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Juniper oil for weight loss

Juniper oil is a frequent ingredient in many popular recipes for beauty and body health. The oil of this plant is inexpensive, but it is much more effective than some of the more expensive "glamorous" oils with a similar effect. To obtain this product, the juniper shoots are evaporated.

The healing properties of juniper oil

Juniper oil for weight loss can also be used internally. For this, a few drops of the extract are poured onto a crust of bread. The oil of this plant has a laxative and diuretic effect, which helps to remove all excess from the body. The use of the extract in food also helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels and normalize the work of the cardiovascular system. The use of this oil in food is contraindicated in acute renal disease and pregnancy. Do not consume too much of this product, otherwise it may cause allergies.

It is also believed that juniper oil warms the body from the inside, which contributes to weight loss, but this theory has not been proven. It is known that as the main way to reduce weight, the extract of this plant is completely unsuitable; it must be combined with sports and proper nutrition. But - a natural complex for weight loss works great on its own and relieves fat men from the hated kilograms!

Good day!

Let me introduce you juniper essential oil. It is obtained from juniper berries. The most valuable ingredient in juniper berries is, of course, the essential oil. It is in it that all the useful properties of the plant are concentrated.

So, today in the article:

  • The beneficial properties of juniper essential oil
  • Baoenergy Juniper Oil
  • Uses of Juniper Oil for Treatment
  • Juniper oil for cellulite and slimming
  • Applying juniper oil to hair and face

More precisely, we will talk about the beneficial properties of the oil obtained from juniper berries. The oil yield is 0.5-1.5%. That is, to get a bottle of oil with a volume of 10 ml, you need 1-2 kg of berries.

The oil heals dermatoses, eczema, long-lasting wounds.

Also works well for oily hair. It can be added to shampoo, hair mask, conditioner, or rinse water. See more about. Helps eliminate oily dandruff. Brushing your hair with juniper oil is great.

Aroma combing with juniper oil

Apply 1-2 drops to the comb, and besides, this will strengthen your hair, also relieve nervous tension and the negative accumulated during the day.

Directions for use and dosage

  • Aroma bath- 3-6 drops per bath.
  • Oil burner- 2 drops per 5 sq. m.
  • Massage, rubbing - 4-6 K. per 10 ml. massage oil
  • Hot inhalation and- 2-3 drops per 0.5-1 liter of hot water, do for 5-7 minutes
  • Cold inhalation and - 2-3 drops on a napkin or handkerchief or into an inhaler
  • Enrichment of cosmetics v - 2-4 drops per 5 g base
  • Aroma medallion - 1-2 drops per aroma pendant

Remember to do a wrist or elbow allergy test before using your new essential oil. If everything is fine in a day, the oil can be used.

Juniper Oil Recipes

  • Dressing for sauerkraut.

Sauerkraut itself is a storehouse of vitamins and a good cleanser. Season the sauerkraut with vegetable oil and 1 drop of juniper oil. For 2 sec. l. vegetable oil - 1 drop of juniper.

It turns out a salad of a very unusual taste that has all of the above properties.

  • Massage mixture for cellulite.

20 ml. grape seed oil and 30 ml. jojoba or almond oil. Add 5 drops each of orange, juniper, patchouli, geranium oils.

  • Oil wraps

50 ml. base oil (almond, apricot, avocado), add 3 drops each of patchouli, juniper, ylang-ylang oils.

Apply to body, wrap with foil. Lie down for one and a half to two hours. The wrap activates metabolism, stimulates blood circulation and regeneration processes.

  • Massage mixture for arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis

The painful joint can be gently massaged with the following composition:

for 20 ml. base oil (peach, apricot, almond, etc.) add the following essential oils - 2 drops each of juniper and lavender and 1 drop each of eucalyptus and rosemary.

If you are concerned about pain in the back and cervical spine, you need to approach the problem in a comprehensive manner. Essential oils will ease the condition, here you need to pay attention to nutrition, exercise and lifestyle.

  • Anesthetic foot bath for gout.

With gout during exacerbations, such a foot bath can help - in a small amount of an emulsifier (milk, wine), dissolve 2 drops of juniper berry oil, 2 drops of rosemary, 1 drop of tea tree and 1 drop of lemon.

Take a warm foot bath. Duration 15-20 minutes. Baths should be done every day or every other day.

  • Honey compress for back pain and osteochondrosis.

Apply honey to which juniper oil is added to the sore spot (lower back, cervical spine or joint). At 1 st. l. honey - 2-3 drops of oil. Wrap the sore spot with a linen cloth and wrap it up warmly. You can leave it overnight. It is better to take honey with cleansing properties - linden, raspberry, sweet clover, meadow, forest. Read more about the types of honey, their properties and their use honey read.

I hope you found the information on juniper essential oil helpful. I would be glad to see your feedback in the form of a comment or a link to a social network.

All blog posts are informational and consult your doctor before using essential oils.

Vivasan juniper berry essential oil can be purchased at the company's offices. I can advise on the application and selection of oils, as well as help to get a company discount card. Anyone interested - contact.

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Due to its rich chemical composition, juniper has many beneficial properties. Among them are antiseptic, analgesic, diuretic, disinfectant properties. It is also an anti-inflammatory, decongestant, removes toxins and toxins, cleanses blood vessels, and accelerates tissue regeneration.

The smell of juniper calms and puts in order the thoughts, helps with depression, fears, adds decisiveness and self-confidence.

Juniper essential oil: medicinal uses

In folk medicine juniper oil used to treat diseases and improve the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, digestive system. It increases appetite, cleanses the intestinal walls, and helps with bloating.
For people prone to overeating, abuse of fatty foods and alcohol, juniper oil is an excellent helper. The property of juniper is also known to inhibit obesity.

Juniper also helps with liver diseases, it is recommended for the treatment of cirrhosis.

The beneficial effect of juniper on the genitourinary system has been proven. Juniper essential oil is one of the most effective remedies for the treatment of kidney and bladder diseases, both infectious and functional.

For colds, it is useful to do inhalation with juniper essential oil. This will help relieve coughs, phlegm, and soften the throat.
Juniper also treats bronchitis, inflammation in the tissues of the lungs.

