Home Perennial flowers How to take quality photos with Android. Tips for setting up your camera on Android

How to take quality photos with Android. Tips for setting up your camera on Android

After watching the reviews and buying yourself new smartphone, we don't always get what we expect. The video from the camera is not so high quality, and the photos, especially at night, are very “noisy”. How to set up the camera on Xiaomi Redmi and improve the result?

To begin with, you should set the quality of the camera itself to the maximum (or to the proper level).

To do this, go to the section “ System Applications"And click on the" Camera "item.

The camera settings menu opens, where you can set parameters for both photo and video.

Setting the quality of photos on Xiaomi

First of all, click on the "Photo Quality" button and select "High". This will reduce the compression when saving photos, which means it will make the images better and more detailed.

No less important is the “Frame format” item. There are two options to choose from:

  • Standard 4: 3;
  • Widescreen 16: 9.

There is no universal advice on which format to choose, and everyone sets it at their discretion. Standard allows you to use the entire area of ​​the matrix to create a snapshot. Thus, having a 16 MP camera, you will get a photo with an honest 16 MP resolution, but the widescreen mode simply does not use the upper and lower part matrix, which leads to a reduction in size, but at the same time the photos fit perfectly into the resolution of modern smartphones and laptop displays without the need for additional cropping.

At the very bottom of the settings menu, there are 4 more items: exposure mode, contrast, saturation and sharpness.

The metering setting can be averaged, center-weighted, and spot.

With averaged metering, the brightness of all parts of the frame is taken into account equally.

Center-weighted mode calculates the brightness based on the data at the focus point with a smooth fading out to the edges of the image.

Spot mode - measuring the brightness of the frame at the rate of 1-5% of the matrix size.

The most popular are the last two options - center-weighted and point.

As for contrast, saturation and sharpness - you must try different variants and focus on the one that suits you personally.

You can also switch the survey from automatic to manual mode... This will allow you to independently set the white balance, ISO and shutter speed of the camera.

This method is good when shooting in low light, it can significantly improve the quality of photos, but it also has several disadvantages:

  • By lowering the ISO, you can get less noise in the photo, but the shutter speed will be slower, which will blur the picture if you use the camera without any support, such as a tripod.
  • for every photo in different conditions you will have to change the settings, which significantly slows down the shooting process. At the same time, so that there are no blurred objects in the photograph, they must be static during shooting, unless this is, of course, the artistic intention of the photographer.

Blurring the background

Bokeh effect, or more simply, blur background- this is an opportunity to focus on a specific subject, highlighting it from the mass of other elements of photography.

In the event that your smartphone has a dual camera module (such as in smartphones Xiaomi Mi6, Xiaomi Mi 5x, Xiaomi Mi A1) - you can use a special portrait mode, which can be found in the article:

For everyone else mobile devices you can use a proprietary application from Google and get an equally high-quality blur effect even when using one camera. Read more about this in the material:

Setting video quality on Xiaomi

Setting the video quality is the resolution in which the video will be recorded. To configure it, go to the "Video quality" item and select the most optimal one. Most Xiaomi cameras this is Full HD, since 4k is capable of recording at a low frame rate, and regular HD already looks pretty shabby. With all this, do not forget that the higher the quality of the shooting, the more the video file on the smartphone takes up.

Also, to improve the quality of the video, you should go to the "Focus mode" and select "Touch". As practice has shown, the continuous focusing (CAF) mode on Xiaomi smartphones mostly misses when jumping from one object to another, which significantly worsens the result.

Video Tips

To shoot a video of better quality and watching videos does not cause disgust, you should use a few simple rules:

  • the video must be horizontal so that it can be comfortably viewed on a large screen of a computer, laptop or TV;
  • when shooting video, do not turn the camera sharply from one object to another, the recording should be smooth;
  • the smartphone must be held with both hands, this will allow to extinguish the shake of the picture.

Smartphone cameras passed long haul for the last few year s. Now, for a good shot, it is enough to get your favorite gadget and make a couple of taps on the screen. Although, if you look at some of the photos on Instagram, you can understand that not everyone succeeds even in this.

In fact, there are many ways to improve the quality of your photography, and if you think that you have already achieved maximum professionalism in this, then I have bad news for you. The camera of each smartphone is different from the rest, so sometimes even small changes can dramatically change the picture.

Our colleagues at Lifehacker.com polled many expert photographers for basic tips on how to improve the quality of smartphone photography. Take a look at them, perhaps tomorrow you will become a popular instamographer.

Use light correctly

This advice applies to all phone models: the subject should be facing the light source, not the camera. The main problem with smartphone cameras is dealing with a small amount of light. Therefore, our main task is to give the camera maximum amount Sveta. You may need to think a little about how to place the object, but you will like the result.

Wipe the lens

Stupid? But no. By wiping the lens before shooting, you will save yourself from photographs with subtle but unpleasant spots and dots. If you like to touch your phone with greasy hands, then this advice will come in handy.

