Home Roses Northeast Expressway. Northeast Expressway: Plans and Objectives

Northeast Expressway. Northeast Expressway: Plans and Objectives

Since the beginning of June, traffic has been opened on the new Krylatsky Bridge, which is part of the Southern section of the North-West Expressway on the section from the Leningradskoye Highway with an exit to Nizhniye Mnevniki Street - Krylatskaya Street.

To date, the construction of a SZH, which will significantly improve conditions road traffic in the northern and western regions of the capital, is in full swing. This is an infrastructure megaproject comparable in scale to the construction of the Third Transport Ring. For information: the total length of the UDS within the construction of the SZH is 79 km, the length of the TTK is 35.1 km. That is, only one North-West Expressway (with the entire cascade of the road network under construction) is twice as long as the Third Ring Road.

1. The construction of this section will improve the transport situation in CJSC and SZAO, in the Khoroshevo-Mnevniki, Krylatskoye, Kuntsevo, Filevsky Park areas and increase the traffic capacity of vehicles up to 30% on the road network of these areas. In addition to the new Krylatsky Bridge, a new girder bridge is being built across the lock No. 9 of the Moscow.

2. Construction of the North-West Expressway will provide additional trunk communication between the districts, thereby expanding the possibilities of access by ground public transport to the four existing metro lines: Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya, Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya, Zamoskvoretskaya, Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya and, in the future, to the Big Circle Line under construction ... In addition, an alternative route will be created for motorists, which will provide communication between the North-East Administrative District, the North-East Administrative District, the North-West Administrative District and the Closed Joint-Stock Company.

3. “The construction of the North-West Expressway from Dmitrovskoye Highway to Michurinsky Prospect is basically completed, there are only a few objects left. Today we are launching one of these facilities. This is the Krylatsky Bridge, which will improve the carrying capacity of this section. In general, the North-West Expressway is 80 kilometers of roads, ”said Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

4. The length of the new Krylatsky Bridge is 282 meters. It began to be built in December 2016 from the lower side of the existing bridge parallel to it, at a distance between the superstructures - 1.3 m (in the area of ​​support No. 4, the gauge narrows to 0.65 m).

5. The first, currently existing, Krylatsky bridge was built in 1984 according to the project of B. A. Gorozhanin by the team of Mostootryad No. 4.

6. The main reconstruction envisages the expansion of Nizhni Mnevniki street from two to three lanes in each direction. Estimated flow rate road transport 60-80 km / h.

7. It remains to wait for the completion of the construction of the bridge across the lock and the end of the reconstruction of Nizhniye Mnevniki Street.

8. The North-West Expressway is a new expressway that will run through the northern and western districts of Moscow: from Dmitrovskoye to Skolkovskoye Highway and further to Michurinsky Prospekt. It will connect major highways: Michurinsky Prospect, Skolkovskoye, Mozhayskoye, Rublevskoye, Zvenigorodskoye, Volokolamskoye, Leningradskoye and Dmitrovskoye highways.

In the area of ​​Dmitrovskoe highway, it will be possible to conveniently exit from the North-West to the North-East expressway - either towards the Sheremetyevo airport or towards the Yaroslavskoye highway. It will also reduce (by about 15 percent) the traffic load on a number of central streets, the Third Transport Ring, the Moscow Ring Road and adjacent sections of outbound highways. And car mileage when traveling between neighboring areas will be reduced by about ten percent.

The diagrams were also placed for review on the first floor of the Sviblovo district council building. And the public hearings themselves are scheduled for August 20. Reconstruction of a huge area in the north-east of the city is ahead of a large-scale and information about this will be useful not only for cyclists, but also for pedestrians and, of course, motorists.
Here are just a few of the proposed changes: near the Sviblovo metro station, all pedestrian crossings will be removed and Amundsen want to continue to New Beringov right through the square (!), at the crossroads Yenisei and Pilot Babushkin there will also be a circular movement of cars, and a huge six-lane overpass (the same chord) will become a new transit highway in our district. Now about everything in order.

We must say right away that there is nothing in the submitted materials about the bicycle transport infrastructure. In addition to the indicator of bicycle parking near the TPU on one of the schemes, but where exactly they will be located, the designer could not answer. Actually, expected. Nevertheless, let's try to parse the information that has already been published.