Uses of Juniper Essential Oil gives good results for menstrual disorders, pain and cramps associated with this ailment. Traditional medicine also recommends using it for vaginitis, colpitis, endometritis and other infectious and inflammatory diseases of the female genital area.
For men, it will be useful for prostatitis.

Juniper oil recommended as a diuretic, diaphoretic, decongestant.
It normalizes blood pressure, quickly eliminates dizziness and weakness in case of hypotension.
Juniper oil is a good stimulating and tonic agent: it helps fight fatigue, strengthens the body's defenses, and cleanses the blood.

For skin diseases, the use of juniper oil can relieve eczema and psoriasis, helps with abscesses, infectious and ulcerative lesions of the skin. It also promotes tissue healing by preventing rough scars.

Treat with essential oil of juniper and joint diseases. It helps to reduce stiffness, pain, inflammation in arthritis, gout, rheumatism.

Juniper essential oil: application in cosmetology

Juniper essential oil is an excellent care product for any type. It moisturizes and nourishes, relieves puffiness, improves skin elasticity and firmness. Due to the ability to remove toxins, it has a cleansing effect, helps to fight wrinkles, signs of skin aging.

It helps well juniper oil with microinflammation, small wounds, acne and other defects.
It evens out by narrowing the pores, improves the complexion.

The use of essential oil of juniper for hair care gives good results. It gives hair shine, helps to get rid of dandruff and itching, strengthens hair follicles.

Juniper essential oil- an excellent remedy for baths and massages for cellulite. It simultaneously acts in several directions: it removes excess fluid, frees from toxins, suppresses the production of harmful substances that destroy elastin and collagen.

Juniper essential oil: dosage and precautions

For massage, rubbing, compresses, skin treatment, juniper oil is mixed with vegetable oil in the ratio of 5-7 drops of juniper oil per 10-15 ml of transport.

For inhalation add 1-3 drops to water.

For baths, 3-6 drops of juniper oil are enough.

In aroma lamps and aroma medallions add 5 and 1-3 drops of juniper essential oil, respectively.

When taken orally, 1 drop of juniper oil is mixed with honey, you can drink it with fermented milk products, juices.

Before using juniper essential oil, it is best to do an individual intolerance test.
Not recommended for severe kidney disease and (due to the diuretic effect), as well as for the treatment of children under 12 years of age.

In the presence of serious inflammatory diseases, be sure to consult with your doctor and check the dosage and duration of treatment with juniper essential oil.
You should also consult your doctor if you have very high blood pressure - in some cases the use of essential oil of juniper is contraindicated.

Alexandra Panyutina
Women's magazine JustLady

Juniper is an evergreen coniferous tree belonging to the cypress species and growing in the steppe regions of Siberia, the Caucasus, and North America. The plant has long been used by people for the preparation of various decoctions and tinctures with miraculous medicinal properties.

Modern juniper oil is obtained from the fruit of the tree by steam distillation. However, not only berries are suitable for preparing the product - they also use needles, bark and even the wood of this thorny shrub. The spectrum of action of the concentrate is very diverse. It is used to treat skin and more serious diseases, relieve pain and much more. There are many varieties of wood, but only common juniper is used to prepare the useful ether, the rest are very poisonous.

Health Benefits of Juniper Ether

Essential juniper oil from bush berries is a liquid that is practically colorless, but has a characteristic spicy resinous aroma, which is healing in itself. That is why the juniper is planted near health resorts and sanatoriums. Antiseptic properties give the plant the ability to suppress the development of pathogenic microbes and restore weakened immunity.

Juniper essential oil is also highly regarded for its antimicrobial properties in facial skin care. In addition, it contains a large amount of vitamins and trace elements such as iron, copper, manganese, and aluminum. Here are collected such useful substances as acetic, malic and formic acids, camphene, terpineol, resins and pinene. In addition to organic acids, the product contains various elements containing oxygen and carbon, which are very beneficial for the skin.

Using facial oils

Unique juniper oil is great for all skin types.

Most often, the product is used for oily and problematic dermis, as the ester helps to normalize the natural fat balance of the skin, cleansing it of excess sebum. The use of the product will relieve the epidermis of excessive shine, gently cleansing and narrowing the pores. For everyday care, a few drops of the concentrate are enough to add to a single dose of the usual face cream. This is about 5 drops per 10 grams of cream. Ether can also be added to face toners and a variety of masks.

The properties of the product perfectly help to restore the cells of the epidermis, therefore the concentrate is a good remedy for caring not only for young skin, in which the ether prevents the appearance of signs of aging, but also for the dermis that is already undergoing age-related changes. Juniper tones cells, restoring a fresh complexion to the face, strengthens the dermis, making it elastic and resilient. Its constant application will be effective moisturizing for the dried and fading dermis. The complexion is rejuvenated with a healthy glow.

The concentrate is also used to eliminate swelling on the face and sensitive areas such as the skin under the eyes. Essential oil of juniper has a cleansing and moisturizing effect, while nourishing the dermis and saturating it with useful vitamins.

Among other things, juniper oil helps cleanse the epidermis of harmful toxins. Its use accelerates blood circulation, which contributes to the continuous and rapid enrichment of the skin with oxygen and nutrients.

Medicinal use

  • Acne treatment. The systematic use of oil is great for disinfecting the dermis and relieving it of the appearance of acne and blackheads. The ether dries out existing pimples and prevents new ones from appearing.
  • Reduction of scars. In cosmetology, it helps to get rid of fresh scars and obsolete scars, and its anti-inflammatory properties endow it with the ability to heal cracks and wounds.
  • Herpes treatment. Also, juniper oil is great for treating a problem like herpes.


Applying oil to treat herpes on the lips should be very gentle. Do not allow etherol to get on the mucous membrane.

  • Treating and relieving symptoms of skin conditions. The disinfecting properties of the agent make it indispensable in the treatment of skin diseases of any severity: lichen, psoriasis, dermatoses, fungal infections, allergies and even eczema.

The most effective recipes

When preparing face care products, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recipe, since juniper essential oil is very effective and its excess on the skin is undesirable.

In cosmetology, you can also use whole ether, but only when dealing with problems such as acne and blackheads. Oil is applied to each of them in a dotted manner.

Purifying mask for oily skin.