Avoid the zoom

Use physical zoom. How? It's very simple: if you need to zoom in on an object, walk up to it. That's all. As a last resort, if you cannot get close to the object, you can simply crop (crop) the photo in the editor. Thus, you will achieve the same result without losing anything. And taken from digital zoom the photo will be ruined forever.


Most photographers recommend turning off the flash on your smartphone altogether and using it only as a flashlight. However, in a situation where you need to take a photo in the dark, a flash can still come in handy. Just put it in “Auto” mode and the smartphone will decide for itself when to turn it on.

If a situation arises in which you doubt whether you need a flash, then the best choice will take two photos: one with a flash, the other without, and after that figure out which one is better.

Understand the settings

Of course, if you are lucky enough to own an iPhone, then the only setting available to you is the grid on / off. However, if you are using an Android device or a third-party application, then the number of settings can cause a nervous tic. But they will have to be figured out, especially if you want to improve the quality of your photos.

Check Resolution

Most smartphones allow you to choose the resolution of your photos. Needless to say that for best quality should it be maximum?

Turn on image stabilization

When you press the button to take a photo, you move the phone slightly. This also applies to breathing and various involuntary gestures, which can also blur and ruin the photo. Therefore, if you are not a sniper who knows how to control your breathing, then you should look in the settings for image stabilization and turn it on.

Adjust white balance

In most cases modern cameras determine the white balance themselves. Moreover, quite good. But in a situation with a small amount of light, even they can confuse and turn your picture into something terrible and suitable only for friends on Instagram. Sometimes it takes a few seconds for the camera to determine the amount of light. For example, if you suddenly entered the premises from the street or vice versa. By giving her those few seconds, you will reduce the chance of taking a bad photo.

Adjust the exposure

Exposure determines the amount of light that hits the lens. It's worth playing around with this setting on your own, as it is highly case-dependent. The higher the exposure, the more light hits the lens, and the photo becomes brighter and brighter.

Adjust color rendering

If adjusting the white balance and exposure does not give the desired results, you can try adjusting the color reproduction. For example, in or in a smartphone app.

Make a photo in black and white

If all else fails, then you have to be like hipsters and make your photo in black and white. In most cases, this filter hides major imperfections in a photo and makes it more interesting.

Some smartphones support real-time filters, and you can immediately photograph the subject in black and white. We do not advise you to do this, as there will be no turning back.

Make your photo look less mediocre with filters

We've left this tip for last so you can use the other methods first and only use this one when absolutely necessary. Some filters really make the photo extraordinary and beautiful. But you don't jam chewing gum bad breath in the morning?

Don't apply all of these tips to every shot. A little experimentation and you will find your style and tips that work best with your photos. if you have own advice that we forgot about, share them in the comments!

Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine a mobile gadget devoid of the ability to take photos and record videos.

Today, any, even the most budgetary device, has a full-fledged photo and video camera with a bunch of parameters for customization. The problem is that not every smartphone owner can navigate in all the variety of these settings. In this article we will try to shed light on the main parameters of the camera of phones (Android) and reveal their purpose.

Camera resolution

Shutter speed / aperture / aperture

This setting is for aperture control. How greater importance has a parameter, themes better camera will be open to light. Do not set too long exposure, as overexposure may result.

All the details about the aperture and aperture of the camera are collected by and.


The short name of this function can be interpreted as (Image Sensor Optimization). Changing the characteristics of this parameter makes it possible to increase or decrease the sensitivity of the lens to light. It is recommended to increase the ISO value only when shooting in low light conditions, otherwise the background noise will be noticeable in the photo.


Thanks to this function, you can adjust the brightness of the picture. By moving the slider left and right, the user changes the light level of the frame. This allows you to adjust the most suitable mode for aperture in order to improve the visibility of objects.

We have covered the most important camera parameters in Android phones and smartphones. By using all the available settings wisely, you can achieve the best shooting quality.

Your bluish face in the monitor of your video chat interlocutor is unlikely to please her eyes. However, according to Hol Wilder, video conferencing specialist and organizer of www.videoconference.com, with the right approach, even the cheapest webcam can show you in all its glory.

That color
Problem. The light emanating from the computer monitor you are sitting at, for all its weakness, is sufficient to distort the broadcast picture. Whichever color prevails on your desktop, your face will be painted exactly the same. However, if you are a Chinese person sitting in front of a yellow desktop, then everything is in order.

Solution. “Turn on the table lamp. Its more powerful light will overwhelm the monitor lighting, ”suggests Hall.

That's how absent-minded
Problem. Your desk lamp was so powerful that its light literally whitened your face. The black eye is no longer visible, but you look like a kabuki actor.