TPU "Sviblovo"

01. This is how the picture of what is going to be built looks like.

02. Although there are a lot of documents and various schematic images on TPU, it is not easy to figure out what's what.
This is how the plan of the entire territory to be reconstructed looks like.

The text is placed inside the file "Approved part. Corrected".

The very essence of what is planned to be done is in Explanatory note and it is written in more or less understandable language.

We will publish this "note" in full:

Explanatory note

on the planning organization of the territory and construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities. The territory allocated for the formation of a transport interchange hub is located in multifunctional public areas and sections of the road network in the area of ​​the Sviblovo metro station.

The territory for the development of the planning project is 10.23 hectares.

The territory of the transport hub allocated within the boundaries of the planning project is 8.27 hectares.

The land survey area of ​​the transport interchange hub is 10.23 hectares. Formation of a transport interchange hub in the area of ​​the Sviblovo metro station provides for:

  • construction of an underground and above-ground complex with service facilities with access to the bus stops and the entrance to the metro station;

  • construction of stopping pavilions with service facilities associated with the lobby of the metro station;

- construction of a hotel with accommodation on the ground floor of an interdistrict multifunctional center.

The transport solution of the TPU project includes the reorganization of the road network with a decrease in regulated intersections due to the arrangement of circular traffic at the intersection of Kolskaya, Novy Beringov proezd, Amundsen and Raduzhnaya streets in accordance with the established red lines. For the convenience of passenger movement, the planning project proposes the organization of awnings over the metro and stop pavilions in order to provide a comfortable connection between the stops of the ground city passenger transport and subway entrances. 11 dimensions of buildings and structures have been determined at the ground level in the areas of the planned placement of TPUs.

The project provides for changing the boundaries of the PK facility (No. 99-SVAO "Square at the intersection of Snezhnaya and Kolskaya streets") in accordance with the established red lines. The reduction in area is fully compensated by the inclusion of sections No. 10, No. 11 and No. 14 in the PC with total area 0.40 hectares.

04. What is written in this text? Perhaps the most main news- this is the loss of the square near the metro. StreetAmundsen"will cut" the square, a circular traffic will be made. Little will remain of the green zone. The representative of the designer tried to convince us in the Office that the road "will go between the trees". Somewhere here...

05. And there will be a road here too

06. And maybe here you can successfully "build in" car traffic !? In general, the square, it seems, will no longer be. It's a pity.

07. Here is an interesting "diagram" from the presentation materials "as it were" talks about the problems of pedestrians in this place.
It is not very clear who from the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is following this arrow. Quite the opposite, they move more on the other side, about TC "Sviblovo"... But the main thing here is more red. Like "everything is bad here, but it will be good."

08. One more important topic- pedestrian crossings. This is what the human flows look like in the design documents.
The scheme is, in principle, correct. But the desire to drive pedestrians "into the underground" is not the best option.

According to the project, all pedestrian crossings near the Sviblovo metro station are being transformed into underground ones !!!

09. These land crossings will not be

10... This pedestrian crossing will not exist either.

11. That won't happen either.

12. And this ground crossing will disappear. Everything is underground!
Probably, motorists might like it. Well, what will pedestrians, cyclists, people with strollers say?

13. In the pictures in the council everything looks great. There are escalators to the street, and navigation, and even GROUND CROSSINGS with a zebra crossing and a traffic light (look at the middle photo below)! Strange, huh ?! According to the plan, only underground passages, but in the picture they depicted a normal passage and a zebra! At our remark, the representative of the designer threw up his hands: "There are errors in the materials, this is so ... We have confused the name of the street on our map ... Sorry."
Although it would be more correct to cross out this photo with a zebra with a big red marker.

14. There is also about green spaces at the presentation at the council. Where exactly this bench will be placed is not clear.

15. Probably in place Square a few trees will be left, there they will find a place for a bench.
The fact is that several years ago at the Sviblovo metro station two shopping malls... It is clear that now they will not be demolished, but the roads will be expanded and facilities will be erected. TPU now it is possible only at the expense of the last green territory, that is, at the expense of the Square.
This is what the "public space" near the metro looks like now. Continuous shopping malls ...

