambulance.

If you have an insurance contract, you can receive financial compensation for an accident. To do this, you must bring the report of the road traffic accident to the insurance company. The amount of insurance will depend on many factors: the type of contract, the nature of the accident, damage to the bike, etc.

From a chemical point of view, an acid is a substance that contains hydrogen atoms (capable of being replaced by metal atoms) and an acid residue.

Acetic acid, malic, citric, ascorbic (vitamin C), oxalic and some other acids are familiar to us in everyday life. This is the so-called. organic acids, that is, synthesized by living organisms.

In the chemical industry, there are inorganic acidic compounds, for example, the well-known sulfuric (H2SO4) or hydrochloric (HC1) acid.

All acids have an irritating effect (to one degree or another) on the human body.

What types of acid burns are there?

1st degree burn: moderate redness appears, the affected area burns and hurts.

2nd degree of burn: more intense redness, swelling appears, severe pain, blisters may appear on the skin.

3rd degree of burn: skin necrosis, burn sites change their color (it can become completely white, or vice versa, darken), tissues around the burn turn red, severe pain.

4 degree burn: necrosis of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles, sharp pain.

How to provide first aid in case of contact of acid on the skin?

1. First of all, it is recommended to thoroughly rinse the burnt area with running water (for 15-20 minutes) to reduce the concentration of the chemical. After that, rinse the affected area again with soapy water or a solution of baking soda (a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water).

2. Avoid touching the burned area with your hands, this can lead to acid residues on you and cause pain to the victim. In general, all manipulations are best done with thick gloves.

3. Free the burned surface of the skin from clothing, if you cannot remove it, cut it off with scissors. However, do not peel the fabric away from the skin surface unless it is removable.

4. If a person has a shock (he has turned pale, breathing quickens, the pulse is barely palpable), the victim should be given 15-20 drops of valerian tincture.

5. After rendering first aid, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

Which burns cannot be washed with water?

Remember that rinsing is contraindicated for burns with quicklime or organic aluminum compounds, which become much more active in contact with water. The area affected by lime should be treated with vegetable oil, with which to remove the chemical compound from the skin surface, and then make a lotion from a 5% solution of citric or acetic acid. Aluminum compounds should be treated with kerosene or unleaded gasoline. If phenol gets on the skin, use a 40% solution of ethyl alcohol, if you get phosphoric acid, first remove the phosphorus particles from the skin, and then rinse it with a 5% solution of copper sulfate or a solution of potassium permanganate.

If acid gets in your eyes or mouth?

Read also:

Acid can enter the mouth or eyes as a liquid, vapor, or gas. In this case, it is necessary to rinse them with a large amount of water, and then with a solution of baking soda at the rate of half a teaspoon per glass of water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Spread the victim's eyelids over the sink and gently spray the eyeball with a small stream.

If acid enters the esophagus, the first step is to call a doctor. The victim should be laid down and wrapped warmly, mucus and saliva from the mouth should be removed as soon as it occurs. If the victim is sick, you can give him water in order to dilute the concentrated acid that has entered the body, but not more than three glasses. It is dangerous to cause nausea, since acid can once again injure the mucous membrane when it moves back down the esophagus.

If there are signs of suffocation, the victim must be given mouth-to-nose artificial respiration, since the larynx was burned with acid.

What shouldn't you do?

1. Do not grease burned areas, ointments or sprinkle with starch.

2. Do not open bubbles if they have formed from a burn on the surface of the skin.

3. Do not use tampons, towels or tissues to remove acid from the victim - this will only rub them into the skin.

4. If you are not sure which acid you have suffered from, you should not try to neutralize it yourself! Simply rinse the affected area with water and a baking soda solution.

5. Never leave the victim without professional medical help. First aid provided by you does not cancel an ambulance call.

A foreign body in the respiratory tract can be found during hasty consumption of food or during games in children. This is accompanied by signs of respiratory failure, and if the victim is not helped quickly, then suffocation is possible. Such a person cannot breathe air, so he grabs it with his mouth like a fish. The ability to speak is also impaired. Many people do not know how to help, so intense tapping on the back is used. But you need to understand that such actions can only aggravate the situation.