Solution. If your lamp does not have a function to reduce the power of light, you can diffuse it in another way. Stick a piece of tracing paper with tape on the lamp. It will soften the merciless rays electric lighting... If your desk sits next to a light-colored wall in Hall's supply, there is an even easier way to reduce the intensity of the light bulb. Turn it away from your face and point it at the wall. The reflected light will still be strong enough to eliminate the monitor effect.

How is the glass?
Problem. Its roots lie in the distant childhood, when you ate a little mark and read lying down. As a result, you ruined your eyes and now you wear glasses. And all would be fine, but now the monitor is reflected in their glasses. Because of what your interlocutor cannot see what color your eyes are (the horoscope promised her a meeting with a man with eyes the color of wet asphalt.)

Solution. In the monitor settings, reduce its brightness. “Typically, reflections disappear after a 25-30 percent decrease in brightness. In five minutes, you’ll get used to a slightly darkened desktop, ”Hall promises.

All in white
Problem. You did everything right, but for some reason the complexion became crimson.

Solution. " Automatic tuning The camera selects the brightest spot, which is defined as “white”, and adjusts all other colors based on this, ”explains Hall. If the present white in front of the camera, then other colors will be distorted. To prevent this from happening, just put on a white T-shirt, giving the camera a sample of snowy white. But you may not wear pants at all. All the same, your lower limbs are hidden by the table.

Is it possible to improve the front or rear camera in the phone samsung galaxy, lenovo, meizu m3 note 3 pro, xiaomi redmi 4x, lg k10 2017 working on android 6.0.

These are the questions I get asked most often. If your smartphone or tablet has a bad camera, then you can improve a few things.

Overall, the camera function is now being added to many devices ranging from mobile phones.

Just to make good image quality, you need SLR camera, although you can really achieve good results and simple if you apply the correct settings.

To begin with, it is worth explaining the relationship between sensor size and image quality and refuting the myth about the number of megapixels, which quite often is not a determining factor in quality when shooting.

It happens that a 2 megapixel phone camera does much more high quality than a matrix with 12Mpx.

Firstly, the more megapixels, the larger the picture you get and the more better lens, the better the picture quality.

Another problem is the camera control software that is supplied by the manufacturer and controls all of this.

You can "amplify" software for the best picture quality. Get acquainted with programs that improve the quality of the built-in camera,.

Settings to improve the webcam in a smartphone or tablet

In order to improve the quality of photos taken on mobile phone there are several important points to keep in mind.

Lighting - try to keep the objects well lit - the dimmer the lighting, the more "noise" will be seen in the picture, and if your phone is equipped with an LED flash, then it is good to turn it on.

Although the built-in flash may not be able to illuminate the entire subject, it can always help a little (LED flashes are more of a marketing ploy, rather than a strong flash lamp).

Contrast - This parameter should be considered when photographing indoors, where the lighting is artificial - thanks to it, you will be able to maintain natural colors.

Digital Zoom - definitely avoid using this option as nothing spoils image quality more than digital zoom.

Image stabilization - some phones offer digital stabilization an image that should not be trusted unconditionally.

Auto Focus - Should be used when there is a problem with sharpness when trying to capture objects.

ISO - noise in images is often the result of overuse ISO parameters that bring artificial light from low light - higher ISO values ​​can take sharper pictures in low light.

Improve the camera using the engineering menu

I am often asked how to improve the camera using engineering menu? I’ll tell you how to enter it, but don’t count on superimprovement, and not every smartphone will be able to launch it.

NOTE: if your smartphone or tablet runs on a Qualcomm chipset, then the engineering menu may not appear, but on those that use a MediaTek processor it will probably be.

To open the engineering menu, enter the command: * # * # 3646633 # * # *. If this code does not work, try another one: * # * # 4636 # * # * or * # 15963 # *.

NOTE: on smartphone Xiaomi you need to click on the "Kernel version" parameter several times in a row.

Using the engineering menu, you can make some changes and check the sensors and test the components.

If the code did not work, you can try using the MobileUncle Tools or MTK Engineering applications - you can download it on the play market.

After logging in, you should be interested in the "Camera" option - setting various parameters.

After the transition, the settings will open.

The engineering menu is preferable for experienced users and should be used very carefully so as not to do tragic "miracles".

Programs that improve the captured video

If you already have a captured video, but of poor quality, then it can also be improved using computer programs.

Movavi Video Editor is a powerful yet simple video editor. When using it, the following tools will become available to you: cropping video edges, rotations, adding audio, effects, filters and others

vReveal - great helper if you like to shoot videos with your phone. Then, most likely, you get a video that is far from ideal.

VReveal has quality enhancement technology to enhance the quality of videos and videos.

Video Enhancer - This program is capable of increasing video resolutions. You can significantly improve the quality of your photo or video using Video Super Resolution technology.

With the help of frame detail technology, you can upscale the resolution to HD.

NOTE: there is a drawback in all programs - they are paid, but worthy free analogues I could not find it. Good luck.

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