16. Whether the famous "stop with a pine tree" will survive after all this construction "batch" is also unknown ...

In general, this is TPU "Sviblovo" will build. It is important to have time to make comments and make suggestions. There are many questions: the fence of the house is 28 Snowy(something needs to be done with it), hotel, parking lots, placement of OT stops, etc.

Northeast Expressway

17. All information materials can be viewed.It is almost impossible to make out anything on the cards.

But if you download this file to your computer, you will get a very detailed map of our area and those places where the chord will go. You can look at the map itself and the objects marked on it for a long time: magnification allows you to see some details ...

18. For example, I found out the new kind street crossings Yeniseiskaya and Pilot Babushkin.
They want to organize a circular movement of cars here

19. Cyclists, of course, are interested in how intersections with a chord will be organized at popular intersections: passing Serebryakov, with Agricultural street, with the street Wilhelm Pieck, with the street Snowy etc. By the way, the construction of similar major highways always entails the reconstruction of adjacent streets.
For example, 1st Botanical passage according to the planning project of the new residential quarter, it will become a 4-lane highway ...

20. For example, now many cyclists and pedestrians use these ground crossings at the 1st Botanical Proezd. What will happen after the construction of the chord is not clear.

21. The further cycling route to the side is also important. VDNKh: under the canvas Moscow Railway and along the construction site China Business Center... Now there are few pedestrians here and it is convenient to travel by bike. How will the cycle and pedestrian flows be organized on this section after such a large-scale construction of the expressway and TPU " Botanical Garden" not yet reported.

Designers need to ask questions about how traffic, cycling and pedestrian traffic will be organized right now. Within the framework of Public Hearings, including. And taking into account also the plans of the city authorities to build several huge residential areas in the northeast of the capital (you can read about this), it can be assumed that in the coming years, both car traffic and bicycle routes and the existing pedestrian infrastructure in these areas of the city can strongly change. In which direction - we will see very soon.

For those who are not on vacation), here are the details of the Public Hearings:

Meetings participants public hearings will take place on August 20, 2015 at 19:00 at the addresses:

According to the planning project of the territory of the linear object of the road network: the section of the North-Eastern Expressway from the Otkrytoye Highway to the Yaroslavl direction of the Moscow Railway, including the reconstruction of the Bogorodsky overpass.

These strange words in the title are the name of the great objects. road construction in Moscow. Somehow you heard them - Northeast Expressway, Northwest Khorda and South Rokada. - just an exit from the Shchelkovskoye highway to the temporary storage warehouse in the direction of the Entuziastov highway. Now let's take a look at these construction sites from the air. The first part on temporary storage warehouse was published by me in May -.

In 2016, 104 km of roads were built in Moscow, which is a record commissioning.

In total, over the past 6 years (from 2011 to 2016), 544 km of roads were built and put into operation (about 12.5% ​​of the entire existing road network of the city), including:
- 162 artificial structures (overpasses, tunnels and bridges) and 160 off-street pedestrian crossings were built;
- 8 outbound highways (126 km) were reconstructed, full-fledged back-ups were created, as well as dedicated lanes for traffic public transport with a total length of 150 km (this is 60% of the entire length of the existing allocated lanes in the city - 250 km), 350 access pockets have been created;
- 13 largest and most complex transport interchanges at the intersection of highways with the Moscow Ring Road were built and reconstructed.

In 2017-2019 it is planned to ensure the commissioning of roads with a length of 353 km; build 61 artificial structures and 36 pedestrian crossings.

All aerial surveys performed sturman from urbanoid.pro. He has on YouTube channel you can find many interesting videos.

1. The diagram shows the mileage along the chords only: how much has already been done, what is in the works, and what is still being designed.

2. Let's start with Yuzhnaya Rokada, where at the intersection with Varshavskoe shosse the first stage of construction is underway - the construction of an overpass for Varshavskoe shosse.

3. Scheme of the site.

. :: clickable ::.

4. The second stage, as far as I understand, will be the construction of a tunnel for South Rokada. By at least, there is such a scheme and rendering.

5. We managed to fly, right in front of the squall.

6. The construction of the tunnel under the railway will be completed, as usual, without interrupting the movement.

7. And now the famous T-junction in the air. This is the junction of the Southern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt with Mosfilmovskaya Street.