How a foreign object can enter the respiratory tract

A foreign body in the upper respiratory tract can be for two reasons:

  1. A person actively talks and laughs while eating. It is in this case that most often pieces of poorly chewed food enter the respiratory tract and block it. Food on the move can also lead to blockage of the bronchi, when a person is in a hurry, hastily trying to chew the pieces. That is why doctors recommend eating in silence, without being distracted by conversations and watching TV.
  2. A small child in the respiratory tract may have any small object from toys, as well as beads, balls and seeds. This happens during games, when the baby, out of curiosity, pulls everything into his mouth or, even worse, puts it into the nasal passages, and then, when breathing, a foreign body gradually descends into the bronchi.

Most often, in adults and children, foreign objects linger in the larynx, not sinking into the trachea and further. This is due to the fact that in the area of ​​the vocal cords the larynx narrows, acting as a natural barrier and preventing the passage of foreign objects further.

To prevent such accidents, small children should be given toys that are missing small parts. Each toy should be checked for how tight the eyes and nose are.

Types of foreign objects

Depending on the shape, all foreign objects can be conditionally divided into three groups. This is necessary in order to understand the danger of the situation in each specific case and quickly determine the method of providing emergency assistance.

  • Coin-shaped bodies - this includes coins, buttons, flat batteries, and any item that is flat, round.
  • Spherical bodies - these can be beads, small candies such as Montpensier, vitamins, as well as pieces of poorly chewed apples and sausages. Such products, as a rule, do not have sharp corners, so they can easily fail.
  • Rocker-like bodies. This is the most dangerous case. These foreign objects include pieces of dense meat, mainly pork, beef or lamb. Most often, they choke on pieces of shish kebab, which are tied together by a thin but strong film.

When choosing an emergency option, it is imperative to take into account what the person choked on. It should be said that removing pieces of meat from the respiratory tract is the most problematic. Here you have to resort to emergency medical care.

You need to understand that even the smallest object with sharp edges, which has fallen into the respiratory tract, can become fatal for a person.

Clinical picture

When a foreign body enters the respiratory tract, a number of characteristic signs appear that allow you to quickly determine what exactly happened. The victim could eat, actively talk and laugh, but suddenly he calms down, jumps up and starts grabbing his throat with his hands. The expression on the person's face is frightened, it is noticeable that the victim has difficulty breathing.

The main symptoms of a foreign body entering the respiratory tract include the following conditions:

  • intense coughing urges. In this way, the body tries to clear the airways and get rid of the cause of irritation;
  • inhalation is very difficult, and in many cases the victim is unable to breathe at all. This is due to the fact that the lumen of the larynx is strongly narrowed or completely overlaps;
  • speech is impaired, most often when a foreign body enters the larynx, a person cannot speak clearly. If a foreign object touches the vocal cords, then any torture to say something ends in a violent cough;
  • there is a strong tearing of the eyes;
  • the face and neck become very red, and in some cases become bluish in color. This is due to a lack of oxygen, and also due to the fact that you have to exert too much effort to breathe;
  • breathing can be severely impaired or completely absent. In the latter case, the person loses consciousness.

If, in such conditions, a person is not provided with timely assistance, then there is a high probability that everything will end in death.

Sometimes others think that the person is joking and start laughing. However, the victim is not at all laughing, since suffocation can occur in just a few minutes.

First aid when a foreign body enters the respiratory tract

Most often, if foreign bodies enter the respiratory tract, there are only a few minutes during which assistance can be provided. Sometimes the life of a choked person depends on the quickness and awareness of the people around him. After all, when the count goes on for minutes, doctors can not wait.

If a person chokes on food, others try to pat him on the back with a palm to remove a piece of unchewed food from the respiratory tract. This method of providing assistance can also be effective, but only if done correctly. The victim should not be hit on the back, but between the shoulder blades, in the projection of the airways. This should be done with the palm of the hand, which is rolled up in a boat. In this case, the cotton is stronger, it leads to fluctuations in the airways and a foreign object. The result is a cough and elimination of a piece of food.

