Home Roses Tips for using the iPhone camera. Setting up the iPhone camera and using its capabilities

Tips for using the iPhone camera. Setting up the iPhone camera and using its capabilities

iPhone cameras are renowned for their excellent quality, regardless of the device version. Most of the photos come out rich, bright, and the program for creating them is convenient and easy to use. It's no surprise that Apple has found incredible success in selling smartphones that justify the price with quality, and users no longer need to carry cameras unless they're professionals.

Let's figure out how to set up the camera on your iPhone so that it works as efficiently as possible and you can take great pictures.

The iPhone takes excellent quality photos.

Setting up the camera on iPhone

If you are using a jailbroken iPhone, you can completely turn off the shutter sound as follows:

  • Connect your smartphone to your PC and launch file manager- any application of this kind will do.
  • In the root folder, locate the "Raw File System" directory.
  • Browse to the system folder, then select Library/Audio/UISounds.
  • Add photoShutter.caf to the file name. the letter "B" before the extension, at the end of the name.

And if you know how to use tweaks, you can simply download the SilentPhotoChill file from Cydia; when using it, the shutter sound will be disabled.

Using these tips, you can create more best photos and images using your smartphone camera and now you know how to turn off the shutter sound if it annoys you. Such advice is definitely worth using, because the camera module in Apple devices is worth studying it thoroughly, and can completely replace your regular digital camera.

Some sources claim that nowadays more than 60% of photographs are taken on mobile phones. Progress modern technologies got to the point where the camera mobile phone can compete with a camera. And taking into account the fact that the phone modern man uses more often than any other device, the phone camera bears a lot of responsibility.

iPhone is a great photography tool, which is always at hand. But the fact that the iPhone has a good camera does not mean high quality photos and video, by setting up your camera correctly, you can significantly improve the quality of your photos. To improve the quality of photography, you need to follow a few simple rules.

Keep your lens clean

The first thing you need to do before creating your next photo masterpiece is to wipe the camera lens with a cloth; fingerprints or some debris from your pocket often remain on it. A clean lens will definitely make your photo clearer, sharper and more vibrant.

Use manual exposure.

The iPhone camera allows you to manually adjust the shutter speed; to do this, you need to hold your finger on the screen, a yellow square and a sun icon will appear yellow color, it must be moved up or down, so the photo will become darker or lighter. With this function you can compensate for the lack of lighting or vice versa if the light is too bright.

Pay attention to the light

Good photographs can only be taken in normal lighting. Even a novice photographer knows that the light should not hit the camera directly, but should illuminate the subject well. It follows from this that it is better to arrange photo sessions during daylight hours. But you shouldn't take pictures in the open sun.

Focus objects

In order for this or that object to be the center of attention, it is enough to designate it by touching the phone screen, wait until the camera selects the object and take a photo. This way, you can place emphasis on the photo, highlight the main thing and blur the unimportant.

Don't use ZOOM

Using very minimal zooming (bringing the subject closer) significantly degrades image quality. The objects in the photo lose sharpness and clarity, the picture becomes blurry, and sometimes you can even see large pixels. To bring an object closer, it is better to simply approach it. If this is not possible, then take a photo without zoom, and then cut out the desired area.

Use flash on rare occasions

Majority professional photographers don't use flash at all. Flash spoils color reproduction, distorts colors, and highlights unnecessary details. Moreover, it should be avoided when taking portraits. All skin imperfections using flash will be in the spotlight.

Record video at 60 frames per second

By default, video in the iPhone is recorded at a frequency of 30 frames per second, but the camera is capable of 60. To activate this setting, you need to go to "settings", then "camera and photo". When recording video, there should be a 60fps recording in the upper right corner, which means the setup was successful. Now video recording will be of higher quality.

Use burst shooting

Once you press the shutter button on your iPhone, it starts shooting multiple frames as long as you hold the button. Burst shooting allows you to capture the moment you want. Then you can select the best frame and delete the rest.

Use panoramic photography

Panorama mode allows you to capture impressive high-resolution footage of objects that cannot be captured in a regular photo. iPhone's Dynamic Auto Exposure ensures zoom shots are incredibly clear.
When taking panoramic photos, you you can use focus and exposure settings. Tap the screen to select the area you want to focus on. By clicking on the arrow, you can change the direction of the panorama.
To obtain a high-quality result, it is important to keep the iPhone at the same level at all times and keep the arrow on the panorama line.