8. Monstrous scheme.

. :: clickable ::.

9. Connection of the Southern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt with Mosfilmovskaya Street.

10. In the center of the road, a reserve was left for the continuation of the southern backup to the center, along the railway.

11. The southern stunt double will move to the left and the appendix will be connected to it.

12. But very unusual view, Certainly.

13. And this is the junction of the South understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt with South Rokada. She is also drawn in the diagram above.

14. The most delicious thing is the construction of a new bridge across the Moscow river on the section of the North-West Expressway.

15. Scheme of the site.

. :: clickable ::.

16. It is being built parallel to the existing Krylatsky Bridge.

17. The span structure of the old bridge is made in the form of a continuous steel beam with a ride on top, the spans formula is 51.2 + 90.0 + 51.2 m. The structure is based on two box-shaped beams 2.5 m high, 2.74 m wide, covered with an orthotropic slab. The beams are supported by two common V-shaped supports. The total width of the bridge is 25.4 m, including the carriageway - 18.0 m (4 lanes). As I understand it, the new bridge will be a copy of the old one according to the scheme.

18. Section of the North-West Expressway from the bridge to the Northern backup of Kutuzovsky Prospekt.

19. And this is the beginning of work on the construction of a 300-meter cable-stayed bridge over the lock No. 9

20. He will connect the street People's Militia with Nizhniye Mnevniki over the sluice along an oblique line, not far from the existing small Karamyshevsky bridge. Moreover, on suspension bridge plan to create pedestrian zones and an observation deck.

21. View towards the junction of Marshal Zhukov Avenue and Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street.

22. And in the evening we stopped at the construction of the North-East Expressway in the area of ​​Festivalnaya Street.

23. Site layout. Note the gray branch to the east. If you want to familiarize yourself - then here is a link to another scheme.

. :: clickable ::.

24. Partially commissioned interchange of temporary storage warehouse with Festivalnaya Street.

25. Nice, damn it.

26. View towards the Moscow Ring Road.

27. If someone has forgotten, then the scheme for the already built site. By the way, when we walked under the flyovers, there is a surveillance camera on each support !!! There are no dead zones at all. Fuck.

. :: clickable ::.

28. View towards the platform "NATI", "Likhobory" MCC, depot "Likhobory" LDL.

29. Look that in order to preserve the access railway line, we had to change the pitch of the supports.

30. View towards Festivalnaya.

31. Interchange of temporary storage warehouse with a section that will go to the east.

32. Station "Likhobory" MCC.

33. Station Likhobory and a temporary storage warehouse section under construction.

34. Interchange at the temporary storage warehouse. On the right you can see the new depot "" of the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line.

35. And 3D panoramas. To watch and twist them - welcome here: https://urbanoid.pro/pano/17_08_05_roads.html

36. A grandiose construction site.

37. Moscow is changing before our eyes

38. In total, 561 km of roads have been built in Moscow over the past 6 years. This is approximately 12.5% ​​of the entire existing road network of the city. Reconstruction of 13 traffic interchanges at the intersection of major highways with the Moscow Ring Road, 8 outbound highways was carried out. The length of backup and dedicated public transport lanes was about 150 km. In 2017-2019 it is planned to ensure the commissioning of roads with a length of 353 km; build 61 artificial structures and 36 pedestrian crossings.

39. Happy Builder's Day!

The next and most difficult section of the North-East Expressway is planned to be completed in 2018. It will connect the toll highway M11 Moscow-Petersburg and Dmitrovskoe highway. Today Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin examined the progress of the road construction and was satisfied with the pace of work.

“We have started the most difficult section of the Moscow road network. One plot to the street. We have already completed the festival, now we have started the second section, which almost entirely consists of flyovers, overpasses, tunnels and a bridge. We hope that we will finish it in 2018, "the Moscow agency quotes the mayor.

It is not the first or even the second year that three major roads have been built in Moscow - the North-East Expressway, the North-West and South Roadways. However, as it turned out, not all townspeople know what it is and why it is needed. So MOSLENTA decided to remind and start from the North-East.