To prepare it, you need to thoroughly beat the white of one egg and add 2 drops of juniper ether to it. Spread the mixture evenly on the face and stand for 20 minutes. The mask is washed off with warm water. The properties of the concentrate to remove oily sheen from the skin and tighten pores make it indispensable for quickly putting the face in order.

Ointment for the treatment of skin diseases.

It is prepared from 30 grams of melted lard, to which juniper essential oil is added - 50 drops. You need to grind problem areas 2 times a day.

Moisturizing toner.

Mix 200 ml of still mineral water or 15 grams of black cumin oil with 4 drops of ether. It is necessary to wipe the face with the mixture 2 times a day.

It is also possible to use the concentrate when making ice for the face. To do this, dissolve a tablespoon of honey and juniper oil - 5 drops in still mineral water or herbal decoction (1 glass). Ice is frozen in the usual way and used for wiping in the morning and evening.

Steam baths for the treatment of diseases.

Add 1 drop of juniper, lemon, eucalyptus ether to 1 liter of boiling water. The water is cooled to room temperature. To keep your face over the bath, you need to cover your head with a towel. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

This powerful concentrate has contraindications. Its use is excluded during pregnancy and lactation. Ether is prohibited for people with acute kidney disease, stomach ulcers, hypertension and nephrosis, as well as diseases of the genitourinary system.

For other inflammatory processes in the body, before using the product in cosmetology, you need to consult a doctor.

Even in the absence of contraindications, it is advisable to conduct a standard sensitivity test before use, since the properties of the concentrated oil are very strong and can cause allergies.

Juniper oil for daily care is recommended for no more than 1 month. After that, you should take at least a short break, replacing the product with any other means.

You will learn about the use of juniper oil for medicinal purposes from the video.

The healing qualities of the juniper became known in ancient times. All the constituent plants (leaves, bark and berries) have a powerful therapeutic effect on the human body. Oil is made from pine needles and dried fruits using a special technology. The product is in demand in various fields. Let's consider the main aspects in order.

Chemical composition and properties

  1. The plant composition is rich in many enzymes that help the body to resist various ailments. The basis of the oil includes terpene, camphene, borneol, terpineol, tannins, dyes, vitamin C, trace elements and organic acids.
  2. Studies have shown that juniper oil is capable of providing potent phytoncidal properties. It is worth paying attention to the fact that in places where juniper grows, the air is fresher and cleaner. People with many ailments and weak animals often visit such places. Thus, in a sense, they improve their health.
  3. From some sources it is known that the ancient Indians were able to cure tuberculosis in the initial stages with the help of a juniper. In addition, the plant easily coped with joint pain. The indigenous people of America simply left the patient in the thickets of the bush.
  4. In the case of the essential oil extracted from the berries of the plant, the internal organs are cleansed. The composition has diaphoretic, cleansing, expectorant, insecticidal properties, removes water and bile.
  5. In addition, the remedy improves the digestive processes, activates the lymph flow, heals the damaged dermis.
  6. It has been proven that the composition, if necessary, will help provoke the premature onset of the menstrual cycle. The plant has a positive effect on the central nervous system. As a result, you will get sound sleep.

Juniper oil in medicine

  1. With the help of juniper oil, you can cure almost any ailment associated with the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the plant composition will rid the body of infectious and viral diseases.
  2. If you catch a cold, you must dissolve in 15 ml. honey 2 drops of juniper ether. Stir this mixture into any kind of hot tea. Drink the healing drink three times a day.
  3. If you suffer from swelling of the limbs, herbal tea with the addition of 3 drops of juniper oil will help to cope with the ailment. Drink hot composition 2 times a day.
  4. To fully cleanse the body of slagging and toxic compounds, you need to conduct a course. It consists of 4 procedures over a period of 1 year. To do this, you need to use the healing composition for 3 days.
  5. On the first day, 6 hours before a meal, you need to combine 1 drop of juniper extract and 30 ml. olive oil. In the second and third - consume 1 drop of herbal product with food 3 times a day. The procedure should be accompanied by an abundant intake of purified water (3 liters).
  6. To get rid of excess weight, you need to dilute it in 100 ml. filtered water 15 ml. flower honey and 2 drops of juniper ether. Consume the effective composition for 7-8 days 3 times a day.
  7. The systematic intake of a plant product in a short period of time stabilizes metabolic processes in the body and enriches it with essential microelements.
  8. Juniper oil is recommended for the treatment of cystitis, malaria, gout, arthrosis, varicose veins, polyarthritis, deep wounds, skin ailments, hemorrhoids, allergies, ulcers, diabetes, tuberculosis, edema, kidney and gall bladder stones, infections of the genitourinary system, influenza, impotence , bronchitis and atherosclerosis.

Juniper oil in cosmetology

  1. The oil has become popular due to its anti-cellulite effect. The composition effectively smoothes the skin, fully toning it. As a result of regular use, scars are smoothed, most of the stretch marks disappear.
  2. The product can be used to nourish any skin type. Cosmetologists still recommend using the product for problematic and oily epidermis, prone to acne formation. In this case, the oil will show itself more effectively.
  3. The bush extract cleanses the skin well, maintaining its turgor. As a result of the systematic use of the product, you will not encounter flaking, acne and wide pores. It is enough to add 3-5 drops of oil to the cream for daily moisturizing.
  4. In addition to an even tone, you will be able to moisturize the skin in short periods, elasticity and elasticity will appear. Also, possible edema, signs of aging and wilting of the epidermis will disappear. Keep in mind that with the help of juniper oil you can get rid of herpes, do not let the product get on your tongue.
  5. In addition to high-quality skin care, the oil effectively strengthens the structure of hair follicles. Get in the habit of adding a small amount of herbal product to hair cleaners. In a short time, you will return the original shine and strength to the curls. You will forget about dandruff, itching, hair loss and breakage.
  6. Dermatologists recommend including juniper ester when using a skin bath. The product has proven itself well as a remedy against fungal diseases and corns. In addition, the oil will qualitatively soften and nourish the skin with beneficial enzymes.