You can shoot with an iPhone not only horizontal panoramas, to which everyone is accustomed (they are convenient for wide objects), but also vertical, very convenient to use for tall objects. To take a vertical panorama, just rotate the phone 90 degrees so that the shutter button is at right hand. In vertical panorama mode, you need to shoot from bottom to top.

Use HDR mode

(high dynamic range)
Using this setting, you will be able to capture a significantly larger range of tones and colors, resulting in more high quality photos. Mode is perfect for contrasting objects on the picture. In this mode, the phone automatically takes three photos with different exposures, then combines the best parts of the three photos into one.

Photo editors will correct the shortcomings

A huge variety of specialized applications that will help correct shortcomings of a finished photograph can be downloaded from AppStore. There are all the same settings as the phone camera, only you can apply them on a finished photo. You can spend not a single hour processing a photo and experimenting with filters. The most popular apps are Snapseed


A distinctive feature of Apple gadgets has always been the presence of a first-class camera with high technical characteristics. However, contrary to popular belief, its benefits are not limited to this. iOS system provides a number of functions that help you create high-quality images even in adverse conditions. In the instructions, we tried to explain in detail how to set up the camera, how to enable or disable the shutter sound on iPhone 4, 4S, 5, 5S, 6, 6S models.

How to set up a camera on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

Most experienced smartphone and tablet users have already realized that large quantity There are not enough pixels in the camera to create a truly good photograph. Important role Special settings and functions play a role in improving the quality of shooting.

What is HDR on iPhone and how to enable this mode

HDR (high dynamic range) helps increase the color range available to the camera when shooting. Photos taken in this mode tend to look brighter and more saturated. To activate/deactivate HDR, just click the button of the same name, which is located in the top panel of the Camera application.

It is worth noting that the HDR mode does not always fulfill its function of improving the image. When exposed to various external factors (too bright lighting), it can even ruin it. In order not to retake everything several times in different modes, it is recommended to save the photo simultaneously in two copies. To do this you need:


This feature controls how often snapshots are taken. For example, a set interval of 10 seconds means that each subsequent photo will be created after a period of time equal to 10 seconds. You can activate the interval feature in the Camera app. To do this, click on the clock sign on the toolbar and set the time parameter.


The grid mode allows you to align the photo, as well as correctly distribute the position of the main and secondary objects in the frame. The grid is used both when shooting photos and videos. It is displayed on the device screen only as an auxiliary element and is not present on saved photos and videos. You can enable grid mode as follows:


This function has three modes:

  • auto - the phone itself determines the quality of lighting and turns on/does not turn on the flash;
  • manual - the flash fires continuously;
  • without flash - the function is completely disabled.

You can select one of them by clicking on the small image of lightning in the Camera program.


The presence of built-in photo filters in the Camera application allows you to improve your photo and make it more picturesque. By clicking on the icon consisting of three circles, you will open a filter menu where you can select the most relevant one for your purposes.

Live photo

Live Photos is a feature that allows you to create live photos lasting three seconds. This is a kind of combo of JPEG and MOV formats. Live photo consists of 45 frames, which are produced at a speed of 15 frames per second. To create a live photo, you need to press the Live button in the Camera app.

How to turn off camera sound on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

Users who lead an active life in in social networks and those who are simply interested in photography complain about the annoying sound of the camera shutter. In addition, an ill-fated click can play a cruel joke on you when trying to take a photo unnoticed. In this regard, there are ways by which the camera sound can be turned off.

Silent mode

Simply turning down the volume on your tablet or smartphone to zero or putting the device into silent mode will make the camera shutter click disappear. However, the disadvantage of this manipulation is that its result is temporary. Once you turn on the sound on your iPhone/iPad/iPod, the camera sound will also be activated.

Changing system files

It is worth noting that this method is only relevant for Apple devices, Access to file system which was obtained through Jailbreak. To mute the camera sound permanently you will need:

  1. Connect iPhone/iPad/iPod to PC using USB;
  2. Open any file explorer (for example, i-Funbox);
  3. Open the device files in the manager and go to the path System/Library/Audio/UISounds;
  4. In the folder that appears, find the file with the extension “caf” and replace its name with “photoShutterOFF.caf”.