This method of extracting foreign bodies is permissible only in cases where a person choked on something small, and this is manifested only by coughing and reddening of the face. If the victim shows signs of suffocation and the expression on his face takes on a frightened look, you should resort to other types of assistance:

  • The person providing assistance stands behind the victim and clasps his chest tightly with his hands, while the palms should be clasped in a lock. Next, the victim is given the command to breathe out briefly and sharply. At this time, the chest is strongly squeezed by the hands, and the victim is tilted forward. Such manipulations should be done until the airways are free of a foreign object.
  • If a small child chokes, then to remove a piece of food or small objects from the respiratory tract, he is lifted upside down and tapped on the back. If a piece of food is not stuck very far, then such actions are quite enough to extract. But here it is necessary to measure your strengths and not to coward the child by the legs.
  • There is another emergency method that will help remove a foreign body. It is permissible to apply it to both adults and children. For this, the person providing assistance stands on the floor, on one knee, and on the second he puts the victim so that the lower part of the body is mutely tilted forward. After that, it is necessary to make several blows between the shoulder blades towards the head. The blows are done with the base of the palm.

When providing first aid, it is important not to overdo it, so as not to break the victim's ribs and damage the soft tissues.

Sometimes foreign bodies enter the trachea and then move to the bronchi, blocking the lumen. If the foreign object is too small, then it can move along the bronchial tree under the influence of the air flow and then get into the lungs. This is accompanied by shortness of breath, severe coughing, and chest discomfort. In this case, it is impossible to provide assistance at home, the patient should be taken to the hospital, where a foreign object from the respiratory tract will be removed using a bronchoscope.

If a person is unconscious and has no breathing, then it is necessary to dissect the tracheal membrane, but such manipulation can only be done correctly by a doctor.

If a foreign body is not removed in a timely manner from the lower respiratory tract, a severe inflammatory process will develop with all the ensuing consequences.

How to help yourself

It so happens that a person chokes on food at a time when there is no one at home, and there is nowhere to wait for help. In this case, you can try to help yourself on your own by following these rules:

  • it is important initially to stop panicking. Panic interferes with correctly assessing the situation and making the right decision;
  • it is necessary to try to make several sharp exhalations. To enhance the effect, clasp your chest with your hands and make sharp forward bends as you exhale;
  • you need to raise both hands up and try to cough. In this position, the airways expand, and removal of the foreign body will not be difficult.

If such methods do not bring relief, you should contact your neighbors as soon as possible or go out into the street, where passers-by can help.

In an emergency, many people get lost and forget about the skills they possess. That is why you should set aside panic and try to provide assistance to the victim as quickly as possible. In many cases, the life of a person depends on the correctness of its rendering.

Thanks to action films, a stable image of the protagonist has long been formed in my head. The pumped-up protagonist, casually holding a machine gun in one hand, and the American flag in the other against the background of explosions is fired back from enemies who are advancing from all directions. Not a single bullet flies past the enemies and they all fall dead in pictures.

Such pictures will certainly cause laughter among people who fought and saw all the horrors of war. It turns out that a bullet hitting a person does not always, or rather, almost never leads to instant death. So how does it affect the body and what does a person feel at the same time?

Sledgehammer or drill

The sensations when receiving a gunshot wound depend on the type of cartridge: they are high-speed (supersonic) and low-speed (subsonic).

The combatants describe it this way: “Being hit by a supersonic bullet feels like a powerful blow from a sledgehammer that can knock you off your feet. The place of impact is numb and does not hurt at first. A subsonic bullet is much more heinous in this regard - it causes a burning, boring pain, as if the body was pierced with a red-hot rod. "

But this is all only if we are talking about standard ammunition FMJ (full metal jacket) or in Russian - a bullet with an all-metal jacket. The design feature is, as you might guess, in a hard metal coating around a soft lead bullet. Such a bullet does not fly into pieces inside the body and does not tumble. In the above situation, we are talking about an intermediate machine gun cartridge 7.62x39 mm and a subsonic pistol cartridge 9x18 mm.