  1. Juniper ether has a rather pungent pine needles smell. If you combine the composition with a little water, you will get a pleasant and fresh aroma at the end.
  2. If you regularly use aromatic lamps, water procedures and inhalations with the use of juniper extract, you can not only improve the general psycho-emotional background, but also disinfect the room.
  3. Aromatherapy helps to tune in to a positive wave, relieve stress and irritation. Regular use will relieve you of unnecessary phobias and stress. Thus, attention, concentration and performance will increase.
  4. To achieve the maximum effect on the body, juniper ether must be combined with citrus, bergamot, cedar and pine oils. At the first symptoms of a cold, an effective composition of juniper and vetiver will help.

Rules for the use of juniper oil

  1. There are several ways to use juniper oil. Mostly herbal product is added to pendants, aroma lamps. On the basis of the composition, inhalations are made, healing compresses, the oil is taken orally and added to the baths.
  2. To enrich the usual cosmetic products, it is necessary to mix it with 15 gr. daily remedy of about 8 drops of juniper ether. It is enough to pour 3-4 drops into pendants, about 6 drops into lamps.
  3. Take a bath to relieve stress and tension throughout your body. Dissolve in 50 ml. milk 7 drops of juniper ether. Pour the liquid into the bath. If you are going to consume the extract internally, dilute it in 100 ml. purified water 2 drops of ether and 10 gr. honey.

Contraindications and harm

  1. Juniper oil is contraindicated only if a person has an individual plant intolerance. The composition is not toxic in any form, it is a completely natural product.
  2. In rare cases, an allergic reaction in the form of a rash has been observed. Experiment is strongly recommended before use.
  3. Smear a small amount of the product on the skin, wait for the body's reaction. If there are no side effects in the form of red spots and itching, use the product safely. But start with small amounts (1-2 drops).
  4. It is forbidden to use juniper oil in any form for the fair sex who are in position. The product stimulates the uterine muscles, which can result in miscarriage or premature labor.

Juniper oil has healing properties. Read the contraindications and dosage recommendations before use. Limit infants and young children under 3 years of age from herbal product. In addition, the oil should not be used for chronic kidney disease. Get a quality composition.

Video: how is juniper useful?

Good day!

Let me introduce you juniper essential oil. It is obtained from juniper berries. The most valuable ingredient in juniper berries is, of course, the essential oil. It is in it that all the useful properties of the plant are concentrated.

So, today in the article:

  • The beneficial properties of juniper essential oil
  • Baoenergy Juniper Oil
  • Uses of Juniper Oil for Treatment
  • Juniper oil for cellulite and slimming
  • Applying juniper oil to hair and face

More precisely, we will talk about the beneficial properties of the oil obtained from juniper berries. The oil yield is 0.5-1.5%. That is, to get a bottle of oil with a volume of 10 ml, you need 1-2 kg of berries.

The oil heals dermatoses, eczema, long-lasting wounds.

Also works well for oily hair. It can be added to shampoo, hair mask, conditioner, or rinse water. See more about. Helps eliminate oily dandruff. Brushing your hair with juniper oil is great.

Aroma combing with juniper oil

Apply 1-2 drops to the comb, and besides, this will strengthen your hair, also relieve nervous tension and the negative accumulated during the day.

Directions for use and dosage

  • Aroma bath- 3-6 drops per bath.
  • Oil burner- 2 drops per 5 sq. m.
  • Massage, rubbing - 4-6 K. per 10 ml. massage oil
  • Hot inhalation and- 2-3 drops per 0.5-1 liter of hot water, do for 5-7 minutes
  • Cold inhalation and - 2-3 drops on a napkin or handkerchief or into an inhaler
  • Enrichment of cosmetics v - 2-4 drops per 5 g base
  • Aroma medallion - 1-2 drops per aroma pendant

Remember to do a wrist or elbow allergy test before using your new essential oil. If everything is fine in a day, the oil can be used.

Juniper Oil Recipes

  • Dressing for sauerkraut.

Sauerkraut itself is a storehouse of vitamins and a good cleanser. Season the sauerkraut with vegetable oil and 1 drop of juniper oil. For 2 sec. l. vegetable oil - 1 drop of juniper.

It turns out a salad of a very unusual taste that has all of the above properties.

  • Massage mixture for cellulite.

20 ml. grape seed oil and 30 ml. jojoba or almond oil. Add 5 drops each of orange, juniper, patchouli, geranium oils.

  • Oil wraps

50 ml. base oil (almond, apricot, avocado), add 3 drops each of patchouli, juniper, ylang-ylang oils.

Apply to body, wrap with foil. Lie down for one and a half to two hours. The wrap activates metabolism, stimulates blood circulation and regeneration processes.

  • Massage mixture for arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis

The painful joint can be gently massaged with the following composition:

for 20 ml. base oil (peach, apricot, almond, etc.) add the following essential oils - 2 drops each of juniper and lavender and 1 drop each of eucalyptus and rosemary.

If you are concerned about pain in the back and cervical spine, you need to approach the problem in a comprehensive manner. Essential oils will ease the condition, here you need to pay attention to nutrition, exercise and lifestyle.

  • Anesthetic foot bath for gout.

With gout during exacerbations, such a foot bath can help - in a small amount of an emulsifier (milk, wine), dissolve 2 drops of juniper berry oil, 2 drops of rosemary, 1 drop of tea tree and 1 drop of lemon.

Take a warm foot bath. Duration 15-20 minutes. Baths should be done every day or every other day.

  • Honey compress for back pain and osteochondrosis.

Apply honey to which juniper oil is added to the sore spot (lower back, cervical spine or joint). At 1 st. l. honey - 2-3 drops of oil. Wrap the sore spot with a linen cloth and wrap it up warmly. You can leave it overnight. It is better to take honey with cleansing properties - linden, raspberry, sweet clover, meadow, forest. Read more about the types of honey, their properties and their use honey read.

I hope you found the information on juniper essential oil helpful. I would be glad to see your feedback in the form of a comment or a link to a social network.

All blog posts are informational and consult your doctor before using essential oils.

Vivasan juniper berry essential oil can be purchased at the company's offices. I can advise on the application and selection of oils, as well as help to get a company discount card. Anyone interested - contact.

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Various types of raw materials are used to prepare juniper oil. Rough varieties are obtained by distilling a mixture of all parts of the plant: needles, needles, bark, crushed fruits. The oil made from berries alone is considered the most valuable, has many beneficial properties, has a pleasant aroma with fruity notes.