Where and where

The North-East Expressway (another name - "Severnaya Rokada") will connect the south-east and north of Moscow along the periphery, i.e. the most densely populated areas of the city. They began to build it as a continuation of the only already erected section of the Fourth Transport Ring (ChTK, it was abandoned). The route will also connect major highways in the northeast: Izmailovskoe, Shchelkovskoe, Dmitrovskoe, Altufevskoe and Otkrytoye highways, thereby reducing road congestion.

The total length of the road will be 29 km. Chorda will pass from the toll road M11 Moscow-Petersburg from the western side of Oktyabrskaya railroad, along the Small Ring of the Moscow Railway to a new interchange on the Moscow Ring Road at the intersection with the Veshnyaki - Lyubertsy highway.

Section under construction of the North-Eastern Expressway from Festivalnaya Street to Dmitrovskoye Highway

It is conventionally divided into several sections, which are now located in different stages readiness:

From Businovskaya interchange to Festivalnaya street (opened in 2014);

From Festivalnaya Street to Dmitrovskoye Highway (under construction, viewed today);

From Dmitrovskoe to Yaroslavskoe shosse (under design);

From Yaroslavskoye to Otkrytoye shosse (route not defined);

From Otkrytoye to Shchelkovskoye highway (under design);

From Shchelkovskoye to Izmailovskoye highway (under construction);

From Izmailovskoe highway to Entuziastov highway (under construction);

From the Entuziastov highway to the 8 km interchange of the Moscow Ring Road "Veshnyaki-Lyubertsy" (under construction).

Related infrastructure

The Northeast Expressway is being built at a fast pace. In September, a year earlier than planned, several objects were commissioned at once on the section from Shchelkovskoye to Izmailovskoye shosse: two overpasses of the main passage and one as part of a three-level interchange at the intersection of the expressway with Shchelkovskoye shosse. This section will be completed by the end of the year.

Also, a lot of additional road infrastructure will be built on the road:

Overpass of the main course No. 1, 333 meters long with four traffic lanes;

The left overpass of the main route No. 2, 1.5 kilometers long, with four traffic lanes;

The right overpass of the main route No. 2, 1.56 kilometers long, with four traffic lanes;

Overpass of the main course No. 4, 600 meters long with three traffic lanes in each direction;

Three overpass ramps with a total length of 977 meters;

Railway overpass with a length of 189 meters on the connecting branch of the Oktyabrskaya railway;

A bridge across the Likhoborka River, 169 meters long, with six traffic lanes in one direction and five in the opposite direction. This width of the bridge is needed to connect the next section of the expressway - from Dmitrovskoe shosse to Yaroslavskoe.

Pumping station "Khovrinskaya", serving the districts of Khovrino, Koptevo, Savyolovsky, Timiryazevsky;

Underground pedestrian crossing at the platform of the Oktyabrskaya railway;

Two treatment facilities;

Five thousand window blocks will be replaced with soundproof ones.


The track, together with all these structures, should significantly facilitate the life of four million citizens, the authorities are sure. For example, through communication between the regions of SEAD, CAO and VAO will be established bypassing the center, new public transport routes will appear. It will be especially convenient for residents of the Golovinsky, Koptevo and Timiryazevsky districts.

A definite plus for drivers - traffic will be traffic-free. The average travel time will be reduced by more than 15 percent, the Moscow Ring Road will be unloaded by 20-25 percent, and the traffic flows of the Third Transport Ring, Shchelkovskoye Highway, Entuziastov Highway, as well as Ryazansky and Volgogradsky avenues will be competently redistributed. But those traveling on the M11 Moscow-Petersburg highway will not need to look for a way to the center.

Concept history

The idea of ​​creating chords in Moscow was proposed in the first half of the 20th century. In the 1930s, the famous planner and urbanist Anatoly Yakshin spoke about them. Later, in the 1970s, his students, including the leading Russian expert in the field of transport planning, Alexander Strelnikov, returned to discussing this topic.

Construction of a section of the North-East Expressway

Photo: Vitaly Belousov / RIA Novosti

Although in those days there were few cars on the streets of the capital, even then they thought that their number would grow. Therefore, the concept of chords was incorporated in the city's master plan for 1971. In addition to the Moscow Ring Road and the Garden Ring, two new ring roads and four high-speed expressways were designed there. However, then the projects remained on paper. Gradually, the plots on which they were going to build roads were built up, and the money was eventually invested in the Third Transport Ring, and then in the Fourth.