Currently, the so-called low-impulse cartridges 5.45x39 mm or 5.56x45 NATO are also used in military conflicts. When injected into the body, such cartridges begin to tumble and cause extensive internal damage.

“At first I didn't even understand what had happened, as if everything had been doused with boiling water. And then suddenly my head began to spin, a cold sweat broke through - it is difficult to explain, but those who felt - will understand, and the state is pre-fainting. And when the shock passed in a couple of minutes, the pain started so much that I couldn't even tell. " - describes the consequences of being hit in the thigh with an AK-74, a veteran of military operations in the North Caucasus.

Bullet fool

Meanwhile, even gunshot wounds are not immediately disabled. A person, even being mortally wounded, can continue to fight for some time. Greg Ellifritz, an American police instructor from Ohio and a member of the local firearms owners association, conducted a study on the effects of various types of pistol ammunition on humans and the results were extremely surprising.

Cartridge 6,35 × 15 mm Browning.
An average of 2.2 rounds are needed to disable them. Even if it hits the torso, the probability of incapacitating a person is 49%. 35% of people to whom this caliber was applied did not lose the opportunity to resist. And only 25% of people died from wounds caused by such cartridges.

Cartridge 5.6 × 15.6 mm (In Russia, such a cartridge is called "small")
An average of 1.38 shots are needed to disable it. Even if it hits the torso, the probability of incapacitating a person is 60%. 31% of people to whom this caliber was applied did not lose the opportunity to resist. And only 34% of people died from wounds caused by such cartridges.

Cartridge 9x19 mm "Parabellum"
An average of 2.45 rounds are needed to disable it. Even if it hits the torso, the probability of incapacitating a person is 47%. 13% of people to whom this caliber was applied did not lose the opportunity to resist. And only 24% of people died from wounds caused by such cartridges.

Bulletproof Platt

A good example of how a person is tenacious and can continue to resist, can serve as a story that took place in the United States in 1986 and called the "Massacre in Miami".

The police surrounded the car in which there were two suspects in the bank robbery, one of whom was the former special forces officer Michael Platt. The criminals began to shoot back. One of the suspects was wounded and stopped firing, but Platt continued to resist. He received a bullet in the neck from a revolver, then an expansive (explosive) bullet flew into his chest, beating in front of this arm, which pierced the lung and artery. After that, Platt received two more expansive bullets in the leg and back. Already wounded, he hides behind a car and receives two more revolver shots in the arm (he crushes his hand) and in the chest. When trying to get into the car of the FBI agents, he gets in the legs with buckshot, which breaks one of the bones.

All this time, seriously wounded, Michael continued to fight, moved under fire and reloaded weapons. He killed two and injured five FBI officers. The point in the shootout was set by three shots in the head, when he had already got into a police car to escape. Newspapers nicknamed him "Bulletproof Platt."


As forensic experts say, it is not the bullet that kills, but the damage it inflicts. And these injuries are divided into two types: damage from the bullet itself, tearing tissue and breaking bones, and damage from the energy of the bullet. The fact is that our cells are filled with fluid and a gunshot wound is accompanied by a water hammer. From this occurs damage to the nerve endings and secondary tissue rupture, when the bullet has already passed further along the wound channel. The mood of a person also plays a significant role.

According to doctors, the already mentioned Platt was able to continue to act, because he initially set himself such a goal. He did not feel pain even when hitting parts of the body that were pierced with nerve endings. Despite the fact that such places are one of the most sensitive.

In such a stressful state, the body tries to ignore the damage, focusing on the task. A similar incident took place in 1991 in Vilnius. Extremists got into the TV center, and “Alpha” was sent to deal with them. When the special forces crossed the square and went inside, one of the soldiers complained that he had something in his back. It turned out that even on the square, an automatic bullet flew into his back, but he was focused on fulfilling the order and did not even immediately notice the wound, which turned out to be fatal.

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