Juniper oil is used in medicine and cosmetology. It is used as a disinfectant in the treatment of wounds, is taken orally to improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and it is rubbed on the joints affected by rheumatism to relieve pain. Juniper oil promotes the growth and strengthening of hair, cleanses and tones the skin of the face, heals wounds, heals dermatitis, helps in the fight against stretch marks and cellulite.

Juniper Oil - 10 Benefits

  1. Powerful antiseptic

    Due to its antimicrobial properties, juniper essential oil has long been used for providing first aid to people who have received combat wounds or sports injuries. In obstetric practice, oil is used to treat the birth canal in order to avoid the development of sepsis during difficult labor accompanied by soft tissue ruptures. The substances contained in juniper oil inhibit the growth of most of the known bacteria and are able to resist even tetanus infection.

  2. Treatment of joint diseases

    Rubbing juniper oil on your knees, elbows, or hands for rheumatism and arthritis can help relieve swelling and reduce joint stiffness and soreness. Taking this natural medicine by mouth helps to eliminate toxins and uric acid, which will also benefit the body in the fight against diseases such as gout and arthrosis.

  3. Antispasmodic action

    Juniper essential oil is used to relieve any type of cramps, including muscle, intestinal, and respiratory cramps. Inhalation with juniper oil helps to alleviate the condition of patients with asthma and other similar diseases. A warm bath with a few drops of an essential substance improves capillary and vascular circulation and has a calming effect on the nervous system.

  4. Astringent properties

    The ability of juniper oil to strengthen tissues allows it to be used in hair, skin, and oral cavity care. Rubbing the oil all over your body will help tighten weakened muscles and give you a feeling of vitality and energy. Rinsing your mouth and lubricating your gums relieves toothache. Massaging juniper oil into the scalp prevents hair loss. Internal intake helps to stop diarrhea, reduce the likelihood of stomach and intestinal bleeding.

  5. Diuretic effect

    Juniper oil has diuretic properties, stimulates kidney and bladder function. The withdrawal of excess fluid helps to lower blood pressure, relieves puffiness, and helps in the fight against excess weight. The use of juniper oil for weight loss includes taking it internally, as well as massaging the thighs and abdomen to reduce body volume, prevent sagging skin and fight cellulite.

  6. Blood purification

    Taking 1-2 drops of juniper oil diluted in warm water daily, you can cleanse your body of accumulated toxins and harmful substances that come with water and food. This wonderful product promotes the elimination of uric acid, heavy metal salts and other toxic compounds that enter the body from the outside or are produced during the metabolic process.

  7. Warming action

    Juniper oil can be used as a local irritant to warm the skin and improve blood circulation in tissues. Massage with the use of essential oil helps relieve pain from sprains and bruises, accelerate the resorption of subcutaneous hematomas, reduce itching from insect bites, cope with numbness of the extremities, and quickly warm up after a long stay in the cold.

  8. Stimulation of the work of all body systems

    Taking juniper oil improves brain function, improves mood, and helps to overcome depression. The active substances contained in this product stimulate the activity of the endocrine and exocrine glands, increasing the secretion of breast milk, sebum, sweat, bile, urine, gastric juice, menstrual blood.

  9. Carminative properties

    The use of juniper oil improves the release of the intestines from accumulated gases. It is known that disruptions in this natural process for our body lead not only to bloating, but also negatively affect cardiac activity, cause nervousness, and increase blood pressure. Juniper oil is recommended for both acute problems and chronic symptoms associated with the inability to escape gases.

  10. Diaphoretic

    The use of essential oil of juniper internally and externally increases perspiration, which, by opening and cleansing the pores of the skin, prevents the formation of acne and boils, removes toxins and salts through the skin, and reduces the burden on the kidneys. Sweating well can be useful for losing weight, as well as for lowering body temperature during colds.

Best Uses for Juniper Oil

All essential oils are concentrated plant extracts, so they should be used in very small, literally homeopathic, dosages. This fully applies to juniper oil.

Before using this product for prophylactic or therapeutic purposes, be sure to make sure that you are not allergic to it. A standard sensitivity test is to apply a drop of oil to the elbow or behind the ear. If redness, burning, itching does not appear during the day, then you can begin treatment of internal organs and cosmetic skin or hair care.

The ways to use juniper oil in beauty recipes usually come down to mixing 1 to 2 drops of the essential ingredient with your regular face cream. In the same amount, juniper oil can be added to any nutritional mask.

  • Juniper oil for hair strengthening is used in a mixture with castor or burdock oil. One drop of essential liquid will also be sufficient for a tablespoon of one of these remedies.
  • If you plan to use juniper oil in aromatherapy, add 5-6 drops to the lamp. For inhalation, this dose should be halved.
  • To eliminate stretch marks and other massage actions, 2-3 drops of juniper oil are added to any body cream or, for example, to 50 grams of olive oil.
  • For disinfection of wounds, 2 drops of oil are stirred with a quarter glass of boiled water. To speed up the healing of abrasions or cuts, add a drop of juniper oil to any oily base (petroleum jelly, glycerin, etc.).
  • A bath with juniper oil is beneficial for men's and women's health, strengthens the nervous system, and promotes sexual arousal. For a comfortable procedure, it is enough to pour 5 drops of essential oil into the water.
  • Taking juniper oil inside is performed according to the following instructions: dissolve 2 teaspoons of honey in half a glass of boiled water, then add 1 drop of essential oil. This recipe can be used to treat stomach and intestines, as a diuretic or diaphoretic, and during weight loss diets.

You can take juniper oil for a maximum of 30 days in a row. Then you should take a break for 2-3 weeks, after which, if necessary, resume treatment.

What else is useful?

Since ancient times, people have shown interest and respect for the juniper, have used this plant for healing, used it in magical rituals and seasoned food with its berries. Juniper essential oil is one of the most popular and sought-after products in aromatherapy - it has truly amazing properties.

Juniper essential oil never ceases to amaze its fans with its amazing properties and high efficiency. This is a coniferous, resinous oil that requires additional purification from the manufacturer in order to facilitate the perception of the product. It is obtained, like most essential oils, by steam distillation. The plant has accumulated rich skills to survive in the ever-changing environmental conditions - such a valuable heritage the juniper generously passes on to people.