The idea to build chords was revived only in 2011. Then the authorities abandoned the construction of the Fourth Transport Ring, which was previously part of the general plan. The main reason is the prohibitively high cost, which exceeded a trillion rubles.

Instead of the ChTK, they were going to build three new highways: the North-West Expressway, the North-East Expressway (also called the North Road) and the South Road. Ultimately, these roads should form an open ring-shaped system. The result will be the same ring, but more efficient in terms of the distribution of traffic flows, because each element will go to the Moscow Ring Road. According to experts, this principle of organizing traffic is 20 percent more efficient than a closed ring road... In addition, the three new expressways will not pass through the congested city center.

Data provided by the official portal of the Moscow Stroycomplex

The North-East Expressway with a length of 26.6 km will connect the south-east and north of Moscow along the periphery. It began to be built as a continuation of the only already erected section of the Fourth Transport Ring in the Entuziastov highway area.

Khorda will run from the Moscow - St. Petersburg toll road on the western side of the Oktyabrskaya railway, along the Small Ring of the Moscow Railway to a new interchange on the Moscow Ring Road at the intersection with the Veshnyaki - Lyubertsy highway. The route will connect major highways in the northeastern part of Moscow: Izmailovskoye, Shchelkovskoye, Dmitrovskoye, Altufevskoye and Otkrytoye shosse.

I have somehow got used to the endless construction going on in the Entuziastov highway area. Overpasses are erected on top, something is opened or closed there. But I realized that such construction was developing there only when I saw it from above. Let's take a look at the section under construction (and partially operating) from the Entuziastov highway to the Shchelkovskoye highway.

1. General scheme chord tracing.

2. A junction under construction with Entuziastov highway.

3. And its scheme.

4. But you understand the scale of this only from above.

5. "Oh." This is what I said when I saw these frames on the screen.

6. A new junction is being built between the oil refinery, the fuel oil storage, and a bunch of railway tracks.

7. General view.

. :: clickable ::.

8. And what about the two railway tracks on the left that rise to the embankment?

9. Fantastic denouement.

10. Partially traffic on it was opened in September 2012.

11. On the site of the building complex there is a huge PDF with a diagram of this site. Beware, the file is very heavy and complex.

12. Surprisingly, the Moscow Electrode Plant was not touched. By the way, if you believe the map, then there is still a separate railway section on it. It is clear that it is not used, but it is clearly visible in the satellite image.

13. The site that was opened in 2012 rests against such a ridiculous exit to the Second Street of Izmailovsky Menagerie.

14. Quite nice new bridges of the ring railway.

15. Ahead - Shchelkovskoe highway.

16. And there is the Enthusiasts Highway.

17. Here, communications are being shifted to the full. Where it is free or has already been shifted, the construction of an overpass begins.

18. Pay attention to how many pits have been dug for communications.

19. The very beginning of the construction of the flyover.

20. It costs a hell of a lot of money to transfer all these communications :(

21. District railway bridge and station on it.

22. And finally, the future junction with the Shchelkovskoye highway.

23. I remember there was an industrial zone and garages here ...

24. General view.

. :: clickable ::.

25. Here the Shchelkovskoe highway will cross the chord in a tunnel.

26. Interestingly, did the designers of the stall take into account that there would be a tunnel here or now they had to puzzle over how to untie this knot?

27. The letter Zyu.

28. Here it is sad at rush hour. :(

30. Tolerate. Completion soon.

31. Former Cherkizon.

33. Former Central Stadium of the USSR. I. V. Stalin. It began to be built in 1932 according to the project of the architect N. Ya. Kolli. The project has been partially implemented. The stadium was supposed to accommodate 100 thousand spectators and was designed in such a way that military parades could take place there. It was assumed that the tanks would be able to freely enter and leave the stadium in columns. In connection with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War construction was frozen. According to legend, there is a tunnel from the stadium to the Partizanskaya metro station. As the degree of drinking increases, the tunnel turns from a pedestrian into a tank tunnel, which goes all the way to the Kremlin. To the question "why?" the storytellers were never able to answer.

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