Video: How to turn off the camera shutter sound on iPhone

Creation high-quality images only half depends on the technical component iPhone cameras/iPad/iPod. Studying its settings, functions, and the ability to use them correctly is no less important. If you take pictures so often that the click of the camera has become boring, you can turn it off by activating silent mode or by tampering with the file system.

Every day, more photos are taken around the world on iPhone than with any other camera. Which is not at all surprising: even a child can take pictures with the iSight camera. In addition to large pixels and an ƒ/2.2 aperture, the world's best-selling camera is packed with new technologies to help you capture even more great photos and videos.

The iPhone 6's 8-megapixel camera "sets the gold standard for mobile photography." Apple not only managed to improve the shooting quality, but also improved focus accuracy. Elle listed the advantages of the iSight camera that iPhone lovers can appreciate.

Exposure control

Lighten or darken photos and videos directly from the preview panel using a simple slider (four positions in each direction).

Optical image stabilization

Technology optical stabilization iPhone 6 Plus' imaging works like this: The processor collects and analyzes motion data, then fine-tunes the lens to compensate for hand shake in low light. Combining long and fast shutter speed shots also helps reduce subject blur. This way you can take impressive pictures even in low light.

New Photos app

With this new "old" app, iPhone photography becomes even easier - you just need to capture the moment, and then in just a few seconds edit the frame using the automatic composition tools, various settings and filters in the Photos app. If artistic features The photo does not need retouching; you can immediately send it directly from the lock screen using a password or Touch ID.

High resolution panoramas

Panorama mode allows you to shoot impressive footage - up to 43 megapixels. And dynamic autoexposure ensures incredible clarity in large-scale shots.

Continuous shooting

Once you press the shutter button, iPhone 6 begins shooting one frame after another as long as you keep the button pressed. Thus, in a relatively short period you can get several frames, from which you can choose the most successful one.

Cinematic stabilization

Cinematic video stabilization allows you to get rid of judder in the frame. Therefore, even if you shoot leaning out of a car window, the video will turn out smooth, as if you were moving on a camera dolly.

Focus Pixels Technology

Focus Pixels is powered by a new image signal processor. Thanks to it, the sensor receives more information about the image, and autofocus works faster and better. This is noticeable even in preview mode.

Tracking autofocus

iPhone 6 supports continuous autofocus when shooting video - this optical feature uses new technology Focus Pixels, providing clear focus even when the photographer or subject is in motion. Simply put, there will be fewer accidental focus switches when shooting photos and videos, which results in better quality.

Time-lapse photography

This feature allows you to take time-lapse photography: pictures are taken at selected time intervals. Just set up your iPhone and compose your shot. Then select Time Lapse mode, press the record button, and the camera will start shooting. After some time, it can be stopped, and the result will be a full-fledged video, regardless of how long the shooting lasted - 30 minutes or 30 hours.

HDR for photos and videos

The quality of selfies and video calls has become much better due to the new sensor, which allows you to take both photos and videos in HDR mode, even when using the front camera.

This guide covers iOS 8 features for iPhone 4S/5/5c/5s/6 and 6 Plus.

Getting started with Camera

Quicker! Where's the camera? On the lock screen, swipe up. You can also swipe up from the bottom of the screen to show Control Center, then tap .

Note. If you launch the camera from the locked screen, you can view and even edit photos and videos on the locked screen by simply tapping the thumbnail in the lower left corner of the screen. You must unlock your iPhone to send photos and videos.

You can take both photos and videos in HD quality on your iPhone. Additionally, in addition to the iSight camera on the back, the device comes with a front-facing FaceTime camera for video calling and self-portraits. The LED flash additionally illuminates the subjects. It can also be a flashlight - just swipe it in the Control Center. See Control Center.

Taking photos and videos

Camera has several photo and video modes that let you create photos, square shots, panoramas, time-lapses, videos, and time-lapse videos (iPhone 5s or later).

Mode selection. Swipe the screen left or right, or tap the mode labels, to select Time Lapse, Slow Motion, Video, Photo, Square, or Panorama mode.