Where juniper grows, the air is always clean and fresh, and regular walks in such places are an excellent prevention of all kinds of infectious diseases. Even in ancient times, healers and sorcerers among many peoples recommended that the sick be taken to the juniper groves - to breathe the healing air and recover.

Varieties of juniper oil

The most common oil offered in pharmacies and online stores is made from common juniper - manufacturers get different products from both wood and twigs, and from the fruits of this evergreen. But in the genus of junipers there are at least fifty well-known species, among which there are both medicinal and poisonous specimens.

Since this wonderful plant is widespread almost all over the planet, different countries have their own traditions of the production of essential oil - it is also obtained from the following types of juniper:

  • rocky;
  • virginian;
  • Chinese.

The oil obtained from juniper berries has the greatest healing power. Although all, without exception, parts of this plant can be used for the production of esters, it is obtained from the fruit that is distinguished by a composition that is unique in its benefits and corresponding medicinal qualities.

All types of juniper oil are famous for their high concentration - their dosage, in comparison with other esters, is usually small; accordingly, they are spent very economically.

Healing aroma

Perhaps to someone, the aroma of juniper will seem at first too rich, tart and harsh. Yes, the smell of this ether, like in many respects all of its action, can be quite harsh and uncompromising. But you get used to it pretty quickly, especially since the practical use of juniper requires multiple dilutions.

Very soon you will learn to distinguish the diversity, multi-layeredness of this wonderful aroma, to highlight individual, very beautiful notes in its range. It turns out that he knows how to be very gentle, pleasant and velvety. With its unique freshness, it will fill not only the space of the room where the aroma lamp stands, but also your whole life - it will create a special atmosphere in which you will feel comfortable and confident.

The valuable components of the ether

The composition of this wonderful oil is very complex. It contains the following active compounds:

  • alpha pinene - up to 80%;
  • sabinen;
  • dipentene;
  • terpenes;
  • fellandrens;
  • cadinens;
  • terpinolene;
  • myrcene;
  • sabinol;
  • borneol;
  • humulent;
  • camphene;
  • limonene;
  • undecanone;
  • triclycyclene;
  • bornyl acetate.

Scientists have calculated: in one sunny day, a hectare of juniper thickets is able to release up to 35 kilograms of medicinal phytoncides! An amazing thing - where the juniper grows, you will never come across mosquitoes and other annoying insects.

The composition and benefits of juniper oil - video

Cleansing and healing

The main properties of juniper oil:

In addition, it is an excellent tool for normalizing such important indicators of the body as blood pressure and blood sugar, as well as restoring the health of joints, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory organs. In all these cases, the juniper works primarily as a regulator of fluids, orienting them in the desired direction, facilitating both outflow and inflow when necessary.

This is such a "smart" oil. It is simply irreplaceable in lymphatic drainage practice. A very powerful oil, juniper is widely used in aromatherapy primarily for its ability to activate lymph flow. And together with excess liquid, ether always removes toxins from the body, on which its powerful healing effect is largely based.

The wise ether of juniper is somehow able to "distinguish" between good and bad - useful and harmful for the human body. It is the terpenes in the composition of the juniper that determine the entire range of suppression of pathogenic microflora by it, not to the detriment of microorganisms necessary for normal vital activity. Thus, the immune system is restored and its own protective mechanisms of self-regulation are activated.

How Juniper Oil Works - Video

Application features

Active and strong juniper oil is widely used in cosmetology and medicinal purposes; it is one of the most effective esters for use in bathing treatments.

Hair masks

Juniper ester effectively cares for hair. The healing components of the oil penetrate deeply into the structure of the hair and hair follicles, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands; heals and stimulates growth.

For dandruff, this is one of the best remedies, because the problem develops with an imbalance, when the pathogenic fungal microflora progresses. And juniper oil just perfectly restores the balance of the skin, regulating metabolic processes.


An excellent restorative mask for damaged, lifeless hair damaged by aggressive environmental conditions or cosmetics.


  • juniper ether - 6 drops;
  • burdock oil - 3 tablespoons.


  1. Be sure to heat the base oil in a water bath to about 40 degrees, and then add ether to it.
  2. Rub a warm product into the scalp and saturate the hair evenly.
  3. Keep the mask for 40 to 60 minutes, then wash your hair.


Regular use awakens the "dormant" hair follicles, nourishes them and ensures deep health of the hair.


  • olive oil - 2 teaspoons.


  1. Mix base oil with essential oil and heat slightly.
  2. Rub the warm oil mixture into the hair roots, massage the scalp and wrap it over with a towel.
  3. After 15 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo.
  4. Repeat the procedure before each shampooing.

Accelerating growth

If you are looking to grow long hair quickly, be sure to use this oil mask - in three weeks you will see the results firsthand.


  • ethers of juniper, clove and rosemary - 5 drops each;
  • wheat germ oil - 1 tablespoon.


  1. Mix all the components of the mask and let it warm up to at least room temperature.
  2. Apply along the parting to the roots of the hair, then comb through the entire length with a thin comb.
  3. Cover your head with a towel or a warm cap, rinse your hair thoroughly after an hour.
  4. Do the mask twice a week for a month.

From split ends

Ideal when the hair roots quickly turn oily and the ends are dry and brittle.


  • juniper ether - 5 drops;
  • castor oil - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Add ether to castor oil, heat the mixture in the palms of your hands and rub it thoroughly into the ends of the hair, without distributing it along the length.
  2. Keep the mixture on your hair for at least half an hour, then rinse.


Juniper oil is great with all types of citrus esters. The synergistic effect of such a powerful tandem is expressed not only in getting rid of dandruff, but also in a significant improvement in the quality of hair - its density and elasticity.


  • hair conditioner - 100 grams;
  • juniper ether - 3 drops;
  • ethers of lemon and grapefruit - 1 drop each.


  1. Mix esters and add them to your regular hair conditioner.
  2. Apply the resulting product after each wash.

For skin

This wonderful product is versatile and suitable for any type of dermis. With dry, atonic skin, it actively stimulates it and restores turgor, and with excessively oily skin, it normalizes sebaceous secretions and treats various inflammatory manifestations. You can add ether to tonics (2 drops per hundred grams of product) and creams (2 drops per 10 grams of base).

Juniper oil - first aid for pasty and swelling of the face. If these problems are frequent guests, add a couple of drops of ether to a jar of your favorite day cream. Checked - it helps!

Purifying mask

Especially good for oily and problem skin - cleanses and tightens pores, stimulates the renewal and production of collagen.


  • juniper ether - 2 drops;
  • chicken egg white.


  1. Chill and beat fresh protein until frothy, add oil ether at the end of whisking.
  2. The duration of the mask is a quarter of an hour, it should be applied to cleansed skin.

Moisturizing toner

Penetrating deep into the skin, moisturizes and stimulates it at the cellular level; suitable for all skin types.


  • juniper ether - 4 drops;
  • still mineral water - 1 glass.


  1. Heat the mineral water a little to dissolve the juniper oil better.
  2. Put the finished tonic in the refrigerator; wipe the skin with it after washing - in the morning and shortly before bedtime, shake well before use.

Healing cream

A simple and very effective remedy for relieving inflammation and irritation, smoothing the structure of the skin; works great on dry and sluggish dermis.


  • juniper ether - 50 drops;
  • pork lard - 1 tablespoon.


  1. Melt the lard to a liquid state and stir the essential oil in it well.
  2. Apply in the evening on the skin with a thin layer, after half an hour blotting excess cream with a napkin.

Anti-wrinkle remedy

Promotes smoothing and rejuvenation of the skin, gives it elasticity and improves color.


  • juniper ether - 3 drops;
  • black cumin oil - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Prepare an oil mixture.
  2. A small amount of the mixture is gently rubbed into the skin in the morning and evening.


Thanks to juniper oil, you can effectively reduce weight, while strengthening the cardiovascular system, because the ether will actively work to increase the elasticity of blood vessels. This is the uniqueness of weight loss with juniper.

By normalizing the blood sugar content, the healing ether promotes the activation of metabolic processes and the breakdown of fats, and also actively cleanses the body. It is from these components that the mechanism of weight correction is formed through the use of juniper oil.

Weight loss with juniper is easy, enjoyable and simple. It is enough to dissolve a coffee spoon of natural honey enriched with two drops of juniper oil in half a glass of warm water, and consume this delicious drink three times a day, one hour before each meal, for ten days.

You can start losing weight with one drop of ether per serving, and in the absence of any side effects, increase a single dose to two drops.

Significantly enhance and consolidate the effect of oil massage of problem areas - external application of juniper will promote better metabolism and cleansing of tissues, as well as the speedy breakdown of fats and tightening of the skin. To prepare a massage mixture, you need to take three drops of juniper ether per tablespoon of any base oil. To get rid of cellulite, sunflower oil is the most effective carrier.

Bath use

It is very useful to use juniper oils not only for using relaxing aromatic baths, but also when visiting a bath - both with wet and dry steam. The hot air of the steam room fully reveals the healing capabilities of ethers and significantly enhances their effect not only on the skin, but also on all internal organs.

You should be wary of experiments on the self-compilation of essential compositions for the bath - their components can show increased activity and cause harm to the body. It is better if such a "cocktail" is selected for you by a professional who deeply knows the properties of essential oils and takes into account your individual characteristics.

The competent use of juniper ether in combination with the effect of a steam room will help get rid of various troubles:

  • with chronic colds;
  • to relax and calm the nervous system;
  • with dermatological problems;
  • with diseases of the joints;
  • to lose weight;
  • for effective cleansing from toxins and toxins.

On the hot sauna stones, you can occasionally spray a few drops of the aroma mixture from a tablespoon of carrier oil and two drops of juniper ether. For a Russian steam room, a solution of a drop or two drops of oil per liter of water is used. What is important, the ether evaporation perfectly disinfects the air and the steam room itself.

Juniper Oil Treatment

A bottle of juniper oil should definitely be on the shelf of your home medicine cabinet, because the spectrum of its therapeutic action is very wide. And in many cases, this remedy can be a quick and effective help from various troubles.

Juniper essential oil treatment regimens - table

AppointmentApplication scheme
Prevention of viral infections
  • prepare a solution for inhalation - add 3 drops of juniper ether to a glass of water with a temperature of 60 degrees;
  • breathe warm vapors every evening for 10-15 minutes.
  • Dissolve 1-2 drops of oil in a teaspoon of honey;
  • three times a day to drink tea with such a useful additive, you can put in tea and a slice of lemon.
Edema of various origins
  • add 2-3 drops of ether to a glass of warm water or green tea;
  • drink in small sips in the morning and evening.
In gynecology (with leucorrhoea and other secretions)
  • make a solution for douching - dissolve 4 drops of oil in 150 milliliters of saline;
  • carry out the procedure daily shortly before bedtime, shake the solution well before use.
Eczema and ulcers
  • mix equal parts juniper ether with geranium or lavender oil;
  • apply directly to damaged areas of the skin once or twice a day.
Varicose veins
  • combine juniper and cypress esters in equal proportions, add the essential mixture to coconut base oil at a ratio of 1:10;
  • apply a healing agent to areas with varicose veins daily in the evenings;
  • covered with cellophane, leave overnight, and dry in the morning with paper towels.
Osteochondrosis and gout
  • add three drops of juniper ether to a teaspoon of any base oil;
  • rub into sore spots, to enhance the effect - make compresses.
Insomnia and neuroses
  • use in an aroma lamp - one drop of ether per square meter of room;
  • spraying - add two drops of oil to a glass of water and spray in the room, especially in the sleeping area;
  • the children's dosage should be halved.
Fungus of nails and corns
  • daily warm foot baths for 15–20 minutes;
  • per liter of water with a temperature of 50 degrees add 4-5 drops of juniper oil.

The healing power of juniper oil - video


It is very important to know the measure when using juniper essential oil - drug overdose and violation of treatment regimens can cause disturbances in well-being and even serious disruptions in the body's work. An excess of the permissible dose of the drug in the body may be indicated by a change in the smell of urine. In this case, the use of oil must be stopped immediately.

By stimulating the movement of fluids throughout the body, oil does the same in the kidneys. Therefore, if acute inflammatory processes are present in the kidneys, then the use of juniper should be abandoned. The same applies to the acute phases of hepatosis.

Juniper ether is capable of providing the strongest healing effect for many ailments of the kidneys, liver and gallbladder. But in the same area, there are also the strictest contraindications for this drug. Therefore, self-medication is especially dangerous here, and the use of juniper essential oil must necessarily be preceded by a consultation with a doctor to make a diagnosis, determine an effective and safe therapy regimen in a particular case.

When harmonizing pressure with the help of a juniper, you should first consult with doctors. Because with stable manifestations of hypertension, this drug must be used very carefully so as not to get the opposite of the desired result.

The use of juniper ether inside is prohibited in the following cases:

  • during periods of pregnancy and lactation;
  • under the age of ten;
  • with individual intolerance.

To rule out the possibility of allergic manifestations, drip undiluted juniper ether on the delicate skin of your wrist and wait about half an hour. If rash and redness do not appear in this place, the oil can be used.

Internally, the use of juniper essential oil should be started with minimum dosages, gradually increasing them to normal. At the same time, you should carefully monitor your condition and the reactions of the body. Any discomfort is a signal that it is better to stop drug treatment, or at least to pause until the causes of the ailment are clarified.

The Atkins Diet for 14 days is a diet that has a very varied menu, developed by a professional doctor with many years of experience. It is also called the "protein" diet. This method of losing weight has a lot of positive reviews and is extremely popular.
The diet itself is well suited for absolutely all people, and is safe, unless, of course, you neglect the rules and do everything your own way.


  • It is strongly advised to go to a doctor's consultation if you have chronic problems;
  • Be prepared for irritability, lethargy, and fatigue;
  • A very rare but possible side effect of diet is a dangerous condition called ketoacidosis (when the body builds up toxins from decomposed fats).

The essence of this diet is only one postulate - to minimize the amount of carbohydrates in the body. The main "fuel" for our body will be proteins. You have to give up flour, most cereals, starchy foods, sweets and glucose.
Eat mostly pure protein foods or foods that are extremely low in carbohydrates and fats. That is, meat and fish will be the main food in the diet. Therefore, the Atkins low-carb diet is not an easy test for the body.

How the Atkins diet works

The main source of energy for our body is always carbohydrates. Their body uses them first. In second place are fats, which we want to remove. This is, as it were, the body's reserve in case of a shortage of food in the future. And last but not least are the squirrels. We rarely use them as energy, because there are always fats and carbohydrates. We cross out carbohydrates and fats, switching exclusively to proteins. The body will "burn" stores of carbohydrates and go to fats. And then we will start to lose weight.

Products such as:

  1. Confectionery and flour products. Everything.
  2. Porridge and cereals.
  3. Sweet vegetables (with glucose and starch) such as carrots, beets, corn, potatoes.
  4. Butter.
  5. Alcohol.
  6. Nuts and seeds.
  7. Fruits and berries.

And completely forget about instant and convenience foods. Only natural products prepared by ourselves.


Although the Atkins diet is safe, there is still a certain group of people who are contraindicated to switch to such a diet.

  • If you have chronic kidney disease, or other problems with the urinary system, you should skip this diet;
  • With daily increased physical activity (sports or professional), you can not refuse food with carbohydrates;
  • Heart disease and metabolic problems in the body. It is worth consulting a doctor.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not use the Dr. Atkins diet.

In any case, even if you are feeling well, we advise you to consult with a dietitian.

Menu table for 14 days

Diet dayMenu
Day 1Breakfast: Scrambled eggs and a small piece of bacon.
Dinner: Oven baked chicken breast.
Afternoon snack: A modest portion of tomato and cucumber salad with sour cream.
Dinner: Stewed eggplant with 150 gr. dietary meat.
Day 2Breakfast: Ham and hard cheese.
Dinner: Pumpkin puree soup without salt.
Afternoon snack: A glass of low-calorie kefir.
Dinner: Grilled salmon steak.
Day 3Breakfast: Sour cottage cheese and apple.
Dinner: Steamed chicken leg.
Afternoon snack: Natural yoghurt.
Dinner: Fried fish.
Day 4Breakfast: Omelet with homemade ham.
Dinner: Pork cutlets with ham.
Afternoon snack: Cheese and fruit tea (no sugar).
Dinner: Fried zucchini with black bread and garlic.
Day 5Breakfast: Baked cheese cakes with sour cream sauce.
Dinner: Grilled chicken with a vegetable side dish.
Afternoon snack: 2 boiled eggs.
Dinner: Baked peppers with meat.
Day 6Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with leeks, rhubarb and parsley.
Dinner: Stewed vegetables with dietary meat.
Afternoon snack: Yogurt with live bacteria.
Dinner: Steamed fish.
Day 7Breakfast: Homemade fresh yogurt.
Dinner: Ukha with the addition of red fish.
Afternoon snack: Green tea and Russian cheese.
Dinner: Chicken chops with curd.
Day 8Breakfast: Curd casserole with sour cream.
Dinner: Vegetable soup with meat.
Afternoon snack: 300 ml of kefir.
Dinner: Steamed fish.
Day 9Breakfast: Protein omelet with cheese.
Dinner: Stewed cabbage with white meat.
Afternoon snack: Natural yoghurt.
Dinner: Fish meatballs.
Day 10Breakfast: Lettuce and tomato and cucumber (you can with low-fat sour cream).
Dinner: Meat with mushrooms and cheese.
Afternoon snack: Green tea without sugar and cheese.
Dinner: Vegetable casserole.
Day 11Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs with tomatoes and cucumbers.
Dinner: Chicken broth soup.
Afternoon snack: Natural yoghurt.
Dinner: Meat with cabbage.
Day 12Breakfast: Kefir with sweet and sour apple.
Dinner: Vegetables stewed with meat.
Afternoon snack: Unsweetened cottage cheese with sour cream.
Dinner: Mackerel in the oven, stuffed with vegetables.
Day 13Breakfast: Soft cheese and protein scrambled eggs.
Dinner: Pork chops (low fat) and seasonal vegetable salad.
Afternoon snack: A glass of kefir.
Dinner: Fish cooked with tomatoes and goat cheese.
Day 14Breakfast: Cottage cheese or cottage cheese casserole with semolina (it is better to cook in a slow cooker).
Dinner: Vegetable soup with chicken or beef.
Afternoon snack: Homemade yogurt.
Dinner: Stewed fish with fresh vegetables (onions and tomatoes).

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