Photograph. Select Photo mode, then tap the Take Photo button or press any Volume button.

A rectangular frame will appear briefly to define the area where you can adjust the exposure. When photographing people, Face Detection (iPhone 4s and later) is enabled to equalize exposure across up to ten faces. A rectangular frame appears around each recognized face.

Exposure is set automatically, but you can set it manually for the next shot by tapping the subject or area on the screen. When using the iSight camera, touching the screen allows you to set the focus point and exposure, and the face detection feature is temporarily disabled. To lock focus and exposure, touch and hold the screen until a pulsating rectangle appears. Take as many pictures as needed. When you touch the screen again, the automatic settings and facial recognition function.

Exposure settings. Touch and hold the screen until appears next to the exposure rectangle. Then move your finger up or down,
to adjust exposure.

Panoramic photography.(iSight Camera) Select Panorama mode, tap the Take Photo button, and slowly move your phone in the direction of the arrow. To take a panoramic photo in the other direction, tap the arrow. To pan vertically, first rotate your iPhone to landscape orientation. You can shoot a vertical panorama in the opposite direction.

Shooting in Interval mode.(iSight Camera) Select Interval mode, set iPhone to suitable place and tap the Time Lapse button to capture sunsets, flower openings, or other time-lapse events. Tap the Time Lapse Capture button again to stop shooting. From the pictures taken at certain intervals, a short video is created that you can watch for yourself and show to your friends.

Video shooting. Select Video mode, then tap the Record Video button to start or stop video recording. Shooting is performed at a speed of 30 frames per second. On iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus, you can switch to 60fps in Settings > Photos & Camera.

  • Take a photo while recording video.(iPhone 5 and later) Tap the Take Photo button in the lower left corner.
  • Slow motion.(iPhone 5 and later) Select Slow Mode to capture slow-motion video. When editing a video, you can choose which part to play back in slow motion.

Selecting slow motion for video. Tap the thumbnail, then use vertical stripes Under the viewing frame, select the part of the video you want to watch in slow motion.

Zoom in and out.(iSight Camera) Spread or pinch your fingers to expand or contract the image on the screen. For iPhone 5 and newer models, in addition to taking photos, zoom is also supported in video mode.

When location services are turned on, photos and videos are tagged with location data. This data can be used in other programs and websites designed for publishing photos. See Privacy.

Using timer shooting. To avoid camera movement or to film yourself with others, you can use a timer. To film yourself, place your iPhone on a stable surface and point it at the area you want to film. Tap , choose 3 seconds or 10 seconds, and tap the Take Photo button.

Screenshot. Press the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons at the same time. The screenshot is saved to the Recently Added album in the Photos app.

Editing. You can edit photos and trim videos directly on iPhone. See Editing photos and trimming videos.

HDR (High Dynamic Range) mode allows you to take beautiful pictures in high-contrast environments. The best parts of three different shots taken at different exposures (long, normal and short) are combined into one photo.

Using HDR mode.(iSight and FaceTime cameras on iPhone 5s or later) Tap the HDR button at the top of the screen. For the shot to be successful, neither the iPhone nor the subject must move. (In HDR mode, the flash is disabled.)

On iPhone 5s or later, you can select HDR Auto and iPhone will use HDR when needed.

Save a photo with normal exposure in addition to the HDR version. Go to Settings > Photos & Camera > Keep Original. In this case, Photos will retain both the original and the HDR version. HDR versions of photos in albums are indicated by “HDR” in the corner of the photo.

View, export and print

Photos and videos are saved in the Photos app. Anything you share in the My Photo Stream album also appears in the Recently Added album in the Photos app. See my photo stream.

View photos. Tap a photo thumbnail, then swipe left or right to view your latest photos. Tap All Photos to view all the photos you've saved in Photos.

Tap the screen to show or hide controls.

Access print and export options. Click . See Sharing from programs.

Camera settings

In Settings > Photos & Camera, you can configure the following settings:

  • My photo stream and sharing;
  • shooting series;
  • Slide show
  • net;
  • High dynamic range

The volume of the shutter sound is controlled by the Ring & Alerts volume setting in Settings > Sounds. To mute the sound, use the Ring/Silent switch. (In some countries, you cannot turn off the shutter sound